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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  A toasty 39 degrees this ayem!  Saw a post from DorKable on FB, she sounds much better, thing are looking up, that is good news!

    Karen--I've had mornings like that, Sadie gets me up, usually with a loud woof in my ear or a cold nose on my neck, startling but effective!  Enjoy your visit with DD and SIL. 

    Cammy--I hope Joey gets feeling better ASAP!  But it is nice to have a living heating pad in bed, isn’t it? 


    ORLA--Hooray for good work in class!  Good talking with you last night, too!

    Becs--good new job and a friend starting, too, WOW!

    Karen--I'm going to start stealing your menus! 


    Cammy--getting stuff in the mail is fun! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the  Camel Hump

    3/4 shot butterscotch schnapps

    1/4 shot Bailey's® Irish cream

    Pour Butterscotch Schnapps into a shot glass 3/4 of the way full. Fill rest of drink with Bailey's Irish Cream.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    NM I like that DOTD today, it sounds ymmy right now

    U know how kids are, like 36 hr. throwing up hot as anything, then wham they're fine--he's going to school today, he was cuddling with me last night and said OMG u'r so hot, so I was super hot not feeling so well so we'll see. but for some reason it doesn't go away like it used to. LOL

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    cammie im starting to write letters like you

    Calling the medical board today

    and I am watching scary movies

    im writing letters to the medical board and to the doctor and I am going to attach a blood test thats shows I take my pills like a good girl everyday

    Thanks NM for listining

    I have been to much pain for to long

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    Tired beyond tired this morning!!!!  Hope to be able to check in after work today, then I won't be  back till Sat night....

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

    lara , also find out what lab said your pee was clean,obviously have a quality control issue going on! bbl, time to sleep

    feel better soon cammi

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013


    • Ice
    • 8 ounces gin or vodka
    • 1/2 teaspoon dry vermouth
    • 2 tablespoons chilled dill pickle juice
    • 2 pickled okra spears


    Add ice halfway up the cocktail shaker. Add gin, vermouth and pickle juice. Shake well and strain into 2 martini glasses. Garnish with a pickled okra spears.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    Hi girls, 

    I have been trying so hard to update you all but seems that as soon as I start, I am either given a IV loaded with morphine or a doctor comes in or I am drifting off to sleep. I have to be quick as the nurse is coming back to change out my IV again. btw, I can feel the pain of NM and others who have issues with the IV's. I have had two veins collapse already. I had not realized that the stuff that goes in them sort of corrodes the artery or sumeting like that. 


    I started the above yesturdey. I had an intention of giving you all a full update. I did update on facebook and I know a few of you saw that. But for those not on facebook, here was my update from last night. I am still waiting for surgeon to come in today, hoping to be out of here tomorrow. It has been a week! Ok, here you go and my apologies for not updating sooner. Sometime I suck!

    from facebook:

    UPDATE (for those who care. for, those who don't, do us a favor and delete me) ...

    Still waiting on results of umbilical culture and stomach incision along with lab report on the fluid that was drained from abdomen. Can't be discharged until these labs are back and clear.The hospital and team of doctors have been wonderful, only issue is that they do not have in-house surgeons. They're working on bringing a surgeon from off site for debridement surgery. I am hopeful that they will send me home SOON, with a pic line to keep the IV antibiotics flowing. I want to kick this nasty infection that I caught from the Univ of Filthadelphia to the curb so that I can get back to living! Thanks to my loyal friends, coworkers/former coworkers, to my loving breast friends and to my family members who have supported me throughout this three plus year journey. I am finally seeing the light and feeling better. Onward and upward! 

    ~ UPDATE brought to you by Kennedy Health Luxury Resort and Palace in Cherry Hill NJ (ok, it is a hospital but sure love being treated like a VIP guest) lol 

    ANYWAYS, I have to tail ye all sumeting berry funny so that I do not forget. 

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Can I get mine in a "to go" cup Lara? What did you find out about your back? Hope it's feeling better!

    See you Sat Karen! Happy trails.

    Cami, my friend was my former teammate at the rehab hospital we used to work at. He and I gel and we pretty much laugh all day so I am happy he will be there! He will also help me with heavy lifting.

    NM, 39 deezgreez? Burrrrr! Sounds fabulous to me tho. I'm such a hot mamma in these special, I mean menopause Olympics!

    Ok goils....gotta run. So happy to hear Dorky is better and may be parolled soon!!! Yay!

