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how about drinking?



  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Meese cracking up....take de kids to da pewl!!! Hahahah....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Dork I always so glad to see u post, but sorry things aren't great--I love to hear great--I really like that word. But use be good and wid a new window too.

    Lara Laraa, Orange--GLAD it's over and u sound funny. LOL keep that fountain close and u be fine. U like dem huh? Good. And nobody heard us cuz Dork didn't make it, she has to work to dwink.OK I'm getting serious now u'll probbly read this in the morning but this is what I wanted to tell u,

    I had this idea about SE's for a movie and the person who was taking these meds would be doing evil things or was she led to believe she was doing evil things and being set up so the Dr. could do these things.Then I just saw a commercial for a new movie called SIDE EFFECTS about a woman being framed and they blamed it on SE. Honest to God I had no idea about this movie==we've been talking about SE so often and it was running around in my head that this might be something for us to put together. F**K, then I thought we wouldn't have to write it word for word we could send in a really good outline and viola we'd get paid for our idea. I'm so dissappointed, I'm such a failure. I'm always late with everything I think of. I'm a copycat and don't even know it. So that was my brilliant thing of nothing. Sorry. I'll keep on thinking.

    I do think I'll be up all nite cuz I slept alot today came ack fromm Dr. and some tests and crashed and my fountain of pain. So I did take more so we'll see.

    Becs how u doing, I'm sure everyone is sleeping but I understand So I hope everyone has a good day tomorry and Lara keep taking the fountain.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    gentle ((((lara)))))))),    dorty,please give her ahug and kiss from me, hope they are giving her pain meds for her leg, have they fixed the circulation issue yet?    cammi,how did the md's visits go!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Julie Picnic time--wooo-wooo

    Julie the Drs. visit was horrible I hve never walked out of an office so mad ever. I never get aggrevated. First no one knew how to take my B/P in my leg --no one they never did it before -then shetalked to me and said OMG u'r on this much meds, u take them all? Then I had my MRI AND BONE SCAN results but I had to take an x-ray-which in my head is not as good as an MRI but I took an X-ray (I read my own results o my MRI_ and it said deteriating, LandL something and lower vertabrae and she said I had bac srthritis nd is sending me to PT--OK I asked does that mean it will hep it heal and she said well no but she just see bad arthrites So again I have no idea what really wrong  I had bad arthritis 2 yrs ago and I would do this and according to the latest from 2 drs it has gotten worse but now they are actually like crumbling that's why I was going to a back Dr. not for arthritis but for whateever--U know I don't understand all of this--oh and then she said continue with my pain meds altho she never heard of them. My MRI showed within 3 months the deterioration in my spine went from moderate to severe and is tht arthritis??? and no other Dr. used that word it did say I had extreme arthritis but also blah blah blah--so I just don't get it. This is why I'm really hating Drs. lately--to many opinions. U shouldn't have asked hahaha U guys know is deteriation of 2 discs and lower vertabrae mean the same as arthritis.? Why didn't they just say that to begin with? 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    I deleted my post cuz I didn't mean to throught all my chit at u guys so early in the mornin but I got aggrevated all over again--so not chit about u guys my chit at the Drs, office needless to say I was not happy any Dr. that doesn't know about B/P from u'r leg or never heard of my pain meds or say OMG u'r on this many meds doesn't impress me.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    cammie that was the movie I saw side effects

    I love your idea ill think to

    I didnt sleep last night it was on and off

    called on call they said I can take both norco and tramodol tgther

    my stomach feels like someone punched me 1 million times

    my neck arms so just popped two more pain pills and my thoat cant swalloe from the tube

    Dork I miss u goil post more

    I know u r going through a lot

    Dork was the first one to PM me Ive been on this thread a year.....

