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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    good morning all,kathy hope your friend  can contact you soon, cyn ,is your daughter ok,, well florida has the odd snake or two plus a few that established population here, i have one rule with snakes what ever way they are going ,i'm going in the opposite direction as fast as these fat little legs can carry me!  went to make an appointment for blood work yesterday and they drew it there and then, all but 1 leval back to normal so still no tylenol  or likker but they will recheck in 2 weeks so  you 'll all still have to drink for me . cammi aren't you seeing a doc today?   is he one of your cute ones!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning Ladies--Snakes> Like Snakes on a plane, now snakes on a pond. Oh poison or not don't like that whole idea.

    Lori I think I know wht bug band is and it works wells for people--so far I haven't worn anything maybe this yr. the bugs don't come near me--my blood isn't good enough for any of them.

    the DOTD os a nice name and the prayer is such a nice easy prayer for this awful time in history. I can't stop watching and it amazes me still how all these countries and different states always come together more than any other country at this time. People really don't run they help if they can, so brave cuz they don't know what's happening next and they all work together. The sadness is overwelming and the anger is well hidden for their purposes, no riots and mad rants. I give them all credit for acting on the calm side of a hurculean disaster. This is an investigation that will be non-stop and could take a while--to many variables and people all over the place--and there were only 2 bombs and they did their job as usual wehen we have any domestic or foreign attack.  have to stop watching for a while, been up half the night, I can never digest this violence against everyday people and children. OK my political part of me is going to rest.

    It's not raining yet but it's possed to all week, but I think we still need it anyway, April showers bring May flowers-remember?

    Marty had a job interview yesterday and may it's sounds promising. It doing celltowers but he wouldn't have to go up, jst manage the crews, cuz apparently alot of them come in for jobs and they've been off work so long and they come in 1/2 drunk and Marty didn't and he was the same age--so maybe this might be something--he has hired hime to go pick up a truck in Ohio the end of the week and all expenses paid of course--he can't find a guy with a dcent license no tickets or they are suspended and Marty had a clear DL so this guy really liked that-He's working part time now, but it's not enough so this would be full time with OK money to start, ot like he used to make but there's nothing going on there and he is getting older-He was a sheet metal worker but his body is getting a lot of medical problems so if he can get somethin else he really needs too. He's almost 50 so we have our fingers crossed and our prayers being said. We're in goofy shape when it comes to money--it's been very hard--well that gets my mind off od Boston for a few minutes.

    Oh boy I need a dwink soonliest for all this trauma and I'm not in any, but I feel it all in my heart--I'll do my scary movie day today and my mind goes blankwith my Katie-Kat.

    I hope everyone has a clam and feel good Tuesday--the no feeling day of the week

    I'm so glad everyone is safe and at places where nothing has happened.

    I Lub u goils sosososososo much---Sowwy I ranted, but that's me.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Oh Cami, I needed your post...cuz you always inject humor in your post, somehow, some way. YEs, this is so awful, finally a regular show came on.....this disaster watching is too addictive, and I feel guilty if I turn it off. Weird. OK, on a lighter note....I will have one of those "clams" please! (LOL, couldn't help it, I KNOW you meant to write "calm", but I needed some more humor). BIg Hugs! AND hope that Marty does get that job......that would be GREAT!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    hope marty gets the job,ps i would love some clams too can i have mine with some homemade marinara sauce

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Kat and Julie--I'm LOLing right now--I wish I could really type but u all know what my typing is like and cuz my nails are so long (yes, MY nails) it's even worse and I do 2 finger tyoing now. and that's certainly not how I learned or did all my life. hahaha

    One more thing--(I"m sappy today) U all mean so much to me everyone one of u, I never started these posts thinking I'd actually find people that I could care about so much--I'm on a couple of threads--of course only the elite for me and )ahem) and I'v met some wonderfully nice people--I've been lucky and then I found u guys and wow my love exploded even more that I could imagine--before I used to think oh yeah like I'm going to open myself up to a bunch of strangers--well none of u are stangers, (some strange like me) but no longer strangers but part of my everyday life to trust u with any feeling I have, and problem I have-we're all from different part of the world yet we've al come together to give love to one another and just plain kindness. And so much of the time I forget it's BCO which always helps LOL--OK Sap time is over and u won't see it again for a while hahaha I'm used to sarcastic me.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited April 2013

    Hello!!  Quickly poooping in to say hey.  Another crazy day at the office.

