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how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Cammy--ooh, that post eating gremlin is such a PIA!  I say kick him outta the lounge!

    Wahine--I don't care if any one looks any more.  I'm just scared and worried about the IV start horror, and if I'll be able to deal if they do find something.  I just cannot do the cancer thing agiain, and I have Barrett Esophagus so am at risk for esophageal cancer.  I'd really rather not know, you know?  No enema, just drinking a gallon of gatorade with stuff mixed in it.  Doesn't taste bad but I am so bloated and yucky feeling right now, plus have the watery diarrhea I'm supposed to have.  And if I go through all this and they can't get an IV (I'm making them use my foot) I wll be VERY upset.  VERY.   After the IV is in everyone can go be with DorKy.

    Goldie--It's actually illegal to be holding a cell phone to your ear while driving in Maine.  You can use hands-free devices, though. Is your Mom feeling better yet?  Yeah, I can get through the prep, not fun, but doable.  The IV part, not looking forward to that.  At all!  It would help if they numbed it first, but and they often do, but the only numb up 2 placed and it usually take 5 or 6 tries.  Tomorrow they get 2, max, then I leave. 

    Wish I could have a moo moo right about now!

    ORLA--I'm trying to think positive, it's just not working really well!  But I'll keep trying!

    Juliet--finally, gas I can afford, too!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Oh NM, I know how bloated you must feel! Our dr now lets us drink the smaller amount of stuff, I forget what its called, but I never could drink the gallon stuff. Glad you don't have to do an enema either! HOPING and PRAYING they get the IV line in the FIRST time!!! My DH has Barrett's also, as well as Lori's DH (I think), and its soooooo good you are getting checked out! Hope you don't have to have it done again for a long time. Also, hoping you get a nice restful sleep while they are doing the procedures.

    Had Happy Hour with my parents, and my dad was in a good mood. I think he gets bored, or is depressed. I know he misses HI a lot, and wishes he didn't sell his house. But it was too hard to keep up, and he forgets that he didn't pass the DL test there, so would have not gotten his DL renewed. My mom didn't pass hers there, either. His bp is still very high, plus pulse rate. I take him back to the dr on Friday, so I hope that he will be ok, and maybe they can up the med dose.

    Dorkie, As SOON as we know NM has her IV line in ok, then we will rush over to you, ok? And you get a tummy tuck too, you lucky dog! Just gotta keep you down for awhile and you gotta take it easy this time, ok???? I see some big boobs in your future!

    Hope everyone is doing well tonight. How ya doing, Becks? Things any better???? Sure hope so! How is your mom????

    And Lori, how is your mom doing???

    Funny about the gas, Julie!

    Time to catch up on my shows.....BBL....


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    My computer @$^*(_(&^$@@%  really today it's got a mind of it's own--and it really isn't as good as mine is.

    OK I'm just catching up.

    Oh NM when they can't get a vein --can't u tell them what to do--I used to I would tell them go get a baby nurse or a baby needle u know that and don't let them touch u tile they do--they will get it. Oh that yucky stuff. but it has gotten better the years ago u get to pick a flavor--Well a little better. We'll be there and write us as soon as u' can OK?

    OMG everyon'e mom, dad is sick and what a worry everyone has--I'm so sorry, it's so hard to kind of be the parent, it's such a different feeling and not a good one. But please be kind to u'rself all of u--this is difficult but u have to take care of u'rself u kniw that's what they want in their hearts-u are more important to them than they are to themselves. I think that's why they get stubborn--it's like just let me alone and what happens happens--I know that doesn't sound very nice of me but it's true u don't want u'r kids to take care of u-u worry more about their lives and what u'r doing to them, then u worry about u'rself. (((prayers))) for all of u--Geeze I'm praying more now then when I went to Catholic school.

    Kat I wish I could help u with u'r DD I can't take the emotion you have away, but I do understand it--It's like twilight zone.

    OK who hasn't used a strainer for wine before, that's why I used to have a small strainer in my home, never for cooking stuff just that little strainer u hold in u'r hand so u don't drink the cork, and believe me if u do it's OK cuz my dad never used a strainer he didn't give a chit--he drank right from the bottle, when he thought no one was looking, I'd always catch him. LOL

    Now Dork is getting the big foob tommorrryyy now do u get it all at one time, or is it litlle by little.. It sounds to me like she'll get it all at one time, when can we see it- It's going to be perfect I know it. I'll be ready for the big trips we've got lots of traveling to do tomorry--make sure we have nuff likker--for all the Drs. too. hehehe

    Orange I watched the same movie---I didn't like the end at all--it had some spooky parts but not enuff, u know.

