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how about drinking?



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2013

    4sew, you can send me flowers like that

    Kathy, I'm being a good girl and just are right though, I think I overdid for the wedding preps but hell, a daughter only does the big thing once and I wanted to be the best it possibly could.......paying for it now but I will

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    I need to ask for some prayers, please. My DH's brother Steve is very, very sick. He is much younger, as he is his half-brother from when his dad remarried after his mom died (when Dh was just a kid). He has stage 4 brain cancer, and didn't want anyone to visit, so we haven't been up there (Knoxville), and he didn't even want anyone to know about it, so his wife told us a few months ago, but didn't want us to contact him. So its been hard not knowing what has been going on. Well, she just called, and he had a seizure and is out of it, and got pneumonia in the hospital, where he is right now. If he gets well enough to go to rehab, they will try to help him get his strength back,but right now it does not look good. And he is so out of it he doesn't realize what is going on. I know there is strength in numbers, when a lot of prayers go out, so I do really appreciate any prayers from any of you! Thank you so much! When we were in Gatlinburg last fall and I wasn't feeling well as I hadn't slept in ages (remember that, Lori?), I had hoped at least my DH might be able to see them, but we didn't realize their phone no had changed, so we couldn't even contact them. As it turns out, that prolly would have been a good time to visit as it was right before he got the cancer dx. Thank you all very much.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Good morning girls!

    Have to pop in quickliest as my home nurse will be here in less than 30 minutes to change my dressings. I love having her, it eliminates a lot of stress for me and mese feels pampered. Hey, I wonder if any of de tenders nose how to do nurse dooty?

    Chrissy, I hope you feel better soonliest, glad that sweet Stella is helping you out and pampering you. If anyone deserves pampering, it is ye. Glad you did not git sick for de big day but sawry you got hit. I pray that the bug leaves you asapliest. ((((CHRISSY)))).

    Oh you goils were having a ball last night. Mese had a nice phone call but was not what I expected as far as conversation. We talked about our ailments and bragged out our kiddies, nothing much more. We habing a hard time admitting dat we had to grow up finally.

    Cool that we has a leap day baby in de lounge. I git a kick out of those born on leap day. I was also born on a leap year, 1960 but not leap dey. But had classmates that had de birthday and two of dem was twins. They all having dere 14th birthdays next leap day, funnneeee to me.

    well can't address you all but nice reading to wake up to. I never did get back here last night, got tied up with doing mese Halloween stuff. oh, have to comment to Marlin, so sorry that punks took yer stuff from the yard, that is jest cruel. and trust me, you don't want mese stank bugs. and I don't want de moths. not like we can really trade anyway. I did have a moth issue a few years back. dey was gitting in from outside from a teeny tiny hole and gitting into mese kitchen. tousands would flock in and I find dem in mese shower and ebery where. I tank God dey go away once winter hit.

    happy monkey dey! reminds me of how sweet it is to be away from work, I take it, holes and all!


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Kat, For your family.....


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Thank you!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Mornin---no Afternoon --oops--I missed so much dang bitchyness-(dat's me)
    Chrissy I so feelin bad u so sic, just rest now u wored so hard for so long--it's time just for u now,
    And Lara nobodys believe us about goin out in de dark--ALONE wid out a baseball bat and an uzzi--we've seen it all. I watched Scarecrow (new one) tind just doesn't die. damn
    Eve I'm glad to see u postin--it's all good here
    DORK how are u'r holes dis ayem--opps dis pee-em-I get so so so upset wid u'r holes.
    OK I know where eberbody is cuz deys on bacashuns too, but what bout NM--did I miss someptin?
    I don't know who askeded dis but yes 4 is acaterist wid her own busyness.--busy lady. Lot's of patience for dat one.
    Oh OH my GF is pickin me up tomorree afternoon to go see my udder GF--whe's fibally back from NY--I so escited and I still feel like chit, but I did not tell her cuz den dey go AWWW OHHHH--u poor ting. we take care of u relax, Oh wait maybe I tell dem dey wait on me den. Noting much much has changed my body feels like I'm like 97 and 1/2 well almost 98 yrs old, my looks aren't far behibe eeder, I just bery week--but I's goin.
    I forgot all I red and I have to lern how to do pics all over again. WTF
    Kat don't go into de dark again. dat's Part 2 Right Lara-Hi Cyn muah
  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Flower Delivery for ChrissyB (hehehe dat rimes!)

    Hope yuse getz ta fellin better soonliest!


