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how about drinking?



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013

    It seems that so many of us here are dealing with and taking care of aging parents.....I never thought I would be one of the sandwich generation!!!!  Kathy, DorK my thoughts are with are such good daughters!!!  I truly believe that what we are doing for our parents will come back to us in our time!!!  but even if not, for me it is the right thing to do.  I do enjoy spending time with Mom. Today, I took her to 24 Fitness...while she was at class I got my walk in....then we picked up DD and went to lunch...took DD home and Mom and I ran errands...she got her hair cut, we went to Target and the $ store. 

    Bernie....I echo what the other gals said and hope you get back pay!! congrats to your DH on his new job

    Kathy....hope you get to go to Tunica.  do your DD's have dates yet?

    Orange :)   its nice to know that I think like someone else....there are many times I feel like a lone island!!!! the joke!!!  I could even see the visual....I'd never would have had that problem even in my very senior years...I was small chested prior to BC....but my girls, well thats another whole different story!!!

    Cami...good luck with the garage sale.....

    Time to pour another glass of wine!!! 

    Sweet dreams....

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Julie, I forgot to mention to you that I shared your funny at Happy Hour. My dad got a kick out of that!!! (The one where the old woman shot her self in her knee, trying to hit right below her breast). ROFLMAO foah shuah!!

    Picking up my parents in the ayem to get their new tires, then taking them to a German lunch. Will have to make sure my dad's bp is ok first though.

    NIght Night Ladiezzzzzzzz!


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Hey all. Can't stay long. Gotta get up at 6 ayem for neuro appt. LOL at Pau Hana BP monitors! Ha! We could write for a sit com.

    Ok. Das all folks. Nite nite.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited August 2013

    Hi Babes, stoopid thing keeps opening five pages back.

    Big hugs to Dork.

    No back pay because I had to claim social so that has to be paid back.  Eventhough it was less money per week I don't get the difference!!!!!!!!!

    Looks like i'm slipping on the jokes. lol.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    good morning bernie,just keeping the jokes warm while you were on hiatusLaughing

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Good first Morning everyone who;s up.

    Bernie you said u have to pay back to who Is this going to mean money wil be taken out of u;r dis.? I don't quite understand that.

    Julie how is being back to doing what u always do, just be careful.

    Karen no matter how much we love our parents it is difficult being like theor parents and I hated that so much cuz sometimes i had to get stern and I never rised my voice to my mom in her life and yet she was stubborn as a mules (my dad would say) and she was She was supoosed to get blood 2x a wekk at first of course we listened to her and since she didn't want to bother anyone she told us once a week--til I called the haha I caught her in lies and the Dr. said she chose once a week--well that stopped and she got it 2x a week, she was so frail and week all the time this lasted for 2 yrs and my dad was blind so he couldn't help but she insisted on staying alive for my youngest DD's wedding and she looked beautiful she died a month later and yet u could not see the pain or weakness she was in at my DD's wedding My mom and dad danced for the last time (just for a few minutes) and we have it on tape. We have so many tapes, pics and recording of them cuz we had to hold onto them s ong as possible. We were also bless with having them along time, but it wasn't long enough. Altho it's worry and frightening they still stayed around and only the last couple of months my Dad thinking was more messed up. So my praise goes out to all of u for all u do, it's not always easy but it's worth every minute, even tho I'd laugh at my mom for breaking up some of her meds--well I've been paid back same meds and I have to break them up. She got me.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  How is everyone this Thirsty Thursday? 

    Cammy--OH, my, raisins instead of sugar?  And I know about blueberries in everything, that's what's happening around here right now--blueberry whoopie pies, blueberry crumble, blueberry pie, blueberry ice cream, blueberry cake, blueberry muffins, blueberry pancakes.  IF that happened all the time I would learn to hate blueberries, too!

    DorKable--(((((hugs)))))  Mandi my not have felt well her last few hours but she was with you, and that, I know, made her feel better than if she was at the vets in the care of strangers.  And you gave her a good life.  She's waiting for you on the other side, running around with her new friends, including my Snookie and Brandy and Alex and Shadow.  What kind of surgery is Stella having?  Something fun, I hope? 

    Karen--can you get some walking in while you are at work?  Maybe during lunch breaks?  I know I won't get up that early to go walk, either.  Now DD needs a ride to school, that's a big change.  And I'm with you, if a occasional glass of wine makes the beast come back, so be it.  I'm not giving up everything that make life fun!

    Becs--Blackberry Merlot can get us through almost anything!  I haven't heard anything  good about Windows 8 yet.  Good luck with the effexor weaning!  COPD, huh?  Not fun. 


    Juliet--Great new word!

    Goldie--I have got to use some of my blackberries in that drink!

    Juliet--LOL!!!! Can you see her explaining THAT one??????

    Wahine--your parents are quiet the couple, getting into so much trouble so innocently!