    Happy humping! Xoxo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Dork I'm glad u came on to tell about everything. cuz u know it's hard to retell, but by now something should be going on, I hope all good. U've been in so long. And oh veins that's horrible, that's why I kept my port. whenever I'm a quart low on something they use it. I forgot how awful that could be too. Just what u need more aggrevation and pain. I hope they find out soon so u can relax more and heal like u'r supposed to.

    Lara I've got my scary movies on too and write to everyone. obviously that's what I do. U need help and u've got to get it.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    Screw them all becks


    I'm on my third shot of te kill ya

    Drink therapy is I. Order

    I really am drinking

    Damn I love te kill ya

    Love u all

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    I told u I went to my cousins Sat. and again I wish I could do that every week--but Nick-(my cousin) has very bad knee pain had a couple of operations and they're a mess---so he puts him arm around me and say I have it all figured out finaly- He said he took 2 vicodens and 1 drink of JD and coke and he really felt OK.I was so tempted to just have a beer even, but I'm paranoid about mixing pills---I don't take xanax if it's within 3 hrs. of pain meds. or aspirin if I take my pain meds, but I will with xanax--Nurses am I crazy or right. I want to know--I don't take 2 pain pills at the same time I take one then wait aboit an hr and take another 1/2 then, my pain lessens.

    Lara I always forget what pain meds u'r on. and what everybody is on. But how long can u be on these things?

    Joey story--I told u he was sick and his temp was kind of high, so Leslie was giving him some kids stuff and toward evening I was with him and said it's about time for u'r coldand fever stuff and he said I don't know if I should take another dose. Why I asked and he said I don't want any liver damage. I told him he was on it one day, nothings going to happen--he said well I don't want to be the first it happens to. Now that's not really funny but see how much attention is paid to what going on around him. I'm sure all our GC or kids pick everything up--we're scaring the hell out of them.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2013

    Hey...ya kno what day it is...huh huh huh...c'mon....what day is it...LOL...I jes lubs dat c'mercial!!

    image alt="" name="Hytl_uee-Z9l1M:" />


    Yes mese dahhhLinKs...I am dwunk and I kno I have been away tooo long.  But I have been lurking.  Prollem is...I cudn't member mese log in pw.  Well...that only part of it...but troofly been looking for it off and on and finally found it.  But more den dat...been f'd up and worried bout all ye'all and specailly mese Dory, Dorfy, Dorky!  But mese tinks she is on de mends...not bends, mends...getting better...WOOHOOO!!  Mese tinks she went homey today...I'm praying n e way!!  Once she home she'll get de merrymaids n hoopeflly dat will halp.

    In mese lurkin..mese seen some mese bweasties been habing hard times...jes knos I been praying lots n lots for all of you, Beckers new job, Lara pain mngt and new job, NM someone to finally address your breathin issues, Julie had some good news and keeps me horny as hell wif da eye-candy(thank ewe), Karen jes cooking away godbless, Goldie on vacay again but had good time w/mom in MI, Cami cwacking us all up all da time wif her sis n Joey stories, Bernie wif her jokes and good news Senead pg again? Mite me funkassed bout dat...but mese tinks I read dat. Cyndielou wif house full but seems to b managing.  Our Mrs Vino needs prayers for close friends struck by dis ratbastardo.  Gosh I hope I nnot missing n e body...4giive K?

    Me....I want a divorce...not really but a separation fer sure.  DD giving me a chance next month when her dh goes for knee surgery.  We shall see.  I have been battling the pain but littly willie has allowed me to sleep better somewhat.  Got my tests back...mostly...NED...but is 10 mm sumpin or other on hilar node, which mese looked up, seems like it is a lung thingy.  And...sumpin bout mese colon, decompressed & thickening of colon wall?  So getting results of last colonoscopy in 4-12 and will go from there.  But I cudn't be more pleased that all my pain is not mets...that is the most blest thing I cud hope as Dorfy put it...ONWARD N UPWARD!!

    Da dh is awake must close for now....I just want you all to kno that in spite of all this...I have been canvassing local businesses (mostly salons) for next month awareness.  Have at least 5 on board for the pink ribbons and old boss at Stateline is going to do the DOTD and PinkRibbon again next month too.  Am so beauty salon mgr(whom I'd never met) said 'and who r you' I jes sed I'm a survivor wanting to give back'....she gave me da biggest hug...and I find out later she lost her son years ago (he was in his 20's) to the RB!!  FURB AND THE HORSE YOU RODE IN ON!!!  Oh, and any new DOTD's fer next month be much appreciated too...MUAH!!

    On that note....LOVE, PRAYERS & POSITIVE Energy to all of YOU...mese favoritest peeps!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    Mema Sue in de house! wooP wooP. I jest loves me some Sue, here bese a teekilla for ye, dwink up now, cheerS! If anybuddy still awakey, come on in, lets do de NED dance wooop woooooop, oops mese gotzta run and drop off some kids at de pool. brb.

