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how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    kat, prayers for tomorrow for your daughter ,family and the medical team,.     if you want to add kale or spinach ,if you blend it with your milk or juice before you add anything else, it blends better, the you can add the fruit,protein powders,honey ,peanut butter, or anything else, there's a drink called the dirty elvis,which is almond milk,banana,cocoa and peanut butter and some ice!

    (((((((((dorty)))))))))),big gentle cwtch for you

    nm and lori you have been so busy canning,but you do get to enjoy the fruits of your labour later in the year

    nm, after fentanyl my sister said i was a babbling idiotLaughing

    cyn, i wish you peace and quiet

    cammi-hows the flying organdas doing?  i'm glad joey has decided your his master chef!  any news on sil job yet?

    bernie- the mental picture of calva sitting on ben made me laugh ,hope your leg is healing, as sinead thought about the new baby and how her dog will take it?    still praying for a quick visa issue. take care

    back in work tonight, so have a good night,oh went to fat lady today lost 4ozs of the 4lb i had put on, mind might have lost more if i had remembered to empty my pockets

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    YAY our Dorkie is home now!!! Still on strong drugs, but she is happy to be home, with TWO boobs now!!!

    Thanks for all the prayers for my DD, also, I sure appreciate them. She STILL doesn't know the surgery time yet...and its TOMORROW.

    Big Hugs,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    YYYAAAYYY Dork I hope she has someone helping her. Is her Dad still there???

    Kat God will be watching over u DD and u'r family tomorrow and u will be blessed with positive news--I know it.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited August 2013

    Kathy...I want you to know that my thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family tomorrow.  I will say an extra spashail prayer for you on top of the ones I always say for my girls. 

    I didnt realize that they sold hoops in sporting good stores...I may check that out.  I prolly cant join a class until next week, after people ehhh hemmm start paying me to live here.  So glad you heard from DorK..I'll add her to the extra spashail prayer too. 

    BERNIE....Holy Moley....WTF..???  Thats a lot of doggie drama!  Ben has some nads to be going for those bigger pupps...All this going on and DH is away for so long. I also wonder about Sinead's dog and how he will handle a new born in the house taking attention away. 

    NM...I used to buy the Farmers Almanac every year..I would buy it and it would sit in my magazine rack all Awesome that you can put away so much for the horrible freezing blizzard like weather you will be starting to get next Lori is such a sweetheart for calling in consern...sounds more complicated than I was aware of .

    PARTY for Lori's BDay Manana!!! Whooo.....I laughed at the Chippendale you would like the bench with some of them chippies sitting on it. do you make your scrammbled eggs?? Do you add Milk, Water or nothing?  I've done it all those ways but it was a topic of discussion the other morning at breakfast. 

    Julie..thanks for wishing me peace and quiet...Im afraid I cant see that happening any time soon.

    Every day its something..Im stressed but I can deal..thank GOD for my natties!!

    MUAH..latah girlz

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    hahaha Cyn someone is actually asking me how to make something LOL Actually I put nothing in them and use a fork, but put a little butter in a non stick pan and (now this is the important part) I stir them constantly and add shredded cheese while stirring and as soon as they get fluffy, they're done. I don't over cook them that's why. Big recipe hahaha

    Well today was my DD2's BD and did nothing, but the other day Joey came to me and said sadly too, that his mommy only had 2 more days to be 42 then it's all over. What a downer this kid is--he was seriously upset.

    When Joey was born I had a cat that was super cuddly and it was always just us and he had to live with me the first (IDK) 4-5 months cuz Leslie was in the hospital all that time and I was a worried mess cuz I don't know about cats being jea;ous of babies, well of course I didn't sleep much anyway but in no time my cat was laying under the crib and when Joey would even move about my cat came to me and meowed--it was so cute--she always laid by him and when I held him she laid on my other arm and we'd sleep sometimes, that's when nothing hurt me LOL Her name was--get this Raquel---she got so sick but anyway she was perfect with him but he slept in the room I was in all the time so I never left him alone anyway.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Awwwwwww how sweet of Raquel! Sounds like you and Joey started the close relationship from right when he was born, thats awesome. But how awful that your DD was in the hospital for such a long time.
    Well, surgery is supposed to start at 7:30 am, and she gets there at 6 am. I will TRY to get there as early as possible. Kids aren't here yet, might be as late as 9 pm tonight.

