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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Thanks Lara, but....just ONE? lol, Think I'll try one of too, no one else here so they're all for US....

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    Here's more Jell-O shots

    I'm going to do a dive now

    Splash oops hit ya wahine


    We r drunk

    Just us

    Ok vodka shooters now

    I've got the hic cups

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Still just you and I drinking here! WHERE IS EVERYONE? Never had vodka shooters, but heck I'll try *almost* anything! *hic* Where is Dorkie? I think I saw her sneak off with Pants; he is her favorite Tender, ya know. And Cami, well she is still diving underwater and checking out the Tenders swimtrunks or lack of...

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    I REALLY needed Happy Hour tonight....went over to my parents home and cleaned for 2.5 hours in the HEAT. One or both of their central air units is not working....I mean sweat was running off my face it was sooooooo hot. Was nice to get back home and get cool.....oh I mean, was nice to jump into the HTL pool and cool off....  My parents come home tomorrow morning, they will be flying all night. They were gone 3 wks and although I missed talking to my mom SO much, it sure flew by.

    Cheers Big Ears!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Oh I had my scuba gear on all this ime and haha u didn't see me, but I saw ALL of the tendahs ALL of them. Now for the jeo shots, oh so many--I'd better try one of each color--Thank u barman--sluuurp--who yummy for the tummy and I have a big one. Now I'm relaxing --oh so nice--a busy day --the water feels great--and my eyes are tired. Prolly from the goggles.

    Kat I wondered why u had so many cakes for Lara, when it was her DH 40th. hahaha and I didn't correct u and everyone folowed u'r lead hahaha.

    I was with my GFs this afternoon, great lunch--my GF (who owns a restaurant) had all the food sent over to my other GF's house so all of our favs. 2 of my friends both had the carel tunne surgery--so they took off their bandages to show their scars and which one was worse (we're all Italians, so drama city), which one hurt more, which was was longer to heal--this went on and on I was (with them) laughinf so hard so I picked up my top and showed my boobless concave all scarred chest and said shut-up. We were all alughing they are so fun.

    Then after all that food and laughing I had to go to PT--she said I did great but I could barely move, I was trying so hard not to laugh but I couldn't help it--she was so nice-- then she saw it did hurt alot and stopped I must have made a face or maybe screamed I don't know. So I have some new excercies to do with the other ones and I'll see what happens--0h I'm such a wimp.

    But I still have energy for the jello shots ohhh I'm on my 5th or 10th or somptin like dat and the hunk I want is waiting for me---I see his  happiness for me oops, bad me. hIc---I'm on de floor like a hore and someone will score. HIc 

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    ROFLMAO CAMI!!! Esp when you wrote "I'm on de floor like a hore and someone will score".....too funny! And your GF's trying to out-do ea other with their pain and scars, until YOU show YOUR bc war wounds....I can just picture you all laffing and habbin such a g8 time! And listen up now y' time (and I am sure there will be a next time or several) I make a big faux pas like that, you TELL ME, ok? Is dat a deal? I don't know how I missed "DH"....guess I was trying to do too many things at once (and ONE thing is too many things at once!).

    Hugsssssssssssssssss and Mugsssssssssssssssss and Shotsssssssssssssss and Tendahssssssss,

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited July 2013

    Falling asleep at the computer...must mean that I'm getting used to Eastern time!!  Night...sweet dreams

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Hi girls. Looks like some kinda twos day party been goin on in dis place. Thanks for the laugh Cami. Nice way to end the day! Hope you all sleep tight.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited July 2013

    Sad news today.  One of the ladies I was friendly with on the TN goup passed yesterday.  She fought a long courageous battle and is now at peace.  Please pray for her and her family.  Another bright Star in the Sky.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!   How is everyone this ayem?  I caught myself writing "ayem" in a note yesterday, had to go back over my note and make sure I didn't do it anywhere else! 

    Cammy--it easy to get dehydrated in this kind of weather.  I had a dog a long time ago that liked to drink alcoholic drinks, she actually got drunk a couple of time when I wasn't careful enough.  I'm thinking the bit of beer in the water just calmed her down for the fireworks and probably did more good than harm.  And I am getting more time with Sadie, who seems to like the attention.  People around here don't go to cemeteries often, but from time to time  I go to the cemetery where my Dad, grandparents, cousin, and various aunts and uncles are buried.  Mom goes regularly, putting flowers and such on Dad's head stone every holiday.  Hope your weather wasn't too crazy!

