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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Oh another silly story--they're getting dumber I know--I talked to my cousin and she fell and got hurt some and she's using a cane now--so she told me she got an opinion on her foot but she asked me what I thought soshe gave me all the symptoms and I said it sounded like neuropathy (that xould be why she fell) and we taked about it and I said well what did the Dr. say and she said Oh I didn't go see a Dr. and I asked well where did u get u'r first opinion? And she said LU (my sister.) She hasn't gone to the Dr. at all that stupid bit** and u cn't help but laugh at her and get mad too.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    No wonder we’re so close, we’re “spiritual”!

    Julie, how does one bring their BP down slowly?

    That’s a cute lil poochie Kat and I’m sure you are rocking that red, it really does look good on you. I’m so sorry about your DD, but do hope things will start to move. I think you are talking about the DD that lives near you? But I am confused, I think of DD1 being first born, which would make it your DD in TX. But maybe I am misunderstanding the abbreviation? Praying for both of your girls regardless, and YOU TOO!

    Lara, I hope the patch works, but better yet it would be nice if the pain just went away. Hoping it will in time and glad you will lay off the heavy exercising.

    Cami, did you make lots of Moooooola on your rings. Oh, I see $60, not too bad. Glad Joey made a little too, what did he sell? The place you are going on Sunday for brunch, won’t they let you take what you don’t eat, that you have to sneak it out? Or is it a buffet?

    Yeah Bernie for the clean mammo, but really, 5 months???? That is ridiculous.

    Sorry you lost your post Becks, I know I’m repeating, but that’s why I do mine in Word, then copy and paste to here. MS causes your brain to light up in MRI?

    NM, yes on Stella and the new foobs AGAIN. Prayers for her, for sure. Indeed a clean kitchen is nice, I just wish it would stay that way. I did my peppers and cleaned that mess, then made dinner and DIDN’t clean that, so will have to do that this morning if I have time before going to town.

    Happy Fried Day ladies!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Good Morning again--my 2nd one. My dgtr is already out and so is Joey, yesterday while she was out I straighten up for her--the kitch and living room--today I really can't I feel bad when I can't do something but she understands.

    Goldie it is a buffet, which I no longer like to do it's to much geting up and down and holding plates which is not my best act these days. LOL And there is so much food u don't know what u'r doing and don't want to take to much of something cuz u want to taste more things.And it costs so much--we'd be better off just going to a restaurant and order one thing, but I don't choose or pay so I just go along.

    Lara the scary movies are getting dumber and dumbest lately. 

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Cami, I think you should get a wheel chair, it would make things so much easier for you, so you wouldn't have to walk. Someone will help you, I'm sure! Or even a walker, you can set your plate on the seat, or you can sit on it, and scoot yourself along, that is what my mom does with hers. I know you wouldn't be able to get one by Sunday, but something to consider for the future. And if your doctor writes an order for it, you won't have to pay........just something to consider, especially when it's the walking that hurts so much.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Good ideas Lori, about Cami using a walker or wheelchair while at the buffet! Yes, it is my DD1 who lives near me (with the cancer), and who will see her dr on Monday. My DD2 lives in TX, she is my youngest, but has the 3 oldest grandkids! They started YOUNG, really did, well she was 19, and the kids came quickly afterwards, like steps, all in a row.

    Cami, OMG you are just soooo funneee, and its your everyday life, nothing made up! Well, I wouldn't advise you to take food out from a paid for buffet. If its at a friends or relatives, that might be ok, but not at a restaurant. They frown on that. OK, I will DH has VIP status at a couple of of them even has a special elevated seating area in the buffet, for VIPs. Of course I like to sit SO there was a dessert I really liked but was too full. Thought I was being smart....asked my server for a take-away cup so I could take my drink out. BUT of course I put my dessert in it...and got STOPPED while we were leaving, by the front of all the other patrons....I was so embarrased....and she didn't just give me a warning, she TOOK IT! So you know she had to throw it away. Those beyotches!!!! Good luck at the yard sale, wish we could have seen your jewelry and bid on it ourselves! That guy prolly did get some bargains. BUT you are clearing out stuff you don't use, and getting money for it, so its a win-win.

    Oh NM that Black Friday Cocktail actually sounds good!