    Oh I cracked up over that Skydiving sign, Julie. Thank God it WAS for me.....don't like thinking of the alternative!!!

    Thanks girls!!!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    OK Kat I'm glad it's super early--prayers going u'r way.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013

    Kathy....I think it was yesterday that you goofed and used your DD's real name....of course with my memory, I don't remember you doing that, so no worries about me knowing her name other than DD#1 (or DD#2)!!!!  Will have her in my thoughts tomorrow morning for only goo d news and an easy recovery.....Enjoy the grands...and you'll do great with the home schooling old is your grandson?  What a precious story about him and'll laugh at me....I was reading your screen name as cami legal!!! not camille gal!!!! tell......what are hoops?

    Lori....I went back to work last as the first day for kids....I am happy with 2 of my schools, but the jury is out on the third...hope it is better than I think it is or it will be a long year....can't afford to retire just yet or its loosing 1/2 my salary!!!!  Guess I need an attitude adjustment!!! the sky diving pic.....I've seen it before but its great!!! are the dogs doing?  and you?

    It is soooo HOT!!!! got to about 95 today!!!  Its lie a nonstop hot flash!!!!!  Need my night time walk but at almost 8 its still too hot!!!


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013


    Glad dis Monday is dun but even more glad to hear Dorky is okay and good n hammered cause I didn't wanna say so but DIEP is an ass kicker of a surgery. I hope her toobs are nice and shapely and her tummy is flat and she heals poifectly!!!! Hi dorty if you'z stalkin us....close one eye to help you Fokus okay? ....but to be honest I couldn't read English I wuz so hammered! Ha! Hang in der goil. PM me any time about drains or just whatever. You got this!!!! We lubs ya big time!!!

    Wahine, I'm going to pray, pray, and pray some more for you and DD tomorrow. Remember all things work for the good no matter how bad it sux!!! (I know that's not exactly how that scripture reads...)

    I hear Miley was horrible on MTV awards. I hope she's not going to end up like Brittney and Lindsay Lohan. Lost in space... :-/

    NM, how's the new director? I got a call with offer for new job with some old friends. Would be a blast. off track. Oh about the smoothies...I have a chocolate weight loss shake, I use coconut milk mostly and basically start tossing things in. I have put chobani bites raspberry chocolate Greek yogurt, I found a cultured coconut milk at TJ's, banana makes it creamy, I like frozen strawberries and blueberries or ice cubes to make it slushy, I've put kiwi. I've yet to make vegetable ones.

    Orange, any news on job??

    Julie, lmbo at the joke about parachuting!!!

    Cyndielouhoo, what exactly are natty's luv? How's the house guests. Me n Wahine never made it! Is that why you are stressed?

    Oh, I was at Ross after work and there was a lady with no hair and a scarf on head and she had this teenage daughter from he!! bugging the ever livin chit out of her. OMG I would kick that kid's a$$ I'm afraid!!! I wanted to take her down right then and there I swear!!!! glad I didn't have to take tami when my kids were young. After my hysterectomy I admit I faked crazy just to keep my teenager from He!! On his toes. Ha!

    Goldie ---- happy birthday!!!!! Any special plans? Is this a milestone Birthday like now you can buy cigarettes, booze, or an AARP plan?

    Aww Cams, Raquel was a lil mommy. Whatever will you do when Joey grows up? I love my little Annie so much. They bring such joy!!

    Darn, I'm craving sugar....BBL

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    I forgot about Bernie's dog story....don't even know who bit who...may need some post it's on the wall and arrows to get that one straight.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Karen, laughing at Cami too!!! Lol

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Good Morning Birthday Girl---I hope u'r day and year is as sweet as u are and and happy everyday.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    I hope Dork is doing better today and is still dopey.

    Karen my GS is 9 already, but it's true with our bond-I live with my DD2 so Joey and I are together every day and when I go to my other DD! Joey's right with me--I'm  blessed to have so much time with him. He's almost 5' now so I don't bend over to hug him anymore. Good for me LOL

    Becs I know how much having Annie every week-end is too. And it is fun--loads.