    Goldie--I have trouble with the idea of eating raw food, I always wonder where it came from and what kind of little critters are lurking in it.  I do have a riding mower, I used to mow the whole yard with a walk behind, but that took 2-3 days at a time, not the way I want to spend every weekend and part of every week!   NICE GARDEN!!!!!

    Wahine--oh, poor Schroeder, that is so sad.  So many dogs are afraid of fireworks, so many get lost or hurt because of fireworks.  I'm glad you didn't have to see him that way, that  is an image that never goes away. 

    Using seaweed as a coaster is a great idea! 

    Juliet--I think it's some kind of crime to go to a dermatologist and not get at least one biopsy!

    Pretty drinks, ORLA! 

    Wahine--make sure you eat or drink something with some salt in it!  Cleaning in that kind of heat is DANGEROUS!

    Cammy--I can just picture that scar fest partay and all you ladies laughing up a storm!  Such drama!

    Sleep well, Karen!

    Becs-- good to see you!

    BBBBernie--I am so sad to hear about your friend in the TN group.  I'll look for her star tonight. 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the New Star in the Sky

    1/2 oz Jagermeister® herbal liqueur

    1/2 oz Goldschlager® cinnamon schnapps

    2 - 3 oz Red Bull® energy drink

    Pour half a shot of Jager with half a shot of Goldshlager into a shot glass and drop it into half a can of red bull and chug.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Oh Bernie, I am so sorry. Can you share her name or her online name? Will pray for her and her family and friends (including YOU). Just so hard to lose someone, esp to this RB....FURB!!!

    Funny....didn't plan to make a hawaiian meal, but ended up doing it. OOPS this is a drinking thread, NOT a cooking I will *try* to be brief....made "kahlua pig" on Sunday (takes 5-6 hrs in oven), then made "chicken long rice" for first time Monday, so yest I added "lomi tomato"(supposed to be lomi salmon, but I didn't have raw salt salmon (from ocean)). It was awesome....and the chicken long rice is soooo easy, now it is DH's favorited dish! Only things missing to be able to call it a luau are laulaus, and haupia (coconut pudding). But hey, I drink, so I can call it a luau if I want there!!! LOL. BTW, "lomi" means massage....they use the salt ocean salmon and soak it to help remove some of the salt, and "lomi" it to make it real tender, cut in small pieces you don't realize its raw, as tomatoes, onions, and green onions are added. Yummmmm!

    Such a nice drink in honor of the New Star in the Sky, for Bernie's friend, NM.  I know....I also will be writing to someone else and start to put "ayem" then realize they would be funcused. BUT to put it on official work, is funny!!! NOT to the bosses though, they prolly wouldn't laff.

    Rainy day (again)...had to get up early, my parents arrive here early this AYEM. Time has flown! My DD will be seeing 2 drs in Birmingham on the 22nd, and I hope and pray they have some good news for her. With all the things that can happen from rads to the mouth and throat, she may choose to do nothing, unless they can convince her that is not an option. Too young to get messed up and need feeding tube for life, etc...she is on a forum and has learned alot from those ladies of all the complications, that many of them ended up with. Thanks for continued prayers!

    Hugsssssssssssssssssssssssss and Prayers for our new Star in the Sky,


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Kathy, what a sad story about your poor Schwoeder. OMG, I can’t even imagine how skeered he musta been. I had Goldfinches in MI, all year around. I have seen them here a couple times, but they are not near as bright yellow, good have been females that I saw. Yes, the garden is right there and we love to sit and look at the garden. But now it’s hard to see the flowers, as the maters are so big. LOL’ing at you and Cami, no one fessing up to hiding doze twunks!

    Julie, I take you had a dermatology appt? I’ve never been to one.

    Lara, I did not know you got laid off. When did this happen? Are you ok with it? Funny about Kat drinking too much seaweed. You and Katrinka surely had quite the day yesterday! Love all of the pwetty dwinks.

    Safe travels for your folks Raquel. And yes, the time sure went by fast.

    OMG Cami, that is too funny about you showing your chest, when the others were complaining about the carpel tunnel surgery. I bet they felt like fools after that one.

    I had to turn the tv off yesterday when they were airing the memorial for those fire fighters, just couldn’t watch it, or listen to it.

    Bernie, sorry to hear your news of one our breasties. Prayers going out to her family and friends.

    Hey Beckers!

    Hope you had schweet dreams Karen.

    NM, that is funny about you writing ayem in your notes. I think Dork had done something similar, using some of our language in something werk related.

    Kathy, are those the doctors you wanted your DD to go to? The 22nd seems like such a long time away.

