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how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2013

    Thanks Juliet I'm reading him now

    I know cammie it was awful

    No drinking lets toast to are pills

    I'm loopy now


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited May 2013

    Hope you feel better now that it's draining Orange and all is well by the 5th!!! Sounds horrible. Glad you got some good drugs!

    Juliet, by my calculations I could be to those windmills in approx 20 minutes!

    NM, haha on borrowing your card before you sign. I finally have all my ducks in a row and get to work tomorrow for some holiday pay! I need to make up for my $1000 worth of procrastinating. One expensive CPR cert!!!

    Hope you all are good and crunk for the holler day! Yippee!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited May 2013

    Oh yes, and lmbo at your wine commercial Cams. Hilarious and a video to cherish for sure!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited May 2013

    Hello chickagoils! Happy hollerdey weekend!

    Beckers, mese IS good and crunk for de holler dey hehe, I laughed at dat one, dat good one! oh chit, mese laughed hard and likker coming out mese nose trills.

    NM, hiya, been missing you. Congrats on de stellar evaluation, you rock! Get lots of rest and dwink lots o likker tommoree.

    Hiya Kat, oh hail yeah, you kin take a twalve pack of widdle bottles on de plane if ya use three o four zip lock bags. While mese kin take fur twalve packs of widdle bottles by smuggling dem in my stomach burp before i hit de sucuruty. I am brilliance, cuz mese said. but weally, you are berry brilliance with de words you can use for odder goils to make dem feels spayshall. oh mese heart.

    Lara, awww, sawry you had dat torriball ting. SOOOOOO glad ye got de good meds and berry bright to go to dee eeee rrrrrrrrrrr for your poor issue. I glad de goils say you feel better, hope u sleep and a wake up poyfect feelings, ok?   ((Lara)))

    um, Julia, WHERE DO YOU FIND de boys, come on come on share. Cuz oh mese oh mise dey hot. And ya know, mese no like tats all ober menfolk but de guy with de perty writings on him is a schmooooooking hot. How are you doing in de gift shop, does it suck or not bad? hope you feel better.

    and Cammile, oh mese holy hail, your story IS so funny and I love how you tail it. de part bout him dwinking per reshoot den being dwunk is de best. but funniAr is dat you submitted de commoyshall with him bashing de wine. Oh dat soooo funnniest. Can you tail Dorkiepoopsie anudder bed time story? I jest love you. And to show you, i pop some pills with ye and de other goils. we deserve lots and lots of dem.

    Adie having a birthday todey or mese dwunk? Well I toast mese glass to your birthdey! cheers. and hope you feeling better too. You gotta meet Cammie for all of us too far away and tail us all about her cuz we know nutting teheheheehe. I really hope you two can meet. It is DE best ting to meet anudder bweasty from our tread.

    ChristyBBBBB! wooo p  woooop! so furcited about yer daughters wedding and i jest lub de dreamcatcher. YOu are mighten talended spayshally for a dwunk goil, ya know? wow. and I bit yer widdle poor fingers hurt from crocheting yer heart out till it hurts. I love you and so glad to see you kisshugsnugnhug!! wooop n a wooo hooo toooo.

    And nice to see Cyn, you gonna have an awesome trip soon, you so deserve a brreak after all dese hours you work. ching ching, more beer! woop woop. and mese had fun with you at beach dwinking yesturdey in mese mind. you was MIA for a widdle bit too. were you on de hunt for stella in veGas too? I cant talk about stella too much cuze mese subpoenied to de court by de sherrif of vegas bout her. seems she was ho ing with Elibabeth his ho sister. if ye see her in yer parts horing old people, do tail me, k?

    And mese worry aobut mese SuzEQT cuz she in vegas.  II wunder where shes chould bese? If ye read me Suzie, please repwort in pRONTO woman.

    weLL nancy, mese is tired. big day at dorkyville cuz mese pool is open and perdy. i got a widdle sunburn todey, not sore but knocked me de hial out. dat cuz likker n sun are good fir making me, DorK git to bed early like a good goil ya see? ey yay vie! dat means lift yer glass and wink smile and dwink!

    nighty night lubs, pwayer and huggers for ALL ye. and if i dwunksalf missed any ye, i defend dat mese dwunk cuz mese lubs all of mese goils. kk, for wheelll.....



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Oh Dorky u'r posts away make me smiley, dat's why we all miss u--How's u'r Dad doi-==xan u drink around him now? Or just using u'r plastic cup and straw, like a soda drink--yea do dat. I'm early today fell sleepy early Mu purple washed out of my hair but Joey had all the glitter cuz we cuddle, I'm waiting dor my schalk that I ordered--I like my purple hair not alot of purple just some stripes. fun stuff--It's going to be in the 60's today with rain all day and my oldest DD has her pool up and ready and I'm not going chit--Damn I thought I would go cu it would help my back and legs, My own perscription Nand she make me aperfect drink everytime--real liquor. She still has the bartender in her==Oh well maybe nextweekend--can I type ANY worse. Actually yes so try to figure what I'm trying to say.

