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how about drinking?



  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited August 2013

    Cant Cry?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2013

    I have not cried in 140 and a half years, it does sux.

    NM, tank you so much for all dose hints. and a tanka ewe to becks too. see you all in de UFO,iti si dorky weekaramadrama!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Happy Monkey Day! 

    Cammy--Coffee, Coffee, Coffee!  Nothing like coffee! 

    Karen--Wow, sounds like big changes for DD! I over eat at buffets, too.  Too much temptation!

    Wahine--what other bullet are you talking about?????  Maybe a pill box with an alarm for your parents?  Having a handicapped room has turned out to be a blessing in disguise, huh?  I thought the hostess catching you with dessert was this trip, you told it so vividly!


    Cammy--Wow, what a trip you 2 had!  You're sis doesn't like shrimp after all that????? I'd kill her too!


    Wahine--Sounds like you and DH have had a pretty good trip, except for DH falling out of bed.  Or falling onto the bed and missing?  It's good that he's feeling better already. 

    CynCyn--No that is a nice Sunday routine!  No, docs do not tell people to start smoking again.  Docs may tell people that not quitting is ok (don't need the added stress and not likely to succeed when under stress anyway).  Not to mention that smoking is not good for either ulcerative colitis or crones.  And good for you for laying down the rules with your new house mates. 

    Becs--well, I had 2 days of doing next to nothing, gonna have to be disciplined and do housework after getting home from work now.  Still, it was nice doing nothing!

    Karen--97 yesterday?  Wow!  How much humidity?

    DorKable--see you in the UFO!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is The Drunk Monkey

    1 oz triple sec

    1 oz banana liqueur

    1 oz melon liqueur

    1 1/2 oz cranberry juice

    1 1/2 oz pineapple juice

    Pour the triple sec, banana liqueur and melon liqueur into a highball glass filled with ice cubes. Fill with equal parts of cranberry and pineapple juice. Stir well, and serve.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013

    Its Monday morning and back to the "real" world of work!!!

    NM...don't know how much humidity, more than we are used to in CO but probably less than back east.  Supposed to be at least 94 today!!! 

    DorK.....when is the UFO coming for me!!!

    Going to get dressed and walk....see everyone tonight....

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    NM yup they had the flu shot a CVS they all got theres so I said why not? its a pharmacy 30 bucks

    Dork get your butt into la la land we will alll be there

    Cyn hey GF yup talk to shan shes good busy.Not much going on here.same ol same still no job but enrolled in school to get my masters

    kay prayers back pain and all this other stuff

    Cammie I love shrimp I would of taken it all

    Becks nice doc I think my pain doc likes me hes cute

    Goldie u r right u know Im doing less heavy thimgs

    I got a ticket for talking on the phone court date this week meh

    I had a nice red last night watched country stromg good one

    k pop in latah

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    It's supposed to get up close to 80 today, nice beeze, absolutely beautiful!  Very little humidiity and I like it that way. 

    I can't believe this year's flu shot is out already! 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    i everyone---haven't I been here today?? How could that happen, that never happens. I'm so confusticated. But...

    NM I like the sound of the DOTD sound yummy. We are supposed to get summer like temps for a couple of weeks now that school has started?? and some of our trees are actually turning colors--This is maddening.

    Karen maybe the end of a season makes u sad--some people it does- and not really why it just does. I hope this stops for u soon, very soon.

    Julie that cat looks so cute.

    Lara are u planning on going back for u'r MASTERS, wow I love it.

    Cyn u'r getting to busy to keep up with. STOP u'r tiring me out.

    Becs u'r working hard getting the ufo for Dork--I didn't know u stay in the hospital for a few days--Oh u girls how much u go thru. OK Dork will be fine, and we'll be very organized put the likker all over so it balances out the craft for us. I hope her toof heals bery fasliest too. or where it was.

    Hi Goldie u must be busy today, I could have sworn I wrote earlier--oh maybe I forgot to SUBMIT cuz everyone was talking to me this mornig and  can't concentrate, maybe that's it Oh I didn't even look to see if I wrote maybe I lready did and just didn't see it.

    Oh my cousin got a 3rd opinion--this time from a Dr.--she has gout on the foot that she didn't fall on. We laughed so hard mysister her and me--Everyone we mentioned who had gout in our family was a man and then I figured she's had all estrogen taken or sucked out of her mabe that's why. And my sister kept calling it golf. she couldn't say gout and she's PR for a big college in this area.Oh

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited August 2013

    Hell Babes.  Every time i open this it goes back five pages.

