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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Kat me too---what swimtrunks--I didn't see any.'Sorry seaweed doesn't sound good to me. but al the fruit u said sounds wonderful. Oh that must have been a pleasure. The fish not so much---And I hate when a bird is smarter than I am.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    LOL....I wasn't going to mention that he didn't have any swimtrunks on, Cami. ALL de gals will be here!!! LOL, j/k. In Vegas, went to an international market and got some hawaiian stuff (yummm) and also small snack packs of the roasted seaweed. Well, right now I am making a Hawaiian Recipe, "Chicken Luau" which is so darn easy but I had never made it before. SO I grabbed a snack pack of seaweed and let DH try some....shoot he LOVES it. He said he didn't think he would like it so never tried it. Should have bought more! I know I can get it here though, thank God. Oh, and birds are sooooo smart!!! I used to hand raise baby cockatiels...they are soooo sweet. The amazon parrot though was very loud, sweet, but VERY loud!

    OK I am having a toast to Lara's 40th....anyone here? Happy Birthday Lara, and a gazillion more!!! *kachink*



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Is anyone watching the Bachelorette on ABC? They are on my favorite island, Madeira. I have prolly been/done *most* everything they will show. LOVE it ancestors came from there. They aren't staying in Funchal (capital city) though.....I love to walk around there every day, but I am sure they will show that. The wicker rides from Monte are awesome....and the Lavada walks....

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    good evening all, off work tomorrow unless get out of the dermatologists office  early in which case will be going to the wellness cafe,appt is at 3pm for a skin check,speaking of checking did the tenders pass muster kat?

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    OH YEAH, Julie, they "measured" up!!! lol

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Julie Kat was going to keep it a secret, but I'm sure they all "measured" up

    at why would u ever leave Hawaii, it is just beautiful just to look at. It would be like vacation everyday with perfect weather and fresh fruit. Ohhh

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Cami, Hawaii is SO crowded and SO expensive! And the Japanese own most hotels, businesses, etc....I never was treated like a "local", more like a mainlander, even though my family goes back to arriving in HI in 1865. BUT someone could just come over from Asia, and everyone would think THEY were local.It is beautiful, and weather is awesome, but soooo much traffic, and so hard to own even a small home. Much more opportunity here...then I can go there to visit. But I actually feel more at home in Madeira...I feel my heritage so much when we are there.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    a trip to hawaii is on the list!Laughing when i win the lottery

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Kat ok I get it and Julie I feel the same way.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    Wifi at my uncles house, but it really doesn't work in the basement where I'm I'm sitting at the top of the basement stairs on the computer....battery is running low, so don't have much more time....

    Nice day visiting with aunt and uncle....took a long walk with my uncle....went to the cemetary to see my grandparent's graves....little sightseeing in their neighborhood.....and dinner outside on the patio.....

    sweet dreams....

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  It sure cooled off last night, had to turn off the fan in the middle of the night and cuddle up to Sadie.  Now their saying it's going to get humid again.  At least I got the front lawn mowed after work yesterday.  Aiming for mowing the back yard tonight. 

    Cammy--I think I am feeling better than just recently, thanks!  Yes, taking my meds! 

    Goldie--I've figured out the floors aren't going anywhere, and as soon as I clean them Sadie muddies them up again, so to heck with it and lets go swimming!  Cleaning never really gets done, ever, does it? 

    Juliet--did you weigh the hair that got cut off?  Just out of curiosity? 

    ORLA--be careful drinking in the heat and humidity!  Make sure you get enough non-alcoholic fluids while you are drinking and exercising. 

    Wahine--poor Maverick!  Hope his raw area heals up quickliest!  The 4this a great holiday but hard on the furbabies.   One of my co-workers has a little dog that got scared and ran off, they haven't seen him since the 4th.  I'm hoping he finds his way home soon. 

    This new swim up bar that's floating around the HTL pool is VERY popular!  Move over, MY TURN! 

    Cammy--you are such a wild and crazy woman!  Go hug Katie Kat and enjoy your pills.

    Wahine--Wow, what a way to eat your way through life! 

    Oh, my, that Bird is amazing!

    Sweet dreams, Karen!

    Princess Glitter's Sizzle's DOTD is the Sea Weed

    Build over ice in a cocktail glass. Stir well.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Good Morning===

    NM u actually sound better, if that's possible to figure ib u'r writing and I'm glad, but see u are being with Sadie more--get the connection.. I had a dog that when crazy when the fireworks were going so one year I gave her just a wee bit of beer with her water and she was so much better and was fine the next day. I know that was stupid bit I felt so sorry for her. And I think it easy to dehydrate in this weather expecially drinking, I used to drink Vodka and water to help the situation, LOL I love the DOTD this morning sounds yummy and pretty too.

