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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2013

    DOTD is the Fire Works


    12 blueberries
    water, to cover


    4 ice cubes
    1/2 cup cranberry juice
    1 ounce vodka
    1/2 ounce blackberry brandy
    1/2 ounce triple sec
    1 blueberries, for garnish (optional)
    1 raspberries, for garnish (optional)
    1 three-inch-long strip lemon rind, for garnish (optional)


    In ice cube mold, fill 4 molds half-way with water. Freeze for 2 hours. Drop in 3 blueberries. Add water to fill those cubes. Place in freezer for 48 hours to set.
    Place 4 plain ice cubes in cocktail shaker. Add cranberry juice, vodka, blackberry brandy, and triple sec. Shake; strain into glass.
    Add blueberry ice cubes.
    Garnish with strip of lemon rind in an S-pattern around blueberry then raspberry.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Good morning again--NM that drink is like magical--great idea--Happy 4th of July everyone--I just couldn't get my pic to print this morning so I'll just say it. NM DID U TAKE U'R MEDS--u'r working so hard (too hard) u have to remember u'r meds--sometimes u forget and u'd better get some time off after this splurge of to much work.

    And I hope the hot zone is cooling off and it doesn't come here-it's fine right now and I don't like heat.  But it would be nice if all of u got a break and u can enjoy the fireworks. I usually watch them on TV and they are so beautiful showing them with the music matching and that;s kind of fun. When u go our to watch them at the park it's so crowded u can barely stand so I wtch it at home going back and forth from Boston Pops to Chicago.

    I hope everyone has a good day,

    Julie that arm of u'rs is going on and on (((HUGS)))

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    Just stopped by to say HI.....have an hour till I need to be ready to take husband to synagogue, go get mom the hour, need to shower, make lunches for Mom and me and would love to get a walk in (albeit short), but not sure if the walk will wishing everyone a happy July 4th.....Will check in later today from North of the Border!!!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Oh mese oh myse, what a mess! And who is the smarty pants that did this to me? Speaking of Pants, I think I see him in that bedroom with someone, the door is just barely cracked. LMAO, Dork you jes too punny girl. And I lub your shade.

    Karen, you should DEFINITELY get the mani/pedi. Safe travels and enjoy.

    Cami when you asked “what do you do with a depressed dog” I thought you were telling joke, then I remembered about him, is it “Sox”? I looked online for some answers, but most were talking about the loss of another dog in the family, a companion pet and how the depression could last for months. But it did say not to encourage the negative behavior by lavishing a depressed dog with attention and treats while he is moping. That the dog will think you are rewarding him for that behavior. Oh, I’m sorry the kids called to ask how Sox was and not you. You should have said something like “Oh me? I’m doing ok, thanks for asking”. You can go take your nap, but we ain’t leaving. Party all week end at your house.

    Julie, I think that damned radiation can be the cause of a lot of things. I believe it is the cause of my low thyroid. I vote for the leopard print lamp shade.

    Katrinka, you don’t have to miss the party, you can clone ye self. Ya, ya… you said, there in spirit. I should learn to read more, before I type in my response. Wonderful view you have of the fountain. We stayed one time there, but across the street. Don’t remember what Casino is there, but we had a view of the fountains. Sorry you both have been so sick, and with DH still sick. We are going to Laughlin in a couple of weeks, and it will be about that hot. You just try and hurry best you can to get the next casino. But they aren’t as far apart as Vegas tho. I also take my coolie towels. I stay in the house, except early in the morning, then I will go outside.

    Unde, glad to see you at the party, and you brought lovely treats, thank a ewe.

    Oh my NM, what full days. Please don’t overdo it, life is too short. But I know you do it because of your dedication. That test sounds terrible and I can see you possibly having a panic attack. There must be other ways they can tell if someone has asthma? Awesome drink to sailabrate with.

    My shade just came, and you should have seen the hunk that brought it…….wowsa!

    Wishing everyone a safe and happy 4th!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited July 2013

    Hi ya goils!!!!! Jest wanted to wish you all a Happy 4th July!!!!! Hope you all have a wonderful day of celebration with family and friends! Oh, and don't fry in day heat! Stay cool goils!

    Love n hugs! Chrissy

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    good morning all, hows the wedding plans going chrissy?  

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Ohhhh what luvverly pics for all our celebrations, girls. You all posted wunnerful stuff! AND I sure like the way Lori gets her shade delivered.....wowsa!!!

    Hi Chrissy....yeah, like Julie, I am also wondering about all the wedding plans. Hope its all falling into place nicely! Good to see ya!

