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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    YAY the Dorkster is IN the lounge!! How have we missed you? Let me count the ways....One Killa, Two Killa, Three Killa,...Floor.....  Nah, its awesome you found time to post, we know you have been sooooooo bizzy!

    Cami, When I had my bilat mast and recon, the BS told me HE wouldn't be the one causing me pain, it would be the PS! Apparently (or so I was told), a BMX is not as painful as having a BMX and having the TE's inserted at the same time. I am like Dorkie too, I liked my TE's better....they were higher up and closer together. But the exch surgery was easy-peasy. It also depends on whether or not there are complications, as I was lucky not to have any.

    WooHoo.....ennyone dwinking??? Mese gonna habs a nice cool one right now! Oh and Cami, I love Long Island Ice Tea....had my first one just a few months ago and I love them so much that I want more, more, more......and then its floor, floor, floor!



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Oh Lori sometimes I think I say things goofy and I didn't want u to think I meant anything wrong--I should know better --I'm loosing what brain I have left lately. U know that's crazy that the Dr. would ask u that right before surgery--I mean what a question as u lay there in a stupor for what's going on. OMG I would have probably said the same thing but that's a funny time to ask--I was lucky I had no choice so the last thing I said was did everyone wash u'r hands? And My Dr. said nobody washed their hands, put her out. I had no respect. LOL Another opertion I said if I was 25 yrs. younger u'd leave u'r wife for me.--Not knowing he was eaving his wife then. And another one was my infamous threat to my anas--theguy who puts u out---I want to know the exact spelling of u'r name cuz if anything happens to me u'r name will be mentions in my obituary and of course one time I told them no phone calls while u'r operating I wanted no distractions.--Now that crazy talk I always remember and yet I forget the important stuff. Well I am reminded of that alot by my BIL so maybe that's why.

    DORK I'm glad u came for a visit we miss u, but totally understand and I'm glad u can drink a little at first then take the big guns out. I'm hppy u'r dad seems pretty good, but I thought he was staying there???
    And u'r sweet Mom at least sometimes if she has good days. I know when my Dad was starting to have dementia he was happy most of the time so that comforted my sister and me alot. I know that sounds stupid but my mom never got that and she was fully aware of what was going on and it was a nitemare for her. So my dad was still happy living in his own world of horse racing, pills he could just pic from the air whenever he wanted an he had his own bar he visited whenever he could with all his friends so he was doing all right. I'm not making light of this I just mean he just didn't know how things were so it was sad for us but not for him. My aunt too she was happy all the time didn't even know she had cancer and a bad heart and lived happily. So I think sometimes it's harder on us cuz we have to watch the people we love not being the same people. Did I say that right? Again I'm questioning myself.

    Lara I'm watching the bottome of the list for scary movies all made for maybe a $5.00 budget including paying the actors???? so this is etting rough on me.

    Have a Funday Sunday  Lubs u all

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited April 2013

    Hi girls! Havin a fun day? I am. Gots me cheets all purtied up again!! Oh yes, NM. Since I joined you goils mese cheets...well you knows! Boom chicky boom boom!

    Always love watching the HTL video. Was that Cami's vacuum toward the end? Cami, I'm glad your dad and Aunt were in a happy place. My dad was getting dementia toward the end. I remember when we were in Mexico on vacation and came to Mirrored wall and he talked to his own reflection thinking it was somebody else....told them to "Go ahead." that was heart breaking to witness, even for him. Ugh. So glad he passed before it got bad.

    When's da UFO pick ups? Is it on the 5th for Orange's welcoming of new big bouncing baby goils?

    Juliet, love love that poem. Have you all lost many girls from the HTL?

    Love the acronyms for the rat basturd!! We should add POS (piece a chit) RB.

    Dork, have you had great visit wif Pops?? Does he do well living on his own? How's Mom's UTI? Is she real advanced. Can't wait till we are partaying up in da UFO for your new goil. What damn horribible long assed ordeal you'b had. Damn tithes anyway....gibbon us all dis turmoil. Biggest hug!