    Karen hahaha There u are at the top of the stairs hurrying along with u'r computer , kinda funny. But it sounds like u had a good day.

    Do most people go to the cemetary often, being Italian yrs ago everyone around went every Sunday, but us. My parents really didn't believe in it much like most Italians--Italians believed it was their duty or it looked bad, Well my dad being an antheist really didn't believe and my mom never cared what al the Italians thoight so I remember going once when I was a kid and that was it. I never go to my parents site, every so often my sister does cuz my BIL (old=fasion Italian) goes all the time so maybe she'll go once in a great while. But that's it--I've told u before I'm sure my parents are buried together my dad wanted to be cremated and placed with my mom--at her feet cuz that's how he lived his life anyway.And we did. Well u all know how different my whole family is anyway. LOL

    I hope the weather is better for everyone, it's supposed to storm like crazy today??? So I'm planning on lunch with my GF's and Dr/s after so to me that's a long day. LOL I hope the weather is kinder than they say. It scares me now. Not like before. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Lara, settle down girl, you are doing way too much so soon after surgery! Happy Birthday to your DH. Glad that Shannon shared some photos with you. You know you could make a Facebook account and call yourself Orange, or something else. You don’t have to use your real name.

    Cami, I sure hope you get to go out with your GF’s today. Wish I could go wif you. Y’all go out and tear up de town.

    Kathy, I just can’t eat raw fish or sushi, I’m afraid! I love birds, and looked at some African Greys, but didn’t get one. You and Cami in the water, and you checking out swim trunks, uh huh, right. Are you looking to see where he left them? You prolly found them and hid them. I totally forgot about watching the bachelorette, I meant to record it, but got biddy outside and in, and just forgot…….dayem. Do they do repeat shows later in the week?

    Still LOLing on the Febreeze Julie.

    See you up dere on da stairs Karen.

    NM, I actually miss mowing the grass. Do you have a riding mower? And NO, cleaning is never done. So glad you decided to go swimming instead. Now THAT’s some Seaweed I could enjoy.

    Grabbing me some seaweed and heading for the pewl.

    I think most of you have seen my garden pics, only a couple of you not on FB, so here are a few.

    My DH did a great job laying the block around the garden.

    Lots of coverage on the news this morning for the memorial they are having for those that parished in the Yarnell fire. Thoughts and prayers go out to all of their families.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Forgot to mention yesterday, while on our ride Sunday, we saw deer, elk and I saw a beautiful Western Tanager. He would let me get close enough for a good picture, I did get one, but not a good one. So here is one from the internet.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Goldie thatt fire was horrendous, so sorry for all the people involved and the sadness it brings.

    U pics are so much better on here Goldie oh so pretty--for some reason I picture u as such a city girl and u'r just like a wonderful country girl--It's cuz u look glamorous that's why.

    Yea kat tried to act so proper, right she hid the trunks I saw her, but she didn't know I saw her.

    And Thank you for agreeing with me about Lara, she feels better for a day then goes wild and overdoes it. I told u Lara take it easy. I wasn't uelling just saying....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    That is a pretty bird, if u like birds. I was going to sayy a whole bunch of things now that I reread stuff, but....

    Oh I know one thing Julie were u serious about the fabreze cuz I told my dgtr to try it. Is it a joke to use that.?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Oh my, LMAO at you Cami. NO, do not use Febreeze for cleaning. I do believe Julie grabbed it by mistake. I have been a country girl for 30 years. You couldn't pay me to live in the city.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OMG I told her to use it, now I have to tell her not to, my brilliant women on this site said it was good. hahaha

    30 Yrs. wow long time Goldie

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Oh what a beautiful bird, Lori! Never seen that one, love the colors! We have the "goldfinch" for a short time in spring and fall, and it looks similar to this one except its head is all yellow. Your garden is HUGE and GORGEOUS.....looks so healthy! I love the blocks your DH put all around it. Looks so neat! My dad had panels of marble around his small garden area in HI, but I usually just think of 4x4's....I like your blocks better, might try that, since our area is MUCH smaller than yours. BUT right now our yard looks like the Garden of Eden. We have had so much rain this year, that it is so lush and green. AND the fig trees are are as tall as I am, grass grows and needs to be cut weekly! I need to take pics before the sweltering heat hits. I didn't realize your garden was right in front of your western nice to sit out there and look at the fruits of your labor! AND at least you don't have to mow and use a weedeater all over. Anything I do, I need to put bricks at ground level to make a "mowing strip" or else have a lot of grass trimming to do! (OR not to do!).   NOT TAKING CREDIT for hiding the swimtrunks....thats all Cami's idea, yessireee bobarella, I am sticking with that story! lol

