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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Yuppers Beckers, I live in AL family goes back several generations of being born/raised in HI, but I chose to move here and really like living here. Of course its always good to visit "home"! Say hi to Annie! Looks like the partay is getting started....

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited April 2013

    I like the fourth shade down. :-)

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2013

    who's dis ho? she did not git de memo dat clearly states wese were de lampshades on our heads, chithead goil. oh, I tink she Elizabeth de ho, yep, she got werk done on her face, de cheata! ok, I's here but can't see a ting cuz mese shade blocking mese eyeballs. speaking of balls, ooops, nebermind.

    ~k pants, mese ready for bed, be a sweetfart and tuck mese in?


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    Navy Blue Ruffle Bell Shade 5x10x10 (Spider)found my lampshadeLaughing

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    True Blue Ribbon Lamp Shade

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    Thats a crazy jokecammie her sisterr  turned her in

    I do not have a date yet I will get one when we stop the fills. I think ill stop at 650

    IDK I was going to do 800 I just do not want them huge

    You r right Dork I feel small IDK

    I missed the lampshade party..............

    You know the one from christmas story I love that movie

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2013

    Good mornng, Loungettes! I'd say TGIF but that was yesterday. TGIS?

    ORLA--Welcome home! The saline spray has been helpful, I keep a bottle in my glove compartment.

    Goldie--not everyone thinks about anniversary dates for stuff like this. My date of diagnosis is burned into my brain, and I figure it's better to acknowledge it and how it makes me feel and then move on. Others don't need that, and that is great. We all have to deal in our own way. If you don't care to remember that date, then don't! That's probably a healthier reaction than mine. Looks like I have caught a little something, but not problematic so far, just annoying. Hopefully it will stay that way! Working on keeping it that way.

    Juliet-love the new way to drink!

    Wahine--I had the same mental picture of a leaking implant, too. Had to stop and think that it would actually be pretty hard to do that!

    Cammy--I'm keeping up the netti pot, saline spray, fluid intake, etc, etc. The biggest thing for me is sleep, hence the Xanax use. If I can keep from getting too freaked out I do better.

    Wahine, Cammy--isn't there an exercise video that features pole dancing? I think I remember seeing an ad for that on late night tv. . .

    Juliet--I'd be tempted to go back to the person who said it's not unusual to get called back and tell that person "then it's not unusual to find out you have breast cancer, is it?" Just to be snarky. Sorry , I'm in a bit of a crabby mood.

    Becs--I haven't worn a bra since recon, don't even know what size I would wear! I suppose I should go find out, just for information's sake. Might be fun to be able to wear pretty bras. . .


    DorKable--so far just a bit of a cold, and I'm taking measures to keep it from trigging an asthma attack. So far so good. Gonna keep up with it as long as necessary. Nice to hear that you think I'm an expert! I just have lots of resources.

    Juliet--YIKES!!that stuff is hard on the ol' liver!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is The Anniversary

    3 cl vodka

    3 cl herbal liqueur

    1 1/2 cl bitters

    12 cl orange juice

    Shake with ice and strain into a glass.

    Serve in "Collins Glass"

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    now i was every time i saw the bs i went out and bought a bra! and as for going home and then Laughing shopping at marks and spencers, lots of new undies. feel better soon nm

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2013

    Oh Cami, Joey is NO con man, he means that from the bottom of his fart, but of course you know that. Not a very smart April Fools joke, that woman played.

    Oh no, I didn’t miss a lampshade Par-Tay, did I? Kat, I agree about gaining the weight, mine were poyfect for me before the gain too. You will have such a nice time at the ballet, I’m certain.

    Adey, it would be nice if you could meet Joey too. I at least got to talk to him, such a lil sweetie.