    Starting to love windows 8 but cos i didn't get a touch screen was advised to use the mouse and that works brilliantly.

    DH went to England today for his work visa.  Pleases pray that it all goes well and then he will deploy for 30 days leaving England for Algeria on friday.  At least he has plenty of time to see family and friends. 

    My friend phoned tonight to say she hoped i wouldn't miss him too much - well obviously that effing well helped.

    One of the hens is nesting so i will have to help raise the chicks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Dogs are sulking.

    Me being dumb - all the jokes I had collected are on His laptop - have to start again tomorrow.

    Weather here still way above average but at least I can catch up with the garden.

    My friend Joe was released from hospital on friday.  Still very weak and poorly.  His Wife had a baby boy last monday, hopefully that will be good for his recovery.  He was stabbed eight times and had severe defence lacerations to his armes and hands.  Thank god he survived amd thanks to you all for the prayers and good wishes.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2013

    Bernie BABY!! So nice to see you pop your head in the lounge. I will certainly be praying for your DH and continue praying for your friend Joe. I just don't get how another human can do something so violent to another person, truly tragic. So glad he is recovering. I hope you are feeling well. and I also pray that the lil martian n mommy are doing real good. I can't believe that you love windows 8, I hate it. I can hardly find anything as far as settings  and such. And I have such a hard time with keyboard. I keep shrinking the font to where it is so teeny tiny, I can't see it. I did figure out how to enlarge it again. I did something SO annoying whne working last night. I had the font on my email so freaking huge yet the font size was reading as 8. I have no idea how to undo what I did. It was only email. I ended up logging on through IE as if I was not logged into work but then could not copy paste my text. Do you have any idea what I could have done?

    Karen, sorry that you are in a funk. We are here for you dear. thanks for the drink of gentleman jack you gave me in de ufo. i did not realaize what good it could do dwinking it straight. hiccup~ it was nice to "see you" and de other goils.

    Lara gave me some good pills, not sure what dey were but Good Lawd, dey worked. Tahnk ye Lara. And sorry de UFO was late fetching you. was it you that pinched mese doctors crotch?? you bad goil, he a married man. really though, he is not handsome but he was very good. I hope you feeling well. How is the job search going?

    Cammie, you are so sweet to always feel so bad for all of us when you have yer own pain to deal with. I cn't tell you enuff how much I respect you for being so brave with all of YOUR pain. And you never fail to crack me de hail up. Your story about the shrimp heist is jest so dern funny. I can picture you and your sister in action. and teh way you distracted the people around you with pills, you are a clever one, that is certain. I jest love you so much.

    Juliet, are you back to work yet? I tink I read that you are but might it might be my likker saturated brain making up shit! Have you by chance seen Stella? She was last seen in vegas and has nessapeared again. I know she really likes to be with you since you take her on fancy trips around de world. Do let me know if you know here whereabouts.

    Kat, I was praying for your DD today, I pray for you all everyday but sending up a special group of prayers just for her. It breaks me fart that she is goin through so much, especially given her young age. I just don't get how God can allow something like this to happen to such a good person. Give her some hugs from me if you will. How is Glenn, is he walking better? And have you left Tunica yet? I am waiting for you to have pau hana. oh what de hey, I will have it will you voyshirley jest in case you not here yet.

    Beckers, loved that you brought Dr. BJ  McBullet, he is HOT. he makes me wanna play with meseself tehehe. Tank you again for letting me pick yer brain. I cant believe you were outta work for six months after the DIEP.

    NM, thank you again for all of the tips. I am trying to figure out if I can use a wooden barstool for the shower. I worry that I will fall off of it. Do you have any ideas of what elseI could use? I do have a plastic step stool but itis not that high, only about eight inches.

    Cyn, are you able to cry? I can give you something to cry about if needed. Hmm, maybe I can help Karen? I saw your puppy on fb, he is jest so cute. I want a puppy! I was surfing the doxie resce wite and found a really cute widdle goil doxie puppy who is only 8 mnths old. thankfully, it aint the time to get me a puppy. How is yer weather? Have you taken a cooler of natties to de beach lately?

