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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    OK.....mese face is matching mese hair right now. Wuz mese tinkin of a different "I'll Remember You"???/ De one dat Don Ho did, was also done by Elvis (yay!) here as well as Kui Lee, Andy Williams, and Don Ho, etc.  Good for Lori for finding the right song dat Cami was thinking of!!!! Now I need to listen to dat link, Lori......

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Kat I just listened to Elvis singing---I actually never heard of that song, but he did it so well--And I want to hear about Don HO HO HO HO u litle HO HO HO HO sounds very interesting.

    Goldie that's the one for some reason I'm just singing it my head and it's like giving me memories or so much--I'm a little scrumply the last few days. And I was singing what I member to my cat last night and when it came on the computer she jumped up to watch it--she must like music. I honestly forget I can look things up--I just hit my head, ike I could've had a V-8.

    Kat u'r DH was serious??? That is so cute and funny---OK is he going to go, I hope he doesn't need things to get worse and u don't need that either. Now Julie has set u'r date for a breakdown so just wait it out, we'll help u--my prayers are with u'r family Kat--u know that.

    OK I think I have to give in to a cane but it will be razzle dazzle and at Christmas it will be a candy cane, but bigger--They sell them around here so it's about time, maybe LOL

    Well my 50th class reunion is next month--I am not going--I look like uncle Fester with a little bit of hair--no way and I can't tell everybody about the size of my belly cuz I have 3 hernias and I wouldn't wear my LE crap so I'm totally uneven---Any way most of the kids I went around with I still see and the're not going so I backed out, very carefully so I wouldn't fall. I wrote nothing about my life now cuz what am I going to say--What I read most are retired after having a very nice career or life and loads of granchildren And of course a summer, winter homes--so I thought I could write I've been married a couple of times, had great sex with alot of good looking men, partyied alot, witnessed 2 murders and I'm going to start up a new game called find my organs--most of the men at this age can't find their own but this will be different.

    I hope Dork is feeling better.. Dork u have been on antibiodics for u'r teeth before and after do u stop them before surgery? It seems good that u'r on them now--I think. I told u this one will workI sen my vibes to u.

    Kat could u please explain what kind of surgery Kristen wil have--I don't understand this and if u don't want ot --that's fine.

    Well another warm day today--the a/c is on already and I had my little jacket on before now my feet are cold---oh am I old always cold or sweating like a pig. Do pigs actually sweat? Oh well I'm not looking that up.

    Hope everyone has a decent day and I'm writing a novella here so I probably bumped someone.

    Lubs u all

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Tanka ewe Kat for bumping mese right into de arms of our most cutliest Jocks. Mucho better than getting bumped into the pewl. LOL, mese nose da Don Ho story. Yeppers, glad her goil friends were dere wif dat wild one! And YES I remember all of the shopping you did to sell stuff. And if you guys don’t stop about me, Imma gonna have to wear a moo moo, cuz mese clothes won’t fit over my big head! January 2018, it’s a date! Do you think any of us will bremember? I still can’t believe how well you are holding up Kathy. You know there are several of us that you can call if you have the need to talk. But I know you, when things are not so good,  you don’t want to talk J.  I looked at Hunk’s picture, but it looks like it’s from 2011. And I have NO DOUBTS that you would look gorgeous with him, so stop that! Or you will git a spanking.  Too funny about the “internal and external” doctors….LOL. Not sure of the artist Cami was thinking of for that song, as there were several. I will have to listen to the one you posted by Elvis, as “you know who” is a HUGE fan.

    Cami, don’t hit your head! But you may have a V8, but only wif some wodka in it, k? Love your cane ideas, and glad you will get one to help with your walking and hopefully to help with the pain. I think you should write some crazy story for your HS reunion and flip everyone out!

