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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Oh Becks, I am sure there will be a "whole lotta shakin goin on" at Cyndies!!!! LOL. J/K Cyn...and it was SO good to see your post. You've just been there 1 yr and got a raise in rent? We are so happy when we have a GOOD tenant (like you are) that even though we started out below market value, one tenant has been in our townhouse for 3 yrs and no way would we raise the rent on her. Wish we could keep her for years and years!

    Cyn, its a 5 hr drive, but if I have to drive it by myself I may have to stop a eyes just get sooooo tired. He's still in a LOT of pain, I even have to pull up his legs to help him get in the car, etc. Walks very slowly. Poor guy, just hope its just sore and not something bad. He's on strong blood thinners that he needs to alert medical people about. IF hes not better in the ayem we may try to head back home. Was glad he made it on the drive to another casino, as we ate in the gourmet restaurant and had a salad that had a fried soft shell crab on it (yummmmm) and then had seared scallops. Soooo good!!! Had chicken tenders in the vip room right beforehand. Do ya think we eat/drink too much here???? If so, you are RIGHT! I just had a couple of glasses of Moscato tonight....had enuf to dwink earlier. Are you having enuf Natty's? IS the truck still outside, just for you???

    Oh my Cami, let us know if we need to post bail for you and your sis after that buffet!!! LOL. I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall and watch how you two pull it off. You go, girl!



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013

    2 glasses of cabernet and I'm ready for bed....its made me sooo tired tonight!!!! Sweet dreams!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Night Karen, Cams, Cynananananana (vibrating), Wahine!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Oh I fell asleep much to early and it's 1ayem and I'm wide awake Chit--my bags will be down my cheek bone tomorrow and darker than dirt--another one of my great looks.

    Cyn it's so nice to see u. U do still have hall those people living with u right> It's amazing u can find the computer. I'm glad getting a raise in rent isn't a problem for u and u must really have a nice area to be in.

    Kat there are so mny things in the back that can be hurt---well u kniw that--but if u had to help u'r DH with his legs that sounds awful for him--Please try to get him to the ER--OMG u have so many worries now--u don't need more but as painful as it is it could be something goofy and can be taken care of easily so he's not hurting so much==if u can.

    Becs any more plans about going to OK to see u'r DH? U must miss him so much.

    Dork this is a big week for u, everyone is so furcited--Thursday. YYAAAYYY

    Well I have to pee, big deal but it is a function that's necessary,

    I hope u all are having a good nights sleep. Dammit I'm not LOL

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2013

    Cam, it's tree aye em here, you still partaying? Thank you goils for rounding up de UFO. A word for de wise...DON"T git too furcited in tinking you will be seeing hot docdoors. mese doctoors are hot, as hot as John Boy Walton and dat soytenly not HOT. fir fun, you can do a search on mese new PS, hims name is Dr. Serletti. I found mese some treads here that talk about his berry odd style of clothes....cuff links, prolly work a grand or so, de fancy shoes, prolly another grand, his pee wee hoyman bowHICtie, oops mese hocupped.

    And hailo to Kat, Cyn, de BeckersWhomMeseSentaPEEE-EMMM, Lara mese fella soyjary addict )jjest kiddeng) and to Lawri and NM n Karen. HaiLLLLO to you all, I see you in de UFO. please report back who gonna be dere and if ye ken find it in her fart, someone keep a tally so dat mese make shirley dat dere enuff likker for all. RSVP for de UFO or (sawry), you not inbited tehehehehehe.

    praying for Kat, Cam, Julie and hail, praying for all of ye on dis sunday fundey early AYEE EM ! AYE??? mese canaDIAN todey bdw, aye?????

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Oh Dork my party never stops, that's why I'm always ready for the UFO--I'm always ready. Why are u up==oh it's Sat. night--chit I taught it was Sunday nite. My mind is gone. fo shoah--R U alright--rite now? U'd better ret for this week

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2013

    I am not alone, I am with mese doggy Bella whom by de way is digging being de new alpha dog! she seems to have so much more confidence and seems really happy. hmmm, tings dat make me say hmmm, wow and burp! glad you still partaying and I tink you said you will be attending mese ufo partay. please do not pinch mese gay soygeons ass in de checkered pants! love you camille, you crack me de hail up goil! partay on, I tink mese sleep now. for de record, mese hibernated for 10 hours plus turdteen minutes last night. i burp, i fart and i bid ye all ahhh-doooo!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    i'll be there. so have plenty of g and t please, hey dorty why didn;t you telll us you were  abest selling author with the dork diaries 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Lovely day yesterday, did next to nothing, very refreshing. 

