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how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    the first pic just got there I wanted the last one only

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    Funny Reminders Ecard: Thanks for reminding me to change my clocks that change themselves.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2013

    Lara, good that you got yourself some red! Where are you “away” to?

    Kathy, I guess they will be tenants/employers? Well he will be and employee, not much she can do for us, with the 2 little ones. Can’t have customers calling, if she were to help with the phones, and have kids crying in the background! They are within eye shot, so pretty close.  It will be help for Darrell, but not me.

    Someone asked about our phone lines, and getting a second one, or voice mail. Well, we had the voice mail disconnected, cuz when someone was calling and I was on the phone, it would keep beeping in my ear, then if they left a message, I would have to call to retrieve them. Might have someone else help with the phone, as I can make calls forward if my line is busy. Hey Cami, you want a job!!!

    Hey Beanie Baby, it actually snowed all day on turd day, but we got nothing! I guess the ground too warm and evaporation? Suppose to get close to 80 by weeks end, but that  is just a fluke. YES, I love Irish women.

    Ahhhhh, yet another one settling down with some red. Love the duck joke B. And look at your babies!

    Cami, nothing you say is toopid, so post all the pictures you want, if it messes with the screen, SO WHAT!

    Cyn LOL, I use the turkey baster as my netti pot!! Good to see you love. Nope, no time changing here. Have with your company………… if!

    Mema? Chicken, Duck, Chicken Duck………………were thinking Duck Duck Goose? Mese gittin essited too, jes a lil ober 2 weeeks! NOOOO, I think when you leave CA to AZ, we are on same time.

    Oh NM, that is wonderful that you are turning it around and looking at it as something to be thankful for. I don’t think I said congrats on your 6 years, so CONGRATS! My 5 year is next month! Love the DOTD, I actually have enough of most of it, that I can make something similar. Hmmmmmm, may have to try that today.

    Unde, what wuz you doing in Vegas? And Lara, you will have to tail what she got you.

    Dorkie, where are you doll?

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    Morning!!! They don't change the clocks in HI really is a PIA, isn't it? NM,too bad your auto clock did not change the time! Is it in the right place? I know they are SUCH a pain to reset or get started....I am glad mine does it correctly. But I have a gazillion clocks...must have a clock Anyway, one clock I never changed last time, so I would just add an hr when I looked at it, and I look at it all the at least I have 1 less to change today. (I'll prolly forget that now it is on the RIGHT time, and keep adding an hr!). LAST change I think we were on a trip, and I never got caught up! Thank God we don't leave for a few days.

    Unde, Hope you had fun in Vegas!!! And you do have ALL our addresses, right? Gotta make sure the gifts get to us...HUH???? WHAT???? You just got a gift for Lara???? Whut's up wid dat???? LOL. That was sweet of you, really, and I know she can't wait to see it. Hope you both can get together for real face time soon!

    OH, such pretty pics, Bernie! And funny about the Irish Women! I gotta share that one too.

    Lori, we need to celebrate date is April 2, and I think your date is April 5, or so? I know ours is soooo close! Same year too.

    Glad you made it through yesterday, NM. And funny how Sadie was so demanding of your time, but that ended up being a good thing and kept your mind occupied! And yes, good reminder to look for things to celebrate, and all the good that we can be thankful for. Looking forward to trying your DOTD. I have never had lemoncello...have you? I think its a lemon/licorice italian liqueur? Is that right? Sounds interesting, anyway!

    Cami, yeah you could answer phones for Lori!!! Wouldn't that be a hoot....  Nice that you are all settled in your new room. Of course we are all anxious for the results, so hope you get them soon....I think we are more anxious than you are! So glad you got the TUBE over with!!!

    Beckers, I know you are having fun with Annie!

    Mema and Allicat, you both get WELL...hate it that you are both sick...gotta get bettah soonliest, ok?

    And Beans, still praying for your bro, and all of you. I know you will enjoy being with your little niece though!

    Happy SunDey funDey...when are we gonna habs anudder big partay in de HTL??? Dorkie, you up for that??? Cyn is having a private party right now, so might be MIA for awhile..but I know shes habbing FUN!



