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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    I will join ya, DorkiePoo in waiting for Cami to tell us dese tree lettahs.... N.E.D.......

    I'll dwink to dat.....ChEARS!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Hi goils. Fire up the kiddie n Annie are comin' in!! This will be 3 weekends in a row, but das ok cause she n her mamo don't see eye to eye since baby sister came along. And no, it's not grand baby #2 cause she like Liz da Ho and got knocked up by her molerfocker boss. That's prob story for a thread in a different room. Speaking of molerfockers have to have a big mole on der face? Cause my Rolley poller molerfocker neighbor man, or he can be a muhfugguh....aneeways, he was at my work visiting a patient. He says, since this is so far, maybe you should move down here close to yer job. Well.....I said "you not gonna get ridda me dat easy" but...the Tamoxifen in me wanted ta say, "listen here you fat ugly muhfugguh, if you are so unhappy neighbor, maybe YOU should move down here." (da Mrs. don like mese dogs but we live on walking path with many dogs loving on both sides.) I knew it would be challenging when I have to deal with peepoles again. I want some chocolate!!!

    Work was challenging today. I work at a place much like your Mom is at Dork. I got smacked by patient, another told me I was big boned like his wife. Oh I changed subject fast cause I didn't wAnt him to go into detail! It is hard to see and I feel for them so much. We need assisted living facility for our parents with wonderful tenders --- does the HTL have that yet?

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Hey..... did we get too hardy har in da UFO and forget ta bring Cami home from the tube?!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    Putting out an APB for Cami.......

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

    Bob came home drunk one night, slid into bed beside his sleeping wife, and fell into a deep slumber.
    He awoke before the Pearly Gates, where St. Peter said, "You died in your sleep, Bob."
    Bob was stunned. "I'm dead? No, I can't be! I've got too much to live for. Send me back! Please!"
    St. Peter said, "I'm sorry, but there's only one way you can go back, and that is as a chicken."
    Bob was devastated, but begged St. Peter to send him to a farm near his home. The next thing he knew, he was covered with feathers, clucking, and pecking the ground.
    A rooster strolled past. "So, you're the new hen, huh? How's your first day here?"
    "Not bad," replied Bob the hen, "but I have this strange feeling inside. Like I'm gonna explode!"
    "You're ovulating," explained the rooster. "Don't tell me you've never laid an egg before?"
    "Never," said Bob.
    "Well, just relax and let it happen," says the rooster. "It's no big deal."
    Bob did, and a few uncomfortable seconds later, out popped an egg!
    Bob was overcome with emotion as he experienced motherhood. He soon laid another egg - his joy was overwhelming.
    As he was about to lay his third egg, he felt a smack on the back of his head, and heard his wife yelling "BOB, wake up, goddammit. You just s**t the bed!"

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited March 2013

    Happy Frid-dey my bweasty fwiends...I hope de week went goodly and you hab a fun nitey and sweep well so we can all hab a big pottey tomari...I am going to hit de hay n jest wanna send all de lub in my fart once agin to you hot-cha-chicas...

    I'm hoping I can sweepp cuz I gotta big day wif de fam n will be habin de shoe on de other foot. I am now a 3 year survivor and so far so freaking good...but I have a loved one who is just starting the whole dang rat bastard track...gotta say it was easier for me to get da dx than to hear of someone I lub so much now habin to go to battle.

    I tode him I weeeshed I cud do de tx for him cuz I'm an expert and know wud to do, but it don't work dat way, so I feel helpless. I keep twing to member wud helped me get thru n it was you dollinks here and a lotta love from my dear DH, family, fwiends, and de big dude upstairs. Also de bottle of wodka on de know like de carrot on de string...tee hee...I will stop rambling and will aks for prayers...and I tank you in advance as I know how freaking powerful your prayers are!

