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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Cyn, sorry but have to talk about this more, can't even enjoy seeing de Ho Lizbeth and de Moler Focker right now.

    I was reading an article yesterday on mold. I would bet my drinks for a week that IS mold. And it appears to be next to your return air vent. You and your people are breathing that and as the other goils said, it is toxic. It is not my intent to scare ya but you really need to do something. I would buy a can of KILZ, it is white paint that kills mold. Then paint over the areas. then send the landlord a receipt and deduct the amount from your rent. Then tell him that you do not want to start trouble but that you are a good tenant and tail him that your friends are making you report him to the state. I found this, check out where it says "health codes". And the headaches too. PleASE mese beautifuliest fwend, so sumting. your place is so gorgeous BUT not safe. I have your address and will call de authorities if you want me to. message me....

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    oops, forgot to copy the damn link. this was the first one I found, can keep surfing. ughhhh!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Do the swabs and test before ye cover da chit wif da Kilz so you have proof what wuz there. Also be careful who you cal and report what cuz the health dept might make you move out depending what the test shows. You might have to go to a hotel while they fix it but some buddy else should pay for dat.

    You shouldn't be in da mold but you don't want to get banned from your own place while somebody sorts out who is responsible.

    I be happy to help look some stuff up to if it will help. My friend just moved out of a place because of mold. It's no fun. This doesn't look that bad, but you don't know what is underneath.

    Best o luck. Let us know what we can do

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    Chrissy....I can only imagine how hard the ballerinas work...they were amazing....fantastic dancers....its just that ballet is hard to follow and know what is going on in the story....

    Enjoying my 2nd or is it 3rd glass of wine...munching on popcorn and girl scout cookies!!! and to be honest the thin mints are all that good but I'm eating them!!!!

    Is there a partay in the HTL tonight? if we wait too long, I won't be drinking anything but here's a toast to all the sweet gals in the HTL!! Hugs...

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Hate to say this, but I don't think that KILZ will "kill" does cover it up, but I think mold is harder to kill than that. We paid a small fortune to have our mold killed before the wood siding was put on, but that was the a$$hole contractor that is now in jail, and I doubt that he treated it at all. So I may have mold too, but there is the inside wall, then whatever, THEN the part that had the mold, then the outside siding. I wish I had even tried to clean it with clorox or something, just to try something instead of trusting it to him. I think it was the black mold, which is very dangerous. I can only HOPE it got killed. (He covered it up then said he had to inject the chemical in, to kill it is VERY doubtful he did it, and no way for us to know without tearing the front of the house off.).

    Cyn, or someone should do a search on how to kill mold....REALLY important Cyn, as we all have agreed on this!! Do check it out. We had a leak in a closet ceiling at the condo and the tenant that skipped out on 2-3 mo rent never mentioned it. SO before renting it again, we had all the drywall removed from that closet, and they found nothing bad underneath it, then had new drywall put in. I would NEVER want someone to live with mold.

    We want YOU and your family safe, dearie!!!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Yeah, Kilz will help cover the stains , but the mold needs to be removed before painting with Kilz (sorry Dotty!)....

    Apply a coat of Kilz primer over area where mold was removed. The Kilz will ensure that the remaining mold stain does not seep through the paint.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    GLAD you found a tenants right thing, Dotty!!! I didn't read it, sorta busy right now trying to plan a trip (duh)....but SO glad you found something for Cyn to look at. And Cyn, Dotty can REALLY sound like an attorney, or someone in authority, really can!!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Thanks for the toast Karen! I don't think girl scout cookies have been all that good since they took the transfat out trying to make them healthier!

