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  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    I keep loosing my post so I sent some before it disappers on me again, my computer is acting silly.
    OK now Bec how are u doing? you were away for the weekend right?
    Lara U don't sound so good, but I hope it's not to bad, u'r having a bad time too.
    Happy late Birthday to Karen's mom and Kat's GD--4?? I love that age, it's so fun, the way they think is a wonder and so special--Joey and I were cuddling last nite and he started to cry and he was stroaking my face and he said I hate when u don't feel good and I assured him my numbers (he knows) were just low and have to catch up but still he was so lovey dovey he makes me feel good in so many ways.
    Oh it was not so fun today with my GF's I was the happiest and funnest person there-haha so many problems just getting older and stuff so I thanked them for a very uplifting day. They started to laff but they knew I was right, as usual.
    Oh Dork feel better.
    2 u'r pictures are great I can't figure out how to do them yet and my mind just can't wrap around it. And u got u'r drain out finally. Oh I be that's a relief for u, that was a while.
    OK I had to come by to say hello and I'm praying for u all to be happy and have small little problems.
    Dork get a hold of those pukas, this is wful for me, and I'm concerned about how I take this so just get better and stop all these infections now. I feel so badly for u and u'r pukas.
    LUBSlubs lubs u all and be well
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Oh Lara I bumped right into u--I didn't spil anything tho--see u'r another one with all these problems so u understand what's going on--I really don't cuz I never had all of this stuff u guys have had done and never heard anyone have so much trouble with all of this. It makes me sick.
    The job u end up getting will be the one u really want, I'm telling u really. I feel it.:)<3
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes! So this new formatting isn't just 'cause my 'puter is messed up? That's good to know.

    I'll join the crew in the inflatable chapel!

    4sew--I remember 3 doc days, never liked them, glad they are over, hope they stay away forevermore!

    CynCyn--praying your land lord (or the new one) gets on the ball and fixes things ASAP!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    Karen--Happy birthday to your Mom! Sounds like a traveling lady!

    I may never look at M&M's with a straight face again!

    DorK--good point about occasionally getting some weirdos in here. Maybe I should be a bit more careful about giving out my contact info.

    OK, gotta head out to work, ketchup latah. Hoping for a short day to make up for working Sunday, we'll see!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2013

    Oh 4sew! So much happenin right here at the HTL I forgot to thank you for those yummy M&M's and the pretty flowers! Oh and the holders of the M&M's and flowers.......WOWZA!!!!! Yummmmm!!!!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    God morning loungettes!!! Nice to see NM here bright and early...been missing her early morning posts....and Orange and Cami are also up early!!! Chrissy its night time by you, so I guess as I head off to work, you'll be heading to bed...if I remember correctly you're 14 1/2 hours later than Denver......

    DorK....I promise to behave if you let me come to the PS with you....the other gals have given you some great advice......wish I was closer to do something for I'll just have to keep sending hugs your way (((((((((((((((((((((((DorK))))))))))))))))))))

    Time to get dressed and ready for the work day.......Wishing everyone a good Wednesday :)

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Morning Ladies!

    Cami, Your Joey is just so darn special! You know you have to get your strength back asap so he won't be worried! I love how he cuddles you and tells you how much he loves you! Oh, my g'dau that had her birthday yest, is 14 now, not 4. She is very sweet though....we'll get to see her next month. Oh My, you were the happiest most fun person when you got together with your GF's, and right now you don't even feel good. WTH are they going through??? are ALWAYS the life of the partay!!! Just want you to start feeling better. You always have the best outlook and are so funny, but please know you can vent here if you want to! We'll still love ya!!!

    Lara, Glad you plan to go after your dr. Its just not right when they are negligent like that, and don't seem to even care. Why would he even want to overfill you? That is crazy! Glad you screamed till someone listened and took that one out. The first PS I was going to, was awful, and finally I listened to everyone, and cancelled my surgery just 3-4 days before it was supposed to happen. I know I would have been disfigured, as I had heard other horror stories about his bc pts....he seems to do good work on cosmetic surgeries, but hated the bc pts, I think because he lost his SIL to bc and he didn't think anyone should worry about how they looked after mastectomy. And he was mean and I would start crying in the car after every appt. I then went to a most wonderful PS who even fit me in at night just to get my surgery done without waiting any longer, he even hugged me when I met him. AND he is at the best practice here. I had only heard glowing things about him, but I did hear from a girl on bco that her surgery was NOT good with him, but I think she had some other things going on too. Its just so hard, as we all try to find the right PS, but it just doesn't always work out. I don't know why they don't all care more about helping us, you would think they ALL would have more compassion.

