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how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

    also for kathy if someone offers you a jug(pitcher) take it! its full of likker!                                                                                                                         also if you feel the need  and want some rubbers don't be surprised when your pointed to the stationary section.         

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Happy Monkey day! i sure hope I can make it through 8 hour work day tomorrow. Wuz berry tired today.

    Harold and the Purple Crayon! That's it! It's a must read with Joey Cami. And your BIL may really wonder wus up when he sees you have a big purple beach scene on your bedroom wall!!

    Where's errbody? Gotta shake rattle and roll tonight before I go back to work. Responsible citizen stuff.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Mardibra that sounds good==good place to go.

    Beckers u'd better rest tonite no partay for u--until u'r used to going back to work.

    U'r right tho--where is everybody---Everyone must be tired tonite. Such wild week-ends

    DORK CAN U HEAR ME---now u've been quiet--to quiet===Everything better be OK. U always tell us what's going on.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    Oh mese oh mize....Julie I cannot fathom (see I know sum big woids!) how rubbers and stationery go togethah! Is it rubber stamps? Erasers? LOL.

    YUmmmmm Beckers, that looks like a Pina Colada....and you fell *quietly creeping* I am slowly trying to grab it....*whoosh*....there I got it....YUmmmmmmm.... *hic*....tanx! One of my fav dwinks, love em!

    Oh Beans, we have missed your humor soooo muchliest!!! And many tanx for all dat likker in dat don't stay away soooooo long!!!

    Cami, mese tinks Dorkie is enjoying being off work tooooooooo much! But surealeee she will pop in soon......

    Big hugs girlfriends!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Kat I'm sending bigger hugs cuz i'm bigger. LOL

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    LOL Cami....ohhhhhh nooooooo I don't wanna have a *weight-off*! Well, only if the weight would really come off, but not to see who's bigger! You iz sooooooo siwwey (silly)!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2013

    hi goils, mese bin here but fainted when me saw de beanie in de lounge! woop wooop, she brought us lots o likker so mese been dwinking.

    I is fine Camille, jest enjoying slacking! Beckers, have a good foyst dey at work, k? And I ken tail you who took yer likker. yep, I saw here with mese own eyes.

    sweet dreams goils, lub lub lub ye all berry much! cheerS!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Ok Dork is Ok----I can go to sleep now--or can I---at 11:30peem my diarrhea started so i hope t stops --I took my meds immediayely hahaha to much likker maybe

  • Mrs_Vino
    Mrs_Vino Member Posts: 779
    edited March 2013

    Hi everybody! Can't sleep, so decided to pop in and say Hey! And same day as Beanie Baby! Woo Hoo!! Tanks for da spashal dwinks! MUAH!!

    Hope everyone is well, miss y'all! Cami, just noticed its been a year since you joined BCO. Wow, time flies Fo Sho! Just want to say hi and I love all of youse, old and new!!!

    Now to try and get back to sleep. Nitey nite!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Happy TwoferTuesday!

    Goldie--ooh, yum!  Gonna be thinking about that pic all day today!!!!

    Cammy--I guess I was pretty tired, or maybe trying to come down with something.  But I feel fine now.  I'm getting pretty constant snow, alternating with some occasional rain.  Nothing that's sticking but morning driving is a bit slippery in spots if I'm not careful.  It's pretty, though, but I really would like to see some sunshine for a change!

    Wahine--great advice for travelers!  Gotta love the way words are used differently in different places!

    Becs--YIKES!! Talk about scary!  I'll keep the SWAT guys way over on the other side of the Lounge, away from you! 


    ORLA--WOW!  I bet that person doesn't work for a living!

    Mardi--a beach house? Wow, that's great!  Nothing like living on the beach.

    Juliet--more good things to know when traveling! 

    Becs- hope you got some rest last night, and don't forget to take breaks at work today.  It does make a difference!

    When I was working at a local hospital a flight headed overseas made an emergency landing in Bangor and several of the passengers were admitted for a few days.  There were a lot of language issues, my favorite being when one of the men actually got down on his knees and begged one of the female nurses to "please, please find me a fag."    This was in the early '90's when HIV was making a big mark on the medical scene, so you can imagine what when through her mind!  All the poor man wanted was a cigarette.  That was when I learned that plaster didn't always mean the stuff on ceilings or walls. 

    DorKable--hope you at least landed on the padded part of the Lounge floor when you fainted!

