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how about drinking?



  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Popped in and so happy to see you Wahine and hear Dorty has been online. Hope you get to take it easy today. Dorty you best a pop in and tell us how you are feeling. Lubs you both.

    Off to work. BBLxoxowxyz

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Oh flock! Halfadamnsleep again. Happy to see you too Wahine, but I meant NM!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Oh good NM, everything sounds as good as it can be.............that's one relief. Now to hear from DorK. And if you can't babble here, where can ya babble? Babble away girl.

    Ok, my son goes to see my mom yesterday, took her in the wheelchair for a walk about the hospital and outside. They get outside and guess what..............she wants a smoke!!!! Hooked up to o2, but my said NO, they would throw them both out or put them on the looney floor. Gheesh!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    NM, SO glad you posted today! WOWZA they really put you out for you to be so groggy and sleepy for so long! Usually I am out of it for a couple of hrs tops. FIFTEEN polyps....were they taken from your colon? That does sound like a lot, maybe thats why you were "out of it" for so long. GLAD you have such a good friend who was there to help you out and let you know what the dr said. I know you can search for a diverticulitis diet online, but weird they didn't include it. OR did you eat it? Nah, jest kidding. Hate that it hurt so bad with the 2x trying to get the IV in....but now it is OVER...praying it all is benign, or do they already know for sure? Do they still send them off to be tested? Take it easy, ok?

    OMG Lori, really??? She wanted a That is sad though, because the habit is so strong, whether or not she wants to control it, it is controlling her.

    Becks, Glad you clarified that....of course you wanted to see NM more than you wanted to see me, cuz we were soooooo worried bout her! NOW to get Dorkie to post!!!!!

    Hugsssssssssss, Kat

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    After procedure day long rambling, babbling post part 2. 

    Has anyone heard about Dorky yet? 

    Wahine--ok, so there is a difference between sashimi and sushi, I have learned something new today!  That recipe sounds like something I would like to try sometime.  What is shoyu chicken?  I like anything I can make in a crock pot!  I remember looking for dusters to wear after surgery, they are SO perfect, comfortable, easy and practical.

    Goldie, DIEP surgery can be long, especially if both breasts are being done.  Mine was 19 hours 45 minutes, but then I'm fat and that makes it take a lot longer. 8 to 12 hours is what I was told is the usual for a bilateral.  The hospital stay is 4 to 5 days. 

    Wahine--Well, I'm glad your DD has a surgery date, that always makes things a bit easier, something concrete to work with.  Having the g'kids and keeping busy will help everyone occupied and from worring too much. 

    Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I truly did not really wake up until this ayem.  I thought about it, evens tarted looking for the laptop once, I think.  Or I dreamt I looked for it, but couldn't find it (It was right beside my recliner where I could just reach down and pick it up).  Of course, I dreamt I went to the hospital on a ferry, too.  I live 10 miles from the hospital where I had it done.  No ferries for miles and miles and miles. 

    Aha, DorKy's in her room , all is done, YEAH!  I spent the first 48 hours in the recovery room so they could monitor the blood flow in the flaps every 15 minutes.  And I was on a pain med drip for the first few days, too.  Wasn't too bad by the time I got out of the hospital. 

    Chrissy!  I do hope the wedding plans are going well, and your DD is happily up to her ears in plans and romance!

    BBBBernie--praying DH's work  visa processes quickliest.  OMG the one armed MOM!!!!!!!  LOL!!!

    Cammy--actually, I wonder why more kids think there b-day is other than it is, especially in large families.  Like who can really keep track??

    No, I'm not going to work today, knew I'd be crying at least part of the day.  And he did use Versed, short acting, but he also used something else that is more long acting and I have a tendancy to take longer to wake up and get all that stuff out of my system than most people.  I probably should have warned you all abut that. 

