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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    OOPS Cami, I meant to write "shower" but wrote bath instead...was going to correct it, but thought no one would notice. LOL....but YOU did! Yeah, have to wait a few days to shower, then can shower with drains. First few days its like a "whore bath", and those throw away "washcloths" are real handy for those days (comes in a pack larger than wipes and softer and dry). You ARE like CSI....our own

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2013

    Wahine----good advice about the pillow.  More than one pillow if the drive is very long.  That is one thing I wish I had thought of after my recon.  5 hours of riding was NOT comfortable.   OK, if the crime wasn't known yet then using the props was just coincidence, creepy but coincidence.  Very creepy, though. 

    Cammy--yup, another inch of snow yesterday/last night.  Gotta love spring in Maine! No wonder you are sore, passing a kidney stone does a lot of microscopic damage that takes time to heal up.  Showering or not with drains is up to the doc.  My BS didn't allow showers with drains in place due to the risk of infection.  My PS starts women showering on post op day 3 and wants it done daily to prevent infection.  Personally, I liked being able to shower better! 

    Wahine--I wish I had some of those washcloth things when I had recon.  It was 90+ degrees with 85-100% humidity and I could have LIVED in the shower if I'd had the strength!  Would have been nice to "freshen up" with something that didn't make me sweat more than I already was.

  • gracewriter
    gracewriter Member Posts: 8
    edited April 2013

    Thank you so much Goldie. I'm 53 and have cancer. I know there is more to me, but can't stop playing that tape. Got 3 kids youngest 15 oldest 21. Started late in life. I'm normally a hermit. But love laughing and making people laugh. I'm a conundrum that way. Love people and socializing, but preferr being alone for the most part.

    Had a hard life befor meeting husband 16 years ago and even harder when he lost his mind and let his dick take over his good senses and tried to leave me for a psychopathic bitch who was stalking me for several months. That was 4 years ago and we have since moved 3400 miles away from that freak.

    I'm very private but extremely honest and candid. I'm not private on purpose as I couldn't give a s*it about what people think about me and they'd never guess the crazy s*it that has happened to me starting at birth and even crazier s*it I've done in my life. I left no stone unturned. I've done it all. I have learned there is no shame in doing the best you can and it not being socially acceptable.

    Suffice it to say, in the last two years, I've finally come to a place in my life of peace with all the emotional pain that goes along with being me in the circumstances i found mysel in throughout my life.

    Oddly, even though I've been content and quite peaceful in the last two years, I've been wondering lately, why am I still here? What was the point of all that pain? I didn't discover another planet, a new source of energy to get off fossil fuel, or cure for cancer... All my children are pretty much grown, so what purpose keeps me here?

    Mind you I'm not and was not depressed, it was just a kind of a peaceful wondering and valid question. So the timing of my diagnosis was astounding. And I couldn't help but to wonder if my usefulness on this earth was up and I was getting the answer to my question. But then I thought about my 15 year old losing me, then the fear took over.

    Between that and visualizing an empty chair at the dinner table, I lost it. Who would sit in my chair? Who would make my kids feel the gentle love and crazy funny assurance they are special and worthy of being who they are? How could an empty chair accept them just the way they are and encourage them to feel good about their own fears of being "different" as most teenagers do?

    My husband is a great man. But carries judgements his parents instilled in him. I have worked hard to create a balance for my kids between my lack of enough parental judgement and his being prone to over judge. He has come a long way and I know he can take over, but that prescious balance would be gone if that chair is empty.

    I decided to tell John if I die, he should always sit in my chair at the dinner table so he and the kids don't so much notice an empty chair screaming a deafening silent scream that I'm gone and they can still feel like a family, not so much broken.

    I am curious about everything from quantum physics to how mechanical alarm clocks work. Took my 1st clock apart at 7 years old. I love knowing how things are made. Taught myself to play piano, paint,upholster furniture, French cooking, sewing, faux Tuscany wall murals, natural medicine, etc., and play a mean solitaire.

    Learning and curiosity has become the essence of who I am.