    Mrs. Vino!!!!!!! Great to hear from you, and hope you slept well!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the 2 Ingredient Drink for Twosday

    1 oz Cognac

    1 oz Grand Marnier

    Build the ingredients into a brandy snifter.

    Stir and serve.

    Beer - Wheat beer and light lagers are best

    Cold Lemonade

    Fill a standard pint glass half-way with beer. Fill it the rest of the way with lemonade. Serve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    GM all---

    Vino I never even notied, I can't believe I've been here for a year already. Geeze Any reason u couldn't sleep?

    NM I forgot they used to say that years ago for a cig.-So many things in our brains and so little memory space

    Well our big storm is supposed to have started ??? We'll see--I didn't sleep to wel last nite as I said I had D and it was just annoying. I'm waiting for Friday to get this test over with--I should bring a paper bag in case I stsrt freakin' out when I see the big con traption. Wow am I a baby. haha My Mom would hole my hand while the dentist worked on me-until about 1 yr before she died. I told u I was spoiled--the dentets alays let her in

    It's another shower day  Such a big deal for me hahaha

    Hope everyone has a good day. .

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2013

    Well Cami, are you snowed in? And you just go right ahead and help yourself to any one of those SWAT dudes.

    Kathy, I envy you and your upcoming trip and getting to see Bernie AGAIN! However, I do not envy you and that long travel! Are your folks traveling with you this time? I’m thinking not. I like the “root around”!

    OMG Cami, you are too dern funny. Your bedroom doesn’t cross any boundries!!

    Beckers, that SMASH team was after your son?? As for the purple crayon, I hope someone else can chime in, as I haven’t a clue. Wawa to de rescue “Harold and the Purple Crayon”. Good luck on your return to work today. Oh what a shame, those drinks are wasted. And they look so yummy.

    Oops, not wasted. I see sneaky Katrinka snatched it right up.

    Ohhhhhh, der’s our Beanie, our sweet Beanie. So good to see you poop in and have some drinks wif us goil. Always thinking of you and praying for you too!

    Lara? Whos drinking? WE ALL ARE!

    DorKy, don’t get too comfy being home, and foyget about you loungettes now. We miss youse funny self.

    Sounds like a fun trip MardiBra, to your bro’s. You will have to remind us when the time gets near.

    Julie, you have me laffin bout de rubbers!

    OMG, and now Tanya (Mrs Vino) shows up!

    Oh funny story about the man wanting a fag NM. And tanka ewe foy de dwink. I’ll take 2.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Lori I like the HAPPY TUESDAY GUY-there's lots of good looking bodies out there--that's the peoblem out there not in here.

    And Maribra u might have to remind someof us more than once about u't travels--I can't keep anyone straight.

    Oh I'm moving--the the back bedroom as soon as it get's a little warmer- It's a little bigger and actually more private--There are 3 bedrooms on this sie and one on the otherside of the kitchen. So I had this brilliant idea and my SIL is already measuring door sizes for my furniture--probably next month. Small closet in there so I'll keep my clothes in here anyway.

    Well no school for Joey and Marty was called no work----we have about 1 inch of snow--it's sowing now but they're really getting prepared. LOL

    Oh they've already decided what color they'r painting this room WTF we just mentioned it last nite. Next thing I know I will be out in the garage, which by the way has carpeting, TV, heater, couch, Chair, end table-so that'll be my next move.  (even pics on wall) Hey that does sound better. I'll be known as the old lady in the garage and scare the hell out of kids. Bwahahahaha

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Ok NEWS FLASH everybody is home today--and no no vacuum yet but more paint can out with tarp on the floor--these 2 are nuts--I really can't wait to get to the other side of the house--they don't know how to relax ever- and i think they are unteachable. I have failed.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    LOL, Cami, you say things soooo funny! Sounds like a nice room to move into...but did you get any input on the color choice before they start painting? Geez, they don't let any moss grow under their feet...such energy your family has! If they run out of things to do, I have a BIG Glad you can stay in, with all that snow. I have  dr appt this ayem, and we have storms all morning.

    Lori, WOWSA....yuppers he'll get our Twos-dey I guess he has a twin, so we get two of him, right? You are right...parents not going on this trip! ALthough my dad keeps saying he wants to go on another cruise. Will have to see if I am up for much stress traveling with him!