    LUBNLUBNLUB u goils wit all mese fart.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2013


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2013

    can I take my pain pills? surgery is 9 days away?

    does it matter im on the antibiotics

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2013

    no lara, your fine to take them with antibiotics,your just not supposed to drink likker with the pillsCry how you feeling today?

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2013

    Thanks juliet I feel ok the pin they left in fell out today.

    so I hope it still drains

    wait to hear about culture

    no likker I know

    I know they want u off certain things before surgery. I just donet want them to cancel because I took pain pills

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Lovely breezing and mostly sunny day here, getting dried off finally, hoping to get some yard work done this afternoon. 

    ORLA--OUCH!!!!!!!! Your poor girl!  Stay caught up with those pain pills! 

    Juliet--I feel really good about the good eval, and I just couldn't help bragging about it  just a little!  The company pays for CPR, too, and arranges it, so it wasn't so bad.  I like the way the lady did it--review, practice, she signed us off during practice so there was never a "testing" session, which I really hate!  After all these years of taking CPR you'd think it would be second nature,  but they ALWAYS change something, it seems.  Oh, well, such is life.

    OK, I like to read, and I like to look at nice, naked male bodies, but I'm not really sure I like doing both at the same time! 

    OOOOOHHHHHH, me LIKES the stuff under the cowboy hat!!!!!

    Becs--Isn't it crazy what they make us go through just to work?    Make sure we're CPR certified when our most valuable work is PREVENTING things from getting that far!

    DorKable--good to hear from you again!  How's your Dad making out?  And how's your likker supply holding out? 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the I Remember

    3/4 cup white sugar

    1 cup loosely packed fresh basil leaves

    3 1/2 cups peach nectar

    1/4 cup fresh lemon juice

    1 (750 milliliter) bottle white wine such as Pinot Grigio

    In a saucepan, combine the sugar, basil leaves, half of the peach nectar and lemon juice. Bring to a simmer, crushing the basil leaves with the back of a spoon to release their flavor. Simmer just long enough to melt the sugar, then remove from the heat and allow to cool.

    Strain the basil mixture into a pitcher filled with ice cubes. Pour in wine and remaining peach nectar. Stir briefly and serve.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2013

    NM of course u get a great eval u r very dedicated

    I've been taking pain meds

    But can I keep taking them?

    Surgery for my foobs is in 9 days

    Thanks dork good to see u on here

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited May 2013

    Lara, Hope our nurses comment on that soon! All I am aware of, is not having aspirin type products or anything that may thin your blood, from at least 7 or 10 days before surgery. Can you also call your pharmacy and ask them if your pain meds are blood thinners? Prolly not, but might give you peace of mind if you know for sure. They also should know if its ok to keep taking them before surgery. GLAD you went to the ER!

    Gawgeous day here, foah shuah! Been inside though, working on our trip. Have a toilet leak (same place that leaked when it ruined all our wood floor on other side of bathroom before we noticed, and right before leaving the country!). Sheesh.....wish it would STAY fixed...this time Dh will try before calling plumber, since it was the 1st 2 plumbers that messed it up.

    Love all the pics, and sentiments for Memorial Day. Great dwink too, NM! And yeah, like everyone said, we KNEW you would get an excellent eval! are GREAT at your job, and SO GLAD that this company realizes it!!! You can pat yourself on the back, for sure!!!!

    Hmmmm....what to drink today that is red white and blue? Maybe besides NM remembrance dwink, we might have some Blue Hawaii's with maybe a strawberry and white straw???? :LOL. Dwink up loungettes!!!!

    Huggers! Kat

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2013

    yes lara keep taking them until you don;t need them,  they will ask you what you have taken when they eval you for anesthesia,the only pills to avoid are the nsaids-advil,motrin,aleve,asprin and some herbal supplemants because they" thin" your blood!usually they say none 5-7 days before surgery,     good mrning dorty,hows the family doing?   nm keep bragging you earned itLaughing

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited May 2013

    ORLA--YES, you can take pain pills with the antibiotics and you can take them right up to the time of surgery  A good dose of pain med BEFORE surgery helps manage pain after surgery!  They won't cancer surgery because you are on pain pills.  Antibiotics are OK, too.  Likker, however, you might want to cut back on. The stuff you need to be off is the stuff that affects clotting.  Aspirin permanently alters platelets and needs to be stopped at least 2 weeks before surgery.  Coumadin and other blood thinners work differently and can be taken up to a few hours before surgery, if necessary.  Some herbal remedies also affect blood clotting, ginsing is one, if memory serves me.    Antibiotics are often given just before surgery to cut down the risk of infection taking hold, those are not a problem.  And pain meds are given just before surgery as pre-medications, too, so again, not a problem. 


    This is a layered shot so each ingredient is poured on top of the previous.
    1. Pour the grenadine into a shot glass.
    2. Float the peach schnapps on top of the grenadine.
    3. Float the blue curaçao on top of the peach schnapps.
  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2013

     i will chime in,usually we hold coumadin and switch them to lovenox or heparin as they have shorter half lives of  a couple of hours than coumadin which can effect the inr  up to 48 hrs or more after a dose.        likker wise 72 hrs seems to be the common hold time, pain meds are given right up to surgery,   st johns wort is another herb  they like you to hold

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited May 2013

    This "Memorial Day" is more than just a 3 day weekend holiday for Americans. Please stop what you are doing, and take a moment to remember all our military, past and present, who gave their lives to maintain our freedoms .....