    I am a passionate advocate for the underdog and progressive in my values and morals, and am SO PISSED right now they are trying to shut down planned parenthood which mostly does early screening for poor people for breat cancer. I'm so frightened for those women who will no longer have a choice of breast cancer screening and feel guilty I have insurance.

    The hardest part about cancer so far is I've lost my curiosity about anything. I used to live for it. But just as bad is living a humorous-less life. I can take one but not both. That is why I am so happy to find this thread. Even though I was only diagnosed a short while ago, without laughter it has been an eternity. This has been hell without my drive to wake up in the morning without humor and "what can I learn to do today?"

    Camillegal- what does this mean?

    Grace if u come back I'm not trying to scare u, but nothing is only when it comes with this RB-but it is one day at atime for a whil.

    What is RB?

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Grace, You really have a way with words, and I found your post most interesting! I love the way you express your feelings. Your dx (diagnosis) is still new, and we go thru SO MANY different emotions, esp at first. For me, since my kids are grown, what kept me fighting was thinking of my youngest g'daugher, who was just 2 at the time. Since her other g'ma died before the g'children were born, I felt I needed to be here to show them what a grandma can be, and to give them lots of love. And for you, picturing that "empty chair". Just imagine how the single moms feel when they have young children, and get the bc dx. When I think of that, I feel I am quite lucky. Oh, and RB means, "Rat Bast-rd". And can you guess what FURB means? Its F--k You, Rat bast_rd. We do use that a lot here in the lounge! Do you write in a journal? Your words are so powerful, I can picture you writing this all down. You will change a lot through this, and come out on top eventually....there is a lot to digest, accept, or change. Right now its especially hard, and very raw. Nowadays I rarely think about cancer....really. You have so much to live for, and so much to have a LOT of talents!!! I like to do so many things too, and very curious about is so interesting, and it sounds like you have experienced quite a lot! Glad you joined us here, but like someone said, I hate that you had a reason to be here. BUT we are here, and making the best of it, and have a BLAST here with each other! I have some very close friends here that I would never have met if I did not have bc. So come on, join the party...maybe someone will share the link to Lori's video of our wonderful utopia, known as the HTL, or Hot Tatties Lounge!



  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited April 2013

    Good morning ladies!! I will have mese a dirty block dwink please! Imma pull up my lamp shade and talk to Ms. grace here. Glad you found the HTL. I too stumbled in here one day and these girls helped bring me out of a dark place! Now when I go to dark place, I take a sexy tender with me! Ha! They have skills too like plumbing and fire fighting and what not! There is NO guilt here, or calories, and the ATM spits out free $$$ for casino. Lub dis place and dese girls sooooo much!!! up!!

    I will BBL. I need to wash me cheets!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    Very good advice

    Grace we all have names different names on the thread

    but cammy I call her thats her name

    I sponged it for a while my drains were out in 2 weeks

    Most of that time was a blur

    I always slept on y back when my TES poped out the first time I loved sleeping on my side. Now they are back in I do sleep on my side after a couples after fill im good.

    June 5th is surgery everyone b there plezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013
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  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    We'll be there with you Lara! Gotta have the UFO pick me up in Prague though, I'll be on vacay. I think Cyn will be in Europe then, also.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited April 2013

    HELLO!!!!!  And Happy Sat-Turd-dey ma ladies!!  Welcome Grace!!  Im glad you found us.  Lori, I think we need the video..I just love to watch that video.

    Beckers..thanks for the advice. Sawry the people you help think they are doing YOU a favor.  I found the people at night that call me are just A holes...I think its because durring the day its usually an admin or assistant that calls.  They are asking for more OT this week and I am considering pain no gain.

    On of the things we have to verify with each person who calls is their email address and I just had to share this one with of my callers today's email was.

    Ronaldwhataguyjohnson ....LOL...people are funny. 

    SuZ..what is Floressence Tea?  ..I so hope you are feeling better . 

    Kat...That story about the murder weapons and the haunted house is crazy..wouldnt the weapons be contaminated? 

