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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    NM u've been so much sicker than we sll thought and still I thought how can u work this hard? I don't know how u do it anyway, even when well but now Holy Bologna. O I know things are bothering u around the house but can't u call someone to get u'r grass cut at least. And just do what u absolutley need to do and take Sadie and rest. as much as u can. U certsinly don't need to be in a hospital so please do wht u can do to help u'r self. U overdue for everyone else it's time for u too. And Sadie.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    ((Group HUGGGGG!!!)) There's some difficult chit you's all are dealing with. Princess big booty hoe recommends the double fudge chocolate brownie garnished with da miracle mediwanna with whipped cream and vitamin V sprinkles on top, followed by the Sometimes Life Sux da big one fixer!!!

    Lub lub. BBL <3</p>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Thanks, ladies.  The lawn is mowed, I now feel like I live in a home and not a  shack.  Sadie's pool is out and filled and she is alternating splashing in the water and rolling on the living room floor.  I'm now going to go take a nap.  The floors can wait.  I'm going to take my nap on the deck where I can crack an eye open and watch Sadie play in the pool!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    U've done enough, I'm glad u'r resting NM

    Becs good idea.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    glad your resting nm, great idea's a little treat for everybody

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    NM u sound better

    Please rest

    I've got the anxiety with surgery

    Can't help it

    I'm going through major chit

    Job thing didnt help

    Ok going to anxiety pill

    I cried again today

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited June 2013

    Wow....everyone is going thru a hard time right now..((((( Everyone ))))).

    NM...I hope you start feeling even better..maybe when you are physically better everything will become less stressful. 

    Orla...good advice..I know you will fight for your are a fighter for sure! 

    Just about a week and a half to BBBernie time!!  Whooo hooo... !!! 

    Im not sure if I'll have the means for communication for a while so want to say you are all in my thoughts and Love you all !!

    one more group hug ((( Group )))

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    have a wonderful trip cyn

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    NM, omg you are SO sick and you kept working!!! Glad you are resting a bit now, and please do not overdo.....that stuff will wait, you need to get WELL!!! Hate how sick you got, but glad you have stuff now to get you better.... (((((NM)))))

    And Orla, hope your anxiety goes will be FINE, I just know it! Try to relax if you can and keep your mind occupied on other things....just relax but maybe keep your mind bizzy...does that make sense? Will be thinking of you on the 5th!

    Well, we go to PRague tomorrow....saw on nat'l news that they have horrid flooding there, right in the historic area, middle of the old part of town...we will be right there. Charles Bridge was closed, big cranes hauling the huge debris out of the river....evacuating lots of the animals in the zoo, evacuating the hospital, etc. Some people have already died from this flood. I contacted our hotel, and they seem to think we will be ok....HOPE SO! Was ready to try to cancel the rest of the trip and go home, as I need to be there anyway. But the airlines are still flying there, so am hoping things will be ok. Gotta get to sleep now...early wakeup tomorrow and it is almost 1 am. Really have enjoyed Paris....and the eiffel tower covered with twinkling lights for 5 min, about 3 times  a night, has been awesome! Love this area too, so many cafes, restaurants, little shops, and right at the metro. Will prolly return.

    Take care everyone! My DD seems to be in good spirits, and her sister arrives tonight. I know she wants me there too, but she is ok waiting for us to get back. Thanks for all the prayers, they are still needed!

    Hugs! Kat

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Yes, CYN, have a great trip! You will have so much fun with your DD....and seeing her graduate before going to Europe....priceless! Be sure to give Bernie that big hug from me, ok??? And check in when you can, I want to hear how much fun you are having, and what you are seeing and doing!!!! Hugs! Muah!!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2013

    OMG NM - you who have been one who always there for us and you been sooo sick. My heart is aching for you and the flood gates have opened. You are such a special, caring Lady and it kills me you put your own health aside sooo often for the 'care' of others! Am sooo glad you shared with us and allow us to 'give back' to you. What we can the form of love and hugs and prayers and woohoo's and the like. Am glad you got a little bit done to ease your mind and you got a little rest and 'Sadie' time. Life is tooo short girlfriend...must take care of ourselves in order to take care of others. I kno I kno...easier said then done...You are a I am and so many others on this thread...sometimes at the expense of our own health. But still....we need to 'take a breather' yes??!?!? Thanks for your input on the Rads...I will TAKE it. Gonna say NO NO NO....I might take rads on my spine...but only for pain management...and only AFTER I have tried medical mj. heehee. (((NM)))