    I am starting to get a little anxious over my big surgery. I took a nap dis afternoon and could not help but think that I only have three more night s of comfy sleeep.ok, i really jacked updis font, gonna hit send elselose my stuff.  brb

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2013

    ok I am back but jest for a minute. I has one question for all you, where is Lori aka Goldie aka de (no so) innocent one? I not seeing her face in dis lounge. you goils wanna know sumting? That goil is HOT, yup, smoking hot. I saw her in person in Japan back in may. i not shitting ya either. she is like 5'10' tall and so shapely. she wears her ef-me shoes and she is jest sexy. i tink i am toyning gay jest tinking of her. kk, it might be de good drugs I taken. i gotta git to the pharmacy and pick up some vicodin but only to stash dem, i using perco's todey. you can find me next to beckers at de percotini fountain, k? Cheers girls. and as always, I wish you all peace and love in yer hearts.

    ch ch ch cha cha chia cheerS!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    good evening all, glad to hear that your friend is recovering bernie,continued prayers for recovery and don't forget to remind him,cough and deep breathe and do those leg exercises,you to dorty!  when did you find the time to write your books?

    (((((((((kat))))))))) hopefully good new allround today,   there are pill boxes that give verbal reminders to take them

    i am back in work, have to catch up on all the classes now,but at least they have to pay me!  going to the uk end of sept,so if stella turns up i'll take her,no greek cruise can't afford it but she can come to cornwall when we take my parents away for 4 nights, my younger sister and i are taking themYell the first item on our list how much alcohol do we need !mam just got a new wheel chair or in the family vernacular , a wheelbarrow or a pushchair!

    cammi  the great shrimp heist! i love it and the 3rd opinion,didn't she ask the coroner too

    karen hope your having a good night and getting to drink plenty

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    some post op reading for you dorty

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Oh Julie GREAT pics--yuuummmy- U can make us all happy. Oh BTW the coroner is mine not my cousins. hahaha

    Bernie it's so nice to see u and it does sound good for u'r friend. The baby will help the healing I'm sure.

    And Dork I'm glad u stopped by, just sit by the fountain and don't go to far that's place to be--And stop making me sound so stoic, I'm not really. And I saw a pic. of GOLDIE HOLYCHIT she's hot is right---nice butt and everything.Her ears are ringin loudlyest.

    Karen are u any better?

    Lara I'm watching Freddy's Dead. hahaha I'm really getting desparate.or is it desperate either way it's what I am.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Lmao at da reading materials Jules!!!!!!! Ahhhh, slap my thigh, snort, that wuz funny.

    Dork!!!! Dont sit on dat step stool cause you will be hollerin for help to stand up. I bout a cow milking looking chower chair at Walgreens. Why you gotsta lib in joisey, we can't come hailp if you git stuck. Oh and make sure you visit us in HTL when you are hammered on the good stuff in the hostipole. I pretty much posted some funny chit in places. Course you are always funny so not sure we will know the difference. When I was left unattended on the good chit after soigery once I ordered some goofy chit but did not remember doing so. Well, the boxes came UPS and of course my whole family was over that day. There were 3 statues of partying bears with lamp shades n chit on their heads, some other lawn art that I had to go online to figure out what it was. It was from "Collections, Etc." oh we laughed.

    Orange, I believe you better secure relashuns with that doctor!!

    BBL. I'm hungry...

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Dorkie, you must have done well today, to be able to post! YAY! Been tinkin of youse, and hope today went well. NOW to get ready for ThirstDey. Have you thought of buying a plastic outside chair? Prolly be cheap right now, and if it fits in your shower that would work ok. When I was telling someone at the bar about Lori's Duck Fart dwink, the bartender said there is a "Monkey DooDoo" Thought of it today.

    NM, what happened with my DH, was that he got up in the middle of the night, and it was pitch dark, so when coming back to bed from bathroom, he tripped, then went flying....he was hoping he would land on the bed but landed on his back on the floor and his side hit the wood at the bottom of bed really really hard. He said his head hit too. I hope he gets checked out, he is on strong blood thinners too so we worried about internal bleeding.

    They're trying to set up a surgery date for my DD1 next week....will be 2 surgeons working on her since it is a very involved surgery, so they have to coordinate their schedules. THen she'll be in the hosp a few nights, so I have a lot to do here so I can keep my g'kids for a few days. My dad said his bp went down some, since he has been on the bp med...that 212 he had when we were in MS, was so scary. I think my mom is taking her meds better now, since he has something to take, too. Can I have my nervous breakdown NOW or should I put it off???? lol.