    Cammy--your cousin sounds like a hoot! 

    Goldie--Prayers for Stella and the new foobs again, for sure.  I'm trying to train myself to clean up the kitchen when I'm done there, so far not doing so well. . .

    Wahine--all the VIP stuff at the casinos sounds like fun!  I'd have died of embarrassment if the hostess stopped me like that!  So not VIP treatment! 

    Juliet--I have been hearing about the readmission = inadequate teaching thingy, but working in home care I don't get as much of it as hospital based staff.  And, of course, working in hospice I rarely have to worry about readmissions. . . But, I do agree that the high and mighties, Medicare and Congress often do not think through their grand ideas.  Refer these folks to home health care, they think, that will fix the problem.  Unfortunately, the rules of home care require that ongoing progress is being made, if the patient or family cannot learn or get better, then they have to be discharged.  What happens then?  SURPRISE, SURPRISE, SURPRISE they end up readmitted.  Our medical care system does not recognize the need for maintenance care.  The local Medicare rate for an RN home health visit is around $130 dollars. One visit every 2 weeks to prefill a pill box and check on someone's blood pressure, weight, etc. would cost $6760 a year.  How much is one ER visit and a 2 day hospital admission these days? How many times a year does someone with CHF end up in the ER or hospital in a year?  But that person doesn't qualify for ongoing home health services.  So what do they do?  Blame the hospital nurse who could tell up in the beginning that the person isn't capable of self-monitoring and needs maintenance care.  Arrgghhh, now I've gone off on rant! 

     ORLA--you got your flu shot?  I didn't think this year's flu shots were even out yet!  You must be special! 

    Karen--I say either unfriend that friend or block that Before & After site.  I know that some stuff like that occasionally lands on my fb page through no choice of mine, I make a point of blocking them ASAP. 

    Becs--It never ceases to amaze me what alcamaholics and drugumuppers can convince other people to do.  I like the idea of an HTL store! 

    Awww, nothing like puppy love!

    Goldie--love the emoticon AND the drink!

    DorKable--Hooray for the DIEP being moved up!  Make sure to prep your home--put everything you need on counter tops so you don't reach up or have to bend over, you won't be able to do either comfortable for a few weeks (I wasn't allowed to reach above shoulder high for 6 weeks, except to comb my hair).  If you don't have someone to cook for you prep some meals and freeze them,  or stock up on TV dinners.  You will have to sleep on your back for at least 6 weeks.  I set up my bed with a pile of pillows, but ended up sleeping in my recliner since it was more comfortable.  Put something in the shower so you can sit down when you shower.  I used a step stool that I have in the house, other people have used lawn chairs.  Have some ribbon or strings around so you can hang your drains around your neck when you are taking a shower.  Get lots of little notebooks and pens, leave them all over so you can jot down things like when you take a pain pill or the amount of drainage in the drains, or phone numbers or general notes to yourself.  My memory was totally shot for months after.  Lots of pillows in the car for the ride home is a MUST.  DIEP is a big surgery with some serious recovery time but SO worth the results!!!!!!

    Wahine--Holy cow, what a trip your are on, physically and familially! 

    Becs--an upside down gizmo for the HTL sounds like a great idea for Cammy and for all the rest of us, too! I had a Magic Bullet, burned out the motor after years of use.  I think I still have all the other pieces in the basement somewhere.  If you want them PM me your address and I'll send them out to you. 

    Wahine--sounds like you're having a good time! 

    CynCyn--Yikes on the rent raise, but glad it's still a good deal.  Keep in touch!

    DorKable--I will definitely be in the UFO for you, of course! 

    DorKable--I was surprise by how much Brandy's personality changed after we lost Alex.  Funny how that happens.  I'm sure Bella is enjoying the extra attention, too, and trying hard to look out for you! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Beach Sunday

    2 oz Stoli® Persik vodka

    1 oz Chambord® raspberry liqueur

    3 oz cranberry juice

    juice of 1/2 limes

    Pour vodka and raspberry liqueur over ice. Add cranberry juice, and the freshly squeezed lime juice. Stir and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Dort, wishing you well with your toof surgery and of course your new foobs. And YES, lots of drama between you and Kathy’s lives. Is your dad going to be staying there while you are recovering? And how old is your sweet Bella?