    Spent most of the day yesterday cleaning, and will do the same today. DH’s daughter said that they will meet us in town and then they (her husband, 2 kids and his mom and step dad) will all caravan over to our house for a few hours. Just praying it doesn’t rain and they get stuck here! Thanks everyone for the compliments on the garden. The block really makes it. I want DH to make some circles down the center with the block that is left, but he isn’t sure he wants that.


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    WOWSA GoldieLocks....dats some kinda hunk for humpdey....mebbe mese shud twy him out foist, jest ta make sure he is up to par? Den mese will gwadly share him. Not sure if one of the drs is the recommended one....she hasn't got the paperwork from them yet, but I am hoping it is. Parents flt from ATL is delayed....should have been here already and just took off. I put some anthuriums in a large round glass vase that has a thick black wood base...very contemporary....added blue and clear glass pebbles, and took it to their house this ayem. HOPE it lives that way....we saw them that way in China, in just water and looked so pretty....roots seemed to thrive that way, and I DID cut it below some roots. I did one for myself too. Looks like one of their a/c units is working, but in the heat of the afternoon, yikes! Gotta call the a/c guy for them before they burn up. Oh I sad watching the memorial...I just watched part of touching to see the 19 sets of boots, gear, helmets, all lined up. Just horrid, but am glad the entire town seems to be supporting all those left behind, families, friends.

    OOPS....better get going to the airport....toodles noodles!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Good Morning all....

    Bernie I am so sorry to hear that news, if't]s very sad when we loose someone to this awfu disease.

    Oh Goldie I couldn't watch lot of that stuff about the fire, it was so sad. These firemen whover does these jobs are so brave and so unsung for all they do.

    Kat there is still more waiting for u'r DD-She must be beside herself. But it seems like the Drs. re really doing their homework on it. So that's good. My prayers are still coming, but I think u know that.

    OK where do all these pics. of hunks come from, is there a site or are these the ones u have changned in the basement cuz it's unending and I find silly pics. And u pics are Yummu.And I want these men. 

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Katwinka moosta had a kwickie wif dat hunk, since she had to rush off to de air port. No doubt Cami has grabbed him now!

    Cami, just Google hot guys, Monday hunks, happy hunk day..........anything, and then click on "images". There are millions of them, however I think most come from gay sites, but we don't care, we aren't picky!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Oh Cami, not to worry, we will keep bringing lots of "fresh faces" or maybe they are just fresh and need to be the HTL. This one especially wanted to say hello to YOU....

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    bernie ,so sorry for the loss of your friend,prayers for her family and friends,too many stars in the sky.              kat will keep praying for your daughter,  my new boss had brain surgery 3 weeks ago( she;s doing amazingly well) ,just wanted people to say prayers for her, found a card at hallmark for her, i do this everyday on the front and when you open it ,it plays 'i say a little prayer for you" hope she likes it.  so sending a virtual copy to your dd.   i also could not watch the ceromony for the firefighters,  too brave  and too soon to be sky stars.                 nm ,i know what you mean,trying to remember that breasties has a limited group of people to use on!      kat love the recipes, off to red lobster tonight for girls night out,  so gladUndecided you won the scar competition cammi!             well i did have to move a few of the boys into the hed as the basement was getting full, ps cammi was the floor clean when you "laid down" last nightInnocent  lori this was my first skin check ever and yes i did make it out without any biopsys, just a cream for sweaty under boobs.           my niece and her fiancee are in france right now and they went to the cemetary where my grandad is buried and put some flowers on his grave, but the cemetary is so well kept and he had a red rose planted on his grave, there are flowers planted through out the cemetary .  need to go pick up my cream so have a good morning people

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    What a nice hug picture, Julie. AND I need to look for that card at Hallmark, sounds so perfect. Glad your boss is doing so well. Enjoy Red Lobstah, they have some good specials right now....yummmmm. Nice that your grandpa's grave is so well taken care of, and he even has roses planted there! And it must be comforting to know your niece went there, and that it all looked so nice. Smile

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Dang, we need to see whats under that "UNDER ARMOUR"! Inquiring minds wanna know.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Kat I can see it fine, u must have gotten the photoshopped version. LOL

    Oh Adey and I are making plans for next week YYAAYY Hopefully we'll meet and tell u guys all about it. I'ms so excited to meet her she's so sweet and another beauty of course, I think I'll wear a vail over my head.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Sending prayers your way Julie for your boss and continued healing.  A full basement eh? Love Red Lobstah, Mmmmmmm Ceasar Salad and their cheese rolls, of course we don't have one near us. As a matter of fact, we have NO good eating places.

