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how about drinking?



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    hey Kat,

    I understand! I shud have addressed day to dork herself. Dor and message back and forth some, and I knew something was up but you know DorK always a brave face and stiff upper lip. Her posts not her usual self lately either. I know far and I came very late to dis partay!

    Prayers go without saying. I do that for all the Loungettes everyday.

    At a red lite on way to rads. Check back soonliest.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    prayers and healing thoughts to Dorothy.

    Keep your strength and don't worry about me and my mold. We will be ok.

    TGITI everyone. IT was cancelled today. :poop: wish that worked. Would be cool.

    Ciao for naio

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    happy birthday to earphones GD!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    LOL Cyn,...earphones GD? Mese funcused....don't git it, but I know it must mean sumtin!!! Thanks for de Happy Birthday wishes for her! And shoot, "it" got cancelled...I hope you are finding some good info so you can do sumtin bout it. Its not right, and might be the cause of your headaches, etc.

    Yeah, I knew you and Dork had pm'd a few times, but unless someone tells me to give out their info, "mums" de woid....glad you understand! Good luck with your rads.

    More prayers going out to you Dorkie!!!!!

    Ok I gotta run.....bbl

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Dorkie is at home now....waiting 72 hrs for results of cultures...they gave her the choice of staying in the hospital or going home, so of course she opted to be at home. Still needs lots of prayers!!!! I hate it that it takes so long for the results.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    Oh my god Babes, got home about two hours ago. Have been skimmimg to catch up.

    Was shocked to read about our delicious D. All thoughts and prayers in her direction.

    Marlin, my darling ( see i'm a poet and I didn't know it)., you held the fort for me.

    Cyn, ONG MOLD.

    did someone mention the dreaded C word (or was that on FB, Christmas)

    I was with my friend for support (long story) yesterday we were in court to hear the judgement on her house being repossessed . Her effing B of an ex husband walked five years ago on her and her two children now aged 18 & 15. She has nine months to rebuild her life.

    Wahine, my heart goes out to you and your amazing DH.

    Please forgive me for not being up to date with you all.

    Cami is probably writing to me right now,.

    Moderators, I'm happy to share.

    Do I sound manic??????????????????

    DH is in a coma because I haven't stopped talking since 3.30pm.

    WINE is the answer. Can't remember the question.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013
    Kat what happened shoot shes home ok
    Dork I am praying for u
    please keep us posted
  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Good to see ya back here, Bernie! Funny but when I read your DH was in a coma, the first thing I thought of was all the "Boom Chicka Boom Boom" going on. (Or "brown chicken brown cow" like Alli used to say). We could hear you screaming from the good ole (broke) USA! Hate what your dear friend is going through...been there...not fun with no money coming in and trying to take care of your children. Hope things will look up for her!!!!

    Lara. Dorkie's wound just hasn't been healing and was looking worse. GLAD she went into the hospital, and praying that they can take care of whatever infection or what, is going on. She has had such a hard time of this....13 surgeries, and still not healing right. Hope YOU are doing better!



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    I know I feel so badddd

    Eff we need to get drunk

    Here's a round

    I pray please dork is not infected and gets better soon I'm in the chapel

    Please help dork b strong

    K cause we need her back in de lounge quick

    And she has had enough surgeries Jerez

    K another shot ill ck bk in


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013
    ORLA--lunch in the apple orchard, sounds like it was wonderful!

    Karen--funny how we don't like something in one context but are ok with it in another!

    Wahine--it is good to know that I'm missed! I have got to get my computer straightened out, just as soon as I get some free time whtn I'm not too tired to care. I'm worried about DorKy, too, she should not be having to go back to the hospital, SOMETHING is seriously out of whack here, and I so wish I was close enough to lay eyes on her and monitor her caregivers. . . . Lord, what Wahine said. . . .

    4sew--here's hoping rads are going well for you.

    CynCyn--was IT as in info tech cancelled today, or was "IT" cancelled?????

    Wahine--good practice to not give out info without permission. I give any Loungettes permission to give my address, phone # to any other Loungette or BC sister. Just putting it out there!

    DorKy's home, that's good news. Waiting for culture results is not good news, but not much can be done about that, the process is what it is. Still wish I was closer to her. . .