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Lori I forgot u hired someone for u'r place and they live there too? Oh how nice--oh and a baby--This shall be interesting with kids around. And mema will be there soon so u'v got lots goin' on Girl. And u'r house is so adorble and comfy looking too.

    what a nite I had--a depressed dog and my Katie was even trying to help--Sox wouldnt even eat--I think he thought my SIL left for good cuz Joey wasnt here either, Finally he was with me and Katie wasn't really happy about that cuz I'm all hers--she didn't get mad just meowed a lot at me and he just kept his head down--my pain pills didn't work to well so between a dog that was depressed, a jealous cat and me hurting I was up all nite--I fell asleep about 6ayem and woke up about an hr ago, I feel like I have a hangover--I should have been drinking. damn.Oh and here she is now trying to close the computer. brat.

    dork has been quiet--I know she has a lot going on---but pop in Dork.

    Well another scary movie day--right now I have Law and order on--but after start the scarey stuff I'm ready. NM I should have been SK neighbor.

    Well I'l check in later and see what's going on. with the later group.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    Oh Cami, do you think you can nap some today? Hate that you were up most of the night. Hope Sox is okay, too, and that he is eating today!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Kat he's fine now that my kids are home and he ate right away and jumpin all over the place. So today I did wash a load of clothes but that's it for me now. And it will be light longer tonite and I like that part. But not everyone changes time, like we do.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    where is everyone

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2013

    Good afternoon, Loungettes! 

    ORLA--the shoes sound absolutely darling! Pics???

    Goldie--preliminary congrats on your upcoming 5 years!  I'm very grateful to be able to come here and tell someone about the anxiety and fear and not be told to get over it.  Personally I think I do better if I can just admit how I feel and deal with it.  Love the Irish Yoga poses!

    Wahine--Yup,the clock is talking to it's master, the moon phases, and date are all still right.  I finally got the time fixed on it, too.  It amazes me how Sadie can tell when I need cuddles or to get moving.  Dogs, well all animals, are amazing that way.  I don’t think I've had Lemoncello either, not sure what it is.  I'll have to see if I can find some and try it out. 

    Cammy--oh, dear, your poor animals!  I can imagine the both the depressed puppy and the jealous kitty.  I wonder if they were reacting to your pain?  Sadie pushes me away from the keyboard when she thinks I've had enough computer time--about 30 seconds.  Hope you're feeling better now! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Orange there's Julie and it's so true--everyone is laying back today--or on top or something else.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

    good evening alll,happy mothers day to all the mothers.   congrats nm on 6 years and lori on your upcoming 5 years,  march 8th was the 2 year anniversary of that mammogram that started it all.  lara- as i worked last night loved the clock springin forwardLaughing,    dorty hope your mum is better now.   cammi- hows sox and kat today.        went to see the bs friday, thinks the pain at scar site from inflammation and because of the radiation its going to take a while to heal.  was talking to the ma at the office,telling her according to workers comp, all the test findings are basically related to frb and that pain is not an accepted workers comp symptom! she pointed out the poster on the wall re pain and your right to be believed,  and said maybe we should send that to them.  everybody have a good evening.  

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Julie---so if u have pain from treatments it's not under work.comp. I get so confused with everything that's excepted or not. I don't know--there is sometimes so much pain from things affected I just dont get it.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    ??? Happy Mother's Day???   Oh well, I'll take any excuse for a holiday and spechual pampering!

    Good to see ya again Julie!

    Yuppers Lara, sumtimes it seems soooooo quietliest here, when a lot of the galz iz bizzy....but wese all check in ebbery now and den....

    Hope all you wunnerful galz had a super duper fragilistic SunDey FunDey!!!!!



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

    cammi, th pain is where i got hit on my scar line, i knew workers comp was  going to blame everything on the frb, and not getting hit .from colleagues experiences with them. you know my friend that got stabbed ,even she has had trouble with them paying the bills.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Me n sis came for dinner at the HaagenDazs bar and to play at casino. Wanted to say hello. Hope all had a good funday. I enjoyed the longer day light! Had another fun weekend with Annie. She is so fun. She is a little squirt but loves to climb. She gets behind me on recliner and before i know it, climbs up on my shoulders. I am very tired needless to say. She is up between 5 and 6 each morning and goes all day!

    Back to work in de ayem. Memasue, I'm afraid it's true, I am big boned! Ha! I get some classics from patients let me tell ya.


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Juliet, who hit you anyways??

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

    We change our clocks on the 31st March.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  It's dark out.  I'm up and it's totally dark out.  Yuck.  I do not like getting up in the dark.  Yuck. 