    Lara - so glad you jumped up and down on dem peeps heads and got some action going. I am crying with we don't have enuf to deal with and peeps heap all this other shit on us. I like NM advice about Amer Cancer Soc, and ADA...don't give up K? (((Lara)))

    Kathy - you and Kristen big time in my is your situation with the weather/flooding on 2nd leg of your travels...please b careful...(((Kat n Kristen)))

    Cyn - you have safe travels too tomorrow. I kno you will have a good time. I think I sed this already..but give Bernie a hug for me! OH...n how much brewski do you have left in u fridge??? hee hee!

    Julie - thanks for all da hotties!!

    Cami - good advice for our you been doin...I still waiting for pic of the hair and nail stripes...get on it girl!!

    Beckers - LOL...princess big booty...cwack mese up. But love the double fudge wif da mediwanna n whipped cream....yum yum...u got it going on girlfriend!!!

    Lots of lubslubslubslubs and prayers abound for all ya'll!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Cyn are u leaving tomorrow--I'm always confused--u'll have a wonderful trip, I'm so happy for u.

    Kat u r still going to Prague, OMG u are a travelor--Just keep safe and sti sending prayers for u'r DD and I''m glad u.r Other DD is coming tonight.

    And Orange I don't blame u for crying u'r hit with things all at a down time and now u have to figure things out and this is the time when u should be concentrating on just u and healing. I'm so sorry--I'm watching goofy movies and not enjoying them as much honest, cuz u'r so sad and one of the movies stars Barry Wiliams, from Brady Bunch so u know how bad it is.

    Julie always a crowd pleaser, and it works too. Becs tongue is hanging out.

    NM I do hope u rested alot today, I think u need more but u r stubborn to stay home, but I wish u would.

    Definitely need a group hug ALL TOGETHER NOW (((HUGS FOR EVERYONE)))

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited June 2013

    Big Babe Hug for everyone.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good  morning, Loungettes!  Last day of antibiotics, next to last day of steroids, committed to running the AC in the bedroom so I can sleep better, paying strict attention to staying hydrated, gonna spend 5 minutes a day on house work, and 5 minutes ONLY.  And if I get totally wiped out I will call in sick for a day.  I promise.  Now I need you ladies to hold me to that! 

    ORLA--go ahead and cry.  I'll bring the crying towels, and we'll cry together.  And go ahead with those anxiety pills, anyone who doesn't have some anxiety about surgery is either totally uninformed or unconscious. 

    CynCn--enjoy your trip, pop on and say Hi if you can, ad thanks for the hugs!

    Wahine--thanks for the hugs, and I am going to focus a bit more on myself now.  I hate to say it but maybe if I'm out sick and something big get missed then corporate will realize we're serious about needed some help NOW, not in a few months when the newbies are trained and ready to go.  Prague--wow that sounds like fun,, and the Eiffel tower lit up sounds absolutely gorgeous.  Did you get pics?  Be careful with the flooding.  Still praying for your DD and the rest of your family. 

    Mema-- did get some good Sadie time, she is happier and so am I, thank you!  And thank for the woohoos and the hugs, and the reminder to take care of myself.  And please don't make your treatment decisions based on my experience, but on your own feelings and the info you get.  I have seen rads do wonders for bone pain from mets.  But I know that part of my problem now is rad damage to the lung, and I wonder what it's done to my heart.  Hmm, I wonder if I can get a medical marijuana card for myself for all off this crap???

    Cammy--Yeah, I know, I inherited stubborn from both sides of my family.  But I'm going to take the support from here to start putting myself higher on the list.  Thanks for the hugs! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Severe Thunderstorm Warning Drink  (we had severe thunderstorms and even a couple of tornado warnings in Maine yesterday.  One funnel cloud seen, some wind damage, an actual tornado not yet verified)

    ¼ oz. Root Liqueur

    ½ oz. Vanilla Monin

    ¾ oz. Makers Mark

    Top with Stout

    Combine over ½ glass of ice. Top with Stout. Serve in pint glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    GM all

    NM The DOTD is like a Tornado itself; U can't be feeling much better this morning but I hope u do---If u go to work and start not feeling up to it please go home and just stay there for a while--if u get sicker u'r oly going to be off anyway, OK?

