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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2013

    Good  morning, Loungettes!  Raining like a son of a gun this ayem.  Gonna be a wet one.  Sigh. 

    DorKable--Good to see you! 

    ORLA--don' t be scared to take the Norco.  If you are having pain you need help.  It's not like you're taking them just to get high! Good for you for taking care of yourself!  

    Juliet--Yikes, not good news!  Hope you can find another job in the system that you will like.  Good point about the albumin level for Karen's Mom.

    Cammy--trying to figure out if I actually have asthma (probably) and if that is the what has really been happening whenever I catch a cold.  I'm thinking, since the asthma was never anything more than an annoyance until the last few years that what's showing up is radiation damage to the lung.  Got to think long and hard about this other test, not sure I want to do it.  This IS all chit. 

    Karen--Good for you for cooking for the family AND for starting your last class! Yummy sounding recipe, too.  I may have to steal that one and add it to my collection. 

    Juliet--Nice work, 2, maybe 3, jobs in the system!   And for being proactive, too! 

    Cammy--love the idea of drinking while doing housework!  Talk about motivation.

    Goldie--I'm not sure if the allergy med is helping or not.  I may take a few days off it and see what happens.  Mostly I get into trouble when I catch a cold or other respiratory infection.  And the rat ba$tard is in the back of my mind, which may be why I'm dithering about the other test.  I hate knowing something is wrong and not being able to prove it. . .

    Cammy--I get itchy in the boobs with no feeling, and if I scratch or rub around the boob, where there is feeling, it often goes away.  I think I'm tricking my brain into thinking I'm scratching where the itch is, even though where the itch feels like it is has long been incinerated, I'm sure. . .

    DorKable--oh, no, the post gremlin just bit DorKy!  Not fair! 

    Karen--That wine sound yummy!  Where'd you find it?  Sounds like a good thing the VA is doing, hope you and your bff have a good time!

    Becs--Nurses in the US are aging quickly, the average age of a nurse in Maine is almost 50.  Lots of places have had to change to "no lift" facilities, with all patient lifts being by mechanical device if more than 25 pounds of lifted weight is involved.  Still, people are getting hurt, mostly back injuries, so I'm not sure that is working.  And SNFs are VERY hot most of the time! 

    Undy--glad the PT is helping!  And I don't blame you for wanting to get your money's worth. 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Cookbook Drink

    2 (750-ml) bottles white wine, chilled

    1 cup brandy

    2 navel oranges, sliced

    1 lemon, sliced

    1 lime, sliced

    1/4 cup superfine sugar


    Pour the wine and brandy over the fruit and sugar in a large serving bowl. Stir until the sugar is dissolved. Stick a ladle in the sangria so people can serve themselves and have a full bucket of ice by the side of the bowl. (Don't let the ice run out.)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OK NM I tought the DOTD was one big drink, but it's good for one person to just sip thruout the day--especially in this heat. Well u know all about asthma so u have to think this thing over. it just strange to have all these things crop uo after we have BC and all kinds of treatment/ I don't understand cuz growing up our famiy barely had colds and thru all the adult years now we have all kinds of complications that start as a cold and end up with 3 different things--and no one seems to out it togethr with all the chit that went into our body to destroy alot of immun systems that used to work well. That's just me thinking. No real tuth in it. I just hope u feel well and keep that inhaler with u at all times.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Oh I hate those phantom itches Cami, be careful not to scratch it raw. Number 9 eh? YAY, you did it! OMG, now you will be hunk hunting, and it didn’t mess up the page either! You mention about Becks and Unde being close, how about you and Adey? I haven’t seen her since I’ve been back.

    Post gremlins gotcha Dork, I just hate that. Don’t seem to have as much trouble if I type in Word. I think sometimes I/we hit certain “key strokes” without realizing it and POOF, it erases everything. LOL, I just did it, and another “Word” page opened up. Have no idea how or what I hit. Anyways, much better post from you last night, thanks! Good to see you and glad to know your parents are doing well.

    Karen, sometimes it’s nice to have a wasted day. Enjoy your bff today, and very nice of her to offer take the clothes for your mom.

    Das a crime Beckers, dat you no have any wine. And milk is NOT a replacement.

    Unde, glad you are getting at least some relief. I’ll mostly good, over mostly bad any day. $460 a month, that would be awesome if that is all DH and I had to pay. But I hear ya, milk it for what you can. We are getting as much done as we can for this year, as we don’t think we will be able to afford health care next year, and have no idea what Obamacare is going to do for us. *GASP* those photos!!!!! No imagination needed for that first one!

    Julie, I’m so sorry you have to do the café and gift shop, just not fare, or is it fair?

    NM, what actually would this other test show? It hardly seems like asthma would kick in just when you get sick. I hear ya about being afraid of these tests, I wasn’t too concerned about my stomach issues, since it’s been going on for 2 years now, and I had just seen my onc and blood work, nuclear bone scan and chest x-ray all clear. Doc calls and says I can go to Mayo Clinic if I want, but doubt that they would be able to tell me anything more.