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Sumtimes an apple a day helps too :-)


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013
    we are on shark nado watch
    Its just high wind and rain
    I doubt we will get much more
    NM I think is getting it bad
    Dork a roni whats the contest today
    Chrissy your daughter is s pretty
    Goldie what r u up to today
    Hope Juliet is having fun in wales
    Karen how was your day. Any yummy cooking ?
  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Ok I trying to catch up. It is sadliest when I has to do dat wif actual pin and paper.....

    Chrissy B hope you feeling much better. Morrow I send you chocolate and flowers!

    Lara- we had rain, rain, rain yesterday. Sorry you gotz it todey. As long as you keep power you can still watch scary movies and it should add to da pookie effects!

    NM hope the bad weather not too bad and you are not out drive-in round in it. We missed you this morning. Figure it was the snooz button what kept you away dis ayem.

    Kat-sawry to hear about yur DH's younger brother. Dat really sux. Dis damn disease just don't descreaminate at all, it ebberywhere and it stinx.

    Cami- Have a really good time with your friends. Let them pamper you a bit. My great granny was still goin strong at 97 1/2, you will too. In dee meantime it good to know that you dat eben dough you feels week, you still movin. Me hab a feelin dat win meese 97 1/2 you still be movin! Cuz you sounds like a stubborn ole....well you know...and it takes one ta no one!

    Cyn, hope you not wirkin two hart and dat it not rainin in yuse kitchen no mores!

    Beckers--have ye recovered yet from all dat Partayin? Weese still waitin on stauries....

    Karen--what's for dinner. I'm like the mechanic with the broken car. I am the caterer with the hungry kids!!

    Bernie--Hopz yuse had the funliest time wif you friend and dat the she devil not causin too much trouble. I know you countin the hours til you meat UP wif that DH of yours. We missing yur jokes and pics. I tryin to pik up da slack, but it not da same.

    Eve--when you gonna pops in again? It's yur turn ta dance on the tables. Lara, loan her da red boots!

    I know I gotta be missin sumbunny, but dey prolly on bacashun anyweighs. Hope dey habin a gud time.

    And DorK.....Hope yuse nurse patched you up real finliest. Dutch do nurse dooty so I share him wif you and I bet dat tender what was takin a bath do it too! Maybe we shud trane de rest of dem UP. NM could offer a Sat turd day class and learn dem all in de proper techneacks. I will two trade for da stank bugz. Me mill moths is awful. Dey only in meese pantry and they get into all the food and you have to trow it away. Dey lay eggz in yur food an dare all dis spider webby stringy stuff an den dey hatch and you got deese wirms crawling oll over mostly on da ceiling den dey make cackoons even up under jar lids and then they hatch and fly all over, eat through bags and boxes get into more food and do it all over again. You don't know what food theys in so weese just trow it all away. They like cereal and pasta and spacialy rice. I tink dat how I gotz dem. We buyed rice and after dat we had dem. By time you see one you see tons. I gotz a big pantry too. 6x8x9 foot tall. I take stank Bugz any day!!!!

    image Dey comes ta us from da medicalterrainean


    OK Maybe I needs to make a contest bout the best way to git id of dem.................... Dork can help me rig, oops, I mean design de contest and pick da prize! Den when meese win my motts will be gone!

    We need a dwink o de daze!!! How aBout dis cuz in Monkey Dey?

    A Monkey's Rum Martini

    1/2 oz Bailey's® Irish cream

    1/2 oz banana liqueur

    1 1/2 oz Myer's® dark rum

    1/2 oz cream

    shredded coconut

    Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice. Garnish rim of glass with shredded coconut. Strain into glass and serve.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Yum, dat dwink looks gud, 4sew! Been missing the DOTD since NM and Lowee are both MIA.

    Speaking of NM....hey, whuts up girlfriend? Wese all bin missing you....we NEED YOU here...hope you are ok and not sick. If we don't hear from you soonliest we jest might have ta call ya and make sure you are okay.

    Ok...I don't want the stinkiest bugs or the webbiest way! I keep our rice in containers in the fridge, since we use brown rice and it spoils quicker. When we had the birds, we kept their seed in the freezer so any bugs would die. So many times, even though buying their seed at good pet stores, there would be bugs in it. My DH would like your big pantry 4sew! We have food in cupboards in the house, plus a jelly cupboard for food in the kitchen, PLUS a wardrobe in the garage for food...AND he still buys so much I find it hidden everywhere! MOstly canned food, but sheesh!!!!