    Have a good night

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013 guys are the best...My landlord is coming by tomorrow to assess the sitchiation....I am going to mention the mold thing to him as he is the kind of guy who will just put a "bandade" on it and call it good. The thing is the building is under contract and they intend to close before the 31st. This should not be on the new owner ..IDK..that part isnt my deal...I know there is mold in the building because my old neighbor was considering moving into the apt just below me but she said that there was so much mold ..too much work to be done on it and my landlord wasnt willing to fix it for them so thats why they moved. Sooo when my landlord comes tomorree....what do I say to him? any suggestions? He has my rent for this month..I dont even know if I pay him or the new people next month...more stress to the stress ..just keep Piling the shit on...Dorty..I will DEFINATELY call on you if your legal services are needed....I bet you do sound most professional girl...You all rock...Im off work now..been at this desk with my headache since noon..time to have a nuther dwink and watch a fairy tale...


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    didn't they do some kind of inspection or appraisal for the sale? Maybe you can find out who the realtor is and contact them. Mold is sum bad chit to be breathing. Maybe if it in de puka building you do need to contact health/environmental services?

    Do you know the source of the water? Is it weather or plumbing?

    Good luck tomorrow.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2013

    Oh Wow Cyn!!! Your ceiling is not good! As the other girls all say, mold kills and should be dealt with accordingly..........I sure hope your landlord comes to the party and gets it all sorted for you. Don't know what the building statutes are over there so I can't help with that but good luck!

    Awe.......thanks 4......those flowers are lovely and the apples? well what can I say........if I can't get betta with all that I gotta be sick or sumpink! Can't wait for the tongue is wagging wid the waiting.

    Kathy, prayers for you sad.

    Karen, usually in the front of the program for a ballet it gives a synopsis of the story so it's easier for people to understand. Did you get a program?

    NM, come out, come out where ever you are!!! You hiding from us or is you jest busy?

    Dork glad to hear that your holes are healing........bout time too!

    BBBBernie hoping that da visitor is not driving you nuts and your sweet DH doesn't hit the roof when he knows she's coming!

    Starting to feel better, I think the anti B's are doing their thing now I just want to get rid of the hot sweats and the cold shivers...........

    Hi to ebbery ones else!!!!!

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2013

    Thought I would share with you this pic of my daughter......I just love it!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    She is SO gorgeous, Chrissy! AND looks so young....BOTH your DD's are beautiful, but this one just GLOWS....such a happy bride!

    Good luck Cyn, I don't know what to say to your landlord, but look at the link Dotty posted, plus whatever else you can find, and let him know you have rights. I would hate moving out too, as then you have to make sure all your stuff is okay. BUT you need to stay well and not get sick from it. Maybe you can tell the landlord you are going to get a mold expert to look at it as HIS expense, and take it out of the next rent. BUT like you said, maybe then it would end up going to the new owner. I just want you to be ok!

    Night NIght,


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Chrissy, glad you are feeling better. I thank God for anti b's. I still remember my Mom talking about the invention of penicillin, she called it the miracle drug. Your daughter is so beautiful, I really enjoyed the wedding pics. She is probably still glowing over her special day. Take it easy Chrissy. And I will do the same.

    Kathy, forgot to mention your BIL, he is in my prayers as well. FURB. And I stand corrected, you are so right. I have a small area in the corner of my bathroom. My sister has cleaned it in the past using a bleach solution then the kilz. It needs done again as I recently noticed tiny dots up there. it been a long time since I was able to look all the way up. ugh.

    Cyn, tell the landlord that you need this handled immediately. Threaten to call the county board of health. Is there a for sale or under contract sign with a phone number for the listing agent? Give me the property address and I can see if it on the MLS system. I can log into work and see if I can find anything on it. It is not zoned commercial property is it? I don't think so but want to make sure. I know you love your beach house. Chit,I will think about the best approach. And my guess is that the landlord has a cash buyer? I do not think any lender would finance it with mold present. As 4Sew said, an appraiser or property inspector would certainly pick up on visible mold. Someone did have a good point is that you do not want to get yourself tossed out because of this. I do not think you could handle a move right now. I will think about it. Rest now sweet fwend, dwink then rest and try not to worry. I did not mean to freak you out over it. I am sorry that you are in this situcapation. (((CYN)))

