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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Morning NM! I got up at 4, couldn't sleep either, but took a xanax and will try for some more shut-eye. IF you want to try the shoyu chicken in a pot instead, it was the same ingredients (minus the mirin and the garlic) and just simmer it for an hour or so. THANKS for the reminder about DH makes sure we take it but I forgot about it for my parents. Will see if his calcium has it in it. Yeah, a good fiber diet IS a good thing! I need to lose weight too, and just ordered the Readers Digest Diet. The editor now (Vicarello or sumtin like dat) was prev editor of Prevention and put out a diet with them too that really was good to jump start the losing the belly fat. And thats my problem now!!! Will wait till after I have the g'kids, as I know we will be eating alot of "good" (ie:fattening) stuff. OK, you have your coffee, I'm hoping to head to lala land....nighty night!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Good Morning am I late this morning---I actually slept--Wow for me.

    NM u sound so good to me--no fog right on cours- U'r so kind to explain so much to me I think I know least of everything on here and all my questions are always answered by everyone--I'm feeling enpowered LOL Talking practical now u do sound like u have a lot of polyps, my sister had a bunce-they were all fine but not that many -, I never asked my sister but I assume u can't feel hurt from them, But I don't know--When I had mine I had no polyps and my Dr. was alittle surprised cuz he said usually there's a couple with a woman my age, I think that when I farted in his face and told him I was glad to do that. I was completely awake only cuz I didn't want to take anything and he agreed for me so I watched it and it was actualy interesting cuz it was all good and I never imagined it looking like that--Don;t u remember when I was going to make Christmas cards out of them and say Oh Holy Night for that. It was interesting tho it was my light at the end of a tunnel, well it looked tunnely. And of course we were talking and I asked if u did find a polyp could u tell? And he said we usually can but it has to be biopsies so I think they know and hopefully NO SURPRISES for u. Just good news. I'm so goofy cuz when one of us has a stupid test I'm so glad when it;s over for u--I feel relieved.

    Kat I hope u got back to sleep--gee I wonder what's on u'r mind that might be keeping u awake. Kat my prayers are so with u'r whole family especially right now for u'r DD and u too, u'r so with courage-hmmm I wonder if that has to do with u being a trained killer cuz u'd have to be steady for that. I still can't believe u can do that. Come on Kat u know it's hysterical to me.

    Doorrrkkyy how ya doin'??? She's proly still in the hospital right? So if any of u talk to her even if she has to use her nose for typing oh, or hold a pen I'm waiting. Some of u have been thru this so u know the after effects, no one in my family even my niece who's in her 40's (I thought she would) has had any recon.

    OK I'll check back later.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    Im here cammie

    Thank good NM its ok to cry we all have been throgh hell and back

    Dork im sure is in pain but she just needs to sleep and take pain pills and I prey she is good

    Dork dont even move for a month ok?

    Cammie im here Ive been busy landed a great interview had it on to the nexyt stage I had to make my own powerpoint and business plan for the in face interview

    I would go to arizonia for traning 3 weeks

    we will see

    rented 2 scary movies and there is one good one off the TV ill get the name for u cammie looks really good

    Karen back to school

    Becks hoew r u doing

    Juliet good one on the bras

    Hi bernie lmao on that post

    Kat everything ok

    hugs and high 5s

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    WOW MN, almost 20 hours of surgery. I’m not sure if Dork is having both done or not, anyone else know? I’m glad the heiny scope is over for you and you get your results SOON. And, glad you took the day off, as you knew it would be emo for you. How nice of Henry to call and check on you. Interesting about a smoker being able to tolerate the lower blood o2, but I won’t be telling her that! She has been told (more than once) about the flash burns. She has a friend that comes over and stays for days and sometimes weeks, and I can’t tell you how many times she has fallen asleep with a cig in her hand. Mom’s iPad has all kinds of burn holes in it.

    Cami, mom is on o2 at home too, has been for years. My son CAN be patient, but has a short fuse! And I try to be like you and not worry about things, cuz it changes NOTHING.

    Karen, did you have turkey? Could you send some my way, DH won’t eat it, so I don’t ever make it. Glad your mom is doing better, my mom went home yesterday and is in better spirits. At least as of last night.

    Thanks Julie, she knows what her safe levels are, and they are in the 80’s, but she had dropped into the 70’s. Her main o2 tank is in her small bedroom, where she does a lot of smoking and with the door closed.

