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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Lara I'm sorry but i don't feel worry for u, I feel that things are going to be better soon all the way around--my crazy Vibes--I'm glad I'm feeling that too. It makes things easier to me--not to you tho. But I know.

    I've had all kinds of crazyness today with Drs. and pharmacies and they drive me crazy anyway so just another day of calls saying I need more testing and seeing and whatecer they wnt--I said I'm seeing a Dr. tomorrow and my Onc next week I don't wan to see anymore--hahaha Like I have so much control over this. Well I'm just aggrevated right now--they are taking away my precious TV scary movie time and i don't like tht--tomorrow is Dr. Hospital labs, that's enough for this week. I know it's nothing but I still had to complain. Thank you very much.

    Commercil is over Lara have ro get back to being afraid like our lives aren't scary enough.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Dobrý den! Loungettes!

    Well, yes, Prague is flooded, and the news crews are everywhere! It is so sad to see the river rising so fast and so furious, and the famous Charles Bridge is closed off, as there is a big crane there getting out the large debris. Police everywhere, as some streets are blocked off, plus there are some metal airtight barricades between the river and the road that are 6' high in some places. Some restaurants, businesses are under water. BUT we were able to walk to the Old Town, and the old clock tower, and walk for hours on all the cobblestone streets, with the neat shoppes and bars and restaurants. The old bldgs are so beautiful, even Hard Rock Cafe was in a beautiful old bldg. We even stood in front of the webcam at the Old Clock tower, and waved in case any of you were watching it! LOL. Here is the site... We will be there again tomorrow in case anyone is watching! Love this city and will DEFINATELY come back here and spend more time!

    And an article from yesterday..

     One of the sights we saw today...

    Pohled z pražského Karlova mostu na Vltavu a Kampu (vpravo) 2. června ráno.

    Hope everyone is doing well, and Lara, the UFO better come quickly to get me so I can be there too.....then I have to come back!!! You will do GREAT, I just know it!

    Love and Hugssssssssss,


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Morning!!!!!! How is y'all (practercin fur my Oklahoma trip)

    Cams, dat boy is in fact for for Lara...but I jus welcomed him into the UFO for her. He's on his way right after da shower...u know. You are such a goooood accountability partner for NM! When I first came to HTL I remember Goldie was your doc appt partner huh? Kidnap her for da UFO partay. I miss her.

    NM, you gotta be there for you. The assignment I'm on right now is my old full time job at rehab hospital and I find myself kicking in to old habits. When they asked me to work Sunday, I had to say No, as much as I felt I was letting them down.

    Speaking of UFO...I think da clones need names cuz I hear they can have different personalities. Don't know what u may get. Remember that movie where he made clones and each copy got more goofy? Ha! We may have a bad copy machine for cloning in da HTL. May be low on toner...lmbo I jus cracking mese self up!

    Jules Imma give you transfer training b4 you go back to work cuz I don't want you hurting yourself eny more ( says da goil with the ice pack on her neck ). Maybe the injury got your blood sugar outta whack? Those auto inject do hickies are very nice. That's what I used when I used to do injections for MS.

    Me n Mema got the last miracle meddawanna batch. (well she got one) so I make new batch and try not to eat Em all dis time.

    Thinking of you today Lara. You will be happy you got your apartment in order when you get home. Is it a day surgery? Who is helping you at home? You will do well. Is Undies okay? ((hugs)) to you both!

    Okay, better get my butt going. Have good day!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    HIIIIIII cammie u get witch vibes to me to I am a Scorpio we have the power

    Becks thank u for the man I love him

    ok everyone get ready tomm we go to the hospital at 7 30 UFO ready

    NM yessssssssssss u said NO I know its hard due to your dedication but u need rest days

