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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    OK Becks we were concerned about u--but all is well so that's good and u can take anyone u want. I hope u'r mom is doing OK

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited April 2013

    Thank you Cami. It is nice to have friends. :-). You drinkin or poppin pills tonight? I'm getting sleepy. You are up late for your time zone.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    I knpw i'm up late cuz i hace an early test and I was told I couldn't eat after midnite so of xourse I want to--Othwuse I'd bbbe drifting off now LOL

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited April 2013

    Haha! Just like me. I am always gettin hungry about this time. I have a string cheese in my left hand as we speak! Hope you okay. What test?

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited April 2013

    I will fire up the UFO n come with you. I will call the naked catering guys to make your fav foods and we will pig out as soon as you are through!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  TGIF! TGIF! TGIF! 

    Cammy--The compression bra was actually comfortable, but it looked like crap.  Gave me a uniboob, and showed under anything less than a crew neck top.  Funny, I really hated the things, but can't bring myself to throw them away now that I don't need them.  Not to mention can't wear them because they are too big.  The reconned boobs are MUCH smaller, HOORAY!

    CynCyn--LOL!  Shower exercises with a Tender/Wench sounds like fun!   Motivation is hard to come by sometimes. 

    ORLA--YUCK!  What a trip!  I'm with you about having windows that open.  Traveling can be really something to deal with sometimes. 

    Wahine--I always wondered about the get out of the car and lie in a ditch advice, wondered why the ditch wouldn't be full of water during a thunderstorm.  Like the idea of the bike helmet, though!  Sounds like you get more warning that I was imagining.  I'll still stick with blizzards, though. 

    Cammy--I'm the same way.  Never eat after midnight, hate being told I can't.  No ayem coffee?  Look out, bub, I gets CRANKY!  Good luck with the scan! 

    Thinking of Undy. . .

    DorKable--Glad you and your Dad had a good visit.  Yup. Probably gonna have to start cutting the grass in a week or two. 

    OK, Undy's out, GREAT! 

    Becs--Glad you had a good trip, too bad about your brother coming unglued when you got home! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the TGIF

    1/2 oz light rum

    1/2 oz coconut rum

    1/2 oz DeKuyper® Cheri-Beri Pucker schnapps

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    Hi everyone

    cammie good luck with test

    yes d

    saw a pic of her lovelies looking good and BIG lookk natural ro

    My PS will def see that pic

    cammie after this she need nips andd areoles tattooooed on

    I do not think that sa big process wahine ?

    Im still waiting to hear about pain I told her to tell me the truth since mine is soon

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning--

    U'r next lara, then Dork? Is everyone done then.

    Hey Becks didn't get back to u had to try and fall asleep so I took enough pills, and now I have to wake up with no coffee.

    NM OK I get the picture on that corset. And when u said gutter I remember when I was young and got home late, like 5 mins. I'd hear we might find u in a gutter--well where I lived there were no gutters and being a smart mouth of course I'd say we don't have any gutters, chances are u find me in the woods someplace. My mom was never happy with my answers. OK

    Took my shower and now I'; be getting dress, I forgot this is the one where they put the dye in, they's better have a nurse around, otherwise it goes in my foot--I don't like that, very sensitive, u know hahaha

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2013

    I am popping in for a few of NM's TGIF dwinks, yum yum yum!

    Welcome back Beckers, wese was worried about you. Sorry that your brother is talking such non sense. My uh XDH#2 says the same thing about my mom, says that she does not have much time left and it pisses me off.

    Camille, you crack me up with the no gutters story, your poor parents sure had their hands full with you. God rest their souls! I am praying that all goes well with the scans.

    Lori, miss you too much. Don't make me send my people to come and bring your ass to de lounge, I will. It is not the same around here without you.

    Well it seems that my dear Daddy left his cold germs here cuz I caught the cold he got, darn it. I have big dwinking plans coming up next week and I better be better. I worry more about my Dad, his throat is raw, he is seeing the doctor this afternoon. And he keeps calling me to ask questions now that my sister is out of the country visiting her DH in Switzerland (she is joining him for the last two weeks of a 12 week business trip). I had to straighten up a mess with social security, they were about to cut off my mom's pharmacy benefits because their plan is Aetna of SC and she no longer lives there. My sister had already dealt with the issue but seems our loving government screwed things up.

    I am going to see my Mom shortly. Steve will wheel her to the mail level as i do not want to bring my germs into her unit. I will not touch her or kiss her, I jest need to see her purdy face. I wish I could bring her back to her old self so much. Every now and then when she talks, I hear her old voice and it brings tears to my eyes. Last week she said "hello" in her old sweet voice and I nearly melted.