    Hoping Dorkie got some sleep last night and is doing better. PRAYING for good results on her cultures....I hate waiting so long for the results. Dotty I think I am more anxious than you are....well not really, but you know what I mean. Just not fair what you are dealing with. So glad you have been taking pictures and writing things down.

    Those that have trouble copying here, if it is on the internet, you should be able to just right click and "copy image" and then right click here and paste it. But ONLY if it is on the internet, like something you search for, or on photobucket, etc. And not all the search results will work here, so I usually do the "preview" first before submitting. I hate this new format too, really miss the emoticons, and that arrow to get back to our lost post. OH Dorkie, and others, if you lose your post but still are in the posting box, just right click and click "undo" and your post you lost should show up again. I have had to do that a lot, cuz I hit some button I have no idea which, but this brings it back. In emails too.

    OK, need some more coffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Oh My, it was such fun, and so challenging raising my girls, as they did have high IQs and got into the special classes. Always a challenge keeping things interesting and not boring. But I would love hearing them debate ea other over any topic, at the dinner table. I found it fascinating! My IQ was good also, BUT I never liked school, so didn't make the best use of it. I was so glad they loved reading and learning. BUT here is the funny part....and the reason I am writing this...I just saw a post my DD2 put on FB, for her bday right after Christmas....she is thinking of having a NERD dress-up party for her "6 squared" birthday! I cwacked de hail up, never heard that age referred to in that way. And to put the record straight, she is NOT a nerd, very fashion conscious. She is such fun, I know it would be a fun party, but they are soooo far away!!!! Anyway, thought that was cute, so wanted to share it.

    OH and another thing, Beckers has been soooo bizzy working 2 jobs right now so she can have more time off when her DH comes to visit her, so she hasn't had time to post. She wanted me to send her love to ALL of you!!!!

    Hoping Lori and Julie are still having a good time on their trips!

    Happy HUMP-DEY!


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    Hi honies, I have always saved my jokes, etc to a word document and then copied and pasted here but know it won't work.


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    That sux Bernie! We can't function without your funnneeeeeeessss. I wonder if you have a photobucket acct (or create one) that you can save it there, like a picture would be saved, and then copy it here? I know, a big humbug to do all that, but we need to think of a solution. How is DH, now that he is back at home? Bet the dogs are happy to see him too!!! Is the alien skeletor still doing ok?

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013
    kat I feel the same way I just my heart goes out to Dork its so frustratin
    You had that inner instinct thank god you didnt go to that PS
    glad u have a good one now
    I just finally saw a primary care doc
    getting bloodwork done tomm
    he thinks I might be diabetic because I pee a lot
    Im not to concerned I am always thirsty but I drink a lot of water
    after the masectomy I become very thirsty
    now I am streesed having a cold one because after the doc I took my om to the gorcery store again
    god she lives there and I forgot her eggs in my car
    so ill give them to her tomm
    I dread the gorecery store and now I apparently live there.
    intersting life
    I told her call and have the damn gorceries delivered they do that here.
    Im just moody today
    pop in later
    just have a coors light well prob 4
    gotta be honest
    taste like water

    oh I am very happy for becks
    kat u have my info right?
  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013


    Do you have a tool bar at the top of the posting box?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    quick pop in, have to leave in an hour to see Dr Tiny P Rick. lol, like that name for him.

    Bernie, I think it will help to use a different browser for BCO that will allow you to copy/paste. I know firefox will not, not sure about internet explorer. I am using google chrome which I just love. it is so fast too. try it, if you say so I can send you a link to download it. I hope things are going well, isn't the wacky family there with you?

