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how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited June 2013

    I was brought up catholic cammie

    so IDK really

    I am eastern European which all of these traits r common for braca 2 ans Braca 1

    My mother switched to catholis

    her mom was italian catholics and her father jewish so IDK

    becks they told me I should do PT I am not rehabbing myself

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good evening, Loungettes!  Didn't get home from work until 10:30 PM last night.  Got sent out to check on a patient and walked into a husge mess. I am STILL fuming that the nursing home let a patient go 8 hours without pain medication.  It was a major clusterfu<k.  I'm sitll fuming. 

    Cammy--I remember when I worked night shift, sometimes I would sleep for 12 hours and wake up and not know if it was morning or night or which way was up.  Very odd feeling!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Juliet--good description of the different variations on code status. I was talking with another nurse today and the topic came up and she mentioned the "slow code" do you remember that one?

    Goldie--it's been pouring rain at times today, so no pics today, but I should be able to get some this weekend. 

    Karen--I'll ship you some of our rain.  It was coming down in buckets at times to day.  72 degrees at 7 am?  That is HOT!

    Wahinee--so how long ago did this Paula person say the bad words?  I wonder how far back we have to worry about our words haunting us? 

    ORLA--6 bug bites?  OUCH!!!!

    Cammy--HOORAY for you getting your walk in!  Good job!  Keep it up!  I've got to admit I got one walk and one swim in this week.  I'm hoping the swim counts as a walk, otherwise you beat me big time!  :)

    DorKable--I'll join you in a dwinky!  What are wee dwinkying? 

    Wahine--praying very hard for another opinion that is helpful. 

    Karen--You're doing great on the classes!  Good for you!  I hate boring classes and there is just so much out there that is soooooo boring!!!!!!!!!

    Becs--I can imagine that having an MS flare up would be nerve-wracking. 

    JAYBIRD!!!!  Hello, stranger!  Happy chemo birthday week! 

    Wahine--42 minute hold time??????? WTF????????????? You should get a discount, say 1% for each minute on hold. 

    Karen--salads are great in hot weather, so are cold soups.  One of my favs is watermelon soup.  Hmm, need to make some of that. . .

    UNDY!!!!!! You bring so much fun with you!

    Cammy--I took my meds this ayem, thanks for checking!

    Goldie--OMG, what a freaky pic!!!!!!

    OK, time to get another glass of wine. . . 

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    Just a minute to say to clean up and jump in the shower.....For some reason everything is taking me longer today....just got done with making lunch for tomorrow.....Most are salads, but I did grilll marinated chicken's the menu....challah, hummus, taboulleh, cole slaw, potatoe salad, asparagus, chicken salad,  plus brownies and mandel bread cookies.....,everything is from scartch except the brownies........We are going to friends for dinner tonight.........

    Last night and tonight have been hard...emotional.....

    Be back tomorrow night (late as Shabbat does not end till around 9:15).    I'll enjoy a glass or 3 more of red wine for everyone....already had one!!!  Hugs...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    U have no idea how long it took me to do this, so I had to do it here. OMG I'm so stupid.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited June 2013

    A woman invited some people to dinner.   At the table, she turned  to their six-year-old  daughter and said,  "Would you like to say the  blessing?"

    "I wouldn't know what to say," the girl replied.

     "Just say what you hear mommy say," the woman answered.

    The daughter bowed her head and said, "Lord, why on earth did I invite all these people to  dinner?".....

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited June 2013

    Hi Kat,good to be back. Still praying for you and the family.  Cami-It hasn't cooled down here,we're looking at 109 tomorrow.  Lori-Did you see that Sandra Bullock movie? I wanted to see that. I've been pretty busy w/lots of doc appts and 1000 other things. Have fun riding.  Becks,Karen,Dork,Juliet and Nm-Hope you're all well. Have to run but I'll leave a few friends with you. Cheers!   

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited June 2013

    JR Williams for Dominus Magazine 4

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2013

    Oh Cami, you never cease to make me laugh “Lara if u'r mom is Jewish aren't u Jewish too, I used to know these things.”  And it’s easy to see that you are a GENIUS!  But I don’t think it wise that you wait until next week to see if you are bleeding from your belly button. As for CTCA, it is a wonderful place, too much for me to go into here. I don’t think they can really do much more than any other facility, as far as treating the cancer, but it’s everything else that they offer. Like I said, very spiritual place, they fly you out or pay for your gas if you drive, they have therapists, naturopathic, a doctors, cafeteria that cooks only natural organic foods, they put you up there at the hospital or you can stay nearby at a hotel for like $40 a night, transportation to and from the hotel or shopping. They will take you anywhere you want to go, except to get liquor or smokes. If Kat is interested, she is more than welcome to ask me about it. I hope you get to go swimming and so so proud of you for doing your exercises, even though it is not much, you are building yourself up. I sure hope it makes you feel better in the end.

