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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Well I just stepped on something but I don't have mese glasses on. so it cold be u.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Had a lovely sleep in until almost 7.  going to have a leisurely couple of cups of coffee before heading in to town to work for half a day.  Hopefully it will only be half a day.  Had a very interesting chat with some of the folks at work yesterday pm. It seems there is one nurse who is giving the office staff a really hard time, keeps saying she can't won't do all the visits on her schedule, and demanding help.  The office staff has been really upset 'cause her schedule isn't overloaded, yet she's getting all the help all the time and the rest of us nurses are overloaded and aren't getting any help.  They got together with the director last week and changed the way the visit schedules are managed.  Now our schedules can only be changed if we change them ourselves, and if we need help or are overloaded we need to ask for help directly.  I've got to admit I admire the way the office gals managed the situation.  I was getting resentful of struggling to manage my own visits and getting calls to go see other patients almost every day.  Now if that nurse will get healthy enough to not need to call in sick once or twice every week things will be much easier.  I'm actually working today because I had to put off visits to my own patients to deal with a crisis with a patient whose nurse called out sick on the 3rd.  OK, before anyone thinks I am being unkind, I do know that people, including nurses, get sick.  I've called out sick and not that long ago. And generally we nurses don't call out sick when we should.  But 1 or 2 days a week, consistently?  Another nurse and I were talking yesterday ayem, she stops all work-related stuff at 5 pm and takes care of herself.  When she's eaten and spent time with her family she goes back on the computer and finishes up what she can before she needs to go to bed.  I'm thinking that is an excellent approach to maintaining a balance between work and personal life.  I'm thinking I need to adopt that approach.  From now one, when I get home I will not touch work related stuff for at least 2 hours.  Play with Sadie, go swimming, cook dinner, clean house, work in the garden, maybe even go for a walk, but no work.  Maybe then I won't feel so abused by work all the time. 

    Ohh, boy I just realized that I have really gone off on rant this ayem.  In case any one didn't notice I really resent having to work today.  BUT, the work needs to be done.  But I am looking forward to having complete control over my schedule from now on!

    Cammy--sounds like you need some serious recovery time!  Sorry I missed that lampshade partay!

    Wahine--109, yikes!  I remember being in Vegas on the strip on New Year's Eve one year--we could see all kinds of fireworks from our hotel room!  It was fun to watch.  I don't got to 4th fireworks anymore 'cause of the traffic hassle after.  Just too much to deal with. 

    Karen--good for you, 12K to 13K steps a day!  That reminds me I need to get the pedometer out and start keeping track again.  I know I'm no where near 10K steps a day, but I can start where I'm at and work up. . .

    Goldie--yup, working more than usual, but it should calm down now.  At least it will be my own fault if I get overloaded on any one day now!

    Juliet--I could get onto a Harley like that one!

    Cammy--Joey is such a cutie!  He is going to make someone a great husband someday!

    DorKable--you do make a foxy witch! 

    Cammy--And we call dogs dumb animals!  Sadie will bang her dinner dish on the floor when it's empty! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Sunny Saturday

    1 1/2 ounce(s) Ketel One Citroen Vodka

    2 1/2 ounce(s) fresh lemonade

    1 piece(s) lemon wheel


    Shake vodka and lemonade with ice in a cocktail shaker.

    Strain into ice-filled highball glass.

    Garnish with a lemon wheel.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    DOTD nice and eady breezy.

    NM I'm so glad to read that maybe now u'r get some home and relaxation time. And u won't overload at work. This sounds good---Oh finally u'rll get  break and don;t even think that we  could think u'r not kind, anyone who calls in cinsistently is well not sick--just doesn't want to work. But this all worked out for u--I'm so hppy finally u get Sadie time. TAKE U'R MEDS.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Ha ha, I so need a Harley, Julie!!! And a Unicorn would be pretty awesome too.

    Cami, I think if ANY of us told ANYONE the things we do here, we ALL would get committed! I’m surprised the Moderators don’t have us committed! I don’t get any of those feel good endorphins either. And yes, monsoons are usually a sudden down pour of rain and usually don’t last too long. They really do more damage than anything, as it’s soooooo dry out here, it just washes dirt away, makes ruts, etc. It doesn’t get a chance to soak into the ground. Here is a video of rain at my place, not sure if the link will work or notm, as it’s on Facebook

    Joey’s note on how to turn the AC on, how cute. He so looks after you. Awwww, what a sweet story about Sox going to the garage door. You will have to remember to tell Marty that. But don’t be telling anyone that you were asking where Timmy was.

