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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Happy Saturday everyone! 

    Cammy--yup, it was Friday, and now it's Saturday, got to sleep until 6 ayem! 

    Wahine--Happy Belated Birthday, Wahine!  Yes, send DorKy all the tenders, to keep her tied down in bed and RESTING!!!!!!


    Karen--What is the proper way to wish someone a meaningful Yom Kippur?  Happy Yom Kippur doesn't sound quite right.  But I know you get my meaning, anyway! 

    Juliet--What a BEAUTIFUL cake for Wahine!!!!!!!!

    ORLA-- to PM Karen  click on her name on one of her posts.  The click on "Send member a Private Message" under Karen's pic and bio, that opens up the PM screen for you. 

    Wahine--Hooray for good new about Molly, and for the good breakfast  from DH! 

    Becs--Peeps in vodka?  Wow that sounds different!  A friend of mine is notorious for her love of Peeps, can't send her any Peeps in Vodka just now, she's 2 months from having her first baby.  But after that, hmmm!!!!!

    BBBBernie--Love that form of Yoga! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Saturday Afternooon


    Mixing Instructions

    Add all ingredients except the gingerale and stir. Fill with ginger ale. Garnish with orange slice.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    SORRY GUYS, i have been trying so hard to write but mese fingers and mese brain is all kinds of twisted. I jest don't get it, I totally feel like de most neglected goil in the world. I was asked if the would care dr came to see me and I said yes. but mese roommate reminded me that was an infection disease doctoor dat bisitied mese. of all de docdoors, nurses and spayshalishs dat has sceen me, no one can beliieve dat mese PS said two weeks in a row that all look well. I swear, I am feeling like de most oberlooked poyson in de world. 

    cept when it comes to mese bwest fwends and mese odder fwends. but sadly enuff you peoples can't do much other than to cheer me up and offer suggestions for mese i really sorry for not writing more, I swear by de end of de dey, I am waaaay to goofy to write anyting that makest sense. gonna hit send cuz gonna luz dis in 3-32-1-

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Good Morning all

    Dork I'm so glad u got a chance to write us we are all so worried bout u and u'r affliction, but don't worry bout not writing cuz we understand. Just get better, but it sounds like they know what they are treating now, Oh chit what confusion, I don't like that. Just get better and talk to the nurses, they usually know more what's going on. So talk to them too. Oh Dork I'm so sorry about all this. I wish u could have NM's DOTD today, but u'll have to wait. I'll wait for u. OK


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Oh DorkaDoodle, SO glad you got to post here....miss you so muchliest! Hate it that you are feeling neglected...are you there alone, or does your family visit a lot? When they are there, can they find out more for you, or get them to attend to you more? Really sucks. So the wound care dr has not been there yet? Well, don't even try to answer this, just want you to know we ARE doing something....lots of prayers and love being sent to you. You are right though, not much we can do, BUT the prayers will go a long way towards your recovery, yessireebarbarella. I think earlier you said one specialist said she would see you on Monday, so maybe on Monday you will have a better idea on how long the treatments may take, to get this cleared up. Sure hope so!!! (((((Dora)))))

    NM, well the good news about Molly is that we didn't have to start her heartworm treatments asap, but the bad news is she still has heartworms, and will still cost around $1k to treat, AND still a dangerous treatment...involves lumbar injections, etc. The nice thing is we can wait a few weeks to start. Thanks for the good DOTD....I started today with a cupcake breakfast....yummmmmy, from a special cupcake shoppe....but feeling sluggish with all this sugar. Duh! Hope you have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!!

    hahaha, Irish Yoga, good one, Bernie!

    Cami, OH YES you have quite a good, quick, witty mind, for sure! If no one believes that, they can just ask us drunks!

    Everyone I didn't mention, you KNOW I love you all too! Good weekend, everyone...

    Nuther big game today.... ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!! Glad you have some "crimson" (grenadine) in the DOTD NM...yay Crimson Tide! LOL....



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2013

    Good morning, again, Loungettes!

