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how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    can lymphedema be a good thing?  ro thinks that the cause of  the swelling in the breast, its only confined to the breast, so at least i fill my bra  a little better . thought i might be down to yearly appointment  no ,see him in 4 monthsbecause of everything thats gone on this year.cammi hope your sleeping well right .kathy good luck at the md.have a good afternoon everybody 

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Oh no, I really don't know much about LE's, Julie. I guess if you are going to have it, thats the best place to have it. Once you get it though, are you more suseptible to getting it elsewhere? I know there are some threads on bco about it. I do hope it DOES turn out to be okay. My dr appt when well, they did ultrasound of my leg veins....I had been having sharp pains, but all looked well.

    OH NO, this would be a VERY SCARY ride to be on for Hump Dey.... (prolly will be deleted)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Kat that's so funny--all it is is nature at it's best---good pic. for hump day----Glad u Dr. visit went well--U got the results already?

    Julie how do u treat the LE in u'r breast. I mean excercise what? and can't put a sleev on it.--I mean like I have a sleeve and hand and leg compressors--what in the hell can u put on u'r breast--Does it hurt? OMG I never heard of such a thing and when did u get it.?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Did I miss something? I haven't seen Goldie around, did she tell us she was going somewhere--I don't remember. Is she all right?

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    no cammi,no pain in the breast, ,i think next time i fly i need a good compression bra tho,   glad you don't have a dvt kathy, love the picture

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited April 2013

    Hi Girls!! 

    Kathy...does your neighbors tornado shelter have room for two more and two dogs?  But then again..with all the kids they have I might want to just weather the storm in my bathtub.  Does it really get that dangerous?  Yikes!!

    Julie...gosh hun...does it hurt?  I dont know much about lympadema..except I was told not to have blood taken or bp on that side..I even restricted my tats to the other side of my body. 

    Cami..I think Goldie is just really busy with work..this is the beginning of their busy season and think may be preparing for trade shows etc....

    Pushing hard on the OT ... have 15mins left tonight but did get some beach time in today both with Rees at the dog beach and myself at the humans only beach.  Read was nice. 

    Everyone have a good night...added a recent Reese pic.  xox

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited April 2013

    Oh....this may be TMI but any suggestions about breaking the poo eating habit?  He gets to it before I get a chance...sooo gross...I sometimes call him chit head, or tell him his breath smells like chit...and then I dont want him to love on me. the Hump day pic...hahahaha..I dont think it will be deleted..think of all the phalic refrences/pics that have been posted on this thread.

    Anyone hear from Stella and how she is doing in her likker prep classes?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Cyn I'm glad u'r getting some relaxation.  I lub lub lub u'r furbabies picture---but eating poo--hmmm someone should know the answer to that---What do u feed Rees that tastes just as good going in as it does going out? oooooo

    OK as Lori is busy, that's fine.

    Oh Joey has a pplay tomorrow night that we're going to. He's so proud he has a few lines--have to sit thru this whole thing to hear these few lines. I hope this kids get silly and make it fun, otherwise not a big fan of these kid things. It's till winter clothes time so I'll wear winter. LOL

    OK Hope everyone has a good night. Check back later.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Love, love, love seeing your furbaby, Cyn! As for the poo-eating (I thought of the Foo Fighters), I think some dogs just like it. Our last furbaby, Max (for Max-Worth-A-Million) used to eat chit all the time! Vet said only thing would be to put something on his food. I think it makes the chit taste worse (like it could??). Prolly can find it at the pet stores. YES, the storms DO get that bad, but I would stay in my closet before trying to join them there. We do have a place in the clubhouse, underneath it is the exercize room and saunas, so 3 sides are underground, pretty safe there. IF I want to go there, but usually I like the closet!

    Already had happy hour, now to cook. Where oh where are those Wenches when you need them?????? And yeah, where is STELLA???? We may need to put out an APB for Stella! AND where is Beckers???? Hope you are okay, Beckers!


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited April 2013

    YEAH!!! Where the hell is Beckers????  Is there a tender missing? 

    Sorry Kat...been keeping the wenches busy busy...yesss I am....

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  50 degrees and raining.  Sigh. 

    Juliet--Good advice for Undy's Dad.  Sometimes being an expert isn't all that much fun! 

    LOLm good for Bob! 

    Wahine-you knew were 2 Loungettes are, that's two more than me!  I'm lucky to know where I am most of the time! Glad you didn't do the  "one killa, two killa, three killa, floor" routine. That would hurt too much!  I'm curious about the neigbor's tornado shelter, too.  Is there time enough to move the car and get into a shelter when a tornado threatens?  I keep thinking that people are lucky to get a few seconds warning of tornados, but maybe I'm behind the times? 

