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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Karen, I hope you were able to UNfunk.

    I hope you are keeping warm Cami, it got to 111 here yesterday. I took some laundry out to hang, and some it dry in about 5 minutes!

    Hmmm Beckers, now I have to go back and look at the muskles…BRB. Ummmmm, very pronounced, that’s for sure, an he needs a shave! LOL. OMG Beckers, you were texting with someone you didn’t know, and they were actually texting back? That is hilarious!

    Julie congrats on getting to a different size, but also sending prayers out for your friend and her family. FURB.  Are you “wanting” to get back to work? I think so, I think you miss it.

    Awwww Sha Nay Nay, I didn’t know you were having all of those issues, and I’m sorry it has you concerned. But any little thing always sets off that light bulb in us foah shoah. Prayers for you my friend that indeed it’s nothing.

    I’m still amazed, day 3 and we are still on the same page? DH finished the block out in the garden, will need to get pictures to share. I have noticed that my San Marzano plants aren’t producing any tomatoes, and just figured they were late bloomers. NOPE, something is eating all of the blossoms! So weird that they are eating just those, but really has me bummed. The plants are huge.

    Having me a Doyty Nanner on dis Munky Dey.

    Sandals Resorts_Dirty Banana Recipe_Honeymoon Planning_Travel Agent


    1 oz. rum-based coffee liqueur (I use Tia Maria)

    1 oz. rum cream

    2 oz. milk

    ½ oz. simple syrup

    ½ banana

    1 cup ice


    Combine all ingredients in a blender. Blend for 1 minute, pour and garnish with skewer of sliced bananas. Serve and enjoy!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    So sad and tragic about the loss of 19 fire fighters in heart goes out to their families. 

    Mom has an appt with her pcp again today regarding the swelling in her legs....even in Lasix the swelling leg "bleeds" water.....she is so frustrated by this.....Need to ask him next steps....she had swelling in Florida but I think its worse here.  the meds are helping her gait a bit, but not as much as we had hoped....I haven't talked to the neurologist for close to a month....she goes back the end of August....think I'll call when we get back....Mom keeps saying, I'm not used to NOT being in tip top shape.....I don't know at this point how much worse her walking is here...she fell Saturday, but other than that hasn't fallen for quite some time, but had more problems with falling in Florida.  Its so hard....

    Going to try to finish my last on line class today...then need to find everything to renew by the end of the month.... Two tasks to do this summer...tiday up my guest bedroom/office and tackle the crawl space....

    Hope everyone has a feel good day....Going to jump in the shower and go for a walk.....

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Taking today off work, having lung function testing done this ayem.  My PCP thinks my asthma has gotten worse or I have radiation damage to the left lung, I'm worried about lung mets.  So, lung function testing today, then see what more testing I is in store.  I hate this stuff. 

    Karen--hope your day turned around!

    Cammy--Families do keep people alive to keep the retirement check coming.  Some young women have babies to keep the welfare money coming in, too.  I've seen it happen.  Weather here has gotten warmer, and humid, and rainy.  The sun did come out for a bit yesterday but not enough to dry out the grass so I could cut it.  Maybe later today?  After the fog burns off. . .

    Karen--enjoy your walk! 

    Becs--Sometimes and Yes. Hospice patients are not required to have a DNR or no code status, and there is a small part of the Christian population that feels that not doing everything, including a code, even if there is no chance of success, is taking on a decision only God can rightfully make.  And we do use therapists, but not for long-term treatment.  Our usual order is for an eval for a specific issue (safe transfers, for instance) and 3 visits for teaching the family and/or staff. 

    Juliet--praying for your friend.  Frb has a lot to answer for someday.

    Becs--the pot pills you are thinking of is megace.  Unfortunately it doesn't help a lot of people with appetite, not like smoking pot does.  Too funny about the cell phone.  We just found out that the company isn't providing cell phones as of the 1st of August.  We can buy the phones we're using now and transfer them to our personal plan (which I don't have one of).  We can get up to $30 a month re-imbursement for work calls.  Last time I looked at plans for iPhones they were asking for almost $100 a month.  Not sure what I'm going to do about this. 

    Undie--as long as the problems are all fixable, we can cope, right!  Ooooh, I lkie Nature Boy! 

    Goldie--dirty nanner sound like yummy! 

    Karen--if your Mom's legs are weeping fluid then lasix isn't likely to help a lot.  She's probably going to need a dressing on the legs that gives some compression to shift the fluid back into the blood stream from the skin tissue, and let the skin heal. 