    OH, I did get some comments on this RED hair....a guy walked by me while DH was checking us in....he said "That is a BEAUTIFUL hair color!". Then a lady commented on it right after that. But I am not used to it!! I did get to see "HUNK" and omg he is looking even better now....very gawgeous!!! A good trip (well except for DH's trip in the room), but glad to be back home! So nice to get furbaby hugs, and of course they are glad to have us back.

    Dorkie so glad your Bella seems to be enjoying being the only furbaby....I was worried she would be grieving. SUch good hints from NM about what to get ready before your soigery.

    Julie that was so funny, how you provided reading material for Dorkie!!! Wowsa!

    Yeah Lori, where you izzzzz????

    Bernie, Praying, Fingers Crossed, Eyes Crossed, etc.....that your DH gets that job!!! And all goes well. I know you will have your hands full at home doing everything yourself, but having that money coming in will be soooooo good.

    Lara, Glad you are hanging in there! Speaking of hanging, how do you like your new foobs??? HOpe they settled in well and that you are pleased with them now. Good luck with the job hunting!!

    CyndieLouWhoWouldn'tHurtAFly, So glad you are setting down some rules, and hope they don't run all over you!

    Big Hugs to all.....I'm gonna go nighty night......Cheers Dears! No Fears! No Tears! Small Rears!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    ROFLMAO funny you ordered stuff when you were strung out!!! OMG!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Becks bear lamps with shades hahahahaha thats' hysterical. I love it.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2013

    OH my Gawd. I wrote de longest post to ye all and flippingFLUCKINGlostIT! damn. i must be gay. yep. or nope. oh oh oh, i got it, mese BI! bah bye!!

    ps prayers for kat's dd. and bdw, i wrote so much about her and wrote about eberyone. i wrote a book on cammie. and SOB mudderEFfar, lost it. who dwinking by de percotinnia fountain odder dan mese, kat n beckArs?? mudderphyucking sob who steal mese post.

    nig big big biggar huge sigh and dat a real ting gone on here in awwa joysey. n not a joke so dont laugh. ugh, damned windows flucking ate, mese hate!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Please It hurts so bad when I laugh this hard dammit shut up. hahaha I'm sorry.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2013

    i sucked all de werds back, camm, hope it hailped, hail yeah!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2013

    uhhh ohhhhhh! mese fallin n mese kent get up. oopzzzeeeessee. i sleep now. gonna hibarnate soon but fer now, mese catch de xyzzzzzeeeeze. sing aLoNgwItmESE! eh emmm, clearing mese troat.... ooooooooooooooouihkugytgdfsfghjlkjhgbcfvcghm,.,bnvcghjkuytfrghjk.liuytfrdfjkl.,jmhgfgyh,nbjmhvgukh.fdrykjhgfytfvjktyuilmundfyvliabdfnyovcmdfc;oiunfaidfbinocjkldjfn  fa adfj idojf aodjfa ioefhaiubvuiBYWIYRIOGF54RIIRPOAITPONVNAKLJnlcckNknldklnklcmldlml45789747984 wxyz.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    good morning all becks-lmaoLaughing

    kat- i think jan 2018 might be availble for your breakdown.lots of prayers for you an your family

    dorty-maybe some bears with hats for your poolside!

    cammi,hope your having  apainfree day

    lara-is he a good prospect then?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  How is everyone this ayem? 

    Cammy--yup, muggy humidity levels, higher temps, just as school is starting. Gotta love it.  At least the trees aren't turning color here yet!   Gout, golf, they both start with go, close enough, but it is funny!

    BBBBernie--Windows 8 works best with a touch screen, huh?  Or a mouse?  I'll remember that in case I ever get a windows 8 computer!  Are the dogs sulking because of the imminent arrival of chicks or because DH is away?  So good to hear that your friend is recovering, and congrats on the new baby boy!  Praying for DH and the job. 

    DorKable--is the bar stool a high one?  If it is you will have trouble getting on and off it at first. The little one will NOT WORK!   Go to a store and get a cheap lawn chair, preferably one that is all plastic (not canvas or other cloth-like material) that's just about perfect and can be reused outside after you don't need it in the shower any more.  Also, if you don’t have grab bars in your bathroom consider picking up one that suctions on the side of the shower,  it's so helpful I have left mine up even though I don't need the extra help any more. It's normal to be a little nervous about a big surgery like this, but the end result is SO worth it! 

