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how about drinking?



  • Mardibra
    Mardibra Member Posts: 194
    edited March 2013

    I want to be in that chair next to the pool sipping a Patron margarita, rocks no salt!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    We all want rocks. one way or another.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2013

    rocks it is! hi girls. hope you all had a good turddey! hehe, Beck u funny. Hi Juliet, sorry you can't dwink. i gonna go ober to de pool and see whatz floating I mean serving. i hopt it on de rocks! cheers! nighty night girls, sleep well!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Hello Mr. bartender!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    Hi girls, YUP bizzy wid de g' was all day bizzy....and of course it was cold and windy and SNOWY. The kids were so furcited 'cept none of it stuck....just made it messy since we were out all day. They are so sweet, but when we went to the SciQuest thing there were prolly a gazillion kids there, and it was SOOOOO noisy! So it was nice to come home and have some quiet time!

    Beautiful avatar, Lara!!! And YES Cami, you ARE beeeeeeUteeeeeeFULL!!! I know also that your inner beauty shines through as you are really a wunnerful gal! 

    Jest wanted to say a quick Hello, then a quick Goodnight! SO....Goodnight Loungettes, Goodnight Moon, Goodnight MolerFocker Boy, Goodnight Liz da Ho, and Goodnight Stella de Bella de Ball wherever you are!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2013

    Oh boy, you sure hit that nail on the head, between Cami and Dork, and that it very well could be Dork too! Hmmmmm, SirPoopsAlot n SirChewsAlot……maybe you should jes call him Sir!

    Lara, looks like you found eberyting foy de likker cabinet. Hope you are feeling better today. When is your next fill?

    Beckers, have you had your vitamin levels and thyroid checked? Those are both things that can cause fatigue. (((((Beckers))))) for the loss of Pops. I only had 2 grandma’s and one passed when I was like 5, so really only 1 grandma.

    Julie, I hope you and Cyn can get together soon. How far apart are you ladie?

    Welcome Mardibra (haha, love dat name) I hope you got that chair and one of the Tenders got you that Margarita. Well of course they did, they are good like that.

    Kathy, glad you are having so much fun with the kids. All of those kids and the noise, my g'son would not be able to handle it! Do ya's have any plans for today? I have a feeling you do, as you usually do and always such neat things for the kids. They must love coming over there!

    OMG it was absolutely beautiful here yesterday. Perfectly gorgeous day. Sunny and got up to 70! Now today it’s cloudy and windy, gusting to 40 mph.

    A rather quiet evening last night! Well how about we have Patron Margaritas today for our DOTD?  Maybe it’ll entice MardiBra to hang around.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Well I lost my fir post.   GOOD MORNING EVERYONE. Welcome Mardibra--like that name--u all hae such cute names

    Goldie I was thinking (OK nuff of that) U were so good with reminding me of my last app'tment so u'r off the hook for this one--So u can relax and take care of u'r husband and work LOL

    Kat u sound like u'r having so much fun and u have so many ideas what to do--u also seem like and energy steamboat. AndDORK u too with u'r mom and dad and I'm glad he's with u guys. What are the plans for him? He knows u'r mom is staying there so isn't he getting anxious being alone? I wish I had real words of wisdon, but I don'tevery family is different with handling this confusion and it's not an easy answer.

    My boobless and numb area have been so itchy lately, yes I takes showere and slather myself with lotion--right now I'm using philosophy lotion--I've tried a few but I'm scratching the hell out of that area, cuz I can feel itch but not scrtch in some ares--My skin is a wreck hahaha---So I'm wearing proper clothing so noe one sees my concaveness. like I'd show that noncleavage thing.

    Well today is Funday and the big newspaper comes---Boy am I pathetic.  I look forward to that..