    NM, I had to laff to myself when you mentioned the “OTIS” and the “ITIS”, as my DH and I will talk about them that way. As for things going down your throat, I can attest to that one! I think I mentioned before about that one test I had done, thru the nose and down the throat, but they had trouble getting it all the way down. Should have only taken minutes, and it took almost an hour. I pray I don’t ever have to have THAT one done again, I’d take a heiny scope any day. How often do you have to go for one? I imagine more than the norm, since they find polyps. They found polyps on my mom a few years ago, but she said she would NEVER have it done again. I guess rolling her around, bruised her and she was real sore.

    Kat, you sure have a full week ahead of you. Hope the new meds help with dads BP and his depression. Your DD, how is she taking all of this, she has got to be scared to death. Hope you were able to get some shut eye.

    Julie, glad you explained the bi-lateral, as I was thinking the same as Kat. Too funny about the bra sizes. I used to be an “A”, now I’m in between “C” n “D”.

    Cami, you were AWAKE for your heiny scope????

    We are having cocktails today at Kat’s, hope you don’t mind?

    Todays DOTD is “The Gardenia”

    1 oz gin
    1 oz pineapple juice
    1 oz double cream
    1 tsp grenadine syrup

    Shake and strain into a saucer. Garnish with a pineapple chunk and a sprig of mint, and serve.

    Couldn’t find a pic, sawry!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Geeze Loweeze!, Just got off the phone with mom, o2 is down this ayem, so she brought o2 machine into the kitchen, so she can be on it while she sits in there. Said she had it on while we were talking, I say "I hope you're not smoking", she says "not gonna lie, I am".

    I may have to tell her, that I am not going to stay there if she is going to do that. I was going to try and stay over there more this trip, as I don't know how long she has. The odor in the house nauseates me, but I was going to try and suck it up, for her. But I just don't know.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Gold the DOTD is in a saucer--isn't that a kind of flate dish???

    OK I thought the normal level for oxygen was in the mid 90's, 80's sounds so low to me--but I don;t know things for sure--Oh maybe I see that's why she has oxygen to raise her level. or keep it steady--Now that makes sense, well as long as she's home I guess-This is alot for u'r son. Oh and yes I had that test awake it's really nothing and Lori the best part is when u get done u get dressed and leave immediately cuz u don't have to be woozy and u'r fine when u go home.

    Lara u sound like u have a good lead going on in AZ? U sound happy with that--Oh the training is in AZ--Oh that would be good. Oh and give me the names of the movies, I'm running out of names, LOL

    OK BBL  ;UBS, LUBS LUBS u all.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Where at in AZ Lara?

    Cami, I didn't notice the saucer part.....LOL. Maybe we have to get on all fours and lap it up like a dog?

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Morning hotties!!! Yesterday, a coworker was ot flashing worse than me. I felt for her. Was nice to be hot flash runner up for a change! She got up from rolly stool and her pants were even wet from sweaty buttocks. Poor thing.

    Orange, hola chica. Good luck on the job hunt. How's ur big boobs?

    Mema, I miss you.

    Is Bernie asleep right now?

    We need to find a meeting spot and all get together for a weekend in the Spring.

    NM, 15 polyps? I'm sorry. I may be up for the waiting room now. I have appointment with ENT on Sept 23rd for my lip. Maybe I just got a chocolate sprinkle lodged in there. Ha! Damn I had something else to talk to you about and I can't remember what.

    Wahine, Jan 2014 for breakdowns? Maybe we can do it together if we find a meeting spot in Spring.

    Hugs Cami, Karen and Julie.

    I have Annie this weekend. BBL! XO

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    And Goldie! Hug fer you too!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    I remember!!! NM, how did tummy tuck turn out for you? I feel like I have a frog belly :-(

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    The "Gardenia" DOTD sounds awesome Lori! Yeah funny about the saucer, leave it to observant Cami to notice that!!! LOL. OK, we strain into a glass then we drink, then we rinse and repeat, over and over again! Getting zonkered sounds like it might be a GOOD thing. I brought 3 stems of white ginger into the house (several blossoms on ea stem) and it smells sooooooo wunnerful. I did fall back to sleep and just got up at 10:30!!! Yikes. Mav has a "new" dog dish today...theirs are plastic and wide at the bottom and fit a stainless steel bowl in the middle. And they've had them forever so they were soooo faded. So I spray painted his that grape color which looks awesome, but then painted Maverick and a pair of paws on it, in bright yellow. Then realized those are Clemson colors! So now instead of doing Molly's in a soft feminine color, I better do hers in red, with white lettering so it will be ALABAMA colors! LOL. Didn't really mean to do any teams colors.