    Anudder hot day, DH still sick in bed....geez whadda vacay! Luverly view though! Lori, right across the street is Paris, (so cool to see the Eiffel Tower lit up at night from our room, since we saw the real Eiffel Tower lit up from our room in Paris just last month!), and also across the street is Planet Hollywood, and Bally's is a little over some, but could prolly see the fountains from there also. Wonder which one you stayed at?

    Well I sure don't feel like having a FIFTH on the FOURTH, but maybe some of you do (not to worry, I will catchup when I feel better!) HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA!!!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited July 2013

    Thirty of the fourty dream catchers completed and the remainder just need to be put together.  Venues are sorted, photographer....sorted, menu.....sorted, the process of being made, vehicles.....done,  invitations.....done and ready to be sent, decorations ......almost have everything so the list is now small, flowers.......organized (my sister is a wonderful florist and is doing the bouquets and buttonholes as well as the flowers for the reception), Band for the music.....booked, accomodations for out of town guests.....booked, rings......chosen and deposit paid.   Have I forgotten anything?   Oh well there is still time to find more things to  DD is feeling on top of the world but mom is working her little fingers to the bone getting all the crochetting done and that includes the train for the dress.  I will get there but the weeks are just flying by.

    I think I need a drink or two to keep me

    Love n hugs goils.    Chrissy

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    Happy 4th

    Cake drinks lampshades wowwwwww

    Everyone enjoy did a 8 mile bike ride today

    So proud of myself getting back to normal

    Lots of food today yum

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    you go lara,  normal is a wonderful thing. chrissy looking forward to the pictures,kat and dh feel better soon, nm ,hope your not working too hard.  cammil- hope your napping, enjoy your 4th celebrations ladies

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Julie i ove u'r pics. and talk about pics GOLDIE u are reay how with al of the, so is u'r delivery guy. Good day for u--Are u guys in tthe hot zone still going in high numbers--It's got to cool off soon. Tht's awful--so far it' OK here

    I'm in the living room with the furbabies and they're watching the kids play. Sox still hasn't eaten but he will-I'm all right with it now--we'll bond if my Katie-Kat lets us. This is such a nice area, everyone acts odfashiony-being outside and so friendly, taking lots of walks with dogs--it is pretty too.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful 4th and celebrates too.

    Now Kat u'r DH is still sick? Oh that's crappy for both of u. Maybe he'll feel bettr as the day goes on.

    And Chrissy I'm so glad u popped in to let us know how things are going. Sounds like u are working hard, but enjoying every minute--I hope u get a chance to show us some pics soon--we're all so interested, this is big

    Orange wow u really are moving around alot--u must be feeling better. Good

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    Hi happy to see a post from remind me...what is the date of the wedding?

    Well...we made it to Toronto....a lot of schlepping in the Denver airport with carryon luggage...but with wheel chair escort, you sure do get through security quicker....but a small snag...evidentally there was a small pocket knife in mom's suitcase that no one knew was all worked out but mom was in a tither about it.....gate checked our carryons and they went to baggage claim in Toronto so it was a little a cart to take the luggage out to meet DD....and again with wheeelchair escort, escaped all the the lines at customs!!!  Nice evening with DD and SIL...I didn't get a walk in before going to the airport, but I made sure I got a nice long walk tonight....and then made up for it by eating mini oreos!!!!  Got to quit that....Need to make sure I get my walks in twice daily as I feel better when I do....NOt sure what I'm going to do tomorrow...DD has to work 9 - 2 so I'll take her to work to use the hard to figure out what to do when Mom can't really do much if any walking even with the walker...Mom told me she can walk 15 mintues....but thats not 15 minutes walking for most people!!!  Don't know if we'll just drive around the city....probably will take her to lunch.... At the airport today, in Denver while waiting at the gate, Mom asked me if I would have done this if I knew how much work it was....YES...cuz I knew it would be a lot of work....I knew it wouldn't be  a vacation for me....

    Haven't talked to DH since I arrived and I miss it....thought he might call me, so a little annoyed that he hasn't....he had a friend over to BBQ...I emailed him when I got to DD and he sent back a very short reply....oh well....think I'll email him and tell him that I'm disappointed that he didn't call....DD is getting ready for bed...SIL and MOm already asleep so don't want the phone to ring and wake them up....I'm not using my cell phone as roaming charges are international and way too pricey!!!  I can use DD cell or land line to call home....

    This is my 3rd year in a row that I'm not in the states on the 4th....very different!!!

    Sweet dreams from north of the boarder for the next week......

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Hope everyone had a good 4th of July!  I was busy all day, but no crises to cope with.  Hazy, hot and humid, here, that's for sure.  Running the AC in the bedroom at night so I can sleep good.  Got another long day coming today, and probably  have to work tomorrow to get everything caught up for the week, but I'm not the only one  so it's OK. 