    Karen, come on with me, appt is 2:30 eastern time. All of you are invited and you need NOT be quiet. I tink I need Lara to come with me to be my spokesperson.

    Lara, I so feel your pain, been there done that. But difference between us is that you are able to barge in and give em hell. Me, I jest like a door mat and tend to let people walk on me. I berry tough on de outside but I am really a wimp when it comes to telling someone that wronged me that they did so. If all of you can just pray that I have the balls to do something. I was planning on leaving my ER stuff home. But de DR gonna be pissed at me again. But I tink I will take it with me. Last time I brought the folder, he was not interested. We will see. I wish I gave you all more time to pray that I grow balls. hehe. but seriously.....sigh.....

    Dr. Legal, yippeee. So nice to see your purdy face, I jest lubs lubs lubvs you too. Glad you made fun at your gathering. I see you being the life of the partay but glad you know when it time to back up and rest. I jest lubs that widdle Joey, mese fart swells and mese eyes swells when you talk about him. Give him a big hug and a loud smack of a kiss on his cheek and tail him it from Dorky. and tell him I love him for being such a great support to you. He is a grown up in kiddie sized clothes, i swear, he so spayshall.

    Cyn, before I forget, I am still tinking about your issue. The new buyer is paying cash which gave me a thought. I do not see how the investors buying the place could get insurance on the property and my guess is that they do not have it and possibly not even going to get it. There is not a insurance company in the US or even Lloyds of london that will cover a place that is saturated with mold. YOU, as a tenant, have the right to see the insurance. I would start with asking the CURRENT owner for a copy of the policy. It would be called a Master Insurance Policy aka MIP, not to be funcused with MIP as in Mortgage Insurance Program which is actually MI. Ok, mese showing off mese knowlege from working in fiance and insurance for ober 25 years. But I do know what I talking about so trust me on this, K. If you find out that there is no coverage on the dwelling which I have a feeling that there isn't, you and your fellow mates need to get together. There should be an HOA meeting monthly for all tenants. Or not, hmmm, gotta tink more of this and get back to you. But do start with finding out from the current owner if he has insurance. There might not be an HOA there. Did you give me the address of the dwelling or any info you have? That would be a start. I want to help you. We should talk and brainstorm together. I smell a class action law suit here girl. and BIG time. I had no idea that there were more than two units where you live. I want to cry, I thought I knew you so much better. EF me damnit it.

    I tink de mods take away the widdle tree ting so they do not have to work so hard. maybe a mod quit or got fired? jest kidding, I love the mods and am hoping they get it back to where it needs to be.

    Kat, I got a good 8 hours of sleep last night along with the nap, I am being a good goil for a change.

    Sorry to not address you all, seems I always get on here when I have important tings to do nextly. I still have to shower, pack my wound and dry mese hair. it too cold here to let mother nature dry the hair, mese gots waaay too much hair, so need a cut.

    I gonna go now, I always end up rushing cuz I sit on mese arse too long. but know I read every word and thought of my replies. I gotta step it up and take notes. I am lazy in that aspect, shame on me, I need a spanking. tenders???

    love you girls, jest dont know how I would cope with all that is happening without all of you. k, really gotta go cuz mese about to git mushy and feel the tears which no good cuz mese contact lenses.

    PEACE OUT, girl scouts!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    bumped ya 4sew, oops, sorry mese pushed ye in de pool. de tenders will dry yer hair and take good care of ya. dahem, I could use a dwink. and oh chit, not sure if I have time to wash me hair, only has a half hour. darn dummy I am. I jest play and play and play den wait til last minute for important tings. but i always say i do mese best work under pressure. reminds me of a song by david bowie, lets sing....

    k, gotta run FRDT

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Hey Dork,

    Until the lady,sawry don't member who it is, but the one wif the swampland fir de bodies. Until she come back, I have a Kiln, we call it the "Bone Asher". If you need it for Doc P Rick, let me know and I start preheating it, OK!?

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Hi Bernie, I am going to try to help, but no promises because I usually have to go to DH for this stuff and he has to show me more than once.

    On another thread somebody asked the MODs and then posted this

    If you are on IE, then go to Tools and turn off Compatibility View. If you have it on, there is no tool bar, I've tested it with IE 9.

