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how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2013

    I'm not living there u crazy

    I would b there for traning 3 weeks

    Just had a shopping spree with my mom

    Hi cynnnnnn

    Cam cam whats on?

    Love sauce NM yours sounds amazing!

    U to Goldie where r u in Arizonia if I get the job come see me

    I might not take it because ill b so hot there I think it was 100 the other day

    I will have to bring dresses for sure

    It's a non profit Christian university

    My friend told me they are Mormons interesting the higher ups

    I'm so tired from being out and about all day my mom I love her we laugh so hard I took her car keys for some reason I'm trying to get in my car I noticed they were hers I ring the doorbell hold up the keys she hysterical laughing omggggg

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Kat u started a job yesterday and finally finished it today. YAY for u-More than u thought it would be tho.

    NM OK I was wondering how could u possible do that if u haven't before, it has to be perfect--Oh I remember doing it too, but I never was interested so nothing sank in and I know it's big work in fact none of us put things up for the winter like our moms did. We enjoyed the fruits of there labor, not ours.

    U gals are way to ambitious for me----I made scrambled eggs for Joey this morning and he helped me--well he doesn't eat scrambed eggs unless I make them according to him it's like a little bit of heaven. So I can now (for him) make grilled cheese, fried green pepers and scrambled eggs (sounds like a book) better than anyone he ever met. So that's the only person that I aim to please now so I'm OK with that.

    Hoping Dorky is doing OK, if anyone hears let us know.


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013

    My gf's 8 year old grandson who just started grade 2 told his grandmother this:  

    this is all
    you do in life...first you get  to play for 3 years, then to
    preschool, kindergarten, then school school school then college
    college,,,,work work work and then you die!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Haha Karen! Out of the mouth of babes. He's wise beyond his years.

    Yes a month for ENT appt to check out lip. At this point? Whatever. Lose my job, house, life....blah, blah, blah. Someone needs new material cause just not buying into it anymore ha!!!

    Had great Annie weekend. Taking new supplements, smoothies to lose lbs but they give me energy and I think I'm wearing out. On the go, go, go. Got lots a housework done.

    Ok, where is Ms. dorty? Ya think we'd hear from her if she hadn't drowned her phone the night b4 soigry?? Can someone post molar F'r dude's pic and Ho sister? Maybe that'll git her ober here!!!

    Do I wanna go to casino? I'm bored. Odds are in my favor to win....been suckin eggs for a long time.

    I hear thunder??? It's hot. Hmmmm. I've had more Oklahoma weather in banning Calif I swear!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    I know Becs u'r weather has been crappy this year for u'r area and u fires too.

    Karen that kid has life figured out perfectly--that's so funny--LMAO on that one.

    Oh Becs I'm so glad u had u'r Annie this week-end it perks u up.

    Oh I forgot about Dorky's phone geting wet---oh geeze,

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Ok, if this is what it might take to get our Dorkie back here.....


    (Couldn't post Elizabeth as her pics were tooooo cute to call her  "ho"!)

    Dorothy, Come out, come out, wherever you are!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Kat hahahahahahaha===too funny DORK

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited August 2013

    Eeeeyikes!!!  Moler Fokker!!  IDK it may scare her away. 

    NM..I bet you WERE guy getting some home made Lasagne ...Im going to have to make some of that...all the awesome food mentioned is making me soooo hungry!

    Lori...All that fantastic food your DH wont eat..what a shame..I hope you still eat all that good stuff.  Have a great trip (s). 

    I would love to see your bench also Kat...I see that your Martha Stewart alter ego has emerged.

    Lara...I lived in AZ 3 years and I loved the heat...but now Im thinking 3 weeks under A/C ...thats enough...Mormons eh? kid. loosing weight..nothing I try will work...tho I hate diets...tell me I cant eat something...Im definately going to eat it...Im starting to go to a hooping class next week..its fun and Im hoping it will help me loose.

