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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Holy chit I know I lost my Freedom of speech but that's all OMG.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    That blond kid up der pooped in da pewl. I will let you guess which one, curly haired or straight....I've already given you enuf clues! Glad you went to PS Dory and I hope it all looks up from here.

    Haha Goldie...that guy is really rockin an Rollin, or rocking his roll or rolling his rocks!

    Cami Legal, don't they know you can never read a doktur's handwriting! How did they track your daughter down? Big Brother stuff. Does pain medicine work to control your pain? Maybe you need to take on regular schedule.

    Lara, is Halloween you n Cam's favorite holiday? Laughing about you under the table with your tongue out like Miley!

    Where's your tummy itch Wahine? Is there are rash? For years I would get one hive on my tummy. Just one. Dunno why. (Oh chit, that parts a boob now.) sorry you lost yer birginity wahineynovirginitymacheny!

    NM, you comin outta da funk? I am bleh too.

    So chocolate sprinkle doktur in the ayem and foot MRI in about a week n a half. Hoping choc sprinkle is just a mucocele. Dunno WTH is in my foot.

    Funny one about...oh's on last page but it was a good one Bernie. Oh yeah!!!!! The men still looking at their thumbs!

    Juliet, my sister has two cysts on her thyroid. What does jacked up thyroid do to digestive system? She has no insur so hasn't been to a doc but her digestive system is a wreck.

    Ok goils. bBL

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

    dorty dory,glad to hear things are improving and your resting,now if yours,cammi's and orlando's lara's pain would be under control. things would be perfect

    orlando lara's  how did today go?

    kat,glad its an allergic reaction,with all the traveling you do, worried you might have picked up passengers! his story is ,you told him you were a trained killer and if he didn't do exactly what you said, he would payWink.

    becks-the thyroid effects everything! is there a clinic she can go to ,a lot of  hospitals operate clinics  for the uninsured or underinsured to try and cut down on er visits ,anythign like that where she lives?,you really don't want it to go out of control, first mine went hyper-went down to 129lb and my heart rate was in the 180's when i finally went to the doctor. getting close to being a 911 to er!(insert comments about idiot nurses here but i got so much done!). i had it  treated and am now hypo and take synthroid.   but gi wise you can be constipated with slow gi tract ,me currently or diarhea. but you have fine hands tremors,feeling hot, constantly moving ,imsomnia, high heart rate if your hyper.

    nm-hope you have a good week

    cammi- when i fly about  i mention i'm a friend of yours ,so if i end up spread eagle and face down on the floor, we know your considered a major threatLaughing if they complain about your typing tell them you worked for the goverment what do they expect!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Funny about the "3 R's" Julie! OH YEAH, I did tell him that, how did you know? Were you hiding and watching us??? LOL. But he DID comply in a BIG *wink, wink* way!!!!

    Becks, you let us know what that chocolate sprinkle is, ok? HOPE and PRAY it is nothing to worry about, but am glad you are seeing the dr in the ayem. Sorry you are feeling bleh....hope you sleep good tonight and will be feeling better soonliest!!!

    Oh Julie, I know....I was thinking I picked up something from the last hotel room....yuck. I've also read you can bring home "travelers" that crawl into your opened suitcase on the floor (like bed bugs, etc). So far I don't "think" any critters have come home with us.

    Cami, you are so funny.....

    Bernie, Hope the animals are behaving while your DH is away....I know you have SO much to do!

    Dora, Are you resting in bed yet (alone)??? Ya bettah behave girl, or we'll keep you in line wid dat looeybille sluggah, ya know. Hope the cable guys got you all fixed up....hmmmmmm.....speaking of cable guys.... ;)

    Night Night!


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013 the nurse for you?  so you can take care of yourself?   Glad that you had a good visit with the PS.....look out for your mailbox on Friday!!!

    Its been raining all day here in Denver....nothing that happens very often...quite unusual...but they say its the same forecast for tomorrow....we are having some flash floods in certain parts of the metro area.....I had a great walk tonight in the "drizzle".....

    Day full of doctors tomorrow....Mom has an appt with her PCP tomorrow morning.....then after lunch I have my 6 month onc appt.....Mom keeps asking me if I have time to take her to this place or that place, the latest being the dollar store after her appt.....I keep telling NO, I don't as I only have an hour after her appt....she really made me feel bad when she asked this evening...the guilt was there but good....I want to say something tomorrow, but I know it will only get me in trouble....I've had my appt on the calendar for 6 months...her appt only a month!!!  She said that she only needs a couple things at the dollar I offered to pick them up for her and she said no, never mind, I could take her another time!!  Yes, I'm being selfish....but I want the hour to myself!!!!   I've told Mom at least 3 times that I can't do anything after her appt, and the last time I told her was Sunday!!!!  ugh!!!!! 