    Well, just got back from lung function testing, at least it didn't hurt.  Also didn't really find out anything other than the test shows nothing wrong with my lungs.  No explanation for coughing up yellow stuff all the time and coughing until I can't breathe whenever I catch a cold.  Of course, more testing is recommended now.  A methlycholine challenge test, which can only be done in certain places 'cause it means exposing me to methycholine to try to trigger the symptoms, and they need respiratory doc's available in case of a serious or life-threatening reaction to the chemical.  Whoopee. 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2013

    Hello goils!

    just pooping into say hello to mese bwesties on dis wicked rainy humid monkeydey. I have been reading but jest so busy. Work is going welll derefore I get back to it. Gotta make de money for de likker. Cheers, hugs, love and peaceful wishes to all mese gals.

    Love you all so berry much. Have a greatliest dey!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    Hi goils

    I have been tied up with that tender

    Juliet you feel down ahhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggssssssssssssssss

    Hi cammie not many scary movies on

    I went to the gym took two classes kick boxing and cardio sculpt

    feeling it today

    Love pain pills

    I have my u know what today bloated feel ick so I got a mcdonalds burger hell I earned it after yesterday.

    Ill do 2 hours tomm to

    I showered which is rare just kidding and I felt the soap sting me in my cut.What is this it looks closed.

    why do people get addicted to norco? now I am scared to take them

    undie is getting old ha ha I told her if we make it to vegas she will be in a wheelchair but she can still get lap dances

    does anyone have any good reciepes I make the same thing getting bored with making dinner

    Hi dork how ya feelinf

    Im not going back to work for a bit I decided. I worked through all this chit just time off here and there so IM resting taking care of myself

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    good afternoon all, that test sounds like fun NM,    thanks for the pressie shannon, feel better soon.  lori need that drink, per ortho ,probable chronic inflammation as the steroid didn't help.  so going back to bedside nursing is unlikely and would mean high risk of further  injury ,so said start working on plan b,     so if i can't find another job in the system , the transition programm will end after next appointment in august and i will be unemployed then.   with little hope of getting another job in this area . this bombshell got dropped on me this morning!  .       anyway karen has your mum had labs drawn recently, would like to know her albumin level because if that is low,she would be prone to more swelling and slow healing, as she been eating ok since your dad passed because poor appetite can cause low albumin levals. take care off to pt soon and to arrage work in the gift shop

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    oh alot to catch up on.

    NM WTF is going on with u--the first test was all right now u have more and harder ones to go theru--I'm so sorry This is all chit.

    Orange aren't u doint to much to soon, I don't know what all these procedures are but can't  do more simple excercies forst and sloely get into the more difficult ones. And I really wouldn't worry about getting addicted -not yet us still need pain meds--u'll be happy when u don't so don't worry. Almost any pain or anxiety meds are addicting so just go with it for now--then we'll all get together for an intervention for u.

    Golde I can't believe how hot the wether is there and I pray u'r out of harms way, and I know I said a prayer for all those firefighters what a horror for all the families I've been watching the westher a bit and it's so bad in some places and I sure hope it doesn't come here--we had 4 months of that last year always 100 or over and it was terrible, I'd rather it be cool.

    Karen good thing u said about u'r mom's legs and NM read it so she can ezplain whst to do, of course u have to see a Dr. but she can give u a heads up--u'r poor mom, when I was little they used to call that (I think) weeping legs, or something strange like that--it has to be so uncomfortable.

    Hi Dorky I hope things are going well for u and u'r family.

    I didn't read anything from Kat.

    Orange I taped scary movies so I'm right on them.

    Oh pictures--yummy for the drink and extra yummy for the guy.----and Goldie that one made me laugh, but all the work u put into planting and somethings overpowering u. Get it. Get a sawed off shot-gun--Not that I know anything about weapons, or how to use them Smile

    I lubs u all and want u all to feel good--I will stop complaining cuz it seems like that's all I ever do. Well I do watch scary movies and real life crime shows, so I think I can actually kill someone and get away with it now. See how much TV teaches us.ooops didn't mean that (just in case)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Julie we bumped into one another and just read u'r post----u have to be able to find something, u'r to good at what u do---unless u'r ready to retire, but u have so much to offer--And just finding out is a big shock to u--I am so sorry.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    sorry cammi too young and too poor to retire,  so need another job, if i can get one in the system will keep all benefits  but obviously if have to apply outside,i'm right handed with a dodgy shoulder, so not on the high list for employment ,  need a desk job basically, so will let you know how it goes

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    Orange....what type recipes?   I have a great chicken recipe.....chicken (either boneless breasts or cut up pieces)...put them in a pan....cut up onions, zucchini, mushrooms and cherry tomatoes.....cover with italian dressing and bake till done..I usually cooked covered till almost done....

    Julie....took mom to the PCP today...he is increasing the lasix...he drew more labs, think just the potassium....but I think she's had more labs done recently....just get over view of results....when they call with these results tomorrow I will ask....

