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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Lori, that was awesome! Had not seen that one, but saw "O", which we loved, "Ka" which I didn't like at all, and also "Mystere". My fav of those was "O". Would also like the see the Beatles Cirque show, and now can add Zumanity to that list of cirque shows to see.

    So, Julie I can't dwink for you tanite..having to do the clear liquid prep today for heiny scope (and endo scope) tomorrow. NO coffee either...dang. Also had the bloody nose again last night, and the night before. Hoping it does NOT happen during procedures.

    Cami, you and your sibs were so smart to do that, for your dad. Made him happy!

    Adey, its nice to get to know you! Lots of the gals on this thread are in their 50's. A few younger, a few older, but I think the majority are 50-ish. Your Dh sounds like a gem!

    NM, what a perfect name for that dwink! Yes, definately prayers going out for Sinead, and for Michael (JeanBeans brother), and for Brandon.

    Hope everyone has a good day.Nice and sunny and in the mid 70's here. Can't believe you have snow again, Lori! Wow.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Lori i heard this morning there was a lot of snow going on in the NW--I thought u were out of the range-OMG more snow, some places are getting 3 feet I hope that's not u. Were just suposed to have alot of rain and cold tho. Not like warm spring rain yet. Lori u don't have to know what u were right about--Just say I knew it.

    Kat I don't understand these bloody noses do I??? Does the Dr. know? I doubt if it will interfere with u'r test cuz they can suck it out if needed but still u shouldn't be having all these.

    NM u didn't mention about how u feel with u'r cold or allergy.

    And Becks is working today too--U gals work to hard. Well I guess I did too when I was younger, but I had so much fun it never seemed to be like work so I never considered my jobs hard.

    I've been on this post for1/2 r and wrote nothing, my head is fuzzy today--OK more than usual.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited April 2013

    Pooping in to sey hey!!!WTF Lori???? Snow??? dat be cwazy!! and sis were sweet to make your dad happy like that.

    I came up with Dorty...dont know why the H was so hard for me to type in ...Im a lazy ass.

    I rely on Skype Adey...I Skype every night pretty much.  back to work...Im being a slacker.


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    LOL....speaking of "pooping in".....this prep is getting the best of me.

    Hope no one is in the path of that storm hitting the country! Looks like Alli might get it tomorrow or THurs, and we expect it here Thurs afternoon. Today got up to 83, and looks like tomorrow will be the same.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited April 2013

    I'm thinking all the A holes come out at night at my job..seriously..IJS

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited April 2013

    They do surface in the daytime as well Cyn! These patients act like they are doing me a favor by participating in therapy! I'm trying to help them geez!!! Hang in there and drink up!!!!! Maybe they will seem nicer.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2013

    Becks, reporting for dwinky duty hehehe! not to be funcused with duty in de potty. oops, sawrie Kat, mese bad. Beck, you should jest throw de trouble patients into Julie's swamp land, mese people can git dem dere. Den dey not be a problemo for ye eber eber agen. Take dat, idiots whose portending to bese spayshall! I will dqink to dat ~ooops, dat wuz a hic n a far n a burp, mese most humbalist apologeeze!

    Camilee, omg, ye so funny tailing yer dad ye goils bese going to de gym, love it! and bwinging him likker, dat is soooo nice. You made him happy so dat wat importantante', yessiree bob. Bob bob bob bob bob aran tehe, mese singing to ya agen, if you love yerself, pleaze close ye ears. You crack me de HAIL up, wit a capital U!

    Juliet, praying dat yer liver check up sez let's dwink! You deserve some yummy dwinks after all dis time. you nearly a likker virgon again and mese dont like dat.

    NM,  tank ye for wishing a good bisit for mese momma. Sadly, she got de big D
    going on right now and her poor widdle tummy is hurting. Love de DOTD
    aldough mese got started late cuz mese wait for da da to go to bed hehe. And mese sending you some heat cuz it gonna bese too hot here. Yep, after all dat complaining bout cold, oooomesegawd, it wuz in de turdies wind chill last week and tomorrow going near 90. I aint got time for dat!

    Adey, fa la la la, dat funny and I tail ye why. Cuz wen mese bisited mom tonight, dere is a lady who like 126 years old and she wuz jest singing fa la la la la. and mese loves widdles doggies, mese DD has a morkie which is one of dose hybrid dogs...part shitszu and part yorkie, she is cutliest.