    DorKable!!!  Yes, it makes sense that you are too loopy and too tired to post by the end of day.  And is the hospital you are in even remotely qualified?  Why don't they have in your record who has seen you and who hasn't????  It's THEIR job to make that stuff happen, not you.  From now on when you are asked a question like that say "I don't know, no one tells me anything.  You'll have to check your records."  Either that or have someone bring you a notebook and make everyone that comes in write down who they are, name and job.  Tell them you're lawyer suggested it.  Then you will get Queenly treatment, like you deserve!   Seriously, though, is there someone who can stay with you 24/7 and take notes and generally make sure you are getting what you are supposed to?  Having an advocate present all the time is the best way to get good care and minimize mix ups, mistakes, and delays.  Even if everyone who comes into your room has to call a particular person BEFORE THEY LEAVE YOUR BEDSIDE, so you KNOW they touched base with your advocate. 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2013

    Wahine--$1K to treat Molly???   WOW! what we go through for our fur babies!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    I agree with NM, Dotty.....if you can have someone with you all the time, it helps so much. The workload the nurses have is so heavy that they don't seem to be able to do all you would hope they could do. If someone is with you,they can not only keep track of who sees you, but what they are giving you and how they are treating you. Plus, they can go to the nurses station and ask for what you need, that seems quicker than pushing the call button sometimes.

    Oh yeah, NM, around $1k for the heartworm tx, and total for their visit, shots, heartworm for Molly, and then teeth cleaning when she is well, will be around $2300....BUT that is the current quote, it will prolly go up before they get everything done! It is so ridiculous, but they are senior dogs now, so we need to have all the tests done, just to make sure they are ok.



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Anyone have any updates from Dorkie? Just got home and was hoping for some good news. Well ROLL TIDE, they won, but it was 49-42, a very close game! Time for Pau Hana, and MAYBE go out for my birthday dinner tonight. My neighbor came by with a nice gift for me, and I said how did you know it was my birthday? Well, she didn't. she just saw something and wanted to get it for me....for no reason....thats so sweet. AND we met the teenager that we had hoped to hire to feed our furbabies, and he and his mom are SO nice, and I think it will work out really well.

    CHeers! Roll Tide! Bottoms Up! Tits up if you have em!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    LOL, my DD and her friends are big BAMA fans and one of her friends just posted how she always thinks of Rico (our amazon blue front parrot we had) saying "Roll Tide"! He really DID say that! We taught him good things to say, of course!!! Such a close game!! Bet they are all drinking right now, and A&M players and fans are drowning their sorrows. Our neighbor has his little A&M flag out and we have our big ALABAMA flag out! (shhh....don't mention to him that his team might win if he gets a larger flag!)

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Had an email from Dorty last night but she may have been feelin the morphonine I think? No word from her today. So funny about the parrot Wahine!! Walter has the new cockatiel next to his cage now and when the birdie made noise I heard Walter say, "Hey! Knock it off!" haha!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Oh thats funny, Becks!!! Did you see the video of the parrot that keeps saying "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor"? Someone posted it on FB, and he really is saying that! Ok, I got the link...

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    Wahine....many, many years ago....we had a german spepherd who got was treated with arenic....we've been in Colorado almost 28 years and it was before that, so I don't remember how old Baron was, but he was young and he lived to be 10!!!  Hope your furbaby will be just fine....

    NM...usually we wish people to have an easy fast!!!  

    The Yom Kippur service this year was beautiful...the people who lead the prayers did a wonderful was hard though as there is a special memorial service that only those who have lost a parent go to and it was the first year for me...very emotional and lots of tears!!!  Plus I was worried about Mom as she didn't come and of course there was no way to find out way...talked to her tonight and she was okay but her words "I had the runs" and decided to stay home...glad it was nothing worse.

    Made eggs and bagels for break the fast and of course have been stuffing my face since then, not even hungry but after break the fast, had ice cream, cookies, licorice and now popcorn!!!...think its nervous energy, so decided to pour a glass of wine

    More flooding and evacuations in parts of rained again this afternoon and evening.......