    OMG what an interesting dwink, NM! Hmmmmm.....who is gonna try it first? I think I'll be second in line, lol. Love your DOTD's, btw!

    OK, stuff to do, just wanted to say hi. Its like reunion week, with Beans and AlliOopsie both posting...yay!!! Wese missed you both! NOW where is ChrissyB??? Sending out an APB for ChrissyB....come out, come out, wherever you are Chrissy....missing you greatly!



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Oh kat it's not my new room, it's the room I'm moving out of it'll be like a gray-reen??? my DD mixes her own colors--Now this room gets painted--Well i don't like to be bothered with this stuff so they really stay out of here. hahaha

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Julie that's true too. hahaha

    I'm so confused--everyone is home the kids have been outside makeing forts and snowmen so I'm tinking it's Saturday and IT'S NOT. WTF a little snow and theis whole stste shuts down. We've become wimps. My sister just called it's chilly there, but she said it was in the 70's today They're having dinner with my 2 brothers tonite so she sounds good so of course I told her to give my love and  even tho I'm in incredible pain I'm happy they are all together enjoying themselves--so she laughs and hangs up. That's my sister.

    Does everybody change times this weekend? I always forget.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2013

    Hi chickies!

    Just popping in for two twosdey COCKtails and looking for a tender to bring home tonight. hehe!

    Cam, yes, time changes this weekend cept for those in AZ who refuse to be like de rest of de nation. Sorry you having pain and the dreaded D, chit, sucks. I am praying for you love.

    I had to check on Chrissy, she has been posting on other threads, I worry about her when she does not stop by. So mese having de tenders pages her. ATTENSHION CHRISSY B, come to de lounges and let de goils know you are okay, dey get screared when you do not come. I TAIL DEM to call your name ober de intercome cuz mese knows you is in de back room with de boyz. Yep, I saw ya dere. TAIL de goils I am right. cuz mese middle name is NEBER WRONG, dat it. Mese DorKy NEberWrong Wong. Wong bese mese last name. tehehehe.

    I bin around here all dey but as Kat said, I tink, I fainted when mese saw Allie aka TOnya Harding in de lounge. She got her louisbille slugga ready to wack some knees. Does anybuddy know ennybuddy dat needs a knee wacking?

    Ok, me must leave and bisit mese momma agen. She not feeling too good and still running a fleaver. Dey did change her antibiotic cuz of de fleaver. I hope she is better soonliest, poor poor mummy.

    I miss you goils so much. You all bin cracking mese up lately but meses tooo dwunk to talk about it!

    Love love love lub luv, ennyway u spail it, it is love dat mese feels in mese fart when mese reads all ye updates. Hope to be back later! and to de goils dat bin up all night, grab a tender to rock you to sleep winky WINk wINK!!!!


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Just pokin my head in to say wasss suppppp?!? So friggen tired can drop. Can I please have me two dwinks in ta go cup. I survived work. Whew! A cutie patootie 80 year old lady showed me her Chippendales calendar she keeps stashed in her drawer. She was a hoot! Ok nite.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Beckers u;r lucky for that 80 yr old.

    Dork I hope u'r mommy feelss better and I'm glad u just hung around with someone who's hung. What did I just say==oh well.

    Snow aout done got nuff but I've seen a lot more and worse so it'll be gone soon.

    Ugh I'm so tired---I watched alot of the snow falling. whew

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2013

    Beckers, love de lil old lady with de chip n dale calendar, sweet story. Glad you vissived i mean soyvoved yer first dey back, congrats! rest up now n take a tender to bed with ye. he giv a back run and a foot rub if ya like. our tenders are de bestest tenders in dis galaxy.

    Cam, tanks fer ye wishes to hung out with hung men, mese like dat advise. You mighten not know what ye telling about but i git it, uh huuuuuuuh. you still partaying? anybuddy here? Where bese mese Chrissy? Mese knows she in here hiding somewhere. I tink de tenders say one of dem is missing and de missing tender has been calling out her name too. hmmm, yep, mese put 2 n 2 togeddre uh huuuuh!

