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how about drinking?



  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited April 2013

    thanks juliet, I forget that a lot of the words are different.  I still laugh when i think of hitting the shower.

    In the men's bathroom, an accountant, a lawyer and a cowboy were standing side-by-side using the urinal.
    The accountant finished, zipped up and started washing and literally scrubbing his hands... clear up to his elbows.... he used 20 paper towels before he finished. He turned to the other two men and commented, "I graduated from the University of Michigan and they taught us to be clean".
    The lawyer finished, zipped up and quickly wet the tips of his fingers, grabbed one paper towel and commented, "I graduated from the University of California and they taught us to be environmentally conscious".
    The cowboy zipped up and as he was walking out the door said, "I graduated from Texas Tech University and they taught us not to p*ss on our hands".

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2013

    Well, no water near me, but we do have snakes. Bummer on the blood work Julie, but you know we are good to drink for you. Funny that abnorm is your norm.

    OMG Cami really, guys coming in for a job interview drunk? Sounds like something one of us would do…..just kidding. My dad and one of my brothers are sheet metal workers. Well my dad is retired. Loved your sappy post, but so true. I never would have thought that I would make such wonderful friends, not only online, but on a cancer website! But yeppers, you are all beery beery special to me. I just hate hearing about all the pain you are in. Darn, you would think they would get you in ASAP.

    Cyn, so glad your family is ok! Awwwww, you can’t call that lil cutie “hell hound”, him jes too cute. I like SirPoopsAlot, or just Sir.

    Lara, glad you are back too and ok.

    Kathy, dinner at your folks sounds very yummmmmmm, and watching the wild life on the lake, just so serene. Imagine that, flights being changed! Love the bottoms up, specially the ducks, I wonder if they’re farting, you know “duck farts”!

    Gracie, good to see you back, I thought maybe you left us. You know we will all come with you to your surgery if you like, but can’t promise that we’ll behave. MVP, I’m like Cami and thought the same thing. And totally agree with Cami’s advice on NOT TO GOOGLE. And I would say you would get better info here, more so than your own docs.

    My dearliest dorkiest Dork, glad to see you dwunken bum poop in de lounge. Or maybe you jes snuck in, so you daddy no find out.

    Bernie, how is Sinead doing. I hope her pain is easing, as well as yours.

    NM, glad you know of the repellants, and they do smell so good! I had to chuckle at you asking Gracie if she had any stress. Love the snake bite…….and the descriptions.

    Gracie, you WILL get good advice here, and learn so much before your procedure. You will be amazed.

    LOL Bernie, smart Texan!!!!!

    Another windy day here goils, I’m so over it! CheerZ

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    lMFAO Bernie....that bathroom joke was hilarious! Love the list of things not to do, and also glad NM asked about "immersion" as I was wondering about that one too. Whenever you get to visit the US, you will hear SO many things that will sound weird to you. Haven't made a list cuz it would be pages long! Because here, we have the idiosyncrasies of so many different cultures, and of course what would sound strange to you, sounds perfectly normal to us! AND its so regional...when I moved to the south, I wondered why someone had to be "carried" to the store. But thats what they used to say, when they were taking someone to the store..."I'm going to carry Susie to the store". AND another thing I find hard to digest, is "Mia", as in my DH will say... "I'm gonna find "me a" sweatshirt, I'm cold", or "I'm gonna eat "me a" sandwich", etc. I always joke with him and ask who "Mia" is. I mean, isn't it easier to say "I'm going to eat a sandwich"? Southerners can add more words to any sentence! My late stepfather was so cute in the way he talked....I mean, it wouldn't just be "cold", it would be "colder than..." (insert whatever is freezing cold, and add more words to it). LOL, so many slang words too, esp in Hawaii!

    Thank you for praying for my friend, still haven't heard from her, but I am sure she is ok.

    NM, I would LOVE to let my dogs swim in our lake, but too bad we have all the snakes, cuz it would be too dangerous. I think its awesome that Sadie gets to swim in your lake! I let them swim near the boat launch sometimes, after I look around carefully, and keep them on a leash! And when we drive (carry?lol) them to the walking trails, there is a wide creek running the length of the trails, so they can walk in that water. Yes, the lobstah tails were we've ever had. He cooked them just right, and being on the grill.....yummmm. Now my DH needs to learn how to do them that way! I think we may have some in Tunica this weekend, but they won't be as good. OMG tht drink is venomous!!! LOL.