    Ok, gotta run. Love you all.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Dork now u have a cold??? Oh u'r dad doesn't want u to party ro much for u'r own good. That's so sweet u want to see u'r mom even if u can't be with her and u'r right u shouldn't bring a cold there, so be careful.

    I have to take a nap now so I can be a little awake tonight for my other DDhahaha She's been up since 6 ayem and working all day and falls asleep by 9PM--I'd really rather stay here but Joey asked me to please go cuzhe wants to be with me. So how can I say no, anyway Leslie's having girls for bunk (boring) but they do drink alot and she has made different foods and desserts for them too. Marty will prolly just watchTV tonite in the bedroom.

    Have fun tonite ladies.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    HI Ladies of de Lounge~!

    Shannon, so glad your new boobs look awesome....a little Lara bird told us so! I didn't have nips made, just had the 3D tattoo nips. I love them, cuz NO HEADLIGHTS and can wear anything with no bra.

    Lara, the exch surgery is SO much easier than the mast and recon. Really. I mean, surgery is surgery, so you do have to have some recovery time and some pain, but VERY do-able.

    Dorkie, So sweet about your mom sounding like her old self sometimes. Don't listen to your exDH#2, BECAUSE my grandma (Nana) lived to be 101, and she didn't know anyone or anything for at least 20 yrs. She was taken care of so well, but when we visited, it didn't seem like she was in there. We were very thankful she bought into a very elegant retirement home in HI. Because she was one of the first owners, she was "grandfathered in" (grandmothered? lol), so they had to take care of her forever. Her cute apartment that overlooked the mountains and was so nice and cool, went back to the retirement home, then she lived on the floor that had round-the-clock nurses and great care, for YEARS. Her sister (my aunt) lived there till she was 101, almost 102, and she passed just about 3 yrs ago. This bldg is a big tower and so elegant....on the top floor, outside, you can walk all around it and see Waikiki, Diamond Head, and then the mountains on the other side. Chandeliers in the dining rooms, etc. Very nice, STILL, and she bought her unit new in about 1966 or so.

    Beckers, SO glad you are A-OK. Did you know I sent out an APB for ya? Glad you were having a good time, but hope your bro settles down. Also hope your mom is doing ok.

    NM, Some areas do not have the good early warning systems we have, plus if a tornado hits at night, a lot of people ignore their weather radios, etc. So its still quite scary, but it helps if you know about it before it hits. Thanks for the yummy drinks!!!

    Cami, Hope your tests went well today!!! I had a 2 hr dental appt, then had to wait over an hr as they were running late, so that took up most of my day!!

    Lotta storms coming in here, for all weekend, and several days in the coming week. Everyone stay safe! AND yes, Lori, and Alli, you better get your widdle behinds back into the HTL...we all miss youse!!!



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2013

    Good evening, Loungettes!  Been a  day and a half for me.  One of my patients' husband wound up getting carted away by the police to the hospital for ANOTHER psych evaluation this ayem.  I all ready had a full day, didn't need a crisis in it.  But then I can't think of a time a crisis ever came during a slow day. . . .

    Cammy--you have the right to have the port used EVERY time.  It's the facility's responsibility to find a nurse  if that is what you want.   If they are telling you otherwise they are wrong.  When the referral is made, tell them they will need a nurse to access the port.  If you get there and there is no nurse, hold your ground and MAKE them get one.  There has to be one available for emergencies, anyway, so if they don't have one there is a BIG problem with the way the place is being run. 

    DorKable--oh, dear, I hate that you caught a cold!  You are so good about not taking into her unit, too.  Drink up girl, the alcahahol will kill the germies!

    OK, now I've had a break I need to go tackle the mountain of documentation that got put off by crisis intervention and my laptop being squirrely today.  Sigh. 

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    (((((NativeMainer))))), Hope your night goes better than your day did!

    And yes,Dorkie, get well quickliest, ok????

    Hugs, Kat

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    More stoms Kat--oh wait u sometimes have crazy ones. Well lately so do we but I think we're clear for a while, and it won't be as warm as they first said. so who knows for us too.

    I freak out at the dentist u poor thing--I mean really freak out, I know alot of people it doesn't bother but I'm not one. So I hope it's just time consuming for u not scary.