    Hmm, is there a drinking game involving BP monitors?  Or do we need to create our own?

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is Honey Blackberry Shrub Punch

    For the Shrub:

    1 cup blackberries

    1/2 cup honey

    3/4 cup cider vinegar

    1/2 cup water

    For the Cocktail:

    8 ounces bourbon

    6 large sprigs mint

    4 cups ice

    2 cups seltzer, chilled


    For the Shrub: In a glass or plastic container with a lid, combine berries and honey. Add vinegar and water and stir gently until honey is dissolved and berries have begun to release juices, being careful not to mash berries. Cover and refrigerate overnight or up to 1 week.

    For the Cocktail: Transfer half of shrub mixture (with berries) to a large pitcher. Reserve remaining shrub for later use. Add bourbon and mint to shrub. Lightly bruise mint with a wooden spoon.

    Add ice and seltzer to pitcher. Stir gently to combine and serve immediately.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Oh dat wuz a phunny one Julie, poor Aunt Mildred!

    Glad your dad’s BP came down Kathy, sounds like maybe he over did it a little? Hoping you get to Tunica and WIN BIG!

    Karen, sounds like you had a very nice day with your mom and DD. I wish I could do that with my mom, but glad that my son is there to care for her.

    Bernie, when I log in here, it always opens where I left off. Odd that it’s opening 5 pages back for you. You have to pay money back?

    Cami, you were up EARLY! Sweet story about your folks.

    My sweet Blueberry NM, Stella is getting new foobs, AGAIN. Praying so hard for her, that it works. I looked up your DOTD, it’s boutimous!

    Got up this morning and our "on demand" hot water heater is on the fritz! Got out friend bring some D batteries, hoping that's all it is. I also have maters and peppers to can! But mese kitchen is all clean...........for now anyways!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    ROFLMAO Cami, now we can use the correct term for ourselves!!!! Spiritual, I like it. I think I will copy this and send to my dad. OK, read the posts, love them time for more comments as if I don't get my EWWA into de shower mese will be late, I'll be late, for a very important date....



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    bp drinking games,the mind boggles!         slow and low is the best way to bring someones bp down,the blood vessels don't like sudden major pressure changes.    

    i think i'm in need of some spiritual counseling

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    "Splain "slow and low" puleez Julie. We use the auto bp monitors, so can't slow it down, but I make sure they are STILL and have not been active right before. Was still high this ayem, but in the 150's this afternoon....much better!

    This is one of the dogs we get to walk sometimes when our neighbors are precious and 4 yr old today. I think she just took this pic...

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    kat, s@#$%Y  was referring to lowering the bp not to taking it .me badEmbarassed slow and low or  slow to low is how we refer it. its less stressful on the body especially if they have been running high for a while.     glad the parents bp's are down ,a little less stress in your life.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Thanks for 'splainin dat Julie! YES, I am so glad their bp is down too, still high, but tolerable. Would not be leaving on a trip either, if it was still that high.  Stress??? Stress??? whats dat??? Mese tinks mese runs on stress lately...wouldn't know whut ta do widout it.... lol

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    Kat lmao on drinkg and BP

    Hi Cammie

    stella is getting new foobs

    NM Blueberry whoopie pies yum I want some

    Good pics cammie and Juliet

    Bernie IN NYS u get back pay

    I hear

    and know someone who got a huge check

    saw pain doc today we r going to try a patch that I can put on at night

    The cream does not work really

    Im cutting out the heavy exercise Im just going to walk

    I need the Nike fuel band

    Ill get it tomm

    Cammie did u see shark nado? on sci-FI?

    Hugs all

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Oh Kat I love that little puppy dog, it looks like a bijon (sp) so cute.

    And of course I still don't understand the B/P thing--slow and low--if u slow down, it goes low? And I thought the bottome number was important too, cuz the top number could indicate nerveousness and can go down within munutes, but the bottom number was the more steady number--See I don't know after all these years.

    Orang what a question of course I saw Sharknado hhaha It was fin fun.

    Well most of my rings sold out and one guy had an eye thingy with him and bought a few--I prolly sold real stones in there, cuz I don't remember but I know nothing was gold or silver.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited August 2013

    thank you Juliet for the brilliant jokes.

    Found out today I was actually deducted another 55 euro for admin fees. CAMMI WHERE THE HELL IS THAT LETTER.

    After two years of appeals and assessments,  being prodded and poked they can go (as we say in ireland) shite.

    Hey ho, onwards and upwadards.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited August 2013

    By the way, did I say I got my mammo results - only took five months.  All clear.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    THANK GOD for clear mammo Bernie....but omg they waited FIVE MONTHS to tell you?? And you have to pay them back for the smaller amt you got for 2 yrs waiting for disability???? SUX big time! Glad to see you here more, though. Miss you!