    My daughter and my brother and sister all live about a 1/2 hour north of Boston.
    They are , as far as I know fine.  None of them would be very interested in going
    into the city and trying to park..or taking the T for a marathon. So I was pretty
    confident that they were no where near that location.  Now this event will forever be
    tainted. Very sad indeed.

    Cami are so sweet...I found the same thing you did and Im sure all of us can
    say the same thing about how much we mean to eachother and how very special our
    group is. Good luck to Marty!

    NM..sure dont miss the skeeters and the black flies.

    SNAKES??? NO!

    Tis lunch time and need to walk my hell  hound....oh yes....dat be what he is until
    you look into his angel eyes....thats a song I old one..not about a dog.

    Later girls

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    Hi everyone I am back

    it was nutty there police stops everywhere I was an hour away but Boston and Mass all on high alert

    I know u all know I travel so I posted quick what a trade. They still have no one of interest yet.

    That was very sweet of you Cammie to say those things about the thread. I feel the same u all are my cyber family. Second family love everyone

    cyn glad daughter is ok as well.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Lara I'm so glad u'r home and everyone we know is OK--so sad.

    Cyn hahaha the hound love u as much---I don't have a clue what I was going to say, OMG my brain is more than fuzzy--too much TV oday gotta rest it.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    WTF is going on lately--de lounge is emty--I'm al lone bt mese slef. I'b been imbibing al nite medisinal poipurseses--I tink dat's wat I tole mese self. Al for da good of drugs companieees and now I see a tendah I want, oops anoder 1 too OK den I'll beon de floor inde corner--for medicinal poipuses--trial testing.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Cami, DId you ever get to see the dr? Are you still having all that pain?  If you saw the dr, and told us, then.....oops......I missed it. I sure hope you are feeling a LOT better!!! Also hope your SIL gets that job!

    It IS quiet....Dorkie is berry bizzy, as her dad is staying with her for awhile, so she hasn't been in the lounge as much. :(   But she is being a good daughter!

    What happened to Gracie? Hope we didn't scare you off, Grace.

    My 96 yr old dad cooked the most amazing lobster tails (on the grill) and ribeye steaks....yummmm! They have us over for dinner waaaaaay more than we have them over. BUT I was working for a few hrs getting their trip to HI set up, plus the Paris/Prague trip still takes time, as some of the flights were changed. SO I think my dad realizes we do a lot for them. While there, a pair of Canada Geese swam by with their 6 goslings.....then the parents came into the yard, but the "kids" couldn't get over the low retaining wall from the lake. Could see their heads bob up and cute.

    Big Hugs!!!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Oh my Kat I'm glad to see u--I just tole the tenda to stay on de floor.

    No my Dr, app'tment got screwed up thanks to muah again, of corse--so I see her next Monday repeated it 2x and wrote it down. Geeze I'm fuzzled all de time. The pain is all still there not going away at all, just taking pain meds but I'm old now but I walk like a 100 yrs old--I've got more Drs. to see but she is first then I see the rest. I get crabby from the pain and sometimes likker is quicker hahaha--I wish I did drink LOL

    And I bet u'r parents love to cook for u God Bless them and u too for taking such good care and time with them. It's funny cuz my parents (of course before illness) love to wait on us kids, but when we were growing up they never waitid on us. But I know they liked cooking and doing stuff for us then so u'r parents enjoy every minute of it. Hmmm I never have waited on my kids come to think about it. Oh well.

    OK Bottoms up--

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    OH I hate it, that you missed the appt. BUT you get to see her on Monday, so I'll hope and pray that she can figure out the pain source and get you all fixed up! Yeah I am sure my parents like to do that, I just feel guilty that I haven't done it as much. Since we travel so much, I never feel caught up at home! But, you said "Bottoms Up", so I'll oblige....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    HHAHAHAHAHAHA U'r so easy

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    good evening all,cammi lub reading your posts,feel better soon ,i'm sure the tender s are helping

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited April 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    cheers , off to bed now, have pt in the morning

  • gracewriter
    gracewriter Member Posts: 8
    edited April 2013

    Hello all. I'm still here and grateful for all the posts. Someone asked if they could call me Gracie. I would love that!

    Finally got a surgery date today. May 2nd Dmx and reconstruct.

    I go in the day before for 2 procedures I don't understand.

