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how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    Cammy u r so funny stripper mybe ill do it noooooooooooo

    ok ill go rest

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    OK, Lara I had to search for my Allergan book with my "ID card" ANYWAY I was thinking I was 350-400, but noooooo...I got filled to 650cc. I am prolly either a large C or small D cup...I dunno as I don't wear a bra anymore...but since gaining weight, it doesn't look as large as it would look if I were thinner. Hope you are able to rest!!!

    Hmmmm maybe we need to install a stripper pole for the stripper in all of us....and Cami can lead the class! so funny camiWhammy!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Holdon on right there Kat u don't wear a bra, is it cuz they are perky and up like when I was in my 20's or does it hurt? Wooow u must be lookin' good. O I don't wear one either but we all know why.There's no perk here.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Yeah thats a "perk" of having your boobs removed! (Just wasn't fun going thru the process, hurt like h3ll). And I love the free feeling, esp on a hot day! Doesn't hurt, is mostly numb in fact. At my age, its a definate plus as who knows how long they would have

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    cammi the stripper, will go to work with that picture in my head.     bad boob still has the seroma, there,so not sure what the final shape and size will be,  maybe if i can avoid surgery and injury ,i might find out !, now my nephew thinks he will get married next year too so  need 2 outfits and hats plus a falsieLaughing.  give it a couple of months and will  start shopping   nm,hope you feel good and had a great day.    ps    my cancerversary is the day i heard the words "its not unusual to get called back for more films" after the screening mammo

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    k im back

    see its weird because I do  not feel that big this was a huge help wahine

    I was going to go to 700 in my shirt they look small idk

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Lara, can you ask someone else for their opinion? Cuz I thought my boobs looked small and was going to get filled more, but my DH and DD's convinced me they WERE So many drs are worried about ending up with a "uniboob", but I really wish mine were a bit closer together. I liked my TE's better...weird I know. But they were a bit higher and closer together. But all in all, I have no complaints, I am pleased with the results. Hope you will be also!!!

    ouch Julie, I didn't realize you still had a seroma...was that from being hit? Wow, lots of weddings coming up! I have one to go to near DC, but have no idea yet what I will wear, and its in June. Its a good friends son's wedding, but when I was telling my DD, I mentioned it as my friend's wedding...and she was shocked as my friend and her DH have been married FOREVER. LOL. But she flew down here for both of my girls weddings, and I want to do the same for her, for her sons wedding. She reminds me a bit of RakuLynda, as she is making ALL the wedding jewelry, for bride, brides mom, and all attendants.

    Oh, is it 5 o'clock here? Why yes it is! Gotta go and fix a dwink! Ciao for Niao!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Julie is a seroma real painful too, I'm not sure what it is it just sounds like it hurts. U do have a lot of stuff going on. and

    Kat u've got a wedding soon--no weddings here. We have to wait fo thw next generation, their in their 20's down so who knows.

    OK I have to contiue cuddling with Joey.  So maybe I'll be back

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited April 2013

    Ello! Nice catching up. Thirst day Farty dwinks with prunes? Better stick to the bar at poolside so we hab fwesh air.

    Hi undies! Oh no...I don't think I'm I?? I'm a ding bat now on vitamin T (tami) but I don't think I'm moving. Had to think about it. We will get together tho as soon as possible and still gotta check out karaoke night.

    Goldie, I don't think I want to switch to AI. That sounds yucky. I got a fan at Walmart that hangs around my neck and blows up on my face and I wear that sucker proud! You must hate AZ summers! I hot flash all damn day! I may take a Tami break because my MS symptoms are a bit flared up and he says it can make it worse. I just want to see.

    NM I hope you feel better. I'm gonna wif me up some saline. Thanks for reminder.

    Ha Cami!!! the blown up tampon sounds bad in the nose. May not get it out again!! Could tie strings in a bow and just go with it! When my ex had nose surgery they had yards of junk stuffed up there.

    Orange, I would make sure you are happy in a bra. I tried on bras and pretty much need a C 1/2. So... I'm stuck sticking to sports bras for now. My tattas are bigger than expected but I can try to lose weight since they are tummy fat I suppose. Sounds like a painful process for you. Are you numb from mastectomy? Where is pain coming from...pecs?? Hmmmm.