    Cooking for a family that had a baby a couple weeks ago, so going to get it up, then star on my last class.....bbl

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    ok, pity party over,telling myself when one door closes another opens, found 2 jobs in system i can apply for with current rstrictions, plus case manager tracking posssible 3rd, already had booked skin check for next will get mammo in early august just in case! usually karen, people are on potassium supplements because lasix  makes them loose more  but  has lymphedema  been ruled out  too.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    Yeaaa thanks Karen I will make that tomorrow ! We eat healthy that's a good one so easy

    Juliet another hug ! There has to be something you can in the hospital

    Have you thought of consulting or traning?

    Train nurses

    There r also jobs I see in healthcare and u need to be a nurse but do not deal with patients

    Insurance companies need nurses for claim work my moms best friend is a holistic nurse she worked in insurance they love hiring nurses for the injury department

    Hmmmmm still thinking

    Lets drink

    Karen I love Syrah Shiraz

    Hugs everyone

    Goldie yum those drinks looked amazing

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    thanks orange for the advice

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Oh Julie great news, I'm so happy for u---see it's true u'r too good to stop Thank God u have these opportunities.

    Karen sounds like and easy good recipe to me.

    Orange make it and tell us all exactly how good it is LOL Are u feeling better today?

    I don't know everyone who lives in all the hot zones, but if u do don't do running and stuff ourside now--it's just to hot. Just walk around u'r house and dust as u go--2 jobs in one--vacuum good for u'r stomach muscles, (if u can) see u can do lots without leaving u'r home. And then u can drink as u do things and u'll be happy.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Karen, so glad that Julie has some advice for you on your mom. Did you get your class done?

    NM, that test sounds awful, and I know you are going to be a nervous, anxious wreck. Hate when they can’t find out what’s wrong. Does your allergy medication help at all? I’m dealing with the same thing, having some issues with my stomach, have had all kinds of tests, and they can’t see anything wrong, other than I produce a LOT of saliva, my esophagus spasms and my sphincter doesn’t work quite right, but nothing related to the problems I am having! Of course our first thought is the RB rearing it’s ugly head.

    Glad to see you poop in DorkyDoodle, but it ain’t good enough. Git yer lil white butt in here!

    Oh no Julie, out of a job? You were hurt on the job! They have to do something…no? Disability or SOMETHING? I hope it doesn’t come to that. Sending prayers your way for a good outcome on this. I am so sorry. Oh YIPPEEE, just read your latest post about 2 or 3 possibilities. Hoping one of those work out for you.

    LOL Cami, getting us together for an intervention for Lara!!!! You just want her drugs, I know you! It is very hot, but I am opposite of you, I prefer the summer to winter. Yes a terrible tragedy here in AZ with the loss of the fire fighters. Worse in the US in 30 years (fatalities) and the average age, I say boys, because they were, was only 22. I’m glad to at least know it wasn’t human caused. And yes, I am not in harms way with that fire. As for the plants, I am not standing out there, on guard with a gun. I do believe it’s just the mice and such. It is after all their home too, I just have to deal with it the best I can. Maybe Katie Cat would like a part time job? Those so called exercises you list, around the house, cleaning and vacuuming and such, are you practicing what you preach???? (You know I’m just playing with ya)

    Lara, let us know what kinds of foods you like and I’ll let you know via email or private message. Only drink recipes allowed here…….LOL, just kidding. They also have a thread here on BCO titled “What’s for dinner” (I think) you might find some recipes there. You could also just google it, say you want chicken, google “chicken recipes”.

    Speaking of dinner, I better get a drink! Evening All!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Goldie u always catch on to me---right me vacuum, or even dust hahahaI do my PT excercises that's it--Oh I do have a small vac that I can use sometimes.

    And u guys are so smart looking up recipes in the computer -wow never thought of it, except I don't cook but I could look them up for other people.

    Cheers with beers

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Yep, on you like white on rice Cami! I Google recipes all the time, as I get bored with what I cook as well, which is usually chicken. I like to cook, but usually don't have time, so I just throw it on the grill.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Ok I'm complaining now--I've been scratching my under arm for ever here---the nerves tell me it's so itchy but the nerves don't recognize that I'm scratching--In fact of course it's numb cuz I can't feel me scratching. So I want this known if anyone say to me u scratch my back and I'll scratch yours it will be no deal made.

