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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Wow I took this off my favorites and I was looking all over the place I was freakin out---I'm back.

    Julie u have to work today? Ugh

    Orange I'm glad u had fun last nite, u need to do that u know. Maybe not nitely but often as u can. Why do u feel so nerveous about this one, u have had things going on for all this time, or is this the last one that will decide u'r foobs.? How is u'r head from last nite? Just relax with scary movies---what is it about us with scary movies???? The scarier the better. Like our lives aren't scry enough. LOL Drink lots of water today for shoah

    It's chilly willy here and rainy perfect for me but not party BBQ goers--My 2 Dgtrs.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited May 2013

    Oh Chrissy, those are BEAUTIFUL!!! And you are making enough for all the wedding guests??? What a big job, but they can enjoy them forever...not like some favors that just get tossed away. Hmmmmmm.......should I ask for an invite??? Just kidding....but it will be such an awesome wedding!!! I love that word "squizz"...never heard that before! Give your DD a hug from me, and I will be praying for her too, ok?

    Lara, send me a pm if you want a good deals site. Your foobs will be amazing! Oh, and SO glad you are not smoking anymore, as your body needs to be in top form for your surgery! Glad you had a "last hurrah" last night and don't want anymore. Give Adey our best, ok? Hope she starts healing quickly.

    Hugs everybody! Going to help my parents out with stuff today, and maybe do some more so many good ideas from the landscape architect but will have to implement slowly since we travel so much.

    Happy Sat-Turd-Dey!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Oh Chrissy and I bumped into each other---I love dreamcatchers and all the history of them. Those are beautiful Chrissy. Please keep us going with all that u'r making it is so beautiful. I'd have to use paper cut-outs so I really appreciate this.

    Kat u'r so busy, when are u leaving? :( for me but :) for u.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2013

    cyn that is the best idea

    They are so pretty

    I crochet and paint I need to crochet something

    Wahine I will for sure im just really superstitious so ill get the vaca info after the foobs are in did I tell u that I am 760 ccs

    I sleep on my sides everything no big deal

    Cammiie we are crazy about our movies just remember im with u everyday watching them with u.... I finally found someone who loves the movies like me

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited May 2013

    Love the dream catchers. Great idea.

    Oh...good morning. Just got right in to it.

    Orange, I quit smoking last June. My PS actually nicotine tested me as part of pre op. I was like, Dang, he means it!! It was probably because I had DIEP recon. I know being nervous is expected. Especially with seeing what undies is going through. Why the blistering I wonder? Hope she feels better soon.

    Feeling better Cami?

    Have fun at your parent's house today Wahine. Are they close to you? I'm going to moms in a bit. She wants to bowl again in the fall so she's getting a nintendo wii so she can practice bowling. I'm gonna put wrist weight on her. She had a heck of a time learning how to push record on her heart monitor thingamajig she had to wear recently so this ought to be interesting!

    Have fun at work Juliet. My TB test was normal. What did yours look like? That's scary.

    I'm on new meds and feeling drunk. It's a time release 600 mg Gabapentin and I decreased Effexor to half dose and started Elavil. Woah I could sleep all day but have Annie so I'm pounding the coffee.

    BBL. Party on!!!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited May 2013

    Have fun with your Annie Beckers.  I hate feeling tired..unless of course Its bed time then I take something to make me tired.  Always trying to feel the opposit from what I am. 

    Orla...did you say that movie Mama was good?  Im thinking of renting it on demand tonight.  I wish the Oz movie was on demand..that I really want to see.  They have it on the flight Im taking to London but the screen is so I really want to watch a movie with special effects on a screen thats only as big as the seat back??  Mmmmm

    Work work work.....bleck

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    OG Julie do u have a subscription to wicked georgeous nudish men. He's a keeper.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited May 2013

    Ooooh Juliet, you know how I lubs a man behind bars!! Ha! Honestly, I think Cami secretly wants a conjugal. :-) don't tell her I told you. I still gotta give my vote to the one you posted recently of the boy with the torn fruit of the loom! Man oh man!!!