    Gotta run, lots to do....wish me luck at the casinos.... "oN tHE rOAD aGaIn"...........



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Oh Kathy, how embarrasing about the desert, but funny too! BEYOTCH!!!!

    OK, I was right on what DD1 and DD2 meant, what I WAS WRONG about was that I thought your DD in TX was the oldest!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    My mind tonight is less than stable.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    OMG Kat u got caught--Oh that's awful--but see u'r temptation was there So that's natural right????? OK I won't let my sister do it Wink

    Kat I thought that's what and where u'r DD's are.

    Shower time, then nap time --I'm so effin lazy.

    Oh Lori my Dr. did write a script thing for a wheelchair but I didn't get it, I know I'm being srubborn, but as long as I can I don't want one--but I think I'm going to get a 3prong Cane--I don't want a walker either--I don't know why, I just can't give into it yet.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    about the 3 wheeled walker with a seat so you could scoot along the buffet line?  and maximise your eating .  cammi i love your stories,your family is a hootLaughing

    kat should have told them your a trained killer.

    lori -in hospital ,we use iv meds but at home,it diet and exercise and taking your meds and checking your bp regularly

    lara and becks =hope your both having a good day

    nm-have they started the big push on pt education yet for you, had a 2 hr class this morning, if a pt is re admitted, its because i didn't educate them properly and make sure they knew what they were doing on discharge.     so the person that goes out and uses cocaine again and has a heart attack  ,its because i didn't make it clear to them that cocaine is bad for them. now i need an icon for banging head against the wall.sometimes these agencies make blanket statements without thinking it through,such as chf pts to weigh themselves everyday and record the results and call  md if weight gain, makes sense  but if they have limited mobility and limited sight  ,how are they going to archieve this.  wouldn't it make more sense to say if your clothes or shoes/slippers are tighter than yesterday or your more short of breath call your doctor.ok rant over.

    have a good day,i'm going for a nap too, got up early,class was at 9am and i hate the bridge traffic so went over at 0630 and had breakfast at perkins

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Doesn't Stella kind of remind u of Tinkerbell, I wonder if Stella's the bad sheep of the fairy world. They do have them u know.

    OK no more talk about me and the things u push, lean on or sit in.LOL

    I've hardly been on today, the garage sale was so nothing today usually the first day it goes , but after that it's about done. Joey was all set to take care of the "customers" today and it was slow--that meant no money for sitting out all day but the neightbors are so nice I din't stay out tho, but my DD did.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    Kat u prob look so good with that color

    These vibrant colors are in so keep it! Sharon Osborne does a deep red

    Cammie u made jewelry? Sold it 60 dollars? We should all make a jewelry site

    Juliet scary cocaine u prob see a lot of crazy things

    Get fear net cammie it's a dollar a month through cable it has scary movies on all the time

    Snark nadao shark so dumb

    Stalker is on lifetime 2013 movie I'm watching that @ 8

    I did get my flu shot today

    Hi Goldie

    Karen you must b going back to work soon? I think u have the Nike band

    NM it goes on your arm and counts how many calories u burn all day

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Lara I don't make jewelry--hell I can't even make up my mind---I sold my older jewelry--way to cheap obviously but that the hell I wasnt wearing it anymore --I ave so much I forgot all about the ones I sold. Oh I knw I have Fearnet, u know I'd have to--I just watched gthe Reeds, It was dark except for the last 5 minutes.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013

    This post on fb got the best of me....some one I know and didn't realize I was a fb friend (so time to "unfriend")....liked this post and it showed up on my took great restraint to not write who gives a sh**....some of us have more important things to worry about....and there were before and after pics!!!   Does this bother anyone else besides me?

    It's Before & After of the Week time! This week: Breast Augmentation.
      This is a 35 year old mother of two who felt that her breasts had involuted after pregnancy, and was interested in breast augmentation with silicone implants. She is 5’8” tall and weighs 120 lb. Her breast diameter is 10 cm and she underwent sub muscular breast augmentation with 275 cc high profile silicone implants though an inframammary fold incision. See the full picture and other examples here:


    Orange....Nike band???


    No ice cream was given away....the truck caught fire!!!


    cami...Mom started using a walker several months ago and everytime she uses it she tells me how much she hates it....she either needs it or a cane......It is hard...