    Lori....have a great trip...I know you've already left....and can't wait to hear all about it when you get back....sorry to hear that your worker (partner?) is stealing from you!!! 

    Cami, Beckers, Julie, Orange, Nm.....sweet dreams....see you in the morning!!!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013

    A vampire bat came flapping in from the night covered in fresh blood and parked himself on the roof of the cave to get some sleep. Pretty soon all the other bats smelled the blood and began hassling him about where he got it. 

    He told them to go away and let him get some sleep but they persisted until finally he gave in.

    "OK, follow me" he said and flew out of the cave with hundreds of bats behind him.

    Down through the valley they went, across a river and into a forest full of trees. Finally he slowed down and all the other bats excitedly milled around him.

    "Now, do you see that tree over there?" he asked.  "Yes, Yes, Yes!" the bats all screamed in a frenzy.

    "Good" said the bat, "Because I sure as hell didn't!"

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    My first Good morning--

    BBBBernie I laughed out loud--I love to hear your jokes always make my day start with a smile and I love Maxine Julie.

    Oh I talked to my loving, caring and wonderful sister and she said u'r going to let that stop you writing? continueing on, what to say and spell and type perfecty and I told her to shut up. And she said Oh jodie will get over it. and I said Lu, I'll end up in some kind of mental hospital for sure, they're after me and she says so what u;ve been in worse situations.==She just wants some excitement around her and I at this time could provide it. Brat. My GF just got back in town and called and heard about my little problem and all she did was laugh after saying hello and said she had to hang up she was peeing her pants, I'm so glad the people closest to me my whole life is behind me-I could picture them in a courtroom for my mental competance all laughing I know they would, cuz I would be too. So I am writing again. Why not.

    Becs I take my pills a few at a time in the morning, first I take 3, then wait the take 3, then wait, then take 3, then wait then I rake my pain meds. I always think if to many go down at one time they all get confused, then thruout the day I take the rest. So none of them get confused. I don't know if there is any theory to that it just makes sense to me. Then I judge whether I need more pain meds. so I don't always take them regularly. They just mke me to tired.

    I hope everyone has a better and best day today u guys know that.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Dragged by butt out of bed, still dark, cloudy, thunderstorms predicted, some that came through last night knocked out power in parts of the states, a entire school district is cancelling classes due to lack of power.  Humid and sticky and icky.  Welcome to fall in Maine!

    Cammy--not going to cool off at night here for a few more nights.  May have to turn the AC on in the bedroom! 

    Karen--Way to early to get up!  I certainly can't forget my first catch of the twin towers attacks.  I can remember the patient's room, the layout, the TV on the dresser, in great detail.  At first I thought they were pulling my leg.  Just terrifying, just horrifying. 

    Goldie--I did see the video, I thought she was just being stupid or had an itch she couldn't scratch!  People are actually doing that and thinking it's what, amusing?  NICE COOKIES! Your "friend" has been stealing from you?  Good grief!  How did you find out? I hope he hasn't caused too much fiscal damage. 

    Wahine--I didn't know anyone directly affected by the attack, but I've met lots of people who were.  Very, very sad.  You're right, an itchy  spot can be a lot of things, most of them minor.  Your derm will straighten you out, I'm sure!   That mango thing sounds like a lot of work, hope yours come out like you want!

    Goldie, nice hunk, and I see Stella has staked out her claim!  Good idea not to post your travel plans on FB, and that actually applies to everyone!

    Juliet--a guy who can read, what a rarity!!!!!

    Dora--it's about freakin time you slowed down and rested!  Packing areas with gauze is never fun, but it is doable and it will help the healing, but you have to rest and let the energy go there!   I'll join you floating in the pool. . .

    Wahine--just a reaction to something is a good report, nothing to worry about, just annoying.  Love the "temporary" stuff that lasts forever!

    Becs--I think I'm starting to come out of the funk, almost dark enough when the alarm goes off to turn on a light, that will help. 

    LUV the 3 R's of the aged!

    Karen--nothing wrong with wanting to be sure you've got a little time to yourself before and after the onc appointment.  If what your Mom wants is critical she'd let you pick it up for her!


      Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Thunderstorm

    1 measure Canadian Club

    1 measure cointreau

    orange juice


    Take a tall glass and fill with ice. Add 1 measure of Canadian Club whiskey (must be Canadian Club) and 1 measure of Cointreau Fill glass with fresh orange juice
    This is SO drinkable, and very potent, although the effects are not usually felt until you reach fresh air

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    I was talking before all about me, but I do have more to say.