    Lori u gave me a push to look it up and see the original version from the original guy Slim something and that's how I rememered it and that song just made me weepy--just like It's a wonderful world when Louee Armstong sang it. So now I can look up any song I want and actually listen to it. I never did that before. No wonder my computer is acting up--it's probably thinking who's on this thing--but I member when Kat said to reboot it so I did, and it seems better. See all of u how u teach me. Think of it as volunteering u'r time for me.

    My SIL is applying for a job for maintenance with the county tomorrow--This would be wonderful --The courhouse is like a mile away and he'd have all the benefits, not make a fortune but a steady income and future retirement. Of course I have to add that to my prayers, they'll be about 1,000 people applying and most of them will have someone who knows someone-let's face it that's how it happens--so we'll see. My brother is not to active anymore so we'll see. He's semi (mostly) retired. A story--When my Brother was the Counties Chief judge--a bunch of the people were putting up the Christmas tree and when they were done he told them how good it looked but it was now against the law to have one in the courthouse---so they took it down right away. He was leaving and asked where is the tree and one of them said well we took it down and he laughed nd said Oh I was only kidding--u can put it up tomorrow. Oh it gave them more time to goof off. He thought it was funny.

    PK it's time to drink way past time or go to the fountain either one--I'm at the fountain big time.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Oh I bumped u Kat---NM before, not to long ago I never heard of Barretts disease, then my sister got it, then my SIL now u WTF is going on with this??? Stupid stuff in the bodies cause all kinds of trouble--Everything better be under control--they can tell pretty quickly right? I don't know actually. we'll be there.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    OH NO Cami, your bro is a character too! SOOOOO funny when he was kidding and commented to them that it was now against the law to have the tree at the courthouse. Can just picture his expression when he saw they DID take it down, and asap!!! LOL. What a fun family you have!!!! I had twin cousins who were sooooo funny. Their mom was my grandma's sister (who also lived to over 101)....and so she had them when she was older. They would pick on her all the time. One thing I remember was if their mom was walking up the wood stairs outside, and they would hide underneath the stairs, then spray RAID under her dress and yell "roaches"! I don't know how she lived so long, raising those rascals!  Good luck to your SIL on getting that job!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Kat she lived long to pay them back, OMG how silly. U'r family has good genes so that's good for all of u. LOL I'm just thing about her dress flying up in the air. OMG

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    I am pretty sure Dorkie saw this on FB, but its sooooo cute! AND since she loves wiener dogs......

    HAPPY HUMPDAY CHAT <img class=" width="366" height="320" />

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013

    NM...I"m sorry, but I missed....what procedure are you having and when...

    DorK....when is the UFO coming for me....will be right there with everyone else in the room with you....sending gentle hugs for an easy recovery...

    Orange...what do you do in education?   I'm a School Psych.....

     no DD didn't get the smarts from me.....more likely from her dad.....I was not the student that she is....and I'm very proud of her......

    Mom came for dinner tonight....she is doing good....walking so much better..using a cane more than the walker......we see the neurologist on Friday...she is bit nervous about what he will say....I think the meds are finally started to kick also uses an exercise maching called the NU-Step every day.....she just finished 3 more sessions of PT....and I think Mom is finaly starting to settle in a bit...she commented tonight that she has been here now 4 months....

    Kathy....keeping fingers crossed for your SIL....

    Lori....any new updates on your mom?

    Cami, Beckers, Cyn and other the other HTL....toasting you with a glass of cabernet....and yes, I strained the glass of wine....and no I haven't contacted the wine company yet....


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013

    Anxious, anxious, anxious!!!  why, I don't poured another glass of wine and made popcorn (so I can drink more wine)!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    karen,congrats on your dd,you must be so proud off her

    nm,i.m wishing you kind compassionate staff and success first stick and a negative result. will be there holding your hand.

    dorty-got my extra likker and choccy in case lori won't share. will be holding your hand too

    a big extra cwtch to the two of you for today

    cammi-your family is a hoot, prayers that sil gets the job,when will he know?