    And the dwinks are good and strong here too! Yay!!! Happy Fried-day!! Cheers!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    OMG I fell sound asleep when I got home---2 xanax---zi was so happy to be home I sar down and thought I'll close me eyes and I felt the cat squishing me and zap--Now I'm awake====TY for being there, I was told to please stop laughing or she had to start over, Ty, TY, and den I said I was laughin' about me pocets---I walked in and said this is the big tub??? and she said no we didn't have it availabe---so I was in the one where u feel the thing over u'r while body and u'r head and I thought not going to hapen. Then u guys came to mind and I felt all the confusion of where's my drink, I could hear who's got mine I loved having u with me--hahaha Imagination is wonderful--It took a while cuz I got a couple of other tests and they actually forgot about me so I waited-they apologized and I was so happy to be out of THE TUBE I didn't care--No results yet--It's Friday memeber LOL

    Well I got hokme and I'm in my new room across the house--they couldn't wait to get rid of me on that side so mese and my furbaby are all set--I wanted this room to begin with but the bathroom is a little walk but whatever--Katie-Kat adjusted better than I thought, but I was gone alot today so she hasn't left my side.

    Dork I'm glad u'r with u mommy--I know it so sad--mese fart is sad.

    Beckers That's what u do too--Oh tough job.

    I'm sorry I didn't get to u gals a soon as I got home but I honestly thought I was just going to unwind for a few minutes hahaha--I never do anything small.

    Dork I was laughing when u said said u were thankful for a mouth so u u could talk to ur'self. hahahahahha u so funnie

    Ok we change clocks tonight eberone--so we spring ahead--one less hr. of week-end. That's how I always thought anyway.

    OK I be back- Thank u all for coming wif me cuz I couldn't do it without u. Really

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  6 years ago today, at 5;30 pm I got a call from my BS with the results of the first needle biopsy.  My life hasn't been the same since.  It's going good now, except for recently, with weird and uncomfortable dreams, irritability, low grade anxiety and headaches.  I know it will blow over, but I wish it would hurry up!  Going to concentrate on this year's garden and try to ignore it all. 

    Cammy--I hear you about the pre-test jitters!  I think I'd have freaked if someone called me to remind me about a test and then said what she did!  Id've cancelled right then and there!  You are so strong to be able to still go through with it.  Covering up my eyes would only make it worse for me, what I can't see is even more threatening!  (shudder).

    ORLA--a storm so bad you can't go out and get wine???? That's a problem, a big problem!   I felt like that lady at the keyeboard a lot last week!  I wonder what would happen if I started doing that????

    Adey--LOL!  Love the cartoon!!!!!

    BBBBernie--oh, my, you'd think the pub would stop serving that bike after a couple!  That Holly bush sounds like it had a good night, though.  Hope you did, too!

    Mema--good advice for Cammy!

    Cammy--most MILs complain that their SIL are too lazy, you're trying to train one in the other direction!  Too funny! 

    BBBBernie--"taking a dump" means having a poo here, too.  "Dumping" a bike means having an accident where the bike gets laid on it's side, unlike "crashing" a bike which means running into or getting run into by something, most often a car. 

    DorKable--You can make a difference in how happy your Mom's place is, you know.  Look around and see what little things you can do--in your Mom's room first, then moving out from there.  Doesn't have to cost much or be big.  And make friends with the caregivers, too.  A little appreciation means a huge amount to those people.  They often work very hard and feel very underappreciated.  You're being there regularly is the best thing, no matter what else you do, though!

    Becs--We live having kiddies in the lounge, there's a selectively sound proof barrier between their area and the bar--not to screen out the playing kiddie's noise, but so they kiddies don't hear inappropriate language or topics, 'cause we tend to get a bit earthy around here! 

    BBBBernie--LOL!  I never saw THAT one coming!

    Beanie!!!!!  I'm sure you will be a big help to your family member, and I can almost imagine how hard it's going to be for you. 

    Cammy--they FORGOT you IN THE TUBE?????!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?  I would have absolutely freaked out, had a panic attack, been screaming my food head off!  HOW could you stand it??  And how can you trust the results of a test when they forgot you were in the tube??????? YIKES!

    Yup, one hour less of the weekend, but I am looking forward to the light in the evening.  I desparately need to start exercising, and taking Sadie for a nice long walk is a great way to do it, with built in incentive in the form of Sadie pestering one she gets into the habit.  Worked great for me last summer, can't wait to get it started again!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is THE Sun Shine--for the sunshine we've got here for the first time in weeks!