    BBBBBernie--wine is definately the answer, no matter what the question! Your poor freind, nine months to rebuild her life? Well, anyone who can create a life in 9 months has the abilty to do that, but it sure seems like a hard thing to have to face.
  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Anyone want to join me in the inflatable HTL chapel, praying for Dotty????


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013
    Not sure why the post all got squashed together, it even stayed that way after I tried to edit it. ;(
  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    This new format sux, NM! Sure miss the emoticons too. I also wish you were closer in distance, to Dotty. I just looked, and its at least a 9 hr drive. Not close at all! But our prayers go the distance, and they can help sooooo muchliest!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Hi Everybunny, I'm trying to play ketchup right now. Been another 3 doc day. At least one was for a kid this time! And my drain is GONE!!!

    Ok Prayers goin strongliest for DorK, but we gotta add Cami to dat list in da chapel too. She has been AWOoP (dat Absent Without our Permission) for too long. She hasn't posted anywhere, cuz she on a couple udder threads wif me. When she did post last she said she wasn't feeling good and just wasn't up to posting and was going to bed but wuz sure she would be better soonliest. Hopefully she just out with her friends.

    Cami, paging Dr. Legal, if you can hears us, please check in and letz us know you is OK Donkey.

    I gonna go finish me food. DH cook and he get grumpy if I don't eat when it warm.


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    Wow...Im typo-ing constantly...

    Praying for Dorty..

    Awesome to see you back Bernie..I feel badly for your friend..I will pray for her too.

    my OT was cancelled for today NM..My landlord cancelled today too..he is coming Thursday now. I sent him pictures and told him that he may be surprised at how serious this leak is and I mentioned the mold. We will see.

    My head hurts and i have 2.5 more hours to go.

    Luv yas

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    it kinda sparle fir dork and stella!


    and Cami and the rest of the Loungettes and their families too!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    Soooooo sorry that our dear DorK is having soooo many just plain old stinks (the polite word).....

    I have her addy as well as a couple others, but don't think I have any phone numbers...once again, I offer to gather the contact info for the HTL guests...if you are interested please send me your contact info...I will compile it and send it to those who are on the list.....NM sent me info last month......

    The weather is gorgeous here today....

    today is Mom's birthday....was hoping to do something with her, but she went out of town for 2 happy for her, but disappointed that I couldn't wish her a happy birthday....all the years that we lived in different cities, at least I could talk to her on the phone....I called her this morning and she wasn't in her apt, so left a voice mail...then call her cell phone and again got voice mail so left another message....I really miss not being able to wish her a happy birthday in "person"..DD#1 just called to see where Grandma was, wondered if she was here for dinner...she also tried calling her and left a message on her cell phone...Oh least Mom will have a few messages to listen to....Hope she has good time...she gets home Thursday evening....

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013


    Lets Hope for DorK this is a .....

    A Short Trip To Hell

    1 oz Jagermeister® herbal liqueur

    2 oz peach schnapps

    2 oz strawberry schnapps

    2 oz wildberry schnapps

    8 oz Red Bull® energy drink

    Shake Red Bull, peach, strawberry, and wild berry schnapps in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain into glass. Then put Jagermeister into shot glass. Drop in the shot and drink.

    Serve in: Collin's glass
  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Happy Birthday to your Mom, Karen! She and my g'daughter share the same birthday!!

    Hau'oli la Hanau (Happy Birthday in Hawaiian)....

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    OK, Firstliest, I promised ChrissyB Chocolates and flowers again today cuz they halpin her ta feelz better. I bet she won't mind sharron wif anywon else wat needz dem.....

    M & M's Chocolate candies. Dey meltz in ur mout, not in yur handz!


    And todeyz floral deliberry...