    Wahine, long Island Iced teas are great 'til you have to get up and walk anywhere. Just sayin... I gots a bottle of peach something or other for me n my sis tonight. She not home tho and I may get started without her.

    Hi cyndielou. I've never been to New Orleans. Did you get lots of beads? Like Goils Gone Wild. Sometimes I feel like dat. Seems everyone wants to see my new goils. Flashin all the time. I should tell them to give me some beads first! I don't like flashing any more tho. Now they feel like they are mine so I'm self conscious again.

    Bernie, Laughing at the dumb chit people say. Your teeth???!! Oh my!

    Alright then, gotta get mese scrubs outta washer. Laundry wasn't playin doctor wif da tenders.....good idea tho!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited April 2013 scrub tops sposta keep me cool. Says, "hang dry". Check! Then is says, "cool iron if needed" don't know bout you but I don't think a cool iron will be very effective for getting wrinkles out. a cool iron actually a slightly warm one? Susie Homemaker I am just not. :-/

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Oh Becks can't help u with the iron haven't had one in at least 15 yrs. And now they have the crinkle look and I started it--just so u know. Yea u do wash sheets alot, wht's that all about.

    And why is this place so empty at nite, u gals are all young oh wait u work that's right.

    Kat I still want to see u'r eyes--it's so interesting to me.

    OK sleepy heads I'll take the tenders home with me---ALL OF DEM. Haha hahaha

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Haha Cami, you THOUGHT you had all the Tenders, but I had already snuck off with Hunk! Good try, girlfriend. LOL. I'll try to take a pic for you one of these days, I can always send it in an email. But its so weird to take closeups like that...looks weird. I had my front teeth contoured on Friday, and I tried to take "before" and "after" pics, but didn't change the camera setting, so its sorta blurred! Its very subtle, but I can tell a big difference!

    Nighty night goils......have fun, be wild, be dwunk, be silly, ah heck, jest be yerselves! Lol, you are all very spechual to am hoping you will all have a good sleep tonight!



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning-it's 5ayem near the windy city and rush hour is starting on the JFK and that other expressway.Oh I'd be great on the radio--they still have them don't they? I fell asleep about 1 and now here I am--but I slept thru tho.

    Oh now I have to get this stupid Dr. app't straightened out today-they have to think I'm crazy I always get mixed up and they're usually pretty good about it but I just get mad at my self. Oh well

    Well everyone one by one should be getting up soon and I'm already having an IRish coffee--yuuummy. tastes wonderful.

    I hope everyone has a Monday that's tolerable.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning, Loungettes!  Sunny ayem before the clouds and rain move in, again.  I'll take it, frost and all!

    CynCyn--Guess I'm gonna have to check out Bates Motel and American Horror, they sound like my kind of shows!   Hey, I'm a working  gal, gotta do laundry at least once a week so I have working clothes!  I had a pretty good time in New Orleans, actually, or at least the one day I spent playing tourist.  Would love to go back and spend some more time, there are things I would still like to see.  Didn't get drunk, but the afternoon after the consultation is lost in a xanax haze.. . .

    Wahine--There are advantages to living in a one story house!  And to having a dog.  If there's any funny stuff going on I'll get an early warning, and Sadie loves to go into dark rooms first!  Yeah, that wasn't much fun, but I got through it and it's in the past.  And thankfully it cools off at night here no matter how hot it gets during the day.  If I can sleep, I'll be ok.  But I like being able to scoot out to the town landing on the local pond and jump in the water when it's hot!

    ORLA--I was hot because it was 90 degrees with high humidity while I was recovering from recon.  Unusual weather for Maine, but of course it was while I was down! 

    DorKable--we all knew you were spending time with your Dad and visiting your Mom, so it's ok. Glad you could check in and update us!  Glad your Dad is in a good mood! 

    Wahine--your BS may have had a point.  When I had the mast, after that first night, I had almost no pain.  What pain I did have was from the drain.  After recon I NEEDED my diluadid and xanax regularly for a while! 

