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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2013

    Thanks everyone, Sue and I had a blast.

    Lara, I’m funcused about the ex, is that the one you are living with, cuz I thought you were actually still married. Where are you off to tomorrow?

    Becks, glad you get to have Annie today, Easter can be such a fun holiday with kids. Sorry bout cha blowin some of yer paycheck.

    Cami and Adey, keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well for your meet. What are the chances of taking and sharing a pic or two?

    Funny Kathy, how you were spoiled by Bernie, and I was spoiled by Sue. She was so helpful, as I still had to work, so she would start dinner while I was still working, cleaning as she went along. Hope you are feeling better today. OMG, Delta is messing with you AGAIN? Do you ever get a trip that goes smoothly? Great news on your mom and dad doing better.

    Oh Dort, dose bunny boobies are jes too coot, I love it!

    NM, have a super time with your friends this evening.

    Uh oh Bernie, what happened? I hope you can get the pictures to work.

    Well, I had a super time coloring eggs with my lil buddy. When we first started his mom and dad were doing all of it, and he was just sitting there watching. Well I quickly intervened and in no time, had him doing it all, with some assistance from me. And of course he gave me some to take home. I took some Kool Aid over to color eggs with that, works like a charm!

    Wild Carrot Cake here wishing everyone a Happy Easter. We are heading to town and also Lilian is arriving today, so picking her up at our little airport in Show Low.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    Oh yes, a HAPPY EASTER to all the HTL LOUNGETTES, AND  to the TATTIE TENDERS, and to the WENCHES~~~~~!

    Bernie, the pics have to be on the internet first, so later I can get it into photobucket, and then post here....I'll pick one to post, or let me know which one you like best!

    OMG NM, that easter bunny dwink sounds awesome!!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    Awwwww those pics are sooooo cute, Cyn! Love the bunnies on motorcycles, for Bernie!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Happy Easter Everyone.

    Bernie I thought for some reason u took them off.did u gals have clothes on? U'r pics always come thru.WTF that drink that Kat's loving had to come from u right"

    Kat u r so busy getting ready for u'r vacation, u'll need that vacation. And u had a great time with Bernie and her DH Iknew u guys would and I'm so happy--but the picts won't come on yet. I hope Bernie can get them on.

    Dork thanks for the picture--I love it. And I know u'r very busy and have alot going on and when u can u'll let us know more. We lub u Dorky--sending u (((HUGS)))

    NM u should know much more than me but are u working to many hours? that's causing all this tiredness. Personally I don't know how any of u can work but u do, but some have more physical jobs and that might be more tiresome for u??? U know I don't know much but is u'r heart beating properly? hahaha I'm asking you. Oh I can be so goofy .

    BTW I've finally got a cute name Candy Baby----and that I am.

    Becks glad u see Annie so much it is a joy.

    And Cyn I always have (((HUGS))) for u. U're traveling too soon right. I CAN'T KEEP UP

    And I get to meet Adey this week I'm so furcited--I'd better feel good. Oh no pictures, I'm sure Adey will take them, cuz I won't that;s for sure. Although I have seen a pic of Adey and she's another beauty.

    Julie I hope u'r not working today, I don't remember all that I read here.

    Lori, what's the plan for the day? Someone (here) is havin mexican food and that sounds yummy to me.

    Leslie's makng homemade sauce (takes hours) and saugage and meatballs, my mom taught Les how it's done and told her how to make her meatballs which are so good--then we're having ravioli's So we're going Italian--Well a house full of them will do it.

    HUGS AND LOVE to all and Thank God for the internet, I have met glorious people (like u gals) on this thing and I am very thankful. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Lori we must have been posting at the same time so I'm reading u'rs now--oops bumped into u.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

    so jealous Cammi, I love italian food.

    Any good pics Kathy

    Cyn a beautiful Easter pic for me.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited March 2013

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    Aww Cami, I do hope Adey will take some pics and that you'll let her share at least one with us! You are very beautiful inside and out, and have such a caring, loving heart! Just always nice to put a pic to everyone we meet here.

    Hahaha, love the chocolate "easter eggs" Bernie! We just opened a bottle of Irish Cream from Ireland that Glenn gave me for Christmas...damn it took TWO channel-lock pliers to get the metal twist top off! But its soooooo good, yummy and smooth!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2013

    Happy Easter from Sparkle Sunshine!  I not gonna say da 's' woid for not posting.  Ya'll kno I've been traveling da wild woild and getting lots of Big Hugs from old goilfriend and den from Ms Lowee!!  Had soo much fun with her...cept for driving up dat 6 mile dirt road....can you say Blair Witch Project!  I jes lubbed seeing da Shady Lady in da real too.  Mese tinking I will b goin back der...but I will only travel in da daytime..heehee.

    Today will be bizy bizy and I will git worn out...but wanted to say

     to all my goils.