    Dang Becks, thats a long time to wait to get your lip checked out! Praying it is B9!!!!! I take my dad to the dermatologist again on MOnday, and he usually finds so many more cancer spots on him, but at his age and being out in the sun all the time, I am not surprised. BUT who puts sunscreen on their lips? I am sure they make lipbalms with that in it, but we never think of that.

    NM, praying for B9 polyps!! I have had just a couple at a time. When they find them, then I have to go back in 2 yrs, but when they don't find any, then its 5 yrs. BUT since you have Barretts too, do they want you yearly? SO much easier to do both ends at once, isn't it?

    Cami, I would watch too, but then that means I give up that nice deep sleep.....thats a toss-up. I think the sleep wins out for me,lol. Yuppers, my mind was going in over-drive last night, but then my back hurt like heck too, so it was a losing proposition till the xanax kicked in.

    Lara, I want to know the tv scary shows too! I rarely get out to rent movies anymore, and don't do the online streaming yet. Have SO many shows to catchup on. Now I am down to 50 recorded things I need to watch b4 DH might change to the cable company (we have satellite). It comes in handy on the treadmill though. I was at 8 days in a row till Tunica, and DH fell.....then I didn't get to do it for 3 days, so I started the "30 day" thing again...if I can just make it for the 30 days in a row then it will be more of a habit and I can cut down to 5 days a week or so. Good luck with that job interview!! I wouldn't even know how to make a presentation like that. Would be awesome if you could see Lori if you do go to AZ!

    CyndieLouWhoHasAFullHouse (but not with cards).....mese pwaying for you too gots ta be hard. Esp since you work at home too, no escape. Here's a bucket full of iced Natty's for ya, in case you don't feel like going outside to the truck for them! *kachink*

    HOping to hear from Dorkie! But if she can be zonked out on meds that is prolly  a good thing right now. ((((Dotty)))))

    HUgs and Lubs to you all,


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited August 2013

    ok, still opening on page WTF, so now i'm really confused.


    Ben had his stitches out today, showed how he  happy he was by biting me - spent the rest of the afternoon in the ER waiting for stitches and the bloody injection I cannot remember the name of.  Leg killing me.


    Came home, goats had destroyed the back fence to the field.  Pony was in the garden.  Who wants flowers anyway. Chickens in shock.


    Ben asleep now, obviously an hectic day.

    Had to phone DH's mate to come and repair fence. 


    I got stunk by a wasp.  Other leg killing me


    DH having a geat time with his family in England.


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited August 2013

    A man is walking down the beach and comes across an old bottle.  He picks it up, pulls out the cork and out pops a genie.  The genie says "Thank you for freeing me from the bottle.  In return I will grant you three wishes."

     The man says "Great.  I always dreamed of this and I know exactly what I want.  First, I want 1 Billion dollars in a Swiss bank account."

     Phoof!  There is a flash of light and a piece of paper with account numbers appears in his hand.  He continues, "Next, I want a brand new red Ferrari right here."

     Phoof!  There is a flash of light and a bright red brand-new Ferrari appears right next to him.  He continues, "Finally, I want to be irresistible to women."

     Phoof!  There is a flash of light and he turns into a box of chocolates.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    Omg Goldie forgot u were in Arizona phoneix ill b in if I get the job

    Ok cammie on redbox barricade I did not get the ending but good

    The dead reborn the next one have not watched yet one u can rent off TV I need to find

    NM was in surgery 20 hours omg

    She will b out of it for a bit

    Oh and she did get tummy tuck think Goldie they were doing one I


    Jeez Louise

    Kat I'm so sorry DH fell how awful

    Exercise yes do it

    Bernie keep drinking

    I had a chicolate tequila last night 4 shots omg

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    OMG Bernie, at first I thought your first post was a joke!!! Geez you have had toooooo much bad luck lately! And while DH is having fun. Hope your leg heals quickly...shame on Ben! I know he didn't mean it, but omg he needs to realize that you need to be well to feed him! Glad you have a friend to repair the fence! When my late DH passed and I was left with our farm, all the fence mending and corraling the horses that got out (in middle of night usually) went to ME to do. You have your hands full and could not do that with your bad I am grateful to DH's mate for helping out! (((((Bernie)))))....Gentle Hugs, and prayers that things start turning out GOOD for a change!!!!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Dorothy, If this won't scare you into getting well and getting online and back into the HTL, nothing will......