    Juliet, good idea on stripper pole at the HTL. Let's have a few and we can do choreographed routines because I am strong enough to lift my fat butt when I'm in HTL. A little lady patient commented that I have a "big booty" when I walked by her. That was fun.

    Wahine, long boobs! Ha!

    Ok....need to get something for dinner or I won't hold my likkere too well.

    Cancerversaries. Just don't know ... On the 9th will be one year since they first removed the RB.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Kat as long as they're perky and that forever right? Wow mine would have been resting on my knnes by now--so I'm glad they're gone actually.

    Becks did u say u have MS too.? or did I get it wrong.?

    Well I was cuddling with Joey most f the night, tonight so we were happy.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited April 2013

    Yes Cams, I have had MS for 15 years, but I'm very functional and can hide it well. I think that's why I'm struggling with no energy still.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited April 2013

    In a convent in Ireland, the 98-year-old Mother Superior lay dying.
    The Nuns gathered around her bed trying to make her last journey comfortable.
    They tried giving her warm milk to drink but she refused it.
    One of the Nuns took the glass back to the kitchen. Then, remembering a bottle of Irish Whiskey that had been received as a gift the previous Christmas, she opened it and poured a generous amount into the warm milk.
    Back at Mother Superior's bed, they held the glass to her lips. The frail Mother Superior drank a little, then a little more and before they knew it, she had finished the whole glass down to the last drop.
    As her eyes brightened, the Nuns thought it would be a good opportunity to have one last talk with their spiritual leader.
    "Mother....." the Nuns asked earnestly, "please give us some of your wisdom before you leave us."
    Mother Superior raised herself up in bed on one elbow, looked at them and said, "DON'T SELL THAT COW."

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Bermie love waking up to u'r funny joes,,_especilly like this one, cuz when I was younger I had a punishment to clean the clonvent and I sae likker. hahaha--when u'r 10 that's a big deal.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    good morning allLaughing

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    Beckers how many ccs were you.

    I think I will go try the bra thing today

    The pain might be my nerves going nuts but I feel things with my boobs IDK

    sometimes its a stabbing pain

    I am working out so Im using these muscles

    PS says its fine. Im not as tight now before it was like ohhhh noo

    Wahine I know I feel my boobs are small IDK

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Morning Ladies!

    bernie, I want some of that milk too! LOL

    Lara, I remember having lots of pains with my foobs....maybe for a few months? But no pains now. Its hard to remember all that chit, cuz I sorta put it outta my mind. BUT it DOES get better!!! Good idea to try on bras before you decide if you want any more fills. I found out a lot of my clothes didn't fit anymore, around my

    Happy FRIED DEY girls! I'm sending my DH off to Tunica....hope he wins BIG, but he has to keep up his status at least. I jest had too much to do here. Might go in a couple of weeks.


    Katwinka Gonna Dwinka Some of Dat Milk

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2013

    Who doesn’t like a good popsicle Julie?

    Well, I’ve pass both dates Kathy, so I can say I made my 5 years, and I don’t agree with my onc either. I just thought it was in April, goes to show you how important that date is to me! Good info that you found, so I guess mine falls under “time of year”, since I couldn’t even remember the month.

    Hope those muscle relaxers worked Lara. How many more fills? I have implants, but not from RB. When I got mine, I didn’t know how big to go, doc said you could go so that you are same size as your hips, so I went by that. But now that I’m older, and fatter, I wish I would have gone a little bigger. Of course I was as flat as a pancake, so it seemed to me like I was HUGE.

    Kathy, from your comment to Lara, I think we are kind of saying the same thing? Go a little bit bigger than you want. LMAO @ how “long” they would have gotten!

    Cami, no I have never had any Xanax. Love the stripper pole idea! Awww, love that you have to “continue” cuddling with Joey. Give him a big ole hug from all of us. LOL at boobs to ur knees!

    Julie, that is just terrible what you are going through as well, are you in pain too?

    I forgot about your MS Becks, geesh nothing like adding insult to injury! I was always under the impression that Tammy was for pre menopause, and Arimidex for post, of course I could be wrong. Some docs to the Tammy for a while, as you can actually take that longer, and then go to AI, but because of bone damage, they won’t keep you on that one any longer than 5 years (is what I am told).