    2 oz apple rum

    1 oz vodka

    3 oz pineapple juice

    Put all the ingredients in a shaker and shake and pour into 2 coctail glasses. Drink and enjoy!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2013

    Just got a little snow and some rain, mostly went around us. Could get a little today, cloudy and cold. A little would help with the pollen!!!!! I hurt my back when I was in my 30’s, moving and lugging huge rocks to surround a berm we had made from the pond we had dug. Oh I suppose if you wandered out of the lounge Cami, you would find depressing, so you just stay right here and don’t go no where! Tell your friends we said HI back!

    Lara, whiskey and pickle juice……Me tinks me will pass!

    Interesting lesson the mattress, wet your whistle and mind your p’s and q’s Kathy, however, I know I would never remember that!

    LMAO, that is just too weird  how you always mess the page up Cami!

    DorK, I do hope your mommy is better, but so good that you come in to dwink with us!

    Oh Cami, you always make me laf girl. You don’t need perfume to compliment you, your personality does it! Glad you sissy is home now.

    Sheen Falls is beautiful Bernie, have you been there? OMG, I wish I could have seen you crash into the holly bush, I have a visual and cracking up. But not cuz you got hurt and have a scar to prove it. Oh CHIT, LMAO real good about NOT dumping a Harley! Oh and the yoke about the man chitting de bed…LOL.

    I the “tubes” I pray, just close meese eyes and talk to God. And when I was having radiation, you know the sound of like tumbling rocks in there? Well I would pretend those were the Angels flying around and protecting me.

    Good advice on the food NM, for Dorty’s mom.

    I saw on TV, where they have these glasses that you can wear in the tube and watch a movie. I remember having headsets with music now.

    Becks, enjoy that little girl, but do come in for cocktails. I like your MuhFugguh word, another one we use is Mfugly!

    Oh Beanie Baby, you know we are wif you and praying for you and your loved ones. Will have plenty of wodka foy you too, but can you share?

    Cami, glad you made it through all the tests and did it without too much anxiety! Now praying for good results.

    NM, sending strength your was to rid you of that anxiety girl. YES, we have all come a long way. Oh, I don’t think they forgot Cami IN THE TUBE, just forgot about her and her next test?

    We are having a couple move in on our property, they will help us with the business. But what I’m really essited about, is they have a 2 year old little boy and a newborn, he is just 1 month old! Ohhhh I can’t wait. Mese apologizes for missing yesterday, but mese wuz jes too biddy. But I was wif you Cami!!!!

    Happy Turd Day and thanks for The Sunshine NM.

    Y'all are the Sunshine in my life, love you all so beery beery muchly!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    cammie im glad you made it out of the tube

    when I was in one my IV infiltrated can we say pain

    anyway having some red NM got out out finally I a away for work all week

    I have a bit of a cold but love red wine it helps then I go to sleep

    pill popper drunk ..... No kidding I think

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013
    funny pictures
  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    OMG Cami, I would have freaked out, like freaks me out just being in it for the time they say it will be. And that "Open MRI"??? I really don't feel its all that to me means NOTHING above me or next to I really hate having an MRI...glad yours is over. AND praying for good results. You must have really needed that sleep, but yes, we WERE concerned about you....we luv ya, dontcha know dat??? LOL.

    Lori, wow, how neat that you will have close neighbors now...well is that really called neighbors when they are on YOUR property??? LOL. Hope that works out well for you and your DH too. Now remember, NO MORE YELLING...ummmmmmm.....ya know.....during certain times....ummmmm.....of pleasure....LOL. Jest kidding, but I do wonder how you will adjust to having someone living closer to you, although I guess they will still be quite aways away? Hope they do give you a lot of help!!!

    So nice to see our Beansie Baby in de lounge again. AND of course, continued prayers for your loved one....and his family too....and you, too!

    OH NM, this is a day of mixed emotions, isn't it? On one hand, YAY for being 6 yrs out!!! On the other hand you can't help but remember how you felt when you got "the call". Mine was in the evening too, can nebber foiget it. I am so glad you have done so well, and am so thankful to know you, even though it was the awful RB that brought us all together. Do something nice for yourself today, ok? Turn it into a GOOD memory, if possible. And I know Sadie will give you extra special hugs today!!!  (((((NM)))))

    Hugs and love to you all...have fun with your g'dau today Beckers!