    Cami, it sounds like your mom and her sis had a terrific relationship like you and your sis do.  it must be hard to share a computer..not that I am against sharing mind you but to me a computer is so very personal..or maybe I've just gotten burned too many times allowing people to use my kids ruined at least 5 of them on me...nevah again.  lol..but good for you guys.  I would say keep those cards and lettters the gov or are they going to know how you feel if you dont tell them..right?

    Orla!!!  Congrats on your surgery you really want to go to 38D tho?? Thats kinda big..but to each her own.  ;)

    NM..where did you go for your bmx that it took 5 hours to get home? I hope it starts to warm up and dry up for you.

    Kathy.....what network is the Bates hotel on???  How can I be missing  this????

    Julie..hope you feel better and get to  drink for yourself soonliest.

    Bernie, Its great to see you and LOL at the girl being nissapointed someday. Glad to hear Sinead is back on her feet.. (( Sinead )).

    Welcome again Grace, I hope you find comfort here as well as a lot of fun. We have some wonderful women with tons and tons of knowledge.  Please dont let the FRB define you..thats one thing that I said from the beginning because it does have a way of taking over every aspect for some should let yourself be defined by your creativity and your desire for seem like a very logical person so I know you know this.  Your acomplishments speak volumes....

    Dorty!!!  I had sumptin to say to you but ise forgot cause Ise working and its taken me all dang darn day to type this....

    They are offering more OT next week..Im considering it..Im sure you all want to hear me bitch and complain all into next week..right??

    LOL you guys

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Hi Cyn....looks like its on A&E (Bates Motel)....beeen verrrrrry interesting so far! Hope you can stand that OT again...nice to get all the moola. Yes the weapons would have been contaminated, but that shows what a demented guy that was...murder a wonderful gal, dismember her, then put the weapons in the haunted house. Uggghhhhhhhhhh. When is American Horror Story coming back on? In the fall? Loved that one, but still haven't seen the first season.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    I need to see the first season to waging it looked so good

    So bates hotel is about a real person? Who?

    Canniest got scary movies in I did try fear net once but it kinda was weird to log in IDK

    Good to hear from u can That's the size I am now and they don't look big in me so idk I love them !

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Grace I'm so glad u wrote about u'rself--u are a very interesting and well balnced woman. And this time of disinterest will pass and the dark time will ebb away so just think of this as temporary--like u hit a pothole and u'r helped out--by u'r Drs.-family, friends and us. LOL Tis a bumpy tunnel, but u do see light soon. This might change u in some ways, one thing that I learned was to have much more patience about everything now--it didn't change me but some little things changed like that and drinking sounds much better to me now. And I make a big announcement when I actually drin something--it's good. hahaha

    Cyn I always think I'm the only one that doesn't know what things are--right Sue what is that tea??? And u'r really working alot so u can complain all u want just so u stop in for a drink.

    Lara we'll get the UFO tuned up--it wil be able to pick us all u in no time--so we'll be in u'r pocket for u. But we have to tell Dork she can't be so loud this time--I swear I heard her voice when u guys came with me. ---

    Oh yea I used those wipes like crazy and the no rinse shampoo and body wash all the time. U just put it on and it gets all sudsy and wipe it off everywhere on u'r body.  Wonderful stuff And it's not expensive.

    Oh my sister and my niece (one of her dgtrs) came over today, it's always nice to see my sister and any or all of her kids they're so funny.

    And they brought me my veggie chips and vitamin water hahaha--Italians always think they have to bring something--and my sister still goes by that--I don't so much--I mean she's my sister--I think she thinks it's bad uck and she doesn't want to tempt the gods of luck,hahaha

    Okdy Dokey I'm babysiting tonite, not much difference than any night we slept together last nite and we;ll do that again tonite--and he'll wait on me--I guess I shouldn't call it babysitting but we do have to let the dog out--so that's something different--when it's dark I do it with Joey.

    So TTYL my Lubs.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Lara, this is the deviant who Psycho (Bates Motel) was based on....yucko....(And last season American Horror Story had a fellow who posed as a psychiatrist and did similar things (made a "woman suit" out of female cadaver skin, etc)).....

    The Movie Story: Norman Bates is a psychologically disturbed hotel owner who has delusions this his dead mother, whose body he keeps in the cellar, wants to kill hotel guests. He develops a dual personality and dresses like her when he commits his murders.

