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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2013

    Good froggy ayem, Loungettes!  The humidity is back, boo, but the temp aren't quite as high as they were last week. 

    Wahine--sounds like a great meal!  Sounds very yummy.  Yeah, using ayem in a legal document would not be very amusing to anyone but maybe me.  Still praying for your parents travels and your DD health. 

    Goldie--Watching the maters grow and ripen sounds like fun!  Sound like you've got lots of fun planned, hope it all goes well!

    Wahine--I caught bits of the memorial for the firefighters.  Very sad.  I really feel for the one guy who survived, can't imagine how he is coping.  Hope your parent's AC gets working soon!

    Morning, Cammy!  Those hunks are fun looking at, aren't they?

    Juliet--praying for your boss, glad she's doing so well.  And hugs do make everything better!!!

    Becs--Yeah, not using the arms for IV s is a big issue for lots of places.  Shouldn't be, with more and more of us needing to avoid using arms for that.  We need to stand up for ourselves and get the medical community to put our needs ahead of their convenience. 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Foggy Morning

    3 shots vodka

    peach juice

    1 dash vermouth

    1 lemon

    Serve on ice - peach juice to taste.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Good Morning all---

    NM I would have beaten u this morning but my computer said it need to redo things??? took about 5 mins.??? OK u had better taken u'r meds already, when I take mine I think of u .hahaha--U sound good and I like the DOTD.

    I appreciate everyone's gardens and growing things but I have no interest in anything like that. I wish I did we could have our own tomatoes and peppers and zuchinni (sp) that's what I would grow==my oldest DD likes to garden--she does grow her own tom, and all thes herbs and she enjoys that, but she's also an excellent cook. Years ago she had her own small catering service part =time when she was going to school (she went when she was older late 20's)so she is really good, not from me-we know that. So I see the interest and the love for that type of thing. My dad taught her too, but she paid attention.

    A story---When Jodie was in 5th or 6th grade my Dad was helping her with her history paper. And it was about our founding fathers---Well those days the book all made them Saints and ment without daults. Now remember my dad learned history in Italy and it was different.Much different . So my dad and Jodie talked about it and Jodie wrote what they talked about--Oh boy I got a phone call about how she looked at our history as our forefathers were called that because they were with so many woman they had a lot of kids, and how badly they treated the American Indians that welcomed them here--well it wasn't in her history books Oh what a mess--My mom got so mad at my dad and he was not alowed to help anymore and my dad insisted he would talk to the teacher and set her straight about the REAL American history my mom wouldn't let him. Of course my sister and I thought it was hysterical but that was the only F Jodie ever got. I wish now we would have kept that paper. Silly story I know.

    OK I'm getting more coffee now so I'll have some energy--yesterday I was barely moving around bit I did my excersises and I thought I went today, but it's tomorrow so another reprieve. (for PT)

    OK I'll be back

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    Good story cammie

    Long story short. My primary doc moved .I went to another office saw some annoying nurse practitioner she gave me my norco. I want more they wont give it to me

    Call the other office I said I want to see my doc. Can I talk to the nurse. She calls u do not take norco for gym pain wtf am I in another world? Its been one month IM swimming,biking im in F%^^& pain.I have not used these muscles in a year like this. I still cant sleep on my side.The middle gets swollen.So they make me feel like a drug addict unreal.Women who r atheletic do expierence pain.So I have tramadol ill take that I hate it but I will. I saw NOrco can be a bitch to get off.Mybe ill just find a doctor who gets it. PS will not give me anything either

    any who I was taking B12 to,fishoil and such

    You know even have my boobs touched irratates them

    Goldie yes I was layed off on a Friday and wensday was surgery

    I got my shut up money severence and now I will be on unenjoyment

    I need the break I was traveling all week through this process so I nee to rest it was all to much for me

    k pop in later

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    Funny Drinking Ecard: I want my kids to be good at math but not so good that they can count how many glasses of wine I've had.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Right about the wine Orange.

    I don't understand, really--these Drs. know how much pain that there is going on in your body, yet once they are pretty much done with u they think things are fine. Well that's my take on it. It doesn't always work like that tho. Now u have to find someone who understands, can u take another med that will help more than trmador (sp) cuz I wanted that once and found out mine is stronger so I stuck with mine.  U'd better take it eadier til i get this straigten out , please. And if the weather is hot--just do a little stuff. It's wonderful to excercise but not if u can't get the pain under control.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Frogg Toggs Kat. I put them away wet and sometimes I lay them out to dry. How do they work when it’s humid, I often wondered about that. Glad you are working in sections and I hope you are taking lots of breaks.