    I got a late start dwinking dis dey. Dat is jest shameful. Let's dwink goilie goils, pleeeeese?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Oh Dork we're getting to be an early bunch of wimps lately--This would go on til latelyest now it folds up early--what are we doing wrong--oh I know Almost everyone is working now. That'll spoil a party real good. oooo that tasted good Ameretto on the rocks--mmm dem rocks are good to suck on --good flavor Anoder again pleeze--yep TY mmmmmmmm gotta catch up Dorky--- How was u'r Mommy.My fart hurts what happening to u'r family --Anoder one plse -----------TY

    U r so dear.  I'b been hardly on the puter today i was watching de snow fall and fall and fall but kids (joey) were playin and the do was der too habin fun. Member dat stuff?  How's u'r puka? still cleaning it. oooooo

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    For Cami....

    For Dorkie....

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

    Hello my beautiful Babes, I'm back.

    Too much to tell and catch up at the minute.  Slept nearly all day yesterday. They went home Monday night after we had done the Dublin tour - of PUBS.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

    Some help for Kathy's visit.

    I’m that hungry I could eat a horse.

    He would get up on a cracked plate. - He has very low standards in female company.

    She is so ugly the tide wouldn’t take her out. -The lady is aesthetically challenged.

    You couldn't hit a cow's arse with a banjo. - You have a terrible aim.

    Tight as a ducks arse. - Cheap with money.

    You could talk the hind legs of a donkey - That person is very loquacious.

    Grand soft day. - The weather is dreadful today.

    Banjaxed: Broken. Severely damaged. “Me head is totally banjaxed after last night’s (drinking) session with the lads”  Also - I am as sick as a small hospital.

    Black Stuff.  Stout. Guinness.

    Chancer  Untrustworthy person

    Cow.  Bad tempered women.’

    Fair Play.  Well done to you

    Full Shilling. (not the)  Mentally challenged.

    Gas.   Funny. Hilarious.

    Give out.  To yell. Scream. Reprimand. 

    Grand.  Fine. Good. -  Sure, I’m grand”

    Holy Show.  To make a big deal out of something.

    Well. (greeting). Hi. Hello. “Well, anything strange (new) with you?”


    Gobshite.  Loud-mouthed person who talks a lot


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited March 2013

    Okydoky.........who's da one dats bin doin all da yellin!! Yeah, yeah I hears ya! Howdy doody goil fwends!!! I be still kickin!.......hahahaha, bin trying to gets me a bit more fit and able to do more tings an I think it's woikin!!! I've bin going to da pool an doin da hydrotherapy ting as well as da swimming ting. Asides from being biddy orgahising da wedding fow mees much to doos and so widdle times to be doin it

    I did Tay to wead all da pages buts mees got a widdle bit lost soes decided to not cawwy on jest jumps in an tells ya all........I'M HEEEEEEERE!!!!!!!!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Happy Humpday! 

    Cammy-- I can remember a time when a shower was a big deal, too.  Enjoy the simple pleasures of life!

    Goldie--all this talk about purple crayons makes me keep thinking about Mr. Payne's Purple House, one of my favorite books as a child.  Hope you enjoyed the dwinkies!

    Cammy--sounds like the garage apartment might be pretty nice!  I imagine it can be fun to the little lady in the garage scaring the local kids.  Not to mention  easier to party without the rest of the fam knowing all about it and an escape from the vacuum!

    Wahine--Where are you going next?  I have trouble keep up with your itinerary!


    Cammy--Maine changes clocks this weekend.  Why do we even do this anymore?  Do cows really know how to tell time? 

    DorKable--have a good bisit with your mom, hope she's feeling better soonliest!

    Becs--an 80 yr old with a Chippendales clalendar?  My kinda little ole lady!

    BBBBernie--hope the pub tour was some fun for you!  And love the language lesson, too. 

    Chrissy!!!!!  Good for you for getting in shape!  Swimming is a fun way to get exercise.  Planning a wedding sounds like a lot of work, but fun, too!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is The Lost is Found

    1/2 oz. Rum, spiced (Captain Morgan's)

    1/2 oz. Curacao, blue

    1/2 oz. Rum, coconut (Malibu)

    1/2 oz. Liqueur, melon (Midori)

    Fill with Pineapple Juice

    1 splash Sour Mix

    Put all measured ingredients in glass and fill the remainder with pineapple juice. Shake vigorously. Garnish with a flag.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Bernie I'm glad u got some well deserved rest yesterday. And Kathy better learn all what u'r talkin about/ I really enjoyed tthat too.

    CHRISSY u have been MIA but Dorky checked y to make sure u were OK--Ok refresh me memory the WEDDING --soon right? And as long as u'r keeping up with everyone u'r doing OK/ We've missed you.