    You medical professionals……LOL. I had to Google SNF, as I could not for the life of me figure dat one out. And for the rest of you that prolly don’t know either, Skilled Nursing Facility.

    Need to get moving and get my drink on!!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Oh I still have so much to learn for my pictures. but at least I didn't goof up the page. This time--no promises for next time.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    Nice men yummy

    Good job cammie with the post

    Thanks NM on the advice for the pills

    Karen what classes are you taking?

    Juliet yeaaa I knew they would find something

    Oh dork u r so funny hugs to u

    becks mybe there is a widows class has to be in cali google it

    yes I hope u meet undie



  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Good morning hunks n fwends!! Beautiful day in HTL. You poor alcomahaulicks in here so early in da ayem. I gotta get ready for works. Lubs ya!

  • Scuba_duchess
    Scuba_duchess Member Posts: 435
    edited July 2013

    Soooooo - what's a girl got to do to get a drink in this place?????  Hey loungettes - yup, it's been forever.  But wanted to check in with all of you ladies and say hi!  I will catch up from here - hoping all of you are doing well!  I have been thinking of all of you, especially when I have seen FB updates from Vino and Lori.

    I am doing good - believe it or not, the chest tattoo is still in progress, should be done in August.  I will post pictures on the site.  Scuba diving this weekend on a UBoat off of Moorehead City, NC!  (Which is what reminded me to get my butt in to the HTL to say hello!)

    How about a BOTD, Beer of the Day?  Neshaminy Creek County Line IPA - perfect for those hot summer days!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Hi Scuba I don't think we met, if we did I forgot (thst happens alot) so it's nice to meet u and to know u;r doing so well--I love to hear good stories. U've missed ot tho but everyone is hoding their own and I'm sure they'll poop in to say Hey to u. Have fun.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    As always had a wonderful time with bff....we always need about 2 hours to just talk and catch up....and I always feel so good after we're done ( many times did I use the word "always").

    Its gorgoeous today.....

    Orange....its a class for my NCSP certification which expires this online professional development class...not a college class or anything....I'm a School Psych and I get extra pay for having the national certification for the school district I work for (but I my lousy district didn't give any money for it).....

    Lori....I knew SNF...but thats only because we were looking at them for Dad....there are soooo many abbreviations and sometimes the same ones mean different things in different professions....

    Mom's potassium levels are far all I've gotten is that everything is time we go in, I may ask for copies of the labs.....I get them from my onc so I can compare from visit to visit.  I know Mom never asked to this in Florida.  She told me yesterday that she never really paid attention to her body!!!!  huh!!!!  

    I buy my wine online.....from a place in Chicago....I only buy kosher wine and I love the Israel wines, but there are some good Austrailian and Chilean wines too......but the one I opened last night is a new favorite!!!!!  The place I order from hasn't been charging s/h so that has been an extra savings!!!

    No more avoiding the online class....want to get it done today and I'm off to be a good girl and listen to the online video....hope its better than the last one!!!   bbl

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    Freaking out big time!!!!  don't know where I put my passport!!!!  I've looked in all the places I think it should be and coming up empty!!!  and I need it for Thursday!!!!!  yikes!!!!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    Ate looking for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, I finally found it......I decided to look in the bag I had Mom's (and Dad's) passports and for some reason I had put mine there......thank goodness....if DH got off the business call to help me find it.....I looked everywhere....of course, go a little tidying up while looking in drawers!!!!  Don't really remember putting it there, but it helped me to remember I needed to take the stuff with me on Thursday......Now time to start on the class!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Karen LOL that was a good 2 hrs. from not doing u'r class, haha get busy and don't come back here ti u'r done.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    Love wine from chili, and spanish wines

    I made the chicken it was amzing

    I see I work in education middle management university but we just had a restructure lay off

    Tell me the wine karen? I love trying new wines

    kk just ate an amzing meal

    I do not know about others weather but it is hot and humisd here yuck

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Right now it;s cloudy and coo, I hope it stays like this as far as I;m concerned.

    That recipe did sound good orange--glad u liked it.

    Karen I'm right outside of Chicgo and I don't know of the wine place, or maybe I do just didn't know it delivered.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    yee ha scuby doo is here with a botd,great to hear from you, you better show us that tattoo, because the drawin g was amazing. karen ,can you send me that address please, that wine sounds great,  well done cammi,  you found my secret stash tho!Laughing we had about 2 " of rain this morning so the humidity is high now,    just eating something so i can take my pills, shoulder hurting a lot tonight so it wiil be see you later

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Oh Feel better Julie.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    Orange....the wine is:  Hameshubach vineyards...Midbar (a blend of Cabernet, Merlot and Petite Verdot).  I also bought the Cabernet but haven't tried it yet.  Its an Israeli vineyard.

    Cami....the company is    The store is in Skokie.  They are on W. Oakton.   Check out the website.

    Managed to listen to 2+ hours of my online class...this one isnt too bad...will try to listen to the rest before I go to bed.  Lots to do tomorrow to get ready for the trip.

    Sweet dreams....