    Have fun at the cottage Karen.

    LOL, ize awgrwee East DorK, youse is de bomb phoxy witch! West looks like she would pair up quite nicely wif Mole boy.

    NM, good for you! Take that time for yourself, like I said, life is too short and will pass you by if you don’t. Ahhhhh, wodka and lemon ade, I’ve got that! Actually squeeze some fresh lemons with an orange, for my water, but now I can put it with my wodka!

    Spent all day outside yesterday as it was cloudy all day, so it was nice to be outside, and then spent the evening visiting with my little buddy, who came up for the weekend and may come down to my house to visit today.  Also  got a few fresh maters to eat (and so did some of the birds)! Going riding tomorrow with my DH.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Oh Goldie those poor matoes--I tried the link I was all over the place but I didn't see.---But I've been inAZ a few times and I remember it's a strange state- I remember worse the sand storms OMG it was like hrror coming--u could seel them coming. And timorry u'r going Horseback riding with DH that sounds like fun. U'r like a cowgirland yes lemonade and vodka aways goes good.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Ok I smell like one big ball of Pink Sugar and I'm washing a load of towels and all washclothes for the kids I am just a wonderfully smelling human being. And did some (not all) of my excercises and watching scary movies now--I amaze myself when left to my own devices--Of course I am with pain meds hahahaha--I have finally learned what chronic means, I was never sure--now as I'm told what it means and feel what it means I've added to my vocabulary. LOL I would rather have the word loopdeloop in my vocabulary, but u can't be picky on these things.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2013

    Wow...I haven't posted since Father's Day...NO Way!!

    Lori - Once a pt of CTCA always a pt...might you consider going to see them ref your stomach issues...Please?!?! HEY....I seen one of ur UPS drivers and he DID NOT look like dat!!! WooHOO

    Cami - I have been trying to read and came across your response to Lori about your number...9...'not everyone has it'....LMAO...u cwack me da hails up!! And den u pwactis wif da hunk man pics....LOL! LOVE the note Joey left you...he jes wants to b sure u are comfy...LOL!! I gonna hab to jump on dis chronic wagon wif ya...n I like dat woid loopdeloo too...sounds like ur exercise routine going purdy goot too..keep it up Pink Sugar!!

    Dorfy - saw sumpin bout your 'parental units' cwacked up tinkin a da Cone Heads...LOL. Sad that I missed da lampshade patay at Cammi's but u sound like u had a gweat time. U R phucking phoxy witch...u gots mese vote!! Stay outta da dumpster dammit...Goldie jes hab to git ober it...j/k...mese gots bof ur backs!!

    Julie - been reading bout you and your plight. Sending prayers your way....hope a new job wif bennies. I wud like to ride Harley too!! I neeeeedddd to ride Harley...omg!!

    Beckers - 'eloo'!! When are you going to c ur doc wif those films from 2003 again?

    NM - Saying prayers for you too. Do u use or have used those albuterol(sp) inhalers and the stuff like Spiriva? Chit....lookit da nurse med advice....please forgib me sure you've been doing everying poss to get to the root of the prollem. Mayb CTCA like I tails Lori? I love those peeps over there! Now, that balance of work and personal life sounds like JUST the ticket...hope u stick with it!

    Shannon - OMG sounds like toooo much to deal with. Big HUGZ n Prayers!!

    Hi ChrissyB - soooo good to see you in da lounge even if jes a minute! Yawn....I am tired jes reading about all u been doing for DD's wedding...yes yes....hab a dwink or twoFreeFour...heehee!!

    Lara - good for you...8 miles...I am impressed. Jes stay hydrated and don't overdo K?

    Hello Karen. Hope you enjoy ur trip!

    I had a pretty good time in Texas in early June.  Was really jes tooo humid for me but I managed.  Then in late June went to Reno/San Fran.  My DS was our tour guide on Fri/Sat...was sooo much.  Then he treated us to a river trip on Sunday near Sacramento.  Was a lazy river and a fab time...think my ds and I tightened our bond considerably!

    OK Ladies...I have lots to do today and it's DH Friedday so I am going to da bar later.  Say some prayers dat mese cars don't get dwunkliest cuz it's too hot to walk home...der is always a cab tho.

