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how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013


    He wore u out Love it

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Well, we FINALLY decided to come OUT OF THE But really we had tornado warnings, and several calls from the monitoring services that it was in OUR area, so thats when we take cover. Looks all clear right now. Alli, Hope you are ok! Was Aubrey still able to do her singing performance? Our schools closed by noon or 1, but then the storm didn't hit till after 3. Some areas are without power, power lines down, but we are fine. Lots of cars (with people in them) are stuck in their cars, with either power lines ON their car, or stuck between 2 power lines that fell across the highway.

    Wowsa... it must have been that pic of the nude guy that got me to come out of the closet!

    No, I didn't show my eyes here, Cami. You jest have to come and see me in person! Yah, that would be a GOOD idea!!!

    Big HUGS to you all....I finally had a dwink or 2 tonight...but started EARLY so I could have it regardless of the tornado warnings!!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Kat I didn't know u'r weather was that bad--Geeze--I'm sure everything has calmed down by now (hope) we're just getting rain.

    OK here's the thing--our home is a very, very--no not what I meant to say--anyway we are right now down to one computer MINE so we share like a good effin family should. So when I think I want t say something--it's gone then later I forget everything--so I'm just not on as much, not that I mean not to but that's what's going on. Exciting right? Oh and I've been in some pain too, going to Dr. Tues. It can wait, it's raining to much and I don't want to ruin my hair hahahahaha

    So that's why I'm not here as much--Cry

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Geez that would be hard to share your computer with everyone else. Not that sharing is not good, its just that we depend so much on being online, and its hard not to be able to. Hoping annudder puter comes into yur home so youse kin be here wid us more!!! Hate that you are in pain....hope it isn't anything serious. Sure its ok to wait till Tues? (((((Cami)))))

    Glad all that bad weather is gone. Hope it isn't doing a lot of damage as it goes across the other states.

    Well, sleep tight girls, don't let the bed bugs bite (unless they are hunks with names like Jock, Pants, Eric, SnowJob Boy, etc)....  Good night Liz da Ho, Good night moon.....

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited April 2013

    Getting ready for bed and just popping in to say Hi. Nice boy toy Cami. What u hire him for? He da pool guy?

    Hope everyone had good thirst day. Tomorrow is fried day and I am so happy!! Cheers!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning it's Fried day and I SLEPT-I took my pain and then later my xanax and it did the trick. I slept with an icebg on my side but I had a big pocket there so it stayed in place  woop woop.

    How is everyone this morning--It's been quiet here at night, but the morning I'm usually not the first one on.What's going on? Well my uy kept me a little busy last nite--Actually that why I slept so good. LOL OK just pokin' my head not his in to say GM, I;ll be back

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    Glad u slept cammie

    where is everyone u r right

    wahine scary weather

    Just rain here a nice red wine day

    Cammie still no scary movies on wtf

    Hope everyone has a good day

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Hi orange How are u feeling--still rainyish here. Go onto Fearnet or one of them, they just put some new movies on--I watch Case 39--OK little scary too. I keep on searching for them.

    It's much to quiet on here this morning, the usual morning peeps haven't posted. I don't like this --OMG we're in a scary mocie. It's just so weird--I'll check back later.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning!!!

    Glad you slept Cami, hope your pain isn't as bad today...sure you want to wait till Tues to see the dr?
    We have sun today, and Cami and Lara have rain! I think we got enuf rain during the storms yesterday! Its cool, just 60's, but nice with blue sky. Anyone watching the Bates Motel series? I taped it while we were on our trip, and saw 3 hrs of it at once! Did ya know its based on a REAL guy? Weird. And those that watched this season of American Horror (or whatever it was called), Cyn and Alli saw it I know, the weird dr guy who made that women's suit of skin, well that was what the guy did that the character of Norman Bates was based on. Yucko. Dug up corpses and made lampshades, etc., of women he thought reminded him of his mother. Talk about CREEPY!!!!

    OK, gotta go to dental appt....but just wanted to say hi, and let you know even though its a quiet day in the lounge, we can all PARTAY tanite!!!