    Need to go back and re-read what everyone posted....Hugs...

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Karen, they STILL use arsenic to treat heartworms.....could not believe it! Must have been so hard tonight for you. We had a special day at church to honor those that had passed (I can't think of which day it was). I went the first year after I lost my DH, and it was so hard just being there, as you would go up front and face the congregation. After that, I stopped going to church on that day, as I couldn't bear to see the sadness of those who had lost someone, esp the most recent losses. My cousin lives in Gould, near Greeley, and she wrote about all the flooding too. Like a 1000 year record or something? Very sad. I don't know how many have lost their lives because of that flooding, as I haven't seen the news. Glad you get to eat now! We had the best dinner out tonight, it was so good!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    For Becks....this cockatiel sings If You're Happy and You Know It as well as the Mayberry Theme song...really cute...

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Love the videos Wahine!! I didn't realize they can talk and sing.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Hit guys==just  checking in for Dork, I just got home a little while ago, had  big cousin part so it was a long day but a fun one. Oh I hope Dorky is getting better. Talj to u in the morning.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013
    Vodka Christmas Cake 1 Once again this year, I've had requests for my Vodka Christmas Cake recipe so here goes. Please keep in your files as I am beginning to get tired of typing this up every year! (Made mine this morning!!!!) 1 cup sugar, half pound butter, 1 tsp. baking powder, 1 cup water, 1 tsp. salt , 1 cup brown sugar, Lemon juice, 4 large eggs, Nuts, 1 bottle Vodka (preferably Smirnoff), 2... cups dried fruit, 4 cups self raising flour.
    Sample a cup of Vodka to check quality. Take a large bowl, check the Vodka again to be sure it is of the highest quality then Repeat. Turn on the electric mixer. Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar. Beat again. At this point, it is best to make sure the Vodka is still OK. Try another cup just in case. Turn off the mixerer thingy. Break 2 eggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit. Pick the fruit up off the floor, wash it and put it in the bowl a piece at a time trying to count it. Mix on the turner. If the fried druit getas stuck in the beaterers, just pry it loose with a srewscriver Sample the Vodka to test for tonsisticity. Next, sift 2 cups of salt, or something. Check the Vodka. Now shit shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts. Add one table. Add a spoon of sugar, or something. Whatever you can find. Greash the oven. Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over. Don't forget to beat off the turner. Finally, throw the bowl through the window. Finish of the Vodka and wipe the counter with the cat.
    Merry....ummm, thingymajig.
  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    LMAO Bernie, I love that one! AND the stores are ALREADY getting stocked with Christmas stuff, tooooooo dang early. We were in Kohl's yesterday and they had their Christmas stuff out (trees, ornaments, etc)...already!! Oh, and yes, Cockatiels can talk and sing and be so much fun. They say the sex doesn't matter, but in our experience it was the males that would talk. And it was so sweet when the babies were ready to go to permanent homes, that they would already be talking, and be so connected to people, since we hand raised them, taking them from their parents before their feathers all came in. And they are much easier to care for than parrots and bigger birds. I love them, but although less expensive than our dogs, they take up a LOT more time (mostly because of cleaning cages!). Also, bigger birds need a lot more attention than cockatiels, so sometimes its hard for people to be gone from their large birds because the birds can't cope.

    Good Morning everyone! Really wanting to hear from Dorothy, but its understandable if they have her doped up, plus might be hard to get her phone charged up there. But if you are reading this Dorkie, PHONE HOME!!!! LOL, you are our own little ET.

    Hugs, Hugs, and more Hugs, and Gentle Hugs for Lara and Dotty,


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    Good Suday morning.....busy day and more cooking for the next roun of holidays that start Wednesday night...DD and SIL arrive on Tuesday....I have company for meals, Wed night, Thursday lunch and dinner and Friday lunch.  Just us Shabbat dinner (but stil need to cook) and we are going out for Shabbat need to plan out meals, grocery shop and not much computer time...Have a good day and will check back later to see if we have an update from DorK.   