    Karen I don't know u as well as the others but I have something in common with u===Italian and Jewish mothers are the epitamy of giving guilt--they are so good at it, I've honed it prety well, but no one was like my mom, now my kids ignore my guilty looks or what I say--but my mom was a queen at it for both my sister and me, but not my brothers/

    Becs I watched Insidious liked the movie but I knew the ending wasn't going to be to my liking.Finally a newer movie on Fearnet.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Hello early risers! Shoot I went to sleep around 1, and woke up a 4:30 or so, mind racing, so finally gave up trying to get back to sleep and got up in the dark. Now its light so I can go outside soon and do some work before it gets hot. This is a busy day, taking parents out to lunch, then my dad's dr appt, then pick up g'dau, then take her to Oktoberfest tonight. Hope I stay awake! But first I have to stain the deck steps, and try to keep the furbabies off of them for a couple of hours. That always feels mean to me, because of course they don't understand why they can't come up on the deck! But lots of shady areas for them to "wait it out".

    Bernie, OMG I laffed out loud too, like Cami did. Ouch! THat was funny.

    Love the DOTD, NM! Can prolly use Crown Royal or Seagrams or JD instead of the CC, and if so, then I have the ingredients! No, my 3.5 hrs of oven drying the mango, then making the syrupy sauce and cooking them in it DID NOT work...I don't like the taste, plus they shouldn't have said to dry them that long. TOO much work, and for it not to work out, well I won't try THAT again. I know my dad made this when I was a kid and it was just like what we could buy, but can't find any recipes except the one I tried. Wish I had the recipe he used way back then!!! (He doesn't even remember making that....and we had TONS!). Will have to see if I can find any at one of the many "Crack Seed" places in HI. NO, not "that" kind of *crack*...but it means the Chinese Preserved Seeds.

    Becks, let us know what the dr says today! Praying that it is nothing serious.

    Lori, Hope you are having a fun trip! Check in with us when you can, ok?

    Dora, are you behaving???? We're watching you, you know that doncha? Hope things are much better!!!

    Hugs to ALL, hope you all will have a great day. Yikes, all that flooding in Boulder...hope it isn't anywhere near you, Karen!



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Who would ever think there would be a MOLASSES spill in Hawaii? I guess they must make it there, with all the sugar cane. ANyway, a pipe leaked that loads the tankers that take it to CA. This is a lagoon right next to the Honolulu airport, and has killed tons of fish already, and may attrack sharks too....

    (We won't be anywhere near that, except for being at the airport....might be able to see it from the air though as it should be visible for sad).

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    Colorado making headline news on the Today Show.....We've had soooo much rain in the past 2 days that there is flash flooding and flooding in Boulder County....the University of Colorado is closed and some parts of the campus is evacuated.  A couple damns have over flowed and broken.  It is pouring by me, but othewise things are okay in my part of town.  They just said 3 to 5 more incles of rain before the storms are over and parts of Colorado have already had 8 inches of rain!!!! 

    Decadent morning....didn't get out of bed till 6 am!!!!  What a difference the 1/2 hour to 45 minutes makes.   Want my walk but its only going to happen if I drive to the mall...will wait till 8 so I miss rush hour traffic....Of course, my car is on the street, so might get soaked walking to the car!!!

    Cami....mother's guilt is the worse!!!  Your sister and gf are too funny!!!  I say keep writing!!!

    Wahine....not good....not enough sleep for you!!  Hope all goes well today!! have lousy weather too.... always have the best jokes!!!  Where do yo find them?

    DorK.....hope your are still sleeping and taking care of yourself....

    Beckers...what did the doc say about the "chocolate sprinkles"

    Julie....Maxine is a favorite!!!

    This evening, I'm scooping ice cream at Ben and Jerry's at the University of Denver campus!!!  They are doing a fundraiser for Komen!!!  It should be fun.....hope the rain won't keep people away!!

    Well, time to go get dressed....bbl

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Just a quick note before I run out of here to work.....chocolate sprinkle is probably B9. Yay....recheck 6 months.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Julie that is so perfect and it's funny cuz I so love the Indian culture. I gave Joey a dreamcatcher and we talked about the origin and I always say magical, only because I thinks some things are.

    Oh Becs good news, I kind of thought it was but it's good to hear it.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    Omg have no clue where to start

    Ok well yesterday was the interview black suit on looking good lol 98 degrees ok wtf!

    The one day....

    So yesterday was my first day if online school I'm like the exorcist I'm so overwhelmed its one class every 6 weeks this teacher wants a lot!!