  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited March 2013

    NM - 6 years! That is awesome, I totally relate to how much it's changed oour lives and de anxieties...thanks for the encouragement, you have always been so good to me! Also tanks for de Sunshine, very welcome dis am! I hope you can get rid of the anxiety...if I knew how I'd tell you but for me it's just always kinda there...Mostly I pray a lot and try to exercise and get enuf booze and ativan...(((((NM)))))

    Goldie - Thanks for saying you'll be there for me...and for de happy turd day. I hope you don't have too bada weather over there. My DH sez it snowed a lot at the Nanu ranch, looks like winter again, but its warm so will prolly melt quick.

    I guess de others are still sleeping so I will say goo-mornin' to everyone and hope you have a sunshiny turd day!


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

    Ok, just settling down with a nice glass of red, watching the Ireland rugby match against France.  Up the boys in green.

    A duck walks into a post office and asks the man behind the counter: 'Do you have any corn?' The man answers politely: 'No, we don't have any corn here.'

    The next day, the duck enters again and asks: 'Do you have any corn?' Annoyed, the man answers:  'No! We don't have any corn.'

    This goes on for a couple of days until finally, when the duck asks 'Do you have any corn?', the man gets so upset he yells: 'NO! For the last time we don't have any corn and if you ask again I'll nail your beak to the counter!'

    The next day, the duck returns and asks: 'Do you have any nails?' The man answers: 'No.' Then the duck asks: 'Do you have any corn?'

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    LOL, love that one Bernie...will send that to my dad, as he feeds the ducks cracked corn every day on the lake,so will get a kick out of that. Will also send on that earlier one to my DH...soooo funny!!

    Hiya Beans!!!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    Aww....can't wait to see your pets!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    My post just disappearred oh well it was really boring anyway.

    It took me a while BERNIE to get that joke, but when I did I thought it was funny.

    NM I'm sorry u'r feeling down about "the day" 6 yrs. is wonderful--celebrate But it does change our lives some way.

    Lori I want to put a celebrate picture up for NM but I have no idea what I do wrong, cuz it doesn't always screw up the screen and u guys put bigger pics up than I do. So I want to stay below the radar so the mods don't know me and watch the stupid things I say.

    OK another scary movie day for me--I'm hittin' the bottom of the barrel Corin Nemek in Dragonwasps--can it get much worse. LOL and yet I'm happy it's on.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited March 2013

    Jest Pooping in real quickliest dis SatTurdday to say Hi and letja all know Ize be thinkig about you. I've been real bad about checking in here and hope to do so once a day at least.  Cami, Glad you came out of the Tube in one piece.  they dont bother me tho, I hate the loud noises. I didnt know you were bilingual?? 

    Bernie..I loved the group pic of you..are those the Belgian if you were Belgian you sould be BBBBBernie...Belgian biker babe Bernie.  Really nice group pic...Pub hopping in Dublin???  Could one even survive that? refrenced a turkey baster???  whats that about?  Cool about people moving on to your land and that they have small children for you to enjoy..its also good that you will have help with your business. 

    Nice to see Chrissy B poop in too..bizy lady doing all that crafty stuff for the wedding...I envy your talent.

    So da time changes tonight...essept for Lori who lives in coo coo land of weirdo time...It used to drive me crazy esspecially when I worked on Centeral time so I had to figure out the time diff and then all my fam was in ESt....foigetaboudit.

    Love to eberyone...!!!  Time to get things under way here at the company a comin .

    Latah Tatahs

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2013

    Hi Goils!!

    Cami - so glad you thought of us and giggled…dat jes what I hoped n prayed for you, Glad you done wif it and home. I loved da Pic Post from Katwinka about NED…dat all our prayers around here!

    Beckers - u cwackin mese up wif your ‘mind’ talk wif ur neighbor…you go girl! So…are u big boned?? j/k…heehee

    Bernie - lub da chicken yoke…tank u! So…do u live far from dat Sheens Falls? Oopps now I see one bout a duck. LOL. Lessee…chicken, duck, chicken, duck…ah forget it…mese mind is jammed… in funkassed…I thot mese was on to sumpin…GONE!

