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how about drinking?



  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Freeeeee willy I meant to say!! Haha we may need a free will dwink too. Did some buddy lock up a tender named Willy that goes by Will fer short? Cami!!!!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Becs maybe I did and Lori is Goldie and Alyson is Allyson---OK I am so confusticated here about u'r meds--are u doing what NM said to do or again doin it u'r own way--I don't remember anything about NM saying bals let's count dem. Somptin doesn't sound right here to me==re read what NM said--I don't think it a race I think it's little by little and some meds take a while to weiner off--yes weiner, I know what I said. So I think u'd better redo this ball experiment u'r on and u need to ball it up a notch.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Cams, my neuro was like "Take 1/2 dose for one week, then just take 1 every other day for the next week." Made it sound easy. Not so much! So I try to go as long as I can on my no pill day but I can't take it so I opened up a capsule and just take some of the little balls that are inside. (That was my bright idea.) It's been the two weeks my doc was talk in about. It's apparently not that easy. Heavy sigh.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited June 2013

    Morning Babes, had a stoopid computer virus. 

    Just failed my 3rd eye test for Glaucoma so have to see a specialist.

    Sinead pregnant again.  I wanted her to wait the three months but might as well be talking to a door.  Her mother said it was ok so WTF do I know.

    Cyndie coming thursday so I had better improve the mood by then.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Bernie Im so glad to see u---please (I know u will) take care of u eyes first--then take care of other things.

    Will be praying for Sinead that this will be right.

    Cyn will make u feel better, u'll see.

    Becks u better get on that phone agai and tell u'r Dr. something is amiss

    oops I forgot to say Good Morning--I saw Bernie's post and went right for it. So Good Morning Hope all is good.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!   It's a beautiful sunny ayem  here, got the news on, got my pills taken, got my first cuppa coffee going.  Not sure why I'm nervous about going to work this ayem, but I guess I'll get over it.  Not so busy now,  shouldn't be a really late day like most Mondays, but we'll see. 

    Becs--Yeah, call your doc. Ask to go back on 75 mg for at least one week,  Then ask for a script for 30 of the 37.5 mg capsules (if your prescription plan covers this, it can be pricey, $200 for 30 capsules).  Take one capsule every day for 1 weeks, then one every other day for 2 weeks, then one every 3 days for a week, then stop.  If you have trouble stopping try taking one every 4 days for a week.  Effexor is a long acting drug, so it can take time to wean off it without discomfort.  Lori is Goldie, Allison is Mrs. Vino.  And no, I'm not that good, I have a cheat sheet on my bulletin board!

    Cammy--Good advice to Becs!

    Becs--your neuro never had to wean off effexor or he hasn't studied it much, or he'd have prescribed a better protocol! Weaning off effexor is AT LEAST  a 4 week effort and it often takes longer than that. 

    BBBBernie--YIKES to the computer virus, hope it's all healthy again now!  Congrats to Sinead, but waiting a bit would have been a good thing for her physically and emotionally.  But you can't tell some people that waiting for anything is a good idea.  Praying this one goes better for her. 

    Princess Glitter Sizzles DOTD is the Free Willy Balls

    1 part Rum, banana

    1 part Triple Sec

    2 parts Red Bull

    Put some crushed ice into a glass, followed by banana Rum filled 1/4 of the way up the glass. Then add orange Triple Sec until the glass is ALMOST half full. Then fill the glass the rest of the way up with Red Bull.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Good Morning NM--OK I'm glad u took u'r meds and I new u'd tell Becks what to do. Maybe u feel someanxiety, cuz didn't u say somethig about people coming this week to see how things are running or something like that--u know I don't remember--I'm just plain simplefolk As long as u are taking care if u'rself u should be fine--take a xanax--OMG I'm always pushing drugs now. hahaha