    Juliet--love the pushchair vernacular!  And it's good you're getting paid to do classes, makes them a little less annoying to sit through. 

    Cute buns, but the rest of the canvas doesn't do anything for me.  I am just not into total body tattooing, I guess. 

    Becs--partying bears with lampshade hats???? Too funny!!!

    Wahine--OUCH!  I bet DH has some impressive bruises!  Probably be a good idea to get checked out just for peace of mind if no other reason.  Put off your nervous breakdown until after DD1's surgery, and we'll all come out and help you do it up right!  You are going through so much right now. 

    OK, Dorky's got some good nighty-night drugs, suppose she'll share????

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the No Frazzle Dazzle

    3/4 Part Pucker® Raspberry Schnapps

    3/4 Part Kamora® Coffee Liqueur

    3/4 Part Vanilla

    Lemon Lime Soda

    Pour over ice and fill glass with lemon lime soda.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Good Morning.

    OOOO the DOTD sounds so yummy even right now.

    Dork if that was u singing---stop for eberyones good--it will be most relaxing for all.

    Kat u know u can't break down yet--we will let u know when it's time and then we'll all be ther to help u. So just postpone it and every day u have to think like Scarlet O'hara--U'll think about it tomorrow, that'll get u thru for a long time.

    I'm up late this morning--need plenty of coffee

    OK the stupidest question ever---who know the song--I've been singing the end of it all night don't know why--ok here are the words. and when my life is thru and the angels ask me to recall, the thrill of them all I will tell them I remember u--well that could be the name Name I remember u but it just keeps on going on and on in my head. Lara I think i heard it in the movie 1,000 maniacs LOL

    Oh I need coffee.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Hope you enjoyed that bump in the pool Saturday morning NM. I knew I might be doing that! I don’t do well keeping my kitchen clean. I’ll spend hours in there, and then start on dinner, which is usually 2 different things, as my husband and I don’t eat the same things. Glad you had all of those reminders for our Adorkable.

    Wow Karen, 25 minutes to the bus every morning? Are you driving her, or is that on her bike?

    Kat, I was thinking the same thing when NM mentioned wearing out her “magic bullet”. Again, great minds! Sounds like you had a good time all around in Tunica, except for DH hurting his back.

    Cami, no horseback riding for this girl. Just our quad. Love your story about the buffet, but your sister had YOU do all of the doyty work, and she didn’t take anything???

    Funny Cyn, about getting Reese an older playmate to teach him manners. Glad you set everyone straight, and can’t wait to hear what our nurses say about starting smoking again……HUH??? No, no horses either. I leave on the 30th for Michigan. When do you get your hours changed again?

    Chest bump back atcha Becks! Funny about the things you ordered and din’t member. Do you still have the bears with lampshades? Poyfectshun for The HTL.

    Dorky weekaramadrama is a goot way to put it goil!

    Lara, ticket for talking on the phone?

    Karen, hoping you are having a better day today.

    Bernie, you LIKE Windows 8? Bless you girl and sending prayers your way that your all goes well for your DH, and still sending prayers for your friend Joe. I’m sure you will find plenty of jokes!

    Wow, you making me head super big Dork, and Cami too, you are both so sweet my loves, thank you. I hope you are not in much pain from your toof soygery. Are you working today and mananna? I was not here yesterday as our internet was down for a few hours in the morning. And now I’m 2 pages behind! How is the tooth doing?

    Julie, if Stella doesn’t show up to go to the UK, I just might! Funny on which transportation to use for your mom. I can just picture the wheelbarrow. Nice tats on that lounger and the ass isn’t too hard on the eyes either………wowsa!

    Monkey Doo Doo, will have to look that one up Kat. I can’t believe you haven’t already had the nervous breakdown Kat! Gheesh!!! What will they do in the surgery for your DD, do you know? Heavy heavy prayers for her. Glad you got to see Hunk too, you need a new pic with him. And I knew you were rocking that red hair.

    Cami, here is a link for the words of that song, and you can hear it too. This one is the Beatles.