    Katwinka (KatwinkaHadADwinkaLastNight)

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    good afternoon all, cammi, hope you are pain free right now.  had my first pt session today, shoulder definietly feeling better.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Oh good Julie, I'm glad it feels better. U still can't drink???? Don't worry everyone is taking u'r share like crazy.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Hi girlz, Did someone (Cami) mention drink???? Cuz its now officially yessireeeeBobarella, it is officially Pau Hana time in CST....and heck, the East Coast gals have been dwinking for an hr already!!!! Yeah Cami, are you feeling better? Julie, Glad your shoulder is already getting many times after PT I have hurt worse! Hard to keep up the exercizes, but I know you will!

    Gawgeous day here, foah shuah. Thinking of diving into our beeeeeeuteeful HTL pool and swimming to the bar. I see Hunk is behind the bar, and oohlala I do know he will be rockin those swim trunks! Come and join me girls....last one is a....(well shoot, I'll think of Sumtin!!!).



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Last one is gets the booby prize--I need 2 booby prizes so I will be last two times.

    Just checkin in--we've been so quiet today WHY? All of us. Are we all right--That's the Queen's English--Do we like it--Wel I don't so I'm droppin that idea.

    Back to reg. tak. Noe dat;s betr.

    I hope eberyone is doin it, Imean doin' OK LOL--I left that in, cuz see how I tink.

    OK nuff said.

  • gracewriter
    gracewriter Member Posts: 8
    edited April 2013

    Can I hang out here?? I've been all over these forums for the last week. Just diagnosed with IDC. Just saw surgeon for 1st time. Going for bilateral mastectomy. Can I say "f it, take these suckers?

    I have been so scared I gave this to myself cause I drink and smoked for 38 years. I switched to electronic cigarettes five years ago and never looked back.

    My husband is a tea totter and I come from a family of drinkers. So it's embarrassing and I just usually have my cocktails when he's not here.

    However, haven't touched a drop since 1st mammogram. So scared I did this to myself. But then yesterday I finally saw surgeon and admitted right in front of husband about how much I really do drink... Surgeon asked do you get withdrawal symptoms? Huh? Assuming an occasional hangover is not real withdrawal I confidentially said no.

    Husband never said a word and neither did doctor. I have been going through a personal lonely hell of guilt and shame about my drinking causing this my terror has been elevated to heights never felt before.

    Anyway, after seeing surgeon and feeling much more confident I am going to live I drank about a month's worth last night. And felt really guilty, stupid and thirsty this morning.

    Husband thinks someone who drinks more than a couple drinks in a week is a major alcoholic.

    Bearing my soul here but SO HAPPY to find people who make me feel normal throughbthis horrible ordeal.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    C'mon in nice barstool for you, right in front of one of the hunky bartenders, who we call "Tattie Tenders" here at the Hot Tatties Lounge. Puleez don't think your drinking caused you to have cancer...really, if they knew what caused it, we would surely know. Don't be too hard on yourself. You can drink here with us, and really drink, or you can drink cyberly. We do have parties too! You came to the right place to try to escape thinking about the RB (rat b_stard) cancer all the time. Let us know more about you!

    Oh Cami, leave it to you! You DID come in last twice.....SO.....2 boobies for you! And nice perky ones too, how bout dat.

    Hoping all the loungettes are having a good night! Bernie, hope things are going better, we miss you here! JeanBean, we miss you too, pop in when you is a BIG bottle of wodka wid your name on c'mon and sit awhile here, and dwink, dwink,dwink.

    Okole Maluna!

    Kathy (aka Katwinka, WahineMachiney, WaWa, etc)

  • gracewriter
    gracewriter Member Posts: 8
    edited April 2013

    Thank you so much for the bar stool. I'm so tired of feeling, well you know. Husband just left for work and I can tell you booze is so therapeutic as I am NOT SO SCARED when I can have a drink. Even my sense of humor comes back.

    I used to call it a cup of courage when skiing. A little cup of courage is bringing myself back to my old fighting self. Hard to explain. Ok, now I have an appetite to finally eat. Going to do that now.

    So glad to be here.

    Thinking about asking doc to box up the girls so I can give them a proper burial. It's only right as they served me well not to end up in a trash heap.

    Good to be here!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Welcome Grace--sorry u have to be here, but everyone has to be someplace and it's great her--mark this as u'r favorite, but I have to say It's been quiet today for some reason, it's usually more rowdy, but sometimes it should be quiet. Never feel guitly, it's a wasted emotion, there's other things to think about. And don't blame u'r cancer on anything u do or did--The beast just jumps to whoever it wants to --no reason. so forget about that in any way, NO GUILT ALLOWED--that's a sign we put up in our virtual lounge so u can picture anything u want and have anything u want.