    Wahine--can you change the subject and teach something you are more familiar with for the week?  It sounds like they have all the resources so maybe you can make it a "lets learn together" thing, no need to pretend you know something you don't and a good example of life-long learning for the g-kids.  Besides, they're going to be worried about their Mom, not the best state of mind to learn in.  How old are they again?  If all else fails you can cook with them and review mathmatics!  Wait, I know, you can fix up some meals to freeze for when your DH gets home, you can review math and nutrition and project management and time management.  Maybe even a little kitchen chemistry on the side? 

    Oooh, doesn't that Wake Up Call look delish!  I'm just afraid the alcahamol wil put me back to sleep!

    Godlie--one good thing about your Mom being a smoker is that she can tolerage lower blood oxygen (O2) levels than non-smokers.  BUT, smoking while on oxygen is a recipe for disaster on a major scale.  I've seen patients wtih flash burns on thier faces from smoking with oxygen, and there was an incident many years ago where a guy was smoking with oxygen on and burned down his house.  He died almost instantly when the flash burn cooked his lung tissue.  One of his grandson's was on the volunteer fire dept and got smoke inhalation trying to find and rescue his grandfather. . . It was  nightmare that's still talked about and it happened probably 30 years ago now. 

    OK, I'm feeling the need for another cup of coffee, and maybe picking up the kitchen a little bit or at least hanging out the sheets I washed yesterday.  Sorry I didn't get on yesterday, Nextt ime something like this comes up I'll get someone to pop on for me when I get home. 

    Oh, dear, looks like I babbled on some more.  I'm so glad you are all so patient!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Good idea NM, for me to cook and freeze some meals for my DD and her family. Cute about making it a lesson for the kids! They are 11 and 8, and I either need to stick with the lesson plans or just not do them, as she tries to keep it all in a certain order. As long as they don't have a lot of questions (and Mr. Google might help with that! lol), I should be ok. She has all the books and materials, so hopefully its mostly all of us reading, and then THEY do the work! LOL. They have to do certain things and get tested and have to submit LOTS of info, which the school system requires. So it keeps them on track. YES, sushi does not mean raw fish. Looked up a definition for ya....

    • a Japanese dish consisting of small balls or rolls of vinegar-flavored cold cooked rice served with a garnish of raw fish, vegetables, or egg.

    You don't even need any garnish...we used to make the sushi rice and either roll it in nori (flattened roasted seaweed, which is black) or pack it into inari (the brown fried bean curd). And "sashimi" is raw fish, usually served with shoyu (soy sauce). The word "shoyu" is very popular in HI, but it does mean soy sauce. So, shoyu chicken is chicken cooked in soy sauce, sugar, etc. Very yummy. Let me know if you want the crock pot recipe. I used to always make it on the stove and it just took an hr, but I want to try it this way too.

    SO glad you are doing good. Keep babbling....I love it!!!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Just got an update from Dorkie's DD....she FINALLY got to talk to her mom! She said she is in pain, and is drowsy, but is doing okay. So just wanted to pass that along.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

     Oh NM I'm so glad u posted for us----I do wish u told us about it takeing u longer to get together to wake up tho--silly, cuz I was waiting for u last night. I'm so glad it's over and u'll get all u'r results soon, but what they did so far was all B9--so that's a good start--OK it sounded like u said u do have Divert. whatever so isn't that the one where u have to not eat nything with seeds? There's 2 I know that sound almost alike and the difference is maybe chronic and sometimes--u know I'm not sure. But that could be very painful. Well maybe not all the time but u might get an attack, Oh chit now I'm babbling--all I have to do is take my pain meds. U'd better drink alot today Oh u know all of that, why am I telling u. LOL

    OK now we know Dork's operation went OK but she's in pain, Oh poor thing--If u want NM just keep on posting we'll b here for u. Whew some relief here. I have to go pee--BBL 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Oh Goldie u'r mom sounds like a hoot--she wanted a cigerette now???--And she has oxygen still? OMG she could blow up. OOOOOO---u'r DS has his hands full. He sounds patient tho.