    Cyn, I am enjoying Annie. She said, "Holy crack" (meaning crap) and I started laughing and she said, "Stop laughing woman!"

    What's errybuddy dwinkin Or poppin tonight?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Good Morning everyone one of u. I hope u'r having some kind of fun this weekend-

    Becks BTW I wouldn't secretly like a conjugal visit, (funny how u spelled that word so quikcly) I want to yell it out that I would be having any kind of visir with that guy. Since I'm a 2 bagger--one for my head and one for my body--and he wouldn't have a choice I'd be good for him. Of course u are used to stripes--oh no u said no about u'r DH (Tee-hee)

    Julie I'm hoping u'r not working today, rest ur arm. Are u still wearing that thing on it.?

    I'm here before Bernie--I'm not usually. U OK? And NM has been so busy. And Lori--OH Lori.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    OK commercial time--I'll do the best I can--we do have it on tape, but my sister has the tape, We (my sister and I) would always think of things for my dad, since he was blind and nevercomplained and stayed in his room all day. So we talked to him about doing a commercial for the wine he drank Carlo Rossie--(then and now it was a cheapy wine but it came in gallons. So my sister wrote what he should say and the following Saturday we got hime all dressed up with a vest on and nice shirt and his cap and we did put sunglasses on him cuz his eyes didn't look good. He sat in a nice chair that we positioned and since he couldn't read the script we had to repeat and repeat til we thought he had it. So cameras rolling He started OK but screwed up the words somewhat and at the end he would drin the wine.--well we did ex-plain to hime he couldn't drink the wibe till we got it down good so he agreed, stupid us we should have given him an emptly glass but we could have a good take--we thought. We must have done it at least 10 times of course with my sister and I luaghing our asses off cuz he was getting funnier and funnier with what he was saying. Well of course he did get drubk Ou last take was--What the hell am I drinking? we quietly told him and he said this stuff tastes like chit and so cheap--why can't I have the good wine-oh oh yea I know cuz this is that crappy stuff that comes in a big bottle, am I supposed to say ing good about it? Cuz I'd be lying like a stupid person, but stupid people believe this stuff==The American people are like sheep they fall for anything--Ugh we stopped the tpe. Now we did send it in thinking and telling them they could edit cuz some were not to bad at the beginning. We didn't know how to edit. They sent it back and said no Thanks. My dad could care less, but my sister and I were so upset--we thought we'd make some money. Tht was the recording Debut and end of my father's acting career. Of corse it was really much funnier watching it and going thru this it took at least an hour.It really doesn't sound as funny as it was, cuz my sister and I were peeing so much of course we sat on plastic and had clothes to change into when we were done. We just did things so my dad would have some fun--we bought a 2way radio thingy that went upstairs to my house so my dad could talk to me whe he knew I was home and he used it all the time--he couldn't use a phone it was so funny the things he said and he didn't realize my mom could hear him trying to figure out how to get my mom out of the house so he could get his own wine. Silly Man but we loved him so.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited May 2013

    LMFAO....that is a riot, Cami! Sounds like you gave your dad lots of fun,and you and your sister had such fun too!!!! I love it, esp how he got funnier and more HONEST the more wine he drank. Thats definately a keeper!!! I have the writing on the wall in my kitchen about how "life is too short to drink bad wine". BUT its only bad wine if the person drinking it thinks its bad wine, since we all have different tastes.

    Oohhhhh Laaaaa Laaaaa sure have a good stash of guys to post! LOL, but when I saw he posted naked like a prison shot, then I wondered if he is going for the prison guy vote, or the gal vote! Sexy, regardless of which gender he prefers!!!

    Been bizzy here, and you all are prolly so bizzy just popping in to say HI!!!!!! Had some Bailey's in my coffee this ayem.....yummmmmm. BUT actually just drinking it cuz I had some little bottles I need to empty so I can fill with Seagrams for our trip. Thanks to DorkaRoni, now I know the TSA allows those little likker bottles to go thru security with you. I think it needs to look unopened though.

    Dwink Up Goilfriends!!!!!