    And talk about anything u want.

    YYYAAAYYYY I won 2 boobs, now I'll be like some or all of u gals--No comcave top anymore. WOOP WOOP

    , so that's good  I'm typin' all over de place here--2 dinks and dat's all??? no Ihad to buy more Kalhlua (sp) not enough in those little bottles.

    Oh OH I wrote to the Gov. 3 times this week and the Pres. one time and my kids are telling ME to stop we'll all go to jail. WTF Then I thought my one SIL can go for all of us. happy Day if thst happened--I know I shouldn't say that but it's true. But seriously I always end my letters with this email contains no threat or derogatory satements toward any groups, sexes or creeds. So I think 'm covered.

    Everyone better be all right just busy cuz it's Fried day night and no one is around. Not u Kat u'r around oh and now Grace.OK

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited April 2013

    Hello to all my beautiful babes,  Still overwhelmed by all the kind words and thoughts.

    Sinead is coping very well, she went back to work yesterday, I think that was a good thing to do.  Life has to go on.

    Grace - welcome -please put the drinking thoughts out of the head, dear lady.  Even the doctors that go on about the so called safe drinking levels admit the have no real scientific evidence to back that up.  

    I believe that life is to be enjoyed.  Take away my wine - now that would be fighting talk around here.  Yes, I probably (well actually) do drink too much along with the smoking, eating, riding motorbikes and all the other so called dangerous stuff. Do I care?  Not really.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited April 2013

    The 6th grade
    science teacher, Mrs. Parks, asked her class,

    "Which human body part increases to ten times its size when stimulated?"

    No one answered until Mary stood up and said,

    "You should not be asking sixth graders a question like that! I am
    going to tell my parents, and they will tell the Principal, who will
    then fire you!"

    Mrs. Parks ignored her and asked the question again,

    "Which body part increases to 10 times its size when stimulated?"

    Marys mouth fell open. Then she said to those around her,

    "Boy, is she going to get in big trouble!"

    The teacher continued to ignore her and said to the class,


    Finally, Billy stood up, looked around nervously, and said,

    "The body part that increases 10 times its size when stimulated is the
    pupil of the eye."

    Mrs. Parks said, "Very good, Billy," then turned to Mary and continued.

    "As for you, young lady, I have three things to say :

    One, you have a dirty mind.

    Two, you didn’t read your homework.

    And three, one day you are going to be very,

    VERY disappointed."


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    good morning bernieLaughing  (((((((((sinead)))))))))  bernie you can't give up anything because then you won't be boobilicious biker B+B provider bernie.good morning grace, your not drinking too much because you are currrently drinking for me,   and thank you for those that have been drinking for me  ,have my labs rechecked end of the week , so maybe drinking again next week, yee ha! grace,most of us are at different stages of this journey,so never be afraid too ask or say anything because these ladies are a great source of advice and laughter.and if needed dorty has people and i live near a swamp so we can take care of people that need it.    back to my favourite place tonight, so have a good weekend . next pt on monday ,to start the actual therapy as yesterday was eval time.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2013

    Lara, kind of a bummer that you have to wait so long for surgery, if you are done with your fills, but congrats on that, unless you sneak one more in!

    Cami, I’m hoping for no more snow either! Today will be nice, then it gets windy for about 4 days, but I’m sure you know all about windy! I hope the pain you were having is easing up. LOVE your saying about GUILT, being a wasted emotion. Did you make that up? Never heard that before.

    Kat, glad you didn’t have any damage from the storms. That would be scary to be stuck in your car with power lines on it, yikes.

    Julie, glad your shoulder is starting to feel better already. Hoping you can imbibe SOON!

    Hi there Grace and welcome. I am one that does not buy that cock n bull story about drinking and smoking causing cancer. What about all of those that don’t drink or smoke and get it??? OMG, LMAO at  you wanting to bury “the girls” as they have served you well. And not only do we have a great fun group of drinking women, we can help you through this journey, AND we have 2 nurses on board here.

    Bernie Babe, so glad to have you back and that Sinead is moving on. Praying that she can have a happy healthy baby in the future.