    Dortie, dorfie, dorkie, iz sooooo right.....wese kin bees sum chatty goils! Chatty Dorkie and Chatty Cathy....or Dorkitis and Kathyitis when we write or talk tooo muchliest. Wait a darn there really a way to talk tooooooo much? I thought that was Love it when you dwink and post!!!

    OK, I am prolly bumping into someone, as I took toooooooo long to type....gotta dwink some cafe too, right? Hope to seee Lori's humping guy in a post today.....wowsa! Happy Hump Dey, Hussies!!!! (tried to think of sumtin dat started with an H....hope I didn't offend).


    Chatty Catwinka

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    *OOPS*.....handing Lori a Duck Fart..... Didn't mean to bump ya, girlfriend, but I figgered I wud bump sumone. Well, OF COURSE those ducks were farting...dats why dere derrieres were in de air...otherwise dey would have created a spa! LOL.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning lougettes (again) Of course I went back to sleep, I on't like this kind of sleep cuz then it feels all broken and I' tired,

    SNAKES again---I remember when we were kids we used to play with them(Not poisonist) but as a kids we had lots in our yards and they wer dry and not slimy at all--that was then--this is now A SNAKE OMG do something et a hatchet, a gun anything kill the damn thing. So snakes are on a different list then when I was a kid.

    Oh it's thundering now and of course raining--so it darkish outside,, kinda chilly too.

    NM I have NO husband it's my SIL--I haven't had a husband since 1988 and I remember tst cuz I was free from misery.Bothe my husbands did call me when they found out I had cancer the 1st one said "so how long do u have?" and I said longer than u--he died 3 yrs later and the 2nd one said "so am I going to a funera?" and I said yep, u'r own if u don't shut up. so I had 2 winners. I realized then I don't pick men well so I stopped and was on my own--wonderful for me.(with the big help of my parents) They found me a place to live and paid my rent and any bills ti I got on my feet and could deal with everything. Told u I was spoiled--When I left my first husband they gave me their first home and moved to a retirement village and my dad took care of the house, wouldn't even let me mow the lawn, (I might get hurt) I just had to pay the taxes so again I got a part time job--waitress and bartend made enough money part time. My dad would come on Tuesdays and that's when we started to be drinking buddies and talk alot, they were wonderful to me.

    Then when I bought my condo my oldest brother and parents put te money down so I'd have my own place cuz they wanted ro sell the house--so again they gave me somewhere to live then my mom didn't like how it was fixed so she told my brother I need to updat kitchen floor and carpeting and he said do it so he paid for all that. My mom actually liked the carpet I picked so got it for her bedroomand her hall. Did I tell u all this?--probably but my parents were awesome to me--I don't miss them for that, I miss them cuz they were just wonderful to me in all ways OMG again sapy-OMG WTF is going on with me this week--blame it on the pain meds everyone--blame it on some drug I'm taking anyway. I'm done. hahaha-so u can say Thank God.

    wtf is going on.

  • gracewriter
    gracewriter Member Posts: 8
    edited April 2013

    Thank you all. Great posts. Tea kettles do not explode empty, but they do get really black.

    Haven't been to Graceland but just decided to deem my house as such.

    I was probably dehydrated for that test.

    Went on another forum on here for IV recurrence eyes only. Won't do that again hopefully ever.

    I worked at Texas Tech, had no idea what was going on in the men's bathrooms. So that's why they were so quick.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Oh Grace don't do that one, and pray u'rll never need it too. No u won't u'r in good hands here so we'll take care of u.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    good afternoon all,  off out to dinner with some friends tonight but no drinking. pt going well, arm/shoulder definitely improving ,  gracie would be worried if you knew what was going in the mens bathroom! now cammi no surpise at allLaughing luv you cammi

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Oh Julie like u never went in the men's room when the ladies room was just to busy--everyone has, haven't they.Smile

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    only when they single bathrooms!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    I have a funny story bout dat....almost broke my leg....about 3-4 of us were going to go in the men's bathroom/showers at bivouac during basic training in the army. The women's restroom only had cold water and we had *heard* that the men had hot 1 of us was going to keep guard and the others could shower. IT was a long distance from our bathroom, so we were running in the dark. Then the drill sargents jeep was spotted coming towards us, and we didn't want to get caught, so we jumped in the ditch and kept running. Well, I was first (duh!) and ran smack into a concrete leg swelled up SO big that even the drill sgt said it was broken (xrays proved otherwise). After that, I was  supposed to have bed rest and was on crutches, but then those of us  that were on *sick call* had to unload truckloads of duffel bags after everyone returned from hiking back from bivouac (hundreds of duffel bags). Some bed rest! Needless to say, at least we didn't get into trouble for running away from the drill sargent!  But yes, Cami, I have gone into the men's bathroom too, if someone was watching guard for me. Shoot, the women's bathrooms usually have long lines!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited April 2013

    Some bathrooms in France and Belgium are unisex.  Got a shock the first time.