    I love each and every one of u

    cammie hope your with me today watvhing movies

    crap crap and more crap lol

    poop ya latah

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Oh Lara u'r up early--u must not be doing so good---Take all meds together LOL---I'm like that too with meds I don't like to take xanax with pain meds I never know so I wait---As much as I take meds I watch certain things. Oh I hope u don't hurt alot today, u't poor tummy---

    U told me about that movie? I thought about it a whike ago and thought more and more about how to put it together--I'm so dumb--Oh Lara I'll never make us rich --I'm trying. Get in  a comfortable position and try to have what u need aroud u and just relax and watch our crazy movies. xxxooo

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013
    funny pictures
  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    cammie your not dumb

    oh ill b with u watching r crazy movies but come visit me at the perco fountain to

    Ill get us rich somehow

    we should all pick numbers and play the lotto

    we would split it all

    not pooping today lol

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Big lesson sinking in now.  When I get sick I have got to take time off.  I feel so much better now it's not funny.  When I get sick I have to take time off so I have enough energy to take care of myself.  Yesterday I went to check my pill box and realized I haven't taken any of my regular meds (for high blood pressure and depression) for probably 2 weeks.  NOT a good thing.  Back on everything as it should be now.  Hmmm, didn't I hear somewhere that the office will not collapse if I'm not working?  And that the world is not going to collapse if I take a couple of days off?  I think I need to print that out and post it over my computer screen. 

    Wahine--Sorry I missed you, but I have this really fun  picture in my head of all of you waving at the camera!  Roasted pork knuckle?  Sounds interesting.  Is there much meat on a knuckle?  All I can think of ii bone.  Glad the flooding is receding and you are having a good time.

    Undy--Hooray for ORLA!  Here's to a fast, uneventful recovery!  Thanks for keeping us  informed. 

    Cammy--Sadie and I had such a good cuddle last night and this morning.  We spent an hour this am just cuddling.  Poor thing was just lying there letting me scratcher her belly, she is so patient to let me indulge my tummy tickling fetish.  She also spends part of every morning sitting beside me so I can indulge in my fetish for ear scratches.   So today, no work related anything.  Cleaning off the sun porch, maybe cleaning out the car.  Then playing in the garden if it hasn't started raining.  Maybe even if it has, if it isn't raining hard.  I even went grocery shopping yesterday and I don't feel the least bit guilty about it.  I haven't been grocery shopping for 3 weeks.  I normally do not leave the house if I have called in sick, except to go to the doctor's office. 

    Wahine--Still praying for your DD and all your family.  The final pathology report can take some time, as we all know, but it's hard to wait. 

    Undy--you are taking such good care of ORLA!  Thank you, thank you!  So happy she's not in pain. 

    DorKable--Good morning, busy bee!  I'll speak to the UFO commander, he's supposed to just know where  we are, not matter what!  Have a big dwinky!

    ORLA--Coming to visit you by the percotini fountain.  I hear you're looking good!  Keep up with the pain pills for a few days, you'll end up taking less in the long run.  And we who speak Beanglish and drunken Dorky have no trouble understanding percoceteese!  And why shouldn't you ask if you're hot? 

    DorKable--Oh, no, your poor Mom!  What happened?  Does she have diabetes?  Oh, you said no pulse, so it's a circulation problem.  Those are not fun.  I be praying for her and you and your dad. 

    Cammy--How dare someone steal your idea for a movie??????  Take pain pills and get some sleep! 

    Juliet--now THAT is one ZESTY picnic salad! 

    Cammy--I wouldn't be impressed by a doc that said that worked in an office that "can't" do leg b/p's .  Of course I'm such a loud mouth that I'd probably say so to the doc. 