    Cami, Your entire family is such a hoot!!!! In HI, we never visited the graves of our loved ones. Everyone in my family was is such a premium, and that takes up less space, and then the funeral is much nicer.....just see a small brass box or something, not a big coffin. When my DH died (regular funeral and coffin), I went ALL the time, then only went on his birthday, christmas, the "annual cemetary clean up day" which is on MOther's Day, etc. NOW I haven't been for 3-4 yrs or so. Here, they don't go weekly, but they go often, its a sign of respect. SO even though I didn't totally believe in that, I went a lot so it would show respect for my late DH. Would change the flowers all the time,etc. I am going to be split up! LOL...literally. I want to be cremated, and want my ashes sprinkled on my late DH's grave, and maybe a tiny marker there in the grass, but my current DH wants me to be with him too, so will have half of my ashes there, maybe buried like your dad is, with your mom...but hmmmmm....I should be on TOP, right??? lol.

    Love the Seaweed dwink, NM! Maybe could serve it on a seaweed coaster (just a square of seaweed)? SO glad you are doing YOUR stuff when you get home, and spending more time with Sadie! Oh I really hope your friends dog comes back home! Yes, they hate fireworks soooo much. We are in the city, so not allowed, BUT they do it anyway. At my last house, my dalmation (Schroeder) jumped the fence once....we searched all night for him, then when we came back home, he had jumped BACK IN the yard...wood fence. I had the elec fence off since they hadn't gotten out for a long time. SO when we were gone on New Year's, I made sure the fence was "on". Well, the neighbors behind us did a lot of fireworks, Schroeder got out (Max was too large to jump!), and my DD went to feed and he wasn't there. We weren't worried, since he had jumped back in before, so told her we would be home that night. That morning, she went to church and someone mentioned seeing a dalmation on the highway, dead. One of the fellows went with her, and yes, it was Schroeder. BROKE OUR HEARTS. We got home that night, and my DH and DD went back to retrieve his body. I never had to see it, but I know they can't get that image out of their minds. AND the highway was a couple of miles away....I guess he was so scared and just ran and ran, and prolly never could escape fireworks. SO this year, my neighbor was mentioning to a friend on FB how they were going to do fireworks, and since we were going to be gone on the 4th, I asked her to PLEASE make sure our dogs were still in the yard!!! We really shouldn't ever be gone for holidays when people might do fireworks. Too hard on the furbabies.

    Well, this has taken me a year to write, so I know I will prolly be bumping someone.  Want to say HI and Happy TWOS-DEY to all! Gonna grab 2 seaweed drinks and swim up to the bar!!!! Cheerio!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    OOPS...missed an entire page!!! Serves me right for not making sure I am reading the LAST post!!! OMG Cami, that is a riot that you told your DD to use the febreeze!!!!! BUT who knows, it *might* have worked....but it didn't. LOL. Dwink up! (NO Cami, don't dwink the febreeze though!!!).

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    cammi ,if the words tamox moment procede anything,don't do this at homeEmbarassed, wanted to give my kitchen floor a good clean usually use a steam mop,so wanted to spray it with clorox but picked up the febreeze instead, it didn't clean it but smelled lovely.     love your garden lori,    and lara resting and taking it easy is not a crime!    i could give you some good tips on that.  have a good day, anybody been to a dermatologist and made it out of there without any biopsys? 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    well sugar I lost my whole post

    wahine u r drinking tooo musch seawedd because its DH b day yesterday not mine

    Im in the pool again big splash

    Im staying here its to hot

    Goldie I was laid off of my postion so I guess mybe I will start a face book stalker book idk

    I love your garden

    cammie,NM and goldie yes I will b careful

    Juliet u in de pool

    we need more tenders

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    BIG OOPS!!!! Don't know why I missed the "DH" part when you mentioned the birthday yest...

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    wahine u crack mese up so theres drinks lets start the party

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    WOO HOO did you say "PARTAY"????? I'm in, well actually I had a head start on ya.....nah j/k...

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    Where is everyone

    Jell-O shots all arounheres one for u wahine