    Gheesh Kathy, so sorry to hear about your dad. Glad your daughter was able to go check on them. AND your DH fell? How’d that happen? I hope he is ok. When you say back side, do you mean is back or his bum? Gosh, you just can’t catch a break.  I agree with camping out at Dork’s too. I posted this to Dork, but mese thinks it applies to you as well.

    Becks, dat WUZ funny about da drunk jewelry. But you can’t be chest bumpin Dorky after she has her soygery. Glad you are able to offer up some help for her, if she needs it.

    Lara, “kind of” being good, means you are being bad.

    Cami, glad you are doing your PT, and we will be there to cheer  you on for the Olympics!

    Cyn, sorry about the rent going up, hope your roomies are putting in their share. And yes, we are riding the quad today. LOL, you and Becks and the magic bullet and making shakes.

    LOL Kathy, when you said you had “chicken tenders”  in the VIP room, of course I was thinking Tenders as in ours in The HTL, but yours were chickens!!!!  Oh dear, I hope we won’t have to post bail for Cami.

    Gots to git a moving and get ready for our ride. Happy Fun Day Sun Day girlZ

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Good Morning

    NM what u wrote about nurse care, boy does that make sense. And I like the DOTD today sounds yummy.'

    Goldie what a specil pic for the girls---I hate that Kat and Dork have all this going on it's so much at one ime especially. Well tomorrow is a big day for Dork and Kat's dgtr so we'll be here.

    I have to start getting ready soon, and now I'm so tired I'm pushing coffee down my gullet as fast as I can. The heist is ll planned now we'll see if we can execute it. My sister specifically said I can't take any kind of soup--what am I 6, like I'd try to take soup when I know it didn't work well before. Believe me my sister has never got blamed for anything, it's me all the time.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013

    Good Sunday morning....I've been up for a couple hours and haven't accomplished much of anything....Wasting time on the computer and don't even feel good about it.......DD is still sleeping...not sure if I should wake her up...she is going to Elitches (amusement park) with a friend at 10:30 and its 9:00...don't  know how much time she needs to get ready...its her end of summer outing!!!  School starts tomorrow....she has a late start tomorrow but after that she has to be out of the house by 6:50!!!  She will have a loooooong day....7:30 to 4:30...its the same as last year except the school has moved and instead of being less than 1 mile, its now 5 miles and with traffic about 25 minutes!!! before it was 5 mintues on her bike....the school has organized a bus that leaves a 7 sharp!!!!  and due to schedules it can't pick the kids up till 5:10 which is 40 minutes after school gets out...hopefully she will use the time to start homework or use it as chill time....she won't get home till 5:30!!!  The school is very small and about 3/4 of the kids are taking the bus, so they are all in the same boat (or should I say bus)!!!!

    DorK....will be thinking of you tomorrow with your mouth then again on you have any "ME" time on Tuesday and Wedneday?

    Orange....I have a good old pedometer.....measures steps, time walked and I think kcal....I just actually pay attention to steps!!!! is your DH's back today?  Your plate is overloaded!!!  Hug....

    Cami have fun at the buffet.....I remember when I was in high school or college friends of my parents always went to buffets for brunch and took zipper bags to bring extra lox home!!!  I don't like buffets is ususally only okay and of course over eat!!!!!

    Lori, Beckers, Bernie and everyone else....Have a great day.....

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    OK, NM, you cwacked me de hail up, even though I knew you meant the blender type of bullet. BUT reading this " I had a Magic Bullet, burned out the motor after years of use" just had me cwacking up that it was the OTHER bullet you were using. OH, mese baaaaad! Yeah, like if the ER tells my mom to take her meds daily, that would NOT work....if I were not there to remind her, she would be readmitted too, I am sure. Now that my dad has a bp med to take, I hope he can remind both of them! He has never had to take daily meds before, and at 96, that is amazing, really.

    Cami, OMG, love your comment that of course you wouldn't try to put soup in your purse since it didn't work before! Hope the "Heist" works out today....let us know!

    Oh, and BTW, when that hostess stopped me from trying to smuggle out the dessert, it was prolly a couple of yrs ago, but seems like yesterday. Do I try that anymore? NOPE! It was too humiliating. My DH fell on his entire back, I think hit the wood below the mattress on his way down....entire back, plus side hurt like heck. He is better this ayem, still hurts but he can WALK, that is an improvement. So guess we will stay here as planned. We think the wheel on his suitcase was what he hit, as of course he doesn't put his suitcase way out of the way like I put mine. And it was dark, and for some reason we have a handicapped room, so there is a LOT of empty space and when he tripped (and it was pitch dark) he thought he would land on the bed, but the bed wasn't there. SO now its good we have a handicap room....

