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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning NM that sounds yummy at any time of the day. Try to have a good day today.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    How is everyone today

    wahine LUCKKKKKKKKKKKK win big Love the Lobstah my fav

    well I am going to Boston tomm I have work the bombers caught so Ill be ok

    Not much to report expect I cant wait for my paycheck lol

    Still trying to get this weight off every day ugggg

    Hi cammie any scary ones on today? Not here hate that I have been working all day though administration stuff

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013
    funny pictures
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2013

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!  It was a beautiful day, and I even got to spend some time out driving in it.  Long day, though.  Sigh. 

    Cammy--It was a pretty good day, thanks.  At least it wasn't as bad as it could have been!

    ORLA--gotta love those OT checks!

    Where is everyone????????  I'm dwinking!  I'm chasing Tenders!  I've gots them ALL to myself, yeah!!!!!!!!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Oh I lov that little kitten.--Looks like my hair used to look before BC LOL

    NM I'm glad u'r having a good day today, sun is out here too and warmish finally. I spent a couple of hrs. at the Drs. today---had blood work, and pee tested--white count up--whstever that means and somwethin in my urine that shows could be an infection but not an infection whatever that mean and I get a scan Friday morning of tat area???? I don't know what's going on--I have to see a uroligist and a back Dr. and get the names from my GP--I feel terrible, like they think I'm craxy and I do know I feel alot of pain not just in my back, but all on my one side--My nurses here am I crazy, having pain that's not real? I've never had imaginary pain before in fact I would usually downplay it--now it's like I can't explain it--Well anyway But I did make an early app't Friday at 8ayem for my scan of the liver, maybe they are scanning more-I don't even knw I said and asked my quesions but I know I wasn't clear--I'm not used to dealing with Drs. my other Dr.would always know what I was meaning and she'd take care of it right away. Now I feel like I'm lost in the medical field totally

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Hi everyone--I deleted cuz I made no sense, even to myself--

    Orange I lub dat kitten and u'r working bery hard. Get rest too.

    NM I'm glad u had a decent day and the weather was good here too.

    I spent a couple of hrs. at the Drs. today long visit saw 2 nurses etc My white counts are up--I have no idea if that's good-they were not low at all now they are high. I'm getting a liver scan Friday morning at 8 am--glad it;s early.-I don't know what's going on really I have to see a uologist and a back Dr. too--WTF I don't gett all this. Oh well--I'm having a drink tomorrow uz I took my pain pills tonight--Oh wait I'm going out with my 2 GF's since HS for lunch--S I'll be knocked out tomorrow to and not make sense again hahaha

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Sunny this ayem, but clouds expected.  35 degrees.  Chilly, frost on the ground. 

    Cammy--the white blood cell count can go up when there is an infection, inflammation, or if the person is under stress.  Any stress in your life?  Did your doc tell you why the liver scan ad urologist referral?  You really should know why you are getting these tests.  Unless you don't want to know. . .

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Where Is Everybody?

    2 oz Irish whiskey

    1 Tbsp green crème de menthe

    1 Tbsp Green Chartreuse

    cocktail olive for garnish

    Pour the ingredients into a cocktail shaker with ice cubes.

    Shake well.

    Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

    Garnish with the olive.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning all---

    Thank u NM Iklind of know--to many infections of my bladder and hurts where my liver is. But I listen to so much then I do turn it off. BUT i know u guys will explain--I'm tricky that way--but I said here about my white count cuz I knew u guys would comethru for me. NM I usung u and Julie. Don't be mad. but U guys explain things in a much easier level. I'm really not worried just don't like going for all this and now more Drs. And all this time I still see the Dr. (ONc) everythre months--my cancer is at bay--but I think they just watch to see. So I come to u guys for explanations. hahaha

    NMit's going to rain today and even tho it's in the 50's it feels so chilly--like dampy out--so I hope u have a good day today--Thank you I apprecite all u tell me.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Cami, Hugs for you ((((Cami))))). So many tests, yikes. And I guess you are featured on "BayWatch"? Cuz you sed "my  cancer is at bay-but I think they just watch to see"....sounds like baywatch to can be the stunning babe on the beach! You always have such a fun, upbeat attitude no matter what you are going thru. HOPING and PRAYING it will all be A-OK.