    Becks, I thought maybe that is where Becks came from. We will try to keep your identity a sekwet. Would love to see the video! If you put it on You Tube, I always make mine so that the only way someone could see it would be if they had the link. Meaning it wouldn’t come up in any searches.

    NM, I don’t blame you for being so mad. That is the kind caring person in you as a nurse. Well as a human being too, but you know what I mean. No rush on the pictures, I know you will get them !

    Karen, glad you are at least enjoying your wine girl.

    Bernie, I’m sure that has happened for real! The little girls blessing at dinner.

    Unde, yes we saw the Sandra Bullock movie, it’s called The Heat. Very funny and I give it 2 thumbs up! What’s up with all the doctor appointments? Don’t hold back from us girl.

    OH, I was expecting to go to another page. I guess everyone just stopped at those 2 chizzeled hunks! No ride this weekend, I was funcoosed, we are going next weekend.

    DOTD-2 Thumbs Up

    ½ oz. Mango Schnapps, ½ oz. Cherry Brandy and ½ oz. Crème de Banana

    Serve in a shot glass

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Yummy for the Drink

    NM I hope u'r resting today after that crazy happening. I can understand how'd upset u'd be.

    Bernie that story sure has a rig of truth in it.

    I'll be going to my DD's tli tomorrow, but it actually got so chily out so going swimming is iffy

    So if u don't hear from me that's why---everyone have a super day today and Undie u'd better be all right.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!  I cannot believe I slept until almost 9 ayem today!  Not sure why Sadile let me sleep in, but I'll take it.  So here it is after noon and I haven't even gotten dressed yet.  Playing on the computer listening to the rain. 

    Karen--enjoy a couple glasses of wine for me!

    Cammy--your are NOT stupid!  Learning a new skill takes time and practice.  Look back at your accomplishments, not ahead at what more is to come!


    Undy--Take care in the heat out there, don't get dehydrated and remember to eat or drink a little stuff with sodium in it. 

    Goldie--sounds like the CTCA is a truly holistic place.  I thought about them when I was diagnosed, but the nearest one is pretty far and I couldn't afford the travel at the time.  I didn't have any idea they would help with the travel.  Now I've got a whole lot of "what iffing" going on in my mind. . .   Well, what is done is done. 

    Ooohhh, great dwinky, gotta head to the likker store, need some mango schnapps, cherry brandy and crème de banana!  OH looky, my computer even put the little slash mark thingy over the e in crème! 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    good evening all, cammi enjoy your time with your family, will look forward to hearing the stories,nm- i bet you were spitting nails !  but glad you got a lie in this morning and yes i remember slow codes, wish tv would portray a accurate cpr and survival rates! bet the number of people making livingwills would soar,  some places now want family members in the room while cpr in progress so they can see what their loved one is going through .  unfortunately their are families who want everything done to keep someone alive  including everyform of life support becasue they don't want to loose a monthly chequeCry   woo hoo shannon,thanks for the wake up!Laughing how you feeling?   lara same question for you?  hows the work outs going?   went swimming again today, so exercise count looks good ,the fries and jelly beans don't make the diet diary look good though.                bernieLaughing,  kat- prayers for the right decision, for me, rads .i really had no skin issues just the overwhelming tierdness, could sleep for 24 hrs and still be tired,i have never ate so much turkey breast or boiled eggs, just craved protein post treatments, i would go for treatment then go to the gym for a workout most days. then sleep!               the only problem i have had so far post treatment was the non healing  internally from the surgery april 2012 but everything lloks good since he cleaned the area up in dec,          cammi- iam jealous you post a video ,now i got to master that too it took me 6 months to get pictures ,paragraphs are still poor though.       karen -hope your wine arrived. becks -latest tammy moment-shaving legs ,picked up the hair volumising mousse instead of the gel  Embarassed

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    this is so me for the last 2 weeks!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    Looks like it was a quiet day today.....Had a nice Shabbat....last night we went to my gf and had a good we had couple for lunch who we've never had before.....sre did enjoy the company and lots of my good food....for some reason no one really at the cole slaw....don't think I'll make it anymore as the last few times, it sounds good, but no one seems to eat much....but I also made potatoe salad and it will be gone by tomorrow

    On my 2nd glss of syrah....not really my favorite, but it won't go to waste!!!  pefer  petite syrah, merlo, cabernet, malbec or blends.....