    Thanks for all the care and support for Sinead.  She is doing well, went back to work.  She has to wait until the bleeding stops and then have a pregnancy test to ensure her body is back to normal.  I know that is going to be a difficult time for her. 

    Well, my favourite shop that sells my wine is opening in Callan today, so only have to go 6 miles instead of 15. Happy days.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited April 2013

    An avid duck hunter was in the market for a new bird dog. His search ended when he found a dog that could actually walk on water to retrieve a duck. Shocked by his find, he was sure none of his friends would ever believe him.
    He decided to try to break the news to a friend of his, a pessimist by nature, and invited him to hunt with him and his new dog.
    As they waited by the shore, a flock of ducks flew by.
    They fired, and a duck fell.
    The dog responded and jumped into the water.
    The dog, however, did not sink but instead walked across the water to retrieve the bird, never getting more than his paws wet.
    The friend saw everything but did not say a single word.
    On the drive home the hunter asked his friend, "Did you notice anything unusual about my new dog?" "I sure did," responded his friend." He can't swim.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    good morning bernieLaughing

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  It was a beautiful, if breezy, day here yesterday.  Gonna rain today.  Sunny and 60 tomorrow.  Yeah!

    Juliet--thanks for the translation! 

    BBBBernie--no problem, I'll ask if I don't know. Love the  Cowboy's response!

    Goldie--Bug repellent is big business in Maine, there are literally hundreds to choose from.  Some even work.  I've always been a bit leery of the chemicals in them so I like the ones with more natural ingredients. 

    Wahine--It is great to be able to let Sadie swim, she loves the water! Aren't regional and international lingos fun to work with? 

    Cammy--oops, SIL, not  DH.  I'll try to remember better.  Love your responses to both of them!  Your parents and bro are wonderful to you!  No wonder you mention them so often, and being sappy about such goodness is perfectly OK!

    Gracie--It can be scary going onto any of the threads here, especially the ones about active treatment and recurrences and advanced disease.  Keep in mind that you are jumping into the middle of something you are just getting into, and the path others take will not be same as the one you travel.   You'll get through this, you'll be ok. Keep telling yourself that! 

    Wahine--Yup, been in the men's room when the line was too long at the ladies, more than once!  It's funny to see all the ladies line up at the ladies room when there are NO men in the group, and hear all the gasps when a few of us go in the men's loo!

    BBBBernie--I[m praying that Sinead's body heals quickly, and her heart and soul, too.  Your fav shop is going to be closer to you?  HOORAY!   LOL, dog can't swim! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Wet Dog

    12 oz beer

    4 oz sangria

    Serve in a pint glass. 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    Gracie im glad your back grace land yes like that

    cammie that was a great story the husbands lmao

    Your parents were great to u U r Italian for sure wheres the sauce? ha lol

    Wahine eek your leg

    im home for the rest of the week

    I think undie gets her surgery sooon

    Dork u crack  me up

    Hi juliet

    The mens bathroom yuck

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning Everyone--I love u'r jokes Bernie--it's our morning smile. And I'm happy Sinead is getting back to work and let us know how and whats going on.

    Kat U trip to a men's room was much more adventures and dangerous than most--U lucky u got away with it, LO But that's my point most of us have--even out of curiosity, but mostly ut of necessity.

    Julie how are u feeling?

    What a goofy night--Joey came in, then I went to ay down with him, then he came back here, then I went back in his room and started sleeping about 8PM and basically sllept all night in different places--well that not a big stretch for me--but it's thundering constantly (rolling thuder) and we got 5 inc. of rain, here and just a few miles got 9 inches and there  are expressways closed due to flooding and today will be in the 70's and tomorrow in the 40's hahaha 1 day of spring so far. My SIL just came in to tell me my coffee is ready.  Anyway it's wet out here.