    I'm sure it will be quiet here today everyone is either travelling or there alreqdy but busy, but I'm here

    I hope Orange is all right is today the operation, I'm sorry I can't get it all together where everyone is. but I know it's either today or tomorrow.I'm so concerned but U need to of course be on this but it can wait for a couple of days after surgery now--u need to relax and heal and it's time for drugs if u need them Please. U'r going to drain u'rself and nothing is done the same day beside when it's heard u had surgery for cancer ir'll help u. Really. Please as we say take one day at a time. That's all u can do.

    It's already Monday and Kat said she'll be home Thursday??? I think I'm sure she's having an exciting time but she's anxious to get home this time.

    Hey Julie u'll be here soon.


    Dork---------------- she's back at work.

    MemaSue get u'r ass on here.

    Becs u'll be here.

    Bernie I know things are difficult right now 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    well just came from the ortho doc-the cute one!,  on the transition program until july 1st,which is next appt.   if its a workers comp and your in the transition program, your case manager( mine is an rn) comes to your appt,  which was kind of wierd for me ,usually go on my own but doc explained mri,  said inflammation of tendons, got a steroid injection in shoulder owww!Cry and back to physical therapy. love my case manager ,the doc just finished  explaining treatment plan and  case manager said so she's still in transition program then,  working at the gift shop, doc said yes ,Laughing which was good, because right now i really can't lift anything heavy.    lara ,i thought her surgery was wed? am i just lost,will have to read back and get the right day, would hate to arrive late and miss the likkerLaughing kat, enjoy your trip as much as you can.cyn please give bernie a hug for me and if you meet sinead give her one too! and don't forget calva,a good scratch on the belly. cammi lub you.  nm don't work  too hard,working in the wellness centre today.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    Hi everyone

    Juliet that shot hurt... Surgery is this wenesday

    Cammie- I am ok I just re did my resume sent out a couple. I will wait until surgery is done and contact my network in education. Tell people to keep there ears open and give me some good education recruiters to work with. Watching scary movies with u now cammie

    NM-Glad u r feeling better

    Cyn- Safe travels

    Wahine-cant wait to see pics

    Hi Becks

    Thanks mema, and everyone for hugs

    They are calling me tomm between 3-5 to let me know what time to get to hospital

    Wahine I am keeping my mind off the things

    ran around today

    Im getting the apartment in order , Laundry and such get very OCD before surgery

    wish I could drink have a bunch for me

    pop in later

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2013

    Hi DahhhhhLinKsss!

    I am a bit dwunk....but it seems da bestest so far for keepin da back pain away. 

    Lara -....I am prayin so for you!! n i believe things willllll get better.  Jes don't give up k??...keep on fightin..K?

    NM - No...I don't base my decision solely on your advice...really...but not only many others.  And my own research.  And I rads on by bone(spine) mets when I am tooo crippled to do otherwise. 
    But rads on my way...I jes don't see the advantages.

    Julie - woohoo for the ok to work the gift shop.  I too cannot lift anything over 10#...or shudn't anyway...OK...yes I do, but suffer incredibly after.  Not my shoulder, altho right one has had pt and steriod shots etc.  It is my spine mets that I try to b careful about now.  But I am who I am and will continue to do what I do until ...well...mayb da maryjane will I'm game for anything ....Oh...did I tail gonna run a river rapid during my twip to San Fran.  WooHoo!!

    Lubslubslubsliubslubslubslubesisellusblubs..c...too much wodka...LOL!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    wau to go sue!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Hi girls! I read that there is big flooding in Prague. Hoping Wahinethe winkerdrinker or whatevs one of her bazillion nick Namiz is okay!!!!!!!!!

    Cami I will be here gettin my crunk on cuz I'm back on the nasty arse tamoxifen, weaning off the devil drug Effexor, doubling my Gabapentin that may be making me want to eat ebberythang in site, and starting Elavil. Chit!!! Deep breaths!!! So if you need me I will prob be swinging upside-down somewhere in this HTL staying dwunkurdess!

