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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Good Morning all

    U know u all write so well with explanations and exact happenings--Just thought I'd tell u.

    I'm so glad u'r home Kat and u'll know u'rself about u'r DD--it has to be some kind of relief for her too.Just having u'r mom with u (to me) was always so comforting so I truly pray this wil be taken care of with the least possible pain that could happen. And I'm glad u got to see u'r other DD for a whie anyway, I'm sure it wasn't long enough. And please tell us what is Happening with u'r DH--abcess is another painful thing And u have to be exhausted I do hope u can get some rest today.

    OK NM now u'll be on u'r meds with all these reminders and u should start balancing out. U'll be welcomed back at work so no worries. U and Julie are truly dedicated and u'r both blessed for being that way.

    Dork How are u'r hands and u'r Dad's--that's true about infection so be very careful with them U'r hands are brutally exposed so much if really have to take extra care so please do.

    I think I was here during the nite I had a fever so I didn't look but if i sounded extra stupid that's why. When I was younger and got fevers (seldom) I could still work or whatever, now I swear what ever I'm saying I hear it coming from my Ass.

    NM that drink sounds really good today--I didn't start my antibiotics yet---and I preach to NM about meds--cuz I migght want to drink this week-end if I go out tonite.

    Dork u should have called the fire place---these firefighters now are georgeous as we've seen and it might have been better than e-Harmony for u.

    Becs u working today

    Lara maybe u'r foobs aren't ready yet for showing I mean-does it take longer to get to the right look.

    Oh while I'm writing on here my DD and my DGS just found an adorale outfit for me to wear tonite with matching bling earrings---and Joey will find me a ring to match. I love the top cuz it's a spring top with a shawl that either matches the top or wear it on the other side and matches one of the cokors--I for got I had it And now I'm a shawl, scarf type of woman--I wonder why.

    Lara I hope u'r pain has lessened today--I can't imagine how much u gals go thru. But scary movie day is right. If I start getting ready around 3--I'll be ready by 5:30 and believe me it won't be anything special it just takes me this Long.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Cami, YOU write so funny, we all love to read how you describe things! Sorry about the fever though....want you to be feeling better, but can understand why you might put off the antib's so you can have a real night out with real dwinks! Outfit sounds soooooo cute! Someone recently taught me (cuz her mom did it.....wuz it your mom, Cyndie?) put your hand under your chin, across, like your chin is resting on  a  picture it hides your neck. SO now all of my pictures have my hand going across, under my

    Lara, I forgot to mention about the "fluffiness".....lots of gals have new foobs that have to fluff out....whatever that means. I didn't notice much of a difference myself,but sometimes it can change. Hope yours changes for the better and you will be happy to show them off!!!

    The dentist said DH might have a crack in the previous root not a good thing...will see if the antib's help, esp before our next trip. Not sure we can go to my friends sons wedding or not, depends on how my DD is doing.


    Wahine de Machiney

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    Cammie your bling lmao

    U will look amazing for your outing

    I'm sure they will fluff

    Glad your back wahine

    I saw mama very good and then the boy making noises IMF I would of been freaked out

    I did not get gummie I was but when I felt them the silicone gel felt softer so I did get those

    Mine same with cleavage

    I just have to get used to them

    Juliet wine bottles good ones

    On my pain pills hop hop around

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Happy fried day!

    Welcome home Wahine. Glad you weren't sitting on that roof in Prague. I don't exactly know what you look like for sure but I still had a mental pic. Sorry about your DD. It hurts for days if I bite my lip or tongue so I cannot fathom the pain! Where's the next trip?

    I did work today Cami. I got off at noon and picked up the little girls... Annie and Karlie (who is my sister's GD.) I take them on shopping sprees at the thrift store. They love picking out treasures. $40 later. Ha! Barbies, purses, dolls, books....they had fun. You out honkey Tonkin with your bling on Cami?

    Orange, I have no idea how big 750 is. What bra size is that? I wanted cleavage tightened up but my PS said he goes by my natural cleavage.

    I miss Bernie's jokes.

    Jules, how's things?

    Dorkster, take good carrot da fingers. How's Mom?

    Ok, ok, Annie wants to play Angry Birds.

    NM, good on the pills and your many accountability partners in the HTL.


    Dwink up!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Oh BTW, it's two weeks today and I am STILL not completely weaned off Effexor!!! Holy chit this is powerful stuff. That's all. Bottoms up!!! Hic!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Becs 2 weeks u should be getting weined soon--takes a while for some meds. Just keep on drinking and u'll think it goes faster.