    OK I've got my coffee(yum) he's making it better lately. My Katie Kat had quite a night following back and forth with our sleeoing arrangement so now she's eaten and tired. hahaha

    Oh Oh my cousin called (lives in KY) and he's coming up here this weekend and He want to come here Friday for the day, I haven't seen him in a while after his Mom dies (my 1st cousin) od cancer (of course) so he's in his mid 50's now so there's not a lot of difference- Poor Leslie--she's getting all worked up she's gott to clean and have food out. My God this house is always clean just needs straightening sometimes so My SIL is calming her down with we'll all do our jobs not to worry. Believe me it always looks good and Les loves to paint different colors on walls and go  daring with matching and it looks great so I don' know why she's like that, but she is. The worst part is everyone in the family is working so I don't know who else could come-so we'll just see how it all works out. I've already heard the vacuum 2x this week so here we go.

    Well it's Friday eve everyone who works normally--so almost the week-end. So that's good and it's still pouring outside. Well not inside. So have a nice day and I'll be checking back later.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Hahaha, Cami thats so funny about how CLEAN your house is, yet your DD is stresssing over it. I used to be that way, I mean if ONE pillow was out of place I thought my home was a mess. NOT NOW....sheesh I would need a month to clean up for visitors! Well not really, but my DH is so messy that I don't clean like I used to. You sure had an interesting night....lots of exercize that And poor KatieKat following....I can just picture the procession all night long.

    Bernie, dats funneeeeeeeee!!! But as for Sinead, I am so glad she is healing, both physically and emotionally....long haul, but she will get there. Hoping all looks good at her next visit!!!

    Oh NM, I think I would feel like a "Wet Dog" if I drank beer & sangria! LOL. Funny.

    Yesterday it was 85 and sunny here, so I worked like a dog....well not really cuz my dogs don't work....but I took a lot of the deck furnture down and scrubbed, then worked on the deck some more....sooooo much yellow pollen everywhere....even was falling on the deck as I was staining it. Yuck. Will have the bigger part of the deck to do later, but had to get started at least, on the part that isn't covered. Furbabies were so sweet, they just love having us outside with them, you can just see how happy they are. Makes me guilty when we travel, cuz they don't get the loving much while we're gone.

    Big Hugs, I am so THIRST-DEY today, might even try NM's "Wet Dog"

    Katwinka Wahiney de Machiney

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2013

    Hello goils! happy thirstdey to mese bwesties!

    Bernie, glad to hear that Sinead is back to work. I will be praying to de fertility Gods that she will soon get pregnant and have a sweet widdle baby for you all to love and adore. You are such a dear to care for her and love her like a mother. Loved the joke about the bathroom, berry funny! It is great to have you back in de lounge.

    Kat, you are a working machine. I hope you are able to get your deck project done to your satisfaction.

    Lori, I crack up over de duck farts and when Kat said about dem making a spa made me laugh too.

    NM, I am fircited that you will have a day in de 60's. What I want for you is a weekend with poyfect weather and no rain, no mud. But I bet your silly Sadie likes the mud, dogs love to be dirty (cept Kat's prissy dog, is that right or am I tinking about someone else who has a dog that does not like to git dirty). I am glad you were able to give Grace some info (and Juliet too), it is great having our own nurses in de lounge.

    Cam, as always, you crack me up. I loved your story about your night, going from your room to Joey's and de kitty following you eberywhere you go. I am glad you have yer "seeing eye kitty" for when it is dark. She looks after you, dat I know. I love the story of how well your parents took care of you and how you got to be a drinking buddy with your Dad. I am sure you miss them for the love they gave you. I would guess that you got your wonderful personality from ye dad? And I cracked de hail up at your ex DH stories! I am glad that NM made a typo and said DH cuz otherwise, we would not have gotten dat funny story about you tailing dem about yer cancer. I jest love you goil, dere are not words to express jest how much....and dat goes for all of you.

    Lara, I am glad that you are home now. Do you get a few days off or do you do something else for de employer whilst not on de road? I am super fircited for you and also for Unde' Cove' in gitting your squishy foobs soon. I only have four months and twelve days to go. And it jest occured to me that tomorrow was my surgery date before i decided to postpone. We will all be routing for you and your foobs to come out poyfect! Hey, will you be back in NJ anytime soon? would love to meet up with you for a few dwinks or a meal (on you hahahahaha)! I a real comedianne disdey! (not really, I am funnier when mese dwunk)...