    Lubslubslubslubslubs all ya'll!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Oh Sue u' back--i've missed u, I knew u were someplace but everyone is someplace and I can't keep up with anyone anymore--so I just wait. U were in all that humidity-ick to that part. But I'm glad u and u'r Ds got closer, that's always a good thing. And u sound like u had a good time. So get settled and get back to normal and get on these boards--

    BTW ladies I've been using Surgeons hand stuff and it has gotten rid of my goofy little quirks on my skin, I'm using it in different places--just to let u know.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    Hi everyone

    I have been doing to much x ercise need to rest

    the heat is unreal here

    I feel sick from the heat

    cammie watching chiller today

    Love that unicorn post thats a funny one

    pop in later

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Hi ladies! Oh mese oh mise, already the 6th and I didn't even have a 5th on the 4th....whuts wrong wid mese???? Anyway, b4 we left Vegas yest, they actually said it would be up to 112. Not anything like the 117 we had for at least 3 days....dang it that is toooooo hot for anyone! My heels got so dry (TMI I know), and started cracking!!! I always carry vaseline for my lips (done that for yrs and it DOES keep them nice) so I rubbed vaseline on my heels and it WORKED! So, if anyone has dry feet and buys $$$ stuff, just use vaseline! OK, dats my hint for de month.

    Oh yeah, Dorkie, youse shuah is phucking de best witch!!! GOOD IDEA tha Lori had to put the Wicked Witch of the West with Mole Boy....then we can save our Stella de Bella de Ball and she kin join us here in de HTL again.

    NM, I do hope you adhere to that idea of AT LEAST 2 hrs to yourself after you get home.... NO WORKPLACE WORK ALLOWED!!!! Stuff you WANT to do at home, that kind of stuff, is ok.

    OMG Julie, how did you know we all needed a Harley??? LOL.

    Cami, Your Joey is sooooo thoughtful! And I love how smart Sox is! They knew they could leave Sox with you, cuz he will let you know, asap, what he needs! lol

    And Lori, REALLY????? Such a hunk of a UPS guy you have!!! We used to have cute ones too....remember when I used to online shop so much I would have UPS, FedEx, USPS deliveries daily?? They were good looking too....DH used to kid me about that, like that was why I shopped so much, esp in summer when they wore shorts. Haven't shopped much lately, so have no idea how they look. Hmmmmmm........

    Sue, Karen, Unde, Shannon, Chrissy, Lara, Beckers, and anyone else I didn't mention, HAPPY HAPPY SAT-TURD-DEY!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    OK, gotta share of 42 very strange people.....if you don't laff at this, you need more to drink!!!! lol

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Oh no.....prayers going out for all those souls on the plane that just crashed. HOPING and PRAYING there are survivors....they said 291 passengers onboard....crashed at SF airport. We were on the SAME type of plane yesterday a 777-200. Praying through heart goes out to everyone affected by this. a news article from 3 min ago and they do not think there are hope that is correct!

    2nd update.....I am so glad they are talking about how important the exit row seats are. My DH and I usually sit there, and the first thing I do is read the emerg card and look at the type of door, because they ARE different. Some that sit there never do look at those cards. The flight crew and those in the exit row seats on the plane that crashed, should be commended...looks like passengers evacuated on the emerg slides at the exit doors, before the plane caught fire...and that is not an easy task...still hoping for no fatalities and no serious injuries.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    kat they are reporting, 2 died right now ,

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Oh, I hate hearing that Julie...could be so much worse though. I plan to watch the national news in a few minutes. I do like your Drunk Cat In The Hat, though! Think that should be copied, framed, and hung on a wall in the HTL!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    How many of you here watched "666 Park Avenue"? The NEW season starts tonight! Cami and Lara if you haven't seen it, you might like it.....its a bit eerie! I think Alli watched it, and maybe Cyn too? Not sure who else got hooked on it.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    Omg I watched safari last night it's a reality show but I can't figure it out

    A guy died in the epsidode and I think they try to trick the people on the island do they go home

    Monday @ 10

    For some reason it was on last night

    What channel is 666 never heard of it

    Omg that lady on the wheelchair wtf!