    Just don't go THIS BIG Lara!

    DOTD-PERKY Black and Tan

    8 oz. pale ale

    8 oz. coffee or  chocolate stout

    Pour the pale ale into a pint glass or other large glass. Invert a tablespoon measure or a soup spoon and hold it just above the surface of the ale, then slowly pour the stout on top.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2013

    Ooops, I bumped you with doze BIG BOOBS Kat, hope I din't spill yer milk!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    God Morning julie and everyone.  I was thinking about u (Julie) a little while ago, I had my first practice pole dance --kinda--I lost my balance and fell into he doorway with my should and my left hand held on to the doorknob and I started sliding down the edge of the wall, slowly, and I thought this is kinda kije poledancing. Oh my DD came and helped me up, I was on the way to a shwer and now I just took a whore bth sitting down instead, Im glad I keep buying that soap for u'r hair and body No Rince u just suds up and dry, it's better than nothing. Haha So I had my ery first lesson how to wrap my one foot around. So I'm the leader, unless-------someone else has more practice.  Speak up now. The point of this story --don't worry about me falling it's allabout the pole. LOL

    Orange how do u feel this morning--u're still home I hope.

    Kt we never saw u'r drawn out eyeliner--I would like to see it--u'r so beautiful I want to see that something new.

    Oh has anyone tried clamato juice and vodka, well I don't like clams, but this is a good taste and a little different I know it's an oldie but not bad.

    Oh I have to tell u--I know I'm a braggart--but when we didn't live together Joey called me every morning even when he started school, called me when he got home, called me after dinner and called before he went to bed and sometimes I would talk to him while he was in bed and tell hime a story til he fell asleep. Yesterday hes sar down , hugged me and said Mammaw this is so much better inperson, than on the phone.he says I just look at u and u make me happy and u'r always laughing and makes me laugh too. That kid is turning into a con man maybe. But it still warmed my heart..

    Those are my perks hahaha

    OK I'll be back-----lub u gals

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited April 2013

    Orange, I had DIEP recon. I was surprised when I tried on bras and frustrated that I'm in-between sizes. I would just make sure you fit nicely in bras. (if I lose weight, they should go down being they are made of tummy fat.)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Opps I bumped u Lori--I like that drink it looks so pretty AND

    The BOOBS are like circus ballons--she should at least have tats on them saying right and left they;re almost one.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Hahaha funny boobs Loweeeee! Actually,  was trying to say that if I hadn't gained weight, my boobs would be the purrfect size...glad I didn't go bigger as its hard enough finding clothes that fit now! So many tops were just popping open at my chest, so had to get rid of them. Yeah,its good that you don't remember the actual dates, much better that way! I do remember the evening I got the call, so that is what I go from. My DH kept thinking it was April Fools Day (now wouldn't THAT have been perfect for me!), but it was the day after.

    Yuppers Cami, you are our expert, unless someone else has actually been able to dance ON the So sweet about Joey!!! I'm going to a ballet (Sleeping Beauty) on Sunday with my youngest g'dau and my DD....looking forward to that!

    OK, I will be HOME ALONE...should I get all the lampshades out?????

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Oh did u see the news about the April fools joke. ??? This woman called her sister and said I couldn't take it nymore so I killed my husband and icleaning up right now, could u please come over and help me bury him. Then the sister called the polce and all these cop cars and everyone was ther. She's in ttrrrrooouble

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    YIKES....she went waaaaaaaay beyond what a joke should be. Mine are always sooooo lame, but I would NEVER do something like awful. I hope they can charge her for all the costs involved! To me, an april fools joke should just be for fun, DUH!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited April 2013

    I want a Joey!  Tongue Out

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2013

    Hi goils, happy friedey!

    Wow, you goils been partaying quite a bit. I saw our Cammi on that pole rocking it! wooo hooo, Camille! How ya feeling dahling? I read that you are not feeling good? I hope todey is a better dey.