    Juliet--lymphedema generally isn't a good thing.  If it's showing in your breast you have truncal LE, what I have.  When I had the breast removed (partly because of the pain from the LE) most of the problem went away, but I still have swelling on that side of my torso from time to time.  See a lymphedema specialist ASAP.  LE cannot be reversed but can be kept in check, so the sooner you start addressing it the better. 

    Whoa!  Talk about hump day celebrations!!!!!

    Cammy--I used to wear a compression bra.  It was a long line bra, went from collar bone to waist.  Ugly as sin, too. 

    CynCyn--Sadie say "Hi" to Reese!  Got plans for that OT $$$?  There is stuff you can sprinkle on Reese's food that will help stop him from eating his poo.  I had a dog that did that, never could break the habit but that was probably how she survived being almost starved.  You can probably find the sprinkles in a pet store or you vet may have them. 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Elephant Hump

    1/2 oz cherry brandy

    1 oz Goldschlager® cinnamon schnapps

    Layer brandy, then goldschlager in a shot glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning all

    NM raining here too right now. Whoa I know u had trunkal LE but I never put it together with a breast part, oh that must be horrible wearing that thing---I have a bad enough time with my arm sleeve (of course I learned how to do it much faster.) but not around u'r body. How did u bend? I hate that sleeve it gets more questions--oh what happened--well u all know me by now so if it was winter somehow I had a ski accident and if it was summer it had to do with a high dive and inbetween usually some car was involved. No way are u going into LE with people. Geeze all I do is the excercises they taught me in PT--nothing else. That drink sounds kinda good. I've never heard of most of them, but most of them sounds good.

    My coffee is tasting good this morning. I made it.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited April 2013

    I'll have to check at the pet store for that sprinkle stuff.  Damn he's expensive, bitter apple spray so he doesnt chew furniture or me, lavendar collar to calm him the hail down and now anti chit eating sprinkles...what next????   LOL. 

    The OT pay will be in the travel kitty...I can pick up a lot more this weekend but decided to play that as it comes as I dont want to commit and then be kicking myself in the ass after working 9 hours knowing I volunteerd for more. 

    Wish it were rainy here so I dont feel like I need to get outside and do something. Would give me a good excuse to stay inside and clean more.

    Time to get motovated...Java motovational therepy goes only so far...need to introduce stimulating shower excercizes....oh..that sounds like an eye opener for shoah..wheres Skates??

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    Just catchinh uo

    Was in bah ston stayed at a holiday inn express

    The people next to me decided to smoke weed and it filled my room

    Told the from\nt desk I wanted to b moved they brought me no smoke spray

    Toxiv chit smelled my whole room up didnt sleep a wink and then at about 3 am I get my monthly visitor and NO tampoons so that was my  trip

    They took half off the romm never staying there again

    I like rooms u can open windows and are spacious

    Neeedless to say the manager told me that if they book through an outside agencies they the hotel have no recourse . Which means they can smoke throw a TV and they get no charge and nothing happens to them

    Went to zumba class so fun love it

    NM never tried that stress ball

    Cyn glad to hear you give the finger through the phone

    Cammie hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii whas new

    Wahine funny about the pit boss

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Mornin Ladiez!

    NM, yes, IF you have something like "weather call" you can get calls and emails and alerts when your area is threatened. Otherwise ifyou get warnings for the entire county, some people just think it isn't by them, and ignore it. They also monitor on tv, and can almost pinpoint to the minute when it will be hitting certain communities. OF COURSE tornados have a mind of their own and can also pop up anywhere, no warning, but if you know the threat is there, then you can take cover. I would prefer the standup shelter, that they put in a corner of your garage and BOLT it to the concrete. That way you don't have to move your car out of the garage, in the hail, or whatever the storm might do to it. One of the worst places to be is in a car if a tornado hits...they say to get out and lie in a ditch by the road. But heck, there is always RAIN and storms with tornados, so the ditches are full of water!! (i still need to find our bike helmet we have never used and put it in the middle closet, so I can be like Junie!).

    Lara, wow, they should have refunded your entire stay, to have to deal with what you had to deal with. OR you could have inhaled and gotten "chill". Jest kidding...that would have upset me too. Its been almost 20 yrs since I had to worry about that monthly visitor...don't miss it at all! Esp when it arrives unannounced and you aren't prepared!