    Got my blood work and was shocked my liver is in good shape. I guess I think I drink more than I actually do.

    Then looked at MVP? Was a bit high, so unfortunately googled it and totally freaked out. Nurse today said no biggie.

    I can sure scare the shit out of myself. Thank god for Xanax. Husband home until Sunday, so someone please have a dirty martini for me, k?

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Hi Gracie.....Dirty Martini coming up....

  • gracewriter
    gracewriter Member Posts: 8
    edited April 2013

    Yum, perfect. Just the way I like it. Straight up with lots of olives.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Oh Good Gracie u came back--we thought we scared u away some how. Wow did u get served quicklyist. Our nurses will get u thru this all I know about MVP--Most valuable Player so I don't think that has to do with cancer but believe u me everyone else will know it--But I would say don't google anything or u'll be fliipin around like pancakes just listen and ask questions to u'r team of Dr. and anyone here--the women here will tell u what u need to know. OK so far u know when u'r surgery is--good start then will they tell u what's going on with u'r plans after the surgery? Don't worry to much everyone will help u. Everyone here has been thru lots and lots of everything so they know.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2013

    ~~h icc up burp, woopoops mese beg ye pardon. jest reading and has to say dat Cammiedearling got mese all choked up. den Kat den Lara and foyst Julia-ett ta ta . oh mese oh mise, bin dwinking.

    yippeees, GraCIE is back, glad ya got de date. we all be deres with you and hide in de doctorestmans pocket protector and if none, den his pocket, near his uhhh gentletilnessIES. hehe. 

    I tank ye all for de laughs and de luv. It does help aMAZEzingzing zing zingyly sooo 9oops, mese like de word zing.

    I go bed now. And Pants, mese faborite tender will *zing* mese tosleep.

    cheers, no fears. I dwink to dat ~~~ hi*c^cup, szoooooze mese! tank ye (and she bowels)....

    sweet dweams!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Dorkie sweeter dreams for u too. burp

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2013

    mese back cuz i foygot to sez sumting. and cuz mese dwunkliest! omg, mese bin hitting de big ass bottle so hard. pants? luvva boy take me. oops, wat wuz mese sezing? ph yea, i has a question for gracie..... drum roll brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...............................

    what is it like libbing in graceyland? I bet it funnliest place to lib...tay tay, more cheeRs! nebber ebber less cheers by de way...

    pants, oh baby ~` `~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oh mese oh ..moussesufflet'

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2013

    awww. camSMILE, you sweeetliest ♥ mese fart gonnablow if ye dont stop....i go bed now for wheelzeeeee's zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    mese got lub in mese fart (ye all NEW i wood say sumting more hehehehe, yep dat mese, de chattty goil)


    not to be funcused with chattttt kattttTHY! we both THY you know, shese kaTHY and mese DorTHY!

    more cheers and mo zzzzz's (ye know i'd sez mo hoes! speaking of de walton sister a ho, foyget er name but she hot n trot goil. nighty cam. night night johnboy u moler fooookerPhaced jerkand nighty night all. i go now for wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee  !! chEARs!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited April 2013

    Praying for the people of Boston.

    Beautiful words Cammi. Praying that your pain eases.

    Cyn - when are you coming to see me?


    10 things you never do whilst growing up in an Irish Household….

    1. Boil the kettle with no water in it…We have all been lead to believe that this will cause the kettle to explode. Nobody has ever tried it so whether or not this is true remains to be seen but the fear alone of doing this is enough to always pick up the kettle and give it a shake before you boil it.

    2. Never let the fire go out.... It is seen as a sign of laziness. "You couldn't even keep the fire going". It is almost seen as an act of pure selfishness. This might seem a little dramatic but it is true. You will never be able to own your own house or live alone if you can't simply "throw a few briquettes on the fire"

    3. Make tea for yourself without offering the rest of the family tea. It may not be commented on and you may think you have gotten away with it but it is noted in your families mental notes. Irish people hold grudges that can last a lifetime. You will slowly but surely notice you are being excluded from the tea round. Unless it is your mother. Irish mothers always offer tea to their offspring (especially a son), no matter how many times they have been excluded. Ahhhhh bless!

    4. Throw your dinner in the bin… Whether it be a lot or a little. Growing up on a farm there is always a hungry animal out the back that will eat your leftovers. Whether it has fallen on the ground or didn't taste right. It is just something you don't do!