    OK I'm glad we heard from NM--that was bothering me NM cuz I know when my sister had all that she was pretty awake when done and got home and could call me and talk. So I thought that would be the case last night, but just rest today NM u'r still a little loppy and that's fine I never had versad but I guess it works different on different people like everyting else.

    The weather is so beautiful today here anyway, no a/c on windows open with a nice breeze.

    Orange--Lara--where are u--did I miss some posts?

    Oh I was sound asleep and my brother called and I answered (well yea) and he asked if I was asleep and I automatically said NO--and he only talks and says what he has to and hangs up--and I kind of forgot what he said I hope it was good stuff-it was about my SIL and that job. So we'll see. I'll just pretend it's good then I feel better. See how I think--it helps me.

    OK I'll check back later for any updates or news and to see how everyone is doing. 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    good afternoon all,just dragged my butt out of bed,  got a ro appointment at 1640 to discuss mammogram, brought forward as he's away next week. so should be a short visit

    (((((((dorty))))))))) gentle ones and i hope your pain free and the blood is flowing through those vessels  just right

    nm -even groggy, you make good sense, glad b9 was used alot,did anesthesia come start your iv? hpe the staff treated you right.

    lori,hope your mum is home soon but if she still wants to smokeFoot in Mouth, people who smoke and are on oxygen have higher concentrations of oxygen in the air around them and in their clothes,so any fire burns faster and hotter, for someone with long term lung issues,o2 levals between 85-89% are acceptible.

    kat-the trained killer becomes kat the school teacher

    bernie-hope the visa is sorted out soon ,i know saying fast is unlikely with goverment paperwork;   lol at the joke

    have a good day everybody

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013

    YEAH....NM's back!!!!  and good test results...

    Kathy thanks for keeping us posted on DorK....

    My MIL"s second husband smoked and when he was on O2 he would still smoke, except take the O2 off....he blamed all his problems on being a truck driver....smoking had nothing to do with it!!!!!  Thank goodness he never burned the house down or burned himself up.

    We are invited out for Shabbat dinner tonight so don't have much cooking to do....friends are making Thanksgiving in August for their DD who is here visiting from Israel and going back shortly....I'm making green beans and pumpkin pie!!

    The morning is about over....took Mom to the neurologist and the bank and now its time to clean, run my errands and do the little cooking tat I need to get done....BBL

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Julie Dork's favorite. LOL

    Karen sounds like a great dinner u'r having--enjoy.

    hahaha KAT the trained killer part-time teacher

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Julie hahahahahaha---what else can I say.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Wahine--well, since all the stuff is all in place keeping up with the lessons shouldn't be too hard.  I still think it's great role modeling when an adult admits not knowing something and then works with the kids to look it up.  Hmm, sushi sounds kind of interesting, I may have to look into more recipes.  And I'd love to have the crock pot recipe for shoyu chicken!  And I'm felling more connected in my brain, so I shouldn't be babbling as much now! 

    Hooray for Dorky doing OK.  It does hurt for a while but good drugs keep you drowsy and not minding very much!

    Cammy--DiverticulOSIS is the condition where there are little pouches in the wall of the intestine.  Very common condition, 50% of people over 60 have it.  Most have no symptoms, no problems.  DiverticulITIS is when something gets caught in one or more of the pouches and the colon gets inflamed or infected.  That IS painful and can be very troublesome.  People who are prone to d-ITIS need to avoid seeds and things that can get caught in the pouches and trigger problems.  People like me with d-OSIS just need to stay on a high fiber diet to prevent/minimize the chances of getting d-ITIS.  I've had an occasional abdominal ache and occasionally bout of diarrhea with no cause I can think of, was probably mild d-ITIS.  A high fiber diet won't hurt me, something I need to do anyway, so that's no big deal in my mind.  The 15 polyps, though, that worries me, but there's nothing more I can do about that until the pathology results come in.  And I really thought I'd be on the computer for a least a few minutes last night, I'm really kind of surprised how much I slept after.  But next time I'll have someone post for me when I get home.  But, I am obese, so that stuff will go hide in the fat and as soon as my blood level drops some the fat will release more into by bloodstream, so that stuff keeps me out a lot longer than normal weight people.  Fortunately, I was not at all awake for any of the testing.  Especially the upper endoscopy, I would totally freak with something going down my throat!  And I'm perfectly happy to not be awake during the other end, either.  Or maybe I just don't remember, and again that's fine with me. 