    Just got off the phone with my mom. My son had to take her to the ER on Sunday, she has been having trouble keeping her oxygen level up and her breathing was real bad and her feet and ankles were swollen beyond recognition. I think this could be from congestive heart failure, Julie??? She keeps missing the doctors, so doesn’t know anything and they won’t let her out of bed on her own, afraid she will fall. It’s so hard being so far away from her when then this happens.

    Ok, gots to run. I shouldn’t even be on here, lol. DH had to go see our accountant!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Oh Lori u'r poor mom---I'm sure she gets oxygen for this and yep it could be from CHF but there are other things too. She has to see a Dr. tho--I don't get it (again) She went to the ER what did they say or do for her---? I mean questions must have been asked and answered.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Oh shoot, I had thought I hit "submit" a long time ago, just now realized my post didn't get posted. Lori, I am SO glad your son lives with your mom and was there to take her to the ER. (((((Lori's Mom))))). Please let us know how she is doing when you know more, ok? Meanwhile, lots of prayers going up for her, and that everything will be ok. I am so glad you will be three with her in a few days. Hoping and Praying she does well.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Cami, Would this one be fancy enough???

    Here is the link, they sell all kinds!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Thanks Kat I have to look at these. I love sparkles

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    Cammie uncle fester omg lmao fell off the chair stop that

    My foobs kat look like that womens last pic that was posted

    juliet everyones a prospect idk Im here with DH dork knows situation but we r ike roommates we seperated for a long time just here hanging out until I can get going ya know

    Karen u do not cry

    Bernie what happened I missed something/

    DH leaving that long

    Ill try to post the docs pic for u becks

    Dork the foobs are in omgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg finalllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy stay still dont move

    yes goldie its aganist the law to talk on the phone her in NYC

    masters yes cammie than u im glad u r proud

    I rented some crazy scary ones red box

    I never go to my reunions

    I feell off my bike today the handle bars went up


    boom scratches

    Im going to get that pain lytecane ????in the hospiatal next week

    kat sorry about your Dh jeez

    becks becko

    dork dorko


    kat the hat

    omg im just silly

    k hugs

    oh goldie is smoking Dork its called a girl crush

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Lara, Hope you didn't get hurt too badly. OK, saw the foobs they are a good size, but far apart like in that girls pic? Dorkie doesn't get her new foobs till ThirstDey....yest was her oral surgery. She has one bizzzzzzzzy week.....good for pain meds, for shurily. So in NYC, no talking on cell phone? Is it ok if its hands free? Here its just no texting (duh, thats a no-brainer, but apparently so many peeps have no bwains, dey had to make it a law). Luv the silly names.....BBL....

     Kat the Hat

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited August 2013

    Lookie the BLING on that??? Love the Candy Cane idea for the holidays...they sell them cheap at the Dollar store but they may not be very sturdy.  You should have one for each holiday and/or event..that could be fun. I dont blame you on the reunion thing I stopped going to them..well, I only did go to one of them and I found it kind of fake. 

    Prayers to your Kristin Kat.....I know how stressed you must are one strong woman. Did DH go and see someone?  You know there arent too many people who can pull off the red hair look and you are definately one of is striking on you lady.  It is sooooo nice that there is no smoking on the balcony any more..I hardly see anyone because they are always downstairs....I love one will complaine because everyone else smokes too...everyone who lives in this building smokes now with the exception of me. glad DH is going to will miss him horribly tho. How long will he gone for? Algeria??  Wow!  I know Sinead is there to keep you company and in a few months her alien will be keeping you both busy.  More chicks????  Sooooo cute! hours will prolly be changing in Janurary...they will send out the shift bid in December to take effect in January..I soooo hope I can get day hours then...this sucks .  I hope your mom is getting better..thank God your brother is there for her.  This prolly makes you all the more anxious to get up there for your visit. 

    DorK...this is YOUR week girlfriend....I have my fingers , toes,eyes and everything that will crossed for you my dear..this is the one !

    Beckers....Hilarious about the ordering chit online and not rebembering..kind of like me inviting people to come live with me and not remembering..but not quite.