    Good night Camille, good night Karen, good night John Boy, good night Ho (lizabeth or maryellen can't tink)., good day Chrissy and good night all! I gotta fly, my back is on fire from being on this chair! cheerS and thoughts of peace and love to all my girls!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    OUCH you bumped me, Dork! LOL. ANyway, trying to go to bed, but gonna put in my 10 cents again....Dotty, Cyn lives in an apt bldg, so not sure if that would make it commercial or residential? You would know that, though. But maybe the purchaser did not look in each apt? I wonder about that. Glad you offered to call and act "official" if Cyn wants you to. You are so good at that! Very professional.

    going beddy bye for real, and hope you are going to bed too......ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*snore* zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    dotothy. It's listed with Coldwell Banker and I know the agent , Janice Holloway and she is a pain in my ass. An inspector was here. The buyers are investors and yes it's cash. Sight unseen "as is" . From what I've been told these people from OH bought a bunch of properties here and they are good about upkeep. Well they don't own it yet. What goes down tomorrow will determine how I proceed. I haven't had one week that I didn't have people traipsing around in my apartment since it was listed. Something every week. Last week I resched a Dr appt to accommodate her. This week she wants to come again and show the property to the Byers cousin who is in town...I'm so annoyed . I hate the idea of people walking thru my home when I'm not there. What's next week??? I can just imagine...."hello, cyndie this is Janice Holloway from Coldwell Banker,yeah...the buyers next door neighbors are going to be in town. Can I bring them by at 10am this Tuesday to look at your unit"? I'm thinking about calling her tomorrow and telling her I'm not comfortable with her bringing people by when I'm not home. I have a lot of equipment and really I can't just leave my work shit laying around for these jamokes. I'm pissy. It's very intrusive. Work at 10stem tomorrow..another marathon.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Cyn, that is SO weird. I think I know Janice too. OMG. And I think she knows me. I am going to stop talking about me and talk more about Stella.

    Ya see, Stella worked for Coldwell Banker Home Loans for many years. She has switched jobs "internally" so to speak. She now working de Morgan Stanley and jest before that she worked for a short period doing the Obama programs on refis that were internal. I gotta tink about this more. But I am tinking you call her, or have Stella call her as your attorney from MA. Realtors in FL are skeered of ones from MA. De problem is dat Stella mighten be going to de hospital in the new few hours and might be tied up for awhile.

    Stella is freaked out and I am too. We want to help you Cyn but not sure how to approach this. Maybe some of the girls have ideas. I am so glad you have that info. Again, don't want to get you kicked out but you could possibly have the deal delayed if you pulled out all of your guns.

    I talked to Beckers tonight after sending her photos and discussing with her what has been happening with me. And I know Stella is skeered so she gonna hit the ER before her Daddy wakes up. Yep. I gonna PM you, Cyn. Mese, yese and Stella are in dis together. And I want to be useful to somebudy as does Stella. I check with her and see if I can have her released from Chrissy B. I tink Chrissy would like her to be in de hospital.

    Truth is, things not good in Dorkyville and Stella from Dorkeyville needs medical care asapliest. So I telling ye all, it happening shortly. Pray girls as I do for you all to. And pray for Cyn and for all of us for GOd's and our sake. And for our Camille too, she dwinking way too much!

    Love, nothing but love,


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2013

    Dork, Stella is yours as soon as you say........actually, she's on the way to you now, spacial delivery!!! PM me a tale me why youse.... I mean Stella.....needs to be in the hawspitol.......Ise a bit concerned.

    Love youse. Chrissy

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes! Have I really not been on since Saturday??????? Woops! Probably won't comment to everyone but I am reading!

    Cammy--I don't get a day of during the week, but I do get extra pay, so it's ok! And the LOL to Bernie was for a posting a couple pages earlier, it's coincidence that post landed right after a deleted Bernie post!

    OH, my, so much going on all over the world, and 4 pages to go! Can't ketchup, going to the last page and jumping back in!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    CynCyn--nope, we're not all mountain hicks living in cabins, some of us are island bums living in shacks. . . . Wow, that ceiling needs help!

    DorK--good advice for CynCyn!