    I was not here yesterday, as was up at 4:30 am and out the door by 5:30 am, so we could get to town and get back early, which we made it home by 9 am. Gonna play out in the dirt today and get some more plants in the ground. I can’t wait to make more sketti sauce, salsa and can mese maters!

    DOTD-Dirt Block

    Dirt Block (Minecraft cocktail) Ingredients:1 1/2 oz french vanilla Kahlua1 1/2 oz amarettoAround 3 oz chocolate milk Oreo cookie crumbs Directions: Mix ingredients in a rocks glass over crushed ice.  Premade chocolate milk is fine, or you can be fancy and make your own with milk and chocolate syrup.  Sprinkle the top with Oreo or other chocolate cookie crumbs. Drink created and photographed by The Drunken Moogle.

    1 1/2 oz french vanilla Kahlua

    1 1/2 oz amaretto

    Around 3 oz chocolate milk

    Oreo cookie crumbs

    Directions: Mix ingredients in a rocks glass over crushed ice.  Premade chocolate milk is fine, or you can be fancy and make your own with milk and chocolate syrup.  Sprinkle the top with Oreo or other chocolate cookie crumbs.

    Happy sa TURD ay

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Bernie so glad to see u and I'm glad to hear Sinead is back at work--That's a good thing. And u got me with that joke-but I did laugh==funny

    And yesterday I don't remember hearing fromNM for our drink--thru me all off.--

    Lori I like the DOTD today --yummy and U've started working really hard now, but I guess it's that time of year--we're supposed to be 70 tomorrow then snow in the week. OMG it's crazy. And yes Lori going to Catholic school to much guilt and finaly I remember thinking this is wasting my feelings, u do something, go to confession and forget about it--If u do something bad to a person that's different like kill someone. but it's usually to ourselves and we feel like oh maybe if I did this or didn't do that ,So I've been saying that for years. LOL It sounds mean doesn't it.

    It's been so quiet here I know Dork has her father with her and they all spend time with their MOm too so that's imprtant.

    Julie u do sound better this morning to-I hope u do feel better.

    OK I'll check back later and I hope everyone has a great day--I see my Onc Tues and try to understand were all this pain is from I understand some, but it's working around my side into my stomach area--that's alot of stomach to have pain and I feel like I'm always complaining to u guys--but with our nurses here it helps for my questions hahaha

    LubLubLub u all

  • gracewriter
    gracewriter Member Posts: 8
    edited April 2013

    I am so relieved to find this group! It's the best thing that's happened to me since dx. I'm actually laughing again reading these posts.

    The surgeon's nurse offered me tea the other day and when offered sugar or honey I told her I didn't think we knew each other well enough yet for her to call me either one. Made her and my husband laugh. Then I realized, the old me is still in here somewhere.

    This place makes me feel like I'm still here. The real me, that is.

    I've been sitting on the couch frozen in fear for a month. Maybe I'll get off the couch and start doing something. Then again it's kinda nice not cooking and cleaning up after everyone. I might milk this for all I can get.

    Reading about how painful your arms are and not being able to lift them of course my mind went to "will I be able to wipe my arse?"! Told my husband maybe we should invest our life savings in that toilet that washes and air dries.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2013

    NO Cami, not mean at all. Feeling guilty, especially for something so silly, IS a wasted emotion. Or like with Grace, feeling guilty that she caused her cancer, wasted emotion, because she DIDN'T! Hoping you can manage all of that pain until Tuesday, and I wished to hail they could figure it out.........what's wrong with them????

    Oh Grace, the girls here will tell you all you need to do to prepare for your surgery. I only had lumpectomy, but there are alot of things to do that will make it easier for you when you get home. I remember them saying to put things lower, so you don't have to reach for them, in the kitchen/bathroom/etc. I think taking a pillow to the hospiital for the ride home, I forget what all else, but the girls will chime in.

    Tell us a little about yourself, and heck yeah, play that cancer card, just stay outta de wabbit hole. Keep your chin up, put your big girl panties on, have a drink and enjoy LIFE and our thread.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Lori u are so precious don't ever say u only had a lumpectomy, not to scare Grace really, but that hurts more then 2 boobs taken off, believe me, so don't say only. Grace if u come back I'm not trying to scare u, but nothing is only when it comes with this RB-but it is one day at atime for a whil.