    Hope we hear from Dorty soon...

    latah kids

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    LOL about that bench. Was doing the painting today in the shade of trees, so the light was dappled. Until we moved it back up on the deck I didn't realize I missed areas from re-doing it with the brush....SO had to paint some more. (But it does look good now). Wrecked my back, so could hardly move after that. FINALLY 2 dbl strength tylenol kicked in, good thing, as I sure couldn't just sit all night, too much to do! It pisses me off that my back prevents me from doing so much that I want to do, and that I used to do. Chit, chit, chit!!!! Not from the RB though, just from over-use.

    Glad you had such fun with Annie, Becks! I get mine tomorrow night.

    Dorkie is putting us through h3ll, waiting to hear from her!!! Might even drive us to drink.....ya think???

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    I love this picture....but omg when the kids learned this at pre-school, it really was a MEAN song, wasn't it. And they did the "smashing" motions too...poor field mice....

    Tonight's chat pic has now been changed.  Hope this works this time.
  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013
    I KNEW it!  LOL!
  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Haha! Ok Wahine... molar effer - check, bunny foo foo - lmao that was a mean song and so was the tree branch breaking and our babies falling out!!! Wasn't ring around the rosies about black death? WTH was wrong with people? Have fun with grand kids! I had so much fun with Annie. Playing "pop scotch" ha!

    Dorty! Come out, come out!!!! Ok. I hope no news is goot news!! :-/

    I need vitamin V. Casino still sux!

    Cyn, hula hooping class? Pretty sure I'd pop a vertebra out. Let me know how it is! I just have to drop som el bee's so I'm willing to try anything! Down 5, at least til we had Haagen Das as a consolation prize tonight. :-(

    Luv n hugs to all.....gonna watch our big brother recordings now. muah!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited August 2013

    Yes....hula hoop....the instructor lost 90lbs ...maybe doing that and riding a bike will help..I dont want to give up any of my

    I cant watch BB till Tomorrow afternoon or maybe even Two's no spoilin Beckers...

    Those were terrible songs....I never realized

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Oh I love hula-hooping, actually bought 2 a yr ago, but sorta hard to do inside as have to watch out for breakables. Its like riding a bike, might take a little while to get used to it, then it all comes back. Let us know how long the instructor says to do it for....she lost 90!

    Yeah, we never knew what those songs meant! I think you're right about Ring Around The Rosie, Becks. And so many decisions could be made with either "Rock, paper, scissors" or "Junk And A Po" (that might be a local Hawaiian game?). I think our imaginations were more vivid then too, didn't have computers etc to entertain us. Could do a lot with a stick, it could be a sword, a bow, an arrow, etc. And playing cowboys and indians....Hmmmmm maybe all of that led us to drink!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2013

    Haha! Junk and a Po? did that go? Did you ever play Ding Dong Ditch? What did you all call it? (I think Californians played "Knock Door Split")

    Cyn, just keep it spinning on left wrist while drinking with the right! I don't even know if I can still hula. Better yet, could I ever?? Hmmmm. Don't worry, I won't spoil BB.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013

    Night.....sweet dreams!!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited August 2013

    I'll let you know Kat...the hoops that work best for me have water in them..makes them heavier and they are bigger than the garden variety hoops they sell for the kids at Walmart for 5.00..she custome makes them and sells them for 40.00....classes are 15.00 so Im thinking every week or every other week and practice at home..outside...of course. 

    Life was simpler when we were young I think....anyone know what London bridge is falling down was all about?  Cause I think its still standing..


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited August 2013

    Morning all.

    DH still stuck in England, visa could take until Sept 5th, then he will start his 28 day work rotation.   Praying all goes well.

    Furbabies story, three weeks ago Ben (the bad tempered Jack Russell/Beagle) attacked Gunnar ( the really soft Pitbull/Rottweiler) who finally bit back.  Result – three stitches for Ben.  Ten days later stitches removed.  Next day Ben attacked Calva ( soft Dogue de Bordeaux) Result four stitches for Ben.  Ten days later, (Saturday) when removing stitches vet nicks Ben who the bites me. One butterfly stitch for Ben and two butterfly stitches and a tetanus shot for me.

