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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    YAY GOLDIE I'M HAPPY FOR THE HUNKS-0h and the party--It's still light out here-so I'm fine hahaha--What do u do with a depressed dog??? she's like sobbing and walks with her head down--slowly--if she's not waiting at the dorr. OMG I have 4 days of this, I'm hugging him, feeding himpetting him.. He never jumps on anyone but Marty--OMG if he does jump on me--I'm a goner. I need my hunks.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    safe travels karen, enjoy your trip, congrats on finishing your courses, .   lori,part of my armpit was radiated ,so  i think this latest tendon i hurt is along the shoulder blade, so i think rads is slowing the healing down,doc doesn't think so.  so PARTY at cammis huh,must find my lampshade

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    is this enough to keep you busy cammi?

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    can't make up my mind which one to wear!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Thanks Julie, now I really feel safe and comfy hahaha

    Julie why is it that when we come up with what I think can be so true--like u said the rads, the Drs, lmost always say no. They don't know what really happens to us with loads of rads--u can be a 1%. I'm not saying our Drs. are wrong or mean or anything, but I honestly feel they don't know what our bodies are handling or how they realy feel cuz not everyone follows protocol. They should know that by now but they don;t--I know I know nothing but my theories are well thought of, LOL


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Oh shoot I am going to miss a LAMPSHADE PARTAY???? Can someone put on an extra one, for mese???? Still in Sin CIty....was sick as a dog from this heat, even ended up in ER on Sat night....but started feeling better last night...not totally, but MUCHO BETTAH. Well, now we are in BEllagio, and our HIGH room overlooks the fountain....and the tv channel plays the music so every 15-30 min we get a wonderful display....just sit in front of the huge window and watch.I love these fountains, and have never gotten to stay here before, so this is awesome. And see the people outside standing and walking in this heat....its murder.

    I'll be at the partay in spirit (or with lots of spirits) ok? NM, I hate what you are going through....and am praying that nothing is seriously wrong. YOU are such a trooper, and keep going no matter what....gotta take care of yourself now. (((((NM))))). And you too Julie, (((((Julie)))))....hoping your arm will heal, and that one of those good jobs works out. How amazing you found jobs so quickly!! Well, this will prolly be our last trip for awhile, as I want to be there for my DD, but if I could do it over, I would NEVER AGAIN come to Vegas in the heat of summer!!! Those 117 temps were horrid. Hope Cami has her house nice and cool for the lampshade partay tonight, AND hoping the dear furbaby stops being depressed with his owners away.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Oh kat that heat is horrible--I was there once in July and it was like 105 and I thought this is death valley--I never left the casino but once in a while and altho those deinks are weal I drank from morning til I went to my room I was so miserable--bad time of yr to go.

    And it's cool here ladies sothe house is comfortable. Of corse I'm dealing with depression her--the kids just called and said how's Sox?  not me but sox--So the dynamics of the home has really changed. hahaha My cat's going to have to slap her to get out of this. I won't. Here I am in my room all day and I have the whole house LOL see what a loner I am. Oh I don't have a lot of lampshades I have typhany style lamps here so don't break anything and bring u;r own. When I was working I was on that kick for lamps cuz all u had to do was dust rhem. and they didn't discolor. hahaha

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    So nice that you are keeping your house so cool for the partay, Cami! I can identify about them asking about Sox though....they know he doesn't know when they will be back, etc. When we are away, we miss our dogs so much and worry about them, and are always asking how THEY are doing, too. They were able to talk to YOU, so they knew you were ok! Have you been to the "House on the Rock" near Milwaukee? There are some nice original Tiffany lamps there....its an awesome place.
    Well shoot, we had to go to this big buffet tonight that we pd for a long time ago, and now DH is sick...could only eat a couple of bites and he is in bed feeling awful. (And we are supposed to have a steakhouse dinner tomorrow night...use it or lose it kinda thing). He wasn't over the bronchitis that sent him to the ER before we left, and I guess this heat, or maybe I had a tummy virus too and now he has it? So many casino workers have been nauseaus and sick, too. And I worry about Sue too, cause she was sick too. Lori, you be careful, ok?

    I never did get a chance to get out and get a lampshade, but sheesh sooooo many gals are passed out on the floor, I will just borrow one of theirs. YOu had some pretty ones, Julie, can I use one too?OH WOW< they just did "Chorus Line" for the Bellagio beautiful at night....and the last note had the water going so high, it went above the top of the Flamingo (from this vantage point). Eiffel Tower looks neat too, lit up at night. Awesome. Glad there is something to look at, since DH will be stuck in bed for awhile.

    Take care hangovers tomorrow, ok?