    I say one ting and one ting only. oH mESE oH mISE, wdf is up with mese chipt being a hot ole mess? mese jest shocked still and has a hard hard time writing. mese blame de dwugs. but guess what? de widdle birdie who speaked earlier about mese disposition is correctOmundO, mese and mese widdle dog too is home from Kansas. Yep, mese not in Kansas anymo, yeeeee haaaa! ,lift ye lids off de pill bottles, go spank a tender den lift yer glasses and dwink with mese.HOME SWEET HOME, dere no where in de world dat is better. well cept being in a warm and tripical climate with an inmate, errr monkey. Yep, dat jest as well. 

    mese talking non sense. I sooooo wanna catch up. I has to first get through about 25 voice messages, mese bin slipping so tarribly with the phone. and mese email. and mese bwesties. I jest love you all so much. Mese was reading from de resort/hospitall insteetution but jest could not speak cuz all dat could come out where scattered lettars. yep, a few of mese fwends got some berry twisted emails form me. I do not tink I am banned from any web sites and mese does not tink dat I spent a forture chopping online, shhhh, so far so good. mese not feeling great yet but am better. it was brutality at its best AND de worst and mese gotza lot of healings to do. and de dr said it gonna heal from de inside to de outside so mighten be awhile befour improvement.  well finally, time for de pain pill. shhh, don't tail but mese serousity not dwinking dis night, too scared to bese naughty. ok, will try to poop back after mese poop. well not really, gotzta pull voice messages and mese skeered cuz I missed a few appointments cuz mese was waaaaaay too high. I swear I have twied to update you goils but was waaaay too high to de sky with diamonds. SIGH. somebody pls come in cuz mese gonna be ober in de corner jest sucking mese thumb, g ye dumb hehehehe. ok, be back hopefully dis night. it almost midnight at de oasis and mese daddy is in bed har har har. cheerS and lotsa love to mese wunderfulliest goils. kk, ober and out. 

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Hola !!! I'm so fercited to see Mema and dorty!!!!!!!!!!!!!running for big chest bumps.....whooooooo ya!!!!!!! Lubslubslubhugshahahahasnort!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

    hope your all having a good day, floated last night to ONCOLOGY,   back to cardiac tonightLaughing

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013

    Three nurses arrive at the pearly gates. St. Peter asks the first why he should admit her. She replies that she has been an emergency room nurse and has saved thousands and thousands of lives.

     "OK", he says, "Come on in!"

     The second reports that he has been an ICU nurse and he, too, has saved thousands and thousands of lives. St. Peter lets him in, too. St. Peter asks the third nurse the same question.

     She replies that she has been a managed care nurse and has saved thousands and thousands of dollars for the insurance company.

     St. Peter replies, "OK. Come on in. But you can only stay three days."

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Bernie u got the best of the bestest. LOL

    SUE U'r back-I'm so glad to see u, it's been to long, u've been going thru lots and lots of tests? So-so sorry==u must be miserable, but u'r here. And I love that camel.

    Dork I confusticated R U Home? Or going home. I hope u'r home but no drinkin' is right u can visit  but u can't imbibe--and have to stay in the recliner--no hunk, or pants or anyone. I'll sit by u and just leave to have a quickie. Well nothing is quick for me anymore so how ever long anything takes. And den I be back.Someone tell me Where dork is.. I feel like I'm looking for Waldo

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Heat wave, it's 43 degrees this ayem!  May hit 80 today.  Is it Friday yet?  NO?  Sigh. 

    Cammy--yeah, kids recover from stuff so fast! 

    ORLA--Good luck with the medical board!  Let us know how it goes. 

    Karen--try to get some rest sometime soon!

    Neat Drink recipe!

    DorKable! !!!   Heard any results yet?  I know what it's like to be tied to medication schedules and doctor's visits, no fun, sleep when you can. 

    Becs--yup, we're in the time of year when we get 20 to 30 degree swings in the temp through the course of the day! 

    Cammy--(1) if your prescription says you can take 2 pain pills, and since you already know one pill isn't quite enough, TAKE TWO AT THE SAME TIME.  (2) it is safe to take xanax and pain pills at the same time.  In fact, the pain pills may work better if xanax is taken with them.  Yes, you may be sleepier than usual, but is a nap such a bad thing?  (3) talk to your doc about needing 1 and a half pain pills, you need a higher dose than one pill to manage your pain.  (4) mixing alcohol and pain pills is not a wise thing to do, but in reality people taking pain meds long term do drink sometimes and have no issues.  Not something to do on a regular basis by any means, but an occasional drink probably won't hurt anything.  And it is amazing what kids pick up on, isn't it? 