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Bernie I was LOL so hard, I love that recipe, that on I culd handle . So so funny.

    I hope and pray we hear from Dork today, just something, I know they have her doped up so I understand, but I would like someone to hear ffom her somehow,

    Lara I hope u feel better today, but I know how difficult it is.

    I got hru lyesterday pretty well, but I took my pain meds a little differently. Nicky (my cousin) takes Vicoden so he told me how to space them for a long day so I'd get the most out of them and it helped and it didn't make me super tired, we had coffee going all the time. We were laughing so hard cuz whoever takes meds has timers that go off and all the timers at different times--we were laughing but everyone had their own ring, but it helped me  keep times on my own meds, so the day wasn't horribly painful for me, but I did take more than I usully do just spread out differently

    OK I'll check back later.


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013


    PwoudMary is sooooo busy today, so I wasn't sure she would get to post here, so I will share this with you. She called Dotty last night, and said that she is still in a lot of pain and that its too hard to try to post, but her fever is back down to normal, which is good. She is getting a lot of rest and is healing, and the nurses and drs are treating her well. She is still upset with her PS, and rightly so. Not sure yet, how long she will need to stay in the hospital.





  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    Oh thank goodness

    You know sometimes I wonder about doctors

    I've told docs what medicine I need they give it to me

    I had the pain treatment the 4th

    My back is still out so I'm going to call doc get MRI done tomm

    Tues is the other interview I want that job

    I was crying in pain and I'm nervous it's something serious

    Everyone wants me to go to ER but we r tight with money DH co pay is a lot of money

    Oh I didn't get the other job thank god lol

    They r idiots I didnt want to represent that a school and they wanted me to do a lot

    So all pray for Tuesdays interview for me

    NM had my number if anyone wants

    Cam how is it going

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

    lara ,wish your pain would go, lots of prayers for tuesday

    dorty dory -feel better soon

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Kat Thank u, that's good her temp is normal at least, and they should be treating her like a queen, she's in so much pain. Well at least that part is good. and let them keep her in the hospital, it's better for her right now.

    Lara (((prayers))) for Tuesday--and if this is in person (so many are over the computer now) give them u'r winning smile. Lara just being extremely lazy today, extremely.

    it's been raining all day but no storms.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Im so glad we have update on Dory Kat! Fever is down thank God. How could PS miss this? (Shaking my head.)

    Miss you Sue! Thank you for getting the 411 on our fwend!!

    Lara, I'm so sorry you are having that kind of pain. Like a toothache when it comes to spines. If you have bladder, bowel, numbness in legs or anything like that, you cannot wait. Must go to ER. I understand about the cost. Just don't want perm damage for you. You prob need good anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxer, pain combo. Please rest so you don't keep aggravating it. Good luck Tues.

    Sorry you are in pain too Cams but sounds like so much fun with your cousins and all the pain alarms! Haha!

    Omg Juliet! I made the team for the menopause Olympics! Ha! I'm off Tamoxifen and still flash! I'm a lifer when it comes to menopause pretty sure.

    Love the vodka cake recipe Bernie! Gotta copy that. I will re-share from Cami's FB post.

    Well goils, casino was a fun time for once. came home $50 ahead, which is a miracle for me!! My sister and I took my Mom with us. Endurance building exercise for my Mom after the pneumonia! Wish I could get her to be more active. She gets bad night sweats and has lost weight. Sometimes wonder if she has a cancer somewhere. Ignorance is bliss at her age in my opinion. job tomorrow. Wish me luck. I was sad Friday leaving my job. I came in that ayem to Starbucks and Panera Bread bagels. Heavy sigh.

    Lub y'alls!!!!!!!


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Hello Karen....missed you up der! So much cooking for you! Chef Karon! (in my best French accent!)

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2013

    Good luck tomorrow Becks! Ohhh Panera Bread is soooo good! We have 2 or 3 of them here and I love all their food. Good advice for Lara, on going to ER if she needs to as her health is the most important thing!