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Ok Kat u'r DG is sick u haven't been feeling well either OMG what a vacation this turned out to be. Everyone here is laying all over the place we can't party like we used to==u sound better than anyone here. I hope he feels better tomorrow Oh poor guy.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    I think we're both ready for the nursing

    (Be careful and try not to step on anyone!) Oh, I know.....remember a short while back when Lori thought of painting your face or sumtin, when you were sleeping??? And I forget what she (or someone else) did, but sounds like its.... PAYBACK time!!! They will be so surprised tomorrow when they wake up!!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2013

    fn post eeeting gremlin, agen, darn darn darn (mese doing mese herman muster imprezzion tehehe).

    anywayS, dere a lampshADE parTay at de cmamille krib dis night? with beckers, julieunpoo, scoobywhopoo? NN comen to de parTAY? and mese sese keran de goil who going to trabel, take time to partay, kayrenpoo.

    HOT DAMN Camsmille, dose boyz, mese impressedd and horNEY (dont tail de boyz). but wow wow wow. did you bix de page to make it all big and no bullchit? cuz mese liking dat de hole paige fillt wif notting but werds from mese goils. so ennnyweighs, mese dibursed. it a lampsHADe-partay at de cammmy crib, mese so DERE! who else here? cuz mese berry sirlective in whoms mese parTaY with. so ya see, mese is here but hiding under mese new coolist shade de lampPOO. come and find mese, i dubble dair ye!

    ohmeseohmise, tomoree is de funhunred times two plus twenny siz plus turdeen annivarsity of de establish mint of mese kunttry, de great USofA. (hate dat mese founding fadders prolly rolling in deres graves but lits not roooEN de partay at cmsmilles house, foyget about de PU n de US and PARTAY. Happy birfdEY aMeRiCa (de booootiful).

    Cammi, Cyn, Lori, dahlings ORLA n mese undE'CoVe' goils, and mese all odder goils. Kat n  de eberybody else. Mese salutate ye. git yer phuckin shADes (no grey) on and come n play. gulp slurpburpFARTSIEoopsiesScuuze mese, and let's do it. ROUNdSSS for ALLLLLLLLL! uh oh, mese see sumbody twying to cwash dis place. yep. it him. ugh, fn NO!!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    ROFLMAO, Dotty!!! And yuppers, de mole boy herd bout de partay...whut we gonna do? Ain't nobody got time foah dat!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2013


    am i two late, can someone down some shots with me? i got kama kazis and jello shots, enough for eberyone. i jest waked up, wuz on de floor. who stepped on mese left middle tow?? oUCH!

    hi Kat, hi Cam hi goils, dis a funn partay, oops sawry mese late. i aint tailing wise tehe! brb, gotsta find de woladies room. oops, too late. but still, ken sumone point me in de right dierectum? cuz gotta wash de pee from cammy's lmap shade. forgibe me, kk?

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    All packed and ready to go...........only thing left is to make a lunch in the morning for both me and mom....when I ask mom what she wants its always "doesn't matter'...but if I list a couple things, then she might pick....or like tonight, she says, I don't know what I'll want tomorrow!!! so annoying....this trip is so far from a vacation for me!!!  it is going to be a LOT of work....My kid cousin wants to drive to Toronoto to have dinner with us...probably the only night that works is sunday....tomorrow isn't good as we''ll be tired from travelling...then its Shabbat....I haven't seen her for several years....her Dad is mom's brother and that is who we are staying with in Montreal....cousin lives nears Ottawa....

    Wanted to watch the fireworks from Mom's balcony but she said she was tired and didn't want to watch them....we can see them in our yard if we can see through the was okay....BUT the poor soon as the fireworks started, the dogs were barking and barking and Bear starts howling....I forgot how much the dogs DON'T like the fireworks....of course the past two years I've been in Israel the month of July...and tomorrow I'm off to Canada....

    Didn't end up going for the mani/pedi and its a good thing...I wouldn't have relaxed at all....and nothing like getting a mani/pedi and being stressed!!!  so I did my own pedi and will do my nails in the morning or at my daughters....

    Tried not to pack too much....did pretty good....when I counted my tops, I had one for everyday but one, so decided to take the extra top....was only going to take 5 or 6....I had 7 and I'm gone for 8 days, so put the extra shirt in.....taking one skirt for Shabbat and 2 jean debating if I want to travel in the skirt I've worn the past couple days, but then that means I have one too many will see what the mood says in the mornng.....I packed by color so I could minimize what I need.  I  have a great small duffle bag that I use for my carryon that holds everything for a week.   I have a checked bag, but that is stuff I'm bringing for my DD and SIL and will leave the suitcase with them (I bought it for them)....and DD wants me to get them something at the duty free shop...its really small at DIA and I've been by it several times, but never really notice it...hope I don't forget in the morning....

    Will check in in the morning and then again later in the day from north of the border.

    Kathy...hope you and DD are feeling better.....I can barely stand the heat in the 90's, no way could I do Vegas in the summer....