    Oh Orange how are u? Take those pain meds---Yea about what Becs says--what size is 750cc's cus i have no idea either-I guess I never thought of that being a way to ask. Oh Just feel better.

    I wore one of my pretend Jackie O's rings on--it's so pretty, I had so much to look t then my brother calls and say I'll be ther in a couple of minutes--15 minutes early---hey that doesn't work well with me anymore and

    I told him. whoa---but we had a good time, food was great and I always sit next to my sister so no matter what anyone is talking about we laugh. We went to the bathroom together and I wanted to tell her something but not then so I said in Italian wait, I'll tell u later. She came out of the stall and sai there's no one in here u didn't have to say it in Iatian--we started gigling so hard, cuz ot was so stupid.

    Well tomorry I will spend alot of time at the fountain cuz i was in it tonite--going out seems to aggrevvate my tender body. LOL

    Lubs u gals

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    Hi cammi

    JackieO sunglasses I thought but a ring how amazing

    My mom is in Italy now

    Hi necks 750 cc is large but they look small I need to get on the exchange website

    I did post on the 101 implants the one said to wait dont look in the mirror

    Dork what implant did u get? What profile and such ?

    I'm just not going to obsesses

    I can get a revision if needed

    She did a great job it's just not what I expected

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    GM everyone.

    Orange maybe u do have to wait to see--so just listen to those who've had it done. But are u feeling better? Has the pain lessened--that the important part for right now> U still have some resting to do, u'r body has been thru some ruff stuff. So just do that for now and see about how u look or like what u look like later--At least u'r happy about the way it was done--so that part is good.

    Scary movie day---I think we've seen all of them but maybe I'll catch some I don't remember, like usual. When chemo brain comes in handy.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    well last night I was in extreme pain

    I went with out my pain pill to long

    They seem to b sitting on my ribs

    I just showered though and feel great

    now I'm in my comfy jams watching chiller channel all day and being waited on

    ill pop in later

    oh I pooped today yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    good morning all ,off for some retail therapy today.lara,hope you are doing well.cammi,what did you get to eat? i know you looked stunning.kat i went to rads with a lady,who had neck/mouth rads, we overlapped  by about 3 weeks,her only complaint was a dry mouth,and she constantly had to drink  ,  but no problems swallowing   or talking

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    sorry i bumped you lara but glad you pooped and popped in

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Yay Orange pooped and feels good too. Oh I so glad,

    Hi Julie---I had Sesame Chicken--very good---Oh they had some beautiful looking drinks there so colorful==I almost got one, but antibiotics in me so I know I could have one--but I thought no between the anti and pain meds I get a little nerveous. Silly me.

    I hope u have a great day today.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  A long day of work behind me, another problem to deal with in front of me.  I'm driving a rental car 'cause the brakes on my car are acting funny.  Gotta head into town today and see about getting the car looked at and fixed.  If it  isn't one thing it's another.  Sigh. 

    DorKable--a plant pot at the bottom of the pool?  Hope it was an empty one!  That could be a job to get out.  This problem needs to have some time and thought and a few drinks applied to it. 

    ORLA--Extreme body pain is NOT fun!  Hope the implant gals can give you some insight and that everything will end up better than you think right now.  And get to work on poopin!

    Juliet--I have a very odd pic in my head right now of ORLA with wine bottles on her chest!  I bet the gift shop was fun on 25% off day, especially right after payday!  Luv the tired puppy all ready to do it all over again!

    Wahine--Zombie Alert!  I can imagine you are very blurry eyed this ayem.  Glad got time to visit with DD2.  I'm sad to hear about your tenent passing away.  I hope it was peaceful and comfortable.  And I hope his widow decides to stay on.  And yes, I know you guys will lecture me about taking care of myself, that's why I told you guys about it, 'cause I need to be pushed to take care of myself, sometimes.  Here's hoping DH is feeling better!

    Cammy--back to work day was ok, pretty busy , but that's normal.  Federal surveyors have been in the offices in the southern part of the state, we're expecting them in our office next week.  Should be fine, but it makes everyone nervous.  DD and DGS are dressing you up?  Sounds like fun! 

    Wahine--a cracked root canal is not a good thing at all!  Hope the anti-b's do help. 

    ORLA--I do hope they will fluff or whatever and you will really like the foobs.  Not fair going through all this $hit and not liking the outcome. 

    Becs--it can take time to wean off effexor without side effects.  Have patience!