    I will try and catch up with each of you personally in the next few days!!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

    its on fb now so its official! my niece is enaged,  so happy for them, now i have to diet, shop for a new outfit and hat!Laughing

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2013

    Good morning girls, wishing you all a hoppy Easter! Such great posts to wake up to. I have a ton of things to do before leaving for Easter dinner which is at 4pm. I tink I'd rather go to Camille's place for Italian food instead of damn ham!

    Me and mese siblings, all three, are meeting at mese mom's place at 1:30 and I jest got outta bed. Mese stayed up waaaay too late. So mese must big you all aahhhdoooo and say CheerS!

    Love you girls, so happy you all in mese computer todey and eberydey!! Dwink up and sailabrate de resurrection of Christ! wOOP WOOp!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    photo BernieandKathy_zps95125746.png

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2013

    Happy Easter, Loungettes!

    ORLA--Love the Lily Sparkle Pop name! 

    BBBBernie--not sure what happened to the pics, I was looking forward to seeing them.  Maybe try again? 

    CynCyn--LOVE the Peeps!

    Goldie--Did you ever color Easter Eggs using dye and wax?  I remember dipping the egg, making a pattern with wax, then dipping in another color.  You could get multicolor patterned eggs with that method.  It was messy but fun. 

    Cammy--You make good points.  I don't think I'm working too much, I did work extra yesterday but I haven't done that in quite some time.  I think my problem relates to a couple of things:  I was out of antidepressant meds for a while, and the depression was building up, now I'm readjusting to having it and that makes me tired for a while, and I have not been eating like I should--too much junk food and not enough "real" food, and not enough exercise.  The back and forth sun/snow/rain weather is making the arthritis in my knees act up, too.  Plus the time change means I'm getting up in the dark again and I HATE that.  Oh, boy, do I sound like a whiny brat!  Good sauce does take a long time to make.  Makes the house smell so good while it's simmering, too. 

    Mema--Good to see you in the Lounge!  Glad you had a good time! 

    Juliet--congrats to you and your niece!

    DorKable--I'm with you!  Celebration time! 

    Silly Sadie is now Muddy Silly Sadie.  I've washed the floors 3 times already today.  You should see her crate blanket,  it used to be blue. . . And washing it is going to be problematic, the laundry line broke the other day and it's so muddy in the yard I don't want to go out and put it back up yet.  Gonna have to soon, though. 

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    NM, I posted the pics right above your post....just did a collage. The latest "dog towels" that I have bought are dark after washing them, they not only smell clean, but LOOK clean! I use towels on their dog bed on the deck too, as then it is easier to wash the towels instead of also doing the beds often. Hope you start feeling better quickly!

    YES, congrats to your niece Julie! I have a wedding to go to in June, but so far, no weight loss. BUT you have lost a lot of weight recently, you will look fine!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    Thought I had seen it all....BUT CAR LASHES???? Came thru with a Groupon



  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited March 2013

    lmao!! Thats funny Kathy....what will they think of next?  I always thought the front of cars looked like  dam...I give way too much of myself away! I love the collage..its awesome! 

    Julie..congrats on your neice!!  What kind of hat ? You will look great Im sure.

    Coolio to see you SuZ...and happy to hear you had such a good time at lori's Shady Lady..too bad she had to work but sounds like it worked out good! the boobie bunnies...hehe..

    Ohhh..NM...I can imagine its quite a mess on the ground there...i bet Sadie likes getting all muddy tho.

    I hope someone takes pics Cami...PUHLEEZE!

    Orla...where is it your going now?? 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

    lovey photos ladies

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    goldie im married on paper yes we have been seperated for a long time

    very complicated

    yes he is helping me

    Yes I ran into my ex

    Yes hes a douche

    Hope everyone is full

    great pics bernie



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    Im leaving for syracuse then I drive down to Rome NY

    I am everwhere different every wekkkk

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    effin fingers, I just lost my whole entire post and I was almost done.

    So I  will say, loved the collage, NM I'm glad u figured rhat out, now keep us posted, Dork I'm glad u celebrated with u'r mom (special)

    sue I'm glad u'r back and rested now, Orange u sound like u'r working to much Lori I said something very important to u and I have no idea, Bernie oved the pics. always funny. I'm trying to member eberting and I can't and if I go back i loose t which I just remembered when I went back Oh mese oh my I have a sty in my eye--??? WTF Now i jammering again

    Oh I was thinking of my mommy today Leslie's food tasted so much like hers, since she taught her how to do things. Good thing my mom didn't make potatoe chips and candy, cuz they make me happy.

    Oh if Adey a picture taker her lunch will be a knuckle sandwich ladies who know what that is--ADEY hahaha

    If I forgot anyone I' didn't mean to Cyn, I know u've been here just can't member.