    Juliet--yup, a very nice anesetheologist named Henry, old enough to be my father, very experienced, even called me this ayem to check and see how I was doing.  Still took him 2 tries but he was smart enough to not say so until it was all over and teh IV was in.  Hope the mammogram discussion is short and sweet and painless!

    Karen--Thanksgiving in August sounds like fun! 

    Julie--LOL!  I love the doberman pic! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Thanks NM I knew there was a difference just get confusticated with it all. I know they have to put u out for the Down the throat thing cuz of gagging and they could irritate u more, so u had to be ut out for that. But the other end u don't have to so no more stuff is given to u and it's less in u'r system so u come out sooner. And if u'r only having the end one done it's so easy not taking anything cuz u get up off the table get dressed and go home wide awake. And it's nothing. See I do know some things hahaha so little so late. But I'm happy u' brain is unfogged, Oh I thought u said u did hear B9 alot wasn;t that with the polyps or they all have to be biopsied? OH so much happening. U do have the weekend off right? Just stay put and relax u'r brain now so u try not to worry---enjoy u'r week-end . I know it's easy for me to say but I always feel that way so I say it with my own heart cuz worrying doesn't change anything --I know I don't make sense it's natural to worry. U all know I;m weird.

    OMG I just looked at the time, I feel like it's 5PM and it's not even 3--some days are like that Oh and Joey's picnic is tonite at school--I think that's so good so parents are more involved.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    LOL Julie on the wiener dog becoming a doberman!!!

    NM, I have one of the "D" things too....maybe the diverticuLOSIS? I dunno...he said avoid seeds and things like almonds but I just chew and chew and chew them up teeny tiny. OK, will PM the shoyu chicken recipe to you....also will see if any "local" words I may need to decipher. The "baked sushi" uses the Furikake seasoning...prolly cheap in HI, but just got a tiny jar at the asian store and its $5! The recipe said 1-2 jars....think I will just use one....its mostly just chopped up nori seaweed, sesame seeds, and seasonings, I did find a recipe for it, but it also takes fish flakes and they had that for $5 also, but it was a BIG package.

    I love the CRNP I take my parents too, we have never seen the dr there yet! But she is so caring, and started my dad on B12 shots, as even though I had slipped her a private note about my dad being depressed, he actually mentioned that to me on the drive over, so I was able to talk about it in front of him. So, B12 shots for 4 wks for energy, PLUS 2k mg B12 instead of the 500 he was on. I think that will help a lot, PLUS doubling his new bp med. He had never taken any before, so she did have to start it low, but it still got over 200 at times. SO a good afternoon, except now I have to take him 2 days next wk to doctors, along with my DD's surgery, and keeping the grandkids.

    Is it Pau Hana time yet???? Shoot.....not even 4 peeyem here....drat. Someone drink for me, if I don't stick to waiting till 5 I will drink like a fish! Hope our Dorkie can post here soon! We love you, Dorkiepoo, you stay on those drugs and hoping you don't feel too much pain. You are gonna be one hot lady when you are healed!!! WooHoo!!!!