    TGIT goilies....toodles

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited August 2013

    Carppppola...bummped both Kat and OLara.....Ohhhhh sooo saweee (thats my asian accent btw). Big ** splash** you both could use a dip..right???? 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    good evening all, back in work tonight the the imcompetent skills fair tomorrow morning, or could be the the incontinent one depending how much coffee i drink!

    lori,hope your mum is doing better,sure sounds like chf, i know how stressful it is when your many miles away when someone is ill.

    lara,are you ok?

    cyn-it might have been a doctor that said it was ok to smoke but they were probably not a medical doctor!  i 'm with you on the smoking ,and as i'm getting older the smell bothers me more and more.

    cammi-definitly lots of bling

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited August 2013

    Oh Fun Julie..have a great night at work!  Do you like working nights? 

    Its not only the smell..but its the inconvienience of the habit...I dont want to be a hypocrit but Im sick of hearing...just let me have a quick cigarette first..or after I have a cigarette...Hold on while I have a I have time to have a cigarette...I'll catch up after my get the picture. 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Wow the Mods are so nice I got my avatars back of everyone, somehow I turned them off--I have no clue and Lori u pushed me to find the original guy that sang that sone. I'm being obsessive on this--Don't know why it was Slim Whitman and h did it on TV in the 70's and said I did this song years ag, Holy cannoli it must be old--Geeze leave it to me, but of course I had Joey listen and we kinda cried when it came to that one part-- silly us.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Awwww Joey is such a sweetie, and I can just imagine him crying with you, at those words.

    Had a rough nite...felt guilty all day that I spent the day doing laundry etc and not visiting my parents....meant to, but the day ran out. THen we both went over there 2x tonight, as my dads bp is still high and he hasn't felt good lately. He went to bed without dinner, right after Happy Hour, so we couldn't get my mom to eat either, even though we took her a salad. I don't know if I can wait till Jan 2018 for that breakdown, I am sooooo stressed.

    Either will need a xanax or sumtin to be able to sleep tonight....oh I know, Dorkie has a buncha stuff now, so mebbee she will send some my way.... WOW that was fast, thanks Dorkie!!!! OK, night night.....Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Kat I'm so sorry we can't be there for u in person, but please take something and I just go to another place in my head (always have) I know that sounds silly but that helps me--I don't know what to say or do to help u (((PRAYERS))) that's what I could do.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited August 2013

    LOVE you Kat...Cox

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Omg fubba wuz in zip |%||!.}.*}.}'.€}'.mufugguhs!!!!!!! Uhhhhh! Chit. Siblings!!!!!! I am soooooooofriggggeeeeeeennnnnnnnn flustuberated! How are youz goils.?? Mese mom haz nemonyaaaaa. Mese siblings dribin me half NUTZ! They make big friggen deals out of muhfriggenuffin!!!!!! Fluck. Hold on while I drinks my wine....

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013

    The chair someone posted....I used a chair like that in my shower for my dad when my folks would stay with was good for Dad who wasn't steady on his has a shower chair in her tub...its more like  a bench....

    NM....the bus is 2 minutes away less than a mile...the school is 20 minutes...spoiled cuz last year the school was where the bus meets the kids now...but its a real school building, not a house being used as a school......

    Need to brag on my DD...she is taking AP chemistry and world history plus a full load of other classes including finishing Algebra 2 probably by end of Sept then starting pre-calculus as a sophore.....she has way more smarts that I ever did and she works hard!!!  First day of school and homework....she's already been working over an hour!!!!

    I've now met the staff at my 2 new schools and the jury is out....not so sure what I think...but part of it is that I have a bad attitude!!!!  guess just need to get used to the schools and the staff!!!  My school that I've been at for several years found out tonight that the principal quit!!!!  Two of the SW I work with are brand is the same age as my son..just finished her internship and its her first job...the other is in her late 20's but first job in the schools!!!  They know lots, but not the schools or the district stuff!!!  I'm at each school only one day!!!