    Hopez you feelin better ChrissyB. Now we gotsa get DorK and Cami, and de rest what not feeling gud bedder.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Hiya girls! I am overvelmed with love for the prayers from you all and for de love I feel. I am just so grateful to each of you for caring and praying. I just shake my head over everything that is going on with me. I do have an infection but de cultures have to be grown then it has to be decided which is the best anti b to treat it. It is horrible, the would looked great after the debridement (clean up) surgery but went down hill quickly over the weekend. On Sunday, there was a lot of green guck on de gauze that came out of the biggest puka (hole). And de puka had some "tunneling" going on meaning that other holes were opening up and overall the wounds were getting larger instead of smaller as they should with healthy healing. The redness around the areas got darker and the red spread up my abdomen far from the incision sight. The berry berry good news was that the cat scan was normal, they said it looked better than the previous one I had there. I jest appreciate the care I get at the hospital and the lady doctors and nurses were jest awesome in making sure I understood what is happening. Mese body is jest sick and tired of it all. Kat explained tings perfectly in that I am not yet on anti b. Had I stayed in de hospital, they would have had to wait for the cultures anyway, would jest be there for three days for "observation". I have an appointment already scheduled with Dr. Dickenballface tomorree afternoon so will see what he says. I will again take my packet of info from de hospital and present it. My guess is that he will dismiss it and be mad at me for seeking help. But I say ef him and his huge ego. I gonna find his bicycle and put sugar in de gas tank. I bet being a fancy schmancy doctor that his bicycle has a motor. I am not kidding when I say that many of the doctors actually ride their bicycles to work. It is a teaching hospital and it is the best way to travel when just starting a residency. It is jest so expensive to get insurance and to park, makes sense. But geez, it is hard to take dem seriously when I see dere bike helmits lol.

    NM, so berry nice to have you back. Thanks for the permission to always share your info. If you could PM me your email, I can send you pics showing the decline of my wounds. It is obvious in looking back over the past week that someting bese berry wrong. And mese pain level went through the roof.

    My sister had a talk with my Dad today about stepping up to help me. He was so sweet, he cleaned up dinner dishes for me. I had left over pulled pork that i put in de crock pot. It was a widdle burnt cuz I slept until 6:30, although I set mese alarm for 5 pee em. I guess I needed de sleep.

    Headphones (dat wahine's newest name granted by our CyndieLou lol), I love it, I also wish your sweet grandaughter a happy happy bday and hope she has lots of fun. I sawry you so far away and do not get to see her on her spayshall day.

    Lynne, will PM you my address. i will not give out blanket permission to pass it to anyone, dere are times we git some weirdos in here who I would not wish to share mese address with.

    Camille, hope you having fun with your goils and hope you are resting and taking care of yourself. I know your Joey is at yer Becken call (not to be funcused with Beckers). Joey such a widdle love and I love him like hese mese own grandbaby.

    Lara, tank you for the prayers and tanks to Wahine for setting up de HTL chapel. I have not seen that around for awhile. Do you all remember when mese was little, I used to carry the HTL chapel in mese car trunk? One neber knows when de need a spayshal place to pray and it convenient to jest go to de trunk, have de tenders blow it (get yer minds outta de gutter) and walaa, we all sailabrate our love of de God and of each other.

    Karen, I am with you on the ballet, boring zzzzzzzzzzzzz. I do love the music though. The last time I went to a ballet, I took mese DD and mese Stella over to the filthadelphia and we stayed obernight at de Lowe's hotel so that Mom could dwink at de theatre. Well my poor baby was humbarrased cuz mese was portending that mese was in de pit band and had mese air flute out and mese air piano and was playing with de band and humsinging along to de bootifulist music. I was also cracking on some of de male dancers cuz Stella pointed out that she could see dere pee pee tingy and wese laughed so hard. But an usher had to has a talk with mese about behaving, mese DD wanted to leave early cuze mese made her humbarrased. I felt soo terrible and stopped dwinking at any event with de goils as per dere requests. I tried to be a good mommy but dat dey was an epic fail. Oops, mese growned up since den. So I do get de bordom of de actual show and despite de program listing each act and talking about what happen, it was still waaaay over mese alcmahol saturated brain. I did make it up to DD and took her back de next year, stayed at de same hotel and forsaked mese alcamhol. no buddy, I mean no buddy poyfect but mese dern close hehehehe, stop lyao goils.

    Cyn, I hope you can report back and tail us what you meaned when you said IT. NM asked too. I am still willing to portend mese your attorney and see if I can make sumting happen to remediate de mold problem. And darn darn darn (jest like herman munster, can ye see de dirt flying from mese clothopper shoes?), i sure feel bad for you. I did not realize yer place was a multi unit building, mese jest always assumed that it was a two unit. I have seen many pics and heard Kat talk about her visit. De place is beautiful and in a lovely location. Such a shame that you are facing the issue of mold. Ick, de stuff creaps me. And mese more glad that Wahine was reading to correct me. My bad in saying ya jest smack de Kiltz paint on it, mese did foyget to mention dat de mold needs to be removed first. Geeez, I coulda kilt ye with de kiltz had I not been corrected. Mese go stand in de corner with mese dunce cap on.