    Lori, Have fun on the Quad!!! So much land to roam around on!

    Dorkie, Enjoy today, and put me on the UFO list, ok? And ANY likker is fine wid me, I have lots of "likes". And learned a new one yest that was sorta good, the Amaretta Sour. Gotta see if it has enuf likker in it first though. Jest get a good assortment, and we will be fine! AND put some good GJ in there and we will smuggle it out to your house for when you can imbibe again, ok?

    HUGS everyone!!!!!! Will try to see if the Gambling Gods will be wid mese today...


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    OOPS I spelled it wrong, its AMARETTO is a pic...and maybe we can have some in the UFO on ThirstDey.....

    Amaretto Sour

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013

    Not having a good day....ready for tears, but they won't come....damn, damn, damn!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Hi everyone---What wrong Karen, what is going wrong---u started out pretty good. I s it better now.'

    Kat if u'r DH's back is really better that so good cuz it hasn't been that long. Did u look at it for any bruising? I was thinking if u got an alarm that goes off the same time every morning for u'r mom and dad to take their meds would that help and when he or she trned off the alarm a note would say take BP meds??? Just thinking.

    Goldie I thought u meant horseback riding, cuz u dothat too right?

    Dork we'll all be there toorry so don't worry and I like apricot sours or is it stone sours? Sounds good.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    OK here's my story and it's true so if u see anything in the newspaper about a sister killing another sister that me killing my sister. And the verdict will be not guilty, I have no doubt. There was so much food it was sickening and everything was superb. Now we see a whole tray of shrimp loaded (which is what my sister wanted) and between the fruit (so fresh) and the little bakery bites was my choice. So I took loads on my plate (I don't like shrimp) and waited for that perfect moment when waiter and bellboys and the waitress was not around which isn't easy. I put out my pills like I was going to take them--this actually draws attention away from me cuz no one wants to ask me what I am taking-they purposely look away so my timing had to be perfect and it was, my sister sitting right next to me didn't see it--I loaded up my bag and zipped it close and my heist was over. Without another word mentioned. Done Risking my reputation not to mention making me look like a real pig. So we were leaving and I said OK let's exchange our stuff in our puses and I gave her the effin shrimp "oh she said I really didn't like them that much" what??? Well where's my stuff "I figured I didn't like the shrimp so u wouldn't take any and I didn't want to get caught. I'd be so embarrassed." Oh really . will u be less embarrassed by the chalk image on the ground where u'r body was??? She ate like 10 of them, but I was supposed to know she didn't like them-Shrimps expensive here--I'm actually like stealing the most expensive thing there and if I would have gotte caught my brothers would be so mad at me but Lu no she chickened out and she had to huge bags in her huge purse. Bith witch I called her. Al I wanted was honeydew or the bakery Puffs . So when she went home she couldn't make it to the bathroom and had to go in the bucket outside the big D and I told KARMA, KARMA we were laughing of course. But the food was great and I still ate to much it was table upon table and instead of me walking all over my sister went to each table and was yelling what was there so if I wanted anything she'd get it. She could have less commotion if she stole food then yelling from all over. but see why I love her she didn't want me to walk. OH I'm exhausted. We did have a good time.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    (((((((((karen))))))))),hope your day is a little better now.


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Karen, I wish you could get it out with a big cry. Would it help it I cried for you? I could prolly cry at the drop of a hat (or anything). (((Karen)))

    Cami, OMG you took all that shrimp for your sis and she didn't get anything for you! OMG that is priceless though, and the fact you laffed about it later. I am stuffed too....just came back from the big buffet, with free wine and beer too. much food and all good and all good desserts too. I am stuffed with you....  And yes, that would be a good idea about the alarm but it would have to be REALLY LOUD or they wouldn't hear it. I think now that my dad has to take a med, he may remember to make sure she takes hers too. And yeah, DH is doing better....still very sore and moving slow, but at least he can move some today. I still have to get his shoes, etc., on though. He may get checked out when we are back home.