    Orange....deep breath in through your nose and out thru your mouth. When I get this close to surgery, I zone out and just go thru da motions. If u likes, I will meet you in da UFO for some pre-party jitters dwinks! Cami is already in there...told me she was sprucing up the ride and stocking the bar.

    Bernie, we likes big mamma hugs!

    Dorky, get yer buttocks in here!

    Jules, did you drop yer top for the hunky doc today?

    NM, we will hold ya to it. Gotta take care of #1!!!

    Hey,what happened to Goldie? Did anyone track her down?? She is dis bizzy???? hot fudge brownie coming up!!!!!!

    Lub lub <3 (dunno why dat never turns into a heart when I type it) hiccc</p>

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Da brownie is fur Mema....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Sob. sob , sob 2nd time my post got erased==the gods pf computerland are vicious land

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Orange we'll be right with u and heal first then do what u need to do--u've done alot so far and if u think of anything tomorrow keep u'rself busy with it. (((HUGS)))

    And Becs if I get it first Mema not getting a thing.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    no i kept my clothes on becks,   just had a bare shoulder. decided i needed to montior my blood sugar while taking this meformin, so went to wally' world and bought a meter and a mc donalds for dinnerLaughingreckon i got the diabetic diet nailed!, ps can i have one of sues brownies. see you in the morning  lara,, ps will have an extra drink today to calm your nerves.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    here's the lad we got to look after you lara, as you can see he will be nice and clean

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  My plan for the week got sidelined yesterday.  I didn't get home until just before 10 pm, didn't do even 5 minutes of housework.  Oh, well, I did get 10 minutes of Sadie time, though.  Had some coughing jags yesterday, but not  all day long, so maybe things are finally clearing up.  The humidity has broken and the temps are lower today, for which I am very grateful.  Things felt pretty uncomfortable at work yesterday, I'm not sure if it was all in my mind or what's going on.  I know we're all busy and tired.  So, looking forward to a better day to day, not so far to drive, so should get home sooner, maybe get some yard work in before dark.  We'll see!

    Cammy--I am actually feeling a little better, taking thing one day at a time.  I will take some time off if I start feeling as badly as I did last Friday.  AND I am going to start thinking about using some vacation time.  I have got to take care of myself, as you say, or I'll be off work even longer.  Keep reminding me of that! 

    Juliet--Wow, your case manager went to your appointment with you?  That's really cool!  Weird, but cool! I had to re-read that part of the post, at first I though your  boss went to your appointment with you, which I thought was truly bizarre, not to mention a violation of privacy and all sorts of things.  I cannot imagine what that shoulder injection felt like, I'd probably have been screaming or crying or both!  How's the wellness center work going?  Having any fun at all? 

    ORLA--ok, your surgery is tomorrow.  I'm gonna clone myself and be on the UFO with lots and lots of likker.  Post a skeleton copy of your resume on a few online sites, too, like Linked In.  You'd be surprised how many connections you can find that way, too, although the word of mouth approach is always the best way to go.  Getting OCD before surgery is not such a bad thing, helps you get lots of stuff ready!  Take your happy pills at bedtime, get some sleep tonight, see you tomorry!

    Mema--alcahahol is a very under used analgesic.  All those western shows where they get the guy drunk before removing the bullet have some basis in truth, you know!  OK, I'm glad you are making your decisions based on your own research, every one of us in individual and while all info is good to have, it has to be looked at in a balanced way. I'm just really sensitive to the subject right now 'cause I really believe my "asthma" which doesn't respond to treatment like expected most of the time is actually lung damage showing it's ugly head.  So I get jumpy when I hear of someone contemplating rads and thinking it's going to be a cakewalk.  You're going river rafting!  Good for you!  I've done that and it's scary fun!  Make sure you get in the "special" raft, the one with the guy with the stash of mj to smoke on the quiet stretches! 

    Becs--Ooh, what a drug cocktail you're on right now!  Gabapentin was a life saver for me, though during the drug induced hot flash phase.  Elavil can boost appetite, we use in our elderly patients who need an antidepressant to get a double effect.  Hang in there, that effect does wear off after a while.  OK, I'm depending on all of you to hold me to my plan, I need the accountability! 

    Poor Cammy, the post snatching gremlin is picking on her.