    Cost so far 100euro vet bills and 50euro hospital bill.

    Are you keeping up.

    Yesterday Ben attacks Calva who then stood on him and reopened where the vet cut Ben.  Result – one butterfly stitch repair - thankfully not serious.

    Ben has been sleeping in my bed since the first instance.  2am Calva and Gunnar get jealous and start whining and scratching at the bedroom door.  Ignore this and all goes quit for about an hour, then they start again.  Give up and let them in.  Result – they slept peacefully on the bed.  I DID NOT.

    Get up at 6am – find reason for the hours reprieve – two bathtowels, one chair throw and bottom of door frame eaten.

    My three dogs all got on until Sinead moved in next door with her aggressive Jack Russell. When he starts barking it winds my three up.  If I let them all together her dog attacks Gunnar and then Ben. She had promised to get him neutered but now says it’s all Gunnar’s fault. (Always blame the Pitbull).

     Vet disagreed and said that her dog has caused the imbalance in the pack but obviously she knows best.

    So my darlings – right now I am seriously P***** OFF.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Well, the Farmer's Almanac is out and this is supposed to be a bitterly cold and very snowy winter.  Of course, I think it predicts a very cold and snowy winter every year.  The local weatherman I watch is having fits about it, he does every year and it's actually funny.  The co-anchors are teasing him mercilessly!

    ORLA--shopping spree, that's a good thing!  Sounds like you had a great time, key swapping and all!

    Cammy--actually, I was thinking it was a lot of work, too, but it really isn't.  Making the sauce was the most work, and I did most of that the day before and then finished simmering it down on Sunday.  The rest of it is mostly boiling water and setting timers.  It's no more complicated than the timing of cooking a typical meal, really.  Just uses a lot more water!  And there are all kinds of recipes and instruction booklets and websites.  Plus I have my Mom's canning recipes.  It ties up the biggest part of a day, but no more so than baking break.  Sounds like you are a Joey chef, for sure!

    Karen--sounds like she's got it right!

    Becs--care to share any smoothie recipes?  Good thing to have energy! 

    CynCyn--apparently I was only mildly entertaining, nothing outrageous, except for finding a pair of gripper sox in my purse Saturday. . .

    Wahine--I've got a coffee mug that says "Coffee comes from beans, beans are vegetables, therefore coffee is a vegetable."  I've got to dig that one out and start using it again! 

    BBBBernie--DH still stuck in England?  Yikes!  Still praying for the visa and work and for the time to pass quickly for you.  What a saga for Ben and Calva and Gunnar.  And you!  I hope your DH's dog doesn't visit often, oh, I see the barking gets yours going.  Hmm. laryngectomy for DH's dog? 

    OK, gotta get ready for work.  Latah, Loungettes!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited August 2013

    Good Monday is the first day of school for the kids at my schools.....

    Bernie......oh my....sorry for your fur babies......and 10 more days till your DH gets his Visa...hope it all works out.....

    Its a quiet morning in the to finish getting ready so I can get a walk in this morning before I need to back tonight...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Good Morning all.

    BBBernie what a crazy time u'r having--WTF are they trying to be the alpha since u have another dog involved too. The vet is keeping busy with just u. But u said u did get a shot so that part is good. And u'r DH will be gone for a while, oh I'm sure u miss him.

    Well NM I'm glad u got thru that canning stuff, now u'll have good stuff during the blizzards.

    Ok I think we'll hear from Dorky today so--we have to check things out.

    Kat are u'r g'kids coming today, or tonight--how is that working for u and what time is surgery tomorrow.? 