    The Real Story: The character Norman Bates was inspired by Ed Gein, a Wisconsin man who was arrested in 1957 for committing two murders and digging up the corpses of countless other women who reminded him of his dead mother. He skinned the bodies to make lamp shades, socks and a "woman suit" in hopes of becoming a woman. He was found to be insane and spent the rest of his life in a mental institution.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited April 2013

    Morning Babes

    Just thought I would share some of the things said to me when i was having treatmeat - 

    Wow you look great, what diet have you been on?   - CHEMO.

    Aren't you lucky you don't have to shave your legs now.

    Short hair suits you - I was bald at the time.

    Why did you shave your eyebrows off?

    When is your son leaving home - he's my husband.

    Shop assistant - Hair dryers are on offer this week - I was bald at the time.

    My all time favourite from a good friend of mine.  I see your teeth grew back.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning Goils

    Bernie those are so funny and so true.

    Kat Did u get to watch Bates Motel? They have it on Demand---Quite a story Ed Gein is noted as one of the worst serial killers from that era, it's funny u just look at him and u get the chills, but cuz u know what he did--I wonder if he was a reputable man and u looked at him u would think nothing. Like Ted Bundy his method was different but he was another huge monument to serial killing and he ooked fine to meet. Then Gacey who was a town helper and insane was another minor word. Speck in 1966 was a mass murderer and the weekend of his slaughter I had to go back to the hospital due to hemmoragging avter I had my 1st Dgtr and the hospital was on a lock down, well they admitted me but there was a policman ib every foor and loads downstaars--no one knew what was going on and my then husband wanted to stay with me- they didn't allow that then anyway but he was out of the hospital like fast--and everyone was on edge then they caught him, then everyone knew what was going on. So when u went in u knew something was really wrong and scared anyway just being there and I totally remember how all the nurses were breaking down--why did we start this Kat??? LOL

    OK that's start the morning with a nice wake up.

    TTYL ----Lubs you all

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    just seemed so appropriate, been thinking of the those that have gone home

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Really sweet words Julie, I love the last one especially, very touching!

    Cami, I don't know how it But OMG how scary when you had to go to the hospital, with everyone breaking down, and cops, and lockdown. Yikes. Glad they finally caught him. Can't understand why people do those horrid things. THEN you will have someone do something so amazingly nice and you have faith in mankind (or womankind) again.

    Bernie, OMG...can't believe the comments that were made to you, well I do believe it, just can't understand it! And your friend, thinking your teeth "grew back" Sometimes when someone is going through something you know nothing about, you might say the wrong/inappropriate things. But those were really "out there" strange. Anyhow, so nice to have you back here posting again!!! Hope Sinead is still doing well, I am sure she will have moments she may breakdown, but she has YOU to lean on, which is priceless.

    Lara, I saw 4 episodes I think, and thought this was the first season, but then it seemed I read there were maybe 2 prev seasons of it? Did I read that correctly? Seems like this season started from the beginning, so that funcused me.

    Hope ALL you girls will have a SunDeyFunDey! Supposed to rain anytime here, and for the next few days, on and off. BUT its not cold, and not hot yet this time of year! I think I will mosey over to that humongous buffet that the Tattie Tenders and Wenches made for us. And OMG they have the percotini fountain, as well as the mimosa fountain going. Looks like they even added a chocolate fountain....yummmm......



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes! 

    Gracie--Yeah, the "I have cancer" tape plays pretty persistently for a while.  It will fade out over time, though.  Getting the news "it's breast cancer" does rock your boat for a while.  Dealing with the learning, choices, treatment options and all the appointments takes over your life for a while.  I remember being scared to plan anything more than a few days ahead, not sure where I would be or how I would be feeling or if I had the energy or the money to get anywhere but treatment and back.  I remember the first few times I had to plan something a couple of weeks in the future and the terror I felt.  I remember the surprise a few months later when I realized I was routinely planning things a few weeks out.  Your curiosity will come back, you will look forward to learning every day again. 