    Chrissy dahling, tank you for yer love and concern. and also for releasing de stella. She feeling much better and she and me hope you are too. I don't know how you did it but when she return to me, she is a new goil. she has grace, passion and did not curse me out or stomp her feet in protest of being kept away from moler focker.

    Mods, would love to share but I go by de name Stella? I like to keep mese anynmyity here. Cuz I worry about people finding mese. and FB friends, never mention BCO on my page, none of you have which is smart. Cuz mese dont want de locals to know what a dwunken lush mese is. So anyway, I would lub to see mese purdy face giving a short testimonial of dis great place, de place where mese breastest friends in de world live.

    Lara, any word on de job front? Or ye jest focusing on yer studies for now and putting off de job pursuit? and did you have wicked storm yesturdey there? dat coastal storm was sumting else. we were under tornado watch here. I was outside battening down de hatches as dey say when many small branches came out of mese trees and two flower pots blew into de pool. One of them, a pot of mums, was ouchy too heavy to lift so it almost sunk and dwounded. but mese was able to use a skimmer net tingy to turn and tilt sum water out before lifting out of de pool. I was skeered, it was like a live scary movie in mese yard. de rain came so fast and was violent but went away quite fast too. And how are you feeling me dear? I flinched at de description of yer foob mess.. I sure hope and pray that you can get that all bixed up without having to have multiple surgeries. I know you know how it feel to be cut, opened, cut opened and so furth or fifth (of wodka). oops, mese going off track here, help me up. I has spayshall place in mese fart for you Ms Soon to Bese Dr. Orange dat is!

    BERNIE!!!! Yay, so nice to see yur pretty face in de lounge again. mese and wese all missed you. I rely on you to stay up late with mese when I stay awake through ridiculous hours. ok ok, I know that it yer morning but I portend you always dere jest for me. hail, it makes me feel eben more loved to tink that, no problem with dat is dere? I pray that your friend is able to get her finances in order so that she can keep her and her kiddies in de house. Glad de judge gave her 9 months. I feel so bad for woman put in dis situcapation when dere DH's are either aholes or someting bad happens to dem. I know of one berry dear friend that went through this adversity and i respect de hail out of her today with how she was able to lift herself up to de challenge and likley superseded her own expectations of how things would turn around and git better. Dis friend had one hail of a time in her early years but did wonderful for herself. And I could not be more proud. I tink you know who I mean, no names, nuh uh, not happening. But back to you, my beautiful friend with de most lovely tings to say about mese. Funny dat youchewed yer DH ears off and made hims go comatoast. I tail ye a secret, mese talk mese Daddy's ear off and I know his secret, he jest turns down his hearing aids and shakes his head like he listening hehehehe. true story dat.wese all on standby for de ufo jest o case you need "de solution" to de question where barrels of wine de answer. me always here for you, and can listen all dough it take practice on mese part.

    where is mese beckers? I tail ye all dat she saved mese life by pointing out some tings I missed. I had sent her boob and belly pics and she superimposed dem (trying to show off with big word but skeered not de right word so anyway....). She tail me to show dem to de Sr. expert of de HTL, who is our own NM. If anyone can git me her email before she gits back to me, please PM to me.

    when is our Juliet due back to de states? mese missing her hotties she posts. And i hope mese BBB Bernie will be able to post her funnies again, miss de hail out of her.

    wese jest one big happy n crazy dwunken family and I love you all so much. it almost ice cream time for mese and mese daddy. I gottzta do some tings I did not do todey cuz I lost de first half of de day in de hospital with Dr. Dreamy and de second part of de day going to sleep with Dr. Dreamy, overall, not a bad day. Dere no place like home (I say as I tap Lara's ruby boots together, oops Lara, I borrowed dem, you left dem by de pole hehe).

    Hope I did not miss anyone. Oh, are we still habing anniversary partay in honor of de bootiful Goldie goil? HMU with details if dere is some. Otherwise, gotta plan that.