    Done ok on machines and BJ (get yur minds outta de guttah, girlz!)....even $5 machines did good. DH usually plays at the $25 bj table, but played at the $10 table with me, even though he was betting mostly $100....BUT he did a $500 chip bet....I was about to die...I mean the dealer was hot, hot, hot, and my DH had just come back to the table. I tried to talk him out of it, but he WON. That helped as he was losing before. So as it now stands we are both a little up, not a big amount, but with all the free food, drinks, and room, to be *up* is to beat the house, so thats a good thing!!! Even breaking even would be good as then its like a free vacay.

    Julie, that was funny about the poor chick!

    Bernie Babe, where you be???? Oh yeah, you be in Ireland!!! LOL. But come back to the HTL....wese miss you!

    ebberyone, hope for a good SunDey Nite for ebberyone!!! Hey, who was watching "666"...I thought it started the new season, but I think I just saw 1 episode. Is it still on???



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Kat I'm glad things are better today for u;r DH and u came out way ahead with the free food. hahaha but I'm rethingking now it's been like 6 hrs. ago now I wish I was there Oh well

    OK about u'r mom and dad then just call maybe that would be good too.

    Now I can prove my stupidity why didn't I just take my own food.?? Why did we have this big plan anyway. My sister is crazy.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited August 2013

    Good ebening !!

    Kat...are you on your way home tomorree???  Safe travels to you and DH..glad to hear he is feeling a bit better..I would feel a lot better if I won a 500 BJ bet too...and yeahhh...minds outta the gudder on dat..I dont do dat bidness..The Amaretto Sour looked great!!  Yes, the Natty truck is still parked on the curb.

    Dorty..I will Def be on da UFO wid ya tomoree and Two's -dey foah shoah!!  I asked my girl Skates to clean it up and stock it up for eberyone..mebee this time Kat wont step on meese feets..ouch! Love the discription of your PS..I'll have to google him.  Mmmmm about Bella...I've often thought about finding a companion for Reese..maybe an older dog to teach him manners?? 

    NM...YEAH for doing nothing..I would love to do nothing but I keep finding things to do to keep me from doing nothing...the latest...I volunteerd to help at the food pantry on Fridays...and I was sober when I did it too.. you keep track of your steps?  My work sent me a pedometer a couple of years ago..its a program with their Healthy living and if you keep track for 4 months they put 150.00 in your HSA....they are doing it again this year.  Hope your day turned around for you.  Bad day SUCK and I've had a lot of them lately.

    ~~~Bbbecckkeerrrrssszz~~ ...still shakin

    Cami...the way you described your buffet experience with your sister had me in stitches..I could see it all unfold in my mind and it was hilarious!!  I love the spirite you have ...I bet your sister is a lot like you. Sawry your having a hard time sleeping.

    What is this Dork Diary that Julie speaks of?

    I've started a routine ..last week was the first week..Sundays suck so bad because my hours are 530pm-2am..HATE THEM...but I've made the day better by going to church and staying for their dinner afterwards, 1.5 hours at the beach..sunning and swimming and an hour our hour and a half I didnt nap but I tried. 

    Yes, Cami...all those people are still here and arent planning on going any where any time soon...I did put my foot down today and had some words with both of them...I told them I tend to let things get to me and build up and one day I will I said to prevent that I was going to tell them now that the smoking thing is driving me nuts..seriously NUTZZZO....and that every time someone goes out on the balcony to smoke its like fingernails on a chalkboard for me and I cant stand it...I said NO more smoking on the balcony..they have to go downstairs and do it..i dont want to smell it...also my friend has asked me numerous times to buy them for her as she is broke as a I said NO will have to make the ones you have last or figure something else out...then I told my DS2 friend that I expect 50.00 per week from him and that I didnt want to have to chase him for it..that he needs to communicate with me.  I thought it went ok...they both seemed to be responsive...I told my friend that I quit smoking because I got sick of hearing XPB bitch about it constantly and that I was going to be up her ass about it until she is a question for our HTL Nurses......... my friend told me her dr's advised her to start smoking again after she had quit because she was bleeding inside and that the smoking helped her calm down and not bleed..she has ulserated Colitis (sp) and Crones...along with her brain tumor.  Do Dr's actually tell people to start smoking again???

    Well, I sure did go on and on..sure you missed me?? you have horses??  Hope you had a fun day riding. When do you leave for your vaca?