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2013

    Hi girls, I wanted to let you all know what is happening with my Mom. We found out yesterday that her nutrition level is down and they are asking us about using a feeding tube. My Mom had a living will and does not wish to be kept alive by artificial means so we will pass on that.  NM, I have been told that feeding tubes are not the most humane thing to do to alzheimers patients, do you agree with that? We are told that they are painful when taken in and out and also that she would have to be restrained to keep from tearing them out. She has already removed all of her IV's several times. Her arms are a mess, all bruised up. We also have to decide if we want her to have another surgery on her foot and also to give her a pic line for anti-b's. We have some difficult decisions ahead of us. I am asking for prayers for my family and more so for my Dad who does not know this yet. My sister will talk to him today over lunch.  thanks for hearing me, I hope you all have a great day! Love you all and hope to catch up reading from work.  CheerS!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Oh I forgot to tell u guys---it's nothing really but whatever.

    When I went out the other nite my brother was a little early (brothers=men) and so I was rushing well for me and I had my hair spiked some and I had to spray it---I grabbed the spray can and all my hair was powder--my DD comes in and said I used the dry shampoo---I didn't even know I had it VLAH I kept it on and sprayed over it cuz my hair looked good.

    Today is my baby (Joey's) BD and he's nine---he woke up screaming around 4am I thought someone tirn on the TV loud so he told me he dreamt I died and I said u screamed? And we were laughing and then he started crying so we talked and laughed and I told him this was his big day and don't worry about anything. See he sees me everyday that's why--cuz he sees how I walk and what I go thru and I try to be as easy about it as I can like it's no big deal it's my age--and he'll say I hate cancer so much what it did to u and I feel bad that he sees to much--to many Drs., meds, all of it--where he didn't see really anything even tho he srayed over every weekend with me and I talked to him everyday and of course I haven't gotten better so. But I'm really OK just crap as u know.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Dorothy, You know how much this is hurting me too....I just am feeling your pain so much over your mom. There is just no easy solution, but I know NM will let us know her thoughts, when she can. She and Julie are such good sources of information for us all. I am sending lots of love and prayers for all of you, it breaks my heart so much. I need to stop crying. (((((Dorothy, Dotty's Dad, Dotty's family, Dotty's Mom Jean)))))

    And Cami, oh I hurt for Joey being so sad about you, on his birthday. Probably good he had that dream, so you two could talk about it. He has such a big heart, and I know you cherish him every day. Wish him a Happy Birthday from all of us, ok?

    Well, today I may know more about what my DD will be facing. I am so nervous, but try to act calm in front of her. The g'kids have swim team this morning, so I will take them will also keep my  mind occupied a bit.

    What a very sad day for so many of us. (((((GROUP HUG)))))

    Love, Kath

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Kat I've been thinking about u'r DD, I know today u'll find some answers---She's in my prayers as is Dorothy and her family--I hope and ray this week brings better news and feelings for everyone.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    NM weird feeling not good

    Wahine keep us updated

    Dork prayers u have been through so much

    Cammie Joey is so cute Happy B day Joey

    Hi bernie they will have to do surgery? My grandmom had it it wasnt that bad she said

    prego is this good or bad ?

    Hi juliet

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    becks, i second call the doc re your effexor,some of your symtoms are withdrawel ,  bernie-good afternoon,prayers for sinead and please take lots of pics on thursday.     ((((((((((dorty-family))))))))), do they have a qlife or pallitive care person you can talk to at the hospital(i know nm would give you good advice). a picc line  is not normally sutured in so can be pulled out very easily as i know,  so it would be worth asking about the need for restraints or freedom splints(  they are like  a bean bag you strap on the arm so the person can't bend their arms very similar to what they use on children) if you decide on the picc,is your mum;s pain controlled,because thats the most imporant thing. kat ,thinking of you and your family today

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    happy birthday joey xxxxx

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Oh Julie that is so cute Joey just saw it and wanted to thank u--I won't let him even type on these pages altho of course he's better than I am--who isn't--he recognized the character right away and is telling my DD about it now.That was sweet.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Lara I'm watching Syfy--Roadkill

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    Ha me to!