    Lori, wowza OMG, dem some huge breasts, good Lord, they could be weapons cuz I tink a person could be smothered in the cleavage! lol. I had forgotten that you also had implants prior to RB. Thanks for messaging the info on our Lynda, I was very touched by the memorial card thingy. She was a beautiful lady and I miss her lots. I thinking about sharing some of the PM's she had sent to her DD talking about how helpful her DD was and how much she meant to her. I know that Lynda was very grateful that she just pulled out of her life to go and be with her mom. I was glad to hear that she passed peacefully and not in pain. May she Rest in Peace and look over all of us here on earth. I think she and Junie and Ressie having a big old cloud partay ebery night and every day, all day in de Heavens. God Bless all of our fallen angels.

    I have to say that I tink yer doctor dumb Lori cuz if de cancerversary is after all treatment bese done, that would mean that goils like our lovely Cammi and our beautiful Sue would nebber ebber get one and that not fair. You tail yer doctor I said that he discriminating against our stage iv lovlies.

    Beckers, aww, sorry you have MS, hate that. I am glad it is at least managable. You poor thing, no one should go though that then have a BC DX, FURB and FUMS! Dat a new acyrnymn! (((REBECCA))). BDW, I love de name Rebeccca, always have. I love all more modern names. I tail ya goils, de name Dorothy was de number one female name a few years de obituaries that is! Fact is that there were only 235 american babies named Dorothy in de year 2010. I want a more modern name, waaaaaaa! When I was widdle, I used to go by the name Debbie or Karen or Kathy. De funny ting is that I played with a goil named Debbie and when I said I would be Debbie, she said she would be Dotty. She was humoring me at such a young age. Boring huh??   ~yawn~

    Bernie, I take some of that milk, good one! How ya been dahling? I love yer jokes but you don't talk much otherwise. I have a berry spayshall place in mese heart for ya babe! (((Bernie)))

    Hello Addey! I tink we could all use a "Joey" in our lives. Funny prank you goils pulled about the meeting between you and Camille, you silly goils had me going. I thought to myself, darn that Camille is a pistol, she will kick some arse if sumboddy takes her picture. i was glad to read that it was a joke cuz that be a sad reason not to meet. I hope you two git to meet soonliest. And Addey, could mese ask you a favor? Purdy please with "milk" on top? I wanna git to know you better. Can you tail us someting about yerself? You been visiting with us for I tink a year now and mese knows notting about ye cept that you live in IL. Ok then, I said it, I asked. And I throw in some wine and some hard likker.

    Lara, I was blown up to 750 cc's, my final implants were 650 cc's and I tink they are too teeny tiny for my liking. I was coming from triple D's which makes me feel nearly flat. Good idea to try bras but since you have also had multiple surgeries, you might not be able to comfortably wear one for some time. I have not wore a big girl bra for more than two hours since my BMX. I wore one to work one day and OMG, I took de ting off right at my desk at work. I am pretty good at doing that without anyone noticing. Can you tell me your exchange date again? Please do everything you can to be as healthy as possible going into the surgery. Eat lots of vitamin enriched food and lay off de likker. Dat might have been my problem all along, I can't go without likker for more than 48 hours max and dat aint even easy!

    NM, I hope you are feeling better and not sick. I loved your fart buster DOTD the other day, yum yum yum, Tequilla is good chit. I rarely mix my likker but always enjoy a shot of tequilla. Are things drying up "up there" yet? I sure hope you are able to get your planting done and that the ground is no longer muddy. Before we know it, you will be complaining about having to cut de lawn, ughh, dat de only downside of summer for me. I jest love the warmer temps. It is finally getting up near 60 hear, berry cool for dis time of year. I have a hug for you jest because ((((Kim))). I pray that you are not sick and dat allergies not a problem either. We need you feeling your best so that you can give de best care to your patients and not make dem sick. And I tail ya sumting, I talk about you all de time, actually both you and Julie. I talk about dear friends I have that are nurses and brag that I have two of dem and can ask anyting I need to know and consider de both of you nurse friends experts!

    Suz, did you get caught up at home yet after being away for so long? I bet yer pooches really really missed you! I still mighten jailous that you got to go to lori's shady lady. Oh, I loved de photos of you two goils there, awesome awesome awesome. Ya see, I have not been posting but I have been at least reading. Forgive me Suz-E_Q_T!