    So I'm trying to figure out how to post to discussions etc finally figure it out go to print résumé no ink! I'm running late I drive to UPS store get three copies of resume change sweating like balls

    Do interview 3 guys interview me I charm them

    I don't know something gives me a bad taste on this position

    Oh so I forgot in the morning saw my pain doc he says back pain is not related to my pain treatment ok so wtf is it I do have two bulging disc he feels back yes it's swollen no really? He says my reflex is hyper something wants an MRI to rule out myplesia ? Idk my dad has the same reflex thing and a horrid back could b sent down to me idk

    Yes this is in all one day!

    So then also the university that disappeared reappeared stalking me all day yesterday I had the phone interview today in person next Tuesday I really want this one ill travel but not every week and ill b home based I need this with the pain thing and school so cross fingers

    Ok so cammie the go er meant wrote u lmao screw them freedom of speech

    Dork do happy u r ok ask for a male nurse

    Karen I'm coming to your house snicker doodles wine I'm there I can't believe the rain wow we r getting it now

    Bernie love your jokes I did get my hair done to chopped off that surgery hair felt great went really blonde love it

    Goldie my god u can't trust anyone

    Kat your story sounds like a lifetime movie

    Becks uuuu r so funny Im lost on what u r saying something about something

    Juliet hi

    Kk girls lets get the tweaking Congo line going come on NM u lead we got dorkie in the bed in line and Karen's got the wine!

    Party time come on cammie lets have fun

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Lara what a difference a day makes--u wore a suit in hot weather Oh how could u stand it.

    OK u know u'r going to have to splain this pain stuff to me I'm all confustcated, which is easy for me especially lately. so splain Lucy. what can they do for you.? Sounds crazy to me.

    I'm watching Lost lovecraft--so stupid, yet I'm still watching it. I've had bad D all day now, I don't have it as much, but today was a bad one so I'm exhausted--another complaint.

    I miss my GF she's visiting in NY for 5 weeks, she's from there and came here about 30 years ago and still can pronounce her RRRRs--her oldest son met someone in NY when they were there fell in love and got married now have a baby and Marie is so thrilled, I have a feeling she's going back to NY--right now I'm so mad at her, except I understand. I just miss her, she ony lives a few minutes from me now. Oh well I don't like change at all. LOL

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    Cammie legal doc k see they thought my back pain was a symptom of pain treatment I mean it is !

    The fox says no I think something happened to your back I'm like ok

    So they want me together another pain infusion for the neropathic nerve thing

    I have hyper something with my reflexes now my dad has a bad back mybe generational

    They want to MRI my back cause it still hurts omg lmao the rrrrrrs

    I'm watching the Jason movies and

    doing my homework god..,,

    Sci fy channel

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    Oh and what's this in Orlando now ill take Orlando boom bloom idk

    Moler boy eeckkkkk

    Calm on becks can kat lets start the twerking Congo line

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    Beckers....good news....

    Orange....oye....your back....not  sure I quite followed about the interviews and the job....And a black suit in 98 degrees!!!  I don't wear suits i any temp!!!!  Hope everything works out the way you want....

    Onc appointment was quick....pending labs, all is okay.....will breathe easily once I have those.....I was fine when I went for mammo just before Dx, so still worry that even if I'm feeling okay, something chould change!!!  Onc asks each time if anyone in family newly diagnosed with breast or ovarian cancer....finally told him that I have very few biological relatives.....on my mother's side I have no bio cousins (two cousins are adopted) and don't know anything about my birth father's family....I have one brother and he has no bio its just my mother and my 3 kids!!!  not a whole lot of histry!!!  .Still on a 6 month schedule.. wonder if he'll ever put me on a yearly schedule!!  he's the only doc I see....don't see my PS or BS, by my choice, just haven't gone in 4 years!!!!  see no purpose since I see guess I best be a good girl and keep seeing him!!!....Onc always reminds me that if I ever want to go back on AI's to let him know and then added today, there is nothing new, but he will be sure to let me knw if somethig new comes out!!!  I will not go back on AI's...told him that QOL (quality) is more important that quantity!!!!  DH went with me, but he was quiet through the questions from DH for onc.....he was out of town for last appt....used to be DH would engage onc in lots of discussion.....