    OMG the flooding wow wahine hurry the UFO needs to get u

    I will post or have undie post tomm so u all know I made it promise texting undie right now

    cammie im watching scary movies and just ate chocolate and peanut butter on top of yogurt yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good evening, Loungettes!  I need your help==please? I have felt crummy all day today, and feel like nothing I do is right, and just plain beaten up by the world.  I know most of this is from the steriods, but I actually found myself thinking about calling the office and telling them I was done for the day at noontime and someone else could manage everything while I went home an played with Sadie.  I've been feeling like a failure all day.  I called my boss and left a message that I am taking a couple of sick days, and I'll be back to work Friday.  Now I'm feeling guilty 'cause I'm not really sick (no fever, not throwing up, haven't got the hersey squirts, so not really sick, right?) and I'm planning to take the next couple of days to clean up the house and get the new rototiller going and get some garden area prepped.  I've been working 6 days a week for the last 3 weeks, and I deserve to catch up on some of that time I've missed, right?  Or have I lost my mind completely all of a sudden?  All I know is that I dreaded going to work this morning, and I just cannot face going to work tomorrow morning, so I'm not.  If that makes me a bad person, so be it.  Am I totally doomed now? 

    Cammy--nope, no real answer from me, your are right.  And I, at least, do not take time off when I'm sick 'cause I've got patients who need stuff done, and I know everyone else is busy and I can do the job best and on and on and on.  So I run myself into the ground 'cause I want to think I'm indispensable. 

    Juliet--Yeah, I need to get some granola bars or something to keep in the car.  No reason I can't take a lunch break, I'm supposed to get an hour anyway. 

    Mema--yes, I know you all love me as much as I love all of you, and right now I need that scolding, and I need to be held accountable and not go to work tomorrow.  So tell me I'm doing the right thing, ok? Maybe I should be 'flagged' in the system around here as a lousy patient!

    ORLA--be with you all day tomorry, gal!  You'll be just fine!  I'll bring some extra xanax just to make sure!

    Cammy--sucky day at dr's and hospitals and labs.  Scary movies are better!

    Wahine--What time will you be there tomorrow??  I'll make a point of being online!

    Becs--Why is it that we feel like we are letting everyone else down when we take some time for ourselves?  

    Juliet-- I bet that cough syrup worked GREAT!  I wish I had a bottle right about now. 

    OK, I'm sitting here crying 'cause I don't know if I'm coming or going I'm so tired.  It's only 8 pm but I'm gonna take a xanax and go to bed.  Turning off the alarm clock and the phone.  Good Lord I hate taking steroids. 

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Katwinkertakinpicturesfromtheroofer???? Omg, those are shingles in the pic up der. You sittin on da roof??? Be safe!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    nm, your body is telling you i need a break,you worked your socks off when you were sick,so don't you dare feel guilty about having acouple of days off to recover,you need it. i know how we areEmbarassed do i feel guilty for working in the shop and being paid as a nurse ,YES, but i have to admit i listened to my shoulder and its telling me,you can;t lift right now. so we need to listen our bodies, lara hope your enjoying your movies,  see you in the morning. kat stay safe

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    nm and ju;ie u have missed the class on do it yourself 101--i teach that. What it means is taking care of u'r self first before u can take care of others, not waiting to have a meltdown but just do it girl--Now I hate to see this happen becuase if u have to take off would the whole place close down? NO? oh then u are allowed to and everyone get one word wrong in that old saying--but it's lazyness is next to Godliness and people have it confused==there should be days where u wake up and do what u want even when u work u see if u don't then when u work u think u'r giving 100% but u'r not u'r hovering aroubd 70% so u have to land and rest and enjpy--and what have I always said guilt is a wasted emotion, it's draining and useless--u can't solve it eat it or drink it so why do u need it--it's wasteful--now that is a sin. And oh NM u'r taking 2 days off the whole world will be thrown into a different orbit, I don't think so u need to be off, relax do some work around enjoy Sadie u need to renew u'r self in order to give it u'r all. And Julie like u don't deserve nurses pay no matter what u do--Oh how did u get u'r last couple of injuries??? Please relax ladies u deserve all the best and the best is taking care of ur'sevles--

    I'm sorry I was so harsh but I have to straighten u out, u'r work ethics are much to high---I've always had low ethics (about almost everything tho) Please take care of u first then us, then u'r work LOL  Be kind to u'rselves==u'r the only one u have of u.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    OK Lara----prayers and hugs are for u--sending them now...........