    U know I love all of u.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    I forgot to tell u--to me this is funny---Joey got an assignment at school that's due at the end of April, OK first he has to come up with 4 ideas for an environmental invention that has never been made ro help the earth. It can not exist already. 4 ideas--Of course I've never invented one thing. but 4 and he actually has to choose one of them to make so it will be an original. I mean companies invent things and take years to make but I guess an 8 yr old can make it in a month. hahaha My thinking is this--this teacher wants out and is hoping one of these kids comes up with something she can build on and patten it herself hahaha. I'm really laughing out loud cuz I'm thinking OK maybe that's what happening in school these days but to completely come up with 4 absolutely new ideas that can e made in 1 month. but actually make it. OK uys let's get some ideas goin' LOL

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited April 2013

    W. Love the collage, (shows that i need to brighten up my wardrobe).  Hope you enjoyed the Irish Cream.  We drank your lovely wine from Maderia with our Easter meal.

    J. Congrats on the engagment news.  I love an excuse for a new hat.

    Cammi, Stye treatment - cold black tea. Soak pad in cold tea and place over eye.  Keep repeating until stye has burst.

    Love to all.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    good morning bernie,

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Raining buckets today.  Mud season has arrived! 

    Wahine--great collage!  Such happy pics, gotta love em!

    CAR LASHES?  Can you imagine what they'd look like after a 5 minute drive in Maine's Mud Season?  Talk about clumps. . . .

    CynCyn--Oh yes, Sadie LOVES getting muddy.  It there's water involved Sadie LOVES it. Except for baths, for some reason. . .

    ORLA--life and relationships are so complicated, aren't they? 

    Cammy--yup, back to watching what I eat, making sure to get enough water in, and trying to stay up a bit later.  For some odd reason I don't feel quite so tired if I stay up a bit later rather than going to bed right after dinner.    Wow, that sounds like a pretty hefty assignment for an 8 year old!  Good luck to him!

    BBBBernie--Good advice!  I had a Mexican Coffee with dinner last night--coffee with Kahlua, topped with whipped cream.  It was delish!  Nothing like a good drink to make for a really nice meal. 

    Originally there were going to be 7 of us at dinner last night.  Wound up with only 2.  Still had a great time catching up with that friend.  Probably shouldn't have planned this for Easter Sunday.  Gonna try again in a few weeks. 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Monday Morning Eye Opener

    1 Part Orange Flavored Brandy

    1 Part Light Rum

    2 Parts Gin

    1 Whole Maraschino Berry

    Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a maraschino berry.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning all--

    Julie I totally missed about u'r niece--Oh a wedding --so much fun to look forward to--and Julie u look beautiful and new stuff is always fun.

    Bernie I'm sorry I was kidding about the sty--geeze I haven't had one since I was a kid and I aways got them. Now watch I'll get one. LOL

    My SIL is running late--usual Monday stuff --he goes in later pn Mondays anyway but that means the coffe isn't made but he just made it so I got a hot cup. I don't like to make it, cuz no matter what I do I make it to strong for those wimps.

    OK I'l be back once I look at my schedule for the day HAHAHAHAHA

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited April 2013

    Cami-  I ain't afraid of you!  (c:  I don't like sandwiches but do enjoy taking photos.  I'm gonna get ya.  Tongue Out

    Thanks for sharing all the get together pix ladies.

    Cheers, Lily Sunshine

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2013

    Oh Cami you are just too dang funny girl, did Kathy n Bernie have clothes on….LMAO! Nothing much going on for me yesterday, I had to get ready for more company. The gal that does our sourcing for products (from Taiwan) flew in yesterday and we had to pick her up at our little local airport. Then something went wrong with her plane and she didn’t get in until almost 8 pm. We were there at 2:30 to get her. Your Italian dinner sounds great.

    Cute cartoons Bernie, I hope one of you can get a pic posted.

    No worries Suz, we know you trabeling. I jes so glad I got to see in the for real….woo hooooo. You are welcome any time.

    Julie, congrats to your niece, and as for your diet, from that last picture you posted, you are doing so well, so I don’t think that will be a problem.

    Oh wow Kathy!!!! Look at that/those photos…………I love it!!!!! Love seeing my beautiful friends, you both look most beautiful!!!!

    NM, we would use wax and write names or make a design, but only put it in one color. LOL at being the whiny brat, which is allowed in The HTL, all in all glad things are coming together and you are starting to feel better.

    Well, I am a page behind, will try and catch up later. I have to start work earlier when we start to get busy, as most sales come from the east coast and mid west, so starting at 7, it’s already 10 there. Have a great Monkey Day and I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Adey no one's afraid of me and I somehow knew u'r a photo person.:)

    Well I'm washing a load of clothes, cleaned out the litter box drank 2 cups of coffee and now I can't keep my eyes open.  WTF I told u the coffee is weak..

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Oh oh, wanted to catchup with everyone, but going on another trip, quickly. Just got an amazing deal....going to New Zealand, but have to leave TONIGHT! Will write when I can.....hugsssss to all, Kat