    5. Let the heat get out…. You walk into a room and don't close the door behind you in the middle of winter. This kind of act can be punished with anything from a mouthful of abuse to a slap on the side of the head, depending on how close you are to the offended party.

    6. Leave the curtains pulled later than 9 o clock in the day. "They'll think we're sleeping all day". I was never quite sure who "they" were but to leave the curtains pulled late into the morning is a definite on this list. It is seen as another act of laziness (see point 1)

    7. Leave the immersion on. Holy Jaysus, this one is just blatant disregard! Again, your parents see this as an act of pure laziness. Your parents will start to question you on where you think money comes from and informing you that money is not something that grows on trees.

    8. Eat a sandwich without a bag of crisps. Whether you're a King or a Tayto kind of person. You could eat the most fulfilling sandwich ever created but it just doesn't hit the spot quite like it would if you had a packet of cheese and onion to go along with it!

    9. Never question what your father is doing out in the garden. He may be digging holes in a symmetrical fashion that are exactly three foot apart but never ask why. You won't get an answer. The reason being, there is no answer! "Leave him off, sure he's happy" is the answer my mother would regularly give us!

    10. Change the channel when your mother is watching Coronation Street. I have friends who are still suffering from the abuse they were subjected to when they unknowingly changed the channel in the middle of Coronation Street


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Oh BBBBERnie Thank you. Good works.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    good morning all,bernieLaughing you could substitute welsh for your rules too! with my nan you didn't turn off the wrestling. gracie your mpv could be high because you were a little dry that day, did you have to be fasting?  ps my mcv,rdw,mch are always abnormal but its my norm,    mind until april 2011 ,it was accepted my norm then came the frb and lets make sure its nothing else came into play  ,so egd and colonoscopy later,yes  the abnormals are my normLaughing

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Listening to the weather guessers, talking about 50's today, maybe 60's by the end of the week!  Yeah! 

    Goldie--There are some really good bug repellent stuff out there.  There's a locally made one that I like to use, it also has rosemary and some other oils and smells good, as well as working well. I also ran across a recipe for an all natural bug spray, using some of the same oils, that I may try this season. 

    Wahine--I'm praying for your friend, who is probably working very hard while trying to cope with the horror.  Yeah, we do have some snakes around here, but to have to worry about aggressive venomous snakes would do me in!  I'd have a very hard time getting into water with snakes like that around!  Around here an aggressive snake is unheard of.  They all slither away as fast as possible when a human or dog or anything else comes around.  Icky, but not dangerous like yours. 

    Juliet--Hooray for levels getting back to normal!  Hopefully all will be normal on the next check.  I'll have a drink for you!

    Cammy--Sounds like good news for your DH!  I’ll be praying for him.  And you know the "s" word isn't allowed here, and rants ARE allowed!  Where else can we go to get rantingly drunk?  Or is it drunkenly rant?  Whichever. . .

    CynCyn--hope you hear from your family soon, but I'm sure they're all right.  Can't imagine why you don't miss skeeters  and black flies! 

    ORLA--There's been a much bigger police presence around Maine the last few days, too.  I imagine it's CRAZY in Mass. 

    Cammy--nothing like a dose of medicinal likker, or sex!

    Wahine--the lobstah tails and steaks sound yummy!  So cute the geeses came to visit with the babies!

    Gracie--MVP is the calculated average size of the platelets in the blood.  Larger platelets indicate that the body is making more of them than usual.  One of the most common causes of this is stress.  Have you had any stress recently?  ;)   Mostly the cause is slight dehydration. Where you fasting before the test and not drinking extra water?   The size if the platelets is only of interest if there is some kind of anemia or bleeding problem going on.  Otherwise it's just a number the machine spits out along with the rest of the blood count numbers.  The nurse was right, no biggy, just ignore it.  Easy to scare yourself, though.  And do not go into any procedures without understanding what they are, what they are for, what info they will give and what will be happening during it.   What kind of reconstruction did you choose?

    DorKable--Good to see you!  Hope you slept well!

    BBBBernie--Wow, what a list!  What is the immersion that I should never leave on? 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is The Snakebite

    2 shots crème de menthe

    2 shots rye/whiskey

    Mix together and slam. Follow immediately with a beer chaser First it tingles, then you go numb, then you have difficulty breathing...

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    immersion is the water heater