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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Cami, we are ALL going to come and get you and drag you out of your house!!!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    cammiYell,     adey, hope you had a good lunch anyway where ever you were!  kathy strangely enough ent does use something that looks like tampax to stop nose bleeds

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    LOL, I need one of those, Julie! Well, the drs nurse called me back and said that is not a problem, having a bloody nose and being put under next week. Hope she's right!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Mese tinks its time for Pau Hana....dwink up girlz! (Julie, I will dwink for you, no worries there!)......

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Well hi everyone--as u read I didn't meet Adey today--she was going to take my picture I know so nope for lunch.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Looks like we need to make up a contract for Adey to sign that she will NOT, under any circumstances, take Cami's picture....then you two can meet up! (But who's to say one of us might be hiding in the bushes, taking the pic!). NAH, just kidding. But really Cami, the main thing is for you two to get some "facetime" really don't have to take any pics or post any pics. I will cry though....naw....jest kidding.....wese jest wants ya ta habs fun, and if you don't want any pics, then you shouldn't have ta have any pics taken. OK? Now, Pants, puleez  make me annudder Seagrams/Diet coke, ok? Last night I had the other bottle of red Madeira wine we brought back....only could fit 2, so Bernie got one of them! I also brought home some small bottles of the sweet desert Madeira wine....had some with my parents last week.

    Bottoms Up! Titz Up! Dwink Up!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Oh Kat Adey and I tried to say this but late April fool's I would never not meet Adey cuz she was going to take picture really.

    I've been sick all nite and day and Adey is a sweetheart--I've pretty much stayed in bed and di some sleeping too. Adey completely understood she's so sweet--next time I'll just call her in the morning on a good day and she said that was fine. I't hard to plan so we'll just go day by day and I can call her in the morning and if she's free we;ll go out. I was so dissapointed cuz I'm so furcited to meet her and we've talked and she sounds so nice too.

    Keep on drinkin for me gorls I still can't OH Julie u have to give this up for so long. :( I'll be done in a couple of days, then I too will drink for Julie.

    Weow kat id the wine really melloe and good. Well

    Bottoms up, we all have bottoms.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Ohhhh shucks, hate it that you were sick which is why you couldn't meet up today. Would have been better if you just didn't want your picture taken. I am GLAD that Adey can be flexible and meet up when you are having a better day. So sawwwwwwy it didn't work out today. But soon, okay??? LOL at "we all have bottoms" are SO funneeeeeeee!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2013

    Good evening, Loungettes! 

    Juliet-- a doc that is competent and listens is very rare, one that's good looking also is a real treasure!

    CynCyn--a doc that sat vigil with  a patient????? I never heard of such a thing!  Good for you, though!

    Wahine--HOORAY!  CONGRATS on 5 YEARS!!!!!!!

    DorKable--youse is a funny dwunk!

    Becs--don't laugh, I've seen tampons put in noses to stop stubborn nosebleeds!  The doc trimmed the string so it wasn't hanging out after it was placed. . .

    Ok, I'm coming down with a cold so I'm going to bed early so I can take a xanax so I won't be awake half the night worrying about getting another asthma attack.  I am really, really tired of being afraid of something happening, health-wise. 

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    (((((NativeMainer))))) Hope you get a solid, good nights sleep!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    nm - hope your sleeping well, feel better soon,   ok, nm has had such sucky luck with docs, so we need to make a list of the good docs and specialities we have, if too many in one speciality, cuteness will trump, so if nm needs a doc ,we can call the htl ufo ,to take them to her to make sure she gets the best   care.     kathy,just remind them when you check in, so at least they could humidify the oxygen or not panic if you do start bleeding!     re the prep for the scopes-aloe wipes and soft toilet paper all i'm sayingLaughing  cammi-hope your feeling better.     not sure if we will have a bridezilla but definitely got a mumzilla- nic was talking to her mum about the engagement /wedding and said, next time i'm home we will have to go dress shopping, sister oh no i have to loose several stone before i go dress shopping,  nic  - uh shopping for me!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    OMG have I lost my mind and missed a whole day. I usually talk with NM and Julie in the morning--whoa is me.

    Julie I like the idea aout the doc. but how do we find one in NM and of course looks trump. NM needs to feel safe but son't forget she knows alot so she knows a good Dr. right when she talks to them. U know come to think of it I've had mostly women Drs. now, just a couple of men, who BTW are not bad on the ole eyeball.

    Kat what with all this bloody nose stuff, did u ever have it before? Or is this something new? WTF is going on with everyone.

    And Julie go shopping u look great and u'll look great--do u have to have a special color or anything. I don't know if they do that anymore. My oldest DGT got married 3 yrs ago for the first time--well she did have the nerve to wear white-fine with me I wore black and red--the black seemed so much more appropiate I wobbled her down the aisle thinking oh what aan idiot she marrying but I ave her away, I blamed it on cancer but I really wanted to hrow up He'a such an idiot and everyone knows but her. Oh well nothing I can do.