    (DH didn't get why that would make a diff but some people are posting that it worked for them.)

    I guess that means Internet Explorer. I am also using Windows 8, don't know if that matters. It isn't by choice, DH was asked to test it for work and they bought the touch screen, so that's what we have.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Dang, I am having to submit this in pieces because each time I go to preview or submit it keeps disappearing. GGGGRRrrrrr

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    I have figured out how to post from copying a link from the web and this is how: OK to post a pic:

    Find the pic you want

    right mouse clock over it

    click on copy (you can ctrl c it also)

    Come Back here and click in the reply box

    Type what you want to say

    When you are ready to insert pic click on the rectangle above with the house like thing in it

    A box will open. Click on "link"

    Another rectangle box will open under it

    Click inside it. Then right mouse click and hit paste (or ctrl v)

    A long line of numbers and letters will appear. That is the link to the pic.

    Then click insert at the bottom right corner.

    Picture should appear. It does not always show though depending on the link.

    That is the best help I can give as that is all I have figured out so far and have not had a lot of time to mess with it. My husband has tried to look at it too and was having trouble and he knows what he is doing with the computer!!

    I can't help with the smileys. They are gone :-( insert one here)

    Good Luck!

    I have not had any luck saving to my computer from email for example and then using the browse option and inserting it.

    You can copy/paste text straight into the posting box and it does work. For example the UP joke was an email I did Copy and Paste directly into the box. I wrote this in an email, sent it to myself, then cope/pasted here to test it.

    I hope this helps some. We miss your funnies!
  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    I just rt click and "copy", then rt click and "paste" it here... (or CNTRL V)....only works for internet pics though...


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    I right click to copy but if I past straight into the box (using your pic) this is what happens if I don't use that link box...

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    I pasted straight into the posting box and then it disappears??? Weird It shows up but then if I preview or submit it doesn't show up in my post. I have to insert image through the tool bar.

    I wonder if they are upgrading in segments so it somehow is affecting different systems or areas are not all on the same page yet, so to speak.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    some People on the STFU thread can post pics and others can't no matter what they try either? Hope the MODs and IT guys get their Kinkz worked out soonliest!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Maybe because I am using Chrome????

    Gotta run...gonna try to find a cell phone for my dad....bbl

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Good luck phone shopping!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2013

    Dork - please let us kno what diqps says and of course how the culture comes back. I have been busy but praying like crazy for you!

    Jes got back from LV getting my tx. Did have gd, Maddy, spend the night. Was fun...but boy am I worn out. Will try and catch up later!

    Lubslubslubs all ya'll muchliest!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    OMG 4--I didn't understand one word u said---Honest--I will never find a way to post I know it now, I have been defeeted, and de feet hurt too.
    Wow Dork u are impressive, again didn't understand all of it, but did understand most.U should be done wid the Dr. now--I pray it goes well for u and get these damn cultures back so they can treat u. I just hurt for u so much u have no idea.
    And Orange I feel the same for u==all u've been thru this is insane to me. I never realized a PS could be so so important cuz u'd think that's what they do so much of--there shouldn't be problems like this at all. Not this much.
    Well I keep praying
    Karen u and Kat are so busy all the time--How do u do it. I go out one day and I have to rest the next day. And Kat that is so funny 14 instead of 4 and then u said but she's still sweet hahaha. I'm so glad cuz girls in their teens are so moody--usually,
    Hi sue missin' you.
  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Not good news on DH's a call from SIL a little while ago, so DH will be going up to Knoxville by the weekend. Prayers appreciated for Steve!

    Haven't heard from Dora yet, but hoping to soon. Wonder how your PS appt went Dorkie....

    Cyn, anything new about the leaks, and your landlord?

    Cami, I was worn out today getting a new cell phone for my dad...I think I might be coming down with a cold will take it easy for awhile.