    Cammy--funny the stuff we focus on right before surgery, isn't it??  I remember wanting to say to people to not talk about me or say derogatory things about me or my body during surgery, I was afraid it would be like hypnosis and I'd internalize that crap right when I didn't need that sort of 'help' emotionally!  How your Dad was is what we in the biz call "pleasantly confused" or "happily confused."  It' a good way to be confused.  So much harder on everyone when, like your Mom, the person knows, at least a bit, what's happening.  And yes, it is very, very hard on the family.  You lose the family member twice, once to the disease and again when the body gives out.  So unfair. 

    Becs--Boob Chicky Boom Boom is Brown Chicken Brown Cow here in the Lounge, glad your getting some!   POS (Piece of $hit, not point of service) RB is a great addidtion to the lounge jargon! 

    OK, gotta get off the 'puter and on to work!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is The Monday Morning

    1 ounce freshly squeezed lemon juice

    1 ounce Rosemary Simple Syrup

    1 ounce gin (we heart Okanagan Spirits)

    1 cup crushed ice

    Club soda

    To a tall glass add lemon juice, Rosemary Simple Syrup, gin and stir. Fill glass with ice and top with club soda. Are those eyes open yet???

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    NM I hope u day goes well---DOTD I've never heard of someof these likkers, I've been sober to long, no wonder why I'm such a mess. I've got to be more like Becks having to change my sheets every other day because of usage, not because of hot flashes.

    Now I took my shower and washed my hair already before Leslie and Joey get up--Marty's gone, assoon as he leaves I do that and sometimes my DD will say when are u going to take a shower--Brat--she doesn't even hear me. I don't give a chit all I know is Ismell really good--I might be able to see the Dr. today but I've got a feeling it's not going to happen, my fault but I did take a shower so we'll see. I'm always ready to undress for just about anyone now. LOL

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2013

    DorK, did you get a good spanking for not logging in for awhile? So glad to hear that things are going well with your dad. Is he going to move, and just keep commuting back and forth?

    Kathy, long island ice teas are pretty yummy, I will get them sometimes when we go to Laughlin. How do they contour your teeth.

    Cami, I don’t think ANY of the ladies here would say anything mean to any one of us. OMG, you are just too funny, asking them if they washed their hands, and the doctor leaving his wife for you. You are such a hoot. My little buddy’s mom irons everything! She irons her sheets and I think even towels, t-shirts, everything. Oh and you do smell lovely! I hope you can get in to see the doc today, but if not, you go tomorrow right?

    Lots of Boom Chickie for Beckers, we have been known to use that term , but say boom chickie wow wow! We have only lost 2 girls from the lounge, Junie and RakuLynda, but there are several that have moved on in their life and don’t bisit anymore.

    NM, I guess all of that rain and snow is just the norm for you, just as the wind here is the norm for spring. Windy today and tomorrow, in fact DH just informed that some of my plant protectors have blown over on top of my plants, so need to get out there and see if they’re ok. Winds up to 60 today, dang!

    Well, good Monday morning to all, hoping everyone has a hunky munky day!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    Omg NM I wouldof freaked my was in the summer to it was awful

    well when I see pis of some of your foobs they look good to me

    Im going to get the highest projection

    My Ps says barbie boobs love it

    well leaving for the road today and I feel like a cold coming on

    everyone have a good day

    Dork how many ccs were u

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013
  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Dang it Lara, Sure wish  could do a pole like that....or even have a body like that! Funny your dr mentioned "Barbie Boobs" because b4 I had the 3D nip tatts, thats how I felt. Ya know how Barbie does not have nips? It was SO good getting "finished"! Made me feel normal again...well better than normal cuz  my boobs had not been perky in a long time! And now they are. You will be so happy when yours are finished, too! (Don't get sick, get that zicam!)