    Got home safely last night, and we DID come back with more than we went with...more WEIGHT that is, we ate sooooo much. But much less moola. The gambling gods just weren't with us on this trip. Oh well, free rooms, free superb food, free prem drinks....gotta pay for it sometimes I guess!

    Hope everyone has a good TWOS-DEY.....gonna have 2 of those dwinks NM posted...sounds yummy, maybe it will bring everyone back!

    Big Hugsssssssssssssssssssssssss,


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited April 2013

    Orla..thank God for anti humidity hair spray...I cant live without it here.

    Yes, NM there is hope..thats what crocususes(???? spelling ????)..those little spring flowers are hope flowers to me...There is a light at the end of the tunnel and the Mainah's will be complaining about the heat soon enough.

    Have a good trip to Bos Orla....I love them checks too...Im going on my 22nd day of non stop work and will continue to do OT until the end of the week. Im beginning to get Travel agent burn out and Im loosing patience with people...errrr..not a good thing.

    Great to hear from youse Dorkie...!!

    Undie praying for your dad!

    latah alligatahs

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    To help you get through the day, Cyn.....

    Then you get to dwink when your shift is over!!!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    cyn,dealing with the general public is ok as long as one of the parties is heavily medicatedLaughing.  well physical therapy is going well especially as it end with the massage/electrostimulation.    cammi, the baywatch babe, do we get to see you in that red swimsuit! can we come with you to your test if we promise to almost behave. your white blood cells or wbc's are indicators of hows your immune system is doing, they are the soldiers that fight infection with either bacteria or virus's, if their low, your immune suppressed so more susceptible to infection and have less reserves to fight off infection, if they are high you have an infection somewhere,your uti could be why they are high,again fluids and no licker does not count as fluid and if you have fevers you get to call your doc(hopefully one of the cute ones) because utis especially can travel up to the kidney . unde hows your dad doing? have a good day

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    No money to bad wahine to bad I was routing for u

    Thank goodness for NM and Juliet when I was reading your post commie I'm thinking oh good white blood cells are up ! IDK

    Cyn u need a squeez thing when people annoy u squeeze it or throw it or u can give them the finger through the phone lmao!

    In bah stone now having a lager

    Love u all

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited April 2013

    ahhhh...Orla...Lagah.....I do have squeezy things , I use them to excercize the hand I injured in my car accident..never thought of using them for frustration...I do the flipping off thing all the time...and roll my eyes ...I actually considered adding more OT to what I have going on but thought twice about it.

    Cami, we will come with you like Julie says..K? 

    Thanks Kathy...patience is really running thin in these you got home ok..sorry you came back with a little extra..but wasnt it fun getting it? 

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited April 2013

    Hi girls-another quick note to say my dad is not having surgery. The x-rays showed no pelvic shifting so he's stable enough to start PT. I have whiplash from all the back and forth on that decision. He's still struggling w/fevers every other day so that's a problem. But he was less zombie-like today and sat in a chair to eat. So things are better than before. Thank you all for the good wishes,will try to pop in later. Such a busy week ahead,hope everyone is well. CHEERS!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    YUMMY what nice dwinks for us, Unde! And am glad your father might not need the surgery after all. HOPING the pt does the trick!