    Kathy....hope your enjoying your week-end get-a-way


    DorK...when is your surgery?


    Stella does look like Tinkerbell


    Time to jump in the shower and then warm up Shabbat dinner....Everything is done....just needs to be heated up....figured out last week and this that it takes me 4 to 5 hours to cook Shabbat dinner and lunch!!!!  I did go for a mani/pedi again after I was done....its only been 3weeks...this could become a pattern!!!


    Yup...summer vacation has come to an end.....we are all back to school/work next week!!!


    Have a great Friday night....see you late tomorrow night...Cheers!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Casino sux ass as usual. whachu all up to? Time da dwink up!

    Stella gettin fubes?

    I like the bright red hair Wahine!

    Cami lmao on 1st opinion. That wld be what my sis would do only doktur wouldn't be evn 2nd.

    Jules, what is up with the readmit issues? When my Mom was almost bleeding to death they were going to send her home for 2nd time. Iz like um......nope! Maybe dats why. Good luck on educating the addicts. (I had a 6'3", 275# alcamaholic patient convince his fam to d/c and he can barely walk and had 9 hours of travel, flying with 2 layovers. You shoulda seen his nephews face when we told him how to handle if his uncle craps his


    Congrats on mammo Bernie!!

    Orange we should have an online HTL store. Screw pink ribbon jewelry. Les make drunk jewelry!

    Cyn, How's bed n breakfast coming along?

    Alright, time fo dwinks n chit!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    My First Good Morning everyone. It's Saturday so I hope u guys are off and can relax some. cuz I know u work sometimes. Weather will be good around here.But I know so many worries for all of u, I hope there is some peace this week-end and relaxing too. Monday will come soon enough.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Oh Julie how much sweeter can a picture be. I love it.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    good morning cammi, working tonight so off to bed soon,hope you have a great day with your family

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Cami, I can understand about not wanting to give in to the walker or wheel  chair, but before you said it  hurt more when you walked. So it’s about pain management, not that you need either of these to get around. So quit being stubborn! (oops, just saw your post about no more talk of this……too late! ) Tongue Out

    Julie, good idea for going over the bridge early and grabbing some breakfast. I had to chuckle about it being your fault cuz the pt that you discharged went out and used cocaine again and had a heart attack, because you weren’t clear enough on discharge, lol.  Here is that emoticon for you!

    Karen, it amazes me some of the stuff that people post on FB!

    Becks, don’t feel bad, I don’t ever do well at the casinos either. Cleaning ANYONE that craps them self would not be any fun.

    Lara, are you being good and not over doing it?

    First good morning to you too Ms Cami. And don’t be wishing Monday to be here!

    Kathy, have a great relaxing week end. I’ll bet you look super sassy with that red hair.

    Did not get my tomatoes done the other day, so that is on my agenda today and some cleaning. DH and I are going riding tomorrow.

    DOTD for Julie………..HEAD BANGER

    1 1/2 oz Southern Comfort® peach liqueur
    1 1/2 oz Jack Daniel's® Tennessee whiskey

    Pour both ingredients into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain into an old-fashioned glass, and serve.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2013

    Just caught up reading from where I left of off. Camille, you had me blowing my dwink through my nose, you are such a riot! I wish I could meet you, we would have a blast.

    I have to go in 15 minutes and get mese hairs done. Wanted to pop in and thank you all for the love and prayers over the loss of my Mandi. I think I am still just numb as it all hapened so fast.

    Prayers to Kat's DD's, parents and DH. omg, we make a pair with all of our drama. Mese dad has had two more "episodes" this week. I somehow hanging tough tank to mr daniels, mese bff he bese!

    My DIEP flap was moved up to this coming thursday, woo hoooooo, two foobs again. and mese bin pigging out on fat food cuz dey gonna suck de fat out anyway. I am having dental surgery on monkey dey and taking the day off before my big surgery. HOpe to get back and update you all more but jest had to say I love you all so much and have come to realize that I need you. Sorry for being a stranger, I racked up 72 hours at work this week and that is a lot considering I was out the most part of three days.

    lift up those tits girls and sailabrate, cheers!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    WOW Dorkie, your surgery is now THIS THursday??? And your dental surgery on Mondey? Sheesh girlfriend, we better get the UFO out there and just CAMP OUT wid ya! WIll be sending lots of prayers your way, for sure!