    Juliet--Garfield has a point.  Mine decided to get me up 3 times last night.  And I still dreamed about peeing and almost peed the bed!  Really, what is up with THAT???

    Juliet--I remember working the time change weekends when I was working night shift.  Hated it, the hourly documentation was messed  up and had to re-write all the MARs.  AND got paid an hour less for the Spring Forward but the regular number of hours for the Fall Back night.  Can't pay for time not worked in the Spring, had to pay by the clock in the Fall, according to admin.  It's changed now, thank goodness. 

    Cammy--worker's comp makes up its own rules, at least here in Maine.  Probably the same everywhere.

    Wahine--OK, thought I was the only one totally out of the loop on Mother's Day! 

    Becs--oh, my, the last time Sadie tried to climb up the back of my recliner we all went over backwards!  She got caught under the recliner, I hit my head on the corner the end table, and all kinds of dust bunnies escaped from underneath the chair base!  Don't you wish you could bottle some of that little squirt energy?  Could get rich quick!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is The What Am I Doing Out of Bed When it's Totally Dark Outside???????

    Pour one large mug of coffee

    Add a healthy splash of your favorite alcoholic beverage

    Chug and repeat as needed until either the caffeine or the alcamahol kicks in and you don't care it's dark outside anymore!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

    i think this is the best cure for themLaughing

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Oh Our DOTD are getting funnier too

    Julie now I get it--I get a little confused on things---but NM u'r right every state is different and rules change all the time--They aren't really there to help u but to cause stress sometimes---I'm still dealing with didability--same type of thing--They can be cruel.

    And Yea I thought Mothers Day or MFs day. I wasnt sure.

    Bernie u do change u'r times too at the enc of March---hmm I thought it was just here that did it.--I learn something new everyday---and then I forget something new everyday--It's like throwing speghetti against the wall sometimes it's stick and sometimes it just falls off.

    I'll be back my ladies

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

    Cammi you are hilarious.

    KATHY is coming soon. I'm having a glass of wine to celebrate.  Dave says it's a bit early.  What does he know.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2013

    I keep thinking I am on the mend…then at night this attacks with a vengence. I take naps and rest, haven’t over done anything…sheesh! If I have another night like last night…going to Urgent Care tamary. This thing attacked me last Weds night…enuf already!!! Thanks for the well wishes girls…lubs u all!

    Lori - it was me that asked about your phone lines. I’ll help u while I’m der K? Woo hoo…15 days!! How are things going with the ‘help’ moving in…all settled? Are you habing ‘baby face kissing time’?

    Bernie - BooT-ful pics of the Mahon Falls…thank you fer sharing. And I lub dat yoke….gonna print and take to mese aunties when I see them in Cali next week. WOOHOO - Katwinka coming to see you soon…wine wine wine and more wine. I jes gotta see bout getting to Ireland. My x-boss sez June good month to go…whadda u say?

    NM - Very true…we will never forget! But I doooo soooo like today’s DOTD!!

    Cami - I have a depressed Bella today. She got DH’s eyeglasses…5th time in 5 weeks. Took em outside, chew, popped lens…ugh. DH screaming mad…so she shakes/hudles wif me. I say no no no and put her in time out. That little carrier I put her in and closed the door. She never even whined. She kno she did wrong and caught redhanded. I let her out in 15 mins. Glad Sox is feeling better! You cwack me da hail up wif da ‘mind vs. spaghetti’ LOL!!

    Julie - LOL LMAO Ain’t it the truth!! n Was it Mothers Day down under yesterday? Don’t like hearing about your pain…am I reading right…that your bs does not think your pain can be carried on workmans comp or is it jes the underwriters for WC? Either way…I’d take that poster to dem…dangit!! ((Julie))

    Beckers - LOL…me too. Back in my younger days….peeps would think I was from Sweden…guess they grow dem big ober der? Sounds like loads of fun wif ur sis and widdle Annie. My gd, Maddy, will b turning 4 on april 6...hoping to spend a little time with her when I get back from CA and AZ.

    Still praying like crazy for my Beanius brother and I ALWAYS do for every one of you...LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS all ya'll!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Bernie it's tru--wine speaks to u , for u, and u can't say no to wine.