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Oooooh yummy Kat, a “Chipendale” bench!!!  And then I had to laugh to myself about your comment of it being sooooo long and brown. So sweet that your other daughter wanted to come and be with her sister. You did a good job raising those girls Katrinka. We fly out on Friday.

    NM, you got a lot of sauce put up! Good for you, you will love it. I hope all of your seals were successful. It was nice talking to you too, would have liked to talk longer, but I know how it is when you are canning and have time constraints.

    Cami, I had to call NM just to make sure she was doing it right, cuz if it’s not done right, you can get botulism. I have learned a lot this year. One of the real important ones, was that you can’t can spaghetti sauce, unless with a pressure cooker, for which I don’t  have. I was going to do it the way I do my tomatoes, but that is a big no no, as not enough acid in the sauce after you add all of the other vegetables, hence freezing it instead.  But she knew what she was doing and didn’t need my advice after all. But at least we got to chat a bit.

    Lara, I am NE of Phoenix, about 4 hours.

    Funny what the 8 yo said Karen, pretty much sums it up, but gosh, ya gotta ENJOY all of that.

    Whatcha got in that smoothie Becks, that’s giving you all of that energy? Did you go to the casino? Sucking eggs is no good.

    Cyn, I only get those foods when we go out to eat, but seems a lot of the time, I will get chicken, go figure! Or ribs or steak, something I make at home. What’s a hooping class? Never mind, I see the answer! 90 lbs., WOWSA! And hoops filled with water? And yes the London Bridge is standing, in AZ!

    Pretty interesting chit about all the bad songs that we would sing to the kids, never really thought about it! Have not heard of Ding Dong Ditch or Knock Door Split.

    Oh dear Bernie, you have had your hands full, my goodness! Did Sinead just get this dog, or has this been going on for quite some time? Sounds like her fur baby is a bad influence on yours.  Praying that DH gets that visa.

    Karen, hope you can enjoy your first day back at work.

    Thinking of our Dork and hoping she is doing well. Thinking of you too Kathy, tomorrow is a big day. Praying for your daughter. Will you be able to be with her at the hospital?

    Ended up going for a ride yesterday, but just here at home. Explored an area that we had not been to, so it was nice. Then later in the afternoon it POURED! I just hate it when it does that, cuz it just causes problems. Forgot to tell this last week.  I had a customer return a $10.00 item, for which it cost him $13.00 to ship!!!!!

    Today’s DOTD………….Monkey Business for our Monkey Day

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Yummy MonKey Dey DOTD, Lori! Sounds yummy, and fattening, but NO calories in the HTL Dwinks, so we are ok there!!! We get the kids tonight, after my DD's and SIL's taekwondo class, and I think my g'son has a scout troop meeting tonight. Yes, I will be at the hospital tomorrow with my SIL, and my DH will keep the g'kids. Not sure what time yet, they are supposed to let her know today. Thanks for all the prayers!!!

    Cyn, I got the weighted hoops too, bigger than kid sizes, at the sporting goods store, but I am sure her custom ones are MUCHO bettah! I had to get 2 till I got the one I like the best. (Actually bought 3, but the 1st one was the smaller size, so gave it to my g'dau). It is FUN, but I forget to use them. Esp with a class, you will enjoy it so much more, plus learn some neat moves! AND gets you motivated to keep going to classes, hence more of a workout. Good for you, when does it start?

    Haha, now I got interested in finding out about the "Junk and a Po" we said as a kid. You are right, it is a version of rock, paper, scissors, but in HI our version came from the Japanese game, we pronounced it as "Junk and a Po, I cannot show"...but in Japan it was ""Jan ken po, Ai kuroshio." Which then morphed in HI to, "Jan Ken Po, Ai Kono Sho", then finally to....the "junk and a po, I no can show, (or I cannot show)." Then if you both got the same thing, it either was something about bombs, etc. I know it went on and on, but I can't find any more words by googling.

    I heard from Dorkie!!!! Got an email....yay!!! She thought she had sent more emails, but that was the only one I got. She hopes to go home tomorrow, is all doped up from the pain meds, and they wake her every 2 hrs. BUT it was so good hearing from her!!!! Yippee!!!!!