    I'm right with u

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Lara I didn't like the ending--I saw it before, but couldn't remember it all. The ending sucked.One of the scarienst movie to me was Drag me to hell--Oh I want people to beat the bad at the end. That one just came to mind.LOL Well now I'm on my reality crime shows about murder--I sound like someone that would do horrible things, but I just find all this stuff so unbelieveable that people can do I just get to interested in it and it makes me believe in the death penalty watching all these disgusting people, not mentally ill, just greedy and selfish ick

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Bernie, mind has been mush lately...I forgot to even comment on what you wrote. I know nothing about glaucoma, except that they test you for it. What would have to be done? I hope you get in to see the specialist asap, ok?  (((((Bernie))))). Also hoping that Sinead can carry this one to term and that everything will be great. I know you will be happy on Thursday, as I know Cyndie can cheer you up. You are so sweet, and I hate that you have that eye problem. Praying for you, girlfriend.

    Very long day, very stressful, lots to worry about. Thanks for the continued prayers.....looks like rads are being pushed, so I have an appt for her to see an onco I saw, just to get his opinion (his cancer center specializes in chemo, but he is very nice, and very smart). Then 2nd opinion later on, as this dr is not a good fit.  Dreading telling my friend we cannot be at her son's wedding near DC, this weekend. But, just called and they are refunding the NON-refundable hotel nights we paid for....very nice to know they have compassion.

    Drink up girls. Hope Joey has a great birthday!!!!!



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Becks, Are you near this fire? My friend in Banning has been posting pics of it, as its on the next ridge....

    More Than 900 Firefighters Assigned to Mountain Blaze NE of Banning
    "Smoke  from  the  Hathaway  fire  will  continue  to  be  visible  during  active  burning  periods  in  the  mountain communities," fire commanders said. "Depending on changing weather conditions, smoke may create decreased visibility and increased problems for people."


    (Sorry, the pic wouldn't post here)

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    I do live close Wahine. The helicopters fill up on the golf course where my Mom lives and fly over my house. It was flaring up when I came home from work a couple hours ago. Thinking of you today and how stressful it must be to have a child with cancer.

    Congrats on new baby on the way Bernie. Hope it brings joy and healing.

    Cams n Lara, don't get too asscared with scary movieathon. I can't watch them the suspense is too dang stressful.makes me wanna just freak out!

    Dirty, (ha! Auto Correct changed "dorty" ) I'm so sorry about what you are are going through with your mom. Omg. It is so difficult going through this. I still feel PTSD from going through with Pop last year. Wish we could all be there to give you support and lessen the load. Then we can go to Wahine to help her. We may need to get another UFO. To me, it's so much harder when someone I love is the patient. Hope work is good and you don't throw cake at your coworkers. That was funny.

    Thank you NM for help with detox. This drug sux the big one and I highly underestimated it! It may be January before I'm off. There are 75 balls in 75 mg. I'm on 37.5 now. Should I do 5 balls less per week? I started at 75 so I hate to go back to square one. He added Elavil and I wonder if I will be in same boat with that. Wish I could just cheer the heck up and ditch the antiD's! Haven't tried in so long I may just be a happy camper under all this and I don't even know it!!!

    Ok goils. I came home early. Nausea and diarrhea. I can usually muster it together enough to get through a day. Couldn't do it this time. Feel too crappy. Adios muchachas. Will have to sit this par Tay out. BBL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    It's a tough day, I'm praying for everyone special tonite, for health and happiness.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited June 2013

    Becks, Have you ever tried Wellbutrin? I couldn't tolerate the Effexor, but Wellbutrin doesn't have as many SE's.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    I've been on Paxil (( have more anxiety) and it's done well by me--but I was off of it for about 5 days and I felt so strange got back on it and the next day was fine. It's kind of scary getting off a drug--I wasn't getting off I just ran out and waiting to fill the rest of some meds and thought Oh I can wait. No I couldn't.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    Jeez prayers for everyone

    Idk all this chit chit that comes around

    Here's a round of drinks and hugs to everyone

    Cammie I watch those to and that movie u mentioned was good!