    OMG Cami, your comment that you can't make jewelry, you can't even make up your mind! ROFLMAO!!!!

    And BEcks, oh shoot you had a good comment too....oh yeah I think it was for us to make DRUNK jewelry??? LOL

    Lori, Good visual for Julie....head banging on wall!And the HEad Banger dwink!!! Awesome.

    Julie, Thats ridiculous that it would be YOUR fault if you have to re-admit a pt....soooo stoopid of the "higher ups" to think that.

    Well, annudder scare, as we were already about 4 hrs from home, found out my dad's bp was 212! The dr had finally reconnected with me (cat and mouse on the phone) and called in a bp med for him as we were already on the road, but the dr DID NOT know how high his bp got later in the day. So when I kept calling to tell them they need to pick up the med, my dad was always sleeping, had to leave msg with my mom. THen finally when he woke up was when he told me it was 212. Told him to chew an aspirin, and take it again. That he might have to call 911 if it didn't go down. SO then we couldn't reach hinm on the phone (somehow they didn't hang one up), so late at night, my DD1 drove over there and woke them up, but found out they were ok (it was only about 8:30 but they were already in bed)....and she got the phone back on. Was also glad she thought to stop at the pharmacy in case they didn't pick up the med, and she needed to. SO of course my DH falls HARD on the floor after getting up in the middle of the night...he is still in excruciating pain but won't let me take him anywhere. Sheesh.....WHERE is the PERCOTINI FOUNTAIN when I need it?????



  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Chit, oh Chit Wahine!!! Breath in thru ur nose and out thru your mouth. You have your hands full. When my hubby's BP was over 200 he had to go to ER to get it down. Where is DH's pain?? We don't take falls too easy nowadays. Bring him to perc fountain too. I hope he didn't injur too bad. Sprains take FORever to heal! If he fractured anything, pretty sure he will know it. That pain is different. Excruciating but different enough that he would know something is wrong. Ice for first 48 hours.

    Dorty, PM me about DIEP preparations and any questions you have along the way. I am here for you, to pray, to cheer up, to dwunk drive da UFO. We gotta get dat puppy stocked up. It's gonna be alonnnnnggggggg week! Chest bump for ya now!!

    Jules, love the hugging dogs!

    Cami, what's up? How's pain? We need to get one of those back contrapshuns for HTL so we can hang ya upside-down to get flyin organdas back in line. We can get a keg and have you drink upside-down like they do in the frat house. Xoxoxoxoxwxyz

    Mornin ebberyone else. Slubs ya!!


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Goldie, the head banger looks yummy!!! Got me one of those magic bullets to make shakes n stuff. (No goils....not one of those dildo magic bullets!!!)

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    Becks I agree drunk jewlery

    Good pics Juliet

    Karen no icecream lmao

    Yea who cares about that women good for her

    Dork UFO we r all with ya eat everything in sight

    Bernie yea 5 years

    Karen I thought u had a fuel band u say u do about 10,000 steps a day the band shows u this and calories

    Goldie I'm being good kind of

    I like the smileys in your post

    Cammie lmao I thought u made it ok glad u have fear net

    Cammie you can get a cane a hit people on the butt



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Dork what a week for u. OK Thursday is THE day finally u won't be boobie trapped any more, Prayers being sent u'r way and the ufo will be there for u--Think of us when u wake up, we'll be standind over u smiling--cuz this is the charmed one.

    Kat I can not believe all that's happening with u'r Dad and now u'r DH fell and of course won't get checked out. How is he walking, cuz u can tell a little. If u have to tell hime u'll take him out for ice cream and take him to ER--no wait rhat'a for kids--tell him a drink, tell hime a porn show anything if he's being ro stubborn. I don't know how u'r B/P stays good--way to much for u. Prayers pf course.

    Oh I'm typing like chit, my meds wore off what a difference.

    Becs I was going to say something to u, but I forgot and Karen too.

    Oh Goldie that DOTD sounds strong--good, but strong and I do go to PT with pain management, but all I'm getting out of it is spit. But I do my stuff so I'm trying. Remember I have to get in shape for the senior winter olympics--they said it could happen.