    Sweet dreams

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2013

    Good foggy morning, Loungettes!  Silly Sadie decided I need to get up at 6 ayem this ayem.  Not fair since she's gone back to sleep.  I woke up once last night to pee and found Sadie curled up in the dirty clothes basket in the closet.  She looked very comfy!  I must have been tossing and turning last night.  Feel like I slept pretty well, though. 

    Juliet--yes, I was spitting nails, and got my boss and medical director on the phone, and my boss made a special trip to the facility Friday ayem to "look into the situation."  When my boss looks into something thing usually change, and quickly.  Something tells me that Omnicare, a local pharmacist, and the patient's doctor got an earful .  Which reminds me that I need to send a thank you note to the staff that was working with me Thursday night.  They worked their butts off  with me and are just as angry about the situation.  I remember when bringing family in during codes was first being thought about.  Oddly, it was for the opposite reason--so family members could see that everything possible was done for their loved one.  It was only done in the ICU, though, and only 1 or 2 family members were allowed, and only if there was a staff person free to take care of them.  I do wish TV would portray CPR more accurately, that and follow the "success" through their ICU stay on life support machinery, tubes in every orifice and then some and ultimate death hours or days later.  And all too often that monthly check is the real motivator. . .

    Love Maxine!!

    Karen--sounds like you had a great time with friends this  weekend, good for you!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Sunday  Sunrise


    1 fluid ounce reposado tequila

    2 fluid ounces mango juice

    1/4 of a lime, wedged

    Splash of ginger beer


    Mango slice

    Tajin Clasico chili lime seasoning


    Fill a 12 to 16 ounce glass 3/4 full with ice.

    Using a shot glass to measure, add the tequila and mango juice.

    Squeeze the lime wedge into the cocktail, and then add the lime to the glass as well.

    Top the cocktail with ginger beer.

    Stir the drink with a cocktail stirrer or use another glass to mix the drink back and forth - your preference here.

    When ready to serve, garnish with a slice of fresh mango and a dash of chili lime seasoning.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2013

    NM, CTCA was a God send for me. Holistic is a great word to describe them. Another nice thing about them, they do EVERYTHING, I had to do NOTHING. Just give them my insurance number and doctors names. They called and got all the information that they needed, and within 3 days I had a ticket to Tulsa.

    Julie, that’s terrible about family members keeping one alive just for a check. Glad to know that your Dec. surgery was successful.

    Karen, good sign….if there are eatin it, they don’t like it.

    Wow, where is everyone? And I don’t see many Tenders around either. Hmmmmmmm! Well, all the more Sunday Sunrises foy mese! Spending the day just like yesterday, in the house cleaning. Too hot to do anything outside! DH is putting block around the other side of the garden. It makes it look so much nicer. I’ll take pictures when he gets it done.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    Woke up in a funk....always happens when I "over sleep".....hope today turns around!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Good Morning everyone---

    Karen at first I read the word funk wrong, but then I read it right--Oh I'm sorry, u might be overtired u've been bus have whatever it is u drink in the morning--whstever and hopefully u'll feel better.

    Oh the DOTD sounds yummy today and OMG like Goldie I never ever thought about people keeping someone alive because of a check coming in. Right whenI think I know things something else pops up to sicken me.

    NM MEDS please. And how is everyone's weather, it got so cool hereI couldn't go swimming I was freezing, the sun came out late in the day and of course the kids went in but I had a sweater and blanket around me. My SIL made stesk and shrimp on the grill and my DD made me pasta with pesto cuz I don't like like meat and fish--I could be a vegan eept I like Ham. Hamburgers and salami so I'm not. It's like being a virgin either u are or u'r not no 1/2 ways.

    Kat how are things going I did't read anything, but sometimes my computer doesn't start to go where I want it. So please let me know.

    The weather is sunny today, but I still have a blankie around me.