    have a good thursday everybody. see you in the ufo

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Just popping in to say gnite and let NM and Dorty know I'm thinking and prayin for you both! Have a good nights sleep and we will twy to behave tomorrow. No beans girls! Chest bumps! Lub lub and some good pills ta pop!!! Muah, muah, muah!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Good Morning everyone--OK I'm ready for pick-up--still dark out--I'm scared. Oh I'm praying so much lately getting all confusticated praying Dork gets a job and my SIL gets a good foob after I said it I thought oh God knows. (I hope)---I'm wearing my nightgown--no one will notice. Don't worry we'll takecare ofNM really good then we'll be on time for Dork.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

     I'm busy shrinking this down for us.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2013

    Today is dey day.  I will be also tinking of NM and hope all goes well so ye all can hop de UFO to Filfadelphia.  Someting bad happened last night, reallly bad. mese so stooopid. I dropped mese phone into mese pool. It took me an hour to get it out cuz mese refused to git mese hairs wet cuz mese jest washed and dried it. OMG. It is in rice now. I will be praying for NM, praying for mese and praying for mese phone to work when mese waketh up from de anesteeezia. Tank you all for your thought, laughs and prayers. I did read from where I left off. Mese so bad at not getting here enough. LOVE YOU ALL. See you when i wake up, me will look for de foil. And I will be de goil with bells on. and boobs wooot woooot. Help me tink of names for dem, K Sally n Suzie or Ethel and Edith jest too boring for foobs. Dey need gliztly names. Camille?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Dork U'r more ike Thelma and Louise---snoopy and charlie brown----new territory Lewis and clarke---moe and Larry, u'r belly button could be the 3rd one. or Love and desire---Jack and Daniels---live and learn---barnes and noble-for the intellects---foob and foobest---tinker and bell--peanutbutter and jelly--hey it's 6AM WTF did u expect good names.?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Good morning, Loungetes!  I am sitting here wanting a cup of coffee so bad and can't have it and feeling sorry for myself.  Not to mention tired from running to the bathroom all night.  And I want breakfast and can't have any.  Ok, so I'm grumbling about little things to keep from getting scared, so sue me. 

    Wahine--I'm hoing for a good nap, too.  As long as they can get the IV started. . . .   Is your Dad on anything for depression?  Does his doc know about the depression? 

    Cammy--I've already had the conversation about IV starts with the nurse that called, supposedly they're going to have an anesthesiologist come in to start the IV.  We'll see.  I've heard lots of similar promises just to have it be a surprise when I get there.  Any surprises today and I'm walking.  Or so I keep telling myself.  I'll write as soon as I can when I get back home, promise.  It's a wonder your brother didn't get some people mad at him with the Christmas tree stunt!  He sounds funny, though.  The surgeon will be taking biopsies of the Barretts stuff, I probably won't get the results for a couple of weeks, I imagine. 

    Karen--I'm having a scope of my throat and stomach and a colonoscopy later today.  Good to hear your Mom is getting around better.  I can relate to her being nervous about the neurologist appointment.  Praying it goes well. 

    Juliet--thanks for the prayers, I'm counting on them!


    Cammy--I believe that God understands all prayers, no matter how confusticated or incoherent.  Actually, I think He might pay just a dight more attention to those kinds of prayers! 

    DorKable--Yikes, about the phone, hope it dries out and works ok!  And I am praying for a good result and easy recovery for you.  Hmm, names for the girls, girlie names.  How about Betty and Boop? 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Brain Surgery Without Anesthesia

    2 L ginger ale
    2 L 7-Up® soda
    1/2 gallon orange juice
    3 limes
    3 lemons
    1 gallon white wine
    2/5 L vodka 100 proof
    2 L ice cubes

    Get a large (preferably clean) 5 gallon, foood service grade, bucket or drink cooler with a bottom tap for serving.

    Open everything and pour it on in.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    NM when are u leaving?--why is it when we;re told no coffe or food u want it even more??? OK the ufo is coming---I especially like the DOTD ---preferably clean bucket LMAO

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

     take him with u too

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    NM let us know

    Dorkie going to la la land

    Karen I work in higher adminisration for Universitys manage partnerships and such

    Cammie funny stories I was cracking up

    Kat good story to

    Also recruited for a while high school students for Universitys

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Congrats to your sister Lara. So you got a ticket for talking on your cell phone while driving?

    Hope Dorky can see your fart cartoon Julie, maybe cheer her up a bit. And moi, not share my choccy? You can have all of mine, I’m not a fan.