    Wahine I would drop dead from that heat and u felt sick omg that's horrible

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    Just found it! Ill watch it tonight

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Lara, if you can, try to catch the 1st and only season of "666" was REALLY good! Glad you found it, and I hope tonights season opener will be good. Do you think Asylum will come back on? Yeah, the heat got me so bad I ended up going in an ambulance to the ER. I was passing out....kept telling my husband  "I am leaving..." as I felt like I was slipping away. Plus all the upchucking....yuck.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OMG everyone stay out of the heat for real---It's horrible--so far we're not to bad here. Please don;t tempt Mother Nature--she'll win.

    I wanted to wstch tht show---but the title gets me--if it were 665 going on the next number--I'd feel better about watching it. Well I'll see--I have all my real life crime shows DVR's but can't ffind any really scary movies--so I'm wstching some action movies that I like---I know violence but the good guys win. BTW I'm just starting to know who Sam Worthington is----Woha is me--he's a hunk and I really never heard of him til lately. So I'm enjoying him right now. I know I'm a sad case of fantasy land.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Kat how horrible for u too---I don't mind ER so much anymore like I used to but I hate ambulances oh it's so scary. They hook u up so fast and do all these things and u do feel like it's just awful. I've had my kids drive me, but a couple of times they called and I was so upset, so I feel bad u had to go thru that.--Remember when I told u one time I was saying I'm seeing the light, it's true, I'm seeing th light---and he said I'm opening up u'r eye and I have a flashlight there. But that's how upset I get. So don't do that again ever.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    ROFLMAO Cammi....."Seeing the light" and its their flashlight!!! YOU are such a hoot! When they asked me to open my eyes in the hospital, I didn't even know I could! lol...Apparently I had them closed tight cuz I felt so bad.

    I do hope you watch that movie though....try not to look at the title. I remember last season they showed the numbers on the buildng like one had fallen over, or upside down, or something...mush mind here....but it wasn't the "666". I may get on the tread mill while it is on, cuz I want to do some dubbing on my main tv, and my other one that records is upstairs (I get 2 tv's with DVR, DH only gets 1....hahaha!). So maybe thats a good reason to exercize, right? Good for you doing those leg and arm exercizes!!!

    P.S. DH still feels sick.....trying to nap right now.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Kat u'r DH is stil sick--wow he's been sick for a while now--take care of him Kat and see u guys excercise so good and never complain, that;s why u all look beautiful and then there's me ---but I do have long beautiful nails and put hair chalk in.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    cammi ,i love youLaughing,  well you could have gone towards the light was the emt cute?  kat feel better soon,

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    Nice Shabbat here in Toronto.....DD and I went to synagogue this morning and SIL went to a different one...left Mom at the  house alone and she was okay with that....relaxed this afternoon,then got a walk in....and when I was done, took mom for a walk...what  can walk in 5 minutes, takes her atleast 15 minutes, but she walked a good 25 minutes and she was is really struggling with all that has happened over the past several months..won't go into details, but not only is she grieveing dad, but the loss of her condo in florida and eeryting else....the closing on her condo is monday and all the furniture has been sold or given sad for her....we had a good talk but in some ways it wasn' much to deal with......

    This afternoon, my SIL's aunt stopped by....she is sooo sweet...she wanted to meet was nice to see  her....they call her auntie Honey cuz she is just soooo nice!!!!  Mom enoyed visiting with her....she is married to my SIL's oldest uncle so she is in between MOm and me age wise

    Tomorrow we are going up to my SIL's family's cottage on the lake...will stay for a bbq dinner with his parents......MY cousin who lives near Ottawa was going to come visit, but my SIL's parents are counting on us for I asked my cousin if she would drive up to her folks (which is acutally closer than coming to Toronto) so see mom and me....I haven't seen my cousin for years...maybe since 1999 when my grandmother passed away and she was just a kid then....well she is still just a kid....she is in her late 30's and I'm a couple decates passed that!!!!!  but it would be nice to see her....her Dad is my mom's brother who we are staying with in Montreal....

    Emailed my DH on Thursday night to say I was disappointed that he didn't call and he sent me a nice email and then called me Friday morning......

    Tomorrow is visiting day at DD#2 camp so she will be calling us...can't wait to talk to her.....but will have to share her with my DD#1 and my MOm.....don't want to share, but she will just say HI to them....she is calling DD#1's cell phone......want to know if she got the 2nd package I sent her and if the goodies I picked were okay.....she told me what to get for the 1st package....then she is off to Walmart as the camp takes the kids to the wallmart in MOnticello (in the pocanos) if they don't have visitors...she loves going!!