    ORLA--Do you have ice cream, popsicles, sorbet or italian ices in the house?  Or can you make some ice chips?  That seems to work the best for me for tube throat pain.  Watch some good movies.  Happy HTL anniversary!  Keep up the pills and dwinkies, my dear!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Thirst Quencher

    1 strawberry, muddled    


    1¼ounces Florida tangerine juice   


    ¼ ounce aged balsamic vinegar    


    1 teaspoon strawberry jam   




    Champagne, chilled     


    Strawberry for garnish

    In cocktail shaker, muddle strawberry. Add Florida tangerine juice, vinegar, jam and ice. Shake and strain into champagne flute; top with chilled champagne. Garnish with strawberry.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    good morning from soggy fl, tropical storm andrea currently passing,   nm glad you feel so much better, does steroids make you scatterbrained too! i know they do with me,   lara hope all your pain med are kicking in and keep on with the popsicles.   cammi,what kind of doctor is this?  kat and cyn safe travels.    dorty,hope mum is feeling better today, ps read nm post,don't forget to take care of your the gym cafe today plus got a  pt appt,

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Good Morning officially everyone.

    NM u even sounbd better --I'm so hppy u took some time off. Didn't even feel the world go out of whack. See how happy u made Sadie too. And u didn't take meds for that long---no wonder u were not doing well. OOOHHNM we still have to take care of u, u silly.

    Julie u'r working today tho. But I bet u can sneak to the fountain a couple of times.

    Lara I'll be meeting u at the fountain lots today and have some fun with our movies. Rest.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!  Sun porch is now usable.  Need to take the big dog crate down to the basement and maybe bring the hammock chair stand out and get it set up.  Then maybe a nap on the porch. 

    Juliet--yes, steroids make me scatterbrained.  I have trouble concentrating, usually can't sleep, and can't focus.  Drives me crazy.  I hate being on steroids, and I think that's why I tend to drag my feet about going to the doc.  Hope you're staying dry, or at least not soaking wet.  I hate to think your visit is getting washed out!

    Cammy--Sometimes I think I need a keeper, too.  Maybe I can train Sadie to remind me to take my meds ?  Worth a try. 

    OK, time for some lunch, then back to piddling away at some chores. . . 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    NM trained her like a St. Bernard and have u'r meds around her neck. Or Put a big sign on u'r fridge that says. TAKE MEDS--U should see that or on the door u use to leave u'r home or on u'r forehead backwards so u see it in the mirror, or I thik I can go on and on. I honestly don't know but every morning my Katie-Kat gets on my ottoman and meows and meows (I keep my dispenser in there) and when I take them she gets off and goes her merry way???????????

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Orange I'm watching scream of the banshee LOL with Lauren Holly--I like her name, I should have named one of my girls Holly and middle name dai (like day) and I never did and they both said they would have changed it of I did--no they wouldn't --it's adorble everyday would be Holly Dai--Oh well.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Hold on--I put my movie on pause--like it's academy award material---OK I can't drink again for a while my one Doc loves to give me antibiotics for the same damn thing all the time--but this time another one. Hmmm I can hold off for a little while so I can drink this week-end I'm going out tomorry nite. Just thin' out loud or with my fingers I should say.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    I just got back from PS

    my face and chest were red

    she gave me better pain killers I had to  push for that

    no infection

    but i see my boobs and I hate them u would think 750 cc would be big

    nope ver small they are flat I hate them

    I need them fixed asap

    my real boobs were bigger

    Cammie I love that movie

    Im going to check what channel now

    I guess they will look better in a couple weeks but I hate them

    need like 300 more ccs

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Lara I thought everyone got about the same cc's and they were good--Oh no all this can u still go bigger--All the pain this is for u guys. OOOHHH I'm so sorry u have to go thru this.

    I taped this movie from last nite on Syfy--not bad actually. It would relax u I think. I mean people like us.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2013

    Hello my fine sista dwunks! Happy thirstdey! I had some fircitement here dis ebening, it was a FIRE! yeppers, mese gas grill caught fire whilst mese wuz cooking dinner. and de flames melted de hose that goes to de propane tank, it melted de knobs of de grill and melted mese and mese dad's fingers. we both have burns - his from turning the know and mine from turning the gas off. I was going to call 911 but he got the garden hose and put out de fire. oh boy, mese nerves are frayed. I am now nice n dwunk and gonna hit de bed early early dis night.