    Your lunch sounds so yummy Julie, and love the pictures that were posted. Were these all girlfriends you were with?

    Cami, when my nails get in the way of typing, that’s when I know I need to cut them. Looks like you had plenty to dwink last night, I hope you hit the floor gently. Love the story about dad teaching your DD about American history.

    Becks, what was the MRI for? I have done the B-12 shots, and now I do like Kathy. I like the sub lingual MUCH BETTER. How long will you be in OK and when are you going?

    NM, watching my maters grow and ripen IS nice, seeing what the birds are doing to them…..NOT! I was talking with a customer yesterday who is a Firefighter, and new someone that was fighting that fire here in AZ. He also mentioned about the one that survived, he called him the “spotter” and that he is going to need a lot of help and support.

    Sorry you can’t get your drugs Lara, that really sucks. Did you tell them the pain was from working out? Just drink more alcahmahol.

    YAY…………more wodka!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2013

    lara,cammi is right if your pain is from exercising and you need norco to relieve it ,STOP. switch to different exercises until your muscles are use to it,  would  pt  or massage therpy help? you  rebuild your muscle strength. first thing pt told me, was if starts hurting stop the exerise. off to the cafe today, had a really good night out with friends from work last night.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Yummmm....."Foggy Morning Dwink" courtesy of NM....! Love it! Actually we had severe storms last night, had to bring the dogs in, lots of lightning and thunder too. WELL......darn water ended up standing on the deck area I had finished...I mean puddles....came in about 8' onto the deck on 1 side, and 10' on the other. Mopped it all up and HOPING it doesn't leave white areas. Dang it! Was going to get rid of a cabinet on the far end....not gonna do it would have kept the rain off! Darn contractor (who we had to fire midway thru the deck and deck roof job, built the roof about 6' higher than it was supposed to be, so its waaaaaaay up there...less rain would have hit the deck if it had been built as we had planned (he also build the lower deck area tooooo small and its hard to even fit a table and chairs).Nuther story.....

    Anyway, CAMI, I LOVE the stories you relate....omg your dad telling your DD (I am guessing Jodie is your DD?) the REAL story of our forefathers!!!! A riot!!! I like the way your family was not afraid to speak up and say what was on their minds. Well, even though it did embarass(sp?) your mom!

    Lori, I sure can understand why you have a big garden, as you are far from any good supermarkets. BUT my DH goes to the store almost daily, and buys soooo much. Well, of course right now the maters are cheap, so I wonder why he even bothers with growing any??? He likes to get the vine ripened ones that are STILL on the they are very good. If DH has to go on errands or dr appts etc and if they are EVERY day, then he shops every day. He is we would run out of food? In a pinch it is prolly 2-3 mi to walk to a big Publix...we WON'T starve! lol

    Oh Lara, hard to switch drs. Esp when you can't get the meds you need. Julie had a good idea about switching the muscle groups you use, till you are used to all that exercize again....might hurt less.

    Oh Beckers, YES the B12 works so good, but the sublingual is the way to go, unless you LIKE getting shots that is! I have never had the B12 injections, and they prolly would work faster and maybe be a lot stronger too, but heck, I can take pills much easier! They are sometimes hard to find...but keep looking for them, or order them from Swansons or someone. I also take the "timed release" melatonin and that can be hard to find too. With the regular melatonin, I would wake up in the middle of the night.

    Well, DH's new computer arrives today....his screen cut out in Vegas. (Too much sin to witness??? lol). Anyway, it prolly was cuz he left it on constantly and never turned it off...I don't think he used a screen timeout either. It was hard finding a NEW laptop with windows7, but finally found an HP, and ordered it Tues, and didn't even pay for 2-day delivery, BUT it will arrive in 2 days (today).....awesome! I let him try out my new one, but realized I really liked it too, so I am keeping it! Still using my crippled netbook too, as I can travel with it and not worry if it totally breaks apart.

    Lori, The chill towel worked well, but then again, I had just washed it out so it was already wet. And it was very humid yest, but left my shirt soaked...does yours get your shirt all wet too, or is it just chilly? Sure felt a lot cooler!!! Do you use it out in public too, like in Laughlin? I would think it would help the construction people and others that work outside in the heat of summer, too.