    Cammy--funny about you saying stuff in Italian and didn't need to!  Those kind of things are so funny and make great family stories. 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the SaTURDay Drink

    1 part Aftershock

    1 part Irish Cream (Bailey's)

    1 part Jägermeister

    1 shot Rum, overproof/151 proof

    1 part Schnapps, butterscotch

    Mix Aftershock, Bailey's, Jagermeister, and Butterscotch Schnapps. Pour 151 into a shooter and light it on fire. Drop shot into the mug.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    NM we will remind you to slow down

    Talked to whippet mom she know as a lot well undue sent her pics she said it all looks good b patient and loose weight which duh I've been trying to do

    Bec sounds like that medicine is tough to get off of

    Due to my anxiety I'm in the benzo family which ill never b able to ween off very hard! Plus I need these meds

    Cammie what's on?

    I sleep on and off I'm bored already

    See my doc on the 18 th

    Not much to do

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    NM I'm glad u'r telling us things cuz we'll all help u keep on track.  That DOTD sounds Lethal, holy chit u can ony have one or half of one of those.

    Lara I hope u'r doing OK--And dragon movies are on Syfy ick--so I'm searching and I did tape some stuff, But I'm kinda slow today--pain going on so I on and off too. but feeling better now tha earlier. So all is good.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Lara, I'm still lol bcuz you called me "Necks!!!" you'z still wasted. Still wundren what a 750 cc is in bra size. I am wearing my first bra since my lumpectomies over a year ago. 40 D! WTH? I was the little titty sister so this seems excessive to me.

    Omg, I can't wait to be done with the evil med. I am down to half dose but can't make it a full day with none so I opened a capsule and eat 10 or so balls on off days. This is some bull caca. I am trying to be patient but whew. Dis sucks. Good idea cams on dwinkin to cope. Got it! Filler up.

    BBL...... Lu lub lugs.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Becs u know reading this u left u'rself wide open about what u'r eating every other time. U'r a great straight man. And yes becs drink is the answer and some are better than others, well just like u'r pills.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Cami, your naughtyyyy!!! The balls are so tiny. Call them beads? Anyhow, so sleepy. Actually just nodded of sitting up. (becoming more like mom daily. Ha!) nite all!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Good Morning---It's Sunday and quiet so far. I hope everyone wakes up feeling ok, if not use the fountain---mine is drying up and I have to call--OMG tragedy.

    Orange I hope it's better today for u, u'r foobs sound like bazongas and they not big enuff? Whoa I really hope they wil be fine for u. I don't want u to hurt anymore.

    And Dork has more to go thru---right?

    Becs i hope u slept well--Joey was with me all nite--they went out then he misses me and has to be by me--UNCOMFORABLE---but as soon as he woke up up he apologized if he made me uncomfortable cuz he didn't want me to hurt because he got selfish. Oh he was bad--he said a bad word in front of a girl last week _I just foud out but no one knows the word--probaby a body part--he thinks the names are so funny. and I got all the blame--Joey didn't blame me--his parents did so he's not allowed to watch any of my shows anymore ---I guess I corrupt him--I did tell him boys think this is funny-but I should have told him girls don't and it's direspectful--sometimes I think he knows and probavly does but pushed that envelop--but didn't get away with it and of course he shouldn't but he won't tell me about it at all. He's ashamed and should be. Brat.

    It's 65 out now and will be almost 80 today--hot enough for me-hope that's it.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Good SunDey FunDey Morning Girls!

    Been up since 3 ayem....still not on the right time zone! But I really messed up my back yesterday. Just did a "little" weeding, etc outside, then came in and could not move...back freezes up and pain is horrendous. So took some meds and went to sleep sooooooo eurly, dats why mese gots up eurly. Scary when you want to go "potty" and can't even get down that far cause of back freezing up. Well I am finally seeing a sports med dr about my foot that I may have hurt when I fell off that ladder about 1 1/2 or 2 mo ago. Still so DH says I am falling apart....I believe him!

    Sounds like nice temps Cami....its been nice weather here too. I also brushed the furbabies on the deck floor for tooooo long yesterday, so that may have contributed to my bad back. But they have such long silky hair, and they like to scratch their back, or rub up against the leyland cypress', so lots of sap(?) or resin, or whatever, gets on them, then creates matts. They look lots better now. SHAME ON THEM for blamin your shows for the bad word that Joey said....LOL....sorta funny though. I love the stories of you and your sister cracking when you spoke in Italian in the bathroom and no one else was in there. I am SO glad you have such a good connection with each other, that is really priceless. AND your connection with Joey, omg that is just so precious.

    OMG first Lara calls you "Necks" then Cami picks up on the fact that you were eating "balls"....Beckers you iz gittin in big twouble here at de HTL!!! LOL. Hope you can get weaned off that med soon. Glad you are taking it slowly though.