    Well Cyn, can't put a price on love, can ya?? That little furbaby is sooooo cute, he gets away with a Its hard to start with a puppy, but so much more fun if you can get past all the damage and frustration!!! Maverick was always SO good, but Molly used to dig a lot, and my DH was ready to give her away. I had to talk him into keeping her. Now that they are older (they were 2 yrs when we got them, and about 12 now), they don't get into any mischief. Just happy wagging tails, and such happiness when we come outside with them. We love them so much, and hate thinking of being without them some day.

    Lots to do, then have another dr appt, then the g'kids! Will be nice spending time with them without their mom (my DD) around, as they are much more fun that way! I love my DD to pieces, but she answers everything for my g'dau, and doesn't let her answer for herself. Nicer to get to hear her respond to us!!!

    Have a G8 ThirstDey!!!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Oh yeah, Cami, this isn't my eye, but this is what it looks like to get the permanent eyeliner. This pic shows the work of the gal I went to, in NC...

    Well, the picture wouldn't post, but here is the link, and just click on eyeliner, if it doesn't open to those pictures....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Oh lara what a nitemare u had--they should have paid u.-I doubt that the spray worked over that.

    Cyn we end p doing eveything for our furbabies and they are a small fortune, but we love them and they love us--so that's a good thing.

    Kat what a difference that makes for u'r eyes--they all looked good to me, they opened the eyes so much which seem to get smaller as we age??????

    Oh and I love the way Moms answer for their kids when we're talking to them--I give my kids my eye (they call it the evil eye, cuz the eye closes but u can see the whole lid) it is spooky and thn they shut up. My one GF who's Italian (big time) hates when I do that she thinks it's a curse hahaha I told her maybe for someone else but not for me--she yells stop it. My sister and I are the only 2 in the family that can do it and we use it spareingly. People freek out. I used to do it to customers sometimes and they'd get all calm and listen to me, it's come in handy. But like I said I don't overuse my power. hahaha

    I feel like chit today and that too, tomorrow is liver scan day, I always liked liver, onions and bacon, not so much anymore. Remember I think I told u guys when I got my first scan I was asked how much I drank a day and I should stop, cuz it's ruining my liver--HUH I don't drink imagin if I did. LOL So this should be interesting a new Dr. and she'll probaly think I'm a cliset Alcoholic. Oh I mite just humor her and tell her I'll quit. Makes them feel important. Well I was trying not to take any pain meds today and believe me I don't know why I do that who the hell cares. Oh I have another gripe---I can't eat after midnite, now I never do--but being told I can't bothers the hell out of me--I'm going early 8ayem so tha's good but no coffee, that's bad very bad, cuz I'm up at 5 for coffee. All this crap and all she's going to say is I'm an alcoholic, I'm not worried about cancer in my liver, but I said ow one time cuz they press on u like u'r a punching bag, anyone would say ow--gottsa have a liver scan geeze I would have kept my mouth shut. It's my side thst hurts like crazy no one listens to me oh and of course my back but we know why that hrts. Oh to much about me, didn't mean to do that but I did. So u'r stuck with it.

    Where's Beckers she hasn't been on, does anyone know?

    And I miss Lori but u guys said she's super busy now so I have to wait.

    OK I'll talk to u latah

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    Undie just text me she is in hospital for surgery now going in OR

    Undie will b under about now

    Our girl will have implants in 2 hours

    ill keep u all posted

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Orange thanks for the new info. I get nerveous for u guys going thru all this.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    jeez have not heard anything yet waiting....

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2013

    Hi goils!

    Well my Dad is safely home in Myrtle Beach, I have missed you all so much but I spend most of my waking hours with my Dad. We had a wonderful visit, his mood was awesome until the last night. I know he is going through many emotions with all that is happening but overall, we had a great time together.

    I am just jumping in since I have missed so much here.

    NM, it is like Ground Hogs day there, same weather day after day. I am glad you had a sunny and pleasant day and know that there will be a lot more of them. Before you know it, you will be griping over cutting the grass.

    Lara, thanks for the update on Unde' Cove', I am praying for her. I will be looking for more updates from you. If you talk to her, please tell her we love her and to check in when she can.

    Camille, I tink I have missed you de most, you are jest so dern funny. i am sorry you have so many appointments but glad that your medical team is keeping you RB free as can be. I hope you come to de lounge tonight cuz mese gonna be here. I heard that there is a partay!

    Lori, sorry you are so busy with work, I have not seen a post from you in days. (((Lori))).

    Kat, omg, that hump dey pic is hillarious, love it.

    Julie, loved the purina diet joke, that was awesome! I may have seen it before but many many moons ago. Glad you are feeling better.

    Bernie, I hope that the animals start behaving now that your DH is away. I take he is away for work?