    Hey Lori--I neve knew there was white Kalua (sp), how could I not know that. I s it something newer or have I just been thinking older. LOL

    My DD has her scissors out for Marty so I thought I'd get my hair trimmed this morning and I just took a shower. Chi I would have taken it after, but I'm just getting the top trimmed this time--I'm trying something different.??? I have no idea what I'm trying.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2013

    Good  snowy morning, Loungettes!  Well, I'm CPR recertified for another 2 years, whopee!  Can you say "boring"?  Not how I'd like to spend 2 hours of my evening.  Oh, well, what must be done must be done.  Didn't get on Fri ayem, overslept.  Well, actually, I hit the snooze button too many times.  Then had to scramble to get to work on time! 

    Cammy--it wasn't a bloody nose like the usual, it was the skin around the edge of the nose opening, it got so irritated from wiping that it started bleeding.  Like a scratch.  Sore, too.  Hmmm, hadn't thought of that drink as being a health drink, but you have a point--Vit C, water, fruit juice. . .

    Wahine--I certainly hope the haunted house folks didn't know where their props came from, but what are those things doing outside of police custody anyway?????  CPR does have it's place, that's for sure.  Good for you for getting your angel and award!  She deserves it!  Like I told Cammy, what I had wasn't a typical nosebleed, more like a scratch on the edge of the nose hole (that's the technical term for nare).  I'm putting goo on it (technical term for vaseline) at night and using chapstick on it during the day.  It's working pretty well, but it still looks like I snort coke for fun. 

    Goldie--I go through the long day, and yesterday's long day, and am relaxing today. 

    ORLA--Hooray for June 5th!  May the time pass quickliest! 

    Wahine--ok, I'll take the sleet and snow over the tornado warnings, any day!  Tornadoes terrify me, way to unpredictable.  Give me ice and snow, those I know how to handle. 

    Cammy--hope the computer issues and pain all go away soonliest!

    Wahine--Yikes, that is creepy, about the guy with the skin suit.  Very creepy! 

    Gracewriter--yup, you can say eff it take those suckers.  I did, it just took me longer than usual to get to that place!  You did NOT do this to yourself.  You did NOT.  Medical science doesn't completely understand how cancer works so they try to blame us so they don't look so bad.  You are not a major alcoholic.  There is nothing wrong with having a drink and enjoying life.  No withdrawal symptoms, no problem.  Well, hangovers can be a problem but that's a different kind of problem.  Welcome to the Lounge, lots of heart bearing goes on with lots and lots of support and even more drinking, virtual and real!  We've all been there, know what it's like.  Say whatever you want or need to, we'll listen!

    Cammy--unless you come out and make threats in your e-mails I wouldn't worry about being considered a hazard to the President or anyone else.  I imagine the worse that would ever happen would be a visit from a friendly local FBI person to look you over so they can cross you off their list of people to worry about!  Might actually be kind of interesting if the agent cute enough. 

    BBBBernie--glad to hear Sinead went back to work, distraction can be very helpful at times.  Good point about the lack of real research about the effects of alcohol.  And life is to be lived and enjoyed, so let's drink! 

    Juliet--Here's hoping PT does a wonderful job for you!

    Goldie--oooohhhhh, great sounding dwinky!!!!!

    Cammy--stomach pain can be hard to pin down due to the nature of the nerve system there.  It's called visceral pain, which is notoriously non-specific and hard to locate.  That's why heart attack pain can radiate into the jay or arm, and gall bladder pain can be felt under the shoulder blade in the back.  A very small area of disease can be felt as pain all over the belly and into the back, so it can take a lot of looking to find the problem.  It can be a real puzzle to figure out. 

    Gracewriter--as a veteran of a lumpectomy, mastectomy, and bilateral recon with mastectomy I can tell you that you will be able to wipe you’re a$$.  You may not be able to stand up straight, or lift your arms above shoulder level, or pick up more than 5# for a while, but you CAN feed yourself, wipe your own a$$, and move from bed to recliner.  Tip:  you will probably be more comfortable in a recliner than in bed for a while after surgery.  Depending on the type of recon you may not be allowed to lie on  your sides or stomach for quite some time.  I'm a side sleeper, so the recliner was a godsend for weeks.  Brushing my hair was an ordeal, though.  Go ahead and milk it for all it's worth, might as well get something good out of this!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is The A$$wiper