    Grace, glad you are back. Please keep us all posted. And please promise not to run away on us and not come back. You are officially a loungette now like it or not. We have all gotten so close and there have been a few goils that jest nessappeared to nebber be seen agen. I still pray for them but often wonder what happened to dem. Great advise from the other goils in not doing too much research via google. You get all you need right here. oh, I have gone on the stage iv threads before, not sure why but it is disturbing for me to read them too. I feel a sense of guilt even reading them but curiousity made me do it. I firmly believe that you will be jest fine. many of us go through periods of fear, especially jest after our initial DX. When I had my bone scan and looked at it before the doctor did, I was sure that I had bone mets and had myself dying soon, I was so freaked out for a day. Dat is because I googled dark spots on bone scan and that led me to believe that I had mets. Turned out it was jest where the ink had settled in my pelvic area and I could see the dark spots in the scan. Geez, I am not making much sense todey, must still be dwunk from last night.

    Do you goils remember the gal that came here and posted about getting a DUI/DWI after coming home from her chemo prep class or sumting? The poor goil was having a hard time. Then she nessapeared to never be seen again. I hate that. And there was another goil, I tink her name was Cindy. She was here all de time, she went for her exchange surgery and neber came back. Hate that too. Cuz we are all left to wonder what happened. She jest fell off de earth. I wish I could remember her user name so that I can check and make sure she is alive and well.

    Cyn, are tings back to normal with work? It sucks that the American Airlines outtage made yer phone blow up. I hope things are more quiet for you. Or is dis yer day off? Chit, mese mushy brain knows yer schedule but cant bremember at dis moment. And is yer widdle Rees doing any better? He is jest too cute. I tink we all need an updated photo of him.

    Juliet, glad that the PT is working for you. and funny how you call your blood stuff your own normal. I relate to that when it comes to pain. I always say that my pain level is a 2-3 which is my own normal, equivilent to eberybody elses zero. I not essplaining what I am trying to say too well but hope you understand what I am saying. you have not posted any sweet eye candy for mese for awhile and I did not see that Lori posted a humping dude for humpdey eidder. You goils nessappoint me bahahaha, jk!

    I hope I did not miss any of you but have a feeling I did. Mese killed too many brain cells from de alcamahol over de years, dat is fo shoah!

    I am really enjoying life right now. I was able to cut my lawn on twosdey, it was the first cut and was a big job. I was thrilled at how easy it was for me as compared to trying to do it last summer. I am really looking forward to summer and can't wait to get my pool opened. This is the first year that I had not opened in March. I plan on waiting until mid may but dat is because I have a berry secret plan to be berry biddy early May. Plus I want to get my pool yard cleaned up, it is a big mess with weeds and things. I have let it really go over the past three years whilst dealing with the FNRB. But dis year I have big plans for mese yard. I am hoping to get a professional to come in and help me with landscaping and shrubs. When I bought this place, the back yard had a pool and a shed and four large trees. NOTHING else, not a single bush or shrub or flower. I had gotten it in good shape but things went downhill after I purchased a truck load of soil that was supposed to be enriched. But apparently, it came with the most evil relentless weeds in the world. I complained to the company that delivered it and they told me that it must not have been "steamed out" properly. They would not do a damn thing for me, not even offer to buy round up to kill these weeds that have taken over my yard. I am beyond pissed off about that. I had the yard looking really pretty but now these weeds will not go away. I have used round up and killed them but they just keep coming back. Ughhh, sorry for de rant, my bad. aND some of you dears have prolly already heard this rant.  with that said, I gonna get off my EWWA and do some weeding - I bought one flat of flowers yesterday to get me motivated!

    I love you all more than words can express. I hope everyone has a great thirsdey. I will try to pop back in tonight but it will be late as i have been sitting with my Dad watching a little TV at night so my partay does not start until he goes to bed!

    CheeeRs mi' dears!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited April 2013

    Rain day today, no school lotza water.  Cami- hope you are high and dry!

  • gracewriter
    gracewriter Member Posts: 8
    edited April 2013

    Bernie you are a riot! Thanks for the jokes. Had me and husband laughing.

    Native- thank you.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Adey u must be all right--Good--It's been raining so much that I saw aminals walking in pairs down the street and thought this sounds Familiar, like I read about this before. or sumptin. No school open alot of places. roads all flodded--It's possed to stop soon, so I tink we caught up wit the drought ting--like enuff water maybe. I love rain, but not when people are having floods and stuff.