    (((((NM))))) I’m so sorry you are feeling so anxious. I would I could bear that for you. I also had to take a pill, which made me sick. Praying for all good results and only one poke. Who is going with you? And surely you will get some report as soon as it’s done. You are probably at the hospital already, but you have every right to grumble, we don’t mind at all.

    Yes Kathy, my DH has Barrett’s too. We had to drink the gallon of stuff, at first it wasn’t so bad, but about half way through …..not so good. I hope they can find a med to help your dad. Watch his  sodium intake too, if you can. Mom is about the same and should be able to go home today. I guess a cardiac doc came in, but she was asleep. Her ankles and feet are still very swollen. OMG, your cousins sprayed RAID up her dress????

    Cami, glad you are able to look up songs and other things that you like. Occasionally I look at You Tube videos, like when I found that one of the little girl saying “you worry about yourself, you drive”, I then went and watched some of the other videos they showed of little ones. Good luck to your SIL on the job, and funny about your brother and the Xmas tree. LOL, your SIL getting foobs and Dork a new job!

    Karen, glad to hear that your mom is doing better. And that’s cop porn, not pop corn.

    Beckers, how you doing? Calmed down yet?

    Oh good grief Dort, your phone in the pool? That can’t be good.

    Cami, I like Thelma and Loiuse.

    Oh goody, we have a huge container of alcamohol to take on the UFO, Brain Surgery without Anesthesia! Yippee.

    I did talk to Dorky for a little bit last night, prior to her dropping her phone in the pool. She sounded good, anxious and nervous. Both of her ex’s were there, I asked her to have someone post on FB how things go. She was suppose to be there at 7am and prolly in for 5 days.

    Just got off the phone with my mom, she will NOT be going home today, her o2 dropped to 79 last night. So she is hoping for tomorrow. Our friends that we go riding with are coming over this morning, she wants to see how I make my sketti sauce. Would can the maters, but don’t really have quite enough to bother with that.

    Sending lots of love and hugs to NM and Dork, and of course prayers too! Hey, who is that in this pocket with me???

    Will make sure the docs don't make Dork THIS BIG!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Omg! Lmao Lori at the chest bump and big ol! Boobs. Are those real?? I am calmer. Last night my sister wanted me to bump up the setting on air conditioner from 77 to 78 so I was dreaming of moving to the Disneyland tree house again!!

    Cami, please pray my sister into menopause!

    NM, hope you are good and process is underway so you can eat soon! I have til end of sept to get mine done. Sounds horrid. I don't think I could handle any news so I may wait. My father had colon cancer. Next on my list is biopsy on my lip. WTF

    Dork, picturing you trying to get phone with your toes so as not to get phone wet. Haha. I know you are in propofulland right now. Hoping for awesome toobs for you and that you are one of those biotches out jogging in 4 weeks! Luv luv.

    Everyone else, have a great day...

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    LOL, OMG Lori that is HUMONGOUS!!!!! I thought Cami's idea of "Thelma and Louise" was the best too! Sorta like the rebel that our Dorkie is. Glad you got to talk to her last night. AND oh shoot, I hate it that your mom's O2 levels dropped so much. Maybe its a good thing they are keeping her there, since the swelling is still so bad, too. More prayers for her!

    Dorkie, not sure when you can read this, but OMG we are gettin so dwunk in here....not much air to breathe in these drs pockets either, so we have to keep bobbing up for air, then we get to see whuts going on. You are gettin some GOOD boobies, girlfriend! And look at your flat tummy!! When you dropped your phone in the pool, all I could think of were those commercials that are on now about how people try to get rid of their phones to get a new one. So I cwacked up a bit, but then soberly realized your phone is still NEW, so am hoping the rice works to dry it out!!! Hugs and Love going out to you today.....praying all goes well!

    And NM, Hope your procedure is over with, and they got the IV in on the first try! Also hope you got some nice sleep!!!!

    Okey Dokey....gonnna try to get going today. Thinking of you all, and can't wait to hear that everyone is A-ok!



  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Haha meant so as not to get her "hair wet" I'm half asleep. First day without coffee wish me luck! I feel like it makes me flash more.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    OH MY Becks, I couldn't be in those temps! I have to keep ours at 70 (wanted 68) at night and 71-71 during the day, or I am sooooo hot. Hope your mom is doing better!!!!!! Oh please get your lip biopsied ASAP, ok? Praying it is a-ok! Hugs!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    HA, I don't think they are real, as I think they would be "hanging" a bit differently. I had forgotten about your lip Becks, please get that taken care of, along with heiny scope. Things are more easily taken cared of "IF" found early. I know we all worry about them finding more cancer elsewhere, and you with having colon cancer in the family makes it even scarier, but all the more reason you SHOULD get that scope.