    I'm with you Kat on the Armour, but would rather be ON the armour!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Cami, if you don't quit talking like that, you get no more boyz, ya hear me missy???? You don't need no darn veil.

    Adey, don't forget your camera!!!!!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    LOL Lori...."ON the Armour"....youse iz soooo funnnneeeee.....oh wait, you were SERIOUS???? LOL. ANyway, I wuz thinkin of youse at de same time youse wuz posting here. Wanted to THANK YOU for reminding me not too long ago about the Chill Towel (whatever its called....think mine is a Frog one)....I finally used it again today! Don't know why, as heat index is 100 here, but I decided to move some stuff on the main deck and then on my hands and knees sanded it (just 6 lengths....will tackle sections of lengths at a time), then scrubbed it, and now am staining it. Sweat just running off my face! Took an advil but my back is sooo sore....BUT I was so much cooler by the time I thought to use the towel. NOW, do you put yours away wet, or just let it dry and wet it when you want to use it? So hard keeping the dogs out of the areas I want to work on!

    Oh Cami, how awesome if you and Adey get to meet up!!! She hasn't posted here for awhile, I hope she is ok. And lol on the photoshop version!!

    Trying to cool dwinks more coat in a couple of hrs....THEN it should be Pau Hana time here!!!!!! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    well biscuits, ceasar salad ,shrimp nachos ,and most of my salmon new orleans left for tomorrow, ate way to much!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Kat all that energy tires me out---that u have--not me.

    It's quiet again tonite--I'm drinkin', oh am I drinkin' maybe toooo much. or maybe not enought---when I'm on the floor I have had enuff--that's how I gauge myself==so so far I'm still siting and gulping down some pretty dinks n mese is finlyest I cn tel cuz I talkin finelyest still--so i's a hopin eberone is so well dat dey an tel I'm swel,, oops sometines my nails hit de rong keys oderwise I's be de bbestest typer hear and speler cuz nuns taut me eberting, n I neber got hit one tine--infactly one put her arms aroun me an cried an saided dey all say nobenas for mese uz I laffed at eberting n tooook nothin serious--me bad, cuz dey tought dat life is serimal and I won/'t be prepared, so dey had me cleeen de convent eberyweek so I wud fine peace --so all dose nobenas for mese--dey wud be proud of me now cuz I still de best spelar .oh I no it's boring but dat;s how I startedly weeeee I jist fell off dis hair it was waxed I know oooooo some1 cleened--opps I jus spikt my dik---noder 1 pweeze.dere OK I gonna take a wittle nappy now cuz mese pain meds and likker makest me tyred--see I'm a seriouslyest dwinker de nuns were rite.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    LOL Cami...reading your drunkease writing, reminds me of sumtin anudder loungette taut of...was it Sue? Anyway, they say...."One tequila, Two tequila, Three tequila, Floor!" So iz youse dwinkin de killa tanite? Cuz you slipped to de floor alweady. Let me tell ya....the past 3-4 yrs, I have been taking Vit B12,  sublingual tablets. And OMG it gives me so much energy. I really take tooooooo muchliest, as the blood work shows my B12 is waaaaay too high, but I don't think there are any SE's from having too much of it, so I usually take 2500mg or so. I used to take 5k mg, and I think my dr wanted me to only take 500mg. Do you take that? My vet is the one that told me the sublingual (under tongue) is the best way to take it, unless you want to get the B12 shots. I DO notice when I am not taking it, like before medical procedures if they want me off of it....I get soooooo tired!

    Nighty Night, Please Don't Fight....Plenty of Tenders to go around.....(Hunk is tucking ME in tonight!).....


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Iz checking in. Hump day going okay? I had MRI. They did IV in the arm so pray for no LE. I don't think blood draws or IVs in feet are very popular I'm beginning to understand. :-/

    Juliet, I love your physical therapist up there. I think I feel my shoulder hurting too!

    Cami, what did I scan over up there bout you wearing veil. You dancing to Madonna albums again? "Like a virgin!"

    I have sore throat so trying to peel my fat butt up off chair and shower. Don't feel worth a crap.

    NM, cracking up about you charting "ayem." I've kinda kicked my heels up in a rather serious thread and thought, "Oops, gotta tone it down or they'll think I'm dwunkard."

    Still don't have any work lined up for Oklahoma. Oh chit! Just flying by seat of mese pants again!

    Okay bye for now. Cheers!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Ooh Wahine, saw "B12" as I was getting ready to shut down. My PS is going to give me B12 and 6 injections. Gotta wait til I get back from my OK adventure though. Hoping for more energy. Ok, ok shower time.