    And I agree these gals better pop in, I miss them.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    good morning all, well its 0110,i'm in my favourite placeCry, cammi,hope your test went well,shannon,do we get to see pics, nm-sounds like you had a busy day!, psyche issues can be so emotionally draining plus its hard to ignore the physical threat these days. dorty ,hope your drinking plenty of fluids feel better soon.cammi, if they are using your port , make sure its apower port  or they cannot hook it up to the automatic injector. nm,most hopsitals now limit who can access ports, only the iv team can do it here. so basically lost my skills on accessing a port. well back to the grindstone,are you workign too cyn 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes! 

    Juliet--I know that hospitals have limited who can access ports, but I feel that it is still a patient's right to use the port and hospitals can't deny patients that right for the facility's own convenience.  Too many patients don't know that they can insist on the port being used for scans and blood work and the hospital needs to accommodate that reasonable request, even if it does cost more for the hospital.  The system is supposed to serve patients, not itself and it's share holders. 

    Woops, didn't mean to get up on a soap box so early in the morning!

    I get to play with a couple of little girls tomorrow--I'm watching friends' daughters while they go to a graduation.  Last time I had them I did yoga with them-talk about funny!  Even do yoga with a 4 and 5 year old?  They made me look like a stiff old lady and made me laugh so much with their own interpretations of some of the poses!  This is going to be so much fun!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is The Sunny Saturday

    1 oz vodka

    2 oz tonic water

    1 oz orange juice

    1 lime Wedge

    Combine Vodka, Orange Juice, and Tonic Water over ice. Squeeze Lime wedge and drop in cocktail. Stir. Serve with straw.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    yoga how funny NM

    well told undie I posted for her she had a little bleeding so her DH wrapped her up in a ace bandage nothing to go back in for

    Wahine yes im doing the 3 d to

    Dork sorry your sick here is some cyber hugs

    Yea she said pain not that bad but they did not go through her bmx surgery line they had to do underneath skin is to small shes tiny

    she also got a size bigger which is good

    not much going on here poop lol in latah

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited April 2013


    Yep working Julie..of course..Im Cyndielouworkerbee.

    Glad to hear that Undie had a successfull surgery!!  Thanks for the updates Lara....Now about your hotel.  Which one was it?  You said Holiday Inn right?  If that bothered you then they should have offered you a different room...especially if they confirmed a non smoking for you.  In addition..they have a credit card on file for every room for incedentals like phone calls, room you would think they would be able to charge them for any kind of damage. 

    Hey...Beckers!!! Great to see you back....glad you had a fun trip.  We were missing you tho so next time tell us your going to be MIA for a while so we dont worry..K?

    Cami...Scary movies today? 

    I started this so long ago Im sure I've bummped many a Loungette in the pewl...but it tis a lovely sunshiney day so enjoy....just hope I didnt spill youse drinks..

    Bottoms up ladies

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    WTF everyone is so quiet---I slept by my 1DD's last nite with Joey AND I had a drink Yahoo, my cousin came over and we had a lot of fun--Joey did too playing with my 1D's bonus 11 yr. old girl. but at the end of the day he came to sleep with me and then early in the morning so did my DD. hahaha

    I hope undie is comfortable today and resting nicely.

    NM I gree about the port nurses, This hospital I go to has a nurse where the nuclear tests are so ports can easily be accessed cuz some of us can't use either arm too, finally they are not going in my feet--cus they'r so big and ugly. But I thought  was having a scan, I had an ultra sound and read it along the way too and it looked fine, cuz u can see what they see. Oh that sounds like a Christmas song.

    OK I'll be back latah I have to rest to much going on this whole week and I'm all tuckered out and a little hungover LOL

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited April 2013

    Well cyn they said no charges nothing because they booked like Expedia something not through hotel

    So I found this interesting this is what they told me the guy said u can bang a TV up nothing they can do IDK u would know but this is what was told to me

    I know camomile tea lol cammy where is everyone!

    No scary ones on now blah sci gy has shark scary ones on!

    That is so great u had fun with your high school goils

    Glad to hear wahine that this next will not b so bad

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited April 2013

    Hello all,how is everyone this weekend? Beautiful summer weather here but I'm stuck inside. I heard our little Lara bird filled you in on my surgery. Feeling some pain on the IMF but it's nothing I can't handle. Minor bleeding stopped yesterday and the girls are looking pretty good. PS said not much swelling,if that's true I have some good looking melons! Not perfect but that was expected w/my issues. Finally shaking this narcolepsy today,been so sleepy last 2 days. Juliet-I'll show the girls off when I can fit into a shirt. Right now I'm bursting out of my old ones,not that I'm complaining. Ok I can only have cyber drinks for awhile so who's ready to drink for me? Any volunteers? Kat-is that your hand I see going up? Both hands it looks like. Cami and Juliet are wrestling over my pitcher of margaritas. There's Dork putting Cyn in a headlock. Relax girls,there's enough for everyone.     