    OK…I recongnize Calva and one of da twin goats…wudn’t der twin goats? N don tail me I’m funkassed agin K? jes go along.

    BeanieBabie - mese was feeling unde da weatha last few days…jes cudn’t git to da HTL last nite…soooo glad u got a widdle bisit in. And HEY HEY HEY (as fat Albert wud say) congrats on 3 Years!! I kno u wud rather do your bro’s tx…but u such a sweet sis for being der wif him as he starts his journey. Dat jes shows what we all kno…u got a biggliest heart (fart as D wud say)!! BIG HUGZ, PRAYERS and lots of WEBK’s for you and yours girlfriend!! By the way…love the ‘mommy n wodka pic…BARMEN!!!

    NM - Got to say congrats even tho it has been hell for you. I too can relate to you and JeanBean in trying to ‘ignore’ it all. I count my blessings that I have (sometimes have to find) things to keep dat FURB off my mind. But it is hard at times. ((NM)) Glad you finally got some sunshine. Gr8 DOTD. We been rainy last 2 days, no sunshine. But ok since I unde da weather too. I’d be pissed if it was glorious outside and me sick inside fo sho!!

    Lori - heeheehee….our times a coming…I bought a pair of white sandals jes for my bisit wif you. LOL….don’t stress…I not gonna wear dem while at Shady Lady…cuz u already warned me bout da red dirt der. I jes joshing ya!! But seriously…mese tinks mese gots me packin alllll figured out…woohoo!!

    Dorfy - yippee u mommy better. And I 2nd your blessings as being mine too…especially da part about my mouth for likker…I not gonna admit I talk to meself…not yet n e way!

    Cyndielouwho - woohoo….lub it when u poop in!! LOL n turkey baster….Lori will splain…she jes too cheap to buy a netti pot. J/K LOWEE!! Am wif u bout da time change…now when I leave Cali and head for AZ…der bese an hour diff…I dunno…hurts me pbrain to tink bout it…so mese say what u sez ‘foigetaboudit’…yeh yeh dat da ticket! So glad u gonna hab company…so so fercited fer ya…jes ck in when u can.  I actually had sumpin else typed der den decided da mods wud banish I changed it.

    Am feeling good enuf for a coffee/brandy and to put sumpin on da off I go.  Ya'll hab a goot goot goot ebening...Latah n Lubs n Webk's!!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

    Kenmare is 154 miles from me.  No direct route so it takes about three hours on a good day.  We have an amazing waterfall in the mountains about an hour from me.  Mahon Falls.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013


    First date: You get to kiss her goodnight. 
    Second date: You get to grope all over and make out a bit. 
    Third date: You get to have sex but only when she wants to and only in the missionary position.


    First Date: You both get blind drunk and have sex.. 
    Second Date: You both get blind drunk and have sex. 
    20th Anniversary: You both get blind drunk and have sex. 


    First Date: You take her to a play and an expensive restaurant. 
    Second Date: You meet her parents and her Mom makes spaghetti & meatballs. 
    Third Date: You have sex, she wants to marry you & insists on a 3-carat ring. 
    5th Anniversary: You already have 5 kids together & hate the thought of having sex. 
    6th Anniversary: You find yourself a Mistress.


    First date: You get to buy her an expensive dinner but nothing happens. 
    Second date: You buy her an even more expensive dinner. Nothing happens again. 
    Third date: You don't even get to the third date and you realize nothing is ever going to happen.


    First date: Meet her parents. 
    Second date: Set the date of the wedding. 
    Third date: Wedding night. 


    First Date: You get to buy her a real expensive dinner. 
    Second Date: You get to buy her and her girlfriends a real expensive dinner. 
    Third Date: You get to pay her rent. 
    Tenth Date: She's pregnant by someone else. 


    First Date: You buy her an expensive dinner, get drunk on Tequila, and have sex in the back of her car. 
    Second Date: She's pregnant. 
    Third Date: She moves in. One week later, her mother, father, her two sisters, her brother, all of their kids, her grandma, her sister's boyfriend and his three kids move in and you live on rice and beans for the rest of your life in your home that used to be nice, but now looks like a home along the Tijuana strip.