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Well its just 3:15 ayem CST there, but 10:15 ayem here in de flooded citay. So that was so sweet of you to want to look online at the cam of the Clock Tower NM, but I am not exactly sure when we will be there. Going to start out around 11:30ayem our time, prolly take AT LEAST 45 min to get there, maybe an maybe 12:30 our time here, which would be 5:30 ayem CST and 6:30 ayem where you are. Wouldn't that be FUNNY if you really saw us? Look for the redhead with whitehaired DH, and older parents!

    But YES NM, we are all so glad you are taking time off. Even though you don't have the physical ailments that can be seen, you ARE ailing inside....just too worn out and you really need time to recharge. Working at home and being with Sadie, will put you in a better frame of mind, and you will be able to help your patients more when you return to work (Monday?). Please do not feel guilty, we have all needed to do that from time to time. You give your job ALL you have, without enough downtime for yourself, so yes, enjoy being off, and try to just do the things YOU want to do, ok? We all love you, you know that, right?

    Funny to see the news last night, and the pics they showed of the flooding in Prague, were EXACTLY the same pics I had taken....birds in same places, etc. And oh Beckers, no I wasn't on the roof.....that pic was taken by someone else, but from up on the sidewalk, looking DOWN on the flooded small bldg. Really very safe where we are....I guess when we walk to the old city today, we can see if there is more flooding. IF those tall metal barriers do not keep the water from spilling onto the streets where we will be, then we just will go a different way. We should be fine. The big problem is, we want to walk a LOT, and so we are hoping the parents pay attention to how we get there, so they can walk back when they are ready to. I know they won't want to walk as long as we do. But its just down our street a couple of blks to the river, then along the river to the Charles Bridge, then turn right there and that street goes all the way to the CLock Tower where NM might just see us! LOL. My dad of course has made things so tense....we are just trying to make it till the end of the trip, but never know at any minute when it all might hit the fan. He has been so rude to my DH...always has to have someone to pick on to make himself look better I guess. And my DH does SO MUCH for them, constantly, but whatever he does ends up kicking himself in the butt.

    My DD is in a lot of pain, and of course, having trouble eating, but I don't know any results yet. I think she sees the surgeon tomorrow, so am hoping to find some GOOD news then, and not bad news. Thanks so much for all the prayers everyone. Dotty, I am still praying for both of your parents, hoping your mom does ok, as well as your dad. And don't let yourself get run down, ok?

    And Lara, the UFO picked us up in the middle of the night, so we are almost there! Will bring all the little tiny likker bottles, so we can all get wasted in the drs pocket. Will peek out every so often to make sure they are taking the best care of you!!!  (((((Lara)))))  Let us know how you are doing, as soon as you can, ok?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Kit I ;ove when u let us know what's happening, I was thinking msybe u'r in Venice or Florence where the streets are water--I can't thibk right now. U 2 are so good to u'r parents I'm sure u'r DH knows, some Dads want their SIL's to know who the importnt one. Just stay safe and tell us when u are on the way home.

    Lara I'm up and ready, can u feel my hugs , I think I sqeezed u much to hard, so I will back off.

    Julie u'r arm is causing a problem in here turn around halfway.

    OK Lara let us know as soon as u can, cuz I have some fun stuff to tell u--to cheer u up. Oh Oh now I have to think of something. No I really do.]Smile

    And NM and Julie please don't be upset with me--remember I'm old.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    cammi, how cam i be upset with you for pointing out the truth!  anyway i luv you too much,would love you more if you  shared the special brownies

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Julie as soon as I geth this drug thing figured out--I don't think the state know how yet---can zi send food thru the mail? cuz I will really. and wrap them very carefully. Thank u Julie--when I get on my sop box I go on and on and it's not cuz I'm made it's cuz there is love and I feel obligated to share my feelings, but I sound mean maybe. U know Julie I really admire people who have such high work ethics, my parents did but it was something that just did not rub off on me--Oh yeah I worked most of my life raising my kids but I'd take short cuts and if anyone said anyone want to leave early it was always me--I never had the feeling u guys have and just because I ended up a supervisor it was the government not the real workplace so.....