    Mema--Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike!  What day is it?  And I did see the pulmonologist Tuesday, and (surprise) I have asthma.  Not much more I can do to control it than I'm doing (besides losing weight, exercising, not sleeping with the dog, giving up caffeine).  Got a new inhaler to use twice a day to help ward off reactions.  Need to see my provider ASAP when I catch a cold so I can get on antibiotics and steroids.  No need to see the pulmonologist again.  Now to see how this winter goes.  Not giving up sleeping with Sadie.  Been trying to lose weight for decades.  Know I need to exercise.  Thinking about switching to decaff.  We'll see.  HOORAY for NED and NO METS!!!!!


    Juliet--Oncology?  Really?  How did it go?


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Welcome Home

    1 oz. gin

    ½ oz. lemon juice

    4 oz. champagne

    1 oz. simple syrup


    1 brandied cherry


    Combine the gin, lemon juice, simple syrup and ice into a shaker and shake well for ten seconds

    Pour champagne into old fashioned glass

    Add mixture to champagne

    Add cherry


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Damn NM u have asthma==why are all these things coming later in life.? That's a pain in the Ass and I wouldn't be able to give upsleeping with my furbaby. I'm sorry this has happened. and Thank you for answering my questions about meds== I always overreact. About certain meds.

    I hope u feel better with all this crap.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Dork u still need to rest, so I'm sending him over so u can tuck him in, u can change one letter anything u want.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    Mema yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa u want a divorce

    Juliets floating

    I went on my manic mode last very hung over

    Becks me to hungover to drink today

    dorK lmao those who care damn GF those pills have u never land

    glad they r taking care of u and keep posting its funny when you r all drugged up

    did u pinch anyones butt yet cutie docs?

    meh eating bad food all day

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Mema are u serious about the divorce or separation? I thought u were kidding around. WRF

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2013

    Morning DahhhhLinKs!!

    Thanks for the warm welcome back! 

    D - glad you are not dwinking...mese tinks it will minimize the effect of the anti-b's.  Sooo thrilled you are home too...there is 'no place like home' dat is fer sure.  Speaking of dat...u n me talk in a widdle bit bout keeping ur house in order K girlfriend!

    Cami - I agree with what NM sez bout pain pills...they won't work if you don't take them and if the dose isn't right say sumpin to ur docs and make them up the dose or gib u stronger ones. 

    Re - da separation...I am serious if things don't change around here.  Getting tired of talking and not being heard, but will give the 'talk' again soon and see what happens.  Crazy cuz in about 1 month will b our 20th anniversary...jes not feeling any celebratory emotions right now.  Mebe mese jes needs a few nights wif da Tenders to adjust my 'tude eh?  Yeah yeah, dats da ticket.  I will be worries.

    Lara - I wanted killya sooo bad last night but stuck to wodka...mebe today I'll hit da patron'...heehee!

    Julie - Tues one of my chemo nurses was floating w/my onco.  She did my vitals n stuff den left da room.  I kept waiting for her to come back and gib me my pink paper gown and next thing I knew my onco was standing in da room.  I sed 'ooppss, ms Crystal missed a step' and we both cwacked up.  Onco sed they trying to cross-train and it was kinda nightmare.  But I told her I cud tell Crystal was berry berry noivous, poor thing.

    Bernie - LOL yeah...only 3 days...too phunny!

    NM - Not good about da asthma dx.  But good to have an answer, and yes, jump on the steriods the minute you feel a cold coming on.  I don't think I could give up sleeping with my pooches either, losing weight I still struggle with, exercise has been minimal with my back and foot pain, but I have been using my eliptical and started with yoga..OUCH!!  The yoga hurts like hell...muscle spasms in places I didn't think wud spasms, but am going to stick with it in hopes it does strengthen my back some.  Good luck with everything K?

    Hope everyone has a vundervull day!!