    Yes, Dork our little rebel! My mom sounded disappointed, I just hope she is not declining in health, but it's pretty much innevitable for her not to. I just know it's coming, and it makes me think of Junie, when she could barely even talk, without losing her breath. Mom went in on the 18th, in the evening, and not one of my brothers has gone to see her. And one of my brothers had the nerve to say to me "well it's about time your son steps up to the plate". Sort of pissed me off, so I just said "he ALWAYS steps up to the plate".

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Oh chit this is a waiting day---what is o2 dropping down mean? I'm still unmedical.

    OMG Goldie how can anyone have boobs like that--who would even consider an operation to do that, I mean they can't be real, Right? It's best if u'r mom stay in the hospital tho with her swollen legs.

    Everyone's moms or dads are not doing really well--I'm so sorry.

    Holy chit my room is so dark and I just looked out the sky is black --there better be no stormin' here.

    OK now here's the plan whoever hears from anyone first--u guys of course let the rest of us know right away. I don't like this. NM should be done now.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Shoot, that is WRONG of your bro to say that about your son, Lori! And NONE of your brothers have visited their mom yet? That's DOUBLE-WRONG. So glad your son is there, and it is so scary about your mom's health. AAARRRGGGHHHHHHHH, so frustrating!

    OK, my classmates get together for Pau Hanas monthly, at diff bars/restaurants. THis time they met at one of their houses for Mah Jongg (sp?) and they all brought pot luck. OMG I love to see the pics and asked for several recipes this time. BUT one thing someone made, which I had not heard of was "Baked Sushi". Remember, "sushi" does not mean raw fish, "sashimi" means raw fish. Sushi can be anything, with the sushi rice. SO I didn't get this recipe from them, but searched and found some good recipes. Mostly sushi rice (I use brown rice though), seasoned, then imitation crab and shiitake mushrooms, mayo, sour cream, and furikake seasoning (1-2 bottles). Furikake is a seasoning with sm pcs of nori (seasoned seaweed, the black part usually around sushi), and not sure what else is in it. HOPE to find it at the asian store today. Can't wait to try it. Then you bake it and cut into sm squares and put on a square of roasted nori (thats how you buy the nori). Prolly sounds weird to some of you, but it sounds ONO-LICIOUS to mese! They also had shoyu chicken in crockpot (I always made it on the stove, so will try this), and other goodies.

    FINALLY found my "dusters" and front opening gowns my DD can use next week. Had to pull down THREE bins of clothes, as all were marked EXCEPT for where the dusters were. SO handy after surgery and recovering at home, as they open in the front and have pockets, plus you can have visitors and wear these. I remember going to SEVERAL stores till I could find these, so am glad she can use them. Will try to see the school schedule today and make sure I can help them with all their lessons, next week.

    Sorry....didn't mean to make this a recipe thread, but I was so jazzed to find this, and can't wait to make it! Who'd have thunk...."baked" sushi!

    Hugssssssssssssssssssssss and lots of Prayers for Becks mom and Loris mom and NM and Dorkie.....


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Kat, glad you found a new recipe to try, it all sounds Greek to me, but I know it's What day is your DD's surgery? Do you know how long it will take. Nice that you were able to find the dusters for her. Will her surgery be out patient or does she have to stay? And does anyone know about how long Dorothy's surgery will be?

    Cami, my mom's o2 (oxygen level) is down, meaning she is not getting enough oxygen into her blood stream, which can cause organs to start shutting down.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Lori, Her surgery is next Tues (27th).....hmmmmmm just realized that is an important BIRTHDAY too....of The Innocent One, and yes, she will be in the hospital for a few days. There will be 2 surgeons doing her surgery. I think she said it might take 2-3 hrs (just got off the phone with her).  I'll prolly be at the hosp with her DH, and let my DH keep the g'kids during the surgery. We'll prolly bring the g'kids home Monday night, and have them all week, and since they are home-schooled, I need to make sure they do all their lessons,etc. PLUS I need to think of some fun things! My g'son has lessons waaaaaaay across town, actually outside of town 3x a week, so will have to do that too. I am not sure how long Dotty's surgery will be, but as you know, she will be in the hospital for a few nights too. HOPING her DD will let us know how she is doing!!!!!