    Cyndie, how nice of Rees to clean up his own poo by eating it ~jk! I have a solution for you, it worked for some canned pineapple and pour the juice over his food. It will make his poop taste too bad for consumption. I hope it works, my Bella eats her shit too. I was appalled the first time i saw her do it and I called the lady I got her from. The lady told me the reason she did it was because she was in a puppy mill and had several litters of pups. Since the owner did not clean up the messes, she ate it to give her pups a clean place to sleep. I know that is not the case with Rees. I can tell you that it will not hurt him, it is just gross! I have some pineapple juice around, I only use it when I am having a picnic or something so that mese fwends are not grossed out seeing her in action! 

    and yeah, where is de Beckers? Has anyone pm'd her? Do we have her contact info, Wahine? i hope everything is ok with her.

    Get this goils, I overslept through a 2:30pm appt with my shrink. And i went to bed at 2:30. I can't believe how much I sleep and how out I am. I do not even hear the alarm clock or my cell phone alarm. Shit, I hope he does not charge me. I am putting off calling to admit my failure...I will do it now. Ok, gonna make dat call.

    Love you all, sorry to anyone I missed. As I said, I am jest jumping in here.


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    Ok shes out of surgery went well. Family can go in an hour.

    They r keeping me posted


    Drink time I just get nervous because she had that bleeding problem with TES so she was under for 2 and half hours

    Dork good to hear from u

    cyn reese pieces is so cute

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    thanks lara for the update

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    she got a bigger size she will be so happy


    Cant wait for mine

    Im going to get one more fill I think

    No scary movies cammie uggg

    I do not understand how fear net works I think you have to buy it

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Hi everyone--Oh Dork it's so nice to see a post from u---we all knew why u couldn't but missed u so much, And zi'm glad u got to spend so much time with u'r dad, he should live near u guys, he'd be happier I'm sure.

    Whew out of surgery--and everything went well---Love those words. Now she is done right? I mean she was full of fill and now they did the ending product right? That's a long surgery, I think--I don't know how long it should be, wow I bet she'll look gooood.

    Oh I haven't eaten all day, cuz I'm upset about not eating after midnight. WTF is the matter with me hahahahaha I hate when they give me orders and I'm not even in that building--they're so bossy. Oh everyone wants my body--well parts of it anyway.

    OK I'll be back latah


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    This is crazy==de lounge is empty again??? WTF our men are sitting and waiting--what's happening

    Well more for me yahaha

    I can't eat after midnight and I still haven't eaten---now u all know how so craxy I am and why all my friends call me crazy--They no it's not an act it's me. OMG I'd better fall asleep and sleep well tonite.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    YAY Shannon did well in surgery and is recovering!! Thanks so much for letting us know, Lara. I hope we were not toooooo loud while we were in the drs pockets....but wese had fun wid all the widdle widdle dwinks, cuz we were so widdle too. Just so glad that all is good.

    Oh and Dorkaroni is in de house (I mean de HTL)!!! Yippeeeee Yi Yo Ki Yay, YessireeeeBarbarella!!! Now to get Lori back, and Allison, and JeanBean, and ChrissyB, and Beckers...... I know, some of you are just so busy right now, but some are MIA too, and we miss you all!

    My dr appt went well, hope yours goes well tomorrow, Cami. You let us know asap, ok?

    Big Hugs and Drunken Mugs,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    I knew this would happen, I've been kinda sick all day (crummy day) and I didn't eat, really I couldn't and now yes now I want peanut butter on white bread and lots of it. I predicted this didn't I. And of course everyone is sleeping and I took 3 yes 3 xanax and no nap today up since 5 and I'm awake now. OK if they said u can eat anytime this wouldn't happen. Oh and I forgot this is the one that puts that green stuff in u'r body to radiate and if there is no nurs there they have to go thru my foor--I hate when anyone looks at my feet, just hate it, U mite as well look at Cyn's dog eating her poo, much nicer to look at.  And no amount of pineapple juice can distract them. Shit AND my mouth is so dry I might as well be in a desert imagining an oasis, knowing it's not there. This is not a pretty picture here tonite. Well it usually isn't but it's worse now. OK tha-tha-tha-that's al for now fokes.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited April 2013

    Hi goils. I'm here. I went to San Diego with my sons and their girl friends. It was so nice. Hope you don't mind I borrowed that tender for the extended weekend.

    I came home last night only to have some hell breakin loose with my anxiety ridden brother. He thinks my Mom is gonna croak any minute I think. I'm haven a hard time dealing with it. I wish I could find a little lady to live with her so he can be relieved of his duties. I wanted to smoke tonight (quit last June) but I chose a bottle of wine instead. I hope I don't feel too horrible in the ayem. getting crunk.

    Hope you all are fine. Look forward to catchin up soon!!