    Lara, I cant believe that you tink yer foobs are too small at 750 cc's, my unifoob is teeny tiny at 550 cc's, I would tink 750 would be huge. I hope yer results are better and dat they fill out nice so dat you do not have to be cut again. SO glad you got something more for de pain. Hang out by de percotini fountain and I jest might join you. and sweet for you to bremember dat mese was foyst to PM you (((Lara)))!

    Hiya eberybody else. I been missing you goils a hole lot and mese sawry for not pooping on here as much.

    NM, glad ye feeling so much better!!

    Love you goils! cheerS!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Oh my! Goils, we gotta hold it together. Wese falling apart! Forgetting meds and lighting our fingers on fire! Errybuddy together now....deeeeeep breath in through your nose and out through you mouth!! That's right. Relax and think of the Italian boy toy of the day (BTOD).... That's! Dont think about his garlic breath....tell him, "No talking allowed!"

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Becs maybe i won't get that close to his mouth. Then he won't smell my grlic breath.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Good thinking Cami :-) off to bed now. Hope you are able to sleep.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    I'll think about him, maybe that will help---then I'll probbly take another med. LOL

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Going back to work today, kinda nervous about it for some reason.  Not sure what I'll be walking into.  But, I'll manage, and  I'll imagine all of you in my pocket today.  All my pills are taken for this ayem, BTW.

    Cammy--My morning pill box is now in front of the computer, next to where I put my work phone to charge up overnight.  Have to see it, move it when I pick up the cell phone when I get ready to leave for work.  Maybe if I give Sadie a treat after I take my pills every am, she'll start reminding me !  I can put a note on the door to the garage, too, wait, better to put one next to the hook where I keep my car keys.  Can't leave without the keys!  Our furbabies are very observant of our habits and behavior patterns, so I'm not surprise your Katie-Kat sits on the ottoman and meows, it's part of the routine! 

    ORLA--better pain killers are a good thing!  No infection is a better thing!  Hating the boobs is not a good thing.  Will the look of them change over time?  I've heard women talking about inplants needing time to "fluff out" maybe that will happen for you? 

    DorKable--Oh, wow, that's where the fire truck was going last night!  I can imagine how rattled your nerves must be!  Glad you got the fire out, and didn't need the 911 guys to go to work.  Keep you and your dad's fingers clean and covered for a little while so they don't get infected. 

    Becs--oh, boy, I'm gonna get in trouble if I use that imagery to relax too often today! 

    Princess Glitter's Sizzle's DOTD is the Fire Man

    2 1/2 oz. Vodka (Smirnoff)

    4 oz. Cranberry Juice (Ocean Spray)

    2 oz. Peach Nectar

    Everything must be ice cold. Pour vodka into glass, add cranberry juice and peach juice, in that order. No ice, no shaking or stirring. If you did it right, you'll understand the name.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2013

    haPPy fRieDey! yippee! Tenders, bwing me four fire truck dwinkies, make it pronto and double de alkamahol!

    so I made an unusual discobery inside mese pool dis morning. foyst thought it was one of mese dogs on de bottom cuz I did not have mese eyes in. it is a bigass flower pot in de bottom on mese pool, oh boy. dont know how I gonna get er out cuz it heaby. i thought HOW de hail did dat git in dere? but now realize that it must have been pushed in by de garden hose whilst extingwishing de fire. I taking Becks adivse and breathing in n out cept I adding sippies of de firetruck dwinkie between to calm my alreddy fried nerves again!

    hope Lara slept good and poops todey too. have a good friedey goils! LOVE you all!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    yes fluff and drop

    I know dork its seems weirs they are not big

    she did a great job

    mybe I decided on the wrong profile or implant

    I looked up on the internat there is somehing that gives u extereme body pai its something they put in the anthesia it starts with an s

    well Im having those symptoms

    I need to say im allerhic to this next time

    exterme body pain it causes its feels better today it goes away n like three days

    IM going to check out the implant thread see what the girls are saying

    cammie scary movies today

    I can finally swallow

    be happy u all I dont have your number poor undie ive been obbesed and bitching since yesterday about foobs

    its weird I always had this feelig with her

    dr.dickmore the one I left would of made a better implant

    oh well

    no poop in


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    lara, all i could think of ,is a bottle of wine is 750cc, so now have this picture of you with 2 wine bottles on your chestLaughing,nm have a wonderful day, in the gift shop today, its 25% off and payday yesterday!       dorty,i second the advice keep those burns clean. cammi-enjoy your movies

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Good FriedEgg Mornin Girlz!