    Sweet dreams

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2013

    Kathy, sorry that your DH is now sick, chit. I hate that the heat out there is making eberyone so ill. I pray you both feel bettah tomorree.

    where'd ye all go? I jest gitting started. and mese farted. hi karen! where you off too? Israelite? cheers to awesome and super fantastic duffle bags, I will dwink to dat. but den agen mese dwink to jest about anyting. whatcha cooking, meese hugary!> glad ya found de pass de porto. hehe, de pass de porto sounds like great Isralite wine to me. dwink up! pop a nudder cork. i can do that with mese teeth tehehehe. 

    feels like friedeynight! woo hoo, jest gitting started loves.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2013

    ohhhhhhhh, wow I am on de top of de page.

    and pee ess, ebery partay has a pooper.

    scuby doodoowho ye all tawking bout here? mese doodooclueLess here. kk, i need to fall to de floor now. sweep dreats now! cha cha chia pet, ooprs means to say cheeRs. and ugly rears. yep. i go now, de floor needs me and pronto tonto! nighty night to doese of ye still standing. oops, mese all awone dis night now cuz it 14teen turdy aye em here.....

    fhdoafihidoahfaoe hogihoiheioah g ehioshitasubyidagore! eins veigh' chicas! ♥ in mese fart for all. i go now for realizees! zzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Hahaha, you gibs mese sum gud chicklets, chucklets, ummmmm oh yeah, chuckles! Youse iz sew funeeeeee Dorkeeeeee!!!! MEse going nighty-night too, no bed bugs tho, or mese hopes not at least. Twy not to fall on ennyone at de partay, okayeeee????? So sweet dweams, sleep tightliest, ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Kat

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Whoops....tripped ober Cami. Y'all habin a lampshade par Tay?! Woohoo...independence eve!!! I needs ta get meeself a drink. Imma workin in de ayem. But can have a nightcap. Whoops I din mean to step on dat lampshade!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    LOL Becks, you sure know how to make a grand LATE entrance!!!  Yes, habs a dwink, but puleez twy not to step on de ladies of de floor, ok? Its never too late to partay!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Found some imported Italian amaretto. Hicc! meese sister is away on bavacashun to oregunnn wso I. A hold fort downs! Hijacked my moms Dyson vacuum. I wil put it right back whir bots it hicwc! Shhhhh! She nebber ebbbr know.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Oooooh my head. Cami dis Tiffany lampshade soooo heavy!!!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    wow what a party!, everybody will have the "flu" tomorrow,      kat that sucks being on vacation and being sick!. its been raining so much here,the rain total is already 3 " for july that was up to the 3rd!they gave me the day off for the 4th of julyLaughing so happy birthday  usa

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OOOOOOO I had to pee oooomy head        hurts, did someone have a big ole donkey in here or was it just an ass? Oh mese head Oh wait i member dat mole gou was here but someone scired him away-ooohe doesn't like cats--ooooo he;s beru bery ebil then. Mese cat did it. Mse needs coffee after I take a little nap now. I'm glad u kept me company last nit. Thany allll for comin....opps I know Y I typist awful, since I lerned many many yrs ago dey moed keys ober a1/16yh of an inch. i feel it now oh and mese nails areeber so so long toooo.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    LIKE if you're excited for tomorrow!   Prepare by reading today's article: "A Fun, Festive and Frugal Fourth of July!"

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    LIKE if you're excited for tomorrow!   Prepare by reading today's article: "A Fun, Festive and Frugal Fourth of July!"

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    My pic is coming up screwing rhe page,

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    LIKE if you're excited for tomorrow!   Prepare by reading today's article: "A Fun, Festive and Frugal Fourth of July!"

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited July 2013

    Happy 4th everyone,cheers.   

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2013

    Good Independence Day Morning, Loungetttes!  I pulled holiday duty today, and have a full day, on top of an overly full day yesterday and tomorrow.  Gonna have to work the weekend to get it all in this week.  Short week plus staff on vacay plus staff out sick = lots of work to be done.  Add in about 4 crises and the day becomes impossible.  Hopefully today will go smoother.  Would like to get done by 5 or 6 peeyem. 

    Cammy--I'm wondering, too, just what is going on.  I never got properly tested  to confirm having asthma, so everything is in question as far as I'm concerned.   Nice magazine cover!

    Goldie--that  other test would prove if I have "reactive airway disease" aka asthma.  The chemical triggers an asthmatic reaction,  supposedly one that is very brief and easily reversed.  I've got to do more research on that before deciding if I want to subject myself to something that sounds as risky as that sounds. 

    SNF = "sniff" = skilled nursing facility. That's where they do rehab after joint replacement surgery, or when someone needs Iv antibiotics but isn't really sick enough to be in the hospital. 

    NF = "niff" = nursing facility, that's where they do long term or residential care, the original nursing home.  Also known as LTC for long term care. 

    Morning, ORLA!

    Mornin' to you, too, Becs!

    Suba!  Long time, no see!  Great to see a  BOTD again!  Happy diving, can't wait to see the tat pic!

    Karen--Good for you for getting on the ball with the classes!  It'll feel good to get that behind you.  Big scare about the passport!  Glad you found it. 

    Juliet--hope the shoulder feels better quickliest! 

    Becs--hard to let go of some stuff, isn't it?  Nothing wrong with getting copies of your stuff, though!

    Goldie--I've seen Aftershock in the stores, I think it's a hot type drink, like cinnamon flavored. . .

    Hey there, DorKable!

    Nice flag cake! 

    Happy 4th of July, all!