    The weather in Colorado is just frightful.....there is severe flooding in many particular neighborhood is okay, but there are neighborhoods that have been evacuated.....The Big Thompson river is raging....a road totally washed out and dump 3 cars into water (and before the rain it wasn't a water bed...all peole in the cars were rescued)...University of Colorado in Boulder is closed and some dorm have been evauated...the campus is closed and lots of damage to many buildings......There has been over 8 inches of rain in 24 to 48 hours....this is 1/2 the rain we get in a year...some areas have gotten 5 inches of rain today....and its supposed to rain the rest of the day....I've liced in Colorado since late 1985 and have never seen anything like this....Flash flood warnings continue tonight....more rain tomorrow...and again...then more Saturday night and Sunday...Someone said if this was winter we would have had over 10 feet of snow!!!!  They are showing a park about4 - 5 miles from my house that is under water!!!

    Putting up a pot of pea soup....thought it sounded good for dinner, but not really in the mood for least it will be in the freezer.

    Been home for 2 hours and haven't done anything productive, so best figure out what I can do in the house...dust?  clean the bathroom that son uses since DD and SIL will be here next week and its the bathroom thy will can only imagine how disgusting it is with a 24 year old using and not cleaning it in several months!!!!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    hi girlls, I did not read yet, it has been another crazy day. I went to my primary care dr to see if I could get the wet dressing changed and there was no one there today that knew how to do wound packing/unpacking. I got home and was frustrated in tryinig to find someone to help me with the wet dressings. Then I find out that I have a serious infection but did not know until today. A doctor from the ER hospital that t treated me called me to make sure I was being treated based on the findings from the lab reports. It was the first time I have even heard of this. I was glad when she said I could come into the ER as a return patient and do it at my leisure but do it today. I need to wash my hair, it is nasty.  I will do it in the sink. I will then pack a few things in case I am admitted which I think is likely, then head over. I did let my Dad and my one sister know, the other is on vacation so I am sparing her for now.  The infection is called pseudomonas aeruginosa. I had never heard of it but when googling, it seems that when it is on the skin, it is a gangreen. What next? I feel bad being out of contact but I have been really hurting with pain and not able to get to the computer. I will update you as I find anything or let one of you know what is happening. Prayers are appreciated. No Pau hana again tonight, crud!  Thanks for your never ending support and friendships, it means the world to me. I just need to get out of this painful hell I am in. 

    Love you all!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    Oh my (((((((((((((((((((DorK))))))))))))))))...I so wish I was close by you to do something to help.....glad that you are going to go to the ER to get medical help....that ER doc who called you sounds like a gem!!!  Please do keep us posted.....I will message you my phone number in case you are back here....I always have an ear!!!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    Just thinking.....can we compile a list of phone numbers, addys, email addys for our group?  I would be willing to put it together if people want to sent me the info....What does everyone think?   Karen

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    It's fine with me Karen----

    ---DORKY---- I'm glad u'r at the ER, but WTF does all this mean? The infection is in your stomach right OMG I wish we were all closer I'm really good in the hospital, just not so good in doing things in the house Chit I would be right there with u, oh let's face it they'd have to throw us all out. well they couldn't throw me out cuz I too bigggg. This has to be treated with anti's which I thought u were on, but maybe not strong enough Of course I could look it up but I never understand that crap--and oh chit I hope u can let us know what they are doing for u, so much pain I'm so so sorry==like u haven't had enough. What causes all this infections, u were just in the hospital, it's being kept clean---I hope u washed u'r hair first so u look boootiful just in case. Oh Dork (((PRAYERS))) oh I hope u put some clean pretty panties on too. I know I'll be checking so if u do come home just let us know. Well if u ever read this.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    Hi girls, I am being admitted. Waiting for the dr to come in. I am scared. This one is not my flipping fault, I swear!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    Aw Dr Cam, I am reading, not much else to do here. Lol. I did research the infection which is why I am afraid. I believe it came from the hospital. It also appears that it is likely to have come from the catheter. This is surreal!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    Of course its NOT your fault!!!!!  Sending hugs and love your way....and know I'm there with you in thoughts and spirit.....Is anyone going to be at your house tomorrow?  a package is supposed to arrive..or is there someone who can go to the post office for you if no one is home?  Thanks for stopping by to keep us informed....Luv ya

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

    ((((((dorty dory))))) but your in the best place to get that infection treated.    do you need anything? and no i will not send you any willie!

    karen,hope you stay dry! and the wine does not get washed away.glad your onc visit went well

    cammi- keep writing and if they have a sanity hearing between your family ,friends and us backing you up ,you'll have no problemSurprised ,ok  i promise i'll break you out of the pen.

    orlando lara,hope you get the job you want and that back improves

    becks -congrats on the choc sprinkle

    have a good night ladies

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

    according to the eye doctor ,the bad news my 20/25 long distance vision in 2012 is now 20/50!  but the good news its age related! the rest of the exam is still within normal .so ordered new glasses for some retail therapy