    Here's hoping everyone has a CHEERy day all the way around.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    Beckers yes undie and I are bfff

    I had bmx

    7 months ago imm recom TES came out

    I am recovering from TEs back in

    undie and I both have TES in my exchange surgery will b past hers shes getting hers soon I think so when are boobs are complete we will go to Vegas

    I work for a University and manage our community college partnerships through out the Northeast and cross train in different areas LA Texas etc

    I am on the road every week

    My first day back was monday flew to dallas tuesday I was glazed over tired and beyond sore even today way to accuumalate

    Any who worked between surgeries bmx was out 2 months this one 7 weeks

    My next fill Goldie is Tuesday

    Love ye all

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Oh Orange I didn't think u were flying around this last week--It must have really tired u out. Am I wrong or are these fills easing up on pain for u? I hope so.

  • Mardibra
    Mardibra Member Posts: 194
    edited March 2013

    That margarita picture just gave me a thrill!  Making Memorial Day weekend flight arrangements today.  There are sure to be an abundance of margy's that weekend.

    Thanks for the welcome ladies

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Mardibra I know I've seen u before--(another thread) I remember that beautiful blue eye--Is the other one blue too.?

  • Mardibra
    Mardibra Member Posts: 194
    edited March 2013

    They are both blue...although today they are surrounded by a little red.  Late night.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2013

    It’s SunDeyFunDey!! Hi goils. Boy did I have a super blast at da ParTay! Dance my EWWA off, drank, drank, drank and drank summore. Talked…well yelled, voice raspy yest and today, but sooo much talking. It was so wonderful. Went to bed…drum roll… 3ayem!!! Started moving, slowly…bout 9. I’m walking out about 11 and stop for cup of joe to go. Pay for it and leave it sitting there at the register…get almost out da door b4 I member it….and YES…I went all the way back for it. SOOO needed dat joe!

    Already took me pooches for a walk…now catching up on chit and da happenings of mese goils!

    Cami - LMAOROTF….I 2nd DorK…only you!! L bout da vacuum and all da painting and fumes n stuff…but da way u share it…can’t hailp it…I laugh!

    Beckers - lol on da conga line thru a doggie door. Dat wud b sumpin to see. Your Annie sounds jes tooo precious!! Big HugZZ about ur pops (((Beck)))

    Dorfy - I laughed too…at the good night w/ur mom. But Fri night not so good. ((D)) And your Dad…well…it not easy but I am really thrilled at the way your sisters, family, handle things. I tried many years ago to safe my sister…then years after dat to safe 2 bros. But…no good…nudder story…back to you. Here…if you daddy come stay with you again….hide all da sugar goodies in your closet..K? Goot Goot HOOOTTT fer u fer splurging on a bottle of Gentle Jack..CheerS!!

    Lara - ooo…new avatar…lovely!! pj’s sound good to me too…hope u get rested up girl. And yes….am hoping the new foobs n Vegas timing work out so we can meet.

    Julie - always makin me laugh and pee a widdle!

    Lori - O Tay Den….killa rose..yum! U so sweet for offerin to hailp wif what’s left of ur bwain. Wha u can da net wif a hole in it again??

    Cyn - lubbed da post from yest. I jes read Green Egg etc to AM when he was here over newyears…Slammed I am!! Love it!!

    NEWBIE ALERT NEWBIE ALERT!! Welcome Mardibra…u mese git long fine…lubs mese killa!! by the by….boo ti ful blue eyes!!

    Wawa - u habing tooo much fun wif da grandkids…still jealous! But I bet dey wearin u out a widdle bit. I still wudn’t trade da time wif them even if it took a week to recover!

    NM - how did I miss u...must b on other page...tooo late...can't go back now.  Hope you OK and habing a gr8 weekend!!

    Lublublublublublublub all ya'll

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Sue 3ayem..Holy Cannoli and u were partying all that time--I'm surprised u can walk and type today- Oh I might saty up cuz I can't sleep but partying all that time no that I can't do anymore--I did u know before hahaha--Those were the days my friend, I thought they's never end I could-oops I went into song without notice. There's a song for everything.