    Why is there so much pain for some? I don't like this--I'm sure we can change the word pain to another nice sounding word maybe it will help. Just like I've told u gals and the Drs. there should be a stage V then Stage IV wouldn't sound so bad. See all this makes sense to me. Of course I am on some rockin' pills right now--see that doesn't sound s bad. And I wonder why I'm so tired. hahahaha

    Oh Sue I'm assuming u'r talking about u'r furbaby--I hope--poor thing they find things fun that we don't My Katie-Kat love to chew paper  and did chew my GS's homework one time, and he had to go to school with the old adage my cat ate my homework--well it's usually the dog--so she's had problems with this.

    Well it's still glumpy outside but it doesn't bother me--my DD has her lady days now so I'm staying out of her way. my GS warned me about it.

    Being Monday I hope everyone has a decent day today, Monday usually the roughest. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Julie I bumped into u, I spilled my wine--oops sorry I hope I didn't spill anything on u.

    Like dos pictures.

    Wait Sue, is this the pain from u'r fills? WTF

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2013

    Not sure of my exact date Kathy, will have to go look for my surgery papers. I actually don’t really celebrate any of the dates, but 5 is a pretty big one! Then my NEXT celebration will be getting off the Arimidex in October!

    Cami, hoping your fur babies are better today, and you too love.

    NM, we all handle things differently, which makes us “individuals”. I sometimes just hate it when I have a friend that is having a hard time with something that I find so easy to handle. Even my husband! He gets so upset sometimes and worries about the business, and I just know pretty much, that things will be ok, and that we have done things the best way that we know how, the rest is out of our hands. I wish I could take that anxiety away from you, but know that can’t happen, so instead you gets a hug (((((NM))))). And yes, dogs are amazing. We did a trade show one time, and this man was carrying a little lap dog (medical dog) and I asked him what that little cutie did. Well, he was diabetic, and this dog knew if the man was about to go into diabetic coma, or needed insulin, etc. AMAZING! Lemoncello is lemon flavored wodka. And as for the RB, I don’t think we EVER “get over it”.

    Julie? Happy Mother’s Day? Girl, I want what drugs you’re on! Stella moosta slipped a lil sumpin in your coffee? Thank you for the 5 yr congrats. Meese n Katrinka gonna sailabrate togebber. As far as your pain and what happened at work………….that is BS!!!! I don’t know what you can do about it, or your co-worker, but it sure pisses me off! ((((Julie)))))

    NM, 3 times to potty? LOL…..have had those nights, not fun, especially mixed in wif hot flashes. How the hell is a goil s’pose to sleep??? And now you have me LMBO over your story of you and Sadie tipping over in your recliner.

    Julie, your brown paper bag with vodka, should solve EVERYTHING, right?

    Cami, seriously girl, you could sell your thoughts to a comedienne, especially a female one. You are too funny, learning something new every day but then forgetting others! ……..and the spaghetti! Some falls, some doesn’t! Stage V………..vunda va!

    BBBBBBBBB, never too early to celebrate! Expecially the visit of a sista!

    Sue, I sure hope you are feeling better by morning so youse don’t hab to go to Urgent Care. And you WILL NOT be helping me wif work! And no, tenants not in until end of the munf. Might be here when you are, so you can get baby slobbers too! Weally, you might go to Ireland?

    Ok, I ‘ve been writing this bits and pieces as the day goes by, so pweese foygive anything or anyone I hab missed, as I luvs all of you!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Lori it's so nice to see u at nite--I usually don't.

    Well all my ladies my Dr. called and said I do not have spinsl cancer---I have lesions, 2 deteriorating disc and lower vertabrae and I said oh who doesn't have that--that's nothing. YaY so she said Do I want the number of a specialist for my back and I said not now--I still have more tests and I don't like all these Drs.==she said I don't blame u--hahaha but she will give me stronger meds--she assured me I didn't have Munchausens and I was probably in a lot of pain and I LOL and said Thank you, then she told me my blood numbers were passable this time --no hospital but double up on some other pills so I'm fine. So I first called my sister cuz she's been on my ass and she was happy THEN she says well u'd better find out about the Dr. cuz it's only going to get worse and u probably need an operation--blah blah blah--I said when did u become a gloomy Gus-Shut=up-so she shut-up then she said Well I'm not pushing u around in a wheelchair--hah-- told her she'll be in one before me. so there. Then we actually realized how stupid we were talking and started laughing. So that was my nite- So I'm fine--see I told u so. But I do admit I still wonder why one Dr. thought he saw cancer??? Oh well I don't have it.