    Kathy....hope your DH is feeling better

    Lori..those tomatoes....are they the ones the critters are getting?

    Sweet dreams.....

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    Good Sunday morning....must be asleepy bunch cuz no one has been here yet and its almost 9am...wishing everyone a relaxing feel good day!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Yesterday was  very odd.  I got my visits done by noon time, treated myself to lunch at Pizza Hut, came home and plunked down in the swing chair on the deck until the thunderheads blew over, then was going to go to the pond for swim.  Fell asleep, woke up broiling in the humidity, moved inside to cool off, fell asleep again.  Even Sadie was sleeping.  Got up long enough to get a bite to eat and then went to bed.  Gotta love the bedroom AC!  So, planning to get some laundry and housework done this ayem, go to the pond this pyem.  Bit of a breeze, seems less humid today, may be able to breathe and do more than lounge! 

    Cammy--meds taken and pill box filled for the week. 

    Goldie--definitely going to take the time for myself to enjoy summer, especially now that I've found out that it isn't just me that's feeling a bit abused at work.  If all of the rest of us stand on our rights that that one nurse will either step up and pull her weight or move on.  I don't mind helping someone else who gets slammed with a crisis, but a lot of what we are dealing with is predictable, in general if not specifically.  Most admissions come on Thursday and Friday, so plan your week so that you are lighter on those days.  Simple common sense, right?  Oh, enough of that. 

    Cammy--yeah, chronic pain is not fun, is it? 

    Mema--I'm using Pulmicort, an inhaled steroid for long term control, and albuterol inhaler when I get coughy and wheezy.  And go ahead with the advice, I do NOT do a good job being my own nurse! 

    ORLA--if you are feeling sick from the heat make sure you get some salt into you--snack on some chips or something, especially if you've been exercising. 

    Wahine--OK, YOU are appointed to keep me on the straight and narrow as far as the No Work Time plan goes!  I'll be reporting to you regularly! 

    Oh, my, those people!!!!!!

    So glad the emergency plans worked correctly for that plane load of people.

    Oh, no, the latest news  doesn't sound so good. 

    To everyone feeling sick in the heat (and that does include me) remember to replace some sodium, especially if you've been sweating a lot and drinking a lot of fluids.  Very easy to get a low sodium level and that makes you feel like chit. 

    Karen--You Mom is going through so much loss right now, it must be so hard for her.  Sounds like you are having a grand time visiting with family, and your DD#2 is having a great time, too!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Sunny Sunday

    1/2 oz amaretto almond liqueur

    1 oz Bailey's® Irish cream

    1 oz Kahlua® coffee liqueur

    1/2 oz vanilla liqueur

    1/2 oz butterscotch schnapps

    1 oz vodka

    7 1/2 oz milk

    Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain into a highball glass, and serve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    I wanted to have a nice Good Morning for all.

    Karen u vacation sounds amazing seeing everyone is like a favorite thing to do. And u'r mom has such a right to grieve her whole life has been changing and not the way she planned, it;s so difficult to not have u;r own home and u'r own things and depend on others in u'r life so I feel very sorry for her--this is very difficult.

    And Nm I'm so glad u fell asleep and rested, I don't care where u were--u'r body needed that and u know it. I'm glad u got u'r meds all set and don't forget to take them. And enjoy the pond and sadie today, do minimum amount of work--I'm sure there is not that much to do and if it's to hot forget it. Just relax.

    Julie, I hope u have a good day- and yes those guys coud have been strippers and of course I told them that--what bodies they had, very distracting when u'r going to icu, And I kept on talking about them--Oh I'm so bad.

    Orange I think u should slow down a little with the excercise, it sounds like u'r overdoing so continue, but maybe a little less. It's kind of hot to do to much.

    Goldie get u'r stuff done early and stay in and rest u need to take care of u'rself. And it's Sunday so everyone try to do as little as possible today, well Karen doesn't have to she can be busy.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    good afternoon,  just popping in, cleaned out my freezer,just got the fridge  to do,   tamox moment of the day- cleaning my kitchen floor with febreeze instead of clorox. karen glad your enjoying your vacation, cammi is right about your mum with so many major changes in her life but i'm sure time with her family will help,  nm,you go girl enjoy your swim.and keep on the "me time" you deserve it and i'm sure sadie won't complain .  bbl