    I hope the day is good for everyone.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2013

    Cami....not overtired....just happens when I stay in bed too late!!! and thats not really late at all.....need to learn to get up when I first wake up.....Don't drink coffee and not a breakfast eater its water......the wine will have to wait till at least dinner time....didn't really enjoy the syrah all that much, but will finish the bottle tonight....then one more bottle before Mom and I leave on Thursday.....need to go for my walk.....and make it a long one.....and probably stay off the seems like when I'm in the funk it just adds to it, but then its hard to do anything else except stare at the dumb screeen......

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Karen seriously I know that feeling but it just happends whenever it happens, no reason and I get aggrevated with my self but I do some excercise too--sometimes it helps other times it reminds me of what I can't do so it's a toss up. I do hope u'r walk helps and u feel better.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited June 2013

    Happy fun day all! What's cookin? I think I'm going to stay inside---safe from the heat wave. Mom wants me to take her to walmart. Maybe this evening when it cools down a bit.

    NM, I was trying to read back to see what happened with the code situation and I haven't had my coffee yet. What happened? Do hospice patients want rescue efforts? Does hospice ever use occupational therapists? I am sending my resume ahead of me to home health/hospice companies.

    Cami, wish it was cool enough to put blanky on. :-/ how's exercising coming? tenders. I was looking back at yesterday's and he has some funky stomach muscles goin on. I was thinking they could use him in anatomy class to study muscles. Someday I will get savvy on my windows 8 and put some tenders up. Jules has her playgirl subscription and keeps em coming tho!!

    All for now. Cheers! Xoxoxoxo

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    good afternoon all, finally dragged my self out of bed at 1130,  then went and did some retail therapy, on the cusp of going down a size, so treated myself to some new clothing.   karen,was thinking of you today, went to buy someone thank you cards for the people i have been working with and they had a book about what to say and do when someone has a loss, so got that ,i know i'm very inept when it comes to expressing my sympathy to people.   feeling a bit down, talked with best friend (has colon frb)  shes finished rads 4 weeks ago , had surgery and gi bleed since plus they found a new abdomen met ,want to do chemo but shes not eating  so too weak right now, have consulted hospice to see if they have suggestion re eating   so prayers would be appreciated for her.   see ortho tomorrow,find out if i can go back to working for aliving again.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Oh Julie u'r poor friend OMG this furb never stops to rest. I hate it so mch as we all do.

    I didn't excercise today not feeling so good, my SIL always makes me feel better -he says LOL u'r skin color is funny--He just blurts things out. Sure makes me feel better LOL But we don't have the heat here, so I'm so glad. Jules prayers for u friend and of course Kat's DD. 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited June 2013

    feel better soon cammi, here's some long distance hugs and kisses for you (((((((((xxxxxxxxxxx)))))))))), thanks for the prayers ,really appreciated

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Juliet.....untie the hired help! So sorry to hear about your friend. No appetite doesn't sound good. What about the pot pills m something --- can't remember the name. A met in stomach. FRB is so cunning. One little rogue cell and it's off n running.

    Cami, sorry you don't feel too good. Sorry too stuff just falls out of SIL's mouth. People don't get it. Maybe they just can't. :-/ hope you feel better and sooo glad you don't have the heat. It sucks.

    Oh I guess I am tired. Should chower I suppose. Speaking of chower....I texted my nephew. A couple days later I get a response in Spanish and I thought he was joking so I replied que pasta? And we went back n forth and I was using my best Spanglish and even used our "chit" word and went so far as to ask if he realized his phone is set on Spanish. Ha! It's not my nephew's phone number any more!!! Am I just a certified dingbat or what? Starting to second guess meeself!!


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited July 2013

    LORI-It's nothing major,just for PT,eyeglasses,foot problems,headaches,neckache,backache, etc. Probably all fixable but running tests to make sure it's nothing serious.   NM-Thanks for the advice,didn't think about the sodium. I'm staying indoors until we at least get to the 90's,lol.   JULIET-I'm doing a lot better. I am well enough to get on my knees and thank you for that last hottie and beg you for another!   Everyone else have a great week! Cheers.

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited July 2013

    Earth Meditation Spell @[239293649466711:274:Cobaltraven's Magickal Notions]      First, find a place outside that you can sit in peace (preferably under a tree), Next, sit down and put your hands on the ground. Close your eyes and think about the earth below you. Dig your fingers in and out of the soil as you think. Put your fingers in the soil and keep them there. Relax your mind and breathe deeply. Once you have relaxed yourself enough, go inside and wash your hands!