    Lori, tank you for loving me to pieces, I loveyou to bits. kibbles n bits dat is and dat means a lot of love. i love de tree swing, tank you Becks for a gwate idea. Swinging is jest vonderfall leeraxation.

    Kat, don't bese sorry dat Lori had snow. Dat besecuz she made a snowman and he came to life. yep, she
    eben named de man. she said dat for a snowman, he berry HOT! and she
    said don'tcha tink about touching him cuz he is her fire so keep ye
    hands off! wishing you a night of solid sleep and I tink mese gonna git
    teeny tiny and come with you for de scope. I will jest be looking at de
    performers of de scope, promise not to look at yer hiney, I jest couldnt cuz mese wood blush. and wen mese blush, i so humbarrased....jest cant do it. but mese bese der next to you and will giv me people akkkunkcle sandwich and I am bwinging Cammie to bwing you anudder nukel sandwich bigger dan mese sanbwick, yep, dat true so be good and we won't, k?

    So meze gitting party dwunk heres so scuze de hic hic hiccuparoonies ~hic~

    Lara n Undie, mese so happy fer ye goils for gitting real foobs soonliest.e be praying wen de time comes a time, fo shoah~ i dqink to dat, CheeRs!

    So Cyn, if de arseholes come out at night, are dere odder tings dat come out during de day? oh mise oh mese, can't imagine de daytime lulu's but mese is sawry for ye. I tink ye should open a 196 oz bottle of beer to hailp git ye through those stooopid people dat bother ye whilst you working. I mean, should not be work, should be fun time and ebery hour should be happy hour. Ye dissiplinned to not pop de bottle wen de arses and foobmeisters come out of de closing and call ye for hailp. I mean, dey makin mese crazy. speaking of makin, could go for some bakin. oops, mese gonna fwy some baken n eggs, brb.

    Whist mese gone, bese nice and dont pray no twicks on mese, k? Cuz mese party dwunkly buzzed on alcamahol and mese git a widdle jumply dis time of night wen mese dqinking with mese dad in mese house. So I bid ye adooo and say....cheeeeeeeaRS! n dont foyget to wash yese ears so dat potaTOES and fingers dont gwow from yese eers or yer rears. CheeRs~

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited April 2013

    Hi Dorky poo! Ooops no pun Wahine. Good luck tomorrow. I still have til Sept before my referral expires.

    Cami...ok, ok....I must confess what me n mese sister did to mom who can't see. Mom wanted to watch Obama inauguration speech. Well...mese sister flipping thru channels and the Saturday Night Live skit with Obama speaking came on and we told her it was the real speech. Ooooooooo....wese gonna burn fur dat one! It was so berry funny tho and she laughed when we later told her da troof!

    Nite goils!!! Bottoms up. Sorry again Wahine!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2013

    Oh Berecca, mese laughing mese arse off at de inaugaration sailabration you had, dat is classic! you alright goil ya nose? sleep tight now! and de sameth goeth for all mese goils! i still lauffing at de berry witty Beckers!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2013

    by de way, mese obber due for meins hiney scoopeEmotamy, remind me to git er scheduled pleeeze. cuz mese like to foyget dat it has to happen. okey, mese go sleepest nowest so dat mese-eth, call mese edith, can get upETH on time for mese docToroonie appointamentaroonie. signed, dorkaroonie de loooooooney! cheeRs!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Rain, Rain go away!  Sadie brought half the yard in with her this ayem.  I really don't like mud. 

    Goldie--I am feeling better, thanks!  Love the tree swing!  Are you in the area getting all the snow and crap?  I caught a few minutes of that on TV yesterday, almost fell out of my chair!

    Wahine--Are you running a humidifier in your bedroom?  That might help with the nosebleeds.  Good luck with the scopes!

    Cammy--feeling better, just very sneezy and drippy in the nose area.  Annoying. 

    CynCyn--I can't picture you being much of a slacker.  Taking it easy for a day or two isn't a crime, you know!

    Becs--people can be a bit self-centered, can't they? 