    Oh yes, that surviving firefighter...losing 19 of his best friends that day....and being the ONLY survivor since he wasn't right there....when he spoke you could tell he was cracking up. Poor guy, I also hope he gets a lot of help and is able to deal with all of this. Glad the entire town will prolly be behind him though. They are such a close-knit group, but since he is the only survivor, he doesn't have his best friends to help him thru this. When my late DH died, his National Guard Green Beret unit was also very close knit. They guys in his unit were off in Desert Storm, so just a handful were left here when he died. BUT they sure helped us out a lot. They helped me dig and set in concrete a lot of fence posts so I could build a tall picket fence at the top of our property (on the hill). My late DH had already set the posts around the large yard area, so I was able to build that fence too, as well as walk gates and extra wide drive gate. (I did all the actual fence, except for setting most of the posts, ended up building over 1000' ft of privacy fence, cutting the top of ea how I wanted it). I had to finish the "10 yr projects" my DH and I had planned; did it in 2 yrs, then I was ready to sell (too much work everyday!).

    Hope no one is left THIRSTY on this ThirstDey....lots of diwnks to go around. The Tenders need to feel needed again, so lets all order up what we want, and let them bring it to us! The Wenches are cooking up some yummy food, and are putting on a sexy show tonight. Lets Partay!!!!

    Hugssssssssssssssssssssss to all,


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    Party is on!

    Ok Juliet sounds good glad u had fun with friends

    Wahine u r right! Once they're done with u they r done biz nitches

    Hi becks B.

    green berets yes I would think they were a close knit group' wahine u felt so safe I'm sure

    Goldie sad about that man needing help he will

    The weather is to much it's rains like crazy

    Then it's so humid your going to die

    The fires

    It's a lot

    Bernie prayers

    Yes another star

    I cried after I heard that this damn disease makes me so mad!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    I know....FURB!!!!!! (Actually found this in another country)...

    This pic came up for searching Google Images for "Furb"...go figure....

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    See I wish my boobs went out like that

    Mine r circles

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    Kathy, if my cool towel is too wet, then it will make my shirt damp, but I don't mind it. And yes I use it in public, sometimes I just pack it in my purse when we go to town or the movies, and def. use it in Laughlin. Mostly I pull it out when I'm having a hot flash. Sometimes I even keep it on my night stand for use during the night. Tomatoes that we buy here, have NO TASTE what so ever. Bought some organic ones last week and they were the worst we have ever had! Will be throwing them away. Which is ok, cuz we are eating from the garden now. I can't believe your DH grows tomatoes and then buys them? I get my B12 at Wally World, 2500 mcg.

    Lara, that girl looks like she might be leaning forward a little bit, plus there is a possibility that hers are real.

    Just a little secret............somebody here is habing a birfday early next week!!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Ohhhhhhh.....puleez let the cat out of the bag Lori! Whose de birfdey goil? Yeah I use the 2500mcg also (I prolly wrote mg, but you are prolly correct)....glad to know Walmart has it. Usually get it on the B1G1 at CVS when they have it, but can't always find it. Oh YEAH, my DH buys everything! And those "vine-ripened" maters that are still attached to ea other, are very tasty, here. There is a guy has a little stand with veggies in the heat of summer, so my DH feels sorry for him, and sometimes buys vegs and gives it to him to sell. OR he takes him some lunch from the fast food place.....silly guy.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    The birfday seekwet is "under cover"........*hint* *hint*..............can't tell! I will tell that it is Tuesday.

    Most of the stuff in the stores here are from CA, and most likely Monsanto related. But nothing has any taste. If you were blind folded, you wouldn't know what you are eating, especially the tomatoes. Your DH is just a sweetie Kat, jes like hims wifey.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    A birthday yeahhh

    Well I went to the ER I knew something was wrong the right foobs swollen

    And in the middle when I work out it swells he saw I was kinda red to but he said no infection

    I got pain meds and Motrin

    I finding a new doctor for primary and calling everyone back to say see look I needed pain meds

    Like I'm an addict they made me feel


    So rest for 2 days and I'm telling ps to stick it

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Oh Thanks Lori.....purrrrfect hint!

    Lara, Glad you went to the ER, ya never know. ALSO glad no infection!!!! Hope you find a good dr asap, can anyone recommend a good dr? When I was trying to find drs for my parents, (mine were not taking any more pts), I asked EVERY drs office I went to, and ended up with some referrals to great drs. Hope you are as lucky!!! With all the bad chit, you need some good luck, foah shuah!