    Remember I said I was re-doing my hair red? it TOOO Red! I mean the Ferier (sp?) crap was blood red and everywhere....never used that before, and never will again. Got my hair cut today and just got home. My hairdresser was surprised to see it so red too, but then said I am the only other person besides Cyndie Lauper who can pull it off. I think she was just being nice! Here is a pic I found of Cyndie Lauper, so maybe its this red??? 

    Anyway, its Pau Hana time, and I need it badly!!!! DD1 having probs, so moved her dr appt up to Monday....really scares the chit outta me. I think things will move fast after she sees him. So this weekend away will be it for awhile. Please keep her in your prayers, thanks so much, I really mean it...BIG THANKS!!!

    Now lets get dwunk! Who wants to join me?????


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Bernie my letters just get attention not action, well 2x they did but rarely, I haven't heard back now for over a week, they put me on holdforever. Now u have to pay back too. Geeze. And how long for u'r test results--that's crazy.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Kat I bumped into u----OK now we wait for Monday? well that's only a few days ad then find out what to do. Geeze--Always prayers Kat.

    Kat I did that with my hair one time it was so red and it stayed like that for a while too-hell I didn't care and I bet u can get away with it easily--so enjoy the new u.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    prayers for monday

    bernie,how did you wait 5 months i have a hard time waiting the 15 mins it takes to get a read and i go get the report usually a day later.  gthe robbing sods, 55 euros for paperwork, think its about time certain gov dept start wearing  masks and phrasing letters with put your hands in the air ,this is a robbery.

    hope everybody is having a good night,just went to olive garden with friends,had the shrimp versuvio, it was execellent

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013

    The news just reported an accident earlier today that took out a truck load of ice cream....the truck caught on fire!!!  My first thought was how sad....don't think anyone was injured in the accident!!!!

    Kathy...will keep DD in my thoughts and prayers....enjoy your week-end away......That is RED hair.....I've always wondered why we called redheads/gingas redheads when their hair is actually orange!!! 
    I can ay this as my oldest DD is a redhead!!!! 

    Got to put dinner up....bbl

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Da mmmm bit!!! I jus lost what I typed.

    Saw MRI. Brain lit up. Damn immune system. Yes, even tho I try to ignore, MS is alive n well. Thpppbpbt!!!!!!!!! I will be in fountain if needed.

    Lug slublubsyouall.....

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Awwww Becks, I hate that... ((((Beckers)))))

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Oh Beckers I'm so sorry-it sucks for you like crazy.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    ((((((((((becks))))))),do you need anything in the fountain?

    good morning cammi

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Good Morning Julie--This is my FIRST wake up- as I call it--it's still dark out and I'm absolutely cold. Coffe hasn't been made yet--and garage sales still going today--I made 60.00 with some jewelry we sold so so cheap cuz that's what a garage sale does as  know but one man came with one of those eye thingys and bought like 10 rings. OM what did I sell.haha--Oh well another day for it so we had a few $$$ anyway--Joey made 8.00 so he was happy--took my meds, now for my pain meds--I always wait to take the pain meds and I don't know why--I don't want them to get confused with the rest I guess. My mom did that and I used to laugh and now I do it beut he was 88 and when she did it.

    Silly story I was on the phone with my sister last night for quite a while, my cousin earlier, well Sunday we're going to a brunch (I told u guys) and my sister and I were moaing about how much food and u can't eat it all blah blah blah so she says why don;t we take plastic bags in our purses- and don't let Mike and Nick see this and I immediately said OMG Lu we can't do that--wait I have a big tote I could bring nd I don't have to put anything in it and bring different bags, and she said u just said NO, ah yes my grasshopper but then I thought about it, cuz u always get a taste for something later so we're bringin our bags. LOL Now we'll se if we have nerve enough.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  TGIF! 

    Goldie--Stella is getting new foobs AGAIN!??!!  Praying it works this time, for sure!   A clean kitchen is a wonderful thing, isn't it? 

    Cammy--I like being spiritual!

    Juilet--spiritual counseling, indeed!  I need LOTS of that. 


    ORLA--what is the Nike fuel band?  I saw commercials for Sharknado, didn't watch it.  How was it?

    BBBBernie--HOORAY for the all clear mammo report,  even if it is 5 months later! 

    Wahine--Not many women call pull of that shade of red hair, good for you!  And I am praying for DD1, praying very hard.  Now lets git dwunk!

    Karen--I wonder how much ice cream was given away there? 

    Becs--Ouch.  I'll join you in the fountain. 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is The Black Friday Cocktail

    1 1/2 oz Old Forester Bourbon Whiskey

    1 oz ginger ale

    2 oz cola

    Squeeze of lime

    Garnish with crushed lime wedge


    In a highball glass, add first three ingredients

    Squeeze lime wedge into glass and garnish with crushed lime wedge