    I feel like a walking less than 3 hrs sleep last night, cuz my DD2 was here and had to leave early this ayem and I wanted to get SOME time with her! SO glad she came here from Sun-Fri, as my DD1 needed her so much. Today I will take over, but just called her (DD1) and she is going to drive my gdau to her pony class. YIKES. I don't think she has driven since her surgery.....she thought I would be sleeping. ANYWAY, was it you NM that is having trouble from rads? Could you PM me and let me know about it? My DD may need rads, and I really don't know anything about it. I can then tell you what we know so far, but it IS scary. So I will be able to help them today, even though I am like the walking dead.

    Lara, I just looked at my "card" again, and I got 650cc, but they are big. And you are smaller than me, so I thought the 750cc would look huge on you. Are they the "gummy bear" type? Thats what I got. I just wish mine were closer so I had more clevage.....but he was worried about creating a uni-boob. But I do like them. If only I could lose weight, then they would look just fine! HOPE your pain is less, every day.

    Showed my DD2 the gazillion pics I took in Paris and in many. But it showed the worst of the flooding, then how it receeded at least 3-4 ft by the next day. Just found out our tenant passed away Wed....hoping his widow will want to stay in the condo. They just moved in, in Jan, and we wrote the lease so they could break it, if need be. He had been having hospice for at least a month, so we knew this would happen someday. Glad our tenant in the townhouse renewed her lease till next yr. We are good landlords, we never go up in rent, even though we could. As long as they stay there, and are good tenants, we like to keep them!

    Dotty, SO anxious about your mom's surgery today. And OMG you had a gas grill fire...those are SO scary. Hope your burns and your dad's burns aren't too bad. My DH almost burnt our deck and house down a couple of yrs ago from leaving chicken cooking on the grill and coming inside. I don't think I will ever forget how high those flames were, and I had to run clear across the yard for the hose as, (of course) DH left it out there the night before. Had to replace some deck boards, AND some of the custom railing I built, but was so glad the house did not catch fire, OR us. Scary isn't it, trying to turn off the gas, while it is on fire...and dangerous!!! Glad you did not get even worse burns. Remember when I had that fire, and Junie had a kitchen fire the same weekend? Weird about the flower pot, but I guess in trying to put out the fire, you wouldn't have noticed it! Hugs and Love to your mom.

    NM, Toooo scary to have been off your important meds for so long. We will lecture you, if needed, you do know that, right? LOL. Glad you are back on track!!!

    Cami, What happened at the drs office? I had to read pages of posts quickly, and didn't catch everything.

    Did anyone see "Mama"? I saw it on the plane, as one of the movies, during the 9hr flt from Prague to JFK. It was good, but weird.....then if you saw it, remember the sounds the youngest girl was making? Well, in the bathroom at JFK, I was washing my hands, and a kid was in a stall with its mother, and it made the SAME sounds....omg was that weird or what? I don't get very scared from scary movies cuz I think it isn't real, but then to hear that same sound made it TOO REAL!!!

    OK, Looks like Dh just got back from the emerg dental appt....woke up Thurs am in the hotel before our flights with what was either absess tooth or infected tooth....gonna see how he is doing.....later taters....

    Hope you got to Europe safely, Cyn! Don't forget all the hugs you need to give to Bernie from all of us when you see her!!! Which day will that be?



    Hugs to all.....missing those that have been MIA.....come on back!