    DorKable--I'll take some of that heat from you!  Getting tired of wind chill alerts and other chilly stuff.  You are so silly, I ove it!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Hump Day Cocktail

    - 3 ounces of pear vodka

    - 3 ounces of elder flower liqueur

    - Champagne

    - Edible flower for garnish


    Combine the vodka and the liqueur over ice in a martini shaker and shake well. Strain into 2 chilled martini glasses and top with champagne. Garnish with an edible flower of your choosing and drink in the flavors of spring.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2013

    Adey, we do Skype sometimes, but both of us have rather weak signals, so video part will freeze up and we end up just talking. Hard enough only seeing my family in MI once a year, she is in the VI.

    Because of the wind Cami, hard to say how much snow we actually got, but I would say 6”.

    Kathy, nice weather you are having. Good luck with the scopes, of course that’s the easy part! I hope you have an early appointment. Don’t forget to look for foil!

    Awww Cyn, sawry you had a rough night wif work. Hope today is better for you. What do people bitch about?

    Wow Dort, 90 already? Is that a normal temp for you at this time of the year. What crazy weather we are having across the country. You’re poor mommy, I just hate that she is having so many issues.

    LOL at Sadie bringing half of the yard in with her. Doggies will be doggies tho, and she really can’t help it, and I know you really don’t mind it either. Hump Day Cocktail sounds goot! Pear vodka, interesting.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2013

    Watched the "O" video Kathy..............I like, I wanna go see!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2013

    Hi DahhhhlinKs! I had a goot time at the wedding reception. However it was outside and it was windy so woke up Monday with earache and sore throat. Layed low all of Monday and slept like a hybernating bear Monday nite. Felt sooo much better yest when I woke. Got lots done and even took a ride to St Geo. Mese feets soooo big, even the 11W cute shoes didn't fit. But I did find a pair of kinda like Keds white tennies, couple pair of earrings (like I need anymore) and some socks, don't need them either, but Payless had the BOGO at 50% off going on...LOL!

    Still saying prayers for Bernie and Senead...hope things are going better.

    Shannon - OMG...will definately put Brandon in my prayers. My uncle had that, the prog not good. He started drinking Floressence Tea....never told his docs. Lived and 17 years (92yoa). He suddenly quit drinking the tea and was gone within 4 mos.

    WoooHOO April 25...jes 2 weeks away. Everything will b jes fine...I have a feeling. LOL bout dem pretty boys with waists smaller den true wif me too!

    Kat - My DH wud kill me if I put those 'eyelashes' on my car. But I kno she wink at me and she did git dwunk Sunday after the reception and agin last gonna have to put her on restriction she keep it up. Today you getting upper and lower scopes...I'm der wif ya...makin sure everything comes out ok...pun pun...(((WaWa)))

    NM - hope your cough is better today. It is a good thing that it is productive and clear tho. LOL about the baby oil. I did the same thing, only we put a few drops of iodine in the bottle. I rarely ever burned and with the time I spent in the Phoenix then Las Vegas sun...can't believe no skin cancer. Am much more aware can't tolerate the heat anymore. WOW...u been doing some serious research on the pole dancing/stripping LOL and jes love the DOTD yest...I'd take all those that Shannon posted. We had rain last 2 days....I had FINALLY done my floors on Sat I I have widdle paw prints alll over...DAMN!! Hope the rain stops soon for you.

    Lara - u go girl!! Best I can do is walk for an hour. Feet and knees tail me running is def out! Are you still in Rome, NY?

    Beckers - NO WAY u a heifer...u saw pic Lori posted of that is a heifer. Does your DS kno how his wife feels about their child, that she sed that? This horrifies me, makes me wonder what happens with it's jes Annie and her mom? UGH! Dat funny bout the Maddy has a little trampoline...she does the 'booty bounce' then tell me to go in there and do it. way Jose!! Nice to kno she thinks I'm up for it tho...LOL! RIGHT ON about da takilla...brings back memories...woohoo!

    Julie - u cwack me up wif all da pics and posts...thanks for da laughs!

    Cyn - yes DH did do that...kinda. And next time he WILL be paying for a maid LOL. what...u stripper girl? splain pweez! OOPPs I see u did already. I have to admit I watched a few shows and I did get up on stage on a night out and do a wet t-shirt contest. Story for another time....LOL!

    Cami - my pain meds aren't very strong (fioricet). I don't take them very often, but will if I need them but will wait a few hours after my last dwink. Scares me. Melted mese fart your Joey hearing you and kissing your face off....he is such a doll!