    Juliet-- did you decide to watch your blood sugars or the doc?  Don't you need an prescription for the meter and the strips?  If not I may look into getting one.  I think I have episodes of low blood sugar from time to time--headache, feel shaky, can't concentrate.  Would be nice to know what's going on when that happens. 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Ruby Tuesday Cocktail

    5 Parts Gin

    4 Parts Apple Juice, Fresh Pressed

    2 Parts Lime Juice

    1 Part Simple Syrup

    1 Whole Strawberry

    1 Whole Raspberry

    5 Leaves Basil

    Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with basil, a raspberry and a strawberry.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    GM all---do we have a new poster or advertisement.

    OK I want to know something. Why do nurses (no names) take less care of themselves than people who are not nurses. NM if I'm right u worked until ???10PM that not right for u to do.U'r taking meds and u know the symtyms of things and yet u just put them on the side like Oh I'll get to it. If any one of us asked u nurses about something u would immediately tell us what u think we should do and always ends up with Drs. u guys just  figure u can take it and med u'rself. I know I'll get no real answers cuz I'm right.

    I'm not sure but the DOTD but it doesn't siund bad, just not so good.

    Julie I don't thibk Orange care if he's clean if he ooks like that. So u'r still on light duty--wow u got sominjury lady==Oh again a nurse.

    Lara how are u doing this morning? I hope u try to do some relaxing today.

    Becs that guy is for Lara not u or me for that matter. (hahaha)

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    its funny , after surgery i was on no offical restrictions but was not allowed to lift by my shoulder its all offical   nm- got a meter/strips and lancets plus the automatic doohicky to stick my finger(coz i'm a coward)  for $36 and change,, no px needed, i know i was eating more than usual  to make sure my blood sugar didn't drop!  so this way at least i  know now where i am what i need to eat.    yes cammi your right  ,i know about nurses, my first 2 surgeries i didn't admit i was a nurse because we make lousy patients,but the other 2 with the electronic record it flashes if you work for the system,so i was bustedFoot in Mouth.  actually it felt kind of wierd with the case manager there at first but they work with this ortho a lot ,so as i said as soon treatment plan explained, case manager said so still on limited dutyLaughinguntil next appt, no whining on my part needed.  nm hope your resting up and not working too hard because thats long hours and yes i bet your blood sugar is dropping, i know how long we go without eating sometimes, usually keep a granola bar or trail mix handy ,just something i can eat when i chart. lara sending calming thoughts for today ok alcohol fueled thoughts,    and yes nm, that injection hurt

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2013

    Morning DahhhhLinKs!!!

    Cami - Sawee da post gremlin got ur chit...but u made up for it girl.  Good scold for our nurses...but dey kno we love them and want them to take care of themselves so's they be here to take cares of us...right?

    Beckers - Big hugZ while you make this transition on dem evil drugs...but I did have to LOL bout you hanging upside down around the HTL all drunkardess n chit...tooo funny...but mese wanna join ya.  Oh n tanks from bottom o mese fart for da brownie!!

    Lara - good advice from our nurses...the stress of pre-surgery is a biotch.  Take whatever you can take to calm yourself as much as possible.  I too will clone myself and b der to make sure all goes well.  I am going to assume Shannon will kno soonest...please have her post for you K.  HUGZ & PRAYERS!!

    NM - you are prob right about your 'se' from rads.  It was BS who was talking/pushing it.  I see my onco later today...will ask her about it.  Altho they BOTH pushing BMX....which I still refuse to do also.  This rads to breast is new and BS was in my corner a year ago about 'no surgery'...don't get it.  Hopefully will get answers today.  Take care of yourself ya'hear!!  OH....and I WILL b in dat spashall raft...heehee!!

    Julie - script for the meter n strips...that is cool and good advice for NM too.  Glad you are 'flagged' in the system so to speak...and that you are now forced to take it a little easier...((Julie))

    GROUP HUGZ for all!!  I gotta git bizy...leaving in about 2 hours.  LUBS ya'll!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    yeahhhhhhhhhhh Im glad everyone is with me tomm

    squishes tomm. I am doing things to keep my mind off it

    I am getting excted now

    plus u goils make me feel better

    I did post on link inn actually I have had a profilr on there

    posted out on higher ed websites as well

    kk ill poop in latah