    BUT if that doesn't work, how about this cute furbaby get well card???

    Gentle Healing Hugs!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!  I was full of pep this ayem, but crashed about noon time and just woke up from a nice nap.  I've got 20# of tomatoes and all the gear to can some tomato sauce, In a bit when I'm more awake I'm going to start the sauce.  Sauce today, canning tomorrow sounds reasonable, I think. 

    Wahine--I've got some xanax, I know it works really well, hope you get more snooze time! 

    Cammy--Yeah, the drug fog is gone, and I can think clearly, well, as clearly as possible, again.  I do think that it was a lot of polyps, but my Mom has lots of polyps when she has her heiney scopes, too, I think she goes every 3 years.  I hope they can tell by looking if there's anything to worry about.  I really admire you people who can do stuff like that and stay awake, I really, really do not want to be there for any of it, that way if it hurts I won't remember.  And I feel very relieved about it all being over with, too!!!!!  I don't think I feel the polyp removal sites, I just feel a little sore, like gas cramps but it doesn't come and go it's just there, sort of a 2 out of 10 thing, that I suppose could be from the polyp removals.  At least I'm not seeing any bleeding anywhere

    ORLA--yup. a good cry is a good thing, had a little one yesterday, think I'm due for a big one again, soon.  Like maybe while I'm chopping onions for tomato sauce. . .

    Goldie--I think I remember reading that Dorky is having both done, but I'm not completely sure about that.  Your DH won't eat turkey?  Does he not eat chicken, too?  Odd what foods people will take a liking or disliking too! 

    The Gardenia sound very, very yummy! 

    YIKES!  Goldie, I know you want to visit your Mom, but make sure she doesn't smoke within 6 feet of any oxygen equipment while you are there,  If she does, leave, it's dangerous.  Maybe if you do that she'll realize how dangerous it is and at least smoke in another area from the oxygen equipment. 

    Becs--Here's praying the little spot can popped out right in the office and turns out to be a coffee ground or something really odd like that! The tummy tuck part for me was pretty good, I was really obese and lost a whole roll of fat around the bottom of my belly.  The incision did open up on one side and had to heal from the bottom up and has a wider scar, but since I don't exactly wear bikinis anyway it's no problem.  It is odd not having a waistline, I'm hoping losing weight will help that.  Understand what you mean about frog belly. 

    Wahine--the testing for Barretts is every 3 years, I think, I need to double check, it's been more than 20 years since my last one.  My Mom does the scope thing either every 3 or 5 years depending on something about the polyps.  I will not go through this every year.  Every 3 years, maybe, every 5 more likely.  And getting a twofer is better than one at a time, absolutely! 

    BBBBernie--Oh, my, what a day!  Keep up the drinking!  And LOL at the box of chocolates!

    ORLA--my DIEP was in 2010, I've recovered since then!  It can be a long surgery and the first week after is still a haze, Dorky probably is in a haze and not even sure what day it is, let alone thinking about posting.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    good afternoon all, in work tonight, so jusy having first cup of tea

    (((((((((bernie))))))) feel better soon

    lara - got everything crossed for your job inteview,you'll knock their socks off i'm sure

    nm-here's to a lazy weekend.

    becks enjoy annie wekend


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Hi everyone.

    Bernie I thought u were starting a joke too--Holy chit what a time u'r having.U'r right just keep on drinking

    Kat those cards are (?) so cute both of them.

    NM don't they scrape the polyps off, that's why u'r hurting I bet--u might need u'r again in 3 yrs cuz of the polyps cuz I think if u'r all clear it's 5 yrs. And now u'r going to do mater like Goldie wow u guys are always busy.

    Lara got my fingers crossed, my eyes too-just for u.

    We've got the a/c on and it begins for a while.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    It's so hot here to

    Thank u Juliet and cammie

    I love working out of my house this will be to and just local travel thank goodness the last one I was somewhere new every week hate hotel rooms since!