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    Argh!!!!  Can't get on to the online professional development to finish the course....and of course due to the time of day, there is no online hopefully I can finish early tomorrow morning....I have lots and lots to do to get ready to leave...sure hope I don't forget anything!!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Ello all. How fun that the HTL has a scooby doo even. :-). Casino sucked again. Ugh! I just wanted to check in. I better go chower. I have to go to work early so I can drive to pick up films after work. Can u believe I actually requested copy of mammogram from 2003? I am curious to see if I had any sign of FRB. That was the last one I had. Crazy. I also got brain MRI from 2003 for my brain MRI next tues. So they can compare. I sorta let some things go. Didn't even guess it had been 10 years for either one of those.

    Gnite all!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Becs--10 years--wow

    Karen I know where it is it is on the North side of Chicago--My SIL is up that way more-it's really nice there. I have to remember to tell my brother cuz he buys cases of wine--he might already know, but just in case. Thanks

    Well it's almost Good Morning time, but kind of early--I'll take an early shower this morning and be done with it--My kids leave today--I'm going to have a crying dog on my hands for 4 days and a cat that'll want more attention. Chit I am so selfish--I don't like to be bothered, when I don't like to be bothered.

    NM Meds---I did my excercise last nite and a little during the day so it evens out.

    Goldie I hope the weather is better--u gals with all this hot weather, Oh I hate that u can't enjoy anything--I hope it stay reasonable around here, I have to check the weather

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    Good morning.....the online site seems to be working again this morning.....first time to shower, then my walk, then the class...only an hour left to watch as I already did 2 hours.....   Need to take mom to get her Rx at Walgreens this am....need to return a smaller calendar to staples that is all messed up and get a new one....pack...make sure I have all the necessary things needed to take care of some business on this trip..remember to check in online.....and I know there is more to be done..just hope I don't forget....hope to watch fireworks tonight with mom on her balcony but can only do that if everything is done....our flight is at 11 tomorrow morning.....can't leave for the airport till 9 due to husband needing to go to synagogue in the morning....traffic should be will need help in the airport...wheelchair or cart....she has her walker but can't go that far...if its the same gate DD flight left out of, it was a 15 minute walk!!!  good for me for exercise, but too far for mom.....

    So best get busy.....will probably be back later......

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Hi Scuby, have fun on your dive. Will have brew wif ya!

    Git that class done Karen! Glad you had such a nice visit with your friend, something you needed I think. Funny you lost your passport, as I can’t fine my drivers license! Momma Cami on you too about your class…lol.

    Lara, it’s just plain HOT here, no humidity………….yet. You should find out the name of the company Karen orders from and git yerself some.

    Ok girls, you wino’s…………Karen DID post the website. Go git your whine, I mean wine, on!

    Julie, I still just feel so bad for you. I hope that shoulder gets better. How long has it been?

    Becks, wht are you going for that you need all of those films? And you been out gambling?

    Cami, are you Home Alone? Where is your family going?

    DOTD-The Gambler

    Pour the aftershock into the glass then top up with the southern comfort, then add the lemonade and the ice, add the dash of cherry juice and grenadine to add effects and colour then add the peach to give it a bit of flavoring.

    I don’t know what Aftershock is, but this drink sounds yummy! Wish there was a photo.

    Happy Hunk Day

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    hurt my shoulder may 9th,so less than 2 months,  off to the gym today , ok the cafe bit, everybody have a good day

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    Finished last PDU (on line course) hope I can find all my certificates from the past 3 years when I come back from trip with mom....

    Off to run errands!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Karen done for u--yay

    Ju;ie that seems like an awful ong time?? I don't know medically, but it just seems to long.'

    Well everyone is gone--except the weeping dog and my lovey cat. The poor dog gets so sad when they're gone especially Marty--so I hope he settles down--My Ktie is fine. It is going to be different being alone, altho as u know I've lived alone for many years and I like it--but not in a house in a condo--big difference to me but I have Sox (dog) that would scare anyone if he starts to bark not knowing someone, otherwise he doesn't bark and everyone knows I'm alone (big deal) so Leslie put everyone on alert hahaha--haha now I have the run of the whole house alone... with anyroom I want to sleep in--like little red riding hood.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Julie, that seems like an awfully long time to me too. I sure hope it heals.

    Karen, good for you in finishing up your classes.

    OK GIRLS, LISTEN UP! PAR-TAY AT CAMI'S. SHE IS HOME ALONE! DON'T FORGET YOUR LAMP SHADES. In the mean time, I'm sending over some HUNKS to hide in every single room in that house. That way it will be impossible for that gal to get bored, or be afraid!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    DH bought me a mani/pedi for my b'day in May but due to all that was going on, didn't use it.....and if I'm going to be doing a lot of cooking, don't want to get a mani and then ruin it cooking.....So was thinking about getting one today as I won't be cooking on this trip.....but not sure if I will relax or going to pack and then think about it....its 4 here in Denver....but also want to watch fire works tonight at mom's apt from her balcony....need to also take mom a qt zipper bag for her need to get off the computer and pack.....hope to bbl.....