    End of Novel, Dork (poor) American Style)!

    cheers, luv and peace to all mese goils. I lubs ye all!

    ps missing Abbey and de other new goil from CT, oops too dwunk to tink of name, apawageeze pleeeze!

    And again, if enybuddy wants to see the hot mess of mese torso pics, I share. Jest pm me and I will show mese war wounds. Dis war not ober yet but I gonna win no later than de year 20tirdeenORfurteenORfifteen, dat is all mese has patience for.


    over and out, dtfr (dis time for realsies) Much love again toeach and everyone of ye wunderfullist fwends. Oh, really DTFR!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Yipppeeeee Skippeeeeeee we has our DorkaRoni back in de HTL!!!! Puleez take tings ez now, ok? Glad your Dad has started helping with some things. Just rest, rest, rest....

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    Whoooo Hoooo for Dorty!!!!! SO happy to see youse...

    I may pop back in head hurtz....but only 1 hour left of work

    IT was a typo for overtime for today was cancelled....

    It is a very nice place and Im fortunate to pay the rent I have...I NEED to get to the beach tho..when do I have the time? I was just thinking of the expression "NEW NORMAL"....what does that effing mean? I hope this isnt it.

    Luv yee girls

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2013

    Yay Dork! Good to see that you are home at least but you still need to take things real easy as your body is fighting a mighty battle at the moment and will be using a lot of energy so just rest......ya hear?! Glad your daddy is doing a few thing to help a little.

    I have your address and a mobile number and if that hasn't changed since I was there, then I'm up to date but I don't have your email.........could you or more to the point, would you PM it for me.

    Ages ago I gave all my details to Kathy and Kathy you have my permission to pass them on at your discretion.

    I shared with the Mods as I think it all helps us have this fabulous site to come to and it costs us nothing. If showing my face will encourage those with deep pockets to give to the upkeep, then I'm all for it.

    Oh, Kathy, happy birthday to your grand daughter! and Karen, happy birthday to your mom! Here's hoping there are many more for both of them.

    Well goils, gotta fly.....not literally, coz I gotta go to the shops and gets some foods to feed my DH and me an ifn I don't wees will be hongray and he gets the crosliest in he hongray!

    Love n hugs all! Chrissy

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    Going to need to open another bottle of wine to cheer our der sweet DorK....or maybe it will have to be a virtual glass!!!!

    Seems like we are a full house who is hosting the partay!!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Sending you a PM Chrissy....

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013
    • stooped thing still won't let me cut and paste like I was able to do
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    OOOHHHH mese so sad for Dorky--I told u I can't stand these pukas of yours. they hurting u so badly--I'm feeling sooo bad and worry--I wish we all lived by each other specially NM so she could look at Dorky. I missed u all so much, I just don't have much oomph lately ??? But I be fine soonlyest, Know it's just taking me longer dis time dat's all.
    Cyn what u have call someone, I don't understand how anyone could let that go, oh u;r talking to u'r landlord, Well tell him Lordy get this fixed cuz mold is very bad for u. What a mess
    Chrissy u'r dgtr looks boootiful like her mommy and I hope u'r feeling better too.
    Dork I don't get why u'r healing is so so difficult for u--I member last time u were so sick, what are they doing to you--I pray extra for u cuz right now u need lots of prayers to get better--I pray for everyone but sometimes ones of us needs a few extra so I do it,
    Bernie u were really going at it, have some wine right away, relax a little if u can. R U taking u'r meds? make sure u do.
  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013
    Dork ok good this will be dealt with
    This doctor do not be scare of this is your body
    when they would not take mty TES out do to dick more on vacation and I was seeing the eapander. the third time back I scremed someone take this fking thing out! I am not leaving
    They took out one. The other one was just as open. then dick more came back and took it out.
    theres is my law suit
    just aske dfor my medical records
    I wish I could remember the nurse that said he overfilled u thats why u opened and the care was not there.
    These fking PS piss me of I hate them
    Dork u submit that file from hospital up his ass and say so wtf and just look at him
    Do not leave until this A hole fix it
    I amberry pissedoff I know what u r going through and u had a major surgery more can happen I know this is not easy u still have the nurse right?

    No job yet its frustrating ill come work for u dork
    kk calling cammmieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    she must b drunk
    yes it was high wind here very strange