  • StellaTwinx
    StellaTwinx Member Posts: 64
    edited May 2013

    HICCUP!!! Stublin in fo a dwink my friends...dont be too nissabpointed wif me K..I jest caint hailp meself . Lizbeth so sweet to me...she says she lubs me but Im afraid she says that to all the goilz and boiz. Shhhhhh....puhleez dont tail DorFey she suspects me but she wont eber know if you all dont tail.

    mUAH..lub lub lub youse galz.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited May 2013

    LOL, leave it to Stella to keep things interesting!!!!

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited May 2013


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited May 2013

    Shannon, shannon, shannon.....I was jest thinkin bout you today and wondering why you haven't posted for awhile. How do you like your implants??? Hope you have healed well, and are pleased with them! OK, I'll try that first drink, no the second one....hmmm maybe the 3rd one...oh heck, lets have the Tenders make ALL of those dwinks for all of us!

    Cheers Big Ears! Same Goes Big Nose! (anyone remember that?)


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited May 2013

    cheers shannon, hows the healing ?

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited May 2013

    What pretty drinks Shannon...hope you are feelling better.  Lara was saying you were having a bit of a difficult time.. (( Shannon)). 

    Hope everyone is having a good Memorial day. 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Shannon nice to see any post from u--especially drinks--lookin' good.

    Stella she actully thinks Dork might not read this--she's so funny.

    NM U could not get anything les than wonderful on u'r eval--u work so hard and u love u'r work.

    Lara U sound so very concerned about u'r pain meds--I know u know that Julie and NM are right, but u'r just nerveous right now so u wsnt to make sure--but they are so right, I just know no blood thinners actually--that ll they care about cuz of bleeding I assume. Since the pin fell out is it still draining, was the pin supposed to fall out? Did they tell u? I was just thinking when they have emergency operations which I'm sure most of us have had along the way--whatever we took we took already but they had to operate and it was all right. Iknow I think of the stupid things that happen. But it's true.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited May 2013

    Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited May 2013

    Hi Cammi,how you doing?   Hi Cyn,doing better. How's things in Florida?   JULIET-The healing is going alright. Just a little complication,having an allergic reaction to the surgical glue. I keep breaking out in tiny blisters and itching like crazy. They removed the glue but there are pieces still stuck to me so I have to somehow remove them. How are you doing w/your health issues?   KAT-I've been so busy,dad fell and fractured pelvis last month,then running to docs for DH and me. He got bronchitis and I've been going back/forth for the allergy. And now I caught DH's cold so hitting the Airborne/chicken soup. I do like the implants,they're big like I wanted but lefty's off center a bit and righty is still quite a bit larger. A little bird told me you've been traveling,anywhere exciting? Glad everyone enjoyed the drinks but I think I forgot something. 

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited May 2013

    image alt="" name="mSb3eXR5ov252M:" />

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited May 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Oh Undie those pictures look great.  U sound pretty goo with all the crap going on with u. They use glue????OMG u gals u'r amazing having all this done. Hope u'r dad heals quickly and DH too. How do u manage running all over the place. God Bless u all.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited May 2013

    Thanks undie for the food and drinks

    Had my crap sent over to my PS from ER

    I go to same hospital tomm for pre op

    one culture is back the other pending

    so I have to wait and see what  the culture said and no one can tell me over the phone hippa laws

    so ill sit and wait for doc to call me back

    ill have anxirty all day


    cant even go to the gym

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited May 2013

    Oh Lara, wish you could have a drink to relax....keep taking your meds though! Praying for GOOD RESULTS both cultures, and that they tell you soonliest! Thats so hard with a 3 day weekend, cuz you can't reach them cuz of the holiday, then they will be swamped today, so am hoping they do get to call you.

    Shannon, Hope your dad is healing scary! AND that you get well too. As far as the glue, now that you know you're allergic, I hope you put it in your records, so they won't use it again. Mine used stitches. When my mom gashed her arm wide open in HI last summer when I was there to move them here, we went to the ER and they glued it shut. When we saw her dr, he said they should have stitched it....left a scar, but he seemed to think they do it as its easier. BUT that was just his opinion, and he may be "old school", so I don't know which way is better. Yuppers, we go to Paris and Prague this week...looking forward to Prague very much, but not so much to Paris, but hope I am pleasantly surprised with Paris. Taking my parents (96, and 92), so we won't get to walk as much or discover as much, plus I worry about all the pickpockets in Paris. They closed the Louvre last month because of the pickpockets...not sure if it was just for 1 day, or if it was longer. (Just found an article, scary that its gangs of children... . Another good link, on how to thwart pickpockets, Cyndie you might want to read this too, before your trip: .

     Thanks For the FOOD!!! So purty!!!

    Everyone have a good TwosDey....gotta have a dwink in ea hand, remember!

    Ciao for Niao (taken from a gal who stopped posting here),