    Wow everyone must be recovering from a long nite of partaying cuz it's quiet here I just like to recover from a hang nail it comforts me.

    Dork zi hope everything is goin ood for u'r dad and u mom being toether--They needs to be.U'r family should all be together now. It helps.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Hope you had great funday! Mine was nice. Met family for lunch and took Annie home. Boy, I am tired! She's busy busy. Hope you enjoyed the gkids too Wahine! Glad we have kiddie corner in HTL now for par tays! Night molerfocker boy...ha. He's john boy...Who is Liz da ho? Is that his li'l sister? Ha!

    Memasue, you got your dwink on huh? Glad the party was Fun!!!! Mese poor Reggie...Bailey is in heat and she acting crazy. I think she may have taken him out the doggy door cause he walks really fast and hurry and sits down with his tail tucked. He is staying by me and growls at her. she just prances around him like a trollop!

    Cami, hope your Big Paper was a good one! heard a big snow comin your way. I hate the phantom itching!!!!

    Orange, good luck with work this week. Hope you are not in too much pain. I'm going back Tuesday :-/

    Goldie - i did have vitamin level and thyroid checked. They were ok. I have a milder form of MS and I think all of the surgery and anesthesia these past months has just kicked my butt. I seem to have a hard time recovering from it all compared to others.

    Dork, Thinking of you and your family. Hope your Mom is turning around for the better now that UTI has been treated for a bit.

    Pull up a sat Mardibra!!!

    Undies thanks for the personal bartender last night. I needed it. I was wearin my shades haven a good cry and needed ta get my dwink on!!!

    Hope all is well!!! In honor of monkey day, I'm starting my job Tuesday!!! Woot woot!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!   I spent the weekend doing nothing but sleeping, I was so tired and feeling mildly crummy.  I feel much better this ayem, thankfully!  Actually looking forward to going to work. 

    Goldie--I've got to admit I think the guys in SWAT uniforms look pretty yummy! 

    Juliet--love the rollercoaster pee joke!

    Mema-I'll do a search for FitFlops soon, I want to try a pair for summer.

    Becs--I don't know about Tamoxifen making us ditzy, but I believe just the stress of going through all the stuff associated with treatment for the beast makes us ditzy.  Just my opinion, mind you. 

    Cmmy--Oh, my, what a story!  How can they forget to lock the wheels on the casket?  And how clever of you and your sister to "faint" and slip out the side door!  Sad but very funny!

    ORLA--welcome home! 

    DorKable--It's amazing how much good a dose or 2 of antibiotics can do for your Mom!

    Wahine--We definitely need a kid's area.  I love watching kids playing, and love seeing grammas doting on them!

    DorKable--Yeah, we can get frost well into May and as early as Sept. I grew up just outside Acadia National Park, it is beautiful.  Don't like waiting in line to get in, though.  Really don't like paying to get in.  Fortunately there are still a lot of places that are just a beautiful that don't require payment to get in!

    ORLA--Love the rainbow and birds, pic! 

    Cammy--I'm with you, too clean a house is unhealthy! 

    Becs--Who says Grandma's aren't supposed to cry?  Crying over our losses is important!  You love your Pops, you miss him, of course you cry! 

    Mardibra--welcome, and make yourself comfortable beside the pool!

    Mema-- you didn't miss me yesterday, I didn't get on this last weekend. Spended the entire weekend sleeping and doing nothing.  I'm just catching up on the weekend now!

    Well, time for me to get ready for work, heard there are some cars off the road, so I want to have extra time, everyone have a good day!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is The Happy Monday

    1 tsp cherry Liqueur

    1/2 oz lemon juice

    1 oz dark rum

    1/2 oz black sambuca

    In a shaker half filled with ice cubes combine all ingredients and shake well.  Strain into a cocktail glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2013

    Cami, letting me off the hook? I think you are trying to save your own behind! As I may send you to the wrong place on the wrong day! That itching must drive you nuts when you can’t feel the scratching.