    Hugsssssssssssssssss and Drugssssssssssssss,


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    i'm thinking of having a g and t  , good visit to ro,ie short and sweet , got my order for bilat for next feb and then see him for results.   no more breast swelling that triggered the 4 monthly  so it was probably the shoulder massage that did it,now i''ll have to book one just before the wedding and i won't need any extra paddingLaughing,    

    kat-maybe we could bring that nervous breakdown forward a month or two

    enjoy your dinner karen sounds awesome

    have a good evening everybody

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    A bilat mastectomy, Julie??? OR something else? OH YES, I think we need to move the nervous breakdown UP 4 yrs, not just a month or two! IF we can make it to Jan 2014 that is!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    bilat mammogram, still got 2 well 1 and 1/2 reallyLaughing

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    ave you ever wondered why A, B, C, D, DD, E, F, G, and H are the letters used to define bra sizes? If you have wondered why, but couldn't figure out what the letters stood for, it is about time you became informed!

    {A} Almost boobs...  {B} Barely there  {C} Can't complain!  {D} Dang!  {DD} Double dang!  {E} Enormous!  {F} Fake  {G} Get a Reduction  {H} Help me, I've fallen and I can't get up!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013 late father had diverticulitis in his 40's and ended up having a colostomy for about 6 months...they took a good chunk of his intestine.....after it was reversed he did pretty good....he lived 40 more years.....The GI doc told my DH after his last colostomy that he had diverticulosis but he just told him and said he should know in case someone told him he had it....DH eats a very high fiber diet....

    Dinner tonight should be okay...DD isn't thrilled...she says thanksgiving once a year is fine!!!  but or friends...their DD lives in Israel and turkeys are hard to find there so even if a lot of expats get together, its not the same....this is their youngest DD is 24 and has RSD...something that causes chronic pain...she no longer walks and is in a wheelchair....this gal was a high up officer in the IDF in Israel...she was hit by a car and had minor injuries till this showed up.....great kids....

    NM.....sounds like you are doing good...

    DorK.....hope you are doing take care of yourself and be a good patient is your mom? is your dad?

    When I don't cook Shabbat dinner, I have to figure out what to have for shabbat lunch as I don't have I made a deli we have leftover chicken from last week.....and I made brownies which DD and I chowed down a few too many already....not good!!!!  so we have lunch tomorrow plus I'll make a salad... Mom is going to come to dinner with us...I'll pick her up and then she'll take a cab home...she has met these friends befor eat Passover....

    Mom saw the neurologist this morning and he is pleased with how she is doing...he commented that she is walking faster than 3 months ago...he is going to keep the dose of the mirapex the same for the next 6 wants to use a cane and he says he prefers the is stubburn and will sue the walker many times, but when she goes to peoples houses she won't take the walker or if she goes to a meeting...she told the neurologist she is not walking very far with the cane...he commented tha the didn't know what she meant by not far..then mom told him that she didn't think people wanted to deal with folding the walker when they gave her a ride and he said that he doubted they minded and then mom made a neurlogist said it was her problem!!!! Really like the guy...DH told mom to the appt 3 months ago....

    Back to school this start next week and I'm already for the school year to be over!!!!  Need to change my attitude.  I think 2 of my schools will be good, but not sure about the 3rd...especially the SW...she is pretty impressed with herself...I guess time will tell...LIke I said, I need an attitude adjustment....can't afford to stop working just yet....need to hang on another 3 to 8 years!!! as soon as I retire, I loose 1/2 my I'm really not that old!!!!

    Have a good Friday night and Saturday....see you late tomorrow night...hugs...

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013 it!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    I like that one Julie---but what is concave, I don't see it listed. That's OK, It's hard to jeep all with all this new stuff.

    I hope Dork not in alot of pain--she should have the pump right? She's been thru so much with this. I'm anxious for us to hear from her.

    And I hope NM is relaxing now too.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    LOL Julie, on the Bra Sizes!!! MIne must be "0" as in zero, since I don't wear any! Oh I was hoping it was a bilat mammo, but had never heard that term before other than with mastectomy. Good eye candy for ALL of us!!!