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Undie u sound good with u'r new gals and we've been keeping up. So they're looking gooood-hahaha can't wait to see them, sideways and front please. and Thanks for all the drinks while their all fighting over them I'll enjoy them, Relax Wink

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    Hahahaha......Undie you know us TOOOOO well. Yuppers dat was mese 2 hands going up, and yeah Dorkie was putting a headlock on Cyn so she could get all of Cyn's dwinks. Glad your new gals look nice, big, and perkY!! Yay!! And you are joking again, so I know you are A-OK!

    Had a scare last night with my dad...I thought he wouldn't make it thru the night,it was so scary. He is fine today...even had happy hour with them. But I was a wreck last night!!

    CyndieLouWorkerBee, youse is gonna habs a BIG COLOSSAL paycheck, yessirreebobarella! Good for you! Hope that stuff stops Rees from eating dat chit...yucko!!!

    Cami, you sound in good the ultrasound was ok? What do they think is the problem? Hope you get some R-E-L-I-E-F (is dat how you spell it?) soooonliest.

    I'm a tired camper, no not been camping, jest tired from stress and worry. AND prolly cuz I dwank for Shannon all day too. ya think? LOL. I see the tenders are ALL dressed up and look so fancy-schmancy. SO are the tenders. Whuts up? Big partay??? I dunno, but I am gonna partake!



  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited April 2013

    Cammy-I'll post pics from every angle for you. You won't miss a thing,lol. Kat-So glad you're dad is ok,hope he stays that way. You sound like you need a massage to relax,I have the guy for you. male massage photo: Male Massage ShowLetterCAWJZAGJ.jpg And he's a wind-up masseur so he can go all nightWink

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited April 2013

    Good Evening Loungettes...WHOS DRINKING???? Im drinking for me and for Sha Na Na....I think there is enough to go around so I let DorKie go....we both remmeberd we are drinking also for Julie T.

    Im soooooo glad your Dad is feeling better today after your scare Wahine.  It will be interesting to see how I do on my next paycheck actually there should be 16 hours of OT on it...whahooooo  certainly enough to buy BBBernie a dwinkie or two or three On the Emerald Isle when I visit.  Only about a month away !

    Cami....feet..wether they are yours, mine or a super models are ugly...feet are ugly and thats all there is to that..I hate feet but guess we need them.

    Poop eating has gotten he just wants to eat everyone else's

    Whatcha all drinking tonight??  You know what I am...tho I got a couple of those cups with the lids and straw so I've been making a drink here and there...and I still have a smidge of brandy so I've been doing a shot every now and then too. 

    Where is everyone?? I know I should talk..Im never around much with all the work going on. 

    Hugz and MugZ filled with whatever you are drinkin !! 

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited April 2013

    You girlies got the party started early! Happy sa turd day!

    Good for you NM that you can do yoga! My head thinks it can do lots of stuff. I thought yoga would be easy. Not for me. I kept getting feet cramps and the instructor was like, "Point your toe" easy said... They were all pointing in different directions! I felt stupid. Like the cartwheel I thought I could do a few weeks back.

    Hi Orange. You are getting ready for new foobies?

    Glad you got yours Undies and are able to get all those cold ones for us! Did your doctor order you da wind up guy? I didn't get one of those. They did say to massage them though. Maybe I can borrow when you are done.

    Cyndielou, thank you for missing me!! Sorry I got you worried. I will let you all know in future. I am going for hubby visit May 16th-19th. Looking forward to it. Are you going to visit Bernie? I think this is the traveling HTL! How fun. I love to travel.

    Wahine, so scary about your Dad!! He did okay for happy hour? What happened last night? Parents are such a worry! Pay back for worrying them in our younger years I


    Cami, why did DD end up in your bed? You partying hard Ober der?

    Sometimes I think the hot flashes will surely kill me. Oh...I'm taking a tamoxifen break. I wish I had the cahonies to just give it up for good but my MO scares me. I started having MS flare up and Tamoxifen can make it worse. Or not. Who knows! It all kinda feels like a big crap shoot to me.