    RB = rat ba$tard, code for cancer.    FURB = F you, rat ba$tard.   FRB = F'n rat ba$tard.

    Wahine--good idea for Gracie to write in a journal!  She really does have a way with words. 

    Becs--washing the sheets AGAIN??????  How many Tenders have you "entertained" since you joined us????  ;)

    ORLA--June 5th, ok, sent the date to the UFO Tenders to make sure it's all gassed up and likkered up and got your coordinates locked in!  Hmm, we may have to start the UFO on it's way the day before to collect all the Loungettes in far flung places!

    CynCyn--I went to Boston for recon.  No one in Maine does DIEP recons, especially bilateral ones.  I actually went to New Orleans for a consult with the PS's there who specialize in breast surgery/recon, but didn't like either the PS or the BS.  Especially the BS.  But I got a long weekend trip to the Big Easy out of the deal! 

    Cammy--good advice for Gracie.  Enjoy your night with Joey! 

    BBBBernie--Oh my goodness, Bernie! The things people say.  There's a thread called

    "The dumbest things people have said to you/about you" where there are pages and pages of stuff like that, along with some rather witty comebacks that we all wish we could use!   

    Cammy--YIKES!  I'd have been scared to death to be there!

    Juliet--Crossing Over is beautiful, thanks for sharing. 

    OK, now I'm really hungry for breakfast, gotta go see what's left in the empty larder!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is The  Serial Killer

    2 oz vodka,

    2 oz Jack Daniels

    2 ox southern comfort

    4 oz orange juice

    1 splash grenadine

    Best served in a pint glass. 

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2013

    Cami, I didn’t mean for the word “just” to sound like it did, the same as if I might say “she just had a mastectomy”,  I wouldn’t want that to sound like I was saying it was no big deal. It’s ALL a big deal, whatever we go through and have done. I know what you mean about have a likker cabinet. MemaSue will often try some of the DOTD’s, as her and DH work at a bar. Glad you had such a nice bisit wif you sister and niece. Yikes, you have your own scary story!

    NM, I hope you had a wonderfully relaxing day yesterday and today too! Funny about the FBI paying a visit to Cami. You had me cracking up about being able to wipe your own arse. 90 degrees and all of the humidity, how in the world do you survive, I would just continue one big LONG hotflash!

    Kathy, that makes sense as to why the wait after the last fill, to let the skin stretch.

    Grace, thank you so very much, you ‘splained yourself very well. And Kathy’s comments pretty much sums it ALL up. You have a LOT to live for, we all do. I’m sure we all freaked out when we found out our diagnosis. For me, after the initial shock, I just slammed my fist on the table and said I WILL NOT let this get the best of me! Unlike Kathy, I think of cancer daily, in fact several times, however I do not let it get the best me. And meeting up with friends from here, well there is nothing like it! So do stay, drink and party with us, and let us help you through this. Most of us are 50 ish, we have a couple of youngins, Lara and MrsVino (who is MIA), and a couple that are just a tad older, but look mucho younger, just  a great group of women, but mostly FRIENDS. I think Cami was saying that she didn’t want to scare you with the talk about surgeries and such. Here is the link to the video if you want to watch it. But grab a drink foyst!

    Becks, I trust you and Grace had a nice chat? That was sweet of you.

    Lara, of course we will be there with you, gots to make sure you get some pretty titties.

    Cyn, you should just put the video link in your “favorites” on your puter. OT is a pain, but nice on paycheck. I get some funny emails too, as I need it to place orders as well. And a 38 D is not so big when you are 5’ 9”, that’s close to what I am. You too are spot on with your words to Grace. And go ahead bitch about the OT girl, we listen.

    Oh Bernie, it’s amazing what people say, isn’t it? Gawd I hated being bald!

    Julie, YES wese love you!

    Super windy here today, prolly have to stay in the house and clean, or hang out in the Shady Lady! What can we have for our drink today????????

    Ha Ha…..I found one!