    Oh, I like your "munky" day, Lori. Haven't seen it spelled that way, and I like it. Whenever I get to see ya again, I will 'splain how they did my teeth. Saving tons on not having to do veneers. I wish I had been able to take a clearer "before" pic, but the dentist will give me that when we are done. The KORS bleaching method is working too, but I have a couple of teeth that are soooo sensitive, that I have to do extra tx for them. Wish I had known about this yrs ago, cuz the other bleaching methods I spent $$$ on,really never worked well (thru my regular dentist, with molds of teeth, special trays, etc). My cosmetic dentist is friends with Mr. Kors who invented that process. Now to find someone who can melt fat...LOL.

    NM, Sure wish we could jump into our lake here when its hot, but dang it there are sooo many snakes. When we kayak, I am constantly looking in the water for snakes and so far have not seen them while on the water. BUT walk around the lake, and see them, and their "nests" with all the babies, etc. Eeeeeccccckkkkkk that is worse than those horror movies! So I am envious of you, with not having snakes. There aren't snakes in HI, so living in the South is quite an experience!

    Cami, You are ALWAYS a hoot! I thought your dr appt was tomorrow, too. Are you trying to see if you can get in to see him today? HOPING the pain you are having will be something minor that has an easy fix. I love reading your posts, you find humor in everything, and its so refreshing.

    OK, need anudder cuppa joe on dis Funky Munky Dey....or Hunky Munky like Lori said...hey I will get to get a hug from the ORIGINAL "HUNK" whose picture is in our video that Lori made (up on the tv screen in the bar...HunkyD put him in that picture I think)! Should see him Fri,Sat,Sun, or Mon......yummmmmmmmmy! (Funny how my DH will tell him I said "hi", and will return home telling me that "Hunk" said to tell me hello). AND my DH knows I think "HUNK" is a real hunk....(real name is Jack)!

    Ok, toodles noodles.....


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited April 2013

    Wife texts husband on a cold winter’s morning:

    "Windows frozen, won't open."

    Husband texts back:

    "Gently pour over some lukewarm water."

    Wife texts back 5 minutes later:


    "Computer is really buggered up now !!!!!!.”

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited April 2013

    Hi Girls, are so good about checking in here..I am the one who has been bad lately but trying to be better.  You are funny about your drinks.  I wonder if he does know that you are drinking if he doesnt see you making it. I used to do that with my gram when I would visit her.  I would buy something like Mikes and she would think I was drinkiing lemon ade or Iced tea and she would say..."did you drink all of those last night"?  its a wonder you didnt float away.  I pull off sober well.

    Cami, you are hoot with the things you come up with and said before surgery. Glad you got the shower out of the way just in case you need to take your clothes off for anyone.  And smelling fine.

    NM both of those shows are great and you can get them on demand. What kind of cable service do you have up there?  Its been so long but I think when I moved it was Time Warner in Westbrook but I think it varies depending on where you live in the state..I remember having Adelphia and also Oxford communications..anyway if you can get then you should watch them..they are good..and now Im all caught up Kathy on Bates..That actor that plays the sherriff and who was the priest was also Richard (the guy who never aged) on LOST.  Now that was an awesome show..who watched that one?

    Lori,... my mom irons pillow  hope your plants are ok.

    If you send the UFO to Boston I can join you all for Orla's surgery and I promise not to step on anyones toesies...well, I'll try not to. 

    Everyone happy Monkeydey!!!

    Luv ya's


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    I am in hour from Boston I'm okay

    We r not evacuating

    I can't believe it 2 bombings

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Cyn, I never watched Lost. Too many other shows I am addicted too, esp the reality shows. Not really "reality", but dats whut dey are called. LOL. SO remind me again on your are in Boston on the 5th of June, THEN leaving for Europe? Ireland and England? You wlll LOVE meeting Bernie and her DH! Hope you get to meet Sinead too! We have a wedding to go to near DC in June, and looks like I need 4 hotel nites, as we will drive up and stay somewhere on the way up and the way back. I have about 4 trips in the works right now! I make a folder for each so I can just put ALL the pertinent chit in the right folder. But then Delta always screws things up anyway!

    Funny, Bernie! Hope everyone is doing ok. Wish I could have pet "Ash", but it was toooooo darn cold to go out in the pasture! How is Calva, Gunner(sp?) and Little Ben?