    Oh girls, this is SO funny. I know Junie is giving me a "high five" from heaven right now. Some of you were on this thread about 4 yrs ago when Junie and I met in person in Tunica at the Hollywood Casino, and we were going to look for a "real" Hunk to add to our Tattie Tenders. Well I spotted a really handsome, young, pit boss, and we took a picture with him. He became "Hunk" and his picture is in the video Lori made of our HTL. (His pic is on the tv screen in the bar pic). So WHO WOULD HAVE THUNK that now he is my "friend" on FB. LOL. I enjoy getting hugs from him when we see him in Tunica! (And my DH is okay with that!!! yippeeeeeee)

    Having Pau Hana now,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Just catvhing up--I just got home..

    Kat I'm glad u had a good time but u did have good food. so money is secondary. And I love the hunk story--Jusnie has to be miling on that one.

    Undie that's good news for u'r dadi's always best to not have surgeries and if he's geting around a little (sitting) that's a good sign. U must fee relieved---that drink looks luscious. Yum

    Julie Thank you so, I understand whst u'r telling me--I thought my WBC was high so good thing, and yet I feel bad and I have had way to many UTI'S in the last 6 months mostly all the time. Thank you I love when u guys explain, cuz I understand it perfectly and it makes sense. Thant's why I don't listen to all of it.

    I went out today with 2 of my girlfriends from HS --everyone kind of moved away and just on the computer we'd keep up. Now we're back with 10 miles of each other--We were always together in HS and I've missed them and to me they look the same--both skinny too. I did tell them I hate them both but as usual they didn't pay anyattention to me. We were stil laughing like kids--so we'll 9Hopefully) see much more of one another again--so iz'm exhausted again--wish I had the energy like when we were kids. So I'll check back later.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2013

    ood afternoon, Loungettes! 

    Cammy--I hear you about tuning out after a certain point.  I do it too!  Well, pain is a good reason to look into something. 

    Wahine--must be nice to get treated like royalty, even if you do lose moola!  Glad you had a good time. 

    CynCyn--Yup, be complaining about the heat soon.  But today, still had frost. . .

    ORLA-- did you ever make your own stress ball?  Fill a balloon with flour, squeeze out the extra air and tie it off.  Works really well! 

    Undy--Well that's good news for your Dad!  Now we need to make sure he's drinking enough fluids to be sure he is well hydrated and see if that helps the fever.  I'm pretty sure that any infection would have been found by now. 

    Wahine--No fair having your own private real life Tender!!!!  Good for you, gal! 

    Time for a long hot shower and a glass of wine. . .

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    WTF where is everyone---Did u all go on vacation and no one told me?? Or working like maniacs--I still love that sone from flashdance. I actually remember doing that workout to that song. hahaha Now I'm just a plain maniac.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Hi Cami, I'm here (for what its worth....not very much! lol). Been catching up on my recorded shows. Weeded a lot today and wrenched my back, so been taking it easy tonight. I have a very early dr appt in the morning, and then another dr appt on Thurs, and another on Friday. Nothing serious though. I know Dotty is busy with her dad, as he returns to SC tomorrow. Hmmmmm....I guess Cyn is tired from all the OT work, and maybe got to have enuf Natty's and is chillin right now? Not sure about everyone else, though. Hope you are feeing better!!! And let us know when we should get there for your appt, ok?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Kat rest u'r back and relax now--it's late and thought I'd just check in and no one was here--strange--like a twilight zone episode ooeeeoooee

    Well It's about time for me to close my hanging brown eyes---so I hope u have a good nights sleep. Oh and I feel like it's Thursday night for some strange reason.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited April 2013

    Good morning all.  DH just gone to france for ten days. Had to drop him off to get the bus at 2am.  Dogs woke me at 5.  Guinea fowl are evil B******** and just chased me round the field.  DH normally see to the menagerie.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning

    Bernie u'r DH went to France (where thr Eiffel tower is) wow---It's sounds so funny to me like it's around the corner. LOL 10 days is a long time. I hope u don't miss him too much. I'm up way to early this morning-meaning I'll be sleeping most of the effin day. The TV woke me up Katie-Kat and I were spread all over the place her on top of me and the cable went off to re like charge it and we both woke up when it went off, then my GS came in cuz his TV went off--it was only off a couple of minutes then it went back on--Screwed up our night here.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Sure been quiet here the last few days! 