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited June 2013

    Hi girls,Lara went in a few minutes ago. Will update you all in a few hrs.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  I am sitting here with a leisurely second cup of coffee.  I have stripped my bed, with Sadie's help, got linens in the washer, played with Sadie, got a plan for tackling the housework.  I feel a little guilty for not being at work, but not too bad.  Got the work phone turned off.  I feel like I can get myself put back together.  I am doing the right thing, aren't I?  

    Juliet--thanks for understanding, and telling me it's ok. I need to hear that right now. 

    Cammy--I needed to hear all that.  I have not been able to give 100% at work for the last couple of weeks, and I know that.  And I felt like I was getting further and further behind no matter how hard I worked.  I had to break the cycle, right?  The office will not close down, it won't even slow down. The world will not be thrown into another orbit.  Thank you for reminding me!

    Wahine--Yes, I know you all love me, and I'm really leaning on that right now.  Not sure why I'm falling apart all of sudden, but I am.  I didn't get up in time to catch you at the Clock Tower, but I'm gonna look anyway! 

    Undy, thanks for the updates.  I'll be checking in periodically.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Happy Pill

    2 oz Pusser's® dark rum

    1 oz cream of coconut

    4 oz pineapple juice

    1 oz orange juice

    Shake or stir ingredients, and pour over ice in a tall glass. Sprinkle nutmeg on top, and serve,

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    OH NO, NM, I was waving at you in front of the clock tower at 12:40pm here, would have been 6:40am where you live. You mean I looked silly for nothing??? LOL. Got my DH and my parents there too, so you might recognize us. Oh well......we tried, right? I can't believe my parents walked THAT took over 45 min just to get there, then more walking around, then waiting for the clock "characters" to go around at 1pm....and omg what a crowd there is. If you want to see what it looks like, look at that videocam on the hour...but remember, it is 6 hrs ahead of the EST. On the walk back, there were only 2 benches, so it was hard on them ,but they did it! They liked our fav restaurant, and my dad got the roasted pork knuckle.....omg they brought it in a deep thing looking like a roasting pan! We will be back.

    The river is going down. The places that were way underwater, are starting to show up more. But the river is still going so fast, it looks like the rapids in some places. Charles Bridge is still closed, with police barricading it. But it is so much better, and I don't know how bad the places downstream will be. Not such big crowds today....yesterday was unreal.

    Lara, that was a REAL CUTE doctor that we were getting very personal with....I mean he had ALL of us in his about a "pocket rocket".....;lol. But even though we were dwunk, we still made sure they were taking good care of you! Pop in when you can, ok? And take the pain meds, so you will not feel too much pain.

    Hugs from the Czech Republic!


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited June 2013

    Hi girls, The surgery went well and she's in recovery.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Thank u Undie----WONDERFUL TO HEAR THAT!!!!!!!

    Kat I didn't see it either and U didn't look silly for no reason, u looked sily to everyone around--so there is a reason. I'm really surprised that u'r parents did all that wow I couldn't even sober.But u seem like u'r having a good time with u'r mom and dad today---are u leaving tomorrow? Thursday is tomorrow right? As good of a time that u are having, I'm sure u can't wait to get home.

    NM good drink---and I still notice after u make a statement u pit a question mark after it--no ???? U are doing the right thing we all agree--U'r to special to go thru all hic chit so please just enjoy Sadie and telling us what or better yet what u'r not doing --with no???? anymore

    Jules I hope u'r doing good today.

    Oh chit I can't talk to Lara about our movies today, well I'll be patient As long as Lara is OK that my first concern.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Thanks for the update Shannon, on Lara! Had to board the UFO to get back to Prague, before Lara woke up, so give her our best, ok?

    Yuppers, Cami....leaving tomorrow....that song...."Leaving on a Jet Plane, Can't wait till I get back again...." But yes, it will be good to get home! My DD that came up to help my other DD, is in our house, but has to leave early Fri ayem to drive 12 hrs home....and we will prolly get to our house at midnight Thurs, so will only get to see her for a widdle bit. But it will be good to see my DD1 that had the surgery, and please pray really really hard that they got it all, ok? Still don't know anything, or else they aren't telling me.