    Julie, I am sorry you are going through so much and having so much pain. I hope you at least have some good pain pills to help you. Have you made any headway wtih the Workers Comp people? If dey give you a hard time, you tell me and I will send my people. Your swamp land has not had any bodies dumped there for awhile. I can't believe that you have to go without drinking for what, nine months? Geez. Like Cam once said, dat long enough to brew a baby. Well not brew, you know what I mean (got my mind on beer). Your fart joke about de wife who put giblets in her DH's bed had me spit out mese dwink, dat was funny! I tank you for de great jokes but more for all de hot men you post.

    Unde' Cove, was great to see you pop yer head in. But you did not bring any boys dis time, waaaaa! You having exchange soon too? For some reason, I thought you already had it but gitting mixed up with someone else.

    Hey do you all remember the name of that goil who went for her exchange then jest fell off de face of the earth? Darn, I can't remember. I hope you all know who I am talking about. She was a nice goil. I HATE when goils do that, jest nesappear into the air, poof and dey gone. Dat not nice.

    Cyndie, happy weekend to ya dahling. OR am i funcused? Did you ever go out to dinner the other night compliments of your DS1? And when do you leave for your trip? I keep forgetting.

    I think I am missing sumbody here and for dat, mese apologizes. Also sorry for such a long winded message, beats a long winded fart though hehehe. I have been berry berry naughty and not keeping up with you all. Ya see, I have become addicted to a game I am playing on facebook called My Vegas, I play for real comps cuz mese planning a trip dere one of dese years. Well dat is what I tail my people when they say I's wasting mese time playing games day and night. I addicted to that as much as I addicted to likker! But likker IS quicker ~har har ~ yawn again!

    In closing, mese must say that I have been reading but just not taking de time to write. mese apologizes to all mese goils for dis. If you can pray for me to find more time for you all, I would appreciate it. I might need to attend games annoynmous meetings or sumthing like dat. Oh yea, it called Gamblers Annonymous. I wonder if they take me even if I not betting real money? ~yawn again, mese better stop writing or I put you goils to sleep. I love each of you very much and I pray for you all as a group daily and pray for those of you that need extra prayers individually. As de goil in a movie once said "you complete me" and dat my bwest fwends is ebber so true.

    MWAUH, dat a kiss. God BLess you all and please pray for world peace today, mese gitting sceered about what is going on in de world. LUB LUB LUB!

    CheErS, chairs and big ears big nose...Kat can fill in de rest cuz mese too dwunk to remember.

    PEACE and lots of LOVE to each of you. Now it is time to dwink! wooop wooop! have a great weekend goils!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Holy Chit Dork do u doule screen too like the rest of the techies here, or do u member? If u member u'r amazing and if it's doubled screen u still amazing cuz I can't do dat. Wow I went back to sleep after my pole dance experiment, so I'm so mixed up--I taught it was Sat. and Joey was outside or supmptin but it's Fried day and I'm confused. So tonite strts the week-end, well not for Cyn right? Well I mean the weekend starts for Cyn, but u are working, Usually. I'm glad u posted Dork we miss u. 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    well the antiboitics lasted along time!, my liver didn't like it, so can't take that, also definitely no tylenol orALCOHOL, they are rechecking in 2 weeks so hopefully back to normal for me and i can drink a lot earlierLaughing, for nm- my sgot went from 18-60 with 31/2 weeks of the inh.  shoulder is doing a lot better and worked last night on one dose of motrin,   . cammi  a seroma is the fluid that fills a biospy cavity, and actually gives boob shape but over time its absorbed back to body and scar tissue fills the cavity and you get your final shape,as my cavity is 8cm by 6cm ,the final shape should be interesting to hear all your experiences with the tes and fills.  i second that we all should have joey! he's a doll.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Thought we were having a LAMPSHADE PARTAY at my house tonight???? Remember, I am HOME ALONE!!!! Maybe its still too early....well, I'll keep the light on for you all, just like Motel 8 or whatever it is! And Julie, we have some juice and sodas for you....c'mon girlz!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited April 2013

    Oh yes Wahine!!! Lamp shade par Tay!! Do u live in Bama as in Ala?? That seems like drastic Change from Hawaii

    Sdfghjkl...that was Annie saying Hello errybuddy!!