    Wahine--there's a local company that advertises cleaning mold with dry ice--supposed to be the most effective and no residual chemicals to worry about. If someone in Maine is doing it, then it must be easy to find any where else in the country. Getting the landlord to contract to have it done is another thing, though. . .


    CynCyn--I'm playing ketchup, your building is up for sale? And may be going commercial rather than residential? On top of a mold problem? YIKES! Do you know who the buyer is so you can call and ask what they plan to do about the mold?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    Stella, DorKable--what's up? What's wrong with Stella?

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013
    chrissy she is so pretty wow a knock out
    Mold is very dangerous I was in some ones house that head mold and it effected me headache light headness. When u goo down in the basement there is a strong smell its disgusting
    I forget everything oh yes I believe people label places
    as well
    Taking my mom to the apple farm today and having lunch
    The trees are so pretty , and are sky was orange have a pic but I never know how to do that
    Ill ck in later
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    No time to read back....time to leave for my walk or leave for work and walk in that "hood"....don't mind walking in the dark at night, but for some reason, don't like walking in the dark in the morning and at 6:55 its not quite light yet....,poor DD leaves in the dark now!!! she left a few minutes ago.

    Have a great day...hugs.....

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Lots of prayers for our Dorkie....she did go to the hospital in the middle of the night. Her wound is NOT getting better, looks pretty bad, and redness on surrounding skin. Glad she was able to call Becks for some good advice!!! Maybe we should all be there, the UFO can pick us up quickliest....we can get teeny tiny and TRY to be verrry quiet. Just so we can make sure she is getting the bestest care. Love you Dotty!!!! Praying heavy-duty for you!!!

    NM, glad to see you see we sure miss you if you skip a day (or two)!!! Can't do that! Jest kidding, but isn't it good to know you are missed sooooo much.

    Cami, Where you iz? Are you all comfy in bed watching a scary movie (or ten)? Miss you too, girlfriend.

    I need to finish my coffee and get ready to go to my parents house and help them with some stuff. Got my front porch all decorated for Halloween yest, but it did a number on my back (duh).

    Dear Lord, Please help our Dorothy. She needs your healing touch so much, as well as your guiding hand for all the nurses and doctors that will be attending to her in the hospital. She has been through so much, as you know, and I pray you will comfort her and give her healing for her surgery wounds. Please Lord, get her well as soon as possible, we all love her so much. Thank you dear Lord.



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    For our Dorothy...


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Can some buddy please PM me DorK's address so I can send her a card and something for her b'day comin up too?

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2013


    For our Dorothy!

    Cyn - I didn't read back, but getting impression ur place has mold?? Wud explain those headaches, u gotta move if this is the case. Meantime...praying for you too.

    Love to all me bwesties, ttyl!!!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,522
    edited October 2013

    Excuse me breaking in here, but we are looking to show your faces, names and quotes at our fundraising event in October (, and would love your help. This event is one of our largest fundraisers of the year and we'll be joined by hundreds of generous donors.

    Specifically, we will have two projector screens up during the event, and want to show the people attending the event YOUR faces--- the women of our community, the women who use and rely on BCO ! Having the opportunity to share your photos and quotes that night will reinforce to our donors, in a meaningful and personal way, just how vitally important their contributions are to our community.

    For this, we are looking for people willing to share a photo of themselves (either alone or with family, friends, pets, other BCO members, etc.), allow us to use your first name, say where you are from (it can be from anywhere in the world!), and give us a quote on how important BCO is to you. We are looking to have at least 40 people and have (only) a few weeks to work on this.

    If you are interested, could you please email Melissa at, with your photo, first name, where you live, and your quote? Also, PM us if you have any questions!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for helping us!!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    4sew, I don't feel at liberty to share anyone's address unless they give me permission to do so. There is plenty of time to send Dotty a card before her birthday, so if you don't mind, can we wait till she is up to responding to posts, emails, etc? As for now, you can write to her on this thread, and I am sure she will be reading the posts as soon as she is able to. Keep her in your prayers!!!!! That is what she really needs right now! Thanks everybody!!!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Today is my granddaughters 14th birthday.....won't get to see her till next month though!