    And yes Goldie u've got my number,it's 9--not everyone has it.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2013

    uh, jest wrong a long long post and it pharcking nessapeered. no time to we-white cuz mese white ass gotta git sleep now, long dey worked long hours. but all good. and mese parental units all good as can be, tanks all who ask. and Mr. Lori, you said not good enuff dat mese posteded, to come in and stay. but mese mustard tail ya, dis aint no pharking cooking thread, and it aint no phucking recipte tread eidder. IT IS A FREAKING a dwinking thread. lets get back to basics and I come in more hehe. basics is dwink, not tink and wink more. so mese not come back until de cooking talk stopeth. aint mese ting. so bye. hehe. but really.  prayers for Julia, hope tings git better. and to de rest of mese loves, sorry I bad but typed mese old fart out and took a half of an hour or sumeting like dat, post gremlins f You basTUrds! I try to update and give some love to al yese anudder night. i pray for al.

    last words of de night...pull mese finger cuz mese needs to exspell de gas. oh, remind me sumday to tail ye about mese myspace account I had. mese name dere was dainty lil farta hehehe, but no kidding, had help from teenagers setting it up and so funny. ok, i gtota git to mese bed now. can i has one of dose hottie big balled men take mese up to mese bed. Julia, pleeeze, send jest one. or too. tank ye. and cheers! and quers welcome. ok then. love you all.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    forgot who asked but NO,I didn't do my online class today....manged to waste time instead!!!  maybe tomorrow afternoon....I'm meeting one of my dearest bff for breakfast in the maybe when we are bff volunteers at the VA Hospital and is going to take Dad's clothes there for me to donate...they have a "store" that patients can use when they are being discharged from the hospital....I've had the clothes in my car for pobably 4 weeks and this is the first time we can get together....she insists on taking the clothes for me so she would never give me the contact info...

    Was Mom's taxi tonight....took to her a "widows" event...she seemed to have a nice is  new group that has only met once before....a large group that will break down into smaller groups...

    Opened a new bottle of wine I've not tried before and it is wonderous!!! a blend of cab, metlot and petite verdot (never heard of this one).....had one glass with dinner and since I was driving to pick up MOm waited to have another glass , so enjoying it now...  might even have to have another glass after this one!!!

    Sweet dreams everyone

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    I'm out of vino. :-(. Big Lots don carry no vino either. Ha! Did get milk. Some chit bout ta go down on bachelorette. sorry bout the shoulder!! I would be sad to not do patient care. Although I wonder if it's such a good idea at times. Gets so hot in SNF where I work and the MS gets me short circuiting! RN has to do a desk job in the SNF for MDS or something. has to do with Medicare somehow. There will be case management or something. Glad you have some leads.

    Undies, autumn is a nice season. Thanks for pic. I will meet you some day.

    Lara, you are doin good at the gym. But why does incision sting? I would be half dead after a kick boxing class! Glad taking time off is an option for ya. You deserve it.

    Karen, a widows class sounds so great for your Mom. I wish there was something like that available for my Mom.

    Hi dork.

    Where's Mema?

    Muah to anyone I missed. And corky we can puree da cooking food and drink it k? I don cook fo sho but thought dat works.

    So sad for the firefighters. Seriously sad.

    These boys are saying "F" words on bachelorette.


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Corky, shmorky, dorky....

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited July 2013

    BECKS-Anytime you want to meet pm me. I'm always in the area.   LORI-No worries,mostly good news but some questions as to why the headaches. For $460 a month I'll make sure they run every test to figure it out. As long as I'm paying for it why not?   LARA-Of course I'm bringing a wheelchair to Vegas. How else do you think we'll be getting to the front of the line at Chippendales?   NM-It's ok as long as there's a cure. PT seems to be helping my neck and shoulder. Headaches too,much better.   KAREN-My mom's ankles/legs swelled w/new BP meds. Now she's on a diuretic and it's helping.  JULIET-I'm sending over my best guys to help you get thru this job chit. CHEERS ALL! 

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited July 2013

    Hidden Talents - hunks Photohunk - hunks Photohunk - hunks Photo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    I'm not getting the pics.

    Dork glad u came in and had a dinkwit no one here, cuz no one ws here but u had u'r pik of all de tendahs, u sneaky. haha dey were a used up by me foist haha so dere.

    Becs or undie whose mom goes to a widows meeting--how nice to be with other women like dat--How close are u 2 where u lib? Sounds not to far. Dat would be nice to be wid each odder and see a tendah somewhere hang.

    OK pee time--to awake, I' afraid.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    off to the gift shop today then the cafe so long day see you later

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Julie have a good day and I hope u'r comfortable.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Fratmen eddie 002 Young Naked Boy Twink Strips Naked and Strokes His Big Hard Cock for at photo Fratmen: Muscular Eddie drops his speedos and poses nude

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Fratmen eddie 002 Young Naked Boy Twink Strips Naked and Strokes His Big Hard Cock for at photo Fratmen: Muscular Eddie drops his speedos and poses nude

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    I'm practicing