    Adey - AWW...makes my heart swell to hear a little about you. Thank you for sharing. Love how you refer to your girls as you baby girls. My kids are 40, 41 and I still call em my babies. Your DH sounds so absolutely wonderful too. Sometimes they up and run, I truly admire those who take their vows seriously and love the woman more than the 'body'. WooHOOO cinco de mayo 51st bday party for shore. Better go shopping now for you lampshade lady LOL. Does your Odie kinda look like my avatar Baxter? His daddy is maltese, his mommy is shitzu.

    Lowee - woohoo....plans are firm. Get Madison on Fri the 19th til my doc appt on Tues the 23rd. Whoop Whoop. They do have the cleaning ladies, but not here in Mesquite. But I kno peeps that wud LOVE to help, it's jes me and a privacy thing I guess. But I am definately moving in the 'get help' direction now.

    Dorfy - LMAO about da frankenklein...LOL...and you do not resemble him at all dammit!! You and your sisters and not dwinking in front of your dad. I can understand not wanting to upset him but com'on...jes fix a big strong one and tail him it's proven that one drink a nite leads to longer life. Jes watch Willard on the Today Show when he profiles 100+...most all of em say, 1 martini every night...honest!

    I wrote a book here...trying to ketchup...but gotta git shoes on and go for mese walk. Gonna take mese pooches as they get a bath on Fri so I don't care they git their paws dirty today. Besides...Baxter getting soooo fat!! Later ladies...have a gr8 day!! Lubs u all!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    Im home over hotels 3 more weeks on the road

    Im exhausted doing to much im going to try to sleep im grtting sick

    have a fill yomm think thats the last one

    thanks dork u will two still never know what can happen I hate to jinx things

    even when the implant is in look at what happened with u

    mema yes im killing  it at the gym heavy weights everything im over being fat but what 6 surgeries in 7 months will do that

    hi cammie no scary movies on again uggg

    cyn u were a strippeer holy shoots

    Ive seen the stripper shoes hard to walk in for sure

    I would tip over

    goldie like the tree swing

    how ya doing NM

    Hi Juliet,becks wahine idk eho else love ya all gotta rest

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Hope you get a lot of rest Lara, so you don't get sick. Do you take Zicam when you first think you're getting sick? I think it was Sue who told me about it...or someone else? Worth a try, but you gotta start it ASAP.

    My scopes went well....since had 2 diff drs, had to wait for 2nd dr to arrive b4 1st dr could start. Then lalalalala land. Now I have a BUT have drs orders to do NOTHING today....yay....!!!! Found diverticulitis(oops, its really diverticulosis), which DRINKING can cause, or make much worse...chit. Gonna hafta get around that, somehow. Other dr didn't seee any ulcers...yay, but still some irritation (gastritis)....oh maybe thats the one that drinking can make it worse...I dunno, was reading about both at same time. Will look at it again when I feel bettah. NOW to get Dotty on the ball, to make her appt!!!!

    Hope you keep feeling better, Sue! And you too, NM! In the 80's here now, but LOTS of pollen blowing around...seriously high levels. OH, this is of the nurses and I were talking, and I have no way in H3ll to remember HOW the subject came up, BUT it turns out her DH is a Green Beret in the National Guard, AND knew my late DH. My late DH was the jumpmaster of the national guard green berets, and when she called her DH to see if he knew him, he said he used to jump when my DH was in charge, and he remembered when he died, etc. It warms my heart to get to talk about him with someone that knows of him. (Esp since he died almost 21 yrs ago). So I shared with her those images the clouds formed (jumpwings with wreath on top, then 2 hearts intertwined) when I was on my way to my skydive.

    OK, supposed to rest.....gonna watch some recorded chit....


    Kat (OH someone needs to dwink for me too, not allowed to have any likker till tamarra nite)

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2013

    Kat - jes warms mese fart about the nurses husband jumping whilst ur's was in not to get teary eyed here....I kno...mese will hab 2 for you and one for me...yeah yeah...that's the ticket. 

    Lara - yes on the zicam...get on it as soon as you can and stay on it til u feels better.