    I am up later than normal too Cami, I am usually up at 5, but didn’t get up until 6. So today, since it IS 2’s day, I’m having a Drunken Monkey and some Frazzle Dazzle. Really gots to run, I am so behind!!!

    Is this the kind of chair you are thinking for Dork to use?

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Aaaaarrrggghhhh Cami, Isn't that "I'll Remember You"? Beautiful song, but made popular by the ICKY Don Ho. Long story about me almost being stuck wid him, and me bein weally dwunk...omg dat memory of what cud hab happened (BUT DIDN'T), thanx to mese fwiends dat were wid me, well dat memory almost makes me sickliest. But it IS a beeeeeuuuuuteeeeeful song.

    OK wanna laff? When DH wuz thinkin about calling de spine dr, I mentioned (cuz de pain seems ta be more on his side, but deep inside) that maybe he might call an Internist? LOL, well DH thot I was pullin his leg, and said an Internist is someone still training (intern)! He really did not believe me, kept thinking I was being funny. So then he goes "So then our dermatologist must be an externalist?".

    Oh NM, I wish mese cud habs de noivous bweakdown after DD1's recovery from soigery, but den DD2 has to have soigery too, she is hoping it can wait till fall. MEse tinks Julie habs it right...Jan 2018.....*sigh*.....  But yes, you all can join me then and we WILL do it up right!!!  Your DOTD sound scrumptious!!! I wuz dwinkin all sorts of fancy-schmancy dwinks in Tunica, things I would not make at home, and  YUPPERS dey iz fattening....mese gained weight dis time. YIKES. And I had to break my "30-day 30-min on treadmill" he was so bad off for de foist couple of dayz I didn't get down to de workout room. So I guess I need to start over today (and I was on day 8).

    Oh Dorkaroni, mese hates it dat de post-grabbin-gremlin haz struck agin! Sheeshie Deesie that sux. You iz soooo funneeee eenyway, but when youse is higher den de kite, youse is eben funnier, but it all got STOLEN. Mebbe de stealing-post gremlin iz gonna be a standup comic and needed more material? SO glad you did ok wid your oral soigery yesterday. Weze all gettin weady to be picked up eurly Thurs ayem to be wid you for ur BOOBIE soigery....dis time youse gonna be poifect!!!!

    Becks, I still am cwackin up about you ordering chit when you wuz under de influence. Collections Inc has some cute things, but they are usually also smaller den dey portray in de pics. Can jest picture yer surprise when dat stuff arrived!!!! I used to order TONS of chit, mostly from Kohls, dat I wud have several orders in at a time. I had FedEx(DH calls it DeadEx), UPS, and USPS deliver boxes to me daily. Sometimes they would be as high as the top of the door, on my front porch. And because Kohls is soooooo slow, I wud nebber know what was arriving. Lori will remember dose dayz....I would say that something arrived, and dey would ask what it would be, and I never knew till I opened it. Like Christmas all the time. But back then I sold a lot of ebay and Amazon, and would find great deals. Now I am tooooo bizzy for dat chit. Plus I used to buy TONS of clothes for de 5 g'kids. Now dey are too big to do dat as dey wud prolly not like what I might pick out.

    Julie, You feelin totally bixed up now? Gonna go back to hands-on nursing? Puleeeeeez be careful, okey dokey????? I don't know how you and NM do it, but you are both excellent at caring for others!

    Cyn, HOpe you have a smoke-free balconeeeee now! AND I hope de neighbors don't complain when ebberyone smokes downstairs! You ARE in de poifect location, fer sure.

    Well mese knows mese is gonna bump someone, so mese bettah quite writing. Happeeeee Twos-Dey Eberyone!!!!!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    OOPS, mese bumped de BEAUTIMOUS INNOCENT ONE into de arms of Jock! Mese wud apologize, but de Lowweeee luks pwetty happeeee!!! LOL. ANd yes, dat is de chair dat NM and mese mentioned for de Dorkie to use in her shower. Should fit ok dere. Well I shud habs gotten a new pic of Hunk....his hair looked amazing...but den I cud not be in it as den it wud look awfulest. Mese not rockin like youse is! Now if YOU and HUNK took a pic together, wowsa, we cud sell that! And Dorkie and Cami were jest tellin de troof.....youse is WEALLY ROCKIN IT, girl! Dat purty long blonde hair and your purty looks and your rockin got it, girlfriend! Ok, mese will let you enjoy being in de arms of Jock....