    Hugs! Pau Hana!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    hi gals, i did not yet read but wanted to update you quickly on my PS appointment. In a nutshell, before the doc comes in, a nurse comes and asks questions and notes on a computer that is in each exam room. I told the nurse that against PS orders, I went to the ER. I also told her that I did not like that Dr. Small P. Rick was never concerned about following up on mese infucktion. I told her that I am taking charge of my health, she said that is my prerogative. I offered the ER notes and she said to give to dr SPR. So nurse leaves, I undress put on gown then notice no paper protection on exam table. Dr. comes in, notices I am in chair then looked at table and said he would get paper, whoa I almost dropped to my knees to tank God right then and there, he might care after all. So

    ** ennyways, when I got to the table and the doc asked how I have been, I tailed him not sure if he read de nurses notes but tailed him I went to ER. I was nice about it, oh too nice. i told him my reason is that I was skeered and knew he in soygery on monkeydeys and nonmonkeytwosdeys. de doctor said nothing period (de word period not to funcused with de punkchewashion point tingy, k?). SO, PS says he gonna clean up some. He git his scissors out and anudder tool tingy and start chopping. he said I would not feel it and he was correct cuz it was dead stuff he cut out (or is de word "off"?). I am not sure if he cut the sluff stuff (which bdw, slough is a word, pronounced sluff, like rhymes with fluff, funneee word slough is but ugly stuff is ye follow me drift). sorry I talking in riddles or whateber de word is for Dorkglish which is mese own form of beanglish. and sawry to Karen who not comprehend, it takes practice love, lots of it). so where was I? Ugh, I guess hard to get to the point and not make jokes cuz it jest bothers me talking about it and that is not funny. so let me get to it then I can play my game cuz mese addicted as hail.

    so PS cuts out dead crap den pi$$es me off in throwing dry gauze in the puka then tailing me after I questioned why dry that "it would make me more comfortable for the ride home". WTF??? he also said I was using too much tape, well I learned from the hospital and the home nurse to seal the wound completely but was too exhausted to argue. so ennyways, den PS tails me that I should do wound care twice a day. I am again like WDF but did not say what de f__k cuz dat a bad word. nope truth is I did tell him that I was always told once a day which his reply was that if I want it to heal, I will do it twice a day. FIRST time EVER hearing this. Left office, rescheduled for next week as DrSPR said he wanna se mese ebery week. I driving home and tinking and tinking den came home den dwinking and dwinking and dwinking some more. I just can't take this guy. Oh, forgot to mention after lecture for too much tape, the lazy guy puts de dry gauze THEN takes one of those surgical pads, tears it in half and puts two pieces of tape. then while I was making appt for next week, one of the two halfs of the surgical pads falls out and hits de floor. I can't talk about dis no more (which gramatically should be ANYmore I tink). and WdF up with me and grammar? I know I know! but not tailing cuz I jest gotta dwink and play mese widdle game.

    Hi Cammile, I do see you and jest have to sez I love you so berry much. I only talking to you cuz mese don't see nobody else (dat not a word eidder is it?) oh hail, we dwunks, we doesnt care bout no grammar. i will dwink to that ennyways ennydays! cheers!

    ** ennyways it one of those words like irregardless which not a word. anyways is in de dictionary as a real word but dorky frown upon cuz it should not be dere in de dicksionary. for those that foyget, an adverb neber eber allows to be plural. why mese knows dis? cuz mese DD crack on mese grammar all de time). Irregardless, bese plural). so what was I saying? I tailed ye all before that I had used the word irregardless for many years until about 10 years ago, one of my clients ripped my arse off when I used it in an email. dat mese story and I stickin too it. and i hope ye all learned sumting here!

    and this was a quick post? I really need help. tank god I see mese shrink tomorree. i dwink to that too. cheers again!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    aww, Kat, I wrote so much I did not see you. Sincerely sorry to hear that your BIL is not doing well, you have more prayers from me. And good Lord I hope you are not getting sick. Try your best to rest ok? I am truly sorry, please express my sentiments to your DH. and I am praying that Steve is not suffering Kathy. I have a big hug for ya (((( BIG HUG FOR WAHINE ))))))). you have my prayers. and a hug for your DH ((((YER DH))))).

    hope I did not bump ennybuddy else. ennyWAY, gtgfrdt....

    peace girls, and some love, hugs and hope of happiness in yer farts.