    Dorty, very nice sentiments about our lost girls, sure do miss them. And with that, I’ll add a FURB! I’ll have to remember to mention that to my onc Dort, I tink I scheduled to see him in May. When I lived in MI, we had 5 acres, and I used to LOVE to mow the lawn, of course we had a riding lawn mower and it took half a day, but I’ d put mees kini on, grab mese a beer and away I’d go!!!! And I love your long winded farts, I mean posts. And here is a hug for yese (((((Debbie))))) I mean (((((Dorky))))).

    Julie, I have forgotten why you were taking the anti’b’s……..TB? Sorry (in a way) that you no longer have to take them, but want you to be well.

    NM, I hope you are just busy and not getting sick.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2013

    Bumping Julie and NM, what fun..............and all of us in the pool, lampshades and all!

    NM, glad you are holding things at bay, praying it stays that way and NO asthma attacks. I believe you are right about the pole dancing. They also offer classes in vegas for that, girls only allowed, and you can do classes with wine. When I was finishing up with rads, DH and I were looking to go do something in Vegas, and I saw that, but that was when we went to see Zumanity.

    Cheers and Happy Sat TURD day ladies.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2013

    Hi DahhhhlinKs!!

    I am caught up reading...I think! 

    Beckers - MS??  Really???  Thought it cool tho that you nips survived.  Never heard of that so I am impressed.  It takes alot to impress me too...LOL.

    WaWa - mese sad I missed da LampShade ParTay last night.  Can we do it agin tonite mebee?

    NM - Hope you are feeling better.  I too have been fighting a widdle bug.  Feeling bit better today tho.  ((NM))

    Dorfy - NO...I am not caught up wif da chit me DH left for me.  I did get thru 4 loads of laundry and DS's bills.  Still have sheets/towels, floors, dusting and OUR bills to do.  YIKES!  But I have all day today to get it done.  N nuttin to forgib u always A-1 in my mind.

    Oh yeah....congrats on the Cancerversaries Kat and Lori.  DorK - no worries for me, can't speak for the other IV's.  But I'm with NM on what I consider my anniversary...that being the day I was told I had the RB.  Later tests confirmed what type/stage/yadayadayada. onco will say, and statistics will say, that it wud start AFTER treatment...i.e., if tx works and pt shows NED, then tx end date wud be the start date.  Then they can say (statistcally) pt has XX% survival rate etc.  So yes...seems like we have diff ideas...But NO matter...I will celebrate every day with you goils!!!

    Cammi - I agree with all the goils...that we alll need a Joey.  He jes a widdle sweetheart!  You n Adey had me cwackin up about the april fools and the pictures n stuff.

    Adey - yes...share with us like DorK say.  We need to kno more about you.

    Der is a new goil...can't member her name but WELCOME to our crazy world!

    Bernie - of course I'm laughing at all your jokes...still look forward to them ya kno!

    Lori - thanks for posting da pics.  Didn't I see a Pole in u bedroom while I was der...r u tellin da troof about not taking da lessons in Vegas?  j/k

    Julie - will pray dat u next test is good and you can b back to normal in a few weeks.  I kno I wud not b able to go a week much less months without dwinking.

    Gotta get moobing...lubslubslubslubslubs all ya'll!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning Girls....Was hard to get thru the kitchen to make coffee, there are lampshades ALL OVER the place, and gals passed out on the floor, sofas, etc...I don't remember all that went on, but we must have had fun!

    NM, I was told something similar, that it RARELY turns out to be cancer, that I had nothing to worry about. Ha! But in my case, I am actually glad they said that to me, as I totally was not worried or concerned. On the other hand, getting "the call" threw me for a loop as it was totally unexpected. Oh, what a nice anniversary dwink!!!!

    And Lori, such pretty dwinks too! I can just picture you in your itty bitty teeny weeny bikini, on that big riding mower! You go, girl! That was prolly before we knew we should wear sunscreen too, right? We used to BAKE in the sun....every weekend in Waikiki, or at the beach condo at the other end of the island. Thought it was healthy! My dad has so many skin cancers, from being out in the sun for 96 yrs....I doubt he EVER wore sunscreen, even when we knew we should.