    Boy NM, you and Lori are so good at putting food up for later! Awesome! Big job, but you will surely (or as Dorkie would say, "shirley") reap the rewards.

    Bernie, YIKES! Ben looked like such a sweet little guy,but so much aggression lately. Hate it that Sinead's dog may have started all the confusion and biting. And for YOU to get bit too! Wow. Too bad they tore up so much stuff when they were "quiet" for awhile during the night. Those rascals! I can just picture Calva sitting on little Ben though, and Calva is sooooo big! Hoping for the work permit for you DH! And soonliest! My DD2 has her neurologist appt on Sept 5, so I am anxious for that day too...then she will prolly know when HER surgery will be.

    Becks, YES please share some smoothie recipes!!! NM, I just put a little milk, a container of fat-free lo cal vanilla yogurt, and frozen blueberries (about a cup) into the blender and its sooooo thick and sooooo yummy. I love that one so much I haven't tried anything else. I read somewhere that you could put peanut butter in with yogurt and milk...and maybe it was a little honey too...I forget.

    Okey Dokey, Hope all you girls are doing well today....I got up late as usual, cuz I took xanax so I would sleep!!! Going to take my dad to his skin dr and nope to get the downstairs cleaned up...I only did projects and ignored the housework!!! LOL.

    Big Gentle Hugssssssssssssssssssssss,


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    So glad you heard from Dort, Kathy. Glad they are keeping her doped up and I'm sure she will be doped up when she gets home too, due to all of the pain, which I hope is minmal. Praying that your DD will also have minimum pain. Her surgery will be on her neck? Glad you will be there with her, I know that will be comforting to her.

    I'm still envious of your CHIPPENDALE bench!!! Wink

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Kat I'm glad u heard from Dork--that's a good sign altho there's so much pain-Oh poor Dork she just has to stay on pain meds like Lara did--no choice--it must be awful.

    OK u'r going to be very busy this week especially my prayers (as u know) have already started and will continue for u;r DD1 and u too---I'm sure this is tougher on u than u'r own crap--I'm so sorry--but when u get a chance please keep us up to date on u'r DD1--we all so concerned.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    BTW when I think of Chipindale I don't think of benches.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    LOL I forgot what you wrote about the "Chippendale" bench Lori....I used to do interior decorating, and studied design too, so I didn't even think of the Nekkid Boyz!!!! And you too, Cami! You girls are soooooooooooooooo funnneeeeeeeeeeeee! Now, get yur minds outta de guttah and lets start planning Lori's birthday bash!!!!

    Can we start celebrating your b'day tonight Lori? I will prolly be at the hosp all day tomorrow, and my mind will be on my DD and g'kids, so I won't be in a partay mood I am sure. BUT even if we start tonight, I will still be thinking of you tomorrow and wishing you the very best, Ok???

    I say we start with some cake....

    Then some guys....

    image alt="" />

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Oh oh, the guys just keep on cumming....EmbarassedSurprised

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited August 2013

    Oh, to answer you Lori, yes this will be opening up her neck to remove all the lymph nodes on one side....delicate surgery as there are a lot of important things there too that could cause big problems if they are nicked. So 2 doctors will be doing it. THANKS FOR ALL YOUR PRAYERS everyone!!!!!! Kiss

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2013

    Thanks for the birthday wishes Kathy, and the cake and the boyz. I know you will be with me in spirit, as I will be with you tomorrow. Big day tomorrow for sure, fand I'm sure your DD must me scared to death, I know I would be. I will be thinking more of you and your daughter tomorrow more than myself, for me it's just another day. I will only be a day older than I am today!

    May God watch over and guide those surgeons, and your daughter, to keep her safe and cancer free. We need an NM prayer or one from Dork, which we know she is recovering, so she is excused!

    NM? Would you mind?