    HR just called me wanted more stuff to send them can't believe I lost my job on top of this crazy

    I'm over it ill b fine

    Just need to heal

    Damn I wish I could drink

    Becks u have the D that sucks go to bed

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    becks hope the big d has now stopped,hope the fire is out soon. ((((((kat and family))))))(((((((((dorty)))))))))),  lara,hope hr are being helpful.. bernie-my understanidng of glaucoma is if found early  and treated  doesn't cause too many problems nowadadys.cammi-hope joey has had a wonderful birthday

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited June 2013

    Thank you all for you support.

    Hugs and prayers

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Hi all---Fell asleep so early--now I'm up..chit

    I hope everyone has a better day today, yesterday didn't sound so good. Joey had a very nice day. There's a couple next door in their 70's and they brought over a really neat

     present for Joey--They enjoy him he goes and sits wihth them when outside and does little things sometimes--he like old people Thank God. He thinks being old makes u smarter than most. I got him fooled.

    I'm saying more prayers this morning and Bernie please like Julie said please take care of that immediately it's very important and now they do have more to help and which I didn't know is hereditary. another thing.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good  morning, Loungettes!  Kinda gray and dreary today.  Supposed to rain.  I wanted to get some plants into the garden yesterday after work, but the nursery was closed by the time I got there.  Disappointing, to say the least.  Oh well, there's still time.  Pills taken, first cup of coffee going in. 

    Cammy--Yeah, federal surveyors expected this week or next.  I did take a xanax last night when I couldn't relax and get to sleep.  Don't seem to be so tightly wound up this ayem.  Some pills are good! 

    DorKable--Oh, my, you poor dear and your poor Mom!  If your Mom's living will says no to artificial nutrition, then pass on the feeding tube.  It's a surgical procedure to put a tube through the skin of the belly into the stomach (called a G-tube).  They do pull out easily, but they are also easy to put back in.  BUT, and it's a big but, feeding your Mom that way will not stop the Alzheimer's disease.  There is a risk of the tube feeding getting into her lungs and causing aspiration pneumonia.  A PICC line is another form of IV, one that goes in the arm and  threads up to the heart.  Your Mom will probably need to be sedated to have it put in safely.  Once it's in it can be covered up when not in use and less likely to be pulled out, but they do get pulled out frequently.  Also, does your Mom's facility have RNs working 24 hours a day or will your Mom have to stay in the hospital or go to another facility while she's  getting the antibiotics?  And exactly how likely are the anti-b's to help?  For that matter, how likely is the surgery to improve your Mom's quality of life?  Or how long will it extend her life?  It's hard balancing what will decrease pain and suffering and what will not really make a difference in that regard.  It might be helpful to ask the docs "Why?" or "What benefits will the surgery/PICC/antibiotics give my Mom?"  and "What other options are available and how will those impact Mom's quality of life?"  Also ask about all the risks.  Then take some time as a family to think and discuss and make a measured decision.  Don't let the docs push you into making any instant choices.  And this will probably sound like I'm pushing Hospice care, but have you considered getting a Hospice consult?  Just to find out if your Mom qualifies and what a local Hospice program can do for her and your family if she does.  I'm a firm believer in having all the info in hand when making medical decisions.  I'm not saying your Mom qualifies for Hospice and shouldn't consider other treatment, I'm saying it may be helpful to find out.  It will give you and your family more info about where in the disease process your Mom is right now, and that can impact other decisions.  Hospice agencies do consultations/evaluations (we call them informing visits) all the time. 

    Cammy--you may have hit on a new hair style technique!  Poor Joey, what a nightmare!  I bet he was upset, and on his b-day, too.  I bet you made the day great for him anyway!.. And I agree with him about hating cancer.  Give him a hug for me.

    Wahine--Praying for you and your family as you get more info about your DD's condition. 

    ORLA--It was a good day at work yesterday, no reason for me to be nervous except for expecting the Federal surveyors, and I've been through that so many times it shouldn't bother me.  Hoping last night's xanax will help.

    Juliet--Good points about the restraint issues, and the stitches. 

    OK, I've got to head to work.  HI to everyone I haven't spike too, will try to get on this evening and finish up. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    NM super info for Dork--

    I hope u have a good day and leave in time to buy some plants.