    Cammy,--Yes, I took my meds!  And yes, I am hoping to get back to some more regular hours so I can do some fun summer stuff after work sometimes.  Sadie loves to swim and so do I, need to do that some more this summer. 

    Karen--hope you got everything done in your morning hour!

    Goldie--I'm trying not to overdo, don't exactly have a lot of control right now with one nurse out on vacation and another one calling in sick 1 or 2 days a week.  Still thinking about that test, not sure yet what I'm going to do about that. 

    Chrissy!  Happy 4th back at ya!  How are you doing?  I have this amazing pic in my mind of that dress and train. . .

    Wahine--I remember the fountains dancing to the music, so cool you can see and hear it from your room!  Being sick is a drag, though. 

    ORLA--getting back to normal is GOOD!


    Karen--don't the walks through the airport count?  Or did you get to ride, too? 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Hot, Hazy and Humid

    .75 oz Rye whiskey

    .75 oz Cognac

    .75 oz Noilly Prat Rouge Vermouth

    1 tsp Bénédictine

    2 dashes Peychaud’s Bitters

    2 dashes Angostura Bitters

    Add all the ingredients to a rocks glass. Fill with ice and stir.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Good Morning all--Karen I'm glad u got all settled--wow absolutely no vacation , but I did laugh about the little knife, That was cute. U'r DH probably was sleeping and all tired out. I forget they don't celebrate 4th if July in other countries, sily I know. It's not easy taking u'r mom around in a wheelchari, but true u do get the fastest treatment. Still it's not easy.

    NM I can't wait til u slow down some. but i know right niw u can't, but whenever u can sit and put u'r legs up and u sure do need more Sadie time. So I hope u get home early nuff.

    I hope pains are mall today or none is better and Orange u'r soundin/ good. like that.

    I'm still recouping from that party, I have a bunch of lampshades here I have to hide before this pruddy kids come home--so they are going in the shed--no one goes in there hardly. LOL

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    NM, purrrfect drink, the "hot and humid" (or was it "hot and hazy"?) we just got our wakeup call and the hotel person said it would be 109 today....yikes! GLAD we are heading home...hi was 74 at home yesterday....the 117 temps we had here were murder. EVERYONE is here (well except the Ladies of the HTL Lounge!) for the 4th of took TWO HOURS last night to get a few blocks....just from the Luxor to the car "might" get thru the light as it was just soooo crowded. We missed seeing the fireworks at Caesars since we were stuck in traffic, except for a small area of them we could see behing the bldgs. So it will soon be "furbaby time"...yay!!!

    Karen, I always reserve wheelchairs for my parents on ALL our flights....sometimes they don't need them, so we let the attendants know, but if its a long walk or a tight connection, or when they are alone, it comes in handy. ITs worth it, no charge, just a tip. And THEY do the pushing! (I "think" I read that you were pushing your mom in the wheelchair?). SO nice that the airlines still provide this service. Also handy if someone tends to get confused in an airport, as they get them to the right gate. Glad you got to Canada safely!

    Have a good day, girls! Cami, Hope the house was not destroyed by our parties!!! AND hope Sox is getting better day by day....he will be SO happy to see them when they come home!

    HUGS to all, Have a Fifth on the Fifth for me! (I got put in 1st on the last leg, and a GOOD possiblilty of 1st on the first leg of this trip),


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    Good morning from dreary, drizzling Toronto...... even so,got a 1/2 hour walk in this morning...

    NM...yes walk in the airport counts but that was only equal to one of my daily in a nice long walk last night....I'm trying to keep my pace of 12K to 13K steps a day......if not, atleast 10K.....its the only way I can eat the junk I eat when I enjoy my wine and not gain weight.

    Not sure what is on the agenda for today.....need to go take DD to work......Have a great day....

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Hi Chrissy, good to see you. How are the wedding plans coming along and what kind of weather do you have this time of year? There I go again, replying and not reading ahead. So good to hear everything is falling into place to nicely. Praying it stays that way! And although you are working your fingers to the bone, I’m sure you are loving every minute of it. Can’t wait for pictures!!!!! Now I'm singing that song "work your fingers to the bone.......boney fingers".

    Kathy, my real life UPS driver is a real cutie, kind of looks like Mario Lopez.

    LOL, none of those casino’s sound familiar to me Kathy, as in, if we stayed there or not. I just know we could see the fountains, oh well. Safe travels home.

    Lara, NORMAL????

    Oh that is funny Julie, “anger management  classes postponed”.

    Yes Cami, it is still hot here. High 90’s to low 100’s. But the bad thing is monsoon season is here, so we are getting a little rain. Nothing to make any difference, but enough to make it humid.