    Lara I have SyFy on all day sleeping thru alot of it but it's on.

    I hope everyone has a quiet peaceful night tonight--with enuff drinks it's possible so try.

    Lubs u all

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Becks, I didn't even think of ice....DUH...but really, he is always SOOOOO cold while I am "glistening" (sweating), so I doubt he would let me ice down his back. Really scary though as he DID make it down to the slot tournament (aarggghhhh) but he almost yells out in pain every so often, so people look, and prolly wonder WTH is wrong with him....he is walking so slow and in a lot of pain. Fell so hard on his back and side.

    Oh Cami, the Senior Olympics!!! Yahooooooo!!!!! Shirley wese wud all qualify, right? Well you and me at least. Let's go get em.....

    Lara, good idea to hit them in de butt, for DD1 actually takes a "cane" class along with TaeKwonDo....they buy expensive canes,  very hard wood with good crook in it....then they learn how to take someone down with it, and do self defense with it. I know I should learn that too, but.....

    Well, Gambling Gods are *ok*....I was down, then got almost even...had to go to the $5 machine though to do it. LOTS of yummy food...last night in the VIP room (for free)....oysters rockefeller, thai chicken skewers, beef skewers, crabmeat apps, fruit, veggies, etc. So no dinner, just all the pupus. TOnight more pupus for the slot tournament winners announcements, but might also go to the steak house at another casino, IF DH is up to it. Lots of dwinks I have had 2 Bloody Marys, 1 Amaretto Sour, and 1 Long Island Iced Tea. (I *think* thats all, but who can think at this point)...Hmmmmm....will have to think of what to have tonight!!!

    Hugs to you all!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Oh Kat u DH sounds awful--his whole back hurts> oo he must have gone down hard on it. Can u get hime to wear one of those back patches at least they're not to bad, but if he really hurt something---I hope not.

    I talked to my sister the plans have been made--she's already got the bags in her purse and I'm supposed to be very distracting when she does it. She said yell out in pain or double up for a moment then say oh I'm all right and she'll do the same for me--She's really giving this alot of thought. And I told her remember to mention my 3 hernias along the way cuz my tummy sticks out so much, I look like a person who should not be at a buffet--so she has to let it known, well I'm overweight anyway but my hernias make it look worse so we have to go thru all this just to go to a buffet. She's exhausting.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited August 2013

    Hello Lovely Ladies of the HTL,

    I so wish i could get here more frequently. I miss all of you. So much going on for everyone I hope Im not missing anything..I try to read at least even if I cant respond.. Bernie...wonderful news about your mammo..cant believe it took that long for them to contact you with the results..bastards.  Great news about your $$ and DH's Job and of course Sinead and her alien.  All kinds of good news for you babe...and its about time deserve it.

    Wahine...Hope you are having a great time in Tunica...poor DH ...Is he bruised at all?  Will he be ok to drive home?  How long is that drive?  Has your dad been checking his bp now more frequently??  How scary. I pray for you all the time and your family who is suffering such terrible health issues right now. betting you are so furcited about your Thursday soigery...I cant wait to get ittty bitty and and watch Beckers dwunk dwive the UFO and see your new boobies grow...Hun..I wish the best of luck to you this have sure been thru enough and its about time this works !!  You will have Toobies like Beckers..who I had to crack up about the bullett know the first thing that came to my mind ..of course you do because you said not that kind of bullett.

    Lori..have fun with DH and riding imagining you are riding your quads, i right?  Have fun and be careful! have to be one of the funniest people I've ever had the pleasure of communicating with you brighten my day..Like DorKie said ..would love to meet you some are special...I missed the convo on jewlrey and drunk jewlrey making..but Im in. 

    Julie...Love the hugging Weimerwiners (sp).....they look so happy and cuddly. Have a good night at work.  Are you glad to be back? are you feeling now?? Still pain?? Any news from Shannon ??  What scary movies have you seen lately?  Im due. Actually afraid it may give me ideas for my new tenants...OH..btw...Nice news the other rent was 75.00 a month...Its still a steal living this close to the beach... No way could I find a better deal than what I have even with the raise. 

    Love love you all and i miss you all ... Bottoms up!!!


    ((( Hugz)))


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Cyn, good luck makin shakes with your magic bullet! Ha! ;-)