    Cammy--I like that song, too! 

    Wahine--Wow, you remembered where everyone was!  I can't do that!  Hope your back is better this ayem. 

    BBBBernie--Yikes, 2 ayem?  Do they still make a 2 ayem?  I've heard that Guinea birds are vicious, now I know it's true! 

    Cammy--funny how something so simple as a cable box recharging can foul up an entire nite's sleep, isn't it?

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOD is the I Want To Go Back To Bed

    1/2 oz vodka

    1/2 oz triple sec

    1/2 oz rum

    1/2 oz gin

    1/2 oz tequila

    1 oz sweet and sour mix

    1/2 oz Blue Curacao liqueur

    4 - 6 oz Sprite® soda

    Shake ingredients (except Sprite) together in a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Add Sprite and stir. Strain into a hurricane glass over ice, and serve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    OMG NM that drink will absolutely knock me on my ass, right back to sleep--sounds kind of good--Have a good Day too.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    good morning all,definitely want that dotd, see the ro today, so should get some reading done,  unde, good news on your dad if the fracture is stable, re temps,if his chest is clear and he doesn't have a uti, did he have a lot of bruising from a fall ? as the body heals from the bruising, you can run a low grade temp. also tell him pain meds were invented for a reason!  he does not get brownie points for suffering  and he needs to be able to fully participate in pt,  because if you sit like a bump on the log because you don't want to move because it hurts too much,you end up with all  kinds of problems,.    kathy glad you had a good time even if you didn't win.cyn, hope your having a rest.  nm have a good day.    hope the next liver labs are good ,as the doctors  go computerised with their orderingSurprisednext month and i think i will really need a drink with some of them, how sad is it when i'm classed as an expert and able to help them!praying i won't be on the desk much

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    this always makes me laugh

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Love that one.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    LOL at that, Julie! I thought he was going to say that the woman left the line to get a big bag of dogfood! Hope everything goes well for you!

    NM, well, I only knew where TWO loungettes were, but thanks for the vote of confidence! Hmmmmm....ya know, that drink would be like a Long Island Ice Tea if the curacao was left out and the sprite was changed to coke. I had A LOT of them over the weekend!!! Learned that if I pace myself, like no more than 2 at a time, I could handle it. Wait awhile, then annudder one. Thank God it was NOT "one killa, two killa, three killa, floor". I finally even watched how they made them and was surprised at the splash of coke, I guess that was to give it the ice tea color. Yummmy though!

    Oh Cami, I hope you get much needed rest today!!!

    Bernie, Hoping DH's trip is a good one! Those guinea hens....were they the ones that produced the yummy fresh eggs we had? Hope you can deal with them all while your DH is away. But he has been gone for long stretches of time, and you have coped very well in the past, so I have faith that everything will go ok!

    Wondered why they were digging the concrete out of my neighbors garage....all sorts of big equipment..since they are on a slab vs crawlspace, I thought they had busted plumbing or something. THEN an entire truckload of dirt was removed from under the garage floor, and we realized they are having a tornado shelter installed! They are putting them in a lot of the homes now as they are building them, usually in a corner of the garage ABOVE the concrete, but this one will prolly be even safer, to be underground. BUT then I thought, ok, they have a 2 car garage, and they only park 1 car in it, in the middle, but what if they sell their home and someone wants to park 2 cars in there....wonder if you can drive on top of the opening (cover) to the shelter? Because it looks like they placed it in the middle. What a job though....and sooooooo much dirt removed!

    OK, mese gotz ta git ready or mese will be late for de dr...and mese can't be late or dey will charge mese annywey. HAVE A GREAT HUMPDEY girls!!!!



  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited April 2013

    Brilliant Juliet.