    Beckers, I still think it is awesome that your nips will be published! Yeah, I can understand how they now feel like "yours" and you don't want to flash them all the time. Mine don't feel like "mine" and I can flash to anyone except my kids and my parents...weird, yeah?




  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    WHAT????? Lara I have not seen the news yet, what is happening there???? I'm going downstairs right now and watch the news. Glad you are ok! I have a dear friend in Boston who works for Boston General Hospital (or Boston City Hospital? I'm brain dead right now), hope she is ok too.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    OMG just googled it, about 69 injured and 2 dead...and limbs everywhere. Scary that they picked on the Boston Marathon....those people care about their health and were doing something positive for their lives. HOPE they catch the Bast_rd(s) that did this. Awful, just awful. My DD and SIL do marathons and triathlons, so I called her to make sure they knew about it. I am sure the National News will have a lot on it. Thanks for letting us know, Lara, and also that you are ok!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Now they are saying 200 injured and 80 taken to hospitals, and so many lost limbs. Awful.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    glad your ok lara,  hated the bombings,,they always hit the innocent doing things they enjoy

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2013

    Hello loungettes! I just popped in to read and OMG, so glad that our Lara is alright, how scary. I agree with Kat and hope that the authorities grab the SOB(S) that are responsible and have them executed - jest my opinion. I am praying for all that have been affected, so tragic and it makes no sense. Why in the world would another human want to hurt people this way? It is a sad sad world we live in these days.

    I love you goils and hope that non of you have friends or family involved. Tell someone that you love them, we just never know. ROunds of hugs and dwinks for all mese goils, cheeRs!

    (((HUGS))) ((((DRINKS)))

    Will try to pop in later to catch up!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    OMG I'm glued to the TV--then just now I yelled Lara, oh I'm so glad u'r OK--u'r not in that area I hope. This is insane--wonderful people running a marathon raising money for  charities and some 1 or more SOB'S does this--probably more than 1--these are homemade bombs that 1 02 didn't go off , which is strange to me cuz experience guys that shouldn't have happened. bu u don't know who made these bombs. And the worst to me it culd be domestic. WTF is going on. They're lot of hospitals involved with this and an 8 yr. old died . My heart is just hurtin for these people and their families--so many of the Drs. are military.--so they immediately see if a limb needs to be taken so no further damage is done. -They're trying to identify the signature for the bombs, which amazes me cuz u't think a person would change their signature every so often and throw them off. I don't know I get so involved with this like all of us. U'd think cuz they were small bombs that it almost seems like it was meant to show haha here we are and we did it. cuz they had the bomb dogs out before so they had to just slip in like everyone just watches.

    I know, I know I go on and on but this rattles my mind.

    Love u all--- 

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Had to share this......

    Remember, your girlfriends will probably outlive your husband.  So find good ones!

    Photo: Remember, your girlfriends will probably outlive your husband.  So find good ones!



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    says it all

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Just turned on the news, and hearing about bombings in Boston at the marathon running, what the he## happened????? Who would do something like that?   Oh, my. 

    Cammy--LOL at being ready to undress for just about anyone!  How our lives have changed! 

    Goldie--Yeah, this craziness for weather isn't unusual, but that doesn't stop us from complaining about it!

    ORLA--Love the Pole Dancer!

    Wahine--I had to giggle when you wrote about snakes in the pond, 'cause every once in a great while I DO see a snake in the water!  It's usually heading away from me at top speed, and none around here are biters or venomous , but they are startling!  I guess I'm really fortunate, my biggest problem on the water is skeeters.  But if I came across a nest of snake babies I would absolutely freak out! 


    CynCyn--cable service out here (north of Augusta)  is almost non-existent, mostly we all use satellite.  I've got DISH, but don't have the On Demand hooked up, or don't have the box hooked up to the phone line.  BUT I have Amazon Prime on my Kindle Fire and get a lot of movies and TV shows for free that way, or I can "rent" them for a fee.  And I remember ironing pillow cases!  I'm one of the odd ones who actually likes to iron.  It’s  not often you can do something with instant gratification!