    Well, mese eyelids don't wanna stay open, but mese is twing to stay awake. Dotty, how is your mom doing? And your dad? I'm still praying for both of them, and for you too. I'll be with the g'kids tomorrow while my DD goes to the rads oncologist. Please keep praying for her too....many thanks!

    Hope Sue and Cyndie both are having great trips (I know they are, though)! Funny that while we were in Prague, they had that flooding, and right after we left Paris,  the air traffic controllers are having a dispute that may affect travel. Hope its all safe where everyone is!!!!



    Gonna check out the buffet and have some of the Lemon Drop Martinis that are on the bar, just waiting for us! Lots of other drinks too, even NM's DOTD from yesterday. Those Tenders and Wenches take GOOOD care of us!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  How is everyone this ayem?  The rain has stopped, and I'm seriously thinking about getting the new cultivator out of it's box and seeing what it can do.  The ground should be nice and soft today.  Silly Sadie is jumping around chasing a June bug, she looks so silly! 

    ORLA--Good, keep reminding me to slow down, I need that desperately!  I hear you about the anxiety, and I think it's better to have some benzos on hand to deal with it than to worry about getting off them.  If the anxiety problem ever goes away, there are lots of ways to get off the benzos.  You can deal with it then. 

    Cammy--That DOTD sounded lethal to me, too, but interesting.  I did see some of the dragon stuff on syfy, didn't really get into any of them.  Found some interesting stuff on H2 about the Kennedy assassination, focusing on the 24 hrs after, it was rather eye opening.  Especially while drinking Smirnoff Cranberry Lime whateveritis.  Tastes good! 

    Becs--necks, huh?  I missed that one!  It'll be 3 years since recon for me on the 21st of this month and I still do not know what size bra I would wear if I wore one!  I may have to spend some free time checking that out, I always wished I could wear pretty bras, but couldn't 'cause I was so big.  Now I can, maybe it's time to start!  Do you have a doc helping you get off the Effexor?   If so, dose he/she know you can't get through a whole day on the dose you're at?  That's a signal that you need a slower taper scheduled, and maybe even to back up a step.  This isn't a race, you know. 

    Cammy--Good Sunday ayem!   So Joey said a bad word, one that was a body part?  And his parents blame your TV shows?  Umm, shouldn't they be teaching him the correct names of body parts so he knows the difference?  Oh, wait, that's just my opinion, probably shouldn't say anything.  It's funny how he's young enough to seek comfort with you and old enough to realize that it can be uncomfortable for you.  And , of course, he's at that age where body parts and potty business is a huge source of humor.  Getting into trouble is a hard way to learn what girls and boys think of as funny isn't universal, but he's a bright boy and he'll catch on quickly, I'm sure. 

    Wahine--OUCH!  Sounds like you are not falling apart so much as RUSTING UP!  I know my back and my knees are starting to complain more and more as I try to do things.  Very annoying. 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Sunday Funday Drink

    4 ounces Jalapeño-Infused Camarena Silver Tequila* (recipe below)

    3 ounces fresh-squeezed blood orange juice

    1 ounce fresh lime juice

    2 ounces Cointreau orange liqueur

    Blood orange peel for garnish


    In a cocktail shaker, combine jalapeño-infused Camarena Silver Tequila, blood orange juice, lime juice and Cointreau.

    Fill with ice, shake and strain into a rocks glass over ice.

    Garnish with a blood orange peel.

    Meet everyone at the buffet!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    Wahine hate that when back freezes worst pain

    U might need a cortisone shot

    I had one when I coudnt sit on the toliet and I was in constant spasm

    Blame Joey on u funny and yes cammie love your stories crack me up

    Necks becks ha yea becks getting all the drug induced verbiage

    Bam I will remind u k

    Here's hugs to everyone

    Oh yes and I'm pooping yea

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Lara, I used to get caudal epidurals, steroid shot in the spine, done in hospital. Usually would work for at least 3 mo or so, BUT after I got my last one in March 2012 (and right before going to Europe, so I had to lift luggage, etc., and so didn't let it work).....then they had some deaths as the steriod injections for the caudal epidurals were contaminated. Since it goes right into your spine, that was a dangerous combination. So I haven't had it done since, but I really do need it or "something"! Sorry that you can identify with that pain, it is awful, isn't it! And you can't move or anything.

    I like NM saying I am "rusting up" must be it! Hope you get to try out your new tiller today, NM! And thanks for the info for my DD....I have passed it all along to her, so HOPEFULLY she will ask the dr some of those questions, tomorrow. Maybe after her dr appt, I will know if I can still go to DC for my friend's sons wedding this weekend.