    I have a question....*blushing* ....but they had a deal on tix to a Burlesque Show here...I think its a showcase show, anyway, we are going to it this weekend. I know Burlesque does not mean stripping....but mostly teasing...and they can even just take a glove off....but I imagine it will be pretty sensual. Has anyone been to a burlesque show??? ITs in the same funky arts bldg that I took my gdau to painting class on Sat. Its an old cotton mill, turned into arts center. Has the old elevator that a person has to operate, and pull DOWN the wood slatted "doors" They had a 2/for 1 because of the gov't shutdown! Maybe we can get the Wenches to do a Burlesque show in the HTL! I think some guys do it too, so maybe a Tender or two will want to do it.

    Cheerio! Pau Hana Time! Bottoms Up! Titz Up!


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Hey Kat. That show sounds like fun. I think of that movie Cher did with stanley tucci! My DH laughed and said burlesque in BAMA might mean they strip off they coveralls! Are there still tickets? I should drive him over for the show!

    I usually out the rice in the fridge but kids helped with groceries and I have everything in Rubbermaid or screw top containers. I keep all the flour in the freezer, etc. we have had this trouble before living in de south! We cant keep anything in the garage or we get chipmunks and other furry friends :0( With 6 of us we go thru stuff pretty quick and it has been a long time don't know where they came from again. It sucks cuz I really don't want to open every package and clean the whole pantry. Just don't have that kind of motivation after driving to rads every day and I thought I was getting this damn drain out tomorrow, but I think I am stuck a while longer. My PS picky, a good thing, but I want a bubble bath or at least an untethered shower!

    Love those old elevators. I remember going into downtown Chicago as a kid and the elevators operators in their uniforms to take you to whatever floor you wanted. They were cool old elevators too!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    kat the show sounds amazing go

    These bugs r gross

    Sorry 4 u have that drain and kids to wow a lot ! And u work

    Ill have that monkey drink

    I did a monkey brain shot in Thailand pooped green for days but hey u have to do what they do what's that saying do what the Romans do idk

    The sky is orange here how weird

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    4sew, your DH needs to google "Huntsville" as we are in a VERY hi-tech area, very upscale, not like what the usual visual is when someone says Alabama! Don't usually see overalls or coveralls. In fact we get some restaurants/shoppes before a lot of other cities get them. But I think the Burlesque show will be a bit funky/avant garde, not really a high-style show! I don't know, I will see and let you all know!

    OK, we need Dorkie and NM to check in with us!!! We know that Lowee and Julieee are twaveling, so dey are excused!

    Ciao for Niao!!!!!

    Katwinka de Dwinka

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Ohhhh Lara, I didn't do anything in Thailand that was not something I recognized! You are a brave soul. We did go to the nighttime markets though in Bangkok....omg the stuff you see there at night. Did you enjoy your trip? We loved it there, but then it got a bit scary to go there now, so we haven't been back. DId you see the Phuket Tidal Wave movie "The Impossible" or something like that? Saw it on the plane recently, and it was pretty good...looked like a tv movie though instead of a theatre movie.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Kat DH was kidding cuz he born and raised UP in GA and they have that natural rivalry with Alabama!!! One day we should all meet UP for dinner!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013 had me worried! We get VERY defensive as sooooo many people have the wrong idea of our area. In fact we have the 2nd largest research park in the country, so there are so many engineers here and rocket scientists! Sometimes when we travel, we are talking to people we meet, and all is going well, then when they ask where we live and we say Alabama, well shoot you could hear a pin drop sometimes. So we quickly add that I am from Hawaii. LOL. I think its funny how they refer to coastal Alabama, as "LA".... lower Alabama! Never heard of being raised "UP" though! lol. OF course we also have an awesome football team!!! Roll Tide Roll...

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    Kat..praying for Steve. I remember when you first mentioned him to us and how you said your SIL didnt want you to contact him about it , that he wanted to keep it quiet...Thats so hard to do when you care. Ick..hate Snakes.

    Where is NM??

    When did we start calling Dortys Puka's as holes?? Dorothy , enjoy that papering while you can and enjoy every second of no Woik..K..I'll work for yese and double time and tripple time so you can recoup.

    4sew...ketching up isnt easy . Is it? I find I am taking notes because sometimes I start reading then have to do something like and then go back and i have more to ketchup to so taking notes for me is key. I remember those old elevators and Quincy too.