    ORLA--Glad you're OK!  I was wondering if you were near Boston. . .

    Wahine--I used to say I'm not a fan of reality shows and then realized that I generally watch Deadliest Catch, Ice Road Truckers and Dirtiest Jobs, all of which fall into that category.  Funny how you can get caught up in stuff like that . 

    News is saying that 3 are dead, one an 8 year old boy, 100's hurt in the bombing.  The footage showing one bomb going off is horrific.  Not what Patriot's Day is supposed to be about. 

    Wahine--I want to be one of those ladies some day!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is The Prayer for Boston

    1 Part Pucker® Island Punch Schnapps

    1 Part Pucker® Raspberry Schnapps

    1 Part Triple Sec liqueur

    1 1/2 Parts Tequila

    Add ingredients to an ice-filled shaker

    Shake and strain into a margarita glass with ice

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2013

    Lara, glad you are ok in Boston, how far away are you from the bombings. So so sad.

    Cyn, is your DD near Boston? I hope that no one that we know was involved in that. My plants are all good, thanks.

    Kathy, I looked up that KORS teeth whitening, of course no one here where I live does it. I do have the other one where they make a mold and you put a gel in it, wear it for about 20 minutes, but I don’t really care for it, nor see a huge difference. As for your trips, it sure seems you have issues with EACH one (Delta), maybe at least one will go off without a hitch. Just read that you have friend in Boston, I hope she is ok.

    Dork, I hope your mom is doing well, have you offered your dad a drink? Just kidding, of course. Is that puka healed up yet?

    NM, doing all of these trade shows that we do, we often come across some good products. We don’t have many skeeters here, but the no-seeums are terrible. Anyways, found an all natural product that I absolutely LOVE, it’s called Bug Band, and it smells really good too, as it has rosemary, geranium oil, and lots of other good things.

    Another windy day here, dang is it annoying.

    Sending prayers out to all affected in the bombings of Boston.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2013

    My bad, forgot to comment on your prayer Julie. That is a real nice one, and yes it says it all.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Oh yes, a very special prayer, Julie, thanks so much for posting it. Had to get up before 7 ayem so I could watch all the coverage, since I missed seeing the news last night. Oh God, I have been sad, so senseless, the innocent people who had no idea what was going to happen. I am shocked, as we all are, that someone would do something like this. THe bomb was just meant to hurt and kill people. Breaks my heart. And that little boy that died, and the chldren still in serious or critical condition. So many people lost limbs, esp legs, at an event that is for RUNNING. And yes, NM, not how Patriot's Day is supposed to be. I haven't heard from my friend yet, but since she has been an RN at the Boston city hospital, and a National Guard nurse, I am sure she has been super busy and probably having a hard time with all this. I am thinking positively that she was not hurt.

    Oh, didn't know you DID have snakes in the water there NM, but glad they just would scare you and are not dangerous. Ours are aggressive and venomous. A wildlife expert told me they could even crawl into the kayak, and if you fell in and were near them or landed on them, they would go after you. Our lake is not very deep, so I imagine if you fell you *mght* land on your feet, and I would hate what could be stepped on! Haven't been out on the lake yet this year, weather keeps see-sawing betwn nice and warm, and cold, or rainy (like today).

    Yeah Lori, what you have might be what I tried about 3(?) yrs ago, where they make the molds and you wear the trays(I think they call them that) for 20 min or so, and mine was about $500. This one you wear all night, and I have to do a lot of de-sensitizing as I have 2 teeth that are REALLY sore from this. But I am anxious to see the outcome in a couple of wks, after the in-office tx. Once it works, then you are only supposed to have to wear it one night a month or so. If you ever wanted to do it, you could maybe time the visits to when you go to PHX maybe. But you prolly don't even need it!

    Very nice to have the DOTD as a Prayer for Boston, NM. So sad, so very sad. I am glad we can vent here.

    Hugs to you all,