    Karen, my dad is doing really good, thanks for asking. I think with getting the B12 shots, that will help his energy levels. He still uses his recumbent bike every day, and since his bp levels are still high, his meds will be doubled. Wish your mom would use the walker! I think my parents are very lucky that they have not needed any of that, and my dad will be 97 in Dec.

    My DH started rehab from his fall, today. I think maybe I should have him teach me some of the back exercizes, since I have never gotten used to doing them. My white ginger is blooming sooooo much, so many bracts of flowers, and the kahili ginger is blooming too. If I could find some time, would love to "air layer" the gardenia, and some other things. Everything is HUGE this year, and so lush!

    Does anyone have apple wodka? I had heard about "apple dumpling martinis" and found a recipe today, but it calls for apple vodka. Sure sounds yummy!



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Kat I know things are rough right now with u;r parents, but 97 has to be a tough age--unbelievable.

    Kat u'r DH started already, this is frm the fall, but I don't remember when u said exactly what he hurt. It must be bad to have PT. Wow

    OK Dork and NM must be sleeping and I hope Dork has her hand on the pump. Hold the pump in one hand and the nurse thing in the other. That's a good way.

    I haven't seen Lara today, I don't think.--OK I'll settle down for the night.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Good morning,. Loungettes!  Woke up around 3 am, can't get back to sleep, gave up and got up about 4.  Watching Stargate Atlantis on TV and drinking my first cup of coffee for the day.  I guess sleeping all day Thursday is making for some being out of kilter.  I'm sure I'll get over it quickly enough! 

    Cammy--lots of people confuse the difference between diverticulosis and diverticulitis, understandable considering that many people find out they have diverticulosis when they have an episode of diverticulitis.  I remember my Mom saying she remembered everything about her colonoscopies, I always thought she was remembering a little and thinking she remembered everything, but maybe she really does remember!  Anyway, I am very happy NOT remembering anything about it. The polyps all have to be biopsied, but the doc said that none of them looked suspicious, and neither did any parts of the Barrett's, so unless there's a surprise in the pathology report everything is B9.  So nothing to worry about I'm told.  Honestly, I'm trying not to worry, but 15 seems like a lot of polyps and we all know that pathology results can have surprises.  And yes, I do have the weekend off and I plan to enjoy it.  Not sure what I'm going to do but I'll think of something!  Hope Joey has a good time at his school picnic!

    Wahine--I got the shoyu recipe, it sounds very yummy, thanks!   Your Dad will probably be feeling better in a few weeks with the B12.  Is your Dad taking Vit D, too?  And yes, the bp meds need to be started slowly to see how someone reacts.  People do not react well when their bp drops too low or drips really suddenly.  And one med changed (or started) at a time so if there is a reaction we know what drug is causing it.  I know the multiple doctor's appointments are a challenge somethimes, but you are a wonderful daughter to be involved. 

    I remember when I woke up from my DIEP my hands and arms were so swollen that they looked like I had the Pilsbury Dough Boy for arms and hands, so Dorky may not be able to type just yet.  But I do hope someone checks in for her and keeps us up to date until she feels up to posting.

    Juliet--Hooray for short ans sweet dr's appointments! 

    LOL re: bra cup sizes! 

    Karen--diverticulosis that develops at a younger age tends to be more problematic than when it develops later.  As old as I am (54) I actually was expecting to have some diverticulosis, so I'm not concerned with that.  A high fiber diet will be good for me anyway, help me lose some weight.  I wouldn't even know I had it if I hadn't done the colonoscopy!  It it hasn't been a problem it probably isn't going to be one, right?  Brownies sound so good, I can understand you and hyour DD indulging!  Glad your Mom is doing so well.  Sounds like her neurologist is a very practical person!  Back to school already?  Seems too soon for back to school, it really does! 

    Wahine--I'd love to see pics of the gingers and gardenia!  Do the exercises with your DH, it can't hurt and might even help.  All exercise is good, right? 

    Well, time for a second cup of coffee and maybe a bagel, I'm felling a bit hungry.