    Lara, listen to Becks....go to the ER if you need to. I am sure they can arrange LOW payments over a long period of time, if needed. And GOOD LUCK on Tuesday!!!!

    Julie, you are so funny!! Menopause Olympics...I could prolly win that too! My neighbor was over yesterday and she is going thru menopause and her dr ADVISED her to get on hormone replacement...since she still has her uterus and has no bc in her family, he felt its safe for her. I am jealous! I miss hormone replacement therapy soooo much, not just because of the hot flashes, but everything else.

    Cami, Cami, Cami, I don't know how you deal with all that pain, but you have everything figured out, for every situation. You are one smart gal!

    I enjoyed going to see the play "Clue" so much....its a theatre group that is an a very old bldg, so the architecture is so awesome, and there are so many rooms! It was pretty empty today, and my DD knew one of the main actresses, so it was doubly fun. So I guess after 4 days of celebrating, I need to stop my bday stuff today! LOL, I sure have "milked" it.

    Lori, Hope your trip is totally awesome and you are having a blast! Can't wait to hear all about it.

    Dora, Lots of prayers going out to you girlfriend. You stay there till you heal properly!!! Can't wait till you are healed and back to your fun self! Hope your parents are doing ok.

    NM, where you be? I missed you today, hope everything is alright!

    Karen, Hope you are not affected by that awful flooding. They showed the roads broken off in Greeley (where one of my cousins lives...the other one is in Denver)...and it looks so scary and so sad, all the lives lost, homes lost, homes damaged, people displaced. Just awful.

    Hugssssssssss Loungettes!


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    Wahine....where I live in Denver is good...but the damage and devastation in parts of Colorado....Boulder, Jefferson County, Greely and other areas north is tragic.....lives lost, homes lost and homes is heartbreaking to see the pictures...we had more rain today and there were more mandatory evacuations......

    Got a decent amount of cooking done today....baked my challahs - 4 batches, 2 pots of soup, lasagna and manicotti in the freezer to bake later in the week, brisket, kugel and primavera chicken.  Got to figure out where to put the 2 pots of soup.  think the brisket can fit in the freezer....So after all this cooking I think my bottom oven has bit the dust!!!  minor compared to what is happening to so many other people, but not the best time to be without an oven with my DD and SIL coming and company for so many meals....There are a few things that I still have to cook and may have to re-think a couple meals or cook on Tuesday my salmon for Friday lunch...will cook it on the grill then freeze it till Friday and cook the lasagna and manicotti Tuesay night the one oven that is working (I think) doesn't have room for both....This is an older oven that we bought used several years ago.....A couple friends have offered me to use their is right around the corner!!!!  Will see tomorrow....Not sure if I want to do anything tonight or not....its 8:43....maybe one pan of lasagna or the manicotti.....

    Glad to hear an update from DorK....I don't have her phone number...just her your info.....Would love to have everyone's phone, addy and email addy.....NM sent me hers.......I think I have Wahine's addy.....

    Good to hear that DorK is being taken care of....that just stinks about the PS......

    Well, I need to figure out what I need to do......then I'm pouring a glass of wine!!!  All the cooking and washing dishes just ruined my mani after only 1 1/2 weeks...the polish is almost all the way off a couple nails!!!!

    Sweet dreams and see everyone tomorrow....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Karen u mst be a fantasic cook, baker aall that stuff---everything u make sounds so yummy, how do u do it all.? I can barely stand long enough to make toast and eggs. LOL But I am the lazy one.

    I'm glad we heard a little about Dork---but it all still a mystery to me. I just want her pain tto stop. I hope today there is a big difference in her condition. And a good one.

    Oh Good morning all--I forgot that--And I'm keeping up with the weather all over to--It's horrific, involving so many people and so much destruction. So many lives. All from weather--so sad.

    Lara how are u today? Is pain any better. I stayed in my room yesterday as confortable as possible, but I was so happy I did all right Sat with all my cousins--well not all just 1/2 the family but no one noticed to much I don't think so I was happy. Dr. app't today, u know how I feel about that. They know too.