    Hugs and Mugs of Bier!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Good morning my hung over friends! Did we par Tay in here last nite or sumpin?

    Cami, oh Joey sounds so cute. Make him your avatar since we don't get a pic of yews. Your stories help to paint mental pic. Did he ever divulge what word he said? Are girls still yucky to him? Lol on u n sis speaking Italian so no buddy can understand and you were alone. :-)

    Wahine, Muscle relaxers, ice, n pain meds would cut suffering time short for me. Also, may have to pee standing in shower or try sitting backwards on toilet. No fun! I tweaked my neck this week and had to do same.

    Lara, hope you r feeling better. I remember I couldn't even read my menu when on diuladid after first surgery, much less speak English. Ha!

    NM, my neuro gave me the instructions for getting off Effexor. The first week was 1/2 dose and 2nd week was every other day. Just finished second week but had to take 10 or so of the little beads (not balls, ha!) on the days not taking it. I get soooo dizzy and nauseated but I also started tami again and I think that explains nausea. :-(

    Having a nice time with Annie this weekend. She is my joy! Thank God for her and my job. Makes me feel valuable. :-)

    Have a good n sloshed fun day!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    U guys crack me up-----rusting---should we see the Wizard ---we sre all turning into tinmen

    Kat sorry about u'r back, what is it with our backs, everyone has different things but all painful Geeze,

    DOTD sounds good today NM--DID U TAKE U'R MEDS.

    BTW Becks do u count the balls or is it willy-nily like I figure it would be.

    Kat I think about u'r DD so much please keep us up on this.

    Dork I hope u'r mom and dad are doing OK.

    Vacationing people GRRRRRR


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Hmmm....Cami talking about "willy, and Becs counting the balls...." sorta like "free willy with balls"? Nah, mese jest bein silly, cuz mese misses de Dorster cuz she iz sooooo funnnneeeeeeeee. I miss Lori too Cami....she had a painful procedure this week, but she is doing well, just berry, berry bizzy. Hoping she can pop in here soonliest. Allison too....shes bin berry berry bizzy all need to come back to the HTL!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Kat I didn't know she had nything wrong---oh no--I wish she'd get back here so we can just plain talk with her.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!  Got the electric rototiller up and running, got he garden all dug up and ready for plants, and am very pleased with myself!  This is gonna be a great little tool for my gardening and landscaping.  I've got a gift card to a garden place in town, gonna stop there after work tomorrow.  Gonna have me some veggies!!

    ORLA--pooping while on good pain drugs is a very good thing!

    Wahine--I cannot imagine being able to lie still and let someone put a needle in my spine for ANYTHING, but I've never had serious back pain, so who knows.  There have been so many recalls of stuff from small compounding pharmacies recently.  Scary stuff!

    Becs--OK, was the headache I had last night a hangover???  It's been so long I've forgotten what they are like! Can I ask how much effexor you were taking originally?  That sounds like an awfully fast weaning program.  Usually the steps down are 2 weeks apart or even more.  If you've got to open a capsule and take some of the beads the program isn't right for you.  Dizziness and nausea are symptoms of withdrawal from a drug as well as gifts of tammy.  Maybe you should go back on the half dose for a while longer.   I'm just saying. 

    Cammy--YES, I took my meds.  All of them.  Thank you for the reminder and making me toe the line!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Hi goils. Well....Wahine I haven't actually counted the balls...they are very tiny but Im remembering on another thread someone said she counted 75. I'm on 75 mg NM. I've been taking around 10 of them on the days when I'm not supposed not to take any. I realized a bit ago that when it was near the time to take my pill or if I ever forgot I would get this fuzzy headed feeling so it is very familiar to me. do you think I should call my doc for more 1/2 dose? I've been doing this every other day dance for a week now. I hate this feeling. Also ringing in the ears.

    Cami, you going to play free willy? Whachusay? These balls I'm dealing with are very hard to pick up cause they so tiny!!! I tried counting them when they were in my mouth to make sure I didn't take too many. Iz terbull sichumashun ta bee in!

    Who's Lori and Allison?

    I threatened Annie with time out today. She had crocodile tears cause it hurt her feewings. I just can't get mad at her. OMG that was soooo sad. Then she wanted to go home early. I'm just gonna spoil her from now on. Grannies are posed ta be spayshall.

    Got my new pooter up. Lub it!!! Now I can put pics up of hunks n stuff. So fercited!!!

    What wese drink in? Is there a free will DOTD or nite.

    Get back here Dorster !!! We see you lurkin!!!