    First Date: You spend all your money to impress her. 
    Second Date: You take a loan to keep the image.
    Third Date: You're broke, she finds someone wealthier. 


    First Date: Mother, Father, Brothers, Sisters, Cousins, Aunts, Uncles, Friends and entire Arab community finds out. 
    Second Date: You are shot dead in the street and your balls are fed to the goats.
    No third date!

    The POINT?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Oh Bernie I'm LOLin' out loud----that was so funny. I was looking at the pics. and I have seen other things on Ireland---a beautiful country--it's actually picture perfect.  Now its Sunday there bit later in the day.--it's 5ayem here, but we just changed times--u don't do that stuff. So u'r about dinner time--It's always strage for me when I connect with u or /chrissy--u'r on a whole nother world to me. Love it.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes! Arrrggg. My "atomic" clock didn't update itself to DST, so I've got to get out the stepladder, etc, etc,  Really don't like having to do that, but I need that clock to be right 'cause I go by it!  And it feels really odd for the computer to be saying 8:21 when I've just got out of bed and am still on my first cup of coffee.  Oh, well.  Life goes on, I'll adapt. 

    Goldie--We had sun here yesterday, so I hung some laundry out to dry.  This ayem it's all covered with frost!  Gonna have to bring it in an dry it all indoors, I guess.  I want more SUNSHINE!!!!!  I got past yesterday, so things are starting to look up, anxiety wise.  That and a Message From God (a Fb app) that reminded me to look for things to celebrate has me turning my attitude around and looking more forward than backwards.  What fun to have new little ones to play with!  Good for you! 

    ORLA--pill popping drunk can be fun, as long as there is no hangover!

    Wahine--Sadie did keep me busy yesterday, in the door, out the door, in the door, out the door, you get the idea!  And very insistent that I keep getting up out of the recliner. That was a good thing!  I did get some seeds put out to start, too.  And made some oatmeal bread and some cornmeal bread.  Cornmeal bread is more like bread than cornbread, less sweet.  Haven't made it in a long time.  Made good toast for breakfast!  And Sadie did do a lot of extra cuddling yesterday, bless her.  She makes any day better.  So, now, here's to moving on and living life!

    Beanie--I try to focus on other stuff as much as possible, too.  And it actually works well most of the time, but there are moments, like the anniversary of getting the diagnosis, upcoming docs appointments, getting blood work done, that bring back the anxiety.   BUT--those moments are getting further apart all the time, and that's a good thing!  And I've got a supply of xanax, so I can manage!  Good to see you here again, Beanie!

    BBBBernie--LOL!!!!!  The doggies are cuties!  Is that a horse and a goat?  Nice! 

    Cammy--The 6 years part is VERY wonderful, I just had a hard time with the memory of "the call."  But that was yesterday, and it's better today, I'm going to make sure it stays better!  I had Dragonwasps playing yesterday, maybe we were watching at the same time? 

    CynCyn--the time change is just plain annoying.  I see no good reason for it.  There probably was, once, but it's been moved around so often that it makes me question the value of the exercise at any time.  Enjoy your company! 

    Mema--thanks for the congrats!  I do try to ignore a lot of what has happened, try to forgive (I'll never be able to forget) and move on.  But once in a while I get hit by something and have to work through it.  But this one is over now, a corner is being turned, and it's time to move on.  And being sick inside on a nice day is the PITTS!!!!

    BBBBernie--those falls are beautiful! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is The Sunday Funday

    1.5 oz Absolute Citron Vodka

    1 oz Sweet & Sour Mix

    1 oz Lemoncello

    4oz Cranberry Juice

    Fill chilled glass with ice. Add Absolute Citron Vodka, Sweet & Sour Mix and Lemoncello. Slowly layer cranberry juice on top.

    Garnish will full lemon wheel. Refill your glass as many as possible until you feel refreshed.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    ali cat would say wheres my pills and booze where is she Ithought I saw a post

    well undie was in vegas she got me a prez wonder what it is

    Bernie it looks amazing there like its another world

    Like that post about dating

    cammie im with  u scary movies all day

    I bought my niece the cutest shoes shes 2 and a half they are these micheal kors ballet glitter shoes with the bucle silver and  sayd MK on the side hes a designer I love hes shoes I just couldnt resist

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013




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