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2013

    Thats a good story Cammie now I text people when they r in other rooms need intercoms here lol

    well I have a gland that is infected down by mm the women parts

    its huge im in massive pain hard size of a peanut

    Called on call got antbiotics

    tues they are cutting it off wtf it never ends

    so I have to layon my side because its so painful

    I feel sick from it we have a batheliom gland thats not the right way to say it but it can blow up big and get infected so im crying I just hate all this stuff

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2013

    (((((oh lara)))))))),i hear they are extremly painful until they drain ,so hope it drains soon!,have you tried sitting in a rubber ring?    kathy ,small likker bottles,huh must remember that for the next time i fly.    cammi,i love your stories, you paint such a visual with your words.  becks, hugs and kisses to annie , they are right ,kids do say the funniest things, working 12-4 today  , no cammi i don't have to wear the immobilser now,just can't lift more than 10lbs, or reach overhead

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2013

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited May 2013

    LOL at that picture, Julie!

    Oh Noooooooo Lara, I am so sad to hear the pain you are in. Hope the antib's work PRONTO, and hope Julie's tip will help out. (((Lara)))

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    LARA when did this happn? OMG, now Julie said it has to drain, is that what u go for daining? I'm so sorry u'r hit with all this mess, the worse part is th pain--I never heard of this so I have no ida what it is, but when I har drin OUCH--Canu put a warm cloth on it--IDK what to tell u since I don't know. I'm sorry

    Kat how clever u travelors are with those little bottles, so now u have to drink all the bottles? hahaha

    Julie I'm glad that that thing is off, but remember it is off and don't do anything with it.Cuz I can picture u trying to do something ro help someone. Just take care of u'rself.

    OK ladies I'll be back.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  I know I've been MIA fore a few days, been wicked busy and work and the pollen counts have skyrocketed so my asthma is trying to kick up so I've been just plain tired.  Slept till 8 yesterday, till 9 this ayem.  So now to play ketchup!   On the up side, I had my annual eval Friday, and rated "exceeds expectations" in the majority of categories.  Unfortunately, the company isn't giving merit raises this year due to changes in Medicare reimbursement and regs costing a lot more to run the business.  BUT, my office (including me) should be getting a $750 quality bonus this quarter.  So I'm still coming out ahead. 

    Cammy-- if you were chastizing  anyone I didn't notice it!  I didn't know there were different kinds of MJ until one of my patients talked about it.  Apparently different strains have differing amounts of activity and different side effects, some are better for cooking/eating than smoking, and so on.  Fascinating, actually. 

    ORLA--good for you for drinking your water!  I'm proud of you! 

    Becs--all us health care types tend to procrastinate about CPR and TB and all that crap.  It's not fun being on the "wrong" side of the needle!  That's one advantage of having asthma, I usually get a chest x-ray about once a year, and that gets me out of the TB stick thing.  When my new CPR card comes through I'll fax you a copy before I put my  name on it! 

    Juliet--How is it that we nurses can work fearlessly on fragile human bodies and then be totally freaked about working with some inanimate objects made of glass and other fragile stuff? 

    ORLA--I like watching/listening to thunder storms, too.  We were supposed to get some the other day but if we did I missed it.  With all the wind we had yesterday I was hoping we'd get a little one yesterday, but we didn't.  Oh well, there is a whole summer to go!

    Cammy--I never missed a medical appointment until after the whole bc $hit thing.  Now it doesn't bother me if I miss one.  There are even some I look for ways to miss some of them!  Bad, huh? 

    Juliet--Where are his tan lines??????  That's all I'm looking for when I see these guys, you know! 

    Adey--Happy Birthday! 

    Happy Birthday to all the May birthday girls! 

    Wahine--Bizzy, especially with family, is always OK, you know that.  Sounds like you had a grand time, and have more fun coming!  Funny how one bartender can do a great job with a drink but another can't, isn't it? 

    Cammy--lavender sparkling hair sound wonderfully fun!

    Becs--I did an online CPR recert once, didn't need to do any skills stuff, it was on the books with the employer for over a year before anyone noticed it wasn't a traditional class.  Now they have to accept the online CPR, 'cause they already have!  What nut job cutting a guy's head off?  I've been so busy I've not caught anything but local news. . .