    Kathy....wish I could give you a great big're plate is overflowing!!!  go ahead an have a nervous breakdown, but get it over with quickly!! (jk)

    Lori......your son sounds like a wonderful young man to be taking care of  his is so hard being far away...isn't your mom in Michigan?

    Cami....too funny about your 50  year reunion!!!!  I think you should put your comment in the reunion booklet!!!  of course no one would understand like we do.....

    Just opened a new bottle of cabernet and couldn't get the cork kept coming off in pieces.....eventually the last part fell into the there is teeny tiny pieces of cork in my wine...think I'll email the company where I order wine from and see what they'll do....last time this happened they gave me another bottle (I think) or a discount on a future purchase.... I need to order again in a week or so with all the holidays coming up...

    We broke a record again today...99!!! enough of this horrible heat!!!! 

    Work is interfering wit my walking...did walk this morning then to the grocery to get milk and short walk with hubby after that and still only managed 12K+ steps.... need to make sure I don't snack or graze at work....and gasp...might have to liimit my wine at night!!!!

    Well thats about all....Hoping all the gals that are having tough times...which seem like most of us...that things get better.....DorK....will be with you on there anything I can do for you long distance?  cookies?

    Sweet dreams.....

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    I think I'm better. I jus read all yer postez and had some smiles but also realized big fat toob squishy hugs are is order for some a y'all. I think I sound like basket case at times. I jes need my Zoloft back and no buddy gets hurt.

    Wahine, I am so sorry. I don't know how you are able to hold up. It is so hard having elderly parents. Seriously. I'm being serious but also want to know how you almost did Don da Ho. Hang in there and imma join you in 2018. Les jes have a Bon fire on a beach and freak da hail out K? Errybuddy's welcome.

    Orange shmorange! Crack me up. Chit, I wanted to say something to you but I'm too tired to scroll back. Maybe I will think of it.

    Julie, sup girl?

    Cami, you do not look like whatebber you said. You need a cool pimp cane! Maybe one of those ones that shoots bullets.

    Goldie, big ol' hottie! I hope your Moms is ok. Sounds CHFey but let's hope not. Glad your son is there for her. Where is she?

    Bernie, did you get jokes back?

    Why can't I remember the chit I read?

    NM, hi. What's new? How's your weather?

    Dang I better chower. Oh speaking of chower, did you get your chair Dorky? You want us to get UFO early and hang out tomorrow? Les raise some rukus.

    Night all.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Karen, did you bump me into the pewl???!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    MG I just lost my 2nd post @#&()_(*^%$#@#^^&*((*&

    I'm praying for everybody and Lub u all, I said so mch more but I'll just hurry and say this now and Lori u;r body IS hot.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  I'm sitting here at my computer with my black coffee starting my colonoscopy prep.  Not looking forward to this today, and especially not looking forward to tomorrow's IV start process, and definitely afraid they will find something I don't want to know about.  Upper endoscopy and colonoscopy, getting both ends done, hopefully won't have to think  about it for years and years again after this one. 

    Goldie--I always like a bump into the pool!  That's the kind of chair I was talking about!  Around here right now they're going for about $10. 

    Wahine--you and Don Ho?  Hmmm, not a picture I would have come up with!   LOL internist, externalist! 

    Cammy--find my organs game?  Sounds interesting!  What are the rules?????  Your poor Mom, praying she gets better soonliest!

    ORLA--Glad you only got scratches when you fell!  How stiff and sore are you today? 

    CynCyn--Praying for your getting better hours!

    Juliet--LOL incontinent skills fair! 


    Karen--Your DD sounds like a bright and hard working gal!  I hate it when the cork doesn't come out of the wine bottle cleanly.  I've been known to strain the wine to get the little pieces out! 