    Latah tatahs

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Hi Cyn--u should get high hahha==OMG everyone has crashed at u home fpr good. How do u work? U have amazing patience but good u laid down some rules for u'r own good. Oh and now u volunteered u'r time and u were sober--WTF--u are so nice to do that. I can't imagine a Dr. Actually said those words they might ave answered the question if u'r friend said oh I want to smoke so bad and knowing how sick she might be right now said go ahead  I don't know but I can't think that any Dr. would encourage it????? I like the way u plan u'r day--good thinking but u missed u'r nap. I never understood u'r hrs cuz they seem so strange to me but I know the other girls know them better. Well I think u;r working now so I won't say have a good nights sleep and hope when u can sleep it's quiet for u.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Oh my chit Cyayayayaannnnnnnddiiiilllloooouuuuu! You hab me kissing da ground of my empty nest!!!! I would go straight up NUTZ dealing with deez peephole! WTF? "Ummm my doctor told me to smoke, ya ya that's it, my doctor told me to. It's your house. If you don't want smoking there, then see ya mufugguhs!!!!!! (ok, may be harsh but WTF?) dude, send them to Julie's swamp. Done. I kinda want to smack 'em upside the head. They can't friggen afford to smoke. No buddy can, them suckers are expensive these days. Ok...imma breath in my paper bag for minute.


    Whahiners, I have a feeling DH is having adrenaline help dull pain there and may feel like he got his a$$ kicked by Ms. vino when he gets home. Just a hunch but be prepared. I hope he feels better. Winning that big ol' BJ should make him feels better!!! I kept winning when I first got to casino. (went 2 times) But, I wanted to play! Why can't I win as I'm getting ready to leave?

    Oh my, we gotta get da UFO packed!!!! Load em up!!!

    Karen, why are you sad?

    Cami, you are nuts! At first, I thought the pic below your post with the chicken was gonna be about your sis poopin in the bucket. All I saw was the word "shit" and dirt. Laughing that she didn't keep her end of bargain. I sure hope you din give her none of the nasty shrimp. At lunch today my mom suddenly put a breadstick under table and my sis was sure she was pulling a heist but she was just trying to wipe some salt off. Ha! Thought of you girls!!

    NM, a day of nothing would be fabulous!!!

    Hi Goldie. Chest bump!

    Mema, wherever you are xoxoxo

    Gotta go wash my hair color out.

    Night night.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Real quick, I'm packing the UFO....just putting Dr. BJ McBullet in. Anyone have any stuff you wanna pack??

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    image alt="" name="aOS-JxymieVCgM:" />

    image alt="" name="WVc6nDm8EeZKkM:" />

    Careful Cami...

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    image alt="" name="aOS-JxymieVCgM:" />

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Will pack da keg when Cami n her boys are thru...

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited August 2013

    Haha...yep Cami..I am working but I only have 25 minutes left and I count every one of them at this time of the night..did I mention I EFFING hate these hours??  Well, I do.  Hope you get to sleep tonight.

    Beckers....your cracking me up....I just may take them down to Julie's swamp..dont tempt me.  Yea, Im not buying the Dr saying to smoke chit either...doesnt make any sense...did I mention she has a brain tumor also? 

    Seems last night I also asked a friend to teach me how to bowl on Tuesdays....yep..Im making all kinds of plans..and I have a lunch date with a friend on Thursday...Im getting all kinds of social now that I have a house full.  Tho..I have to admit that I like having someone to do things with.  Maybe in time I'll stop bitching.  emphasis on MAYBE.

    Thanks for getting the UFO all spiffied up and ready to rock and roll tomorrow..DorK....what is your oral soiygen like?  Maybe a cute soiygenette for moise????

    20 mins now....

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013

    I'm doing better tonight..still not where I want to be, but better than this morning...Some days, and I can't really explain why, I have a hard time..wake up in a real funk...depressed and out of sorts.......and for even more unknown reasons I can't cry!!!!!  I've done everything I can think of except hypnosis to try and get to the root of the alll has to do with the RB, as well as a horrible job situation when I was finishing Tx...will explain more another time.....

    DorK...will be with you tomorrow....

    Summer vacation is officially over Frown   Back to work for me....DD is starting 10th grade and DS is back to college again after semester off....he has a tough schedule plus work..

    Only got in 12K+ steps today....didn't get an evening walk....need to figure out my morning walks now that I'm back to work...need to leave by how early do I want to walk and how early do I need to get up.....I may only work till noon tomorrow so if I don't walk in teh morning, I can walk in the aftenoon unless its too hot.....we broke a record yesterday 97 and today tied a record at 98!!!

    Off to bed......sweet dreams....