    Bernie I hope u healing well and all dogs are under control.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Kat I think it's still early for u, I hope u took something to sleep and u know  (((HUGS))) are going with u too. I'm sorry we don't live close I think we'd all be there to help. We're here tho and praying for all of u.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013


    I set the alarm for 5:30 then went back to sleep...the combo of melatonin and xanax sure works for me! But now I have to hustle to get ready and get to the hospital. Thank you SO much for all your prayers and hugs, they mean the world to me (so do all of you).


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    lots of prayers and hugs today kat

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

    happy birthday lori,have a fantastic day

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013

    Happy Birthday Lori....have a great day!!!

    Kathy.....thinking of your DD#1....her surgery is coming up shortly.....thinking of you as well....... glad to hear that you are home.....take good care of yourself....hope you aren't in too much pain and that you have fantastic results

    Another day, another dime.....time to get dressed and get ready for the work the school year over yet!!!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Julie, I think we should have that Dirty Elvis for our DOTD, just add vodka, vodka goes good in ANYTHING! And it is so nice having the fresh goods that I have canned or frozen, so so good. You are trying so hard to lose weight, don’t give up.

    Cyn, canning isn’t really complicated, but there are certain procedures that have to be followed. You have to make sure everything is sterile, that there is enough acidity to the things you are canning, for instance you can’t hot water bath spaghetti sauce, which I did not know. So glad I researched it, or I would have killed us! For me at a higher elevation, I have to boil for much longer than what NM has to. You just don’t want to give anyone botulism, ya know what I mean??? Chippies on the Chippendale would be nice!

    Such a sweet story about Joey and the kitty. We love your Joey stories for sure and Happy Birthday to your DD. Wow, she was in the hospital for quite some time.

    Karen, hoping that 3rd school turns out to be ok. What makes a school a bad one? Fellow co-workers?

    Becks, I knew that DIEP was a hard one, I think she really struggled with making that decision. I had a gal I met at my cancer center who had it done, but she didn’t have enough fat in her tummy, so they had to go to her back….ouch! Ut oh, I wonder what Miley did? I might have had to say something to that unruly teen in Ross. Cyn drinks Natties beer (Natural Lite). I am double nickel and already have my AARP, got that some time ago! LOL at the sticky notes and arrows. You are a funny one.

    Kathy, please let us know as soon as you know anything. Thinking of you all day today as well as praying all day for you and you DD.

    Thank you girls for the boythday wishes and the yummy cakes. Double Nikkels I iz! Will be going to town to pick up our will, how funny is that? We had our former business partner in it as the one to take care of our estate if something were to happen to both of us, so we needed to get him out of there! Not much in choices for places to eat, but I think I’ll choose The Red Devil, Italian place and I like their chicken alfredo.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    Happy B day Goldie this your 25 right ?

    Juliet yes I do a kale and spinach with soy protein powder and bottled water ever morning

    Peanut butter is good and I put activia in to with bananas

    Blueberry I do to

    Becks u crack me up

    They didn't call yesterday maybe today

    Kat prayers

    Cammie fear net u watching with me

    My nerve pain is a pain lol

    Dork is going to b in some serious pain

    I know that was a hard one to make but she had to do it

    Taking skin from my back not cool with me

    Karen that school will pull around politics

    U have three districts very nice

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    Oh Shaz sho

    Cyn u will loose a lot of weight inches on your waist

    I'm going to get one now

    Cyn at least u will never b alone house of peeps I think to be effective u should drink your beer while hula hooping

    There might b a DVD to

    Omggggg I forgot what else

    I got the first round of shots for gorgeous Goldie !

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2013

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Thank you everyone for your prayers, She made it thru surgery, now for recovery. I was surprised how good she looked right after surgery, but omg that is a huge incision across her neck.

    Hope you have a good Birthday Dinner Lori!!! And that you have had a nice day. Even tho you are picking up the will, that is a good thing, so that makes it ok to pick it up on your birthday! Birthday Hugs!!!!

    G'kids want to go to the pool....I am tired....we'll see....

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    Oh great to hear Kat

    Juliet I'm the pretty label

    Omg I'm my mom

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Oh Kat I'm glad this is over, keep her pumped up---to keep that pain down Poor thing.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Julie so cute and Orange we all end up being like our mom. LOL