    NM yup cry again it's good for u send me some sauce lol

    And I start school a lot about to begin if I get this job I can move outta here to freedom ! I can't wait

    Cammie good lifetime movies in new ones 2013

    K yes dork is in no where land now

    Keeping fingers crossed for her!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited August 2013

    Hello Ladies

    Julie...thanks for the eye candy! 

    Nice to see you Chrissy B from must be so furcited that the day is finally aproaching and you can see the results of all your hard work.  I cant wait to see pictures. Is it an inside our outside wedding? 

    Bernie..does it really take a long time for a work visa?  I dont know much about them as IBM doesnt want us to advise their travelers of immigration requirements.  Hope your legs are feeling better ...what chaos!! DRINKING?

    Karen the Turkey day in August meal sounds d-lish...I personally cant do turkey tho more than at Thanksgiving and Christmas..any other time of the year ruins it for me...but its such a great meal...yummmmmmmm. 

    Cami you had me roflmao at the the birthday thing... A few years ago when I lived in Phoenix I thought for some reason I was going to be 45 yo...but I was actually going to be 42..I think...That was a nice year I was thinking NO WAY can I be turning 49 in did that happen? Not that I am complaining considering the alternate.

    Lara...good luck with your presentation.  I hope you get the job. 

    NM....dang..I must have missed some posts ....well, Im sure I have...I am glad you are feeling better and have come out of the fog.  Funny you thought you were on a Ferry...I had some effed up dreams when I was in the chemical coma..really strange.  Is your friend staying with you? Or was she staying with you while you were fogged in? My recent hospital stay..the one last Aug for my hyst..they brought in someone from the"pic team" to do my IV....didnt know there was such a thing but they got it right in.  . 

    Lori....what can you do when a parent doesnt behave??  In your moms case its dangerous to her and to everyone else around her.  I am more and more disgusted with that habit every day.  I hope she comes to her senses and stops the smoking around her O2.

    Whoahhh...Kat you have your hands full this always do have your hands full actually..but even more so...I'll share the ice cold Natty's if you want girlfriend. Sending good luck vibes to Kristen and to you schooling the grand's this week..good luck to Glenn and his therepy.

    So glad to hear Dorty is good..hope we get to hear from her soonliest..

    Hiya Becks!! Where to in the spring?  Im game!  I have no travel plans in my future ..right at the moment...Prolly Austin in November and maybe Maine in the winter. IDK yet.  Sure do feel like getting the hail out of here tho...

    Hope everyone is having a very good Sat TURD dey evening.


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013

    goldie.....We had turkey last night for Shabbat dinner, but I didn't cook it...we were at my friend's house and her DH cooked the turkey...a little dry!!!  I made the pumpkin pie and green beans....We've been doing Thanksgiving for several years with them so we;ll have the real turkey day at our house...her DH did all the cooking and he is a good cook, but I'm better!!!


    DorK...thinking of you....hope you aren't in too much pain scarey that your mom smokes on the O2

    Eating popcorn and drinking cabernet......Sweet dreams.....

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Woke up at 5:30 this ayem, about the time my alarm goes off on work days, so not so bad.  I did stay up quite a bit later than usual last night, though.  Got about half the tomatoes sauced, the other half due to be done today and canned.  I remember my mother canning stuff, but this is the first time I've tried it.  So far so good, I guess!

    Juliet--not quite a lazy weekend, but a good one!

    Cammy--I think it's going to be 3 years for me for the scopes again.  I guess I'll find out in a couple of weeks when I get the report mailed to me.  I'm not sure exactly how he took the  polyps off,  but it seems reasonable that taking off 15 is going to be sore for a bit. 

    ORLA--the weather  is perfect here for cooking and canning and such.  Just cool enough to be comfortable doing stuff.  And cool enough to make cuddling up to Sadie at night very comforting! 

    CynCyn--my friend stayed until I was functional, then he went back to his place.  Some of the tomato sauce I'm canning is going to go into a thank you Lasagna for him.  Apparently I was rather entertaining while fogged up! 

    Karen--dry turkey was a Christmas tradition in my family when my grandmother was doing the cooking.  She always cooked the bird "just a little bit longer" than needed "to be safe." 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the  Surprised Cocktail

    1 1/2 oz rum

    1/2 oz kummel

    1/2 oz orange juice

    Dash of pimento dram

    Pour the ingredients into a cocktail shaker filled with ice.

    Shake well.

    Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    LOL Beckers, Hot Flash runner up and the lodged chocolate sprinkle. Hope you’re enjoying your weekend with that cute lil Annie. Wow, a month wait to get in to see the doc? He/She must only work 2 days a week. Most of our docs don’t work on Friday’s. Tanks for de hug.

    Kathy, IF I remember, I put sun screen on my lips, as they ALWAYS get burned. And I’m with you on the sleep when having procedures, just wish it would last longer. Cute cards for our aDORKable.

    Oh dear Bernie, like Kathy, I thought you were starting out with a joke too. What a day girl. DRINK for sure. Who is Ben? I assume a fur baby? And what were the stitches for?

    Lara, if you get the job, you will be living in Phoenix? Do you have any idea how hot it is there in the summer? Winter is nice!

    NM, what all do you put in your sauce? Do you hot water bath or pressure can. My DH will eat fried chicken, or my chicken kabobs. He will not eat ham either, or a pork roast, but he will eat pork chops, bacon and ribs and pretty much any beef. Vegetables, he will only eat carrots and celery raw, corn, hominy and green beans. I think that’s about it. While in the kitchen, my mom has a portable o2 unit, so I’m sure she is right next to it while smoking. I agree about Dork being in a haze. Hoping to hear more sometime next week. I would love to call her, but think I’ll wait.

    Cyn, everyone at my moms smokes and it’s a small house, MAYBE 1000 sq. ft. O2 in her bedroom and one in the kitchen.

    BTW NM or Julie, is it only dangerous if the o2 machine is running?

    Ha ha ha Karen…..the better cook!

    NM, would really liked to talk to you before you start the canning. There are certain standards to follow to be certain you are doing it safely. Some of which I just learned this year.

    Might not be able to go riding today, looks like rain!

    So, I’ll DRINK!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Good Morning all--I'm kinda late for me this morning.

    NM u have never canned or preserve (I never did) and u'r doing it now--Wow u'r ambitious and unbelieveable. I would never try to do that now. The DOTD sounds strange to me but it might be good. U'r working hard NM I hope u do get some relaxation in with u'r feet up.

    Dorky should be more lucid this morning I would think, I hope her pain is minimal. This seems like a long time to me, but u gals know much more about this, that's for sure.

    It's getting hotteer and hotter here blah I don't like it with humidity--Crazy summer but now I want Fall usually nice but who knows.

    OK BBL

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013

    Good Sunday morning....wishing everyone a great to shower then walk....

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Good Sinday (OOPS I mean SUN-DEY) morning girls!

    Karen, I love turkey. My DH gets it all the time at the buffets if they are carving a turkey breast and if its tender and juicy. BUT, like you, my DH roasts the best turkey breasts....lots of seasonings while cooking and it ends up tasty, juicy, and tender, plus the skin is crisp! Actually I am thawing one out right now (almost 8 lbs, omg that turkey had some humongous boobs!), so we can roast it tomorrow and give some to my DD to freeze.

    OOPS I did a BIG fauxpas awhile back, and its MY FAULT, but I need to ask a BIG favor from you all, puleez. My DD is a very private person, and I try not to mention my g'kids names here (but I forget sometimes!) as well as her name.  On a public forum, I know she would rather not have her name mentioned. So its all my fault, but if anyone remembers, I need to ask to refer to her as DD1, and not her actual name. Mese sawwwry, I should never have mentioned her name before, but I did, and I never told her that I mentioned her actual name, so I need to keep it hush-hush from her, lol. BUT you all KNOW who is having surgery on Tuesday, and I know you are praying for her, and I thank you all SO MUCH! I try to only mention anyone's kids names, etc., if they have mentioned their names here, and then it seems like it should be ok. But stoopid me mentioned her name when I shouldn't have. So a big excusez-moi, from moi. And if someone forgets, no probs, cuz I forgot too!! And BTW, I did tell her that my friends here were praying for her, and she was VERY thankful for all of you for doing that!