    Ok. I may BBL. Cheers!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited April 2013

    I hate this RB sooooo much. Just got a call from DH's sister in law and found out that my DH's half-brother has stage 4 brain cancer. Apparently he was dx about 2-3 mo ago after having a seizure.....but doesn't want anyone to know, and doesn't want to see anyone either. Last time we saw them was when they stayed here a few days, prolly 5 yrs ago or so. They live in Knoxville, and when we were in the Smokies a few mo ago we tried calling them but had an old number and couldn't reach them. Shoot, I hated hearing it...he is my DH's fav half-sibling, and only about 52. This has been a depressing couple of days, for sure.

    Didn't mean to be on a downer, but just had to share this. Thanks for the masseuse Shannon, I surely need him tonight. Can I keep him, huh, can I????



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Oh kat that is awful and u just found out--OMG a Brain Timor--that FRB I hate all of this for everyone, I get so upset with this disease. Let's face it the Drs get stymied themselves and are near hepless. Kat what happened to u dad??? I'm glad to hear he's OK now but I want to know. Allright and u can have the wind up guys for a while first.

    Undie u sound good---GREAT

    Cyn only a month away Holy Chit. that sounds so exciting to me--I liver thru all of u traveling, cuz I  never really did--don't care for it, but appreciate it.

    Becks my girls will stil crawl in bed with me sometimes they stil act like 5 yrs old, we're bi cuddlers cuz I always was and they just do???

    I was just LOL cuz my cousin called today about my test and I told her it was fine and she said u got the results? And of course I said no, but I could read the screen and I saw it was it fine. We started laughing cuz neither of us know chit about anything--but I feel like it is fine so therefore it came out good. Again we started laughing.

    Oh last nite I did have a diet Dr.Pepper-loads of ice-and mixed with Coors beer.Everyone had to taste it cuz it sounds so disgusting and they all said it tastes like a soda fountain drink. So I found my drink.

    Dork r u all right? And how long is orie so so busy? When someone doesn't check in it feels like everything in the universe is off kilter. I don't like that. Just so u know.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited April 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Today I get to play with my friends little girls!  So looking forward to blowing bubbles and running around like a fool.  Maybe we'll go across the street and visit  Mr. Dudley, my neighbor's goat. 

    ORLA--thanks for the update on Undy, glad she's doing well!  Hope she's happy with the results. 

    CynCyn--all work and no play, etc, etc.  Make sure you get some fun, too!

    Cammy--I like the idea that you can see what they're seeing during a test.  It always drives me crazy that they can do a test on MY body but I'm the last one who gets to see the results.  Did you have fun getting a little hung over? 

    ORLA--of they can't charge for damages and such then why require a credit card?????Something isn't right there. . .

    UNDY!!!!  Glad to hear from you!  Bursting out of your shirts is a good problem to have, isn't it?  I've got dibs on every drink that is blue! 

    Wahine--What happened with your Dad?  Things are very scary when out families are involved. 

    CynCyn--cups with lids and straw s are fun, aren't they? 

    Becs--I can do yoga, but as to how well, another question indeed!  The nice thing about yoga is that it is about personal progress, not competition.  I get muscle cramps, and can't do all the poses and have to use the "forgiving limbs" version of lots of poses, but if I keep at it I do see improvement after a while.  And I don't need any special equipment.  And doing it with wickedly flexible little kids is a riot!  And yes, the bc and treatment stuff IS all a crapshoot.  A large number of us don't need any treatment other than surgery, but there is no way to tell which individual woman will or won't need everything.  Stats only apply to groups, not to individuals.  So we do what we need to feel comfortable.  Do you take anything for the hot flashes?  I had really good luck with gabapentin (Neurontin) for that. 

    Wahine--FURB indeed.  So not fair what is happening to DH's half-brother.  That definitely takes the shine out of the day.  FURB!  FURB!  FURB! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is The Sunday Fun Day

    1.25 oz. rum

    .75 oz. ginger liqueur

    .75 oz. fresh lemon juice

    .5 oz simple syrup

    5 mint leaves

    1 oz. ginger beer


     Muddle mint in shaker.

     Fill with ice and add rum, ginger liqueur, lime juice and simple syrup.

     Shake and pour into rocks glass.

     Top with ginger beer.

     Garnish with lemon.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2013

    good morning all, back in work tonight, was 2 nights on one off then work 3 more, off to orlando on fri for  the epcot garden festival, .  cammi i hate waiting for results  too,     kathy ,hope your dad is doing better today. nm enjoy your yoga?    shannon,,glad to hear your doing good and pleased with result . have a good day everybody