    Karen, glad you made it safely, now to try and enjoy!

    NM, sure seems like you are working more than usual? Don’t be working too much now, life is too short and will pass you by. Are you going to take any vacation time? So funny on out DOTD’s, the ingredients. I have no clue what half of them are…lol.

    Cami, good idea to hide the lampshades, that way we will have them for next time. You can only tell Joey. OMG, how funny would it be if you told your DD and SIL about the party you had whilst they were away…..LMAO! They would have you committed! So MUMS the word!

    Well, time to head outside before it gets too hot, cloudy and cool right now, so need to take advantage of it!!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Goldie if I told anyone what "we do" here they'd all commit me. LOL OMG it's so hot for u--monsoon doesn't that mean loads of rain, if it just makes it more humid forget it who needs that. I hope u'r feeling OK.

    Karen I wish I had u'r energy--I love how much u walk, I know I need to push myself, but when I get done with excercise I get no endorphine, or that feel good feeling-All I have is pain, so I hate it so much. I give everyone one so much credit for walking, running, anything.

    Julie, I always love u'r pics.  I hope u'r doing OK with u'r shoulder.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    too tired to drive to go swimming but did go for a walk,very humid here. time for a nap now.hope your all having a good day

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Julie u went for a walk in the humidity--ooo that's not easy. Rest is right.

    I found a note that Joey left for me---obviously he doesn't think I'm very Techy--he always says how smart I am but don't know how to work things. Here's the note-----How to turn on the A/C---turn switch to cool.

    That's it. U THINK I would have figured that out?

    It's so quiet here--I love it---I feel guilty cuz I love being alone so much they could stay longer but I did tell them stay as long as u want cuz I have Jodie near and my 2 nieces. We'll see--Our Dog is still sad and I asked hime why and like Lassie he was moving his head and I said show me boy and he took me to the garage door, hahaha that's where Marty comes in. hahaha I felt like I wad in a scene of Lassie is home alone.-But he did eat last nite so he's OK I just hate whe

    n he starts crying and my cat put's her back up--I don't like that--my cat can be mean to him so I have to pet her.-I told u this is to much resposibility for me hahaha oh and I have to give them their treats at the exact same time, one treat in each hand.

    Lara I'm watvhing Tentacles of the deep--DVR'd it. And while I was sitting today I did a total of 1/2 hr of excercises, my legs and arms, I'll do a little more tonite. My cat sits there and watches my legs go up and down each time--it must be fun for her.Just her head moves.LOL

    Joey just called to tell me he loves and misses me--I'm sure, so he wanted to make sure everything was going good. WTF he's not the boss of me--well kinda.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    It rained most of the day here in Toronto.....and by the time we wanted to get lunch it was pouring!!!!  but now I think its done for the full from lunch....might be time to take a Nexium as I"m getting hungry but feel too full!!!!

    Will need a walk tonight after dinner, which won't be till 8 or after if I'm going to be able to sleep......DD has made a nice shabbat dinner and lunch for tomorrow....its just the 4 of us.....will be long day as doubt we are going to synagogue cuz Mom can't walk.....maybe I need to take a couple long walks instead!!!!!  Then Sunday we are going to the family's cottage for the day......

    Have a great Friday back tomorrow night late!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Karen have a wonderful rainfree time and I hope u get to walk when u want. Everything sounds so nice for u.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2013

    iZ de partay still at Cam's? I ask bcuz i am on de floor somewhere but don't know where. hailp me, sumbuddy anny buddy tail me where mese is. k? de only poyson i see is stella and she ho'ing be bitch.

    great quatro de julio pics n posts. i feel de love ~ hiccup

    burp, u h must tail ye all sumting....I am DE wicked witch of de east and mese mucholist more fab den dat witch of de west. taught ye all needed to know. ya see, I , de doRk is phucking phoxy and de west witch aint. vote yay or nay if ye awgrwee or nessawgree, K??>



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OMG this place is empty==WTF is this all about--I guess eberbody is recouping from last nite--I know I had to.

    Wll I had another Lassie moment today--Sox (my silly dog) was standing and whining and moving back and forth so I said what is it boy, is Timmy in trouble? Show me where Timmy is--and that goofy dog took me to his water bowl it was empty. LOL

    That's the excitment of my day, oh and I did talk to Joey and my sister called we talked a long time.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2013

    bdw. dat was for Goldie but I hope all ye goils vote. witch east or with west is foxyest>>>> ??? p

    fart~ mese laughing mese wicked laff cuz did a joke on de witch. kk, i gtg, mese gone scuby diving in a dumpster. PU, I smail chit!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2013

    bumped ya Camille. am I on yer floor? i cant find me.