    Gonna go habs mese dwinks...latah ladies!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Kat what a touching story u just said. what are the chances of that happening anywhere and to get on that subject. OH mese eys got wet with that loving feeling. Wonderful memories for u. And I know u have stuff goin' on with u'r tests today but it's not FURB so it sounds good. LOL

    Sue if u can't handle everyone's drinks don't worry I'll help.

    Lara u feeling better?

    It is my sisters birthday today and it was my Mom's too--so we have kind of a glumpy day today and a happy one too, I haven't been on the comp/ much today---so I have to read everything .

    I hope eveeyone is feeling good and even better tomorrow.

    Lub u gals

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Awwww, Happy Birthday to your sister, Cami....and to your dear mom too. I know you must miss her so very much.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Oh, this is SO gross...creepy....a nearby county has a murder trial going on right now of a guy that killed and dismembered a young woman....well the hedge clippers and hacksaw that he used to cut off her fingers and toes were then used as props at a haunted house! How awful. Don't want to give anyone nightmares, but they just mentioned it on the news, and I would forget about it later. Just awful though. OK, on that note, someone have annudder dwink for mese, ok? Like a good nightcap....

    Bottoms Up! Titz Up! And Tenders, keep your....uh hum.....ya know....keep it UP!

    Katwinka Wanna Dwinka

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Ok Kat that cake is so cute, my Mom would ask for a sliver, I'd ask for a hunk she always said sliver.LOL My sister and I were of course talking about my mom-My mom and aunt were very advanced for their time--whe my mom was 12 and my aunt as 17 my aut and her sneaked out and put makeup on ad said they looked older but they did get into a strip club downtown-they lived close then--my aunt wanted to see what the men saw and get a drink, of course we didn't hear about this til we were adults but my mom was so like prissy and my aunt couldswer with the best of them, so opposite and so close-my aunt was the only one that could make my mom laugh so hard she'd pee her pants--they were quite a pair--My mom always blamed my aunt even as adults when they'sd go somewhere and get lost for hours cu my aunt got her license when he was in her 50's and her own car so those 2 were hopping all over the place and they did get lost--ended up about 75 miles from here calling home to get directions from my dad how to get home. Such characters.

    I can't believe they used those things at anything else how sick to watch that on the news.ick

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Here's the start of another long day at work, won't get out until 7:30 tonight 'cuz I gotta do the CPR class thingy.  Sigh.  The things I do for a paycheck!

    Goldie--I don't really mind the muddy Sadie doggy, she's happy when she's muddy or wet.  A happy Sadie is an entertaining Sadie!    That poor white kitty looks soooooo mad! 

    DorKable--I've got to check out Payless, I've got to replace my work shoes and one can never have enough shoes!   The cough seems to be getting better, thanks.  The nose is running so much that it's irritated around the edges so I look like I snort coke for fun.  Yesterday it started bleeding during lunch, very embarrassing in a restaurant!  Still, it's all better than an asthma attack!  I wish I could walk for an hour, can't right now 'cuz the back and knees hurt too much, but will get back to it this summer!

    ORLA--Mornin' to ya.  Quit overdoing, dang it!

    Wahine--Hooray for the scopes being done and over!  Dwinkies can make gastritis worse, bus so can drinking coffee, citrus juices, tomatoes, anything acidic.  So cool you found someone who knew your late DH, sorta!  Love the cloud images, too!

    Mema--Zicam is good stuff, so are zinc lozenges. The 2 together are really effective!

    Cammy--Happy birthday to your sis and your Mom! 

    Wahine--someone running a haunted house had the bad taste to use ACTUAL weapons as props????????? Yuck!  I wouldn't go there, ever! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is The Thirsty Thursday

    2 ounces fresh tangerine juice

    1 ounce orange aperitif, such as Campari or Aperol

    Ice, for serving

    8 ounces light beer, such as Miller High Life

    Maraschino cherry, for garnish


    Pour the tangerine juice and orange aperitif into a large pint glass filled with ice and stir. Pour over the beer to top and stir again. Set all self-judgment aside, and garnish with a cherry. Drink while eating a hot dog and toast to beer made bitter and better.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    NM a bloody nose too? WTF I don't get it-is it dryness or something else? Well just hope it stops, drink with a straw so the likker goes down slowly, I mean any drink.