    Mardi, where ya going for Memorial Day?

    Sue, so glad you had a goot time at your party and got you cup o jo. Oh you talkin bout my my Zoom Net. The one I use to catch things that go ober me head. DH says it habs a hole in it.

    Beckers, YES, the ho Lizabeth is Moler Fockers sister. You see, we have a goil here named Stella. She was sorta Dorty’s alter ego. Well then Stella became a part of our group here. She tried to go out with the Moler Focker for his money, and as the story goes, the ho sister tried to stop Stella. She will pop in some time. I think she is with Julie right now. Sorry about that fatigue, hopefully in time, you will get it back, or at least some of it.

    NM, we LOVE your opinions! And glad you had a relaxing weekend. Must have needed all that sleep and rest. Safe travels on those roads.

    Risque’ Raquel, do you still have your lil darlings?

    DorK, where are you? Hope all is ok in your neck of the woods, with you and your family. Are you working?

    Cyn, Shannon, Julie and anyone one else. Stella?

    My weekend was all cleaning. Getting the Shady Lady cleaned too. I gots company coming soon!

    Happy Monkey Day all.

    For NM

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Good Morning all

    Lori dat pic. is not just for NM I'm sharing hahaha But I will say they look better when they are all suited up. And Lori I do trust u--just giving u a break.

    Becers cry all u want it's very theraputic and there is no reason not to cy if u feel like it. Just don't cry to long --well u can rehydrate u'rself with likker--so that's good.

    NM I like that DOTD sounds good to me. Oh u got more snow? We're supposed to get maybe 8 in. by late tomorrow, but who knows. Wow u must have been tired needing some much needed rest--I'm glad u got it.

    U working gals God bless u--I couldn't do it now --well maybe one day a week. and I'e have to pick the day. Oh I could be a politician.

    Dork has been quiet, I hope everything is going all right with no extra surprises.

    Kat and we know u've been busy but with some fun going on for u.   Good.

    Joey's at school, Marty's working and it's quiet here this morning so I, like usual, will just do as I please meaning not much--U gals must think I'm the laziest person u've ever know--Well I am--it took me years to hone this gift but it really works for me.

    Love u gals 

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    My g'kids went home  yest was great having them here, but also good to get to do some things I want to do, and not feel like I am "on call" all the OH YES, Beckers, as the other gals said, it is def ok for gramma to cry...good for the g'kids to see that we get sad, too. I bet your pops was a wonderful guy, and it is normal to miss him greatly.

    Bernie, Can't believe I will get to see ya soon! I'll email you soon, too. Two wks from today, we arrive in Dublin, but jest at the airport for 5 hrs or so, then on to Madeira (via Frankfurt, w/3-4hr layover, then Lisbon, then Madeira) will be 24+hrs from our airport till we land in Madeira. Yikes! Then of course, we stay in Dublin awhile on our way back from Madeira.....yipppeeee! If I ever do it this way again, will def stay in Dublin BOTH WAYS for a break in that long traveling. Hope you are doing well, and enjoyed all your biker friends from ALL over!

    Just got this from SmarterTravel, and I didn't know these things, so might help Cyn, and others traveling abroad...

    Words NOT to use Abroad….


    Pissed. In America, we may get "pissed off" when we're angry, but the Brits and Irish who are "pissed" are extremely intoxicated. "Taking the piss," however, means "to make fun of," not "to get drunk.". Avoid Using In: The U.K., Ireland, Australia, New Zealand


    Pants. Be careful who you tell in the U.K. that you have to go pants shopping—across the pond, "pants" means "underwear." When you're talking about jeans and khakis, you should call them "trousers." Avoid Using In: The U.K., Ireland


    Bangs.Prepare for weird looks if you're bragging about your new "bangs" in England. A forehead-covering haircut over there is referred to as a "fringe" instead. Overseas, "bangs" is more commonly used as the somewhat vulgar slang that it is interchangeable with in America. Avoid Using In: Anywhere outside of North America