    Dotty, are you thinking of AStorm as one of the missing gals? I enjoyed her posts, and she was so creative and did all sorts of projects. Wish she had kept in touch with us. I sure miss HunkyD's posts too....she is SO funny and was one of the originators of the HTL.

    Well, very sad day. Our dear Bernie has some very sad news involving her niece, Sinead....would you all please pray for Sinead??? She will have surgery on Monday. I got to meet her, at Bernie's cottage, and she is a BEAUTIFUL, smart, sweet, girl. (((((Sinead))))) Hugs and prayers.



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    OOPSIES.....hope I didn't make you spill your Brandy and Coffee, Susie! Didn't mean to bump into ya. Glad you are feeling a tad better....and that your "cleanup" is getting done. Hard to come home to such a mess! We had so many dirty clothes from being gone for 12 days, that it took me awhile to get that pile washed too. NOW I need to get some chit done while DH is away. And OF COURSE we can have another lampshade partay tonight...still have lots of unclaimed lampshades that were left here! LOL.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    dear god,please hold sinead in your arms and guide the surgical team on monday

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited April 2013

    Good murnin!!! My hair is tangled in my lampshade!! Happy sa turd day. I lug saturddays more now I'm working goil again.

    I'm cracking up at that April Fools joke between the sisters! One year I called my sisters work and left message for her to call "Mickey" with the number to Disney studios in Burbank. Ha! She called them too!

    Glad you like Bama Wahine. When I moved to Oklahoma I had a hard time adjusting. People thought I had an accent! And... I thought Larry the Cable Guy was joking but people are really like that in those parts. Ha! A lot of missing teeth. Why is that??? They look ground down. Going back this summer for a few months. I'm looking forward to it!

    Goldie mowin the lawn in your kini. Rock it if you got it goin on! My tummy hasn't seen the sun in about 28 years.

    @&$$" pissed, and then last summer I pretty much put the world on ignore and was just pissed at ebberythang and errrbuddy!!!!! Finally put my big girl panties on. Life goes on...right.

    Juliet, can you go without Aunt B's for TB tx?? Did you get crunk since you are off dem?? Pull up a lampshade and get your dwink on.

    Guess I should get dressed or brush teeth or something. Les par Tay tonight!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning my lovely ladies....I wrote last nigt to tell u I love u and have a good nite's sleep and forgot to hit submit. U know I don't know computers but WTF.

    Bernie I will be praying for u'r dear niece and hopefully all goes well.

    Sue it's good to see u here. And I knew Lori had a pole somewhere in her house, maybe even 2.

    I was at the PAR TAY for a while last nite Kat, u didn't see mese cuz I had to wear the biggest shade cuz mese head is big, but I'z used to it.

    It's scary movie day and I taped a couple--I'm learning

    OK I'll be back latr xxxooo

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited April 2013

    Prayers for Sinead and family.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Julie---double duty  wonderful

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited April 2013

    Oh my....meese fridge is dirty. Makes me feel dirty! Ooooh.... Gotta wipe my flash!!!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    omgggggggggggggggggg that man is gorg

    come on over who weeeeeeeeee

    Goldie how big are your implants. who else has them what size

    They say every 200cc you are the size idk didnt go try on a bra yet

    lazy lifetime movie day no scary ones on cammy here

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2013

    Very nice prayer Julie - I 2nd that the doc gets it right.  I kno that Bernie is hurtin soooo much.  But her being there for hold her, and cry with her and pray with her...might not seem like much now...but it WILL help Ms BBBBernie!  And never, ever, forget the power of prayer and that we ALL say our own on this thread.  We are WITH YOU and your sweet Senead...always!!!