    Hugs all....seems like a lot of empty little likker bottles are all over the place....did we really dwink THAT MANY while being in the OR with Lara???? No way....YES way! Just glad it is now behind you Lara, and do take it easy when you get back home!!!! I am older than you, and am giving you an order to take things slow, ok? And take the pain meds BEFORE you need them....that's another order!!!!

    Cyn, did you leave for England today?? Safe travels, girlfriend!



  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited June 2013

    Lara update-She doesn't seem to be in pain. She's home and resting,and from what I could see the girls look great. CAMI-How are you doing? Kat-So sorry to hear about your DD,hoping for the best.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2013

    Hello goils!

    It’s been awhile since I have imbided, bin a bizzy widdle bee at de job. But had to poop in to see if there were any updates on Lara, great news that she did well and that the squishies are purdy! I’ll dwink to that! Ya see, de UFO commander dude was sposed to pick mese up but mese foygot to tail dem I was not at mese house and dat is where dey were. So mese missed de UFO, dern chit and chit dern dern.

    Well a big hug and a big hello to all mese goils. Dwink up, it almost thirstdey!!! Woo hoooo!


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    Hi goils,

    Im home feel okk hopped up on pain pilld

    pain bso far not as bad as the other surgeried

    cammie what do u have to tell me

    those expanders were tight rocks I feel a diffrence now

    omg I guess while I was comin outta of it I said am I hot wtf

    Dork thank u for looking for me IM here with steella


    Hows work Dork

    i cant sleep so just laying here

    ill poop in tomm

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    wow im messed up well u goils can figure out what I said lmao

    ill b in the perco fountain

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    LOL, I enjoyed your post Lara! ESPECIALLY was great just hearing from you so soon after surgery! Funny what you said, but heck,thats the truth! If we don't think we're hot, then who will? lol. Glad you are taking your pain meds....and hope you can get lots of REST!!!! Also, am so glad you have this surgery behind you you can relax and take your meds, and post some funny writings!!! Gotta get up early to get on the road again, then in the sky again.....

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    yes lara make sure you do poop tomorrow,while your taking the pain meds,,

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Yay Lara! You made it and you are good n wasted! I actually scored a job after one of my surgeries. Ha! Hope you stay comfy. We will check on you at the Percotini fountain.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2013

    Lara, peakng o pooping in,ye must listen to de julia cuz she bese tailing de trufhithis in all honestlinest, k? you must poop and pop. and take a senecot pill or sumting of de nature so you naturally poop aka take de kids to de pewel!! har har, tank ye Alli for dat one, get it, the pool? Ye know goils dat mese got a pool. and mese used to has a sign on de fence dat said ' velcome to mese OOL. noice dere aint no peeee in it so keep it dat WAY!! hehehe, dat poor sign got wasted away in margarittabille so it gone now. so enny hoot, ndeed glad to see Lara O' posint here! Mese berry happy fer your squisheeees. and fer yer percobuzz too. enjoy it to de lasst drop o likker!!! wooop wooop!

    so ho mese goils? mese dwunkiest. so  git on her, sorta like de suz when mese dwunk. hehe!.! but aren't wese alls alllways dwunkliEST?

    so much to say but not feeling a much like tawkin dese dey. de job is great, gotta bigger working area, aside de window facing de court yard witch mese lubly. but wood radder bese home dwinking. so yeah, mes mom back in de hospital. we were having a bday partay for mese dad on sundeyfundey wenst momma was takin in to custoodey dat dey cuzz of de big ass stanky hole in her foot. he had no pulse there when dey tooked her in. so mese saddliest for her pain and for mese daddy fart pain. so mese dwink.  bin reading here from de office n so much to sez. but no henergie whatsoEBBEr to talk about it. jest know I love ye all and git manny laffs here too. and it hailps muchliest of all to vent. kk, tanks for yese attn-shian! Lub in mese fart for all. and know mese praying for all ye lobblies! cheeRsZEES!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2013

    mese go find de bed now. night night sleepy tite dwink in yer dweams dis night! car har har har afar har! k k k k k k!!