    What Glenbard East HS thing?  What else am I missing????

    Adey--That is a great view of life!   One I must remember!

    ORLA--that kitty is so cute!

    Wahine--that Lemon Drop martini sounds very yummy! 

    Happy Anniversary Allison!

    DorKable--Your Dad is living with you now?  That's great!  One step closer to having the whole family local and safe and happy!

    Becs--whooo, a new dwinky and a new Tender all in one! 

    DorKable--a bridge collapse?  Holy cow, I have missed so much news! 

    ORLA-what are you having done June 5th?  I know you 've said but I cannot seem to remember.  Why is this one scarying you? 

    CynCyn--Maine'll be here for a while, you can work it in another time! 

    Chrissy--Those are beautiful dreamcatchers!  You are so talented! 

    Cammy--Wow, what a story!  Have you and your sister considered recording or writing down the story that goes with the tape?  That was be a huge family history story for future generations. 

    Wahine--me thinks you know too much about what the TSA will and won't allow!

    ORLA--yup, those glands do get infected and do hurt like he## when they swell up!  You need pain  pills as well as antibiotics!  Do you have a sitz bath you can use?  The heat can help it start draining and give you some relief. 

    Well, I've got to think about picking up the bedroom and sweeping/washing the kitchen and living room floors again.  If I get moving I'll have time for a nap later.  And I am soo looking forward to having tomorrow off, too!  Yeah! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is The 3 Day Holiday Weekend

    1 part Liqueur, melon (Midori)

    1 part Triple Sec

    2 parts Vodka, apple

    2 parts Cran-Rasberry Juice (Oceanspray)

    Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain into glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Oh NM it's so nice to see u, I've missed u I know u've been ery busy but I get so in a routine of who's on in th morning (like a TV show) and who's on later and I'm on anytime but my routine is all jumbled and Lori hasn't been here in forever. U must be exhausted and I hope u have a wonderful day off. I laufhed when u wrote about fragile things--it must be true. U must use a double screen cuz u'r right on with what everyone says. Now again the DOTD sounds wonderful u getting all to my liking. And whn u'r done with everything and if u take bths try to take a mellow bubble bath then rinse off with the shower. LOL I'v missed u

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited May 2013

    Oh Cami!! 2 bagger!! You silly. I'm almost a full 2 bagger but I think I have nice eyes so I will cut 2 holes in the bag for my eyes! Ha. Now I'm going to read your commercial story. Brb.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2013

    ok went to ER it was huge

    They lanced it off hurt like hell im on 2 antibiotics and pain pills

    cultured it pray its not staph infected

    they know the foob surgery is in 11 days so the jacked me up on seriours antibiotics

    well i just sit around stoned on pain pills

    if its not one thing its another

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited May 2013

    {{{{{Lara}}}}}   So glad you went to the ER though, so now you can be on the mend. Hope its not a staph infec, also. Take care, rest and yuppers, stay stoned on the pain meds while you can!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2013

    On the mend love u wahine u always make me feel good and laugh

    U to cammie!

    Thanks Juliet

    It's draining all right

    On the mend can't mill around

    I'm watching something and laughing

    Life is better now

    Love u all for real!


    Kiss and hugs

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited May 2013

    Awwww Lara, we love you too! Us dwunks gotta stick get WELL!!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2013

    get well lara,glad its draining, should start to feel a lot better now,don't forget to keep the area clean!Laughing,   nm ,congrats on the exceptional eval but we know your exceptional anyway.,but its nice to have "official confirmation", pity about the raise but bonus is good,   they won't accept online cpr renewal, but we do get the classes free and they will pay for you to go under our workshop hoursLaughing have to do acls to but the lady who runs the classes as been doing it for years so she gets you through pretty quick,   cammi love you.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    LARA ER--OMG it was that painful---oh I'm glad u went--it's got to start feeling better now--2 Antis--No drinking, (I know I'm the party POOPER, litterally) just drugs, lots and lots of drugs. Take them as needed. U poor little thing-- 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Julie that's the spirit--s. Love it.