    Becs--weather here is 3H:  Hot, humid and hazy, how's yours?

    Thinking of DorKable this ayem.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Whiskey Wednesday

    1.25 oz. Crown Royal Maple Whiskey

    1/3 oz. Luxardo Maraschino Liqueur

    1 dash Angostura Bitters

    1 dash Orange Bitters

    Directions: Stir & strain into a rocks glass. Garnish with a flamed orange twist and enjoy.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    OH xzo;ifxo8fgsdxm;kvzkzjvkvkkx;lvkvvjcx;x;xeffin post I just lost it#$%(*^&%^^#$%# I was ust ready to hit submit and it was a long one and it bounced to another screen##$%^**(()(*%#$$$%%^R^& that's how mad I am

    Karen u should be proud of u'r DD--she sounds brillian, did she take after you, I'm sure.

    Kat (((prayers))) Dork u too andBecs I hp u'r mom is OKad Lori now u have u'r Mom to worry about so really prayers for all/

    Lori u do have a hot body.

    Wll I said everything with much more caring and loving, I synopsis that--Is that a word? sounds like one.

    OK everyone have a decent day now Tomorry is UFO day so I'll be ready

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    NM, Shall we be with you tomorrow? Promise we won't look....will stay in pockets and dwink but be there to support you. HOPING and PRAYING they get the IV line started the FIRST time, and that everything looks poifect inside and yes, that you don't have to repeat this for years.  Very smart getting both ends done at once....I finally did it that way this year and its better just getting put out once. (NOT "put out" in that manner girls, minds outta de guttah again...!). ANyway, the prep work was the worst part for me. This time they ddin't require that enema the morning of the procedure, hope you don't have to do that either. (((((NM)))))

    Oh, and Becks, how is your mom today? Pneumonia is awful scary, praying she does ok. AND that your sibs leave you the h3ll alone!!!! (((((Becks)))))

    Lori, how is YOUR mom doing today? Hope you are getting updated on her condition, and that she is improving!!!! ((((Lori)))))

    And Dorkie, How ya doing? Hope you recovered from MonKey Tooth Dey and are doing good today. Tomorrow is your BIG day...we will be with ya, you know that, right???? Geez, we will just go back and forth betwn you and NM....good ting we gots dat UFO which gets us there in a split second. Today IS Hump Dey, right? Mese jest gots up and didn't sleep well, so not awake yet.

    Karen, Glad your DD loves to study and loves schoolwork! Mine were in advanced AP classes too, and then I let my youngest DD go off to a math and science school which was a 7 hr drive away, when she was 15, till she graduated (boarded there). We were in the country and the school there was not challenging enough....more emphasis on sports and beauty contests! So I had to let her go there for a good education. Sounds like your DD is getting a good education there, with great opportunities! AND good for her, for working so hard as that is a hard school load. (OH, about the wine, hope they give you a free bottle! Did you use a strainer to get the cork out? I've had to do that before).

    Thanks everyone....and hugs back to all of you. We sure ALL have a lot going on. In case I don't write for awhile....I said "in case" as you know I can get quite chattyCathy....well but in case I don't, you needn't worry, I just might not feel up to posting, ok?

    Happy Humping Dey!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Cami, they have her on O2 and are giving her breathing treatments, other than that I don’t know. As of yesterday, she hadn’t even seen any of her doctors. And they have her on a low sodium diet and she is on the cardiac floor.

    Love the BLING cane Kathy, good find for Cami.

    Lara, you mean illegal to talk on the phone while driving? And you are in NYC? Ouch, falling off of your bike, are you ok?

    Cyn, so glad you put your foot down and can now enjoy YOUR balcony. And it’s my son that is with my mom, none of my brothers have even gone to see her. Oh, and thanks for the dip, at least Kat bumped me into Jocks arms. LOL @ all of the “inconveniences “ of it all! It’s so true.

    So sweet that you and Joey listened to the song Cami. Did you find it online?