    I always get off topic geeze my mind travels in many places but not known places and I don't seem to have control. hahaha

    I hope every can sleep well tonite and I don't know about the tampon, I mean when blood get on it it opens up--that would be kinda scary up u'r nose.

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited April 2013

    Tampons up your nose,what the heck goes on when I'm not here?! Well girls,just a drive-by drink tonight. Busy and getting busier. Trying to get the wind chimes done in the next few weeks. Lots of work,especially when you're a perfectionist. Too many things going on at once,have to remember to breathe. I always try to get everything done before surgery. I don't know how long I'll be an invalid and I don't trust DH to do these things. CAMI-I hate having my pic taken. I stand behind you on that policy,lol.  GOLDIE-Do you have a catalog you send to customers? I'm trying to get this garden set up and I'd like to see your products.  BECKS-I have the feeling we'll have more time to meet after you move. So close yet so busy now.  WAHINE-How was your vacation?  DORK-How's your mom?  CYN-How is the puppy training going? My friend has a puppy who loves to jump on us. He jumped on me the other day and actually hit my TE's. He had one paw on each boob. And her cats keep climbing on me,that's all I need is to spring a leak!  NM-Sorry you're not feeling well. I heard of a virus going around that's unresponsive to anti b's,more good news.  JULIET-You're definitely one upping me on these hot guys. I've really been slipping. CHEERS ALL!     

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    no shannon just filling in while your busyLaughing.usually wait and see what the colour of the wedding and then whats are the mothers wearing  before making my choice.  how you feeling cammi?i think we all have docs whoose opinions we trust,nm needs acomplete team of them, maybe we should have an adjacent docsoffice with spa at the htl, and if anybody needs a doc we could just borrow them from practise for a couple of hours.  nm hoping your still sleeping,  have a good day everybody, working tonight, manager is supposed to be working with us tonight,have already packed a boatload of chocolate!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    imagesMarriage is such a wonderful feeling, until that smell comes out and brings you back to reality .
    There once was an old couple who had been married for thirty years.

    Every morning the old Man would wake up and give off an enormous fart, much to his long suffering wife’s annoyance.

    “You’ll fart your guts out one of these days,” she always complained.

    After a particularly bad week the wife decided to have her revenge and got up early, placing some turkey giblets in the bed next to her Husbands arse.

    While making breakfast downstairs she heard his usual morning fart reverberate through the floorboards followed by a scream.

    Twenty minutes later a rather shaken man came downstairs.

    “You was right all along Missus,” the old man says, “I finally did fart my guts out, but by the grace of God, and these two fingers, I managed to push ‘em back in!”

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Oh Julie I actually pictured that joke   uuugggghhh hahaha

    Undie it's good to see u, u must be busy so let us know every so often how u'r doing.

    See Julie I feel like the world is more balanced this morning u'r on here now. I was all mixed up last nite. and I hope NM slept last nite too. and good idea for Drs. in de lounge -- a specialist for everyone--wow that would be good.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes! 

    Wahine--I slept very well, and feel better this ayem.  Gonna keep up with the saline nasal spray, lots of fluids, etc.  Hopefully it's more allergies than a cold, and will blow over soon.  

    Juliet--Hmmm, a list of tested good docs to use, sounds like a great idea!  I'd have to do a lot of traveling to see these good docs, but that's not so bad. 

    Cammy--no prob, I skipped yesterday ayem, too!   I can just picture you wobbling down the aisle, I wonder how many people thought you were tippling a bit?  How is it that someone can not see how idiotic another person is?  I know love is blind, but really!  Hope your DD is doing well in the marriage. 

    Undy--Busy seems to be the trend this spring!  Glad you had a minute to drop in and have a dwinky with us!  There is a bug going around here in the nursing homes, I've probably caught it, but I'm going to blame allergies until I absolutely have to give that up. 

    Juliet-- a spa next to the doctor's office complex?  GREAT idea! 


    Princess Glitter Sizzles DOTD is The Fart Buster

    2 oz. tequila

    4 oz. 7-Up

    Suprisingly, you can also add a prune to this drink for extra effect.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    Hi everyone back from my trip

    todays fill day

    Wahine and Goldie Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nm feel better that saline spray always works for me

    Cammie u sick to omg

    yes and that is true of undie no pics ever and she is so pretty and  so r u cammie

    well didnt really read through

    Lots of hot tenders yummy

    pop in latah if I dont im on pain pills

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013
    funny pictures
  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2013

    I thought you might like dat dwink Kat, cuz of de bubbly! As for the anniversary, like I have said before, not a date I remember, nor care to, which is why I had to go looking for it. That was the day of my surgery, not sure of the day I was told, obviously before March 25! My onc says it’s the day you finish treatments, so if I go by that, my 5 year wouldn’t be until November of this year. Yes, Lilian is here, leaves tomorrow.

    Oh dear, Julie, can Kathy possibly get that done in such short notice? Oh Kathy, I hope that doesn’t cause a problem for you.

    OMG Beckers, I have this visual now of Kathy with the tampons hanging out of her nose….ROTFLMAO fo sho! SE from Arimidex: Hot Flashes, Weight Gain, Hot Flashes, High Cholesterol, Hot Flashes, Bone Pain, Hot Flashes, Bone Deterioration, did I mention HOT FLASHES? What am I missing NM? I don’t think anyone else here is on Arimidex………….anyone else?