    OK, I need to be cleaning house, but yesterday I decided to repaint a long chippendale bench, and had already been working outside, so "glistening" a lot, had to shower to go out and get 2 cans of spray paint, and it wasn't enough!!! Dang it, at least there is a walmart about 3 mi away, so not too far, but I wanted to finish it last night, but didn't go back out, so need some NOW. Just didn't want to use a brush and paint that way as there are SO many little pcs of fret work on it, so would have taken a long time that way. (Lori, in case you are wondering, it is not the bench from earlier, I actually have FOUR benches outside, and they are all very different from ea other!). Also been painting the dogs dog dish holders, just finished Molly's this ayem....I think when I have too much to do, instead of doing what NEEDS to be done, I like to do crafty, fun stuff!!! LOL. But I do need to get things ready for the g'kids. My DD2 wanted to come here, but with her bad neck I hate for her to drive 10-12 hrs by herself. I can't believe both my girls will have surgery on their necks this year, such beautiful young necks (unlike my turkey neck!). It breaks my heart.

    Okey Dokey, HUGS to you all, Dorkie hope to hear from you soon girlfriend, we all are concerned about you and we all miss you!!!!!!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Kat I will certainly try to member about u'r DD1--well it won't be hard I'll forget it anyway u should hear the names I call my DD's both of them ot even close so relax. And I can understand u doing things around when u need to do other things it is more relaxing for u--don't worry u'll be ready when u need too. Wow u really noticed that turkeys breast, I never think of that. I don't like turkey but I like all the things that go with it so every Thanksgiving my SIL makes a ham especially for me and according to everyone else he makes really good turkey. ???

    We're all waiting for Dork to pop in , well maybe tomorry.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Aarrgghhhh.....well I thought I could touch up the parts on that long bench that the spray paint missed, but chocolate brown was a DIFFERENT color, so even though I used 2 spray cans on it yest, I had to REPAINT all of it, all those little pcs of wood in the designs. BUT its done, yay!!! Still don't want to do housework though. Maybe we can have a HOUSEWORK PARTY and invite the wenches and the tenders and WE can all party while THEY do all our houses. Think they would go for that? Nah, I didn't think so either!
    Wow, you don't like turkey either, Cami? I love making turkey soup after we have either the whole bird or the breast...yummmmmm. Its hot here too, you said it is hot there now. I think we had such a mild summer though, never got really, really hot. Just tons of rain.

    Oh I know, wouldn't it be nice if Dorkie could pop in? I just hope she is not in a lot of pain. 

    Yeah Lara, Lori is right....have you been to Phoenix during the summer? We used to go there a lot (well not as much as Lori, since she lives in AZ!), and it was too hot during summer, so once we went in Oct, and it was STILL so hot! I guess it just depends. My youngest DD got married here in the park at the waterfall in Oct, normally a very cool month, but it was so HOT that the food all spoiled. The setting was gawgeous though. Had a band, etc., and it was beautiful, just miserably hot. And they wouldn't give us a permit to put up a big tent, so we all suffered.

    Lori, when do you leave on your trip? You have 2 trips planned, right? The one your DH planned, too.... you will have FUN, FUN, FUN!!!!

    Ok, just trying to rest for a few minutes...hugssssssssssssssssssss,


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!  The count is 4 quart and 7 pints of sauce sitting on the table cooling.  Now I'm thinking about canning some apples next weekend! 

    Goldie--what's in the sauce--tomatoes.  Onion, garlic.  Citrus sea salt, lemon pepper.  Haven't got any sherry or red wine to put in, have to get some and add it later.  Fresh squeezed lemon juice in  the bottom of the jars and a splash of red rice wine vinegar.  Same recipe my grandmothers used when I was growing up, except for the red rice wine vinegar, that's my special twist.  I think Mom's secret special twist is a splash of tabasco, but I'm not sure and she isn't telling me yet.  Hot water bathing for now.  I'll invest in a pressure canner next year maybe.  Good talking with you on the phone this ayem! 

    Cammy--I have never done it all by myself, but I've been put to work in the kitchen by both grandmothers and my Mom when they were canning ever since I was big enough to be put to work and not just be underfoot!  And I've had lots of time on the deck with my feet up in the hammock swing, reading.  The Kindle is recharging as I write.  Got laundry load number 4 in the machine and 3 on the line, the breeze, sun and dry day is making it a great day for hanging out the laundry. 

    Good morning and afternoon to you, too, Karen!

    Wahine--I will be praying for DD1, and don't worry, I can't keep track of the names here anyway!  Post a pic of the latest bench when you can, OK?

    Housework party!  Great idea!  It always helps me to have a little motivation to get the house work done, and cleaning each other's houses could be fun.  I don't mind cleaning someone else's house half as much as cleaning my own, wonder why that is?