    Lubslubslubslubs ya all!! 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    I hope u can work it out mema

    U r so pretty

    Men uggg

    Cam got the popcorn

    U with me

    Filled out form for the complaint

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    can a goil get a dwink around here? 

    cammie, tank for de hunk to -uck, yummie. yes, I am home but not all here tehe! sorry mese not say more to ye all. if I talk to one dwunk, should tawk to all. mese jest waaaay loopy and it is pill time agen, all firteen of dem. i taking soo manny dwugs, shold be higher dan a kite in de rockies. not but, we see. pau hana anyone?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2013

    ammy--I've actually had asthma since childhood, I was diagnosed in my 20's.  Up until a couple of years ago it was annoying at times, and no big deal.   The last 2 years I've been in ERs and admitted once with asthma problems, and I'm trying to break the pattern.  So I'm starting a long term control medication, and will be talking to my primary provider to see if I can get some codiene-based cough medicine in the house before I need it.  Once I start coughing it is almost impossible to stop, and I end up feeling like I'm going to die.  So if I can head that off at the pass, so to speak.  Time will tell if the new strategy will work or not.  And you aren't overreacting, you just don't have all the facts to work with. Not giving up sleeping with the dog, the doc even admitted he never gets anyone to go with that.

    Oooh, I'll tuck him in any night!  or day, or afternoon, or morning. . .

    ORLA--too hungover to drink?  NOT FAIR!

    Mema--Yikes, not feeling celebratory at 20 years, that's a problem!  Thanks for the support!

    DorK--there's a whole line of dwinkies waiting for you on the bar! 

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Mema, so good to see you! Jus do what I did n move DH half way across the world and only see him 3 days a year. Today I sexted him and made him blush. Haha!

    Too much Patron orla? You hungin ober two-day?

    NM, good to get some of the goot stuff to keep on hand! I have had bronchitis many times when smoking and that promathazine cough syrup stuff would help so much.

    Gotta run...bbl

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    NM, tanks for de welcome home dwink, I had de tenders make me a few pittchurs, gulp gulp. i remember your  trips to de er for de ashma. i hope dis year bwings you no attacks and dat it an easy peasy fall and winter for ye no symptons.

    Sue, wow, what u doing here tehehe! you come back now ya hear. and be good. you come with me to hide from DH, mese hasing a partay for yer welcome, yeee hawwww! sorry I missed yeer ned partay! De house be clean if you gith here in time. Somebody dat loves me sending me maids (tank ye from de depht of mese sole).

    Lara me dear, hope you start feeling better. dere aint enuff narcotics for all of us, hope de stepping up manufactuing. 

    Juliet, glad you back to nursing, yippee, de world needs ya. HOpe you feeling good too. Can you send me a hot man? oh baby baby!

    Beckers, one word, OUCH fn OUCH. getting ready to do my wound care. looked at a ton of videos on wet packing, ick ick ick (vomit bag please). Mese body makes me wanna ...uh not dwink, we leave it at dat. 

    Bernie, love your joke todey, you so funny. I hope all is well with you. and with your DH and your Sinead. Hugs to ya from de US of A. 

    Lowri, miss you so. what up? A big tanka yew for your spayshall package. I jest love ye! 

    wahine, hope wahiney machiney having a blast. I knew ye watch de sun set and it de bootifulest. I tank ye Wahine for your widdle package and de laugh too. mese bella sez wolf wolf to Molly and Mav. Mese nose dey miss ye. you a rock star goil. have fun in HI. and Hi. hehe.

    Karen baked mese cookies and mese ate dem at night in de hospital. ya see I had to have dem delivered from mese house to mese bedside so dad did not eat dem all. I tink I ate dem all but only remember de yum and de crumbs in mese hospital bed. I tank ye too. 

    Cammie, you gots some spaining to do. hehe, jest kidding with you. I hope tings have calmed down and you not writing dwunken letters to ye people. I has put a curse on dem anyway, dey gonna burn in hail for de crimes. cute ting that Joey said about taking pills, he so cute. i hope he and ye are feeling good todey. 

    who I miss? where is CyndieLouWhoHasHouseFull? mese miss dwinking with you, come on in. 

    I hope I no miss sumbody but know I did. mese brain not right, ya tink? hehe. I just thank you all so berry much for your love and support. I could not get true dis without yer nice words. ya see, I read but takes me long long time den mese too tired or too medicapated to talk, foygive me. 

    ok, gotta git dis show on de road and git dese wet dressings changed. I can do it I can do it I can do it, I am a good nurse. well not really, doctors run from my messes. I telled dem I was going to do mese own debridement and dey give me a tool kit, no kidding. but when de time is right and mese not effed de hail up. oops, dat gonna be awhile crockdillos.

    Peace, love and good health mi goils. and cheerS! and to whom mese foygot, a months wort of dwinks coming yer way.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Dork do it very carefully--I mean the dressing part and whatever u have to do ick ick ick sowwy, is u'r pain lessening a little bit at least. Hey we can have a pain meds party and put dem in a bowl and take 2--hell they've been doing that for a long time. Well u rest and that was so nice to get prizes, especially cookies, Yuuummmy Lubs u