    • 1.5 oz Bourbon
    • 1 oz Amaro Averna
    • 0.25 oz St-Germain
    • 0.25 oz Aperol
    • Orange Peel

    Lightly muddle the orange peel in the mixing glass, then add  ingredients with ice and stir. Strain into a cocktail glass and garnish  with a fresh orange peel, squeezing the oils over the top of the glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2013

    Oh, that's better. That drink was HUGE, big enough for all of us to swim in!

    Good morning to my favorite bumping loungette! LMAO at calling Becks out with washing the sheets again. And both our drinks are related! SPOOKY!!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2013

    Goldie--I sat in my living room, mostly naked, with the ceiling fan and a couple other fans blowing on me.  And I cheated about raising my arms above shoulder high to get ice cubes out of the ice cube maker for my drinks.  I used a double sided thermos so I only had to fill it with ice twice  a day and was as careful as I could be, though.  It was brutal, though.  The saving grace was the AC in the bedroom.  Some days I never came out of my bedroom! 

    Wow, that Dark Side dwinky looks like FUN!!!!!!!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning Girls!


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited April 2013

    Cami you sure know an awful lot about serial killer...mmmm..skert of you girl!! I love a good Italian sandwich....that was what you were talking about ..right Cami?

     Kathy seems to know an awful lot too....I did find Bates Motel on demand I watched the first 3 episodes..may have to watch the 3rd one again because by the time I got to that one I was a bit lit..but I still have the 4th also...I liked it a lot...the guy who is the Sherriff is the same guy who was the preist on American Horror..didnt you say that Kat??  He was the Monsignor (sp). Who the hail knows why people do crazy chit..maybe they all need to drink so they can be normal like

    Seriously Bernie...people are so stupid sometimes.  I can believe you heard all of that.  you would think if a person had no clue about something they would keep their mouths shut in fear of embarassment.  What did you say to the person that mentioned your teeth? I can think of a ton of things to say in response but on the spot I may have been speachless.  All I can say is.

    I had to laugh at you NM for questioning Beckers about washing her sheets...again...LOL.  I seem to remember that you mention doing laundry quite a bit. I just love love love me some New Orleans..havent been for many years but damn..what a good time...Im sure your time there was more somber , however.  Many fun memories of that place..a lot of drunken forgotten memories 

    I did pick up OT for next week..decided to give my self a break today and just work a regular shift but I added two hours to both Monday and Tuesday and going to put in 2 hours on each of my days off this 8 hours of OT.  I'll complain later.

    Gracie..I want to call you Gracie..can I?  We all have multiple names here and right now you have only we need to gibe you anudder one or two..K?  You just tail me if you dont like and I'll find something else catchy.  I have found thru all of this that everyone has their own personal story..RB is like a snowflake  but far from pretty..and none the same.  I lost interest in most things too in the early months of my dx and tx (diagnosis and treatment)..slowly as I regained energy things came back..tho I agree with a much different perspective.  I gained a lot of insight into life.  These women here have been my rock and have become like family. 

    I dont want to loose would piss me off...and I still have a whole day of work ahead so Ciao for niao.

    MUAH!!!  and WEBK to SuZQT

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Sooooo glad you found the Bates Motel series, Cyn. I saw it was going to start when we were on our trip, so set it up to record them all. It IS good, isn't it. I didn't recognize the sheriff, will have to look at him next time. I did notice that the guy the show was based on actually did the "woman suit" out of female cadaver skin,like the guy did in Am Horror Story (the guy that played the psych dr and went wacko). The only shows that scare the beezeezus outta me are the supernatural ones where something always happens upstairs...then I am scared to go upstairs alone right after that!
    Glad you didn't lose your post. AND hope your work day goes smoothly....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Hi again Ladies----

    Oh Julie that las one was so touching  it just went right thru me, like someone was acually tuching me. Wow

    Oh Lori I didn't mean to insult u by saying -only- and I hope u didn't take it that way, I just meant u went thru more than I did. Cuz over the yrs. my sister had lumps taken out B9 and she too said tht was worse than whst we both had with pain we had none. We both had our operations within a few day of each other becuaw I had the 4 months of chemo first, so everyday we'd talk to each other and say do u have pain today? The answer was alway nope hahaha.

    Oh that buffet looks bootiful, yummy.