    1 oz absinthe herbal liqueur

    1 oz benedictine herbal liqueur

    1 oz Jagermeister® herbal liqueur

    Layer Benedictine, Jagermeister, then absinthe in a shot glass. Light shot on fire, blow it out, and slam!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    Grace welcome OMG u r not a alcoholic and I was with someone who made me feel that way if I drank 2 x a week. I know you are scared I did a lot of whacky things before my bmx Masectomy. You will get through this. Its weird I think some of the girls will agree its like u r in tunnel vision.Nm is a nurse and Juliet here on the thread. I am just getting my inplants noe June 5th. You will b there as well. Stick with us we will get ya through this. These ladies have picked me up many times.

    Cammy yes we are in a scary movie lol

    Wahine never knew this about the shows I like bates hotel its interesting

    I know goldie I am so excited

    well my computer will not let me copy and paste pics any more IDK ill try again today

    where is everyooooooooooooooooonnnnnneeeeeeeeeee

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    YES, Grace, good hints from Lori and NM. DO put as much as you can, at around waist high. I did bring a pillow in the car for the ride home, to pad betwn myself and the seatbelt. ALSO, I bought some "dusters" that opened in the front and had POCKETS for the drains...could sleep in them or wear inside during the day. Or get some comfy pjs that open in front. I also made pockets INSIDE some large shirts, to hold the drains. Some gals were given camisoles with pockets for drains, but I wasn't. ALSO what helped for the drains was to have a long shoestring, tied to make a large loop, then you could put it around your neck and safety pin the drains to it while taking a bath. I also put soap, etc in a mesh bag that could hang so I wouldn't have to reach up to where the soap is, in the shower. ALSO, my skin got very irritated from the dressings where the drain openings were, as my dr wanted us to clean them several times a day....I finally got an acebandage and wrapped around myself to hold the drains in place without tape....much better. There are threads with hints on what to prepare for, look for them on bco.

    NM, the reason the evidence was not in police custody, as they weren't aware of that, till after the guy was arrested. Yuck! Glad your bloody nose was not like mine was. I've been using the vaseline too, and so far it hasn't done that since Monday night. (Knock on wood!).

    Lori, my exch surgery was awhile after last fill too, I think so the skin can stretch as much as needed. Glad you can play in the dirt! AND make your sketti sauce, etc.

    Cami, you are so funny, your posts always crack me up!

    Bernie, what a funny yolk! AND so glad Sinead is going back to work, and trying to start on with her life. Miss you!

    Interesting dwinks for today....foah shuah!

    Allison, where are you, gal? Do we need to put out an APB???? ALLIOOPSIE, where you be????

    Julie, Hope you get to dwink again soonliest....mese gettin too drunkliest dwinkin for ya! lol..

    EVERYONE have a great Sat-TURD-dey!

    Big hug,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    NM I was getting worried cuz u'r one of the firs on for the day, then Lori wasn't on and I was in a quandary of what happened to both of, now I'm fine.-Another good DOTD--I wish I had a loaded bar in my home so I could try alot of these drinks hahaha so I have to go to the Lounge and order from our Barmanand I'm usung the one I posted yesterday. NM I alway use vaseline when my nose starts running cuz it hurts pretty quickly, that all I know what to use, everything else burns. U'r not still getting snow are u? It's so cold here and tomorrow it's supposed to be 70 and then next week maybe more snow. WTF--NM I seem to have a bladder infction on a regular basis all of a sudden, I've gotten diff. meds, then it come back, oh and I passed a stone but I have no other ones just lots going on in the side and front area.

    Now where is Sue? I'm getting to be like the CSI here looking for everyone, OK I know I have lots more to say, but for some reason my mind is blank--Oh my DD just cut my hair and ZJoey came in my room during the night to cudde--my little man and my Katie-Kat too so was sleeping well until Our gang came in. So now I'm tired.

    Love to u all.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Kat I just read u'r post--I'm so glad (knock, knock) it's been a few days. now.

    Wow u really got set up for post surgery--how come everyone sounds like u could bathe after with the drains, I wonder why I couldn't I bet it was just an old rule, even tho my /bs was not old but it was awful 3 months and when I'd see him ask again and it was always no. I should not listen to him--How stupid I was-I did whatever I was told.

    Oh well that was long ago and I hve since taken at least 6 or 7 showers since then,

    Lub me