    Dork it's nice to see u post like u'r ole self and u sure have a lot planned for u'r yard-u should take before and after pics--so we can see them too. U'll be proud to--And u'r dad sounds pretty good.

    Kat good for u'r furbabies spending their favorite times with u. They are very important in our lives.

    Ok I

    lub u all and TTYL and yes Grace I tink u'r sruck wit us.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Wow that is a TON of rain Cami.....and the animals going by in pairs....hahaha. Better get that Ark built quickliest. And you too Adey. You both stay safe! We are expecting storms late tonight, but I doubt we will get as much rain as you have gotten.

    No, Dorkie, mese dogs is not prissliest. Molly is the "tomboy" and used to dig out from the fenced in yard...she would pick right after a big rain (guess so it would be easier to dig), so she would emerge on the other side looking like some sort of mud animal! Her hair is long, and that mud went right to the ground. I mean sheesh, they have a HUGE yard, all fenced in, but she was an explorer like her parents (us) Poor Maverick used to follow her out till the time he got STUCK under the wood fence. Molly just dug it big enough for her. Thank God we were home and I noticed I didn't see the dogs. He was not barking or whining but had such a panicked look. And this was behind the big trees and storage shed, so could not see him.They are so precious. GOOD FOR YOU in mowing your entire yard!!! And I know you treasure these special times with your dad. Awesome.

    Hope everyone is having a good day....very warm here, and pretty. Hard to believe the storms are on their way. My DD and g'kids came to visit and it was so nice seeing them. Lots to do before we leave tomorrow....

    Hugsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, Kat

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    I feel so sorry for all those that lost loved ones in the Texas explosion, and were in any way affected by it. Seems like a lot of firefighters may be among the deceased. I also feel sorry that they do not seem to be getting the compassion expressed to those affected by the Boston Marathon tragedy. I know one was an accident, and one was deliberate, but they are both terrible.

    OK, now for PauHana time! I need a stiff one...Oh Pants, not THAT, but I meant a stiff DRINK! LOL.

    Hugs and Love,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    If the skies opened up and rained vodka all day everyone would have had a wonderful day. but unfortunately it wasn't The winds are blosing now and it is supposed to bring in cold weather, now if this frezzes we wi be living like Rockefeller Center on big ice pond.

    OK did they officially declare TX an accident--cxuz when I was watching it earlier they said they were going to declare it a crime seen until they could prove otherwise. It's a small town and like everyone ost their homes and awful stuff happening--well I'll catch up tonight.

    Well the President went to Boston, I wrote him before that I would write for him, he should have listened to me--he said "they picked the wrong city" OK should they have picked another one, isnt any city not right. Oh u know how I grab onto one word and ruin everything. I never would have said that. Oh well these youn whippersnappers don't know what they're saying sometimes.

    We're having company tomorrow and everyone else is working and can't come here, so it'll just be us, should be interesting. So I think I'll start drinkin now and continue thruout omorrow, maybe I can be witty then.

    Hope everyone is safe and tucked nicely in their homes.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    You are SO right far they don't know if the Texas Tragedy was an accident or not. I was just so upset that they weren't getting the same coverage as the Marathon did, so I was ranting! And YES, that is right too....Shame on that man that lives in that big white house in Washington (can you tell I don't feel like he is my president?).....he should not have said what he did Ya think one day he will realize what a better writer you would be? LOL, you are funny! Hope you enjoy the company tomorrow!!! I'm trying to get tucked nicely in my home, but I don't know where to start....


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Kat find any room that has a TV and just curl up and relax---u got lottsa plannin to do, our traveler (sp) No more news--I keep telling myself that then I turn it on. It's addictive--All these poor people and right TX too.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited April 2013

    Ok. Darling D, what on earth is a Flat of Flowers?

    A flat here is an apartment.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    LOL Bernie, a flat of flowers is a tray of flowers, usually several individual plants in separate compartments, or in separate pots. LOL....Funny how we have such DIFFERENT meanings for "flat"! Oh my, its about time to hit the showers! Hehehe, just said that for your benefit.... Right now we are under a severe thunder storm alert, so the shower is the last place I would be right now. ITs almost 2 ayem, so need to "hit" the bed! NIght night!!!Wink

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Bernie I had no idea what a flat of flowers is, never heard of it. LOL