    Knob.Americans hear the word "knob" and think "doorknob" or "lever." It has a much dirtier meaning in other countries, like Australia and the U.K., where it's an insult or slang for a part of the male anatomy. Now you'll know to be offended if someone calls you a "knob head."Avoid Using In: The U.K., Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa


    RootAmericans may "root around" looking for a lost object, but Australians and New Zealanders use the term to refer to having sex. Avoid Using In: Australia, New Zealand


    Pull.If someone "pulled" last night in the U.K., they're probably not talking about pulling a muscle or drawing something apart. It's commonly used as slang for successfully picking up someone while out on the town. Likewise, "going on the pull" means that someone is going out with the express goal of getting some action. Avoid Using In: The U.K., Ireland


    Bugger. If you affectionately call your child or pet "little bugger," you might want to reconsider doing so in pretty much any other English-speaking country. In most other places, from Canada to Australia, it is commonly used as an expletive similar to the f-word.Avoid Using In: Most places outside of America


    Fanny. Own a fanny pack? In most other English-speaking countries, they're called "bum bags" because "fanny" is slang for a part of the female anatomy (and no, we're not talking about the rear end). So don't tell someone to stop being lazy and get off their fanny, either!Avoid Using In: The U.K., Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Kat good investigation on words not to use -well use if that's what u really mean. LOL

    Well we know I won't use those words for any reason to be careful with, since my bedroom doesn't cross any bounderies of land. Wow u travel so much it must be wonderful to know all these countries. Good for u. U'd better rest first after the grandkids that's more tiring than traveling

    Where is Bernie--I hope u'r doing all right Bernie--u must be tired out--u had quite a few days of non-stop things going on.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    I was on a cruise once, getting my hair cut and the guy asks me if I want "fringes." my brow shriveled up and I paused while my mind raced to try to figure out WTH THAT could be!!! I had no clue. Ha! I must have looked at him like he was coo coo. I know turning the door knob won't be the same. Ha! Good to wake up to some laughs Wahine!

    Cami, cracking me up about your bedroom! Have you ever read that book with Joey about the kid with the purple crayon? Help me out goils mese ditzy brain can't remember the title. Anyyyyways, you should jus get you a purple crayon.

    Oh Lord!! Swat team guys not so sexy to me....flash backs! Such a long story but there was a police chase on the freeway by my house so me n my son and his friend went out front to watch, there wuz helicopters and everything. I came back in my room and put on the news to watch the chase when all sudden there was a lot of commotion in mess house and these guys were storming in and it said SMASH on their shirts. Oh Cami I bout crapped in MY pants! !!! I hates drugs...but those days are OVER. DS#1 is doing fabulous now.

    Ok. Enuf of my scary stories. Gotta take Mom to bank. Happy monkey day all. Bottoms up!!! Speaking of bottoms, Annie told me I have a "Big Booooooty" love kids!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Beckers that's funny a big booty- hahaha

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    Oh Beckers, HOW SCARY with that SMASH team in your house, esp after you were watching it all!!! Glad your DS is clean now, and things are going great! Funny about the "fringes" during your hair cut on the cruise!! Yeah, I sorta remember the purple crayon book...had to google it... Harold and the Purple Crayon...

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited March 2013

    If I could send all the love in me fart I would start here and then I would say:

    I love you all so much dear HTL are always in me mind and me fart...and is it dang 5 oclock yet?


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    hot men................

    swat in your house omggg

    lets get r drink on

    whos drinking

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013


    , Monday



    funny pictures

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Orange talk about fake grass--never saw that before.

  • Mardibra
    Mardibra Member Posts: 194
    edited March 2013

    Goldie - my brother owns a beach house in Maryland.  I go down every memorial day weekend and at least one week during the summer.  Cant wait!  Its a quick drive to Delaware for tax free Patron.