    Now...lesseee...can mese say I am ooohhh like mebee...5 sheets to da wind...not quite der yet...but working on it.  I worked mese ass off in dis house today.  INCLUDING the floors and batrooms.   This RB F'n u, n da horse u rode in on....has me back sooo f'd kills me to do da easy cooking n mopping.  But....take a deep breath...sit and da back...den git up and do a little more...den sit and relax da back...den up for summore...and VOILE'LA....all done.  Time for a dwink or 2 or 3.  Habb to admit...on mese 3rd dwinky.  Lubbin IT!!!   Even made porkchop, au'rotten tatters n fresh asparagas for din tonite.   AND NOW MESE HAB ME


    Hope ya'll don mind mese brought a few fwends along...heehee....kinda like'connect da dots eh?'

    Becks - ya hab mese own heart after yers.  I like da 'big girl panties' analogy!!  Dis is way I feel....every day a matter what handed to us.  Now....catch me when mese on mese pitty potty n I may yell, scream, cry, and cuss like a sailor...but in the's jes venting....I kno I must live each day as it comes and I try to do so.  I jes....well sumtimes wish...I had some NEW FOOBS to show for all this FURB!!!!  Can u tails I'm in a venting mood....LOL!!

    Julie - I swear to da....well, da balsphamy or however u spail it...but jes saiying if I had dat gorgeous (I spail on purpose cuz I wud gorge meself wif him) man at mese house while I was bisiting da Shady Lady...I wud not be hurtin today....oooo oooo oooo ....come to momma!!!!

    Cami - yeah....I believe it to b so....Goldie hab one in da main house and one in da Shady Lady.  Forgot all about dat one...but am sure mese seen it der too. 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Sue u can't help but sing that lst line-hahaha and I told u if u thought about it Lori's got 2 poles, quite conbenient por her, uep I new it.

    Sorry u'r fridge is dirty BECKS, but I saw hime forst and he won't be cleanin any appliances, unless it's my clock.Innocent Just dusty

    I like dos lamps, I take the one wid da circles,

    And where is eberyone tonite.? I talked to me sister for about an hr. Den Joey came in  and cuddled for anodder hr. so that was my nite. Dat was a good nite for me.

    Oh Happy weekend for all dos who work during de week, I forgot it's Sat. I call it one big day for the whole w

    eek, just different names.  silly me

    Lubs u all

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited April 2013

    Hi goils. Still gots last nite's lampshade in mese hair. Hic. What we dwinkin?? Cami, how's ur clock? Did he make youse chimes ring? Well come in and les dwink to the cleaning crew!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited April 2013

    Memasue, is da effin RB in your back? I wish you can hab foobies. Why not? my friend was Stage IV and got new one. She gets lipo and a snip or tuck her and there tryin ta Get 'Em right.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Becks my shade has been remobed by mese DD who has lost her sense of humor--specially about drinkin' blah, blah, blah that's what I hear when she preaches about this---I know she has to cuz of Joey---hahaha cuz she does her share on de weekends not at home so much but ways den dey sleep ober so Joey doesn't see dem--silly peeps like he doesn't know hahaha He tells me I tink dere glug, glug, glugin tonite

    Eberyone is sleepin here and it's thunderin loud I don't mind about thunder--it's de lightening dat sca-red mese. So I betr hab anoder drink like NOW Barman a martini pwuzze and whisper the word vermuth over it--wodka a course--thank ye good service--oops my shde is back on,
    Becks u put it on me-dat's alright u can cuz u still have u'r on. tehehe.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited April 2013

    Das right Camcam! Wear da shade proud! I lub lightening and thunder. We don get much in Calif....not like Oklahoma.

    DD jabbering? Tell her wah wah wah wah wah wah like Charlie Brown's teacher talks. Joey's got der number! Gluggin!! Ha!

    Nitty nite! Imma take a nappy in da hammock wif da plumber.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    oooNite Becks plumbers are good--dey know where all de pipes are.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    ...and in plumbing they use "male" and "female" couplings.....

    Oh, and nipples too..