    Interesting DOTD today NM it actually sounds good to me-beer is good for u, vitamin C-good, ice turns to water again good--This is a health drink. I think we all need this one.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Yeah, NM....I am "hoping" the proprietors did NOT know where those props came from! Thanks BTW for your earlier suggestion to use a humidifier..DH also found that out by doing an internet search, and have used one now, since Monday far that was the last bloody nose. Glad you are required to keep up with CPR classes...when my late DH had his first heart attack (while driving home from work when he was 34), someone who didn't know him had just come from CPR training, and stopped, and with my DH out cold, she and a co-worker of hers saved his life. AND when you find someone that ran a truck into a tall metal light pole at a busy intersection, and is passed out, thank GOD they knew he had a heart attack and was not a drunk or on drugs or something. (She was driving behind him, so witnessed it too). We did get her an award signed by the President that was awarded to her by the Red Cross. SO, I applaud you, and others, who are qualified in CPR training...thank you from the bottom of my heart! (Bottom of mese fart did not seem to fit, here).

    Dang it, NM, now you have a bloody nose! Mine were so violent and gushing, hope yours does not bleed that much...could get embarrasing. ALSO hoping it won't happen again, to either you, or me!

    Cami, Such cute remembrances...your mom had such fun with your aunt (her sister?)....nice that you and your sister could recall those funny things she did. Sounds like she was not only loving, but a lot of fun!

    OK, gonna finally turn on the tv news, since its almost 7 ayem (been awake since 4:30), and see when these storms are supposed to hit. Are you in the path also, Cami, or Adey? I think Alli is. Be safe everyone!!!



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2013

    Sue Z QT, glad you got out and got yourself some dealZ! Wow, interesting about your uncle and that tea, sure makes ya wonder, eh? And girl, you ain’t no heifer eider, don’t make me come out dere and bitch slap you! So glad you will get your Maddi time, any chance of getting AM too?

    Lara, we can have a “last fill” party for you! Hope you are NOT getting sick.

    Unde, you are done with fills now right, just waiting for the exchange on the 25th?

    Kathy, that is so neat about the nurses DH knowing your late DH. And you get to dwink today. I made that mistake after my scope, and had a few beers, OMG….got the worst headache ever! Oops!

    Cami, Ize a day late, so happy belated birfday to your sister and dear mom. Your mom and your aunt sound a lot like you and your sister!

    Oh NM, too funny about looking like you snort coke! My nose has been a lil red too from mese allergies. Hope you make it through your long day ok.

    Yes Cami, a HEALTHY cocktail for us all!

    You are up early Kat, maybe a nap later? Yeah, I doubt that, just not you. I too am hoping all in the storms pass don’t see any damage. All of this rain and snow is BAD BAD BAD for mese biddness!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Yikes Lori...I am glad they gave me a printout that said NOT to drink the day of procedures....hate that you had such a horrid headache afterwards. I wondered why they said not to dwink. Well, looks like the storms can hit us as early as 10 ayem...thats when I was going to help my mom color her hair, so postponed it. Mese do not like to be out in de storms, no sirreeeeee bobarella. Looks like they had some bad tornadoes in the midwest overnight.

    Yeah, Sue, I forgot to comment, but Lori did, and I are NOT a heifer!!!! If you think you are a heifer than I would be TWO heifers! And I am so proud of you for doing all that walking. I have not been so good. Well, I was also getting the bloody nose while on the treadmill, so got a bit scared of doing that for awhile.



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    Last fill im done 660 ccs

    exchange surgery June 5th can not believe it

    whooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooooo

    I might sneak one last fill in

    I fit into a 38 D

    Lets partyyyyyyyyyyyy

    Im ok just getting tired on the road I will rest today

    wahine small world isnt it? I believe to you were meant to hear that about DH

    Cammie happy b day to sister

    pop back in later

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Hi everyone --

    Orange 38D whoa sounds good to me--U all know I don't understand fills so now u still have one more surgery? Lots of stuff to go thru with these.

    Kat did we see u'r eyes yet and I don't remember. How are they?

    I'm having some probs. with my computer so it's being stupid on me.

    Lori enough storms lready--no more snow for u now--we're getting rain, but so far not to bad storm wise.

    Got up at 3 so now I'm super tired of course---Gotta take a nap.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Well hello there Mr. Tatum!! <img class=" width="368" height="320" />

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    See why I'm tired???