    U gals with u'r OT oh good Luck--and Cyn why do u tink I don't want my pic anywhere--HMMM--could it be I would be reconized and Kat u too know alot about these things, and me too when it comes to scary, scary movies--I don't watch anything about possessions never do I watch that to hard on mese brain.

    HAHAHA I like the DOTD--both of them sound like real killers--wow u'd have to be experienced to drink those, I used to like Logn Island Ice Tea, now I drink rasberry ice Tea.

    Oh NM u must go thru so much with being so hot like that that lasts a long time--at least u have a room u can hermit to. that's miserable

    Cyn u need to travel, u are soon right?

    It's supposed to be 70 today??? It's 47 now--so who knows. And rain later and all week. and cooler so better than snow.

    OK I barely sept last nite this house makes so many noises when u'r alone and I watch so many scary movies--so my kids are home now so I'll just probably take a nap. Sounds like my usual day.And Joey doesn't help when he says things like Did u hear that? Oh please

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2013

    CAMMI NOOOOOO, I did not take it like that at all, my gosh, I know you would never intend for something to be insulting, are you kidding me? See, I think having MX would be more to deal with, but chemo and rads sucked, that's for sure!!!! Actually it ALL sucks! What we ALL have to endure, and I don't think any of it is any easier than something else. Because my surgeon came in to see me, right before wheeling me into the OR and asked me if I wanted MX or Lumpectomy, as if it were asking me if I wanted white chocolate or regular, always made me wonder if I shouldn't have had a MX, so that has always bothered me. Of course I didn't make a choice, just told him to do whatever was necessary. I think he only did a lumpectomy as he probaby didn't know how to do a MX!!!!

    Hope you get a nice nap in love.

    You goils and your scary movies are funny!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    cammie love that history on serial killers we r the dark ones on the thread lol

    No scary movies today blah

    Hi cyn good thing u r taking some time off or u said OT idk its hard to remember everything

    Wahine love all the places utravel to

    Nm iceciubes what u were hot why?

    Im so mad I cant post my pics I love my funny pics

    well I just went and got a sald and the fking door corner went right into my foob wtf pain.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2013

    Hello Goils! How I have missed you....

    A big welcome to Gracie~! Sending rounds of all of yer faborite dwinks as a big welcome! It was nice to watch the video of the HTL again. Each time I see someting new.

    Bernie, welcome back, I missed you. So much in fact that I had not logged in for a few days. I am sorry about the stewped people out there, glad you came back to tail us about it and that the goils could make you feel better. Glad to hear that Sinead is coping as well as can be. I am praying for her.

    Back to Gracie ~ cracking up at you wanting the "girls" boxed up. I tailed my PS that I wanted mine back to use for paper weights but nope, he tailed me that he had to send them to the lab for .... well I will spare you. We have ALL been in yer dwinking shoes so we know what you are going through. And when you have your surgery, we will all get teeny tiny and get on the HTL bus or de UFO and join you and make sure that your team of doctors takes de BEST care of you.

    Cam, happy belated bday to your sister, I will dwink to that!

    Lara, wowza! Enjoy your big goils! I actually have TE envy if you can believe it. I did love how mine looked and miss those rock hard turtle shells digging mese ribs. I have another four months of being the uni-tit loungette. And no gitting sick. Take good good care of yourself leading up to the surgery then again after. You do not want to end up like me. This FRB has cost me over 40k out of pocket and I am not done. ugh. enough bout mese!

    So I have really missed all of you and apologize for de longest absense from de lounge since I found ye goils. But I been biddy entertaining mese Dad. I have him with me until the 25th then he flies back to Myrtle Beach. He has been in quite a good mood this visit, tank God. I still wait til he goes to bed for start making de stwong dwinks. But I do drink in front of him, jest don't make dem in front of him. He has not yet said a word and I tink he knows. Mom is doing as well as can be, she has good days and bad days which is to be expected.

    Cyn, love the glittery happy sundey fundey post you made, cheers to ya!

    Sorry I am not addressing everyone here, I am going to read back and try hard not to be a stranger in de lounge.

    CheeRs mese loves!