    Awww Cami, dat not a nice April Fool, that is such a shame that you were not able to meet with Adey, I’m pouting. Maybe she should just be on alert, and you can call her and say “hey Adey, it’s time! I feel good, let’s meet”. Well chit, I guess I should finish reading your post before I reply! I see you have this plan in action already.

    NM, I hope you are NOT coming down with something and that you were able to sleep w/o worry girl. I need to get me some of this Xanax!!!!

    Shannon, when is your surgery, do you actually have a date? NO, we do not have a catalog. We have over 600 items we sell, and I think doing a catalog is quite pricey. I can help you with a design, that is NOT a problem at all. We’ll talk, k?

    That joke Julie………..OH NO, DID NOT see that coming!

    NM, glad you had a restful night. As for the allergies, would you like to borrow my turkey baster? LOL, j/k kidding of course, how gross! Love the DOTD and I’ll bet Mema will too!

    I need to upload my pictures with my lil friend and share, I just love this kid to pieces and we have so much fun. I still have not emailed him, so need to do that, but wanted to send him the pictures too.

    Oh ize iz thoysty!!!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    so this is what i need to do!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Hahaha, funnny stuff, Julie! BTW I am STILL dwinking for you, not sure when to stop, so doing it 24/, j/k!

    Good to see you back here Shannon. Are you going to post a pic of those windchimes? Bet they're awesome.

    Lara, good luck with your fills! I was afraid of getting my nip tatts too, thinking of "springing a leak", but really the implants and TE's are under the muscle, so shouldn't have probs even with cats stabbing ya with their claws. Ouch, though!

    Lori, thats why we all look at our "cancerversary" differenly. I disagree with your dr, as what if someone died before tx ended...she/he still would have 'survived' from dx till then. I feel that every day we live after "knowing" we have the RB is a day of surviving. So thats my take on there! LOL, jest kidding. But I do appreciate that we all think differently and look at things differently, otherwise we would be B-O-R-I-N-G, and we sure aren't that!

    Hugs and Mugs a Beer to you all, and Likker and Vino, and whatevah your heart's desire!

    Katwinka De Winka

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    fill is done I am 600ccs

    Tight took a muscle relaxer night

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Lara does this mean u'r all done or do u have more?---U'r in pain tho---:( Don't like that.

    Love the pics jokes Oh and I like the idea of freezing likker, u can buy those pouches with all mixed up likker and just freeze them--sounds good -Oh look who I'm telling.

    NM continue with whatever u did last nite but really watch u'rself especially since something is going thru where u work.

    Lori and Kat Geeze I remember when I was told cuz ir was right around my Birthday and I finished up 2 and 1/2 years later soooo I think wait I think I bet I know when we started those damn pills is maybe how u count Oh wait no that doesn't sound right---or is it--cuz u start the pills when they give u an NED or remission but --nevermind I thought I was going to figure this out for all of us and it turned into something to do with math-forgetaboutit Lori didn't u ever take xanax? That's one of my staples.Along with others

    Wait will Lara be able to sleep all night? Oh I hope so. NM too.I hat when I wake up at 2 or3 and I don't go back to sleep til 6 or 7 that's crap, if I had to work it would be triple crap--Scary movie time and I can drink soonliest.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    LOL no worries about figgering it all out, Cami. We all look at it differently anyway, so dats okey dokey!!!

    Oh, just seached and found this on a cancer site, I think it sums it all up purrrrrfectly....

    What's your cancerversary?

    Everyone’s cancer experience is different, and cancerversaries can be recognized in many different ways. Your cancerversary can be:

    • A date, month or time of year of diagnosis
    • When treatment ended or is expected to end
    • The date of a transplant
    • A surgery date, which could be the first biopsy or when the margins were clear
    • The date a loved one passed away
    • The number of months or years since being declared cancer- free
    • The day you learned what a cancerversary is
    • The day you decided to use your experience to make a difference for others
    • Any date or period of time that holds significance for you
  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    well I think I am done soon they seem decent size,what doe severyone else have im curious.I don't want them huge.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Lara what size are u now--u do go by the old way right or is it measured differently? How are u feeling.

    Kat I really like the list of time periods --so another words I was right --it's anytime u want OK LOL We're ALL right, good

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    Im tight but on my loopy muscle

    They just blow me up and stop when I am done its hard to tell because once the implant goes in its in

    So I do not want to be to big

    I had nothing so 600ccs is not that big but its getting there

    My PS said to buy a cup bra so we can see where I am at

    so much to think of..............

    This june will be a year of this process

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Orange that's almost a whole year..OMG Now Dork starts AGAIN--I don't get what they do. I do remember my BS said he could call a PS at the same time and put my belly fat in somehow, since my dreams of being a stripper on a pole were long gone I declined the offer. What u gals go thru sounds awful to me anyway. U'r supposed to be resting. Oh just thinking about it makes my concave chest hurt. aaaaaa