    Kathy, you poor dear. Do you really have something you can take to help calm down? Only thing I have is some valium, but would definitely send you some, if needed. Hope your dad can get that BP in check. Does he monitor his sodium intake?

    Becks, sounds like you could use something to calm you too! Sorry about your mom. Don’t let the sibs get to you. And I hope you get your Zoloft, I no wanna git hurt.

    Wow Karen, kudos to your DD and you SHOULD be proud. Yes, my mom is in Michigan. Funny about telling Kathy to hurry and get the break down over with! If only it could be that easy. Hope you get a free bottle of wine. As for the heat, I don’t complain as I hate winters.

    Oh my NM, getting the heiny scope! I would say today and tonight is the worst, but knowing your fear of needles, perhaps not? Would it help if they numbed it first, with some Lidocaine?  Positive thoughts girl, positive thoughts. Seems I posted the right chair, I hope Dork sees it.

    Darn Cami, another post lost? The gremlins are really after you. And quit saying how hot I am, although it is hot here, so that would make me hot.

    Kathy, I haven’t talked to mom yet today. I did tell her to tell the staff to give them authorization to give me information. She sounds good, but that doesn’t necessarily mean she is doing good. I worry about her organs starting to shut down when her oxygen stays so low. And when you say “don’t worry”, I think that makes us worry more. ((((Kathy)))) and ((((Your Girls n Your Folks))))

    Dorky Doodle, how be your mouf and de toof? And your dad? Where will he stay while you are in the hopible? ((((Dorkie))))

    We will be bouncing back and forth tomorrow on the UFO and as soon as NM is done, we’ll nab her and bring her with us to ew jewsy.

    Just got off the phone with my mom, she didn’t sound real good, said she was tired and didn’t really want to talk, but gets to go home tomorrow.

     I found a cocktail to go with me and my moo moo. It’s actually called The Moo Moo!

    The Moooo Moo is a “smooth blend of four liquers, and ice cream”. It was beautifully presented in a martini glass, and was rimmed with rich chocolate sauce. I tasted a bit of Bailey’s, maybe some Kahlua, and a whole lot of creaminess. This cocktail was definitely one of the best I’ve ever had. It was milky and sweet, but with a bit of a kick. Definitely one of those ‘dessert cocktails’, but I live dangerously and do dessert in both solid and liquid form.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Lori, glad you got to talk with your mom, but hate it that she didn't feel like talking. HOPE its a good thing that she will go home tomorrow. Also wish she would listen to whatever the drs and nurses tell her to do/not to do. I know you want to be there RIGHT NOW!!! Still have her in my prayers, and so glad you will be there in a few days. ((((Lori)))), (((((Lori's Mom)))))

    That MooMoo dwink looks yummy!!!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Thanks Kathy, I think they are just trying to stabilizer her to send her home. The doctors know that she will not follow orders and will do as she pleases, so therefore I don't think they really care, cuz she doesn't. And the reason why they haven't been in to see her. They probably come in and just check her charts.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    NM lets us know think positive

    Yes it's 3 points on your license talking on phone u can hands free I answered it quick I normally do not boom he saw me whatever the pi live all drive around with there cells yapping away so wrong!

    Becks u crack me up

    Well Karen DDsounds smart I work in education and come from a family if educators all for education

    See I was on a pill hydro and bike tiding I tryed to do a flip and fell joking

    Kat love the bling cane I love any chunky bling

    Cammie not much on today but I have been cleaning watching the skeptic

    Went to lunch with dad

    My sis got her first job non profit for autism and guess who was in the meeting tommy hill figher and wife they r on the board love it do proud of her just sent her my old suits that do not fit any more

    Cyn smoke ! Smell gross

    How's the house? All the people there still

    Becks we still going

    Dork yea tomm

    Keep us posted

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    Education then typos sorry I have auto correct on the I phone and type fast and do not look back

    Dork squisheeys