    Hope Lowie and Julie are both having a fab time on their trips.

    Glad you have Stella hailping you out there Chrissy and that the Moller fokker hasnt been seen.

    Lara, what kind of art did your Grampa do ? Forensics sounds interesting but like nursing ..not sure I could stomach it.

    Cami..Hugz to you Joey and Katie Kat. You havent mentioned Vaccuming lately...did they stop?

    BBBernie, Hope you are having a blast and ...OH Yeah,,,..its Tuesday.I think I know what you are doing.

    A lot of cities are stereo typed by maybe something we heard/read or someone we met that sets the idea for any given place. My XDH used to think when I moved up to Maine many years ago that there were all mountain hicks living in cabins...He was clearly and idiot. XPB thought everyone from Massachusetts was a Masshole....but she was probably right about that. ..

    It is still raining in my kitchen..the whole floor is covered with towels ..its so bad. working again..started at 12PM today and will be here until 11:30PM...Sigh....

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Chit, still raining in your kitchen Cyn? Dang that gets OLD...hate that you have to put up with that and wish you could somehow reflect that in paying a lower rent till it gets fixed. Have you taken pics? MIght be able to do something, but evidence will help. Funny that your ex thought Maine had hicks....I always thought they would be classy in all the New England states. I used to have a bad image of AL, as I remember seeing the riots etc in Birmingham during the Civil Rights struggles...I thought all of AL was just ugly red brick bldgs. SO it was a nice surprise the first time I drove thru here in the mid 1970's....I fell in love with this area with the nice mountains, lakes, rivers, etc.....and had wanted to live here one day, so I am glad I finally did get to move here. I still LOVE Hawaii,and it will always be "home", but I prefer to live here and just visit Hawaii.

    Yeah good for you for setting everyone straight....Dorkie has PUKAS!!!! It was so funny for me when I first moved to the mainland, and had to call pukas "holes". Sure hope her pukas are healing and getting smaller!!!

    NM, where art thouest??? We miss ya and hope and pray you are okay!!!!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Kat--we have taken the kids to the Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville! We also LOVE the McWayne center in Birmingham. If you have not taken grandkids they would love it!!! It is tons of fun for all ages. They have a platform you lay on and then press a button and it lowers and you end up laying on a bed of nails! They have tons of other really cool science stuff to do and great demos and stuff too.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Poor Cyn :-( It rains in our dining room when the weather is bad too. After ceiling fell in the third time we quit fixing it.....


    (Legal disclaimer: not our ceiling)

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    Something Sparklie for DORTY



  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    This IS my ceiling



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Gotsta catch up, but I'z dinkin way tot to to much so I has to rest for awhile, when I be sober I be back Honest/

    Lubs eberyone so much
  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Cyn, that is AWFUL! And that might be MOLD....*hello* didn't you say you have headaches???? That does not look safe and your air quality could be compromised. Does your landlord know it is THAT bad???? If that IS mold, it can be very dangerous. Thanks for sharing pics, it is hard to imagine how bad it is, but the pictures tell the story. Yikes!!!!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    I was thinking the same thing! You can buy a kit with a petri dish and swab your ceiling and send the dish off for testing. It is pretty cheap. They test and send results as to what it is.

    Isn't their some place you can turn them in. That slum lord thing and all. Tenants rights, etc... There has to be someone you can call.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Do you have renters ins? Could you start with them and then they can crawl up sum bunnies arse?

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Prob is, her bldg is up for sale, and that seems to be why the landlord doesn't want to do any repairs. Good idea about the petri dish! I hope she can do something too, but it needs to be done NOW, and I really don't know what tenants rights are and how to go about it.

    Cyn, why don't you do a search and see what the procedure is, when something needs fixing like this does, and can compromise your health, ok? Surely there is a way to make them fix it, but I don't know.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    I was going to say the same thing Cyn. Mole is VERY dangerous to breathe, even the littlest bit can do harm. If you want me to call your landlord and speak as your attorney, I am happy to help.

    DorK, Esq.

    will be back, I promise 98.045%! cheerS lublies!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    oh, speaking of mole, first dat was a typo but sickenly, mese dad is watching de waltons and I saw moler focker on de TV. had to puke. speaking of, dr cammie named me foob hole a puka. well not quite true, I tink Kat mentioned that puka means hole in Hawaiian den Cam jest took off with it. good tink that puka is healed, it only took five months and turdteen deys. gotta git back to dad and de waltons. omg, creeeeeepy!