    Well, using that chilly towel, but omg it is STILL so humid, sweat just pours off my face. Got another wide area (6 boards wide x how ever many ft long...length of deck) sanded, and scrubbed, now to start staining. Have to not only shower but wash my hair whenever I finish outside for the day, get soooooo grubby. Sending DH out for some more stain....he has a cardio appt, but think the bronchitis is ok now.

    I am SO thirsty dis ThirstDey....could drink gallons with all the heat outside!!! Hope you are ALL staying hydrated! (not wid likker tho! Not till you are totally inside where its cool....I am a stick-in-de-mud bout dat!). Den we kin dwink up!!!!


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    yes Im going to see a pain mangement doctor

    I also called my PS and told them

    look Im not lying weirdos

    Like my goal is to be a drug addict

    please.......................give me the wet towel lol

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    LOL Lara, do you want the wet towel for yourself or to throw at the dr??? (BTW, I got mine at a sports store, but now maybe WallyWorld has them?)

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    wally world yes lets go now............................

    Ill take the towel for me and that doc

    Im jumping in the pool got mese some tenders

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013
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  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Holy Chit--lots a babbin today and mostly bout maters---Lori I thought fruit and veggies from CA we really good, maybe this year not so much--ours are just ok but nothing great, I don't know where anything comes from tho. The watermelon is not so sweet so we cut it up and put pretend sugar on it and let it sit then it tastes pretty goo actually--salt is good to on it, but no one here can really do the salt thing.

    Julie I'm glad u had a good time--I like to hear that.

    Kat u'r DH always sounds so so sweet to everyone. And of course especially you. He's darling.

    Lara did u get the Norco--I didn't quite follow what happened. I hope so. And like Julie said my PT told me the same thing if it starts to hurt just stop right away like she had to tell me that twice. And I thought it was supposed to hurt, but now us I guess, we're special in all ways too.

    I have those cool towels and I gave a couple to my SIL when he was working outside, but they couldn't wear them working cuz of some hazard wear or something like that. Just like  he didn't wear his wedding ring then either.Or he didn't want to hmmmm......

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    One of the rogue flowers that showed up from the sunflower seeds below one of our birdfeeders....

    photo P1110008_zps1b7118c5.jpg

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2013

    I love that flower

    Yes cammie did get meds

    And yes I got into a pain management doc they left me a message

    Hopefully they can work with me

    When my mom had the furb the second time her nurse gave her this thing to close a wound well her surgeon didnt know anything about it! So different people are for different things

    Halo everyone


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OK Lara u'r set then.

    That flower is georgeous, the color is so striking.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited July 2013

    Those flowers are about 4' tall...thought they would be real sunflowers, but they don't really mature into sunflowers....But they are a pretty bonus from all the seeds the birds drop!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Wait a minute Miss sun petals  They look just like sun flowers--what are they just a mix of anything? Wow they are pretty.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013


    I hate when docs do that. I'm glad you have relief. Yes norco can be difficult to get off of. Were you taking before surgery? I would taper when time comes if you think you may have withdrawal. I'm still stuck with this damn Effexor!! This week I tried taking every 32 hours vs. 24 and I can't do it. I think I'm going to have to disassemble the capsules and take out two balls per week or something. Those boobs are pretty up there.

    Cami, lmbo about your sisters history paper. Reminds me of when my son interviewed my dad about the Korean war. Omg, I'm so glad I proof read!!! He used the word "chinks." good lord that generation!

    Where is Mema?

    Wahine, I want to try shots but will go for sublingual eventually. Anything for energy!! I do love thunder storms. I am looking forward to some.

    My fingers look chubby!!!

    Goldie, I am going to Oklahoma on August 3rd. I hoped to stay for 2 months but I have a feeling that won't work out. The MRI is routine to check on the MS. They will compare to previous scan. I'm not on any meds for it and may have to go back on. I prefer to pretend it's not there. :-/

    Gotta go potty....BBL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Becs he sounds like Archie Bunker, kind of like my dad LOL Oh I hope OK will work out for u--u have amazing spirit if it can be done u'll be able to that's for sure. Wait are u pretending u have a DH with us.? Hmmm have to think about this whole thing now.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2013

    Hahaha Cami! I do have DH. I think.... My Dad loved All in the Family too.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2013

    I HAVE read ebbery ting, but hab to check in in a day or two. Gebbitn up beery early in de motning. DH has denstlitst appt. and hibs DD and her whole dng